Spelling suggestions: "subject:"italians."" "subject:"talians.""
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Constructing Italian ethnicity : a comparative study of two Italian language newspapers in Australia and Canada, 1947-1957Iuliano, Susanna January 1994 (has links)
This thesis is broadly concerned with how an ethnic group defines itself through the medium of the press. It contends that newspapers do more than simply 'reflect' the experience of ethnic groups, they in fact help to 'construct' ethnic identity. / The specific focus of this study is the Italian language press and its attempts to shape the ideals of italianita of Italian migrants in Canada and Australia in the immediate post-war period. This work is based on two newspapers, Montreal's Il Cittadino Canadese and La Fiamma published in Sydney, New South Wales. All available editions from the decade 1947 to 1957 are examined in order to determine which symbols and causes were used to promote Italian ethnic cohesiveness. / In the course of this thesis, it is argued that La Fiamma used religion as the basis of its ideal of italianita, while the Italo-Canadian paper Il Cittadino Canadese made the issue of Italian political representation in Canadian government structures the basis of its quest to unite Italian migrants into an ethnic 'community'. Some possible reasons for the difference in focus between the two newspapers are presented in the conclusion. Also, suggestions are made for future comparative research between Italian ethnic communities in Canada and Australia which may help to better explain the differences laid bare in this paper.
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As the twig is bent, the tree's inclined, growing up Italian in Toronto, 1905-1940Carlson Cumbo, Enrico T. January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Constructing Italian ethnicity : a comparative study of two Italian language newspapers in Australia and Canada, 1947-1957Iuliano, Susanna January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Soziales Kapital, Migrationsentscheidungen und KettenmigrationsprozesseHaug, Sonja 19 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dem vorliegenden Beitrag geht es um die theoretische Modellierung und empirische Untersuchung von Kettenmigrationsprozessen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die These, dass bei der Entscheidung zur Migration neben ökonomischen Überlegungen soziale Beziehungen der Migranten von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Auf der Basis der Theorie rationaler Entscheidungen wird ein allgemeines Erklärungsmodell für die Entstehung von Kettenmigrationsprozessen vorgestellt. Soziales Kapital fungiert dabei als eine Art "missing link" zwischen individuellen
Migrationsentscheidungen und resultierenden Migrationsprozessen. Anhand der empirischen Auswertung verschiedener Datenquellen konnte die Rolle von Verwandtschaftsnetzwerken bei der Immigrations- und Rückkehrentscheidung am Beispiel der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Analyse werden dargelegt, darunter aufbereitete Daten der amtlichen Statistik zum Verlauf der Immigration aus Italien seit 1950 sowie eine Auswertung von Interviews mit italienischen Befragten im Rahmen des Sozioökonomischen Panels und aus einer Gemeindestudie. Insbesondere erwies sich die Rückkehr von Haushaltsmitgliedern nach Italien als die wichtigste Determinante für Remigrationsentscheidungen. Damit wird deutlich, daß bei der Untersuchung von Migrationsprozessen die soziale Einbettung der Migranten nicht ausgeblendet werden darf. / The paper contributes to the theoretical modelling and empirical testing of chain migration processes. Besides economic aspects the impact of social relations of migrants on migration decisions is emphasized. The aim was to test several hypotheses concerning the concept of social capital which have been derived from the framework of Rational Choice Theory. Social Capital is seen as a kind of "missing link" between the migration decisons of indiviuals and resulting migration processes. The
impact of family networks on the migration process has been investigated applying the theory to the case of the Italian immigrants living in Germany since the 1950\'s. The results of the analysis of several kinds of data sets are presented, namely seleceted national statistics on migration and survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and also from a small town study. The empirical data analysis shows effects of households and family neworks on immigration and return migration as well as some evidence of chain migration. Particularly for subsequent migrants social relations play a considerable role in their migration decisions. Due to this the social embeddedness of migrants is an important factor in explaining migration processes.
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Les italiens dans le var de 1850 à nos jours : démographie, impacts économiques et parcours migratoires / The italians into the Var department from 1850 to nowadays : demography, economic impacts and migratory pathsDoneda, Cindy 10 July 2014 (has links)
Dès la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, nombreux sont les Italiens qui ont immigré dans le département du Var, géographiquement proche de la péninsule. Pourtant, le Var n’a pas suscité le même intérêt chez les historiens de l’immigration que les départements limitrophes des Bouches-du-Rhône et des Alpes-Maritimes. Ce constat nous a menée à l’étude du phénomène migratoire transalpin dans le Var. Majoritairement élaborée à partir de sources de première main qui ont nécessité un important travail dans les Archives Départementales, cette thèse est caractéristique de la présence italienne dans le Var à la fois d’un point de vue démographique, socio-économique et mémoriel. En d’autres termes, elle révèle l’ampleur de l’exode italien dans le département, le profil des immigrés et leur répartition géographique sur le territoire. Ce travail montre également l’impact de l’arrivée massive des travailleurs transalpins sur l’économie varoise et définit les secteurs d’activités dans lesquels ils sont majoritairement embauchés. Enfin, il s’intéresse aux aspects socioculturels de l’immigration, traités notamment à l’aide de la reconstitution de la mémoire par des descendants d’Italiens établis dans le département du Var qui racontent l’histoire de leurs ancêtres. Il étudie alors le parcours migratoire des Transalpins du Var de manière individuelle et tente d’échapper aux clichés, notamment concernant le déracinement, l’adaptation, la discrimination ou encore la transmission des origines italiennes. Construite selon une démarche positiviste et constructive, cette étude prend en compte différents types de sources qui se complètent et qui donnent accès à l’immigration italienne de la manière la plus réaliste. / Since the second half of the nineteenth century, many Italians immigrated into the Var department, geographically very close to the Italian peninsula. Yet the Var area hasn’t attracted the same interest of its neighbors, the departments of Bouches-du-Rhône and Alpes-Maritimes, among historians. This observation led us to study the transalpine immigration into the Var. Mostly developed from first-hand sources that did a lot of researching in the French Local Historical Archives, this thesis characterizes the Italian presence in the Var, both from a demographic, socio economic and memorial point of view. In other words, it reveals the extent of the Italian exodus into the Var department, the profile of immigrants and their geographical distribution in the area. This work also shows the impact that the massive arrival of transalpine immigrants had on the Var economy and defines the sectors in which they were employed. Finally, it treats the cultural aspects with help from the memories of the Italian descendants settled in the Var who were able to tell the story of their ancestors. The study will also look into the emigrational path taken by the transalpine Var immigrants individually without going into all the usual clichés, concerning the uprooting, adaptation, discrimination, or lastly the transmission of Italian origins. This study has used a positive and constructive approach ; it has taken into account a lot of different sources which manages to tell the Italian immigration in the most realistic way.
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Tafuri: tempo da cidade longínqua / Tafuri: time of the distant cityFrajndlich, Rafael Urano 04 April 2014 (has links)
A obra do historiador da arquitetura Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) mantém grande pertinência nos debates contemporâneos. Sua contribuição é caracterizada pelo rigor filológico de suas pesquisas, pela leitura crítica das utopias das vanguardas e sobretudo pelo trânsito intenso de suas análises por outras disciplinas das ciências humanas, como a filosofia, a psicologia e a sociologia. Em seus textos, o autor ladeou o Renascimento e a atualidade de diferentes modos para tecer suas argumentações, através de articulações de noções de tempo. O tempo, na prosa de Tafuri, é um objeto de estudo em si, e remonta às raízes de seu trabalho nos debates filosóficos italianos. A tese se aprofunda nesse aspecto do historiador, na determinação feita entre períodos históricos, dando ênfase ao modo como Tafuri entendia a temporalidade. Toma-se como texto de base a conferência As formas do tempo (1993), onde podemos encontrar uma síntese de suas considerações sobre o assunto, relacionando-a com os textos mais ensaísticos sobre história assinados pelo autor, que formam o corpus desta pesquisa: Teorias e história da arquitetura (1968), Projeto e utopia (1973) e Machine et memoir: a cidade na obra de Le Corbusier (1979). Estudar-se-á este núcleo considerando a hipótese de que a complexidade da obra de Tafuri reside no entremeio de tempos. Espera-se com este recorte destacar a atualidade das considerações críticas do autor sobre a arquitetura, demonstrar a interlocução de seus escritos com os debates filosóficos italianos de sua época, bem como aprofundar em alguns aspectos a interdisciplinaridade de sua teoria. / The work of Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) remains important for the History of Architecture. His contribuition is often summarized in the filological accent of his research subjects, the critical approach of contemporary trends in architecture and most of all for the interdisciplinarity of his writings, leaning towards other fields of humanities such as philosophy, psicology and sociology. In the overall of his work, the author established connections between Renaissance and Contemporary in different ways to make a point in his essays. The ways he framed different periods of history concerned a specific transit between notions of temporality. In Tafuri\'s work, time appears as a subject itself and denotes its philosphical origins in the political trends of Italy. This thesis seeks to shed light on one specific aspect of the work of Tafuri. It will work with his most ensaistic works regarding time: The forms of time: Venice and the Renaissance (1993) and Machine et memoir: The city in the work of Le Corbusier (1979). Along with these two articles, we will focus on two seminal books signed by the author: Theories and history of architecture (1968) and Architecture and utopia (1973). Through the study of the temporality in the work of Tafuri, we expect to broaden the understanding of his contribution, shedding light to the pertinence of his critical opinions on architecture, to the persistent dialogue his work with philosophical trends in Italy, and to give a better overall understanding of the interdisciplinary approach of his theory.
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Recherches sur les pratiques culturelles des Italiens à Délos aux IIe et Ier siècles avant notre ère. / Studying the cultural practices of Italians in Delos in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCErnst, Paul 25 October 2016 (has links)
À une époque marquée par les interventions et les conquêtes romaines dans la Grèce égéenne, ainsi que par la décision du Sénat romain, en 167, de placer Délos sous le contrôle d’Athènes et d’en faire un port exempté de taxes douanières, les individus originaires de la péninsule italienne furent de plus en plus nombreux à s’installer ou à séjourner temporairement sur cette île qui, devenue fortement cosmopolite, joua un rôle de relais économique entre l’Italie et la Méditerranée orientale.À partir d’une documentation abondante et variée de nature essentiellement épigraphique et archéologique sont successivement abordés trois thèmes : les lieux de résidence et les modes de vie domestique des Italiens et de leur entourage familial et clientélaire, leur participation aux activités du gymnase et aux concours organisés sur l’île, et leurs pratiques religieuses. Les causes, la nature, la portée et les enjeux (parfois sociaux, économiques et/ou politiques) de chaque pratique font l’objet d’interprétations qui permettent de mieux comprendre, dans toute sa complexité, l’importante hellénisation de ces Italiens qui se sont quelquefois distingués par des usages romains.L’étude s’achève par une mise en perspective du cas délien afin de déterminer ce qui en fait à la fois un exemple représentatif des pratiques culturelles des Italiens dans la Grèce égéenne et un cas particulier. C’est l’intensité de phénomènes d’intégration multiples auxquels prenaient pleinement part les Italiens, dans le contexte de rapports de pouvoir favorables à Rome et à tous ceux qui se réclamaient de cette cité, qui paraît avoir constitué une singularité de la vie culturelle délienne. / The 2nd and 1st centuries BC were marked by Roman interventions and conquests in the Aegean Greece, and by the decision of the Roman Senate, in 167, to place Delos under the control of Athens and to make it a port exempt from customs tax. As a result, individuals who came from the Italian peninsula were more and more numerous to settle or reside temporarily on the island which became highly cosmopolitan and played a part as an economic bridge between Italy and the eastern Mediterranean.Based on a wide range of varied documents which are mainly epigraphic and archaeological, the study deals with three themes : the places of residence and the domestic daily life of Italians, their family circle and their clients, their participation in the gymnasium activities and in competitions organized on the island, and their religious practices. This dissertation tries to interpret the causes, the nature and the significance of each of these practices. It also analyses their social, economic and/or political dimensions in order to better understand the complexity of the advanced hellenization of those Italians who sometimes distinguished themselves by using Roman customs.The study concludes with a larger perspective in order to determine what makes Delos both a representative example of the Italians’ cultural practices in the Aegean Greece, and a special case. Ultimately, the distinctive feature of cultural life in Delos seems to have been the wide range of integration patterns in which Italians fully took part. This phenomenon took place in the context of a balance of power that was favourable to Rome and to all those who identified with this city.
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Reconsidering the Career of the "Artifex" Nicholaus (active. c. 1122- c. 1164) in the Context of Later Twelfth-Century North Italian PoliticsSpiro, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The present study revises the chronology for the twelfth-century "artifex" Nicholaus, demonstrating that his career began just after c.1122 in Piacenza and ended in Verona c. 1164, not c. 1150 as often proposed. The first sculpted entranceway with the Nicholaus imprimatur was executed at the Sagra di San Michele.
It is documented that Nicholaus was put in charge of supervising the construction and decoration of the new cathedral in Ferrara in 1135, including the western entranceway with his self-laudatory signature inscription. His activity here ended around 1150, at which time the interior of the cathedral was functional. In the early 1140s, members of the Nicholaus atelier and possibly the "artifex" himself crossed the Alps to execute certain sculptures at the imperial burial church at Königslutter. The signed Verona Cathedral entranceway was executed in the 1150s. Work at San Zeno began after 1164: the elegiac tone of two signature inscriptions here seems to indicate that Nicholaus died around this time.
To determine the date of the Nicholaus Verona projects, given the lack of firm documentary evidence for their dating, because their subject matter could be associated with a known historical incident or situation and those dates fit with my stylistic evaluation as to the sculpture's date, I used the dates for these occurrences as the "termini post quem" for the project.
Luigi Simeoni had proposed that the formation of the commune of Verona in 1135 is celebrated by the scene on the lunette at San Zeno depicting the patron saint of Verona signing blessing in the midst of the troops. This supported a date of 1138 for this work. However, my research into the relationship between Verona and various emperors led me to conclude that the image on the lunette at San Zeno actually memorializes the formation in 1164 of the Veronese League opposing Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. A second subject here, The Hunt of Theodoric, seems to have been chosen to insult Barbarossa, previously well received in Verona. The San Zeno frontispiece with Nicholaus's sculptures, the famous bronze doors, and the Wheel of Fortune window was assembled c.1200.
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Pedir em italiano: um estudo sobre a percepção da cortesia por parte de falantes nativos e aprendizes brasileiros / Requests in Italian: a study on the perception of politeness by native speakers and Brazilian learnersMayara da Silva Neto 22 March 2018 (has links)
O pedido, no âmbito da Pragmática cross-cultural, tem sido estudado por diversos pesquisadores, tanto por ser um dos exemplos mais claros de que é possível fazer coisas com as palavras, como prevê a Teoria dos Atos de Fala (Austin, 1962), quanto por seu potencial de ameaçar a face positiva de quem o profere e negativa de quem o recebe, conforme postularam Brown e Levinson (1987). Tendo em vista esses pressupostos, a pesquisa aqui apresentada teve o intuito de investigar a percepção que aprendizes brasileiros de italiano e falantes nativos dessa língua têm da cortesia linguística presente em pedidos realizados em italiano, a fim de verificar se há semelhanças ou disparidades nas percepções relatadas pelos diferentes grupos e quais são os elementos que podem motivar essas percepções. Para tal, uma amostra de oito pedidos, gravados em áudio e vídeo, foi apresentada aos informantes brasileiros e italianos, que deveriam indicar, em uma escala de 1 a 5, qual o nível de cortesia neles presente, além de indicar, em um conjunto de 19 variáveis, o quanto elas influenciaram a percepção relatada. O corpus coletado é composto por 40 aprendizes brasileiros e 51 italianos e, a partir da análise dos dados, concluímos que i) quatro dos oito pedidos avaliados pelos informantes suscitaram percepções análogas e, consequentemente, outros quatro pedidos causaram percepções diversas; ii) algumas variáveis (modificadores de força ilocucionária e aspectos como a entoação) tiveram impacto significante sobre a percepção da cortesia em geral e, quanto a cada pedido em específico, que nem sempre a presença de modificadores de força ilocucionária influencia a percepção da cortesia, podendo também a ausência desses elementos ter um impacto positivo ou negativo. Também concluímos que uma grande quantidade de modificadores não necessariamente resulta em uma alta percepção da cortesia. / The request, in the context of cross-cultural Pragmatics, has been studied by several researchers, both for being one of the clearest examples of the possibility of doing things with words, as predicted by the Theory of Speech Acts (Austin, 1962), as well as for its potential to threaten the positive face of the speaker and the negative face of the hearer, as postulated by Brown and Levinson (1987). In view of these presuppositions, the research presented here was intended to investigate how Brazilians learners of Italian and native speakers of this language evaluate the linguistic politeness in requests made in Italian, in order to verify if there are similarities or disparities in the perceptions reported by the different groups and what are the elements that can motivate these perceptions. To do this, a sample of eight requests, recorded in audio and video, was presented to Brazilian and Italian informants, who were asked to indicate, on a scale of 1 to 5, the level of politeness of those speech acts, besides indicating, in a set of 19 variables, how much they influenced the reported perception. The corpus collected is composed of 40 Brazilians and 51 Italians and, based on data analysis, we concluded that i) four out of eight requests evaluated by the informants presented similar perceptions and, consequently, four other requests caused different perceptions; ii) some variables (modifiers and aspects such as intonation) had a significant impact on the perception of politeness in general. For each specific request, we concluded that the presence of modifiers does not always influence the perception of politeness, and that the absence of such elements may also have a positive or negative impact. Finally, it was possible to notice that a large number of modifiers does not necessarily result in a high perception of politeness.
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Pedir em italiano: um estudo sobre a percepção da cortesia por parte de falantes nativos e aprendizes brasileiros / Requests in Italian: a study on the perception of politeness by native speakers and Brazilian learnersSilva Neto, Mayara da 22 March 2018 (has links)
O pedido, no âmbito da Pragmática cross-cultural, tem sido estudado por diversos pesquisadores, tanto por ser um dos exemplos mais claros de que é possível fazer coisas com as palavras, como prevê a Teoria dos Atos de Fala (Austin, 1962), quanto por seu potencial de ameaçar a face positiva de quem o profere e negativa de quem o recebe, conforme postularam Brown e Levinson (1987). Tendo em vista esses pressupostos, a pesquisa aqui apresentada teve o intuito de investigar a percepção que aprendizes brasileiros de italiano e falantes nativos dessa língua têm da cortesia linguística presente em pedidos realizados em italiano, a fim de verificar se há semelhanças ou disparidades nas percepções relatadas pelos diferentes grupos e quais são os elementos que podem motivar essas percepções. Para tal, uma amostra de oito pedidos, gravados em áudio e vídeo, foi apresentada aos informantes brasileiros e italianos, que deveriam indicar, em uma escala de 1 a 5, qual o nível de cortesia neles presente, além de indicar, em um conjunto de 19 variáveis, o quanto elas influenciaram a percepção relatada. O corpus coletado é composto por 40 aprendizes brasileiros e 51 italianos e, a partir da análise dos dados, concluímos que i) quatro dos oito pedidos avaliados pelos informantes suscitaram percepções análogas e, consequentemente, outros quatro pedidos causaram percepções diversas; ii) algumas variáveis (modificadores de força ilocucionária e aspectos como a entoação) tiveram impacto significante sobre a percepção da cortesia em geral e, quanto a cada pedido em específico, que nem sempre a presença de modificadores de força ilocucionária influencia a percepção da cortesia, podendo também a ausência desses elementos ter um impacto positivo ou negativo. Também concluímos que uma grande quantidade de modificadores não necessariamente resulta em uma alta percepção da cortesia. / The request, in the context of cross-cultural Pragmatics, has been studied by several researchers, both for being one of the clearest examples of the possibility of doing things with words, as predicted by the Theory of Speech Acts (Austin, 1962), as well as for its potential to threaten the positive face of the speaker and the negative face of the hearer, as postulated by Brown and Levinson (1987). In view of these presuppositions, the research presented here was intended to investigate how Brazilians learners of Italian and native speakers of this language evaluate the linguistic politeness in requests made in Italian, in order to verify if there are similarities or disparities in the perceptions reported by the different groups and what are the elements that can motivate these perceptions. To do this, a sample of eight requests, recorded in audio and video, was presented to Brazilian and Italian informants, who were asked to indicate, on a scale of 1 to 5, the level of politeness of those speech acts, besides indicating, in a set of 19 variables, how much they influenced the reported perception. The corpus collected is composed of 40 Brazilians and 51 Italians and, based on data analysis, we concluded that i) four out of eight requests evaluated by the informants presented similar perceptions and, consequently, four other requests caused different perceptions; ii) some variables (modifiers and aspects such as intonation) had a significant impact on the perception of politeness in general. For each specific request, we concluded that the presence of modifiers does not always influence the perception of politeness, and that the absence of such elements may also have a positive or negative impact. Finally, it was possible to notice that a large number of modifiers does not necessarily result in a high perception of politeness.
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