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Life Cycle Cost för datanätverk -en ekonomisk jämförelse av operativsystem / Life Cycle Cost for a computer network -an economical comparison between operating systemsLiljedahl, Magnus, Näsholm, Robert January 2000 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företag behöver i dagens samhälle robusta och pålitliga datasystem. För att bygga ett väl fungerande nätverk måste dessa baseras på bra operativ- systemprogramvara. Den fria programvaran, Linux, har stärkt konkurrensen på marknaden för operativsystem. Att konkurrensen hårdnat gör det intressant att undersöka ifall kostnaderna för anskaffning och användning skiljer sig åt mellan olika operativsystem. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att skapa en LCC-modell vilken skall appliceras på operativsystem i datanätverk. Vidare skall vi använda modellen till att jämföra totalkostnaden för att anskaffa och nyttja operativsystem i datanätverk under nätverkets livstid. Genomförande: För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi genomfört personliga intervjuer med ekonomi- och dataansvariga på tio olika organisationer. Utifrån dessa intervjuer har vi tillsammans med litteraturstudier konstruerat en LCC-modell. Denna har vi sedan använt för att skapa en reviderad LCC-modell som vi ansatt för att jämföra totalkostnaden för att nyttja Linux respektive Windows NT i sitt nätverk. Resultat: Resultatet är en LCC-modell som kan användas i en rad olika syften. Vår reviderade modell visade att ett renodlat Linuxsystem är ett billigare alternativän ett renodlat Windows NT-system. Behovet har dock visat sig vara viktigare än priset vid val av system. För att reducera kostnader är det viktigt att satsa på utbildning och kvalitet.
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Undersökning av komfortkyla i en kontorsfastighetEriksson, Daniel, Karlsson, Jörgen Unknown Date (has links)
The use of air-conditioning and comfort cooling in offices and stores has been increasing during recent years. Adnot, (2002) reports an increased use in commercial buildings by 200 % from 1990 to 2002. The increase is primarily due to the growing use of electrical equipment generating internal heat. The enhanced public demands of the indoor climate are yet another explanation to the increase. The main cooling method used is mechanical chillers based on vapor compression. Many of these cooling systems are old and will shortly become obsolete which gives the property holder a chance to improve in his cooling system. The office building Mercurius 12 in Karlstad operates activities that require comfort cooling. The cooling method used is conventional vapor compression which is distributed by an airborne system. The property consists of two buildings one built in 1939 and one in 1970. The property is 7700 m2 and accommodates one apartment, offices and stores. The property is currently housing 190 people. The aim of this report is that on a basis of life-cycle costs analyze how a change of cooling methods and cooling needs are connected to the Life-cycle costs of the cooling. The practicability of each change shall also be investigated. The calculation of the life-cycle costs and heat surpluses have been made using generally accepted formulas that has been outlined in Excel. All of the simulated measures to reduce the building's life-cycle costs in terms of internal heat and solar radiation pays off. The higher energy prices, the greater savings. The Cooling tower method is the chilling process that provides the minimum life-cycle costs, both with both air and waterborne distribution system. Vapor compression used with today’s energy prices provides comparatively to the other investigated methods a low life-cycle cost. The vapor compression method is however not as good if the energy price would get higher than today.
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Maintenance impact on Production Profitability - A Case StudyEnofe, Obamwonyi Martyn, Aimienrovbiye, Gregory January 2010 (has links)
Maintenance has had a tremendous impact on company’s proficiency to optimize its production system in order to meet its long term objectives. Generally, a production system in which maintenance is not given attention may easily lead to the system producing defective product as a result of machine defect. The purpose of this thesis is to utilized tools and methods to analyze the impact of maintenance implementation in a production system. The analytical Hierarchy process was utilized to filter the defining factors and sub-factors considered to be related to the life length and performance of production equipment in the research which was carried out at SCA Packaging Sweden AB. Various cost associated with these factors were analyzed using the cost breakdown structure, an element of life cycle cost analysis. Finally, economic evaluation of the filtered factors was performed to show the benefits associated with implementing maintenance. The result shows that while investment on maintenance implementation might be a cost at the earlier stage of implementation because it is hard to measure and follow up its impact on company’s business. Nevertheless, its role in improving company productivity profitability is indispensable. Thus, maintenance is a profit centre rather than a cost centre.
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A Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Production Location DecisionsDadpouri, Mohammad, Nunna, Kiran January 2011 (has links)
This report is the result of a master thesis with a focus on risk analysis of production location decisions. The project is a part of “PROLOC-manufacturing footprint during the product’s life cycle”. The main aim of this thesis is to point out how current applicable risk analysis techniques evaluate the risks involved in production location decisions and then underline the most important risks involved in production location decisions and elicit strengths and weaknesses of these methods.A systematic review of literature with a focus on journal papers of risk analysis and production fields is conducted by using the content analysis and coding technique. The current risk analysis techniques identified are failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), life cycle cost (LCC) analysis, and system based techniques like multiobjective analysis, decision tree analysis, and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In addition two identified frameworks of foreign direct investment (FDI) and international production are the research fields that have contributed extensively in identifying various risks of production location decisions.Having reviewed the literature, it is realized that majority of companies take a short sighted vision in choosing production location and consider just cost based issues like cheaper raw material and low labour cost in some countries and simply ignore uncertainties that can be sources of political, economic, social, competitive, and seismic risks. Low cost countries are usually situated in politically instable areas that can cause long production halts or expropriation. Political risk is mainly identified in FDI literature and is usually triggered by a political turmoil, coup d’état, or revolution. On the other hand cheap labour does not necessarily mean decrease in costs and might bring about quality issues and damage company prestige among customers which results in time and monetary loss. Currency exchange and inflation in costs often causes the initial forecast and cost analysis go wrong. Supply risks are because of disruption of ties with raw material or part suppliers in home country and might result in risk of misuse by new suppliers or partners. Also the seismic risk is introduced as a separate category of risks of production location decisions which can be considered a matter of more investigation and requires further research.The study also presents a review of strengths and weaknesses of existing risk analysis techniques of production location decisions. The lack of consistency, vagueness of information, unfamiliarity with design to cost concept are among the major weaknesses of risk analysis techniques of production location decisions. The study concludes with the fact that just considering the cost oriented factors like cheap labour and raw material by production companies exposed them to various risk and might make the whole investment in vain. Suggestions for further study on techniques and risks of production location decisions are also proposed.
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Low - Cost Carriers ✈ A Revised Business Model For Future SuccessKarakan, Taha Mehmet, Elison, Joachim, hellqvist, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Slitage i studentbostäder / Wear in student housingNilsson, Henrik, Andersson, Sixten January 2015 (has links)
Deta examensarbete undersöker slitaget i Växjöbostäders studentlägenheter genom att genomföra en enkätundersökning och att göra ekonomiska bedömningar av material för ytskikt. De ekonomiska bedömningarna görs med hjälp av livscykelanalys (LCC) och de material som analyserades var golv, väggbeklädnad och bänkskiva. Examensarbetet undersöker också andra faktorer som kan påverka slitage.
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Lifecycle cost and CO2 emission comparison of conventional and rationalized bridgesLiu, Chunlu, Kim, In-Tae, Tsubouchi, Saori, Itoh, Yoshito January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Life Cycle Cost Analysis in the Swedish Automation Industry : A Case Study for developing a Total Cost of Ownership Model for Industrial RobotsLandscheidt, Steffen January 2015 (has links)
Automation plays an important role when dealing with changes caused by globalization. The introduction of industrial robots is widely seen as an effective strategy against rising competition and outsourcing to low-cost countries. With the launch of amongst other the “Industrie 4.0” initiative, automation has been put into focus more than ever before and it is seen as the future way of production. Although the investment decisions for industrial robots are quite complex, the final purchasing decision is often only based on the initial offering. Procurement decisions based only the initial price are often poor decisions since they do not consider the hidden costs such as maintenance costs or energy consumption. A far better alternative is to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of industrial robots and use this as the fundament in the decision making process. The TCO incorporates all costs from acquisition to the disposal of the industrial robot cell. The study develops, based on a TCO and total value of ownership (TVO) model for industrial robots, an operational template, which can be used in the sales process. By applying the case study research methodology, the model is developed based on a literature review as well as on expert knowledge from employees of Yaskawa Nordic AB (YNR). Qualitative and quantitate data is gathered at two customer companies and the most crucial factors are identified in order to create a simple, operational template. As most important factors, operators’ wages, spare parts and energy consumptions have been identified. However, while the development of a general model is accomplished in a satisfying way, the realization of the template is hindered due to too few available data. The study shows that many companies cannot control the costs, which are created by their automation equipment. This leads to the conclusion that with further implementation of tools for “Industrie 4.0” the model and template can be revised allowing far more precise TCO/TVO calculations.
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Fjärrvärmens konkurrenskraft : En analys av olika uppvärmningsteknikers kostnadseffektivitet och kunders beslutsfattande / The competitiveness of district heating : An analysis of the cost efficiency of a number of heating technologies and customer’s decision makingAngren, Jimmy, Arnoldsson, Joel January 2014 (has links)
Historiskt sett har den Svenska värmemarknaden dominerats av fjärrvärmen som i princip varit det enda kostnadseffektiva alternativet där det funnits tillgängligt. På senare tid har dock spelreglerna börjat på att förändras, bland annat på grund av värmepumparnas intåg, en förändrad energipolitik och ökade kundkrav – vilket har lett till en mer konkurrensutsatt marknad. Denna studie syftar till att både kvantitativt och kvalitativt analysera fjärrvärmens konkurrenskraft jämfört med alternativa uppvärmningstekniker, med fokus på segmenten flerbostadshus, övriga- samt offentliga lokaler. Efter en inledande marknadsundersökning bedömdes värmepumpar i kombination med el eller fjärrvärme, samt pellets i kombination med RME, kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga med fjärrvärme. Därefter beräknades livscykelkostnaden för dessa värmesystem för en generell fastighet som en funktion av dess energibehov och utnyttjningstid, samt för ett antal typanvändare. Dessa typanvändare identifierades genom att analysera förbrukningsstatistik från Vattenfall. Vidare genomfördes flera intervjuer med branschexperter parallellt med att en enkät sammanställdes som riktade sig till energi- och klimatrådgivare i Sverige. Enkäten syftade till att få en nulägesbeskrivning av fastighetsägares syn på värmemarknaden och på så sätt bidra till den kvalitativa analysdelen. Resultatet visar att det rent kostnadsmässigt är små skillnader mellan fjärrvärme och övriga alternativ givet de antaganden som författarna anser är rimliga. För ett typiskt flerbostadshus är fjärrvärme mer fördelaktigt men för en typisk övrig eller offentlig lokal är bergvärme ett marginellt bättre alternativ. Frånluftsvärmepump med fjärrvärme är i båda fallen en billig lösning. Dock visar känslighetsanalysen att det kan skilja med mer än en faktor 2,5 i livscykelkostnad för samtliga alternativ beroende på vilka antaganden som görs. Således är valet av värmesystem ur fastighetsägarens perspektiv nära kopplat till riskbedömning, vad denne tror om framtiden och vilken relation de har till nuvarande värmeleverantör. För alla fastighetsägare är säker och problemfri drift den viktigaste parametern utöver kostnaden. Det finns även en ovisshet kring framtida prishöjningar av både el- och fjärrvärme, vilket leder till osäkra kalkyler. Därför kan förtroendet och relationen med nuvarande värmeleverantör vara avgörande vid en beslutssituation. En hög investeringskostnad är också en tydlig barriär - parallellt som investeringen ofta konkurrerar med andra energi- och fastighetsåtgärder om samma budget. Miljöfrågan är viktig för offentliga lokaler och kan vara det även för övriga lokaler, men är sällan av stor betydelse för flerbostadshus. Sammanfattningsvis är det svårt att avgöra vilket alternativ som är mest konkurrenskraftigt i dagsläget. Flera faktorer spelar in och livscykelkostnaden kan variera kraftigt mellan bästa och sämsta fall för uppvärmningsalternativen. Emellertid indikerar denna studie att en effektbaserad prismodell leder till att fjärrvärmen stärker sin konkurrenssituation bland flerbostadshus men blir mer utsatt i segmenten offentliga respektive övriga lokaler. Särskilt i det senare är bergvärmepumpar ett växande hot. För att bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft är det viktigt att fjärrvärmeleverantörerna är transparenta och tydliga i kommunikationen mot sina kunder, framförallt när det gäller prisutvecklingen. På sikt kan affärsmodellen och erbjudandet behöva innafatta mer än bara värmeleveransen, exempelvis stöd vid energieffektivisering, miljöcertifierad värme samt ett komforterbjudande. / Historically, the Swedish heat market has been dominated by district heating, which basically has been the only cost effective option where it’s available. Lately, however, the situation has begun to change, partly because of the increased efficiency of heat pumps, but also due to changes in energy policies and increased customer demands - which has led to a more competitive heating market. This study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the competitiveness of district heating compared to alternative heating technologies, focusing on three segments; apartment buildings, public facilities and other premises. After an initial market analysis, heat pumps in combination with electricity or district heating as peak load, as well as pellets in combination with RME, were identified as the most competitive alternatives to district heating. The estimated life cycle cost of the heating systems was then calculated for a number of facilities, as a function of its energy needs and utilization time. These facilities were chosen based on consumption statistics from Vattenfall. Furthermore, several interviews with industry experts were conducted, in parallel with an inquiry that was addressed to energy and climate advisers in Sweden. The survey aimed to get an up-to-date status report of property owners' views on the heat market and thus contribute to the qualitative analysis. The result shows, given the assumptions that the authors find reasonable, that there are minor differences between district heating and its competition if viewed from a cost perspective only. For a typical apartment building, district heating is slightly more beneficial, but for a typical public facility/other premise geothermal heat is a marginally cheaper option. Exhaust air heat pump with district heating as peak load is in both cases a cost effective option. However, the sensitivity analysis shows that the life cycle cost can differ by more than a factor of 2,5 for all heating systems depending on what assumptions are made. Hence, the choice of heating system is from the property owner's perspective closely related to perceived risk and the extent to which trust towards the heat supplier exists. Effortless and reliable operations appear to be the most important factor besides costs for all customer types. Also, there is uncertainity about future price development among all segments, which can lead to impaired calculations. Thus, the customers’ trust for the existing heat distributor, as well as the relationship between them, may fundamentally affect the choice of heating system. A high investment cost is a crucial barrier since it carries a higher risk while also competing with other efficiency measures about the same budget. Public facility owners are keen about the environmental aspects while this question is of less importance for apartment buildings owners. It may be of importance for other premise owners depending on the owner. In summary, it’s difficult to determine the most competitive heating system since the cost effectiveness for all heating systems can vary a lot depending on the assumptions. However, this study indicates that a power based price model will strengthen the competitiveness for district heating among apartment buildings. Among public facilities and other premises it will become more vulnerable to other heating technologies, especially to geological heat pumps. To stay competitive it’s important for district heating distributors to be transparent and clear in the communication with their customers, particularly in regards of price development. In the long term it may be necessary to include more than district heating in their offer, for example support in energy efficiency measures, an environmentally certified heat supply or an offer of guaranteed indoor- comfort.
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Bioprodutos derivados de biomassa vegetal no combate ao mosquito transmissor da dengue - Aedes aegypti / Bioproducts from biomass plant from Adenanthera pavonina and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid – CNSL with potential larvicidal and ovicidal activity against the mosquito Aedes aegyptiEsmeraldo, Milena Alencar January 2016 (has links)
ESMERALDO, Milena Alencar. Bioprodutos derivados de biomassa vegetal no combate ao mosquito transmissor da dengue - Aedes aegypti. 2016. 117 f. Tese (Doutorado em Biotecnologia)-Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2016. / Submitted by Jairo Viana (jairo@ufc.br) on 2016-12-29T19:20:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector responsible for the spread of diseases like Chikungunya Fever, Zika and Dengue. Due to the absence of an effective vaccine for all kinds of diseases, the control is still accomplished through the elimination of potential mosquito breeding grounds by applying larvicides during the period of transmission. Regarding to pesticides, the most used are becoming obsolete due to the emergence of resistant strains of mosquitoes. Given this context, this study aimed at obtaining, characterizing and testing bioproducts to selective control of larvae and eggs of Aedes aegypti, adding value to the plant biomass, more precisely the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid technical and natural and constituents cardanol, cardol acting as core material and galactomannans derived of the endosperm of seeds of Adenanthera pavonina L. species as encapsulant. Encapsulated bioproducts, obtained by spray drying Spray Dryer, were characterized by spectroscopy Scanning Electron Microscopy - SEM, Thermogravimetric analysis - TG, Dynamic Light Scattering - DLS and through the kinetic profiles of release in vivo and in vitro. Laboratory bioassays were performed with larvae of the 3rd stage Aedes aegypti mosquito at different concentrations (10 - 20 - 40 – 80 -100 – 200 - 400 - 800 - 1000) ppm of bioproducts. Above 200 ppm concentration all bioproducts showed mortality rates above 80%, mainly noted for LCC natural, and the percentage considered acceptable by the World Health Organization - WHO to larvicides. Biological assays oviposition and ovicidal activity in the concentration range (200 - 500 - 800) ppm were also performed showing percentage repellence oviposition above 60% and low rates of hatching eggs and larvae growth. These results bring good prospects regarding the use of bioproducts in combat / control the mosquito Aedes aegypti suggesting potential applications in the precepts of Green Chemistry. / O mosquito Aedes aegypti é o principal transmissor responsável pela disseminação de doenças como Febre Chikungunya, Zika e Dengue. Na ausência de uma vacina eficaz para todos os tipos de afecções transmitidas, o controle ainda é realizado por meio da eliminação dos criadouros potenciais dos mosquitos através da aplicação de larvicidas e inseticidas durante o período de transmissão. No tocante aos inseticidas, os mais usados estão se tornando obsoletos devido ao surgimento de linhagens de mosquitos resistentes. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho tem como proposta a obtenção, caracterização e aplicação de bioprodutos para o controle das larvas e ovos do mosquito Aedes aegypti, a partir principalmente de biomassa vegetal, mais precisamente o Líquido da casca da castanha de caju natural e técnico, os constituintes cardanol, cardol, atuando como material de núcleo e galactomananas oriundas de endospermas de sementes da espécie Adenanthera pavonina L. como material encapsulante. Os bioprodutos encapsulados, obtidos através de secagem por atomização em Spray Dryer, foram caracterizados estruturalmente por espectroscopia de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura - MEV, Termogravimetria - TG, Espalhamento de Luz Dinâmico - DLS e através dos perfis cinéticos de liberação in vivo e in vitro. Ensaios biológicos com larvas de 3º estágio do mosquito Aedes aegypti foram realizados em diferentes concentrações (10 – 20 – 40 – 80 – 100 - 200 – 400 -800 – 1000) ppm dos bioprodutos. Em concentrações acima de 200 ppm todos os bioprodutos apresentaram índices de mortalidade acima de 80%, principalmente observado para o LCC natural, sendo este percentual considerado satisfatório para larvicidas pela Organização Mundial de Sáude - OMS. Ensaios biológicos de atividade de oviposição e ovicida no intervalo de concentrações (200 - 500 – 800) ppm também foram realizados apresentando percentuais de repelência à oviposição acima de 60 % bem como baixos índices de eclosão dos ovos e crescimento das larvas. Esses resultados trazem boas perspectivas quanto à utilização destes bioprodutos no combate/controle ao mosquito Aedes aegypti sugerindo potenciais aplicações nos preceitos da Química Verde.
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