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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Involuntary resettlement due to large infrastructure projects: A review of the case of Lumbo Village, Kazungula, Zambia.

Bwalya, Mpange 12 May 2022 (has links)
Large national infrastructure projects, such as major roads, bridges, and other facets of infrastructure, sometimes require the relocation of human settlements that could be urban or traditional. This mainly results in environmental and social costs mainly related to loss of livelihood capabilities for the relocated communities. Given the foregoing, this paper scrutinised the case of the involuntary resettlement of Lumbo Village within the Municipality of Kazungula, Zambia, and a border town with Botswana, which had to be relocated due to an International Road-Bridge and Border Facilities Project. The paper focused on history, participation of the affected people in the resettlement process and the perception thereof of the resettled population after the completion of the resettlement activities. The paper was based on document analysis of planning documents, interviews with local population, district local leadership and those connected to the project. Administration of questionnaires was also conducted to ascertain satisfaction perception of the affected people on the resettlement process. The key aspects of the involuntary resettlement scheme do not lie in drawing satisfaction in recovering from physical displacement impacts as the case is for Lumbo village, but it should be based on recovery from socio-economic displacement impacts; which unfortunately scored low for the relocated community. There is a need to make resettlement policies and/or resettlement actions plans as a means to achieve sustainable development. The key goal for the relocated community should be for them to realise sustainable social development outcomes through these policies and /or action plans.

To What Extent Have Incels been Recognized as a Threat in Need of Securitization? : In the Case of the United States, Canada and Europe

Jonsson, Melissa January 2023 (has links)
Involuntary celibates (Incels) are an online community of men who struggle to find sexual and romantic relationships. Some members of the Incel community have increasingly become extreme misogynists and have committed lethal attacks across North America and Europe in response to their sexual frustration and loneliness. Scholars have argued that there is a lack of recognition by political and judicial actors of the potential security threat that Incels pose. This lack of recognition could subsequently result in a lack of securitization of the threat and allow the community to continue to grow. The transnational consequences, through the use of online platforms for radicalization, if Incels are not recognized and securitized provide a relevant International Relations topic. The aim of this research was to determine whether relevant security agents in the US, Canada, and Europe had, over the past years, recognized Incels as a security threat and if a process of securitization had been initiated. The results were that only the EU could be determined to have initiated a securitization process of Incels, Canada’s security agent to a large degree recognized the threat Incels may pose but had not initiated a securitization process, and the US could not be determined to have fully recognized the threat nor initiated a process of securitization.

Disappearance and Return: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Past

Thorn, Nathaniel C. 27 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

”Hon valde han istället för mig” -En diskursanalys av svenska incels gemenskap i utanförskapet

Dahlbeck, Agnes, Synnergren, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
The term incel refers mostly to white heterosexual men who live in involuntary celibate.Sweden is estimated to have one of the most frequent number of incels per capita in the world which has led the Swedish government to raise the anti-terror preparedness, as incels are considered a security risk. The aim of this study is to, with help of gender and exclusion theories, develop a deeper understanding of what this type of exclusion may result in and how new types of groups are created out of societal exclusion. To answer this, a discourse analysis of two threads on the Swedish forum Flashback was made and the chosen threads were designed so incels themselves could discuss their opinions and experiences. Previous research shows that societal exclusion results in health problems, hatred and distancing from women, which motivates the need for this study. The results showed that incels maintain bad boys as the hegemonic masculinity through legitimizing it themselves and that incels can be seen as a separate type of masculinity. Incel, as masculinity, is based and dependent on men experiencing exclusion from society and the sexual market. In order to be included in the community and be allowed to call oneself an incel, the individual must be recognized by an already legitimate incel. If the individual does not meet the criteria for being an incel, he is quickly rejected and discredited by the incel community. / Begreppet incel syftar till största del på vita heterosexuella män som lever i ofrivilligt celibat. Sverige uppskattas vara ett utav det inceltätaste länderna i världen, och den svenska staten har höjt den nationella anti terrorberedskapen då incels anses vara en säkerhetsrisk. Studiens syfte är att med hjälp av genus- och exkluderingsteorier skapa en djupare förståelse för vad denna typ av utanförskap kan leda till och hur nya grupper skapas ur samhällelig exkludering. För att besvara detta utfördes en diskursanalys över två trådar i det svenska forumet Flashback där de utvalda trådarna var formade efter att incels själva kunde diskutera sina upplevelser och åsikter. Tidigare forskning har påvisat hur detta utanförskap leder till hälsoproblem, hat och distansering från kvinnor vilket motiverar till varför studien har genomförts. Resultatet visade att incels upprätthåller den hegemoniska maskuliniteten genom att själva legitimera den samt att incels kan ses som en egen typ av maskulinitet. Incel som maskulinitet bygger på och är beroende av att männen upplever en exkludering från samhället och den sexuella marknaden. För att få vara med i gemenskapen och få kalla sig som incel måste individen bli erkänd av en redan legitimerad incel, om individen inte når upp till kriterierna för att vara incel blir den snabbt avvisad och misskrediterad av incels som gemenskap.


ANA CAROLINA MENDES GERHEIM 22 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] Obras de infraestrutura, que se apresentam como indutoras de desenvolvi-mento, frequentemente resultam em deslocamento involuntário e reassentamento de pessoas que ocupam ou dependem da área em questão. Tais processos de deslocamento e reassentamento podem estar associados a impactos adversos, gerando empobrecimento para as pessoas afetadas, bem como podem gerar oportunidades de desenvolvimento, não apenas para a região que se beneficiará das novas infra-estruturas instaladas, mas também para as pessoas afetadas física e/ou economicamente. Entender a engrenagem e a dinâmica de deslocamentos involuntários e reassentamentos e os fatores que contribuem para que tais processos resultem em impactos negativos ou positivos é fundamental para implementar planos de reassentamento que efetivamente gerem oportunidades e contribuam para processos de desenvolvimento integral. Alguns aspectos são fundamentais nesta discussão, entre eles (i) planejamento eficaz e participativo, com engajamento da comunidade afetada em todas as etapas do processo; (ii) compensação e restauração dos padrões de vida e meios de subsistência para além de compensação monetária; (iii) monitoramento e acompanhamento antes, durante e após o processo do deslocamento e reassentamento. É imperativo que se adote uma abordagem mais holística para o reassentamento, que conduza tal processo como um programa de desenvolvimento. / [en] Infrastructure projects presented as inducers of development often result in involuntary displacement and resettlement of people who occupy or depend on the area. Such displacement and resettlement processes can be associated with adverse impacts, resulting in impoverishment of the affected people, as well as it can generate development opportunities, not only for the region that will benefit from the new infrastructure, but also for the people physically and /or economically displaced. Understanding the gear and dynamics of involuntary displacement and resettlement and the factors that contribute for these projects to result in adverse or positive impacts is essential to implement resettlement programmes that effectively generate opportunities and contribute to development. Some key aspects to be considered in this discussion are (i) effective and participatory planning, with the engagement of the affected people in all stages of the process; (ii) compensation and restoration of living standards and means of subsistence in addition to monetary compensation; (iii) monitoring before, during and after the displacement and resettlement process. It is imperative to adopt an holistic approach to development-induced resettlement which conducts such process as a development program.

The Chronicles Of Psychiatry: Landmark Cases That Shaped The Civil Rights Of Psychiatric Patients

Gulati, Komal, 0009-0002-2289-1863 January 2023 (has links)
A thoughtful survey of the history of psychiatry sheds light on a rich and intricate story of our evolving understanding, experience, and treatment of mental illness through time. These chronicles are at once a show of human curiosity for the mind-body connection, and an experiment in cruel and unusual treatment of illnesses that have proven difficult to quantify through both ancient and modern scientific means. It is the latter that makes an ethical study of the past so vital in a concerted effort to write a more just future for all patients. This paper provides a survey of the history of mental health and psychiatry from ancient Egypt to modern-day America, highlighting the injustices suffered by patients with mental illness throughout all times with a particular focus on the burden shouldered by vulnerable and underprivileged persons, minorities, and urban populations. Through an analysis of landmark American cases, it examines the establishment of civil rights for psychiatric patients in the areas of: the right to treatment, right to refuse treatment, and civil commitment. Drawing upon these precedents and historical contexts, this paper explores how the principles of bioethics can be applied to the future of psychiatry with respect to emerging trends like the use of social media, telehealth, gene editing, and AI/VR in medicine. By thoughtfully reflecting on the past and applying the lessons we have gleaned to the future, this thesis aims to promote a more ethical and equitable approach to mental healthcare, one that protects and actively fosters the empowerment of all patients, regardless of background, mental status, or socioeconomic status. / Urban Bioethics

Inte alla män - men : En diskursanalys om incels som fenomen / Not all men - but : A discourse analysis of incels as a phenomenon

Wretman, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att granska och utforska incels som fenomen genom att analysera dominerande diskurser och centrala komponenter på hemsidan incels.is. Studiens frågeställningar har uppkommit genom de främst dominerande och centrala diskurserna som upprätthålls på incels.is, vilka är: samhället, kön och feminism samt våld. Studiens teoretiska ramverk har utgått från en socialkonstruktivistisk diskursanalys med inspiration från den Foucauldianska diskursanalysen. Michél Foucaults begrepp makt, språk och kunskap har vidare använts för att undersöka maktaspekten och maktlösheten som uttrycks på incels.is. Begreppen har även använts i syfte att undersöka språkets betydelse och vad som är tillåtet att säga och inte samt vem som har tillåtelse att säga något. Vidare har Yvonne Hirdmans och Raewyn Connells teorier kring genussystemet och hegemonisk maskulinitet använts i syfte att undersöka maskulinitetsdiskursen, konstruktionen av kön samt våldsfrågan. Studien har genom en kvalitativ metod och netnografisk ansats använt diskursanalys för att analysera inlägg på hemsidan incels.is i syfte att belysa vilka dominerande diskurser som kan urskiljas. Empirin till studie är publicerade i citatform och har alla publicerats under mars månad 2021. Uppsatsens resultat har visat på att användarna på incels.is upplever att resten av världen är emot dem samt att de inte får plats i den socialistiska och feministiska världsbild som de beskriver. Användarna uttrycker vidare att det är feminismen och kvinnor som är skyldiga det upplevda förtryck som användarna upplever. Användarna uttrycker såväl stark misogyni, våld, hot om våld gentemot kvinnor genomgående i resultatet. Vidare visar även resultatet att det finns vissa mindre dominerande diskurser kring självhat, hat gentemot HBTQI-personer, rasism samt avvikande diskursen kring hur misogyni inte alltid är svaret vilka också belyses i resultatet. / The purpose of the study is to examine and explore incels as a phenomenon by analyzing dominant discourses and key components on the website incels.is. The study's questions are developed through the mainly dominant and central discourses that are maintained on incels.is which are: society, gender and feminism and violence. The theoretical framework of the study has been based on a social constructivist discourse analysis with inspiration from the Foucauldian discourse analysis. Michél Foucault's theories about power, language and knowledge have been used further to examine the power aspect and powerlessness expressed on incels.is. The theories have also been used for the purpose of examining the meaning of language and what is allowed to say and not and who is allowed to say something. Furthermore, Yvonne Hirdman's and Raewyn Connell's theories about the gender system and hegemonic masculinity have been used in order to explore the discourse of masculinity, the construction of gender and the issue of violence. Through a qualitative method and netnographic approach, the study has used discourse analysis to analyse posts on the website incels.is in order to shed light on which dominant discourses can be distinguished. The empirical data for the study is presented citation form and were all published during the month of March 2021. The results of the essay have shown that the users on incels.is feel that the rest of the world is against them and that they do not fit into the socialist and feminist worldview they describe. The users further express that it is feminism and women who are guilty of the perceived oppression that the users experience. Users express strong misogyny, violence, threats of violence against women throughout the result. Furthermore, the results also show that there are some less dominant discourses about self-hatred, hatred towards LGBTQI people, racism as well as the divergent discourse about how misogyny is not always the answer, which is also highlighted in the results.

Patienters upplevelser av psykiatrisk tvångsvård inom slutenvård : Med fokus på upplevelser av kommunikation

Moo, Ywa, Ollikainen, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande folkhälsoproblem och antalet som vårdas under tvång ökar. Både sjuksköterskor och närstående till tvångsvårdade patienter belyser vikten av kommunikation i vården för att minska tvångsåtgärder. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av psykiatrisk tvångsvård samt tvångsåtgärder i slutenvård, med fokus på kommunikation. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med beskrivande design. 12 kvalitativa artiklar har kvalitetsgranskats med hjälp av SBU:s granskningsmall, sedan analyserats med hjälp av en etablerad analysmetod och sammanställts i resultatet. Resultat: Tre teman identifierades: kommunikativ relation, tillgång till information och överenstämmelse med patientrollen. De flesta patienter upplevde att de inte fick tillräckligt med information gällande tvångsinläggningen och eventuella tvångsåtgärder som de utsatts för. Det resulterade i en förvirring och osäkerhet hos patienterna och tillsammans med bristande, eller ensidig, kommunikation var de faktorer som gjorde att patienterna hade svårt att acceptera tvångsvården. De som upplevde en god kommunikativ relation belyste vikten av tillit och att få bli sedd och hörd; de kände en känsla av tacksamhet och trygghet när de fick den information de behövde, och kunde lättare acceptera tvångsvården. Patienterna upplevde att de behövde överensstämma med patientrollen för att undvika negativa konsekvenser och få det hjälp de behövde genom att avsubjektifiera sig själva.  Slutsats: Brist på kommunikativ relation och adekvat information till patienter gör att dessa har svårare att acceptera tvångsvården och tvångsåtgärderna. Tillit är av yttersta vikt för att känna sig trygg och kunna anförtro sig till vårdpersonalen. Sjuksköterskan kan göra skillnad i patientens upplevelse av tvångsvård genom att lyssna, finnas till hands, kommunicera och ge personcentrerad information samt vård. / Introduction: Mental illness is a growing public health problem and the number of involuntarily admitted people is increasing. Both nurses and relatives of patients in compulsory care highlight the importance of communication to reduce coercive measures. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate patients’ experience of compulsory psychiatric care and coercive measures in inpatient care, with a focus on communication. Method: General literature review with a descriptive design. Twelve qualitative articles have been quality reviewed using SBU’s review template, then analyzed using an established analysis method and compiled in the result.  Results: Three themes were identified: communicative relationship, access to information and compliance with patient role. Most participants felt they needed to receive more information regarding the involuntary admission and any coercive measures they were subjected to. This resulted in confusion and uncertainty among the patients. The feeling of uncertainty and confusion together with a lack of, or one-sided, communication were factors that made it difficult for the patients to accept the forced care. Those who experienced a good communicative relationship with the caregiver highlighted the importance of trust and being seen and heard. They felt a sense of gratitude and security when they received the information they needed, which made it easier for them to accept compulsory care. The participants felt that they needed to conform to the patient role to avoid negative consequences and get the help they needed by de-subjectifying themselves.  Conclusion: Lack of communicative relationships and adequate patient information makes it more difficult for them to accept compulsory care and coercive measures; trust is of the utmost importance in order to feel safe and confide in the caregivers. Nurses can make a difference in the patients’ experience of compulsory care by listening, being present, communicating and providing person-centered information and care.

Patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av tvångsvård och tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Kvalitativ allmän litteraturöversikt

Persson, Linn, Grünewald, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter som vårdas enligt lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård lider av en allvarlig psykisk störning och har brister i eller saknar helt förmågan att fatta hälsofrämjande beslut rörande sin vård. Detta innebär att sjukvårdspersonalen tar över ansvaret över patienten och beslutsfattande kring vården. Tvångsvården utgör stora risker för att skapa lidande för patienter, och det är därför viktigt för sjuksköterskan att utföra god omvårdnad med fokus på respekt, ansvar och värdighet. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med deskriptiv design. 10 artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall för kvalitativa artiklar och resultatet analyserades enligt Fribergs modell. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av tvångsvård och tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk slutenvård.Huvudresultat: Resultatet delades in i fyra kategorier: personalens bemötande, stöd under vårdtillfället, förlust av kontroll och konsekvenser av tvångsvården. En majoritet av deltagarna hade negativa upplevelser och erfarenheter av tvångsvård och tvångsvårdsåtgärder, medan en mindre andel av deltagarna hade positiva upplevelser och erfarenheter.Slutsats: Tvångsvård och tvångsvårdsåtgärder ledde i de flesta fall till negativa patientupplevelser. Patienternas upplevelser av tvångsvård och tvångsvårdsåtgärder påverkades synnerligen av sjuksköterskan och hennes roll i att göra patienten delaktig i sin vård, ge tydlig information och skapa en god relation till patienterna. / Background: Patients who receive involuntary treatment suffer from severe psychiatric illness and have a flawed or complete lack of ability to make decisions to promote their health. Following this condition, the healthcare workers take on the responsibility for the patient and all decisions regarding healthcare for the patient. Coercive care constitutes great risks regarding the creation of suffering for patients and therefore it is important that the nurse practices good nursing care that focuses on respect, responsibility and dignity. Aim: To describe patients experiences of coercion and psychiatric involuntary treatment.Method: A literature review with descriptive design. 10 articles were included. The article’s quality was reviewed according to SBU:s template for qualitative articles and the results were analyzed according to Friberg’s model. Main findings: The result was split into four categories: the staff’s treatment, support during the period of care, loss of control, and consequences of coercive care. A majority of the participants had negative experiences of coercive care and coercive measures, while a smaller number of participants had positive experiences.Conclusion: Involuntary treatment and coercive measures did in most cases lead to negative experiences for the patients. The patient’s experiences were particularly affected by the nurse and her ability to make the patient take part in their healthcare, give clear information and create a well-enough relationship with the patients.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av tvångsvård - En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of involuntary care - A literature review

Högosta, Stina, Seberg, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Att hamna under tvångsvård betyder att personen inte längre har rätt att bestämma över sig själv. Vilket kan leda till negativa relationer mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter, där patienterna kan uppleva att de inte är delaktiga i sin vård. Syfte Beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda vuxna patienter under tvångsvård. Metod Litteraturöversikt som genomfördes på elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har hämtats från tre databaser, CINAHL, PsycINFO och PubMed databaserna har inriktning mot omvårdnad. Kvalitetsgranskning av artiklarna har genomförts samt en innehållsanalys. Resultat Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde att behandla patienter under tvångsvård som ett nödvändigt ont. Sjuksköterskor upplevde hot, våld och trakasserier på sitt arbete där många ansåg att det blev en del av deras vardag. Tvångsåtgärder gjorde att sjuksköterskor behövde gå mot patientens vilja och hamnade då i etiska dilemman där vården inte blev personcentrerad. Med hjälp av skyddande faktorer upplevde sjuksköterskor att tidigare erfarenhet och kunskap påverkade användningen av tvångsvård. Eftersträvan var ett väl fungerande teamarbete samt en god kommunikation med förtroende mellan sjuksköterskor och patienten. Slutsats Sjuksköterskor hade svårigheter att tillämpa personcentrerad vård under tvångsvård då sjuksköterskor gick mot patientens vilja. Sjuksköterskor upplevde negativa känslor vid tvångsåtgärder men ansåg det ändå som en nödvändighet för att skydda patienten. / Background Being placed under coercion care means that the person no longer has the right to decide over themself. Which can lead to negative relationships between nurses and patients, where patients may feel that they are not involved in their care. Aim Describe nurses' experiences of caring for adult patients during involuntary treatment. Method Literature review that was conducted on eleven scientific articles. The articles have been retrieved from three databases, CINAHL, PsycINFO and PubMed, the databases are oriented towards nursing. A quality review of the articles has been implemented as well as a content analysis. Results The results showed that nurses perceived treating patients under coercion care as a necessary evil. Nurses experienced threats, violence and harassment at their work where many felt that it became part of their everyday lives. Coercive measures meant that nurses had to go against the patient's will and then ended up in ethical dilemmas where care did not become person-centered. Using protective factors, nurses experienced that previous experience and knowledge influenced the use of coercion care. The aim was to work well and to communicate with trust between the nurse and the patient. Conclusions Nurses had difficulty applying person-centred care during coercion care as nurses went against the patient's will. Nurses experienced negative emotions during coercive measures but nevertheless considered it a necessity to protect the patient.

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