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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact des éléments trace métalliques sur le milieu et apport de la cytométrie en flux dans l'étude du fonctionnement des lagunes de la décharge d'Etueffont (Territoire de Belfort, France) / Impact of the trace metal element on the environnment and the contribution of flow cytometry to the study of functioning of the lagoons discharge of Etuffont (Territory of Belfort, France

Al Ashoor, Ahmed Shaker 14 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’évaluer le degré de contamination des différents compartiments du site de la décharge d’Étueffont à savoir : les lixiviats, les sédiments, l’eau souterraine, les poissons, les insectes et les microorganismes de la décharge d’Étueffont. Ce travail de recherche est structuré en neuf chapitres.Après une première partie (Part I) consacrée à une étude bibliographique, le deuxième chapitre (Part II) présente le site d’étude, c’est-à-dire l’installation de stockage de déchets non dangereux(ISDND) d’Étueffont. La troisième partie (Part III) est consacrée à l’analyse de la qualité des lixiviats dans les lagunes, les unités de stockage des déchets « Nouveau casier », « Sous casier », « Ancienne décharge », les ruisseaux du gros Pré et Mont Bonnet. La quatrième partie (Part IV) intitulée « Contamination métallique des sédiments du site de la décharge d’Étueffont », aborde l’étude de la variation spatiotemporelle des éléments traces métalliques au niveau des lixiviats et des sédiments dans les quatre lagunes du site de la décharge d’Étueffont. Afin de déterminer le degré de contamination métallique des lixiviats et des sédiments, nous avons procédé à un suivi de certains éléments localisés en amont, au milieu et en aval de chaque lagune avec un pas d’échantillonnage trimestriel entre octobre 2013 et avril 2016. La cinquième partie (Part V), complémentaire du chapitre précédent, définit plus précisément la distribution spatiale du panache à travers l’analyse de la qualité de l’eau souterraine au moyen de piézomètres. La sixième partie (Part VI) concerne les effets des métaux lourds sur les échanges gazeux et la fluorescence des chlorophylles chez (Typha latifolia). Le septième chapitre (Part VII) est consacré à l’étude des microorganismes de la décharge d’Etueffont : apport de la cytométrie en flux. Dans le huitième chapitre (Part VIII), nous aborderons l’étude de la bioaccumulation des éléments traces métalliques dans le Chironome Chironomus riparius. La dernière partie (Part IX) intitulée « Étude de la bioaccumulation des éléments traces métalliques au niveau des différents organes du gardon Rutilus rutilus», aborde l’étude de la bioaccumulation des éléments traces métalliques au niveau de différents organes (muscle, foie, arêtes et branchies). / The objective of this thesis work is to estimate the contamination level in the various compartments of the Étueffont discharge site namely: leachates, sediments, groundwater, fishes and insects. The microorganisms (< 10 µm) of the Étueffont discharge of were investigated at the single cell level by flow cytometry. This research work is structured in nine chapters.The first part (Part I), is dedicated to a literature review. Part II presents the study site, the storage of non-hazardous waste (ISDND) at Étueffont. Part III is dedicated to the analysis of leachate quality in lagoons, NC, SC, AD, MB and GP. Part IV addresses "Metal Sediment Contamination of Étueffont discharge site" It concerns the study of spatial and temporal variation of trace metals in leachate and sediment in the four lagoons landfill site of Étueffont. To determine the metal contamination level in leachate and sediment, we conducted follow-elements located upstream, middle and downstream in each lagoon with quarterly sampling between October 2013 and April 2016. Part V complements the previous chapter, by specifically defining the spatial distribution of the plume through the quality analysis of the piezometer groundwater. Part VI addresses the heavy metals impacts on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in (Typha latifolia). Part VII is dedicated to the microorganisms (<10 µm) investigation in the Étueffont discharge: by using flow cytometry. In the (Part VIII), we addressed the study of bioaccumulation of trace metallic elements (Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Cd and Pb) in insect Chironomus riparius. Part IX entitled "Study bioaccumulation of trace metals in the various organs of roach Rutilus rutilus" concerns bioaccumulation of trace metals in different organs (muscle, liver, bones and gills) of this fish.

Reliability Based Approach for Evaluation of MSW Landfill Designs and Site Selection using GIS

Santhosh, L G January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Dumping of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated due to anthropogenic activities in any barren land or out fields causes severe hazards to human populations, ecosystems and the environment. In order to avoid this, it is required to design landfills in an engineered and scientific manner. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the behaviour of landfills over a period of time, to design landfills for site specific conditions. In this thesis such an attempt is made to evaluate performance of conventional landfill system using a large scale anaerobic reactor in the laboratory. The performance of the containment (bottom liner and final cover) systems is evaluated through numerical modelling and reliability based analysis. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to develop linear regression models. Influence of various parameters and their uncertainty on the reliability of the containment systems are studied for various scenarios and conditions. Reliability assessment of containment systems play a decisive role in taking remedial measures in order to reduce its adverse affects on the environment and human health in the vicinity of landfill sites. On the other hand, pre-assessment of risk guides the engineers, planners and decision makers in achieving the goal of sustainable solid waste management as well as safe landfills. The thesis also includes assessment of vulnerability of groundwater to contamination, identification and ranking of suitable sites for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in the Bengaluru district, using remote sensing and Geographic information system (GIS) integrated with analytical hierarchy process (AHP), a multi criteria decision making tool. The study considers various land use, geological, hydrogeological and environmental factors as criteria. As a result, two most suitable locations are identified around the Bengaluru city and their descriptions are provided. Further, reliability analysis of the suitability of sites is evaluated considering criteria as random variables. The proposed reliability based approach helps the decision makers and planners to choose site locations having low probability of environmental pollution. The provided methods in the thesis can be effectively used for engineered design of landfills.

Dynamik des Stickstoffhaushaltes einer Sand-Braunerde nach vierjähriger Brache in Abhängigkeit von der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzungsintensität

Böhm, Christian 11 July 2005 (has links)
Um für ertragsschwache, sandige Böden des mitteldeutschen Agrarraumes Aussagen bzw. Empfehlungen hinsichtlich einer ökologisch vertretbaren Wiederinbetriebnahme brachgefallener Flächen treffen zu können, wurden auf einem leichten Sandstandort Nordsachsens die Gehalte, Vorräte, Bindungsformen und Dynamik des Kohlen- und Stickstoffs im Boden, nach Inkulturnahme stillgelegter Flächen, bestimmt und quantifiziert. Hierfür erfolgte die Einrichtung von zwei Bewirtschaftungssystemen mit unterschiedlicher Nutzungsintensität. Während sich die Versuchsvariante &amp;quot;Extensive Bewirtschaftung&amp;quot; durch typische Merkmale des ökologischen Landbaus auszeichnete, wurde sich bei der Versuchsvariante &amp;quot;Intensive Bewirtschaftung&amp;quot; an den Methoden der konventionellen Ackerbewirtschaftung orientiert. Um diese Bewirtschaftungsformen mit stillgelegten Flächen vergleichen zu können, wurden Teile des Untersuchungsareals erneut der Sukzession überlassen. Diese bildeten die Versuchsvariante &amp;quot;Brache&amp;quot;. Die Erhebung der Daten erstreckte sich über einen dreijährigen Zeitraum. Neben der Ermittlung von Bodenazidität und ausgewählten C- und N Fraktionen erfolgte die Bestimmung wichtiger bodenmikrobiologischer und biochemischer Kenngrößen. Weitere Untersuchungen bezüglich des C- und N Kreislaufes wurden an Probenmaterial der oberirdischen Phytomasse, des mittels Saugkerzen gewonnenen Sickerwassers sowie des Niederschlagswassers durchgeführt. Zur Prognostizierung nutzungsspezifischer mittel- bis langfristiger Veränderungen des im Boden gebundenen Kohlen- und Stickstoffs wurden Teile der erhobenen Parameter in das Simulationsmodell CANDY eingebunden. Auf Grundlage der erhobenen Daten konnten folgende wichtige Schlußfolgerungen getroffen werden: 1.) Der heißwasserextrahierbare Stickstoff (TNhwe) besitzt eine hohe Differenzierungsgüte zur Unterscheidung verschiedener landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungsintensitäten. Er stellt einen geeigneten Sensitivitätsparameter dar, um nutzungsspezifische Einflüsse hinsichtlich des N, aber auch des C Kreislaufes quantitativ beurteilen zu können. 2.) Die untersuchte Sand-Braunerde ist durch ein beachtliches C und N Nachlieferungspotential gekennzeichnet, welches auf hohe Umsetzungsgeschwindigkeiten der organischen Substanz hindeutet. Hierbei scheinen sich Quantität und Schnelligkeit des Stoffumsatzes mit zunehmender Nutzungsintensität zu erhöhen. 3.) Unter Berücksichtigung eines fachgerechten Managements stellt die Begründung von Sukzessionsbracheflächen für einen dreijährigen Zeitraum eine ökologisch tragbare Alternative dar, um landwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen zeitweilig aus der ackerbaulichen Nutzung herauszunehmen. Während der Brachephase sollten jedoch Schnitt- und Umbruchmaßnahmen unbedingt vermieden werden. 4.) Der Anbau von Leguminosen als integraler Bestandteil des Ökolandbaus erwies sich aus ertragssteigernder Sicht nicht effizient und war bezüglich der Umweltwirkung als nicht nachhaltig zu bewerten. Für leichte Sandböden des mitteldeutschen Trockengebietes ist daher die extensive Bewirtschaftungsweise aus ökologischen und höchstwahrscheinlich auch aus ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten nicht vertretbar. Deshalb ist bei der Wahl zwischen den angewandten Bewirtschaftungssystemen die intensive Bewirtschaftungsform der extensiven Nutzungsart vorzuziehen.

Marais de saules à effluent nul pour le traitement d'eau contaminée

Frédette, Chloé 11 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, un type de marais filtrant, généralement planté de saules, a été développé pour opérer un système de traitement d’eau sans effluent, par évapotranspiration. Ces marais à effluent sont généralement utilisés pour le traitement d’eau usée domestique, mais pourraient aussi présenter une alternative intéressante pour d’autres applications, comme le traitement de lixiviat contaminé. Les guides de conception actuellement disponibles ne permettent toutefois pas de concevoir un système flexible qui permettrait de gérer les grandes variations de volume à traiter liées à la nature même des lixiviats (i.e. résultent entièrement des précipitations) et ne tiennent pas compte de la variation inter et intra-annuelle de l’évapotranspiration (ET) du saule. Cette thèse présente d’abord une revue de littérature de ET du genre Salix et de ses facteurs de variation les plus importants. Il apparaît que les conditions de croissance ont plus d’importance que l’identité spécifique et que la disponibilité en eau, la fertilisation et la contamination sont les principaux facteurs dictant l’ET des saules. L’effet de l’âge, du contexte expérimental, de la densité de plant et du type de sol n’a pas pu être clairement démontrés par cette revue. Ensuite, une étude portant sur le potentiel d’ET de S. miyabeana ‘SX67’ est présentée. Il est démontré qu’un modèle basé sur des paramètres foliaires et sur le déficit de pression de vapeur d’eau dans l’air permet de prédire l’ET de S. miyabeana en condition de marais filtrant. Cette étude permettra entre autres d’améliorer les plans de conception d’un éventuel marais de saules à effluent nul. Pour continuer, la réponse de S. miyabeana ‘SX67’ à différentes concentrations de lixiviat et à différents types de substrats a été étudiée. Ce cultivar s’est montré tolérant aux concentrations du lixiviat brut retrouvées sur un site d’entreposage de poteaux de bois traité. Le type de substrat a influencé la réponse du saule et ses performances écophysiologiques, en plus d’affecter la dynamique des contaminants. Finalement, la modélisation hydrologique d’un système à effluent nul par marais de saules permet de proposer une méthode de dimensionnement des différents compartiments du système pour atteindre un objectif d’effluent nul sur une période de 20 ans, ainsi que de proposer des solutions de conception et d’opération optimale. L’application du modèle au cas spécifique d’un site d’entreposage de poteaux de bois traité a permis d’évaluer la faisabilité, d’un point de vue hydrologique, de cette technologie dans le contexte climatique du sud du Québec. Sur la base de cette étude, la principale limite pour l’application des marais à effluent nul au Québec sont la surface de marais et le volume de stockage requis. Dans le cas où une étape de prétraitement efficace précède le marais de saule, la durée de vie du marais ne devrait pas être limitante et dépendra principalement de la durée de vie des végétaux. Cependant, le destin des contaminants dans le système, qu’il s’agisse de la disposition des contaminants accumulés à l’étape de prétraitement ou d’une éventuelle translocation de contaminants dans les parties aériennes des végétaux, devrait être considéré avant d’établir un système à effluent nul. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent, entre autres, de proposer les marais de saules à effluent nul comme une alternative intéressante pour le traitement d’eau contaminée au Québec. / During the last decades, a type of constructed wetlands, usually planted with willows, was developed to operate a water treatment system with zero effluent, by evapotranspiration. These zero liquid discharge wetlands are typically used for domestic wastewater treatment, but could also be an attractive alternative for other applications, such as contaminated leachate treatment. However, the design guidelines currently available do not allow for the design of a flexible system that would manage the large variations of volume to be treated related to the very nature of leachates (i.e. produced entirely from precipitation) and do not take into account inter and intra-annual variation of willows evapotranspiration (ET). This thesis first presents a literature review of ET for the genus Salix and its most important driving factors. It appears that growing conditions are more important than species identity and that water availability, fertilization and contamination are the main factors dictating ET in willow. The effect of age, experimental context, planting density, and soil type could not be clearly demonstrated by this review. Then, a study on the potential ET of S. miyabeana 'SX67' is presented. It is shown that a model based on foliar parameters and on the water vapor pressure deficit in the air makes it possible to predict the ET of S. miyabeana under wetland conditions. This study will, among other things, improve the design plans for a potential zero effluent willow wetland. To continue, the response of S. miyabeana 'SX67' to different leachate concentrations and different types of substrates was studied. This cultivar has been tolerant of raw leachate concentrations found at a treated wood pole storage site. The type of substrate influenced the willow response and ecophysiological performance, and affected the dynamics of the contaminants. Finally, the hydrological modelling of a system with zero effluent by willow bed makes it possible to propose a method of dimensioning for the different compartments of the system in order to reach a zero effluent objective over a period of 20 years, as well as to propose solutions for optimal design and operation. The application of the model to the specific case of a treated wood pole storage site made it possible to assess the hydrological feasibility of this technology in the climate context of southern Quebec. On the basis of this study, the main limit for the application of zero effluent willow bed in Quebec is the wetland area and the storage volume required. In the case where an effective pre-treatment step precedes the willow bed, the life of the wetland should not be limiting and will depend mainly on the lifespan of the plants. However, the fate of the contaminants in the system, be it the disposition of the accumulated contaminants at the pre-treatment stage or a possible translocation of contaminants into the aerial parts of the plants, should be considered before establishing a system with zero effluent. The results of this research make it possible, among other things, to propose zero-effluent willow wetlands as an interesting alternative for the treatment of contaminated water in Quebec.

Utsläpp från vägmarkeringar : Toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter med mikroalgen Raphidocelis subcapitata / Emissions from road markings : Toxicity tests of leachates from road marking products on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata

Österblad, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
Ackumuleringen av plast och mikroplast i miljön är idag en globalt aktuell fråga. Forskning kring mikroplast och dess påverkan på miljö och biota har ökat kraftigt det senaste decenniet. En av de största utsläppskällorna till mikroplast är slitage från vägtrafiken, speciellt från däck, men mikroplast kan även komma från vägmarkeringar. Vägmarkeringar innehåller plastpolymerer (som bindemedel), fyllnadsmedel, pigment och tillsatsämnen (additiv), och ofta ingår även glaspärlor. Vissa ämnen kan ge en negativ påverkan på människa och miljö. I dagsläget saknas det data för att kunna kartlägga i vilken omfattning vägmarkeringsslitage bidrar till spridning av mikroplaster samt för att bedöma om och hur det skulle kunna påverka miljön och vattenlevande organismer. I detta examensarbete har toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter utförts med algen Raphidocelis subcapitata för att studera om de är toxiska samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan olika vägmarkeringsprodukter. Partiklar från fyra olika typer av vägmarkeringsprodukter (prefabricerad termoplast, varmapplicerad termoplast, vattenbaserad akrylatfärg och 2-komponentsakrylatfärg) genererades och lakades var för sig med skakning i avjoniserat vatten under 24 timmar. Lakvattnen utan partiklar användes sedan till algtillväxthämningstest. Algerna exponerades under 72 timmar för lakvatten i olika koncentrationer, där den högsta motsvarade 100 g vägmarkeringspartiklar per liter, och algtillväxt mättes. Effektmåtten var maximal tillväxthastighet och lag-fas och dessutom analyserades korrelationen mellan dem som ett mått för anpassningseffektivitet. De fyra lakvattnen påverkade lag-fas och/eller tillväxthastighet i olika omfattning och medförde antingen inhibering eller stimulering av algtillväxten. Lakvattnet från den vattenbaserade akrylatfärgen påvisade störst inhibering av tillväxt och var även det mest toxiska eftersom ingen tillväxtanpassning skedde. För övriga lakvatten påvisades olika grad av anpassningseffektivitet av alger vid exponering. Dock krävs mer ingående statistisk utvärdering för att åtskilja de två lakvatten som hade minst påverkan, dvs. från den prefabricerade och den varmapplicerade termoplasten.  Detta är enbart en första studie. Upprepade tester med fler vägmarkeringsprodukter och fler tester med andra organismer, såsom bakterier, kärlväxter, kräftdjur och fisk, krävs för att bättre kunna utreda om och hur olika vägmarkeringar kan påverka biota. För ytterligare studier skulle det vara intressant att utvärdera vilka ämnen i vägmarkeringar som kan påverka miljön och om dessa skulle kunna ersättas med andra, mindre giftiga ämnen. / The accumulation of plastic and microplastics in the environment is a current global issue. Research on microplastics and its impact on the environment and biota has increased rapidly in the last decade. One of the largest sources of microplastics is wear from road traffic, especially tires, but they can also originate from road markings. Road markings contain plastic polymers (as a binder), fillers, pigments, and additives, and often also glass beads. Some substances may have a negative impact on humans and the environment. At present, there are no data to map the extent to which wear from road markings contributes to the emissions of microplastics, or to assess the effect they might cause on the environment and aquatic organisms. In this thesis, toxicity tests on leachates from road marking products were conducted on the alga Raphidocelis subcapitata to study the effect on the algae and if it differs between the different products.  Particles from four types of road marking products (prefabricated thermoplastic, hot-applied thermoplastic, acrylic water-based paint, and 2-component acrylic paint) were generated and leached separately by shaking in deionized water for 24 hours.  The leachates without particles were used in the standard algal growth inhibition tests. The algae were exposed for 72 hours to the leachates in different concentrations, with the highest corresponding to 100 g road marking particles per liter, and algal growth was monitored. Endpoints used were maximum growth rate and lag phase and, in addition, their correlation was analyzed as an indicator for adaptation capacity. The four leachates affected lag phase and/or growth rate to a varying extent and caused inhibition or stimulation of algae growth. Exposure to leachate from the water-based acrylic paint showed most inhibition of growth and was also the most toxic as no growth adaptation was observed. For the other tests, different rates of adaptation efficiency of the algae growth were found. However, more detailed statistical evaluation is needed to differentiate between the two leachates that had the least effect, i.e. the prefabricated and the hot-applied thermoplastic. This is only a first study. More tests with more road marking products and with other organisms, such as bacteria, vascular plants, crustaceans, and fish, are required to better understand if and how different road markings could affect biota. Additionally, an evaluation of what substances in road marking materials may cause effects and whether these can be replaced by other, less toxic substances, would be of interest.

A Toxic Legacy? : A Study of PFAS Leakage from Landfills in the Eastern Part of Mälaren / Ett giftigt arv? : En studie av PFAS-läckage från deponier i Östra Mälaren

Hård af Segerstad, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
The growing concern around per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and their negative health and environmental effects have lately become more apparent which also is reflected in the new, more strict regulations of permitted levels of PFAS in drinking water extracted from water resources. However, many point sources of PFAS pollution to the environment and to water resources are still not identified and assessed for risk. This is also the case around the Mälaren-Görväln which is used as a drinking water resource. Work has been initiated to map sources of PFAS pollution to the water resource. However, hitherto, the risk of PFAS pollution from landfills surrounding the water intake is under-studied. This thesis has thus tried to address the issue by investigating landfills’ potential PFAS contribution to Mälaren-Görväln water body. Active and inactive landfills which are located within the Östra Mälaren water protection area have been researched. Furthermore, field sampling and measurements of PFAS in surface water have been conducted in connection with three landfills within the water protection area and in Brobäcken. Data from the Högbytorp facility which incorporates three landfills has also been used for comparison. The PFAS load from the landfills to Mälaren-Görväln has been estimated. Lastly a principal component analysis (PCA) has been carried out to trace the sources of sampled PFAS levels. The research of landfills located within the water protection area, led to identification of 32 different landfills of which almost all are believed to be inactive. All field samples taken in connection to Skå, Svartsjö and Johannelund landfill indicated levels of PFAS. The levels detected were lower than the levels measured downstream Högbytorp and in Brobäcken. At all sampling locations, including downstream Högbytorp and excluding the sample by Svartsjö, the levels detected exceed at least one current guiding and soon to be limiting value. The estimated mass flows of PFAS received at the sampling locations showed that landfills can potentially account for a considerable share of the estimated loads to Mälaren-Görväln. However, the results should be interpreted with caution due to the small dataset analysed and as it proved to be difficult to determine specifically the landfills’ share of the PFAS concentrations detected as the other potential sources of PFAS can have an influence on the sampled surface water. It remains to carry out a more in-depth risk assessment of the landfills' potential impact on Mälaren-Görväln where, among other things, PFAS pollution to the soil and groundwater are included. Further, more research of all identified landfills is needed to estimate the cumulative potential impact of landfills’ PFAS load to Mälaren-Görväln and the extracted drinking water. / Det växande problemet kring per- och polyfluoralkylsubstanser (PFAS) och deras negativa hälso- och miljöeffekter har på senare tid blivit allt mer uppenbar. Angelägenheten återspeglas i nya och striktare regler för tillåtna halter av PFAS i dricksvatten som utvinns från vattenresurser. Flertalet punktkällor för PFAS-föroreningar som påverkar miljö och vattenresurser är varken identifierade eller riskbedömda. Så är även fallet för Mälaren-Görväln som används som en dricksvattenresurs. Visserligen har arbete inletts för att kartlägga källor av PFAS-föroreningar till Mälaren-Görväln. Däremot saknas undersökningar om risken för PFAS-förorening kring vattenresursen. I syfte att fylla föregående nämnda forskningsgap, syftar denna avhandling till att studera deponiers potentiella PFAS-bidrag till Mälaren-Görvälns vattenförekomst. Inom ramen för studien har både aktiva och inaktiva deponier inom Östra Mälarens vattenskyddsområde undersökts. Vidare har fältprovtagning och mätningar av PFAS i ytvatten genomförts i anslutning till tre deponier inom vattenskyddsområdet och i Brobäcken. Data från Högbytorps anläggning som innefattar tre deponier har även använts för jämförelse. PFAS-belastningen från de studerade deponierna till Mälaren-Görväln har uppskattats. Slutligen har en principalkomponentanalys (PCA) genomförts för att spåra källorna till provtagna PFAS-nivåer.  Undersökningen resulterade i identifiering av 32 olika deponier varav nästan alla tros vara inaktiva. Alla provtagningar som tagits i anslutning till deponierna Skå, Svartsjö och Johannelunds visar uppmätta halter av PFAS. De påvisade halterna var lägre än de halter som uppmätts nedströms Högbytorp och i Brobäcken. På alla provtagningsplatser, inklusive nedströms Högbytorp och exklusive provtagning vid Svartsjö, överstiger de påvisade halterna minst ett vägledande och framtida gränsvärde. De uppskattade massflödet av PFAS vid provtagningsplatserna visade att deponier potentiellt kan stå för en betydande andel av de beräknade belastningarna till Mälaren-Görväln. Resultaten bör dock tolkas med försiktighet på grund av den lilla datauppsättning som har analyserats och eftersom det visade sig vara svårt att specifikt bestämma deponiernas andel av de PFAS-koncentrationer som uppmätts. Andra potentiella PFAS källor i anslutning till deponierna kan ha en inverkan på de ytvatten som har provtagits i studien.   Framtida forskning bör utföra en mer djupgående riskbedömning av deponiers potentiella påverkan på Mälaren-Görväln där även PFAS-föroreningar till mark och grundvatten bör ingå. Avslutningsvis efterfrågas vidare undersökning av den kumulativa potentiella påverkan av deponiers PFAS-belastning på Mälaren-Görväln och det extraherade dricksvattnet.

An assessment of impacts of landfill composition on soil quality, heavy metal and plant health : a case of Lumberstewart landfill in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Makuleke, Peace 02 1900 (has links)
Landfills have served as the major sites for waste disposal in both developed and developing countries. Upon closure of a landfill site, the surface could be converted to a golf course, recreation park, playground, animal refuge, tennis court and industrial site. Even when closed, landfills still have the potential to contaminate the surrounding environment as a result of the migration of leachate from decomposing waste contained in the site. This study focused on assessing the impacts of a closed landfill on soils and plants at Lumberstewart closed landfill site in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Soil samples were collected at three different depths (0-30 cm, 30 - 60 cm and 60-90 cm) at the landfill and a control site. The soil samples were analysed for their texture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity and concentrations of Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni and Zn. Samples of jimson weed and pigweed growing at the closed landfill and the control site were collected from the same sites where soil samples were collected, and the concentrations of the same set of heavy metals in these weeds determined. Soil samples were digested using EPA method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludge and soils whereas nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide was used for digestion of plant samples. Both plant and soil digests were analyzed for heavy metals concentrations using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). Soils from the landfill as well as the control site had a high content of sand with soil pH values which were alkaline. The electrical conductivity values of the soil samples were relatively low ranging from 0.39 to 1.67 dS/m, indicating low levels of salts in soils at the landfill. The concentrations of heavy metals at the closed landfill site were higher than the control site. Heavy metals concentrations in soils at the closed landfill followed the order Fe>Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Cd. Results indicated that Fe was exceptionally higher than the other metals with concentration values averaging 45690±17255 mg/kg. Cadmium on the other hand had the least concentration with values of 0.01±0.00 mg/kg. Values of Enrichment Factors of heavy metals around the soil at different depths indicated that the enrichment of heavy metals increased with depth at the landfill up to 30-60 cm after which a decrease was observed. Values for heavy metal Contamination Factor of soils around the landfill ranged from low concentration (CF<1) to very high concentration (CF>6). The Pollution Load Index (PLI) values for the soil at the Lumberstewart landfill indicated that all sites were polluted (PLI>1). Site 6 had significantly higher mean concentration of heavy metals in soils at the landfill whereas site 11 had the least. The concentrations of Cd and Ni in soils at the landfill were below permissible limits of South African National Norms and Standards (NNS) as prescribed by NEMA (2008) in South Africa whereas Cr, Cu and Zn in soils were above the NNS permissible limits. Heavy metal concentrations in soils at the landfill were above World Health (WHO) permissible limits except for Cd which was equal (0.01 mg/kg) to the permissible values of Cd in the soils at sites 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Mean concentrations of heavy metals in jimson weed and pigweed were in the order Fe>Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>Cd. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe and Zn in both plants from all sites at the landfill were significantly higher than the control site. Heavy metal transfer coefficient for both plants indicated that heavy metal uptake was more species dependent than soil heavy metal concentration dependent. The results from this research indicate that though the Lumberstewart Landfill has been closed, it is still affecting the soils in the vicinity of the landfill. Plants and water around the Lumberstewart closed landfill could be at risk from heavy metal contamination. High concentrations of heavy metals observed in the soil could present a health risk to communities should they decide to use the landfill site for arable purposes. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Oxydation par voie humide catalytique d’effluents industriels : catalyseurs métaux nobles supportés / Catalytic wet air oxidation of industrial wastes : noble metal supported catalysts

Grosjean, Nicolas 18 February 2010 (has links)
L’industrie produit de grandes quantités d’effluents aqueux qu’il convient de traiter. Des traitements alternatifs aux procédés biologiques doivent être développés pour certains effluents toxiques et/ou non biodégradables. L’oxydation en voie humide catalytique repose sur l’action de l’oxygène sur les polluants en phase aqueuse à haute température et haute pression. Préalablement à cette étude, des catalyseurs au Ru ou Pt supportés sur ZrO2 ou TiO2très actifs et très stables pour l’OVHC de polluants modèles et de quelques effluents réels ont été développés. Ce travail a examiné ces catalyseurs sur d’autres effluents réels : un effluent provenant d’une unité de production de membranes contenant du glycérol et du DMF, uneffluent de sauce de couchage provenant de l’industrie papetière et un concentrât de lixiviatde décharge. Les catalyseurs se sont révélés très actifs et stables pour la minéralisation du glycérol, mais une forte lixiviation a été observée lors de l’OVHC du DMF du fait de la présence d’amines. L’oxydation de l’effluent de sauce de couchage permet de minéraliser la charge organique, facilitant le recyclage de la charge minérale, avec une amélioration accrue de la biodégradabilité du surnageant en présence des catalyseurs. Enfin, l’ajout de catalyseurs lors de l’OVH du concentrât de lixiviat de décharge permet d’améliorer sa minéralisation et d’éliminer totalement les ions ammonium / Industries produce huge volumes of effluents which need to be treated before disposal.Alternative treatments to the more classical biological techniques are required in the case oftoxic and/or non biodegradable effluents. The wet air oxidation (WAO) and catalytic wet airoxidation (CWAO) are based on the reaction of an oxidant (oxygen) with the pollutants in aqueous phase at high temperature and pressure. Ru or Pt catalysts supported on zirconium and titanium oxides were previously shown to be highly active and stable in the CWAO of awide range of model compounds and real complex effluents. These catalysts were evaluated in the CWAO of problematic effluents: one containing glycerol and DMF, one paper coatingslip effluent and one concentrated landfill leachate. The catalysts showed high activity and stability in the CWAO of glycerol, while the metal leached upon DMF CWAO due to the presence of amines. WAO leads to the partial mineralization of the organic load in paper coating slip, allowing an easy separation recycling of mineral pigments, with an improved biodegradability of the supernatant with the use of a catalyst. The use of a catalyst upon landfill leachate WAO leads higher COT conversion and complete ammonia elimination

Tratamento de lixiviados de aterros sanitários em sistema de reatores anaeróbio e aeróbio operados em batelada seqüencial / Landfill leachate treatment in sequence anaerobic and aerobic batch reactors systems

Contrera, Ronan Cleber 06 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho avaliou a tratabilidade dos lixiviados do aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP, utilizando-se reatores biológicos. O experimento foi conduzido à temperatura ambiente, em uma unidade piloto construída no aterro sanitário de São Carlos-SP. Inicialmente foram testados e comparados dois tipos de reatores anaeróbios, cada um com volume total de 1.200 L e ambos providos de agitação mecânica, diferenciando-se pelo tipo de imobilização da biomassa, sendo o primeiro com biomassa auto-imobilizada (ASBR) e o segundo com biomassa imobilizada em espuma de poliuretano (ASBBR). Um filtro biológico anaeróbio contínuo de fluxo ascendente de aproximadamente 120 L também foi avaliado. Além do pré-tratamento anaeróbio, foi avaliado também o pós-tratamento, que consistiu em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial de aproximadamente 180 L. O ASBR, inoculado com lodo granular de reator UASB, apresentou-se ineficiente, com problemas de desagregação e sedimentação da biomassa. O ASBBR, inoculado com lodo proveniente do fundo de uma lagoa de lixiviados, ao final de sua adaptação, apresentou eficiências superiores a 70%, em termos de remoção de DQO, utilizando-se lixiviado sem diluição, com DQO afluente da ordem de 11.000 mg/L, relação AVT/DQO aproximadamente igual a 0,6 e tempo de reação igual a 7 dias. Verificou-se que a biodegradabilidade anaeróbia dos lixiviados está diretamente relacionada à relação AVT/DQO, e que para relações AVT/DQO Total inferiores a 0,25, a biodegradabilidade é baixa, para relações entre 0,25 e 0,40 é média, e acima de 0,40 pode ser considerada elevada. Observou-se também que concentrações de N-amoniacal, da ordem de até 4.500 mg/L, não impedem o tratamento anaeróbio, desde que a biomassa esteja devidamente adaptada. Aos perfis temporais de concentração, realizados no ASBBR, foi ajustado um modelo de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato, na forma de DQO Total, obtendo valores de K1 variando entre 3,18 x \'10 POT.-5\' e 5,82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). O pós-tratamento dos efluentes do ASBBR foi avaliado em um sistema de lodos ativados em batelada seqüencial, que obteve eficiência máxima da ordem de 30% em termos de remoção de DQO, com DQO afluente da ordem de 5.000 mg/L. Quanto ao filtro biológico anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente, obteve-se eficiências superiores a 70%, ao ser alimentado com uma mistura de lixiviado recalcitrante e etanol acidificado, com DQO afluente da ordem de 20.000 mg/L. / This work evaluated the tractability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP, utilizing biological reactors. The experiment was conducted at environmental temperature, in a pilot scale unity constructed into the São Carlos-SP landfill area. Initially, it was compared and tested two kinds of anaerobic reactors, each one with 1.200 L of total volume and both provided of mechanical agitation, differing by the kind of biomass immobilization, having the first (ASBR), self-immobilized biomass, and the second (ASBBR), immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam cubes. An approximately 120 L volume continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter was also evaluated. Additionally to the anaerobic treatment, it was also evaluated the post-treatment of landfill leachate in a sequence batch activated sludge system of 180 L. The ASBR, inoculated with a granular UASB sludge from a poultry wastewater treatment, was inefficient and presented sludge segregation and sedimentation problems. The ASBBR, inoculated using the sludge from the bottom of a landfill leachate reservoir, at the final of acclimation, presented efficiency over 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD at the range of 11,000 mg/L, a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. It was realized that the landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability has a directly relationship to the TVA/COD ratio, and for TVA/COD Total ratio lower than 0.25, the biodegradability is low, for ratios between 0.25 and 0.40 is medium, and up to 0.40 may be considered high. It was also observed that \'NH IND.4\' POT.+\' concentrations at the range of 4,500 mg N/L has no significant interference in the anaerobic treatment, since the biomass has properly acclimated. At the temporal profiles of concentration performed in the ASBBR, it was adjusted a first order model for the substrate consumption, in terms of COD Total, obtaining K1 values ranging between 3.18 x \'10 POT.-5\' and 5.82 x \'10 POT.-5\' /(d.mgSTV/L). The post-treatment of the ASBBR effluents was evaluated in a sequence batch activated sludge system, which has obtained maximum efficiencies at the range of 30% in terms of COD removal, with an inlet COD at the range of 5,000 mg/L. As regards of the continuous up flow anaerobic biofilter, it has obtained efficiencies superiors to 70% when fed by a mixing of recovery landfill leachate and acidified ethanol, with an inlet COD at the range of 20,000 mg/L.

The Effects on Water Quality by Mining Activity in the Miami, Arizona Region

Young, D. W., Clark, R. B. 15 April 1978 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1978 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 14-15, 1978, Flagstaff, Arizona / Intensive strip and leach mining activity within a confined region usually causes environmental impacts both on the land and on water quality. Adverse water quality effects could be realized long after any mining activity has ceased due to the continuous leaching by precipitation of contaminants from spoils piles and leach dumps. The Miami, Arizona region is unique in its surface and subsurface hydrology. Two unconnected aquifers underlay the region with both serving as domestic (private and municipal) and industrial (mining) supply sources. The shallow floodplain alluvial aquifer is hydraulically connected to surface drainage from mine tailings and leach dumps. Several wells drawing from this aquifer have been abandoned as a municipal supply source due to severe water quality degradation. Water quality in these wells varies directly with precipitation indicating a correlation between surface drainage over and through tailings and leach piles. Expansion of spoils dumps into natural recharge pathways of the deeper Gila Conglomerate aquifer has raised concern that this aquifer may also be subjected to a long term influx of mine pollutants. Questions have also been raised concerning the potential effects of a proposed in situ leaching operation on the water quality of the conglomerate aquifer.

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