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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Pursuit of Motivating Employees : The connection between employee turnover and reward packages in the hotel – and insurance industry

Parttimaa, Jenny, Bäckström, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
Motivating employees is one of the management top priorities nowadays. Motivated employees are less likely to leave the company, which leads to lower turnover rate which in turn can lead to lower costs for the company. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how organizations can increase employees’ motivation and lower employee turnover by using reward packages.

Skönlitteratur - vägen till läsmotiverade elever? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur lärare anser att skönlitterära bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevers läsmotivation och läsutveckling / Fiction – the road to reading motivated pupils? : A qualitative interview study on how teachers think that fiction-based book choices and working methods affects students’ reading motivation and reading development

Almqvist Johansson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad klasslärare som arbetar i årskurs F–3 anser påverkar elevers läsmotivation samt hur de uppfattar att skönlitterära bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevernas läsmotivation och läsutveckling. Bakgrundsavsnittet inleds med en redogörelse för hur inre och yttre motivation samt hur bokval och arbetsmetoder påverkar elevernas läsmotivation och läsutveckling. Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt från det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande samt den motivationsbaserade teorin Self-determination theory. Datan har samlats in med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex olika klasslärare. Intervjuerna spelades in till ljudfiler för att sedan transkriberas och sammanfattas med de olika steg som ingår i en innehållsanalys. Resultatet som framkommit visar att de tillfrågade klasslärarna i enlighet med den tidigare forskning som bearbetats anser att läsmotivation kan öka elevers läsutveckling. Eftersom motivation inte är beständigt tycks det anses viktigt att klasslärarna alltid utgår från eleverna och deras intressen och erfarenheter vid arbete med skönlitteratur för att läsmotivationen ska bibehållas. Resultatet visar även att klasslärarna i enhet med tidigare forskning anser att tid är avgörande för att eleverna ska utveckla sin läsmotivation till den grad att de så småningom ska kunna bli en del av vårt kunskapssamhälle. / The purpose of the study was to investigate what classroom teachers working in grades F–3 consider affecting pupils’ reading motivation and how they perceive that fictional book choices and working methods affect pupils’ reading motivation and reading development. The background section begins with a description of how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as how choosing fiction and teaching methods affects the pupils’ reading motivation and reading development. The study has its theoretical starting point in the sociocultural perspective and in the Self-determination theory. The data of the study has been gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews with six different primary school teachers. The interviews were recorded as audio files to be transcribed and then be summarised with the different steps by the analysis method. The result shows that, in accordance with the previous research, the asked classroom teachers believe that reading motivation can increase pupils’ reading development. Since motivation is not constant, it is important that the primary school teachers always has the students interests and experiences in mind while working with fiction in order to maintain reading motivation. The result also shows that the classroom teachers as well as previous research think that time is crucial for the pupils to develop their reading motivation to the extent that they eventually can become part of our knowledge society.

Surviving the game : Interaction in an adult online learning community

Van Ryneveld, Linda 08 March 2005 (has links)
In many Higher Education institutions, fun or enjoyment represents purposelessness, and is often characterised as something that should only be indulged in at specific times, in measured ways, and on special occasions. Play and games are thus often assigned a role that is secondary to ‘real’ work. This essentially artificial separation between work and play has had a profound effect on traditional learning theories and educational design. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the metaphor of a game in the interaction, dynamics and complexities of a web-based module that is presented to adult learners. The uniqueness of this study is attributable to a combination of the following elements: • games and play, and their motivational potential and value for adults • adult learners, group complexities and dynamics, and the various kinds of online interactions to which learners are subjected • the World Wide Web as a learning environment. The case study upon which this thesis is based is the facilitation of a particular module that is presented as part of a two-year tutored Masters degree in Computer Integrated Education at the University of Pretoria. The presentation of the module simulated the spirit and atmosphere of Survivor / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Curriculum Studies / PhD / Unrestricted


FLAVIO SILVA NAZARIO 11 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] A aprendizagem móvel ou m-learning cuja definição se desdobra no processo de aprendizagem apoiado pelo uso de dispositivos móveis é um campo de estudo que vem chamando a atenção de diversos estudos multidisciplinares. Esta pesquisa tem como hipótese que o estudo contínuo com o suporte de um aplicativo móvel de ensino de língua estrangeira, em um smartphone, intensifica a possibilidade da proficiência, pois permite o estudo em múltiplos contextos de uso, facilitando a frequência e acesso ao conteúdo para seus usuários. Sob o ponto de vista da área de Interação Humano-Computador e utilizando técnicas de Design Centrado no Usuário, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a investigação dos fatores que contribuem para a construção contínua de conhecimento dos usuários de uma aplicação móvel de ensino de língua estrangeira. Três abordagens orientaram a pesquisa: a primeira foi uma revisão histórico-evolutiva do ensino a distância, para entender como os processos pedagógicos estão convergindo para tecnologias móveis. A segunda foi uma breve análise da arquitetura de informação e da experiência do usuário para delimitar o funcionamento dos principais aplicativos de ensino de línguas do mercado brasileiro, similares ao Duolingo e por último Testes de usabilidade e Diário de Uso para coleta de dados que confrontem a hipótese. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que o Duolingo apresenta, no geral, boas características de usabilidade. Isso reforça que a hipótese é válida quando os fatores de motivação dos participantes apresentam o tênue equilíbrio entre rotina diária, parcial proficiência no idioma estudado e objetivos claros de aprendizagem. / [en] Mobile learning whose definition unfolds in the learning process supported by the use of mobile devices is a field of study that has been drawing the attention of several multidisciplinary studies. This research has as hypothesis that the continuous study with the support of a mobile application of foreign language teaching, using a smartphone, increases the possibility of the proficiency, since it allows the study in multi-contextual locations, facilitating the frequency and access to the content to the users. From the Human-Computer Interaction area and using User-Centered Design techniques, this research had as objective the investigation of the factors that contribute to the continuous construction of knowledge of the users of a mobile application of foreign language teaching. Three approaches guided the research: the first was a historical-evolutionary review of distance learning, to understand how pedagogical processes are converging to mobile technologies. The second was a brief analysis of the information architecture and the user experience to delimit the operation of the main language teaching applications of the Brazilian market, like Duolingo, and lastly Usability Tests and Diary Studies for collecting data that confronts the hypothesis. The research results indicate that Duolingo presents, in general, good usability properties. These properties reinforce that the hypothesis is valid when the motivating factors of the participants show the tenuous balance between daily routine, partial proficiency in the language studied and clear learning objectives.

Övningsmotivation : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem musiklärare på gymnasiet uppfattar sina elevers övningsmotivation i individuella instrument- och sånglektioner / Practice motivation : A qualitative study of how five secondary school music teachers perceive their students' motivation to practice in individual instrument and singing lessons

Frode, Cim January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar i första hand på att skapa förståelse kring hur musiklärare på gymnasiet upplever sina elevers övningsmotivation i individuella instrument- och sånglektioner. I andra hand riktar den in sig på att lyfta fram vilka motivationsverktyg musiklärare använder sig utav för att främja övning mellan individuella instrument- och sånglektioner. Studien uppkom genom att en problematik synliggjordes under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen, nämligen att elever tenderade att inte öva mellan sina lektioner. Hermeneutik valdes som teoretiskt ramverk eftersom studien fokuserade på lärares förståelse, uppfattningar och upplevelser av sina elevers motivation. Genomförandet gjordes genom fem semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med musiklärare som samtliga hade olika huvudinstrument. I analysprocessen kunde musiklärarnas uppfattningar synliggöras och tolkas gentemot tidigare forskning. Musiklärarna upplevde att övningsmotivationen har sjunkit under de senaste tio till femton åren och att deras nuvarande elever övar mindre än vad deras tidigare elever gjorde. Informanterna kopplade den negativa trenden till olika aspekter så som sociala medier och hur dessa digitala verktyg kan påverka elevers kortsiktiga tänkande negativt. Utifrån studiens fynd skapades en modell i form av en motivationspyramid. I denna pyramid sattes motivationsskapande värdeord in som valdes utifrån informanternas motivationsstrategier. Modellen kan användas av pedagoger för att skapa en mer inkluderad och motiverad undervisningsmiljö för sina elever. I diskussionsdelen av studien diskuteras musiklärares roll för elevernas motivation, vilka didaktiska implikationer studien kan ha och förslag till vidare forskning. / This study focuses primarily on gaining an understanding of how secondary school music teachers experience their students' motivation to practice in individual instrument and vocal lessons. Secondly, it focuses on highlighting the motivational tools music teachers use to promote practice between individual instrument and vocal lessons. The study was prompted by a problem identified during the pre-service training, namely that students tended not to practice between their lessons. Hermeneutics was chosen as the theoretical framework because the study focused on teachers' understandings, perceptions and experiences of their students' motivation. It was conducted through five semi-structured qualitative interviews with music teachers, all of whom played different main instruments. The analysis process allowed the perceptions of the music teachers to be made visible and interpreted against previous research. The music teachers felt that motivation to practice has declined over the past ten to fifteen years and that their current students practice less than their previous students did. The informants linked the negative trend to various aspects such as social media and how these digital tools can negatively affect students' short-term thinking. Based on the findings of the study, a model in the form of a motivation pyramid was created. In this pyramid, motivational value words were inserted that were chosen based on the informants' motivational strategies. The model can be used by educators to create a more inclusive and motivated learning environment for their students. The discussion section of the study discusses the role of music teachers in student motivation, the didactic implications of the study, and suggestions for further research.

Motivationens roll i fastighetsprojekt : En kvalitativ studie från projektledares perspektiv

Svenlert, Julia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate project managers´ perceptions of the importance of motivation within real estate projects. The study also aimed to examine how project managers promote and maintain motivation amongst project members. Real estate projects referred to projects for renovation, conversion, or new construction of properties. A qualitative research method was employed for data collection through semi-structured interviews. Nine project managers working in the Swedish real estate industry were interviewed. Subsequently, a thematic analysis of the collected data was conducted. The thematic analysis resulted in three themes formulated as Success factor versus Upward Push, The art of motivating and Motivation per circumstance. The results indicate that project managers perceive motivation as a positive driving force in real estate projects. It is considered important for both project managers and project members to be motivated. Furthermore, the results show that the perception of the significance of motivation within real estate projects is divided. Some project managers perceive motivation as critical for the success of a project, while others believe that real estate projects are often influenced by external circumstances that are more decisive for the outcome of the project. Motivation is therefore considered in those cases rather to add an extra edge to the projects. To promote and maintain motivation amongst project members, project managers believe it is important to build personal relationships, work with feedback and encourage the expression of opinions.

Motivationer, attityder och moderna språk : En studie om elevers motivationsprocesser och attityder vid studier och lärande av moderna språk

Cardelús, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Motivations, Attitudes and Modern Languages. A study of students’ motivational processes and attitudes while learning foreign languages. This doctoral thesis investigates students’ motivational processes and attitudes while studying and learning foreign languages (FLs). Students were asked about their choice of FL, and what had motivated them during their many years of studies. The study analyzes open-ended questionnaires and interviews with 43 students enrolled in the last year of foreign language studies in two schools, limiting its focus to the three most commonly studied FLs – French, German and Spanish. The theoretical framework of the thesis draws on sociocognitive theory (Bandura 1997; Linnenbrink & Pintrich 2002). Several informants refer to motivation in terms that could be related to intrinsic motivation. They have chosen to continue studying their particular target language due to an emotional state which could be related to enjoyment, pleasure and curiosity (Deci & Ryan 1985). Another salient feature is the frequent reference to mastery goals. Many of the informants express a motivation directed towards mastery and growth, or a main goal to be fluent or communicatively competent in their target language. Several informants also underline the motivational importance of experiencing competence, success and development. They become motivated by experiencing self-efficacy (Bandura 1997). This self-efficacy is rooted in experience of success, but also in being encouraged by significant others or role models, i.e. family members and friends. Despite a frequent awareness of the weakening general interest for FL, most students have a supportive network. Likewise, family and friends play a crucial role for many informants while choosing their target language initially. This key factor interacts with other important factors, such as the experiences of visiting countries or settings where the target language is used. In this context, target language attitudes tend to be important when choosing language and pursuing studies.

Gymnasieelevers motivation, kunskapsmässiga och framtida mål i ämnet spanska / High School Students’ Motivation, Knowledge Targets and Future Goals in the Subject of Spanish

Biro, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Elevers motivation samt kunskapsmässiga och framtida mål i spanska undersöks utifrån enkätsvar från 77 gymnasieelever i steg 3 och 4 samt intervjuer med två elever i steg 5. Arbetets teoretiska ramverk utgörs av tre motivationsteorier: self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) med begreppen inre och yttre motivation, the socio-educational model (Gardner, 2001) med begreppet integrativ motivation och L2 Motivational Self System (Dörnyei, 2009) med begreppet ideal L2 self. Resultatet visar att cirka hälften av informanterna känner sig motiverade av att läsa spanska och det är främst på grund av yttre betingad motivation via meritpoäng och betyg. Dock har runt två tredjedelar som mål att resa till spansktalande länder och prata med målspråkstalare, som kan härledas till en integrativ motivation. Drygt hälften av informanterna tror att de kommer kunna bra spanska i framtiden, vilket indikerar en stark framtidsinriktad språklig självbild. / Students’ motivation, knowledge targets and future goals in Spanish are studied based on questionnaires completed by 77 students enrolled in stage 3 and stage 4, as well as interviews with two students in stage 5. The theoretical framework consists of three motivational theories: Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) with the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the socio-educational model (Gardner, 2001) with the concept of integrative motivation and L2 Motivational Self System (Dörnyei, 2009) with the concept of ideal L2 self. The result shows that nearly half of the respondents feel motivated studying Spanish, mainly due to extrinsic motives, such as merit points and grades. Furthermore, about two-thirds aim to travel to Spanish-speaking countries and communicate with target language speakers, which is considered an integrative motivation. About half of the respondents believe that they will speak Spanish well in the future, which indicates a strong future-oriented self-image in their language study.

Elevers motivation till lärande och utvecklande av förmågan ”allsidiga rörelser inom olika fysiska sammanhang”

Klockar, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka möjligheterna till att öka elevernas motivation till att lära sig obekanta rörelser. Den praktiska undervisningen har varit inspirerad av Parkour och planeringen av den intervention som genomfördes har skett med inspiration av diverse teorier om lärande. Dessa teorier var Antonovskys KASAM-begrepp, Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande, samt den dynamiska systemteorin. För att kunna undersöka elevers motivation så har interventionen genomförts på en högstadieskola i Mellansverige, där två klasser från årskurs 9 deltagit i undersökningen. Båda klasserna besvarade enkäter innan genomförd intervention, samt efter den genomförd intervention. Mellan de båda enkäterna så har eleverna i en klass, studiens experimentgrupp, genomgått undervisning tillsammans med en interventionspedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen IP). Den andra gruppen, studiens kontrollgrupp, har genomgått undervisning med deras ordinarie pedagog (hädanefter hänvisad till genom förkortningen OP).Det visade sig genom sammanställningen av enkäterna, att en grupp kom att höja sin motivationsnivå för deltagande i undervisningen, medan den andra gruppen kom att sänka sin motivationsgrad för deltagande i undervisningen. Resultatet diskuterades ur olika synvinklar, där är en aspekt som framkommer som kan ha spelat en mer central roll än övriga delar i att det blev den förändring mellan grupperna som det blev.

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