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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essstörungen bei Jugendlichen im Hochleistungssport : eine Analyse sportbezogener Einflussfaktoren / Eating disorders of adolescents in elite sports : an analysis of sports-related correlates

Krentz, Eva Maria January 2012 (has links)
Essstörungen, wie Anorexia Nervosa oder Bulimia Nervorsa, gehen mit einer hohen psychischen Belastung einher und können gesundheitliche Schäden zur Folge haben. Bei Athleten mit einer Essstörung kann es darüber hinaus zu Einbußen in der Sportleistung kommen. Gerade für den Hochleistungssport ist es daher wichtig zu wissen, welches Risiko für Essstörungen besteht und wodurch das Risiko bedingt wird. Bisherige Studien zeigen deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den Sportarten. Eliteathleten aus ästhetischen Sportarten, wie rhythmische Sportgymnastik oder Eiskunstlauf, scheinen ein besonders hohes Essstörungsrisiko aufzuweisen. Deutlich geringere Prävalenzraten finden sich in Ballsportarten, wie Handball oder Basketball. Um zu verstehen, welche Aspekte der Sportart das Essstörungsrisiko beeinflussen, beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Rolle sportbezogener Variablen. In die Studien einbezogen wurden insgesamt 171 Athleten zwischen 11 und 18 Jahren (im Mittel 14.1 ± 1.8 Jahre) aus ästhetischen Sportarten und Ballsportarten, die einen Fragebogenpaket mit Instrumenten zu gestörtem Essverhalten, allgemeiner Körperunzufriedenheit, sozialem Druck im Sport, sportbezogener Körperunzufriedenheit, Schlankheitsstreben zur Leistungssteigerung und negativen Gefühle bei Trainingsausfall ausfüllten. Nach einem Jahr wieder befragt wurden 65 Athleten aus ästhetischen Sportarten. Nach Kontrolle von Alter, Geschlecht, BMI und allgemeiner Körperunzufriedenheit trugen sportbezogene Variablen signifikant zur weiteren Varianzaufklärung gestörten Essverhaltens bei. Die Längsschnittanalysen bestätigten einen Risikofaktorstatus für Schlankheitsstreben zur Leistungssteigerung. Zusammenhänge zwischen sportbezogenen Aspekten und gestörtem Essverhalten zeigten sich sowohl in Hochrisikosportarten für gestörtes Essverhalten (ästhetischen Sportarten), als auch in Niedrigrisikosportarten für gestörtes Essverhalten (Ballsportarten). Mit Ausnahme von negativen Gefühlen nach Trainingsausfall traten die sportbezogenen Variabeln häufiger in den ästhetischen Sportarten auf als in den Ballsportarten. Die eigenen Befunde verdeutlichen somit, dass der Einbezug potentieller sportbezogener Risikofaktoren − zusätzlich zu den allgemeinen Risikofaktoren − zum besseren Verständnis der Essstörungssymptomatik von Athleten beiträgt. Vor allem die Bedeutung von Gewicht für die Leistung beeinflusst das Essstörungsrisiko bei Athleten und ist stärker ausgeprägt in Hochrisikosportarten für Essstörungssymptomatik. / Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are serious, difficult-to-treat psychiatric disorders. For elite athletes, in addition to impairment in health and everyday life, an eating disorder can lead to a decline in sports performance. Knowledge of the risk for eating disorders in sports is therefore important. Prevalence rates for disordered eating vary depending on the type of sport. A particularly high risk was found in elite athletes from aesthetic sports such as figure skating or dance. Prevalence rates are lower in ballgame sports, such as handball or basketball. The purpose of this study was to focus on sport-specific variables in different sport types and to examine their relation to disordered eating. One hundred and seventy-one aesthetic and ballgame sports athletes participated in this study (mean age 14.1 ± 1.8 years). At a follow-up survey one year later, 65 athletes from aesthetic sports participated again. The questionnaire package included disordered eating, general body dissatisfaction, social pressure to be lean from sports environment, sports-related body dissatisfaction, desire to be leaner to improve sports performance and emotional distress resulting from missed exercise sessions. In predicting eating disorder symptoms in athletes from aesthetic sports, we observed that after controlling for sex, age, BMI, and body dissatisfaction, sports-related variables were able to account for an additional variance in disordered eating. The longitudinal analyses indicated that a desire to be leaner to improve sports performance is predictive of disordered eating in aesthetic sports. Sports-related variables were associated with disordered eating also in ballgame sports, but some risk factors, such as the desire to be leaner to improve sports performance, were less prevalent. In conclusion of these results, sports-related parameters are relevant for understanding eating disorder symptomatology in sports. Athletes seem to be more at risk if they perceive the possibility to enhance sports performance through weight-regulation, which is more prevalent in aesthetic sports.

Die Rolle aussehensbezogenen sozialen Drucks in der Entstehung von Körperunzufriedenheit im Jugendalter / The Role of Appearance-related Social Pressure in the Development of Body Dissatisfaction during Adolescence

Helfert, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
Körperliche Attraktivität und gutes Aussehen spielen in der heutigen Gesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle, was bereits frühzeitig auch Kinder und Jugendliche in ihren Einstellungen und der Wahrnehmung ihres Körpers prägt. Sorgen um den eigenen Körper gelten als normatives Problem unter Jugendlichen und bergen nicht selten das Risiko für gesundheitsgefährdendes Verhalten und psychische Erkrankungen. In der Suche nach den Ursachen gerieten in den letzten Jahren insbesondere soziokulturelle Faktoren, insbesondere der Einfluss von medial vermittelten Schönheitsidealen, in den Fokus der Forschung. Es ist jedoch fraglich, warum nicht alle Jugendlichen in gleicher Weise auf den allgegenwärtigen Mediendruck reagieren. Naheliegend ist, dass die Jugendlichen besonders gefährdet sind, deren unmittelbares soziales Umfeld das geltende Schönheitsideal direkt oder indirekt vermittelt und verstärkt. Das Verständnis der Rolle sozialen Drucks ist jedoch bislang noch durch zahlreiche inhaltliche und methodische Aspekte beschränkt (z.B. Einschränkungen in der Operationalisierung, ungenügende Berücksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer Mechanismen, fehlende längsschnittliche Belege). Daher widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit der Bedeutung aussehensbezogenen sozialen Drucks in der Entstehung von Körperunzufriedenheit im Jugendalter in drei aufeinander aufbauenden Untersuchungsschritten. Ausgehend von der Entwicklung eines umfassenden und zuverlässigen Erhebungsinstruments zielt die Arbeit darauf ab, unterschiedliche Aspekte sozialen Drucks gegenüberzustellen und hinsichtlich ihrer Verbreitung und Risikowirkung zu vergleichen. Die Umsetzung des Forschungsvorhabens erfolgte in unterschiedlichen Schülerstichproben der Klassen 7 bis 9 unterschiedlicher Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (Hauptstichprobe N = 1112, im Mittel = 13.4 ± 0.8 Jahre). Dabei wurden sowohl quer- als auch längsschnittliche Analysen durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurden zur Erprobung des Fragebogenverfahrens klinische Stichproben mit Ess- und Gewichtsstörungen herangezogen. Zur detaillierten Erfassung unterschiedlicher Formen aussehensbezogenen sozialen Drucks erfolgte im ersten Schritt die Entwicklung des Fragebogen zum aussehensbezogen sozialen Druck (FASD), welcher acht unterschiedliche Formen aussehensbezogene sozialen Drucks ausgehend von Eltern und Gleichaltrigen reliabel und valide erfasst. Dabei erwies sich das Verfahren gleichermaßen für Jungen und Mädchen, wie für Jugendliche mit unterschiedlichem Gewichtsstatus geeignet. Die psychometrische Güte des Verfahrens konnte sowohl für populationsbasierte als auch für klinische Stichproben mit Ess- und Gewichtsstörung belegt werden, wodurch eine breite Einsatzmöglichkeit in Forschung und Praxis denkbar ist. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgte die Untersuchung der Verbreitung aussehensbezogenen sozialen Drucks unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlechts-, Alters- und Gewichtsgruppenunterschieden. Dabei erwiesen sich Mädchen als stärker von aussehensbezogenem Druck durch Gleichaltrige betroffen als Jungen. Darüberhinaus legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass Übergewicht ungeachtet des Geschlechts mit verstärkten aussehensbezogenen Abwertungen und Ausgrenzungserfahrungen verbunden ist. Zudem deuten die Alterseffekte der Studie darauf hin, dass der Übergang von früher zu mittlerer Adoleszenz aber auch Schulwechsel besonderes kritische Zeitpunkte für die Etablierung aussehensbezogener Einflüsse darstellen. Abschließend widmete sich die Arbeit der längsschnittlichen Risikowirkung unterschiedlicher Aspekte aussehensbezogenen sozialen Drucks in der Entstehung von Körperunzufriedenheit. Aussehensbezogene Einflüsse von Freunden verstärkten längsschnittlich Körpersorgen sowohl bei Mädchen als auch bei Jungen. Zudem ergab sich das Erleben von Ausgrenzung durch Gleichaltrige als entscheidender Risikofaktor für gewichtsbezogene Körpersorgen unter Jungen. Als bedeutsamster elterlicher Einfluss erwiesen sich Aufforderungen auf die Figur zu achten. Diese Aufforderungen verstärkten gleichermaßen für Mädchen und Jungen gewichtsbezogene Körpersorgen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmete sich dem Ziel, die Rolle aussehensbezogener sozialer Einflüsse weiter aufzuklären. Das dazu vorgelegte umfassende Instrument ermöglichte eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Verbreitung und Wirkung unterschiedlicher Formen sozialen Drucks. Hierdurch weisen die Ergebnisse nicht nur auf wichtige geschlechtsspezifische Mechanismen hin, sondern leisten ebenso einen Beitrag zum vertieften Verständnis der Risikowirkung sozialen Drucks. Diese Erkenntnisse liefern somit einerseits konkrete Ansatzpunkte für Prävention und Intervention und ermöglichen andererseits auch eine weitere Konkretisierung bereits etablierter soziokultureller Wirkmodelle. / Physical appearance and attractiveness play a major role in today’s society, which affects also children and adolescents in their attitudes and the perception of their bodys. Body concerns, which have become normative among adolescents, however, bear the risk of health-endangering behavior as well as severe mental diseases. While investigating the reasons for this development, sociocultural pressures especially media promoted beauty ideals got into the focus of research. But the findings provoke the question why the media ideal does not affect all adolescents to the same extent. However, it seems likely that those adolescents who grow up in an appearance-focused social environment are particularly at risk of developing body concerns. The knowledge on the mechanisms of social pressure is still limited by several constraints, e.g. limitations in the assessment, insufficient consideration of gender-specific mechanisms as well as a lack of longitudinal findings. Hence, the dissertation examines the role of appearance-related pressure in the development of body dissatisfaction during adolescence by conducting three consecutive steps of investigation. By the development of a comprehensive and reliable instrument (1) this work aims at comparing the occurrence while considering interpersonal variations in the perception of different kinds of social pressure (2) as well as investigating the potential risk of these factors in the development of body dissatisfaction (3). The investigation was conducted in different samples of high school students from grade 7 to 9 (main sample: N = 1112, mean: 13.4 ± 0.8 years of age) using cross-sectional as well as longitudinal design. Additionally the psychometric quality of the questionnaire has been determined in clinical samples with eating and weight disorders. First, the Appearance-Related Social Pressure Questionnaire (FASD, Fragebogen zum aussehensbezogenen sozialen Druck) was developed which measures social pressure from peers and parents simultaneously while distinguishing eight types of pressure. The instrument has proved to be suitable for both, girls and boys, as well as for adolescents with different weight statuses. Evidence for its psychometric quality has been determined among population-based and clinical samples, which opens different fields of application. In a second step, the occurrence of the different aspects of pressure as well as variations according to individual characteristics (gender, age and weight status) have been investigated, revealing that girls as well as overweight students are particularly faced with social pressure. Moreover, the transition from early to middle adolescence as well as school transitions appear to be a crucial periods for the establishment of appearance related social pressure. Finally, the study delivers longitudinal evidence of the crucial impact of three types of social pressure on changes in body dissatisfaction over a one-year period. First of all, the results point to the crucial impact of friends in the development of body concerns among girls and boys alike. Second, the feeling of exclusion emerged as an important predictor of weight concerns in boys. Third, parental encouragement to control weight and shape play a crucial part in the development of body concerns. Summing up, the dissertation aimed at clarifying the role of appearance-related social pressure as a risk factor of body concerns during adolescence. The provided instrument allowed a reliable and differentiated analysis of different aspects of pressure. By this means, the results do not only point to interesting gender-specific mechanisms but also contribute to a better understanding of the impact of social pressure. These findings provide concrete targets for prevention and intervention and can also contribute to concretize already established sociocultural models.

Der sozioökonomischen Status: Ein Risikofaktor für psychische Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter

Besser, Anna 04 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Emotional openness in overweight and normal-weight adolescents

Walther, Mireille, Hilbert, Anja 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Obesity is common in adolescence and associated with medical complications. As maladaptive emotional processing is assumed to influence obesity, this research investigated emotional openness (EO), a general model of emotional processing, in normal-weight versus overweight adolescents, with consideration of gender differences, in order to determine whether a particular EO profile is characteristic of overweight adolescents. This research also explored the psychometric characteristics of the Dimensions of Openness to Emotions Questionnaire (DOE-20), a comprehensive multifactorial instrument that assesses emotional processing. The DOE-20 and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) short form were completed by 160 adolescents (mean age: 14.36 ± 0.61 years), 39 of which were overweight. A multivariate analysis of variance showed no difference with respect to overweight status, but better ability to recognize and regulate emotions in boys than girls. The original five-factor structure of the DOE-20 was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis; however, internal consistency was modest. As this research did not replicate the EO profile previously found in obese adults, we discuss the adequacy of the DOE-20 to evaluate EO in adolescents as well as the ability of the construct of EO to assess emotional processing in obesity. Further research should examine the links between EO, problematic eating behaviors, and obesity.

Childhood loss of control eating over five-year follow-up

Hilbert, Anja, Brauhardt, Anne 30 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: Emerging prospective evidence from mixed samples, mostly covering short-term follow-up periods, suggests that childhood loss of control (LOC) eating predicts significant impairment in mental and physical health. This study sought to investigate the natural course of childhood LOC eating over the long term and in relation to binge eating disorder (BED) diagnosis, psychopathology, and body weight trajectory in the community. Method: A total of 60 children (8-13 years) with LOC eating within the past three months and 60 demographically-matched children without LOC history were assessed with the Eating Disorder Examination adapted for Children and self-report questionnaires over a 5.5 year follow-up period. Missing data were imputed. Results: Over follow-up, 38.3% of children showed persistent LOC eating, and 28.3% revealed an onset of LOC eating. Persistent LOC eating significantly predicted onset of partial-/full-syndrome BED at follow-up. Negative prognostic effects on eating disorder psychopathology, depressive symptoms, and body mass index were non-significant. Discussion: The results indicate a moderate stability of LOC eating over the long term. LOC eating, especially if stable, was suggested as a variable risk factor of clinically relevant eating disturbances. In contrast, a prognostic value for psychopathology and body mass index was not confirmed.

Emotional openness, problematic eating behaviours, and overweight in adolescents

Walther, Mireille, Hilbert, Anja 28 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Overweight, a common health condition in adolescence, has been linked with difficulties in emotional processing. This study investigates associations between emotional processing, conceptualised through the model of Emotional Openness (EO), problematic eating behaviours, including Eating in the Absence of Hunger and disinhibited eating, and overweight in adolescents. Several self-report instruments were completed by 160 youngsters (mean age: 14.36 ± 0.61 years) from the community, including 39 overweight and obese adolescents (24.5%). In girls, bootstrap analyses supported a mediating effect of restrained eating on the relation between three EO dimensions and body mass index percentile, in particular the communication of emotions, the cognitive-conceptual representation of emotions, and the perception of bodily indicator of emotions. No mediating effect was found in boys. These results have important implications for psychological weight management interventions, as they underline the relevance of work on emotional processing in order to reduce problematic eating behaviours.

Die Probleme des Trainings von Gewichthebern im Kindes- und Jugendalter / The problems of the Weightlifters

EBADA, KHALED ABD EL RAOUF 11 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Emotional openness in overweight and normal-weight adolescents

Walther, Mireille, Hilbert, Anja January 2014 (has links)
Obesity is common in adolescence and associated with medical complications. As maladaptive emotional processing is assumed to influence obesity, this research investigated emotional openness (EO), a general model of emotional processing, in normal-weight versus overweight adolescents, with consideration of gender differences, in order to determine whether a particular EO profile is characteristic of overweight adolescents. This research also explored the psychometric characteristics of the Dimensions of Openness to Emotions Questionnaire (DOE-20), a comprehensive multifactorial instrument that assesses emotional processing. The DOE-20 and the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) short form were completed by 160 adolescents (mean age: 14.36 ± 0.61 years), 39 of which were overweight. A multivariate analysis of variance showed no difference with respect to overweight status, but better ability to recognize and regulate emotions in boys than girls. The original five-factor structure of the DOE-20 was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis; however, internal consistency was modest. As this research did not replicate the EO profile previously found in obese adults, we discuss the adequacy of the DOE-20 to evaluate EO in adolescents as well as the ability of the construct of EO to assess emotional processing in obesity. Further research should examine the links between EO, problematic eating behaviors, and obesity.

Emotional openness, problematic eating behaviours, and overweight in adolescents

Walther, Mireille, Hilbert, Anja January 2015 (has links)
Overweight, a common health condition in adolescence, has been linked with difficulties in emotional processing. This study investigates associations between emotional processing, conceptualised through the model of Emotional Openness (EO), problematic eating behaviours, including Eating in the Absence of Hunger and disinhibited eating, and overweight in adolescents. Several self-report instruments were completed by 160 youngsters (mean age: 14.36 ± 0.61 years) from the community, including 39 overweight and obese adolescents (24.5%). In girls, bootstrap analyses supported a mediating effect of restrained eating on the relation between three EO dimensions and body mass index percentile, in particular the communication of emotions, the cognitive-conceptual representation of emotions, and the perception of bodily indicator of emotions. No mediating effect was found in boys. These results have important implications for psychological weight management interventions, as they underline the relevance of work on emotional processing in order to reduce problematic eating behaviours.

Childhood loss of control eating over five-year follow-up

Hilbert, Anja, Brauhardt, Anne January 2014 (has links)
Objective: Emerging prospective evidence from mixed samples, mostly covering short-term follow-up periods, suggests that childhood loss of control (LOC) eating predicts significant impairment in mental and physical health. This study sought to investigate the natural course of childhood LOC eating over the long term and in relation to binge eating disorder (BED) diagnosis, psychopathology, and body weight trajectory in the community. Method: A total of 60 children (8-13 years) with LOC eating within the past three months and 60 demographically-matched children without LOC history were assessed with the Eating Disorder Examination adapted for Children and self-report questionnaires over a 5.5 year follow-up period. Missing data were imputed. Results: Over follow-up, 38.3% of children showed persistent LOC eating, and 28.3% revealed an onset of LOC eating. Persistent LOC eating significantly predicted onset of partial-/full-syndrome BED at follow-up. Negative prognostic effects on eating disorder psychopathology, depressive symptoms, and body mass index were non-significant. Discussion: The results indicate a moderate stability of LOC eating over the long term. LOC eating, especially if stable, was suggested as a variable risk factor of clinically relevant eating disturbances. In contrast, a prognostic value for psychopathology and body mass index was not confirmed.

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