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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investeringsbedömning: En kvalitativ studie om hur Atea AB bedömer investeringar av automatiserad karaktär.

Al-Sakeeri, Hasan, Barazi, Omar January 2023 (has links)
Theheighteneduseofautomatizationindifferentmarketshasmadeahugeimpactformany differenttypesofcompaniesthatwanttotakeadvantageofthetechnicalachievementsto remaincompetitiveinthemarket.Automatizationhasmanydifferentaspects,makingit importantforcompaniestodeeplyanalyzetheorganizationalstructureandcurrent operativecapacitytodecideifautomatizationcansatisfytheircurrentandfutureneeds.Itis alsoimportanttodevelopeffectiveinvestmentcalculationstocorrectlyassesstheviability ofautomatization.Thisstudyaimstoexploretheeffectsofautomatization,specificallyin fieldsincompanieslikeeconomy,competence,ergonomicsandefficiency,aswellas understandingwhichmethodsandcriteriasAteaLogisticsABusesinassessinginvestment ofautomatedcharacterandwhatriskstheseinvestmentscanpotentiallyhaveinthework environment.Thisisdonebycomparingthetheoryofthesedifferentconceptswiththe empiricalevidenceprovidedbythecompany.Byanalyzingempiricalevidencewiththe literature,thisstudyaimstogiveinsightsonthedifferenteffectsthatautomatizationcan havebasedondifferentparameters. / Denökadeanvändningenavautomatiseringpåolikamarknaderharhaftstorbetydelseför mångaolikatyperavföretagsomvilldrafördelavdetekniskalandvinningarnaförattförbli konkurrenskraftigapåmarknaden.Automatiseringharmångaolikaaspekter,vilketgördet viktigtförföretagattdjupgåendeanalyseraorganisationsstrukturenochnuvarandeoperativa kapacitetförattavgöraomautomatiseringkantillgodosederasnuvarandeochframtida behov.Detärocksåviktigtattutvecklaeffektivainvesteringskalkylerförattkorrektbedöma automatiseringenslönsamhet.Dennastudiesyftartillattutforskaeffekternaav automatisering,specifiktinomområdeniföretagsomekonomi,kompetens,ergonomioch effektivitet,samtförståvilkametoderochkriterierAteaLogisticsABanvänderföratt bedömainvesteringaravautomatiseradkaraktärochvilkariskerdessainvesteringar potentielltkanha.iarbetsmiljön.Dettagörsgenomattjämförateorinfördessaolika begreppmeddeempiriskabevissomföretagettillhandahåller.Genomattanalyseraempiri medlitteraturensyftardennastudietillattgeinsikteromdeolikaeffektersom automatiseringkanhautifrånolikaparametrar.

Modelling and methodology apllied to evaluate multi-infeed performance of HVDC transmission systems. / Modelagem e metodologia aplicadas a avaliação da performance de sistemas mult-infeed de transmissão HVDC.

Pedroso, Felipe Rocha Velloso de Almeida 30 August 2017 (has links)
The Brazilian transmission system covers a large area, with a high concentration of consumer centres in the Southeast region and abundant hydro generation in the North. To connect these regions, some of the transmission lines might reach 2500 km length, creating a challenging situation. In this context, system planners have been defining the use of HVDC systems as the most feasible choice of transmission investment. It is so, recognized that the connections of power plants in the Northern region to the load centres in the Southeast will require a significant number of bipoles and, until the present moment, all the operational and planned HVDC lines are based on the converter technology known as LCC (Line Commutated Converter) and consequently subject to commutation failure. Currently, the Brazilian system has four LCC bipoles, with two other bipoles under construction. Although the Southeast grid is strong, the connection of two additional bipoles is a concern as the interaction between these inverters may cause strong effects on one another, a phenomenon known as multi-infeed interaction. In such a situation, the assessment of the system operation, possible outages and possible mitigation methods are of paramount importance. This document presents a different methodology for the analysis of the multi-infeed system mentioned and focuses on its validation by analysing operation under normal conditions and with the implementation of established mitigation methods. The investigation was carried out with EMT, power flow, short-circuit and electromechanical softwares in a very large AC system composed by 100 buses on EMT and full Brazilian system on the rest. The effects of faults were analysed and the areas containing the buses where a fault leads to multiple commutation failures were identified. / O sistema de brasileiro de transmissão abrange uma área ampla, com uma alta concentração de consumo na região Sudeste e abundante geração hidrelétrica no Norte. Para conectar essas regiões, algumas das linhas de transmissão podem alcançar comprimentos de 2500 km, criando uma situação desafiadora. Neste contexto, os planejadores de sistemas têm definido o uso de sistemas HVDC como a escolha mais viável de investimento em transmissão. É então reconhecido que as conexões de usinas na região Norte aos centros consumidores no Sudeste exigirão um número significativo de bipolos e, até o momento presente, todas as linhas HVDC operacionais e planejadas são baseadas na tecnologia de conversão conhecida como LCC (Line Commutated Converter) e consequentemente sujeito a falha de comutação. Atualmente, o sistema brasileiro tem quatro bipolos LCC, com outros dois bipolos em construção. Embora a rede do Sudeste seja considerada forte, a conexão de dois bipolos adicionais é uma preocupação, pois a interação entre esses inversores pode causar efeitos danosos uns sobre os outros, um fenômeno conhecido como interação multi-infeed. Em tal situação, a avaliação da operação do sistema, possíveis interrupções e possíveis métodos de mitigação são de suma importância. Este documento apresenta uma metodologia diferente para a análise do sistema multi-infeed mencionado e foca em sua validação, analisando a operação em condições normais e com a implementação de métodos de mitigação conhecidos. A investigação foi realizada com softwares EMT, de curto circuito, fluxo de potência e estabilidade eletromecância em um sistema CA muito grande composto por 100 barras em EMT e sistema brasileiro completo no resto. Os efeitos das falhas foram analisados e as áreas que contêm as barras onde uma falha leva a múltiplas falhas de comutação foram identificadas.

Energibesparande åtgärder i livsmedelsbutiker / Energy saving measures in grocery stores

Karlsson, Mattias, Malmström, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
Underlaget till rapporten är att KF fastigheter arbetar aktivt med att minska energiförbrukningen i sina livsmedelsbutiker. För att underlätta beslutstagande och utvärdera olika nyinvesteringar har vi utformat en lathund för energibesparande åtgärder. Lathunden levereras som Excelfiler med förprogrammerade formler. Rapporten inriktar sig på kyl- och frysdiskar samt belysning eftersom dessa står för merparten (76 %) av den totala elförbrukningen i en livsmedelsbutik. Nyckelord: Energibesparing, Livsmedelsbutik, belysning, ljuskällor, Kyldisk, frysdisk, kylsystem, köldmedier, LCC, pay off, KF-fastigheter, kylsystem, köldmedier, lathund, beräkningsmall.

Utredning av behovsstyrd ventilation : En jämförelse mellan CAV och VAV

Ängalid, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport är ett examensarbete på C-nivå som görs i sammarbete med teknikkonsulten Ramböll. Det vanligaste sättet att ventilera en byggnad idag är med så kallad CAV-ventilation (Constant Air Volume). Denna metod bygger på att ett luftflöde bestäms för rummet och upprätthålls med konstant flöde. En annan metod är så kallad VAV (Variable Air Volume) som bygger på att flödet varierar efter behovet. Anledningen till varför man väljer VAV istället för CAV är att med CAV finns det ofta en stor risk att man överventilerar ett rum eller byggnad, just på grund av att flödet är konstant. Problemet med VAV är att det är en högre investeringskostnad än för CAV så metoden lämpar sig bara där energibesparingen är så stor så den täcker mellanskillnaden i pris. Denna utredning visar i vilka typer av rum som det kan löna sig att installera VAV istället för det traditionella CAV-systemet. För att undersöka detta sker simuleringar av fiktiva modeller i programmet IDA Indoor Climate & Energy (IDA). IDA är ett simuleringsverktyg som används till att simulera den termiska komforten i byggnader samt byggnadens energianvändning. De olika rumstyperna som simuleras är: klassrummet, kontoret och mötesrummet. De olika fallen är utformade så att de liknar så som de ser ut i verkligheten både till geometri och nyttjandegrad. Om något av fallen visade sig vara en bra kandidat för att förse med VAV fortsätter utredningen med att fastställa hur stort bör flödet vara för att energibesparingen ska bli så stor så att det täcker investeringskostnaden. Den ekonomiska kalkyleringen sker både med en livscykelkostnadsanalys och med en enklare återbetalningstidskalkyl. Resultatet för simuleringarna visade att den enda rumstypen i denna utredning som var lönsam var mötesrummet. Klassrummet och kontoret visade sig båda ge en förlust. Detta var eftersom nyttjandegraden för dessa rum var så pass hög så att ventilationen med VAV var igång nästan lika mycket som för CAV. För mötesrummet var nyttjandegraden betydligt lägre vilket innebar att energibesparingen blev så pass hög att den täckte den höga investeringskostnaden. För mötesrummet gjordes sedan en flödesanalys som visade att rummets luftflöde bör vara dimensionerat för mellan omkring 20 – 30 personer för att vara en lönsam investering.

Selecting the best strategy to improve quality, keeping in view the cost and other aspects

Karahasanovic, Ermin, Lönn, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
The purpose with the thesis was to create a general model that can help companies to take the best decision when it comes to improving the quality of an object. The model was created to solve the problem formulation; How to find the best way to improve the quality of an object, focusing primarily on the relationship between cost and quality but also take other important aspects into consideration. Before the model was created a literature study was performed in ELIN without any useable result. After the literature study was performed quality models like Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Total Quality Management (TQM) were studied. The study of QFD and TQM showed that they are somewhat complicated and often consider the entire organisation. Simple Quality Model is a smaller model and focuses only at one object at a time. TQM and QFD have however been good inspiration for the creation of SQM. The model was tested in a real-time situation at Saab Communication. Together with Saab Communication we decided to apply SQM to the Swedish defence telenetwork (FTN). In FTN the model was tested at the basic connections. SQM generated 7 different alternatives to improve the dependability in a basic connection. After the application of SQM it showed that alternative 7 was the best alternative. Alternative 7 was to decrease the switch over time. The switch over is today not handled by a special employee and is instead shared among several workers. By employing two new employees there is a possibility to lower the switch over time with 50% down from today’s 60 minutes to 30. To implement this alternative would bring a cost of 5 374 034 SEK and a quality increase of 0,1398955% for the basic connections in the Swedish defence tele-network.

Solel och solvärme ur LCC-perspektiv för ett passiv-flerbostadshus / PV and solar thermal for a multiple dwelling passive house under a LCC-perspective

Böhme Florén, Simon January 2008 (has links)
This master’s degree project concerns the combination of a multi dwelling passive house with solar energy for the generation of electricity and domestic hot water (DHW). Different alternatives with either solar thermal systems or photovoltaic (PV) systems are compared with two reference alternatives producing DHW from electricity or district heating. The economical comparison uses a life cycle cost (LCC) perspective based on the present value of expenditures for investment, energy and annual operating and maintenance. The energy yields from the solar energy systems were calculated by hand and with simulation software. Calculation and dimensioning of PV systems were carried out with a software called PVSYST. Solar thermal systems were calculated by hand and with the software Winsun Villa Education. Both softwares use hourly weather data for the calculations. The LCCs are lower for the two reference alternatives than for the solar energy alternatives. The reference alternative with district heating generates the lowest LCC. The alternatives with solar thermal energy replace more energy and have significantly lower LCCs than the PV alternatives. The study also shows the importance of using cheap and environmentally friendly backup energy for producing DHW. When aiming for a quantitative energy use target, the DHW-circulation losses ought to be taken into account as these can be extensive.

Life Cycle Costing - Systematisierung bestehender Studien

Höhne, Christoph 30 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Wesensmerkmale des Life Cycle Costing (LCC, dt. Lebenszykluskostenrechnung) und dessen Anwendung veröffentlicht in Fachzeitschriften. Aufgrund der langen Historie des LCC seit Beginn der 30er Jahre, gibt es zu dem Forschungsthema bereits eine Vielzahl theoretischer und empirischer Studien. Dennoch existiert bis heute keine einheitliche Definition oder ein standardisierter methodischer Rahmen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, LCC zu charakterisieren und eine sinnvolle Methode für die Klassifizierung der vorhandenen Forschungsarbeiten zu identifizieren um methodische und inhaltliche Unterschiede darzustellen. Angewandt wird die Methodik des Literature Review, respektive einer Mischform explorativ-induktiver, qualitativer und quantitativer Inhaltsanalyse. Den Prozess der Charakterisierung und Systematisierung leiten folgende Fragestellungen: Was sind die Motivatoren der Anwendung von LCC in Firmen? Gibt es ein standardisiertes Konzept analog zur Ökobilanz (LCA)? Was sind die wesentlichen Vorteile von LCC? Was ist momentan unbefriedigend erforscht? Wo und in welcher Form wird LCC angewandt? Ergeben sich aus F-1 bis F-4 spezifische Anwendungsbereiche? Zu Beginn erfolgt im Sinne der Vision des Life Cycle Thinking eine Erörterung möglicher Motivationen einer Zuwendung zu LCC aus unternehmerischer Entscheidungsperspektive. Dem folgt eine umfangreiche Analyse und Diskussion der wesentlichen Charakterzüge. Ausgehend dieser Erkenntnis ist ein Analyseraster abgeleitet um die zu bewertenden Studien geeignet zu kategorisieren. Ein direktes Ergebnis stellt die Evaluierung von 34 Studien zu LCC dar. Als mittelbare Ergebnisse der Systematisierung gelten die Erkenntnisse zur Wahl einer optimierten Suchstrategie und die Schaffung eines Startpunkts für Forscher, die sich zukünftig mit Detailfragen des LCC beschäftigen.

Selecting the best strategy to improve quality, keeping in view the cost and other aspects

Karahasanovic, Ermin, Lönn, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with the thesis was to create a general model that can help companies to take the best decision when it comes</p><p>to improving the quality of an object. The model was created to solve the problem formulation; How to find the best way to</p><p>improve the quality of an object, focusing primarily on the relationship between cost and quality but also take other</p><p>important aspects into consideration. Before the model was created a literature study was performed in ELIN without any</p><p>useable result. After the literature study was performed quality models like Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Total</p><p>Quality Management (TQM) were studied. The study of QFD and TQM showed that they are somewhat complicated and</p><p>often consider the entire organisation. Simple Quality Model is a smaller model and focuses only at one object at a time.</p><p>TQM and QFD have however been good inspiration for the creation of SQM. The model was tested in a real-time situation</p><p>at Saab Communication. Together with Saab Communication we decided to apply SQM to the Swedish defence telenetwork</p><p>(FTN). In FTN the model was tested at the basic connections. SQM generated 7 different alternatives to improve</p><p>the dependability in a basic connection. After the application of SQM it showed that alternative 7 was the best alternative.</p><p>Alternative 7 was to decrease the switch over time. The switch over is today not handled by a special employee and is</p><p>instead shared among several workers. By employing two new employees there is a possibility to lower the switch over time</p><p>with 50% down from today’s 60 minutes to 30. To implement this alternative would bring a cost of 5 374 034 SEK and a</p><p>quality increase of 0,1398955% for the basic connections in the Swedish defence tele-network.</p>

Síntese de fenilcarbamatos e carbamatos derivados do líquido da casca da castanha de caju (LCC) e posterior avaliação de suas atividades anticolinesterásica e moluscicida / Synthesis of phenylcarbamates and carbamates derived from cashew nut shell liquid (LCC) and subsequent evaluation of its anticholinesterase and molluscicide activities

Araújo, Cleônia Roberta Melo 16 December 2010 (has links)
This work involved the synthesis of N-methylcarbamates, including preparation of this class of compounds from the anacardic acids (7), a main constituent of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL). The carbamates synthesized and their synthetic intermediates were anticholinesterase and molluscicidal potential evaluated. Thus, this work begins with a literature review that addresses the LCC in then was discuss some methodologies related to the synthesis of carbamates. The preliminary phase of work included the study experimental synthetic route for the preparation of amino N-methylcarbamates (152) from m-cresol (151). Obtaining the first synthesis intermediates (9) was initiated by carbamatation of the m-cresol (151). The intermediary then had obtained his position benzylic bromine to produce alkyl halide (176), which was subsequently amine to complete the synthesis of amino N-methylcarbamates (152) sought. Giving following the work, and already knowing the reaction conditions for synthesis of amino N-methylcarbamates from phenols, were initiated experiments to obtain the amino N-methylcarbamates (8) from anacardic acids (7), a constituent of CNSL. At first, the cardanols (12) were prepared from the decarboxylation of anacardic acids (7) and then it was hydrogenated to obtain a phenol, the cardanol hydrogenated (18). The cardanol hydrogenated (18) underwent carbamatation using methyl isocyanate (173), carbamate obtained (177) had its benzylic position bromine and the alkyl halide (178) generated was finally amine with dimethylamine (159). After the four steps synthetic succession, the desired product was obtained with 17% yield overall. Since the successful preparation of 1'-dimethylamino N-methyl hidrocardanilcarbamate (8), were synthesized other carbamates using methyl isocyanate (173). Among these are carbaryl (2) and metolcarbe (9), commercial pesticides and their analogues (10) and (11). N-methylcarbamates (177) and (181) derived from the CNSL, were also prepared using the same methodology. The ability to inhibit AChE and molluscicidal activity of carbamates were then prepared evaluated, and the amino N-methylcarbamates (8) showed an IC50 of 0.17 mM, slightly higher than acetylcholinesterase activity than the metolcarbe (9), whose IC50 value is equal to 0.90 mM. The amino N-methylcarbamates (8) also showed moderate potential to eliminate the mollusk species B. glabrata, and its lethal concentration, LC10, LC50 and LC90 of 7.22 ppm (0.0178 mmol / L), 12.81 ppm (0.0317 mmol / L) and 22.73 ppm (0.0562 mmol / L), respectively. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho envolveu a síntese de N-metilcarbamatos, incluindo a preparação de compostos dessa classe a partir dos ácidos anacárdicos (7), um dos principais constituintes do Líquido da Castanha de Caju (LCC). Os carbamatos sintetizados e os intermediários de síntese tiveram seu potencial anticolinesterásico e moluscicida avaliados. Desta maneira, esta tese tem início com uma revisão bibliográfica que aborda o LCC, em seguida são discutidas algumas metodologias relacionadas com a síntese de carbamatos. A fase preliminar do trabalho compreendeu o estudo experimental da rota sintética para a preparação do amino N-metilcarbamato (152) a partir do m-cresol (151). A obtenção do primeiro intermediário de síntese (9) foi iniciada pela carbamatação do m-cresol (151). O intermediário obtido teve então sua posição benzílica bromada para produzir o bromocomposto (176), o qual foi posteriormente aminado para finalizar a síntese do amino N-metilcarbamato (152) almejado. Dando sequência ao trabalho, e já conhecendo as condições reacionais para a síntese de amino N-metilcarbamatos a partir de fenóis, foram iniciados os experimentos para obtenção do amino N-metilcarbamato (8) a partir dos ácidos anacárdicos (7), constituinte do LCC. A princípio, os cardanóis (12) foram preparados a partir da descarboxilação dos ácidos anacárdicos (7) e em seguida este foi hidrogenado para obter um fenol, o cardanol hidrogenado (18). O cardanol hidrogenado (18) foi submetido à carbamatação utilizando isocianato de metila (173), o carbamato obtido (177) teve sua posição benzílica bromada e o bromocomposto (178) gerado foi finalmente aminado com dimetilamina (159). Após as 4 etapas sintéticas sucessivas, o produto almejado foi obtido com 17% de rendimento global. Visto o sucesso na preparação do 1'-dimetilamino N-metil-hidrocardanilcarbamato (8), foram sintetizados outros carbamatos utilizando isocianato de metila (173). Dentre estes estão o carbaril (2) e metolcarbe (9), pesticidas comerciais, e seus respectivos análogos (10) e (11). Os N-metilcarbamatos (177) e (181) derivados do LCC, também foram preparados utilizando a mesma metodologia. A capacidade de inibir a AChE e a atividade moluscicida dos carbamatos preparados foram então avaliadas, sendo que o amino N-metilcarbamato (8) revelou uma CI50 de 0,17 mM, atividade anticolinesterásica ligeiramente superior que a do metolcarbe (9), cujo valor de CI50 é igual a 0,90 mM. O amino N-metilcarbamato (8) também apresentou potencial moderado em eliminar o molusco da espécie B. glabrata, sendo suas concentrações letais, CL10, CL50 e CL90 de 7,22 ppm (0,0178 mmol/L), 12,81 ppm (0,0317 mmol/L) e 22,73 ppm (0,0562 mmol/L), respectivamente.

Modelling and methodology apllied to evaluate multi-infeed performance of HVDC transmission systems. / Modelagem e metodologia aplicadas a avaliação da performance de sistemas mult-infeed de transmissão HVDC.

Felipe Rocha Velloso de Almeida Pedroso 30 August 2017 (has links)
The Brazilian transmission system covers a large area, with a high concentration of consumer centres in the Southeast region and abundant hydro generation in the North. To connect these regions, some of the transmission lines might reach 2500 km length, creating a challenging situation. In this context, system planners have been defining the use of HVDC systems as the most feasible choice of transmission investment. It is so, recognized that the connections of power plants in the Northern region to the load centres in the Southeast will require a significant number of bipoles and, until the present moment, all the operational and planned HVDC lines are based on the converter technology known as LCC (Line Commutated Converter) and consequently subject to commutation failure. Currently, the Brazilian system has four LCC bipoles, with two other bipoles under construction. Although the Southeast grid is strong, the connection of two additional bipoles is a concern as the interaction between these inverters may cause strong effects on one another, a phenomenon known as multi-infeed interaction. In such a situation, the assessment of the system operation, possible outages and possible mitigation methods are of paramount importance. This document presents a different methodology for the analysis of the multi-infeed system mentioned and focuses on its validation by analysing operation under normal conditions and with the implementation of established mitigation methods. The investigation was carried out with EMT, power flow, short-circuit and electromechanical softwares in a very large AC system composed by 100 buses on EMT and full Brazilian system on the rest. The effects of faults were analysed and the areas containing the buses where a fault leads to multiple commutation failures were identified. / O sistema de brasileiro de transmissão abrange uma área ampla, com uma alta concentração de consumo na região Sudeste e abundante geração hidrelétrica no Norte. Para conectar essas regiões, algumas das linhas de transmissão podem alcançar comprimentos de 2500 km, criando uma situação desafiadora. Neste contexto, os planejadores de sistemas têm definido o uso de sistemas HVDC como a escolha mais viável de investimento em transmissão. É então reconhecido que as conexões de usinas na região Norte aos centros consumidores no Sudeste exigirão um número significativo de bipolos e, até o momento presente, todas as linhas HVDC operacionais e planejadas são baseadas na tecnologia de conversão conhecida como LCC (Line Commutated Converter) e consequentemente sujeito a falha de comutação. Atualmente, o sistema brasileiro tem quatro bipolos LCC, com outros dois bipolos em construção. Embora a rede do Sudeste seja considerada forte, a conexão de dois bipolos adicionais é uma preocupação, pois a interação entre esses inversores pode causar efeitos danosos uns sobre os outros, um fenômeno conhecido como interação multi-infeed. Em tal situação, a avaliação da operação do sistema, possíveis interrupções e possíveis métodos de mitigação são de suma importância. Este documento apresenta uma metodologia diferente para a análise do sistema multi-infeed mencionado e foca em sua validação, analisando a operação em condições normais e com a implementação de métodos de mitigação conhecidos. A investigação foi realizada com softwares EMT, de curto circuito, fluxo de potência e estabilidade eletromecância em um sistema CA muito grande composto por 100 barras em EMT e sistema brasileiro completo no resto. Os efeitos das falhas foram analisados e as áreas que contêm as barras onde uma falha leva a múltiplas falhas de comutação foram identificadas.

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