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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taket för lärarnas ambitioner : En intervjuundersökning om lärares förhållningssätt till barnlitteratur iengelskundervisningen i årskurs 4–6.

Lindeborg, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
There is a consensus among scholars that very few English teachers use children's literature in their language teaching. In other words, children´s literature is not used to the same extent as in the Swedish subject. The overall purpose of this study to examine is to study teachers' attitude towards, and to the use of children's literature in their teaching and if their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influences particularly their teaching possibilities and limitations of children's literature. Three teachers within the English education, grades 4-6, participated in semi-structured interviews. The collected empirical material from the interviews was analyzed by a phenomenographic analytical model. The results show that the limited use of children's literature is not due to the teacher’s motivation. Instead, the actual teaching conditions in the school environment limit the use children's literature in the English subject. In addition, the study implies that there is a need for competence development of children's literature and relevant teaching methods.

Religionsdidaktik och motivation i mångkulturella klassrum : En kvantintative enkätstudie av negativa och positiva faktorer som låg och mellastadielärare finner i religionskunskapundervisningen i mångkulturella klassrumi Sverige / Religious Didactics and Motivation in Multucultural classroom : A Qualitative Survey Study of Negatives and Positives Factors that Lower and Upper Primary School Teachers in Religion Teaching in Multicultural Classroom in Sweden

Ndyanabo, Gertie Kabo January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker negativa och positiva faktorer som låg- och mellanstadielärare upplever i religionskunskapsundervisningen i mångkulturella klassrum i Sverige. Syftet är att bidra till en diskussion kring elever med olika bakgrunder och utifrån lärares perspektiv få en uppfattning om eleverna  känner sig representerade, sedda eller delaktiga i religionskunskapsundervisningen. Huvudsyftet är att exemplifiera och diskutera olika händelser eller situationer som anses vara negativa eller positiva i religionsundervisning utifrån forskning bland annat Holmqvist Lidh (2016) och analysera hur dessa kan påverka elevernas motivation. Metod och teori Uppsats bygger på en webbaserad enkät, med 19 frågor varav tre bakgrundsfrågor och 16 öppna frågor som 35 SO-lärare har svarat på. Länk till webbenkäten på publiceras i olika Facebook-grupper där lärare är medlemmar. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av motivationsteori specifikt inre och yttre motivation. Resultat : Resultat visar att negativa faktorer som kan uppstå är bland annat konflikter, rädslan för att kränka någon, elever som inte får delta i undervisningen och elever som ifrågasätter ämnets betydelse. Men i det stora hela upplevs det inte dessa svårigheter som vanligt i låg-eller mellanstadiet. De positiva faktorerna är att eleverna i mångkulturella klasser är en tillgång till undervisningen, lär sig av varandra vid diskussioner och att större acceptans mellan eleverna sker. Undersökningen visar även att de flesta lärare använder varierande strategier som används för att motivera eleverna är att genomföra en variation i undervisningensmetod exempelvis, diskussioner, film, studiebesök. / The study examines the negative and positive factors that teachers in lower and upper primary experience in the teaching of religion in multicultural classrooms in Sweden. The purpose of study is to contribute to a discussion about pupils from different backgrounds and, from the teachers' perspective, get an idea of ​​whether the pupils feel seen and involved and feel represented. A more specific purpose is to exemplify and discuss various events or situations that are considered to be negative or positive in teaching religion based on research by Holmqvist Lidh (2016) among others, and to analyze how these situations can affect pupils' motivation. Method and theory The study is based on a web-based questionnaire consisting of 19 questions, of which three are background questions and 16 open questions. The questionaire was answered by 35 teachers in social study subjects in lower and upper primary schools. A link to the web survey was published in various Facebook groups where teachers are members. The analysis has been carried out with the help of motivation theory, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic motivation theory. Result: The study shows that negative factors that can arise include conflicts, the fear of offending someone, pupils who do not get to participate in the teaching and pupils who question the importance of the subject. But on the whole, these negatives factors are not experienced as usual in the lower and upper primary. The positive factors are that the pupils in multicultural classes are an asset to the teaching, that the pupils learn from each other during discussions and that greater acceptance between the pupils occurs. The study also shows that the teachers use a variety of teaching methods to motivate their pupils, including discussions, film and study visits.

A pós-graduação em bioquímica analisada por alunos e docentes / The Postgraduate in Biochemistry analyzed by students and teachers

Arini, Gabriel Santos 04 August 2017 (has links)
Aspectos como motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação dos alunos no ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem têm sido alvo de diversos estudos naquilo que diz respeito à influência destes fatores no Ensino. Investigar a percepção dos estudantes e suas experiências em todos os níveis de escolaridade oferece dados que possibilitam a melhora de programas e dos serviços de suporte. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a motivação, o atendimento das expectativas e a satisfação dos pós-graduandos do Departamento de Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo, tanto pelo olhar dos alunos quanto dos docentes. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio da aplicação de dois questionários: um aos discentes e outro aos docentes. Ambos os questionários foram divididos em três seções (motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação) e validados pelo Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e pelos Itens de Correlação Item-Total. Pode-se verificar que para alunos e docentes, a motivação intrínseca é o principal fator que leva ao ingresso no programa, seguido pela motivação influenciada pelo ambiente e pela motivação extrínseca. Tanto alunos quanto docentes têm suas expectativas atendidas pelo programa, tendo como reflexo a satisfação de ambos. Foi possível constatar uma insatisfação dos pós-graduandos e dos docentes com a bolsa e uma divisão entre os alunos com relação à carga horária e à formação, sendo que a maioria percebe que trabalha demais, discordando dos docentes, e por um melhor preparo pedagógico. Espera-se com este trabalho oferecer uma dupla contribuição: à literatura, pois explora um aspecto ainda pouco estudado e oferece um arcabouço metodológico validado; ao departamento de Bioquímica, pois se verifica a qualidade do programa por outra via, interna ao programa; tal verificação possibilita a orientação de políticas institucionais adequadas. / Aspects such as motivation, expectation attainment and satisfaction of students in the teaching-learning environment have been the target of several studies regarding the influence of these factors in teaching. Investigating students\' perceptions and experiences at all levels of schooling provides data that enables the improvement of programs and support services. The aim of this study was to analyze the motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction of the graduate students of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of São Paulo, both for their students\' and teachers\' view. The data collection was done through the application of two questionnaires: one to the students and another to the teachers. Both questionnaires were divided into three sections (motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction) and validated by Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient and Item-Total Correlation Items. It can be verified that for students and teachers, intrinsic motivation is the main factor that leads to joining the program, followed by motivation influenced by the environment and extrinsic motivation. Both students and teachers have their expectations met by the program, reflecting the satisfaction of both. It was possible to observe a dissatisfaction among graduate students and teachers with the scholarship and a division among the students in relation to the workload and training, and most of them perceive that they work too much, disagreeing with the teachers, and for a better pedagogical preparation. It is expected with this work to offer a double contribution: to literature, because it explores an aspect that has not yet been studied and offers a validated methodological framework; to the Department of Biochemistry, because the quality of the program is verified by another route, internal to the program. Such verification enables the orientation of appropriate institutional policies.

A pós-graduação em bioquímica analisada por alunos e docentes / The Postgraduate in Biochemistry analyzed by students and teachers

Gabriel Santos Arini 04 August 2017 (has links)
Aspectos como motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação dos alunos no ambiente de ensino-aprendizagem têm sido alvo de diversos estudos naquilo que diz respeito à influência destes fatores no Ensino. Investigar a percepção dos estudantes e suas experiências em todos os níveis de escolaridade oferece dados que possibilitam a melhora de programas e dos serviços de suporte. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a motivação, o atendimento das expectativas e a satisfação dos pós-graduandos do Departamento de Bioquímica da Universidade de São Paulo, tanto pelo olhar dos alunos quanto dos docentes. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio da aplicação de dois questionários: um aos discentes e outro aos docentes. Ambos os questionários foram divididos em três seções (motivação, atendimento das expectativas e satisfação) e validados pelo Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach e pelos Itens de Correlação Item-Total. Pode-se verificar que para alunos e docentes, a motivação intrínseca é o principal fator que leva ao ingresso no programa, seguido pela motivação influenciada pelo ambiente e pela motivação extrínseca. Tanto alunos quanto docentes têm suas expectativas atendidas pelo programa, tendo como reflexo a satisfação de ambos. Foi possível constatar uma insatisfação dos pós-graduandos e dos docentes com a bolsa e uma divisão entre os alunos com relação à carga horária e à formação, sendo que a maioria percebe que trabalha demais, discordando dos docentes, e por um melhor preparo pedagógico. Espera-se com este trabalho oferecer uma dupla contribuição: à literatura, pois explora um aspecto ainda pouco estudado e oferece um arcabouço metodológico validado; ao departamento de Bioquímica, pois se verifica a qualidade do programa por outra via, interna ao programa; tal verificação possibilita a orientação de políticas institucionais adequadas. / Aspects such as motivation, expectation attainment and satisfaction of students in the teaching-learning environment have been the target of several studies regarding the influence of these factors in teaching. Investigating students\' perceptions and experiences at all levels of schooling provides data that enables the improvement of programs and support services. The aim of this study was to analyze the motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction of the graduate students of the Department of Biochemistry of the University of São Paulo, both for their students\' and teachers\' view. The data collection was done through the application of two questionnaires: one to the students and another to the teachers. Both questionnaires were divided into three sections (motivation, expectations attainment and satisfaction) and validated by Cronbach\'s Alpha Coefficient and Item-Total Correlation Items. It can be verified that for students and teachers, intrinsic motivation is the main factor that leads to joining the program, followed by motivation influenced by the environment and extrinsic motivation. Both students and teachers have their expectations met by the program, reflecting the satisfaction of both. It was possible to observe a dissatisfaction among graduate students and teachers with the scholarship and a division among the students in relation to the workload and training, and most of them perceive that they work too much, disagreeing with the teachers, and for a better pedagogical preparation. It is expected with this work to offer a double contribution: to literature, because it explores an aspect that has not yet been studied and offers a validated methodological framework; to the Department of Biochemistry, because the quality of the program is verified by another route, internal to the program. Such verification enables the orientation of appropriate institutional policies.

Experimentos surpreendentes e sua importância na promoção da motivação intrínseca do visitante em uma ação de divulgação científica: um olhar a partir da teoria da autodeterminação / Amazing experiments and their importance in promoting intrinsic motivation of the visitor in an action for science communication: A view from the self-determination theory

Teixeira, Jonny Nelson 11 April 2014 (has links)
Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Entre os experimentos utilizados em centros e museus de Ciências sempre existem alguns que se destacam, por chamar e prender mais atenção dos visitantes que frequentam estes lugares, extremamente importantes para a promoção e o aumento dos níveis de alfabetização e de cultura científica. As características destes experimentos os transformam em vedetes dos locais destinados à educação não formal, por emitirem sons, luzes, cores ou causarem qualquer tipo de surpresa ou susto quando os visitantes interagem com os equipamentos citados. Dentro de projetos de divulgação científica itinerantes estes objetos também estão presentes, executando diversas funções nas exposições, que se dividem na maioria das vezes em mesas, montadas em locais que geralmente não têm acesso aos locais fixos de divulgação científica, localizados muitas vezes em grandes cidades. A estes equipamentos chamamos nesta pesquisa de experimentos surpreendentes por causarem sensações diversas nos visitantes. Esta pesquisa identificou estes tipos de experimentos e estudou a influência das suas características para a promoção da motivação, importante na mudança comportamental dos visitantes presentes nos centros e museus de Ciência e nas ações itinerantes de divulgação científica. Como resultados desta pesquisa pudemos observar que não apenas as características dos experimentos surpreendentes, mas também de outra categoria de experimentos, os desafiadores, teve grande influência na promoção e no aumento dos níveis de motivação intrínseca dos visitantes, mudando o comportamento perante os elementos da exposição, melhorando a qualidade da interação e estimulando o interesse e a curiosidade dos visitantes. / Among the experiments used in Science centers and Science museums always exist a few that stand out, for calling and holding more attention of visitors who frequent these places, extremely important to promote and increase the levels of scientific literacy and scientific culture. The characteristics of these experiments turn them into local starlets intended for non-formal education, to emit sounds, lights, colors or causing any kind of surprise or scare when visitors interact with the devices mentioned. Within projects itinerant of scientific communications these objects are also present, performing various functions in the exhibition, which fall mostly on tables, mounted in places that generally do not have access to fixed places of scientific communication, often located in large cities. To these equipment we call \"amazing experiments\" in this study to cause many sensations in visitors. This research identified these types of experiments and studied the influence of their characteristics to promote motivation, behavioral change important in visitors present in these centers and museums of science and in the actions of itinerant science. As a result of this research we found that not only some characteristics of the amazing experiments, but also some characteristics of another category of experiments, the challengers, had great influence in promoting and increasing levels of intrinsic motivation of visitors, changing behavior among the elements of exposure increasing the quality of interaction and stimulating interest and curiosity of visitors.

Vidinės – išorinės darbo motyvacijos švietimo organizacijose įvertinimas ir formavimo galimybės (Ukmergės mokyklų pavyzdžiu) / Assessing Intrinsic – Extrinsic Job Motivation and Its Formation Opportunities in Educational establishments (Based on Experience of Ukmergė Scools)

Vildžiūnaitė, Audronė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbuotojų motyvavimas yra vienas pagrindinių ir reikšmingiausių organizacijos vadybos vertybių. Tyrimo tikslas — įvertinti švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinės ir išorinės motyvacijos lygį, šias motyvacijas formuojančius veiksnius bei parengti motyvacijos modelį. Atlikta anketinė apklausa Ukmergės Dukstynos pagrindinėje mokykloje ir A. Smetonos bei J. Basanavičiaus gimnazijose. Iš viso apklausta 102 respondentai: 51 respondentas iš gimnazijų ir 51 – iš pagrindinės mokyklos. Darbe aptarti švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinės ir išorinės motyvacijos tyrimo aspektai leidžia teigti, kad švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinė motyvacija yra aukštesnė už išorinę. Išaiškinta, kad darbuotojų motyvacijos lygį įtakoja jų amžius, bendras darbo stažas, išsilavinimas, kvalifikacija, šeimyninė padėtis. Didėjant mokytojų amžiui ir stažui, vidinė motyvacija mažėja, o išorinė – šiek tiek didėja arba išlieka pastovi. Vidinė ir išorinė motyvacija susijusi su darbuotojų pasitenkinimu darbu. Mokyklų vadovai turėtų skirti didesnį dėmesį mokytojų motyvavimui, vertybių, nuostatų formavimui. / Motivation plays a critical role in management of an organization. It is fundamental to management process of an organization. The aim of the research is to assess personnel’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in educational establishments and to create the model of work motivation. Providences and generalizations are formulated based on assessment of personnel’s motivation in educational establishments in Ukmergė. A questionnaire survey was conducted at Dukstynos Basic School, Antanas Smetona and Jonas Basanavičius gymnasiums. 102 respondents were included in the survey: 51 respondents were from Dukstynos Basic School and 51 respondents were from gymnasiums. Aspects of the motivation study suggest that school personnel‘s intrinsic motivation level is higher than extrinsic motivation. It is clear that employees‘ level of motivation depends on age, previous experience, educational level, qualification, family status. High levels of intrinsic motivation are observed among younger employees; older employees have higher level of extrinsic motivation or it remains the same. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation positively correlates with job satisfaction. Managers should pay more attention to formation of teachers’ values and attitudes.

The Influence Of Thematic Instruction On The Motivation Of Upper-intermediate Preparatory School Students Of English For Academic Purposes (eap) At Metu

Olgun, Alison Alev 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This research inquires into whether the motivation of students learning English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at the upper-intermediate level improves when thematic instruction is employed in the classroom. This is the first time that a theme-based integrated skills approach was implemented at the Department of Basic English (DBE), METU at the intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. With the outcome of the needs analysis carried out by the administration, it was realized that students at the preparatory school needed to use integrated skills as reflected in &lsquo / real life&rsquo / . Moreover, thematic instruction was seen to be a requisite in the new curriculum since content is a key motivating principle. Hence, since one of the main concerns was the motivation of students attending courses at the preparatory school, there was a need to examine whether using this mode of instruction at the upper-intermediate level was able to ameliorate student motivation. For this research, firstly a pilot study and then qualitative analysis using in-depth interviews developed on the basis of the pilot study was employed. Therefore, using a triangulation of different kinds of data on related questions, interviews were carried out with 14 students on three separate occasions at the end of each span from the upper-intermediate group, two administrators and six upper-intermediate instructors. From the point of view of the students it appeared that generally content encouraged learning and improved English proficiency if the themes/topics were found to be of interest. However, the degree of impact of the themes and topics on student motivation largely depended on whether the student was intrinsically motivated or not. If the student was intrinsically motivated, content had a nominal affect on motivating them. The study showed that if the themes are linear and have a parochial focus on topics, too much time is spent on a theme, a redundancy of lexical items are taught, unnecessary details are included, and difficult and academic language used, these led to student demotivation in respect of content. Thus, indicating a greater variety of content was needed.

Experimentos surpreendentes e sua importância na promoção da motivação intrínseca do visitante em uma ação de divulgação científica: um olhar a partir da teoria da autodeterminação / Amazing experiments and their importance in promoting intrinsic motivation of the visitor in an action for science communication: A view from the self-determination theory

Jonny Nelson Teixeira 11 April 2014 (has links)
Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Entre os experimentos utilizados em centros e museus de Ciências sempre existem alguns que se destacam, por chamar e prender mais atenção dos visitantes que frequentam estes lugares, extremamente importantes para a promoção e o aumento dos níveis de alfabetização e de cultura científica. As características destes experimentos os transformam em vedetes dos locais destinados à educação não formal, por emitirem sons, luzes, cores ou causarem qualquer tipo de surpresa ou susto quando os visitantes interagem com os equipamentos citados. Dentro de projetos de divulgação científica itinerantes estes objetos também estão presentes, executando diversas funções nas exposições, que se dividem na maioria das vezes em mesas, montadas em locais que geralmente não têm acesso aos locais fixos de divulgação científica, localizados muitas vezes em grandes cidades. A estes equipamentos chamamos nesta pesquisa de experimentos surpreendentes por causarem sensações diversas nos visitantes. Esta pesquisa identificou estes tipos de experimentos e estudou a influência das suas características para a promoção da motivação, importante na mudança comportamental dos visitantes presentes nos centros e museus de Ciência e nas ações itinerantes de divulgação científica. Como resultados desta pesquisa pudemos observar que não apenas as características dos experimentos surpreendentes, mas também de outra categoria de experimentos, os desafiadores, teve grande influência na promoção e no aumento dos níveis de motivação intrínseca dos visitantes, mudando o comportamento perante os elementos da exposição, melhorando a qualidade da interação e estimulando o interesse e a curiosidade dos visitantes. / Among the experiments used in Science centers and Science museums always exist a few that stand out, for calling and holding more attention of visitors who frequent these places, extremely important to promote and increase the levels of scientific literacy and scientific culture. The characteristics of these experiments turn them into local starlets intended for non-formal education, to emit sounds, lights, colors or causing any kind of surprise or scare when visitors interact with the devices mentioned. Within projects itinerant of scientific communications these objects are also present, performing various functions in the exhibition, which fall mostly on tables, mounted in places that generally do not have access to fixed places of scientific communication, often located in large cities. To these equipment we call \"amazing experiments\" in this study to cause many sensations in visitors. This research identified these types of experiments and studied the influence of their characteristics to promote motivation, behavioral change important in visitors present in these centers and museums of science and in the actions of itinerant science. As a result of this research we found that not only some characteristics of the amazing experiments, but also some characteristics of another category of experiments, the challengers, had great influence in promoting and increasing levels of intrinsic motivation of visitors, changing behavior among the elements of exposure increasing the quality of interaction and stimulating interest and curiosity of visitors.


25 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Desde 2008, ano em que a disciplina de Filosofia tornou-se obrigatória nas escolas do Brasil, pesquisadores da área intensificaram seus estudos para o ensino dessa disciplina. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo buscar compreender quais são os fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos que motivam o aluno do Ensino Médio pela disciplina de Filosofia, à luz da Teoria da Autodeterminação. Para tal, utilizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada e um questionário, aplicados em uma escola pública e em uma escola privada do Rio de Janeiro, com uma amostra de 12 alunos distribuídos entre o primeiro e o terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. Os instrumentos buscavam averiguar a motivação dos alunos para o estudo de Filosofia no Ensino Médio, comparando sua entrada e sua saída desse segmento. Os dados produzidos sugerem uma forte relação entre a aprendizagem de Filosofia e a motivação intrínseca e reiteram a importância do papel motivacional do professor para o aprendizado do aluno. Este trabalho, tendo apresentado as concepções dos estudantes sobre o conceito de Filosofia e seu ensino, contribui, portanto, para a compreensão dos fatores e contextos que motivam alunos do ensino médio a estudarem Filosofia, fornecendo, assim, pistas para a prática docente e para a elaboração do currículo escolar desse segmento de ensino. / [en] Since 2008, the year when Philosophy became a mandatory subject in Brazilian schools, researchers started focusing their studies in the teaching of that subject. Our research seeks to identify intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate high school students for the subject of Philosophy, in light of the Self-Determination Theory. To do so, we used a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire, which were applied in a public school and in a private school in Rio de Janeiro, with a sample of 12 students from the 1st and 3rd years of high school. The instruments asked students about their motivation to learn philosophy. The data obtained suggests a strong relationship between the learning of philosophy and intrinsic motivation. In addition, it confirms the importance of teachers motivational role in for the student learning. This work, having presented the conceptions of students about the concept and teaching of Philosophy, contributes to an understanding of the factors and contexts that generate motivation in students for learning philosophy, thus offering hints for the teaching of that subject and for thinking about school curriculum.

Ledarskap inom två techbolag : En kvalitativ studie om det transformativa ledarskapets betydelse för anställdas motivation / Leadership in two tech companies : A qualitative study of the significance of transformational leadership for employee motivation

Steinarsdottir, Selma, Dammert, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Inledning: Techbranschen är en relativt ny men stor och omfattande bransch som ständigt växer. Techbranschen spelar en viktig roll för Sveriges nuvarande och framtida ekonomi. Därav anses techbolag vara relevanta att studera. I den här uppsatsen är de det transformativa ledarskapet och motivation inom techbolag som kommer att undersökas. Detta eftersom ett lyckat ledarskap och anställda som är motiverade anses som väsentligt för att företag ska kunna bli framgångsrika. Forskningsfråga: Hur motiveras anställda av ett transformativt ledarskap inom techbolag? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och få en förståelse över det transformativa ledarskapets betydelse för anställdas motivation inom techbolag. Genom en ökad förståelse är målsättningen att utveckla ett teoretiskt ramverk. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen är uppbyggd av de två centrala delarna transformativt ledarskap och motivation. I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras även Job Characteristics Model som utgör en central del i uppsatsen. Referensramen sammanfattas slutligen i en egen analysmodell. Metod: I denna studie användes en abduktiv forskningsansats. Vidare har en kvalitativ studie genomförts där respondenter från två olika techbolag bidragit till empirin genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Litteraturstudien utfördes genom att samla in teorier från tidigare studier.  Empiri: Det empiriska resultatet av de kvalitativa intervjuerna presenteras. Analys: Genom att ha analyserat respondenternas svar framgår det att alla de fyra olika beteendena som det transformativt ledarskap består av har en betydelse för den inre motivationen men i olika stor utsträckning. De beteenden som anses ha störst betydelse för anställdas inre motivation inom techbolag är intellektuell stimulans och individuell omtanke. I slutet av analysen presenteras det teoretiska ramverket som utformats med stöd av studien. Slutsats: Slutsatsen av den här studien är att det transformativa ledarskapet har en stor betydelse för anställdas motivation inom techbolag. Det transformativa ledarskapet har en direkt positiv påverkan på anställdas inre motivation. Intellektuell stimulans och individuell omtanke är de transformativa ledarskapsbeteenden som visade sig ha störst betydelse för anställdas motivation inom techbolag. Vidare visar studien att ledarens egen arbetsbelastning kan påverka det transformativa ledarskapet negativt. I studien har det även framkommit att transformativt ledarskap har en betydelse för anställdas yttre motivation. / Introduction: The tech industry is a relatively new but large and extensive industry that is constantly growing. The tech industry plays an important role in Sweden's current and future economy. Hence, tech companies are considered relevant to study. In this study, it is transformational leadership and motivation in tech companies that will be examined. This is because successful leadership and motivated employees are considered essential for companies to be successful. Research Question: How does transformational leadership motivate employees in tech companies? Purpose Statement: The purpose of this study is to describe and gain a deeper understanding of the transformational leadership significance for employee motivation in tech companies. Through an increased understanding, the goal is to develop a theoretical framework. The theoretical frame of reference: The theoretical frame of reference is made up of the two central parts of transformational leadership and motivation. The theoretical frame of reference also presents the Job Characteristics Model, which is a central part of the thesis. The frame of reference is finally summarized in a separate analysis model. Method: In this study, an abductive research approach was used. Furthermore, a qualitative study was conducted where respondents from two different tech companies contributed to the empiric through semi-structured interviews. The literature study was performed by collecting theories from previous studies. Empirical data: The empirical results of the qualitative interviews are presented. Analysis: By analyzing the respondents' answers, it appears that all the four different behaviors that transformational leadership consists of have significance for the internal motivation but to varying degrees. The behaviors that are most important for employees' internal motivation within tech companies are intellectual stimulation and individual care. At the end of the analysis, the theoretical framework designed with the support of the study is presented. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that transformational leadership is of great significance for employee motivation in tech companies. Transformational leadership has a direct positive impact on employees' internal motivation. Intellectual stimulation and individual care are the transformational leadership behaviors that proved to be most significant for employee motivation in tech companies. Furthermore, the study shows that the leader's workload can negatively affect transformational leadership. The study has also shown that transformational leadership has an impact on employees' external motivation.

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