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Eticidade democrática: a liberdade social no consumo para o enfrentamento da crise ambiental e a proteção do direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibradoCichelero, César Augusto 26 September 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo buscar uma conexão entre a ideia de consumocentrismo, a crise ambiental e o direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. Pretende-se expor as amplas consequências socioambientais fruto de uma sociedade consumocentrista, com a ideia de que existe uma crise ambiental que limita o direito de todos ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. Em um segundo momento, a presente dissertação pretende relacionar esse cenário do consumo atual com a obra O Direito da Liberdade de Axel Honneth. A escolha desta obra conduz a uma posição interdisciplinar que busca, em última instância, ir além da compreensão jurídica. Para tanto, a método adotado foi o dialético com o procedimento de revisão bibliográfica. Analisa-se os três conceitos de liberdade da teoria de Honneth em momentos específicos, em cada elemento a ideia é vislumbrar como a práxis do consumo ocorre sob cada um dos conceitos em suas respectivas instituições. A questão que se almeja responder é como a concepção de liberdade social pode transformar o consumo. O propósito final, portanto, será vislumbrar, ainda que à distância, as implicações e possibilidades de uma esfera de eticidade nas relações de consumo tendo em vista a crise ambiental e o dever de defender e preservar o meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES / This work aims to find a connection between the idea of consumerism, the environmental crisis and the right to the ecologically balanced environment. It is intended to expose the broad socioenvironmental consequences of a consumer-centric society, with the idea that there is an environmental crisis that limits everyone’s right to an ecologically balanced environment. In a second moment, the present dissertation intends to relate this current consumption scenario with the Axel Honneth’s book Freedom’s Right. The choice of this work leads to an interdisciplinary position that seeks, ultimately, to go beyond legal understanding. For this, it was used the dialectic method with a bibliographic review procedure. It will be analyzed the three concepts of freedom in Honneth's theory at specific moments, in each element the idea is to glimpse how the praxis of consumption occurs under each of the concepts in their respective institutions. The question that is intended to answer is how the conception of social freedom can transform consumption. The ultimate purpose, therefore, will be to glimpse, even if at a distance, the implications and possibilities of a sphere of ethics in consumer relations in view of the environmental crisis and the duty to defend and preserve the ecologically balanced environment.
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Educação como prática da liberdade numa sociedade capitalista: uma problemática posta a partir da educação de pessoas jovens e adultas / Education as a practice of liberty in a capitalist society: an issue seen from the point of view of the education for young and adult peopleJany Dilourdes Nascimento 04 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho, de natureza teórica e empírica, tem como objetivo discutir a educação como prática da liberdade frente a uma sociedade capitalista, problematizando esta questão por meio da Educação de Pessoas Jovens e adultas. Essas pessoas mostraram buscar na educação algo relacionado a sua própria formação humana, ou seja, algo muito além da instrução funcional pragmática com fins salariais. Discute também, idéias tais como: a captura de nossas consciências pelo sistema econômico em que vivemos, a aceitação da desigualdade social como algo natural, que resulta no conformismo com este modo de viver como único possível. Propomos a desmistificação destas questões, tomando como referencial considerações advindas de estudos da antropologia que tomaram como base sociedades indígenas, firmadas sob outra lógica não capitalista, referencial esse comum entre alguns autores fundamentais tais como Bruno (1991), Costa (2004) e Kehl (2004).Outros autores, não menos importantes, ajudaram a discutir o direito à educação como bem incompressível, portanto como parte de um direito humano, como Candido (2004), outros ainda situaram esta educação como Di Pierro (2007) e Soares (1990); já Fétizon (2002) e Freire(1987), a definiram e propuseram uma reflexão crítica sobre esta como, prática que liberta da opressão mitificante do sistema econômico e político. Por último, apresentamos os depoimentos dos sujeitos da pesquisa e a análise de suas entrevistas e, finalmente, concluímos que se concebemos o ser humano como ser político, capaz de articular, resistir e lutar então nem tudo esta perdido. / This theoretical, empirical study aims at discussing education as a practice of liberty when confronted to the capitalist society. In doing so, it does it by means of the Education for Young and Adult people. Its discussion deals with the following ideas: materialization of consciences, and conformation of social structures; and proposes the demythification of the State. It also takes as a reference some considerations originated in History, Sociology, Anthropology, and Psychology. We propose a discussion among scholars who deal with education and the capitalist system, such as Bruno (1991), Candido(2004), Costa (2004), Di Pierro (2007), Fétizon (2002), Freire (1987), Kehl (2004), Saviani (1977) and Soares (1990). Finally, once we consider that men are political beings, able to articulate, resist, and struggle, we thus conclude thay not everything is lost.
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Authentifizierungs- und InformationsdienstWegener, Jens 27 September 2004 (has links)
Es werden Systeme zur Realisierung einer einheitlichen Authentifizierung von Nutzern im Hinblick auf WWW-Anwendungen an der Technischen Universtät Chemnitz und der damit verbundenen Übermittlung von Nutzerdaten untersucht. Shibboleth wird als ein prinzipiell mögliches System zur Lösung dieser Aufgabe in Form eines Tests näher betrachtet.
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Komparace politických programů Strany svobodných občanů a United Kingdom Independence Party / Comparison of party manifestos of Party of Free Citizens and United Kingdom Independence PartyKunc, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a political program of Strana svobodných občanů. Firstly, the methodology used in this thesis is explored in the first chapter. Then, in the second chapter are defined and described relevant theoretical concepts. These are the concepts of Euroscepticism, anarchocapitalism and libertarianism. In the case of Euroscepticism, a typology by a French political scientist Cécile Leconte is used as well because Euroscepticism is a very complex term. In the next chapter there are described relevant aspects of political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů. The fourth chapter, with help of content analysis of the Strana svobodných občanů program, answers to all of the research questions: To what extent is Euroscepticism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How the presence of Euroscepticism in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů evolved since the founding of the party to the present? To what extent is anarchocapitalism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How the presence of anarchocapitalism in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů evolved since the founding of the party to the present? To what extent is libertarianism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How...
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Analýza politického programu Strany svobodných občanů / Analysis of the political program of the Strana svobodných občanůKunc, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a political program of Strana svobodných občanů. Firstly, the methodology used in this thesis is explored in the first chapter. Then, in the second chapter are defined and described relevant theoretical concepts. These are the concepts of Euroscepticism, anarchocapitalism and libertarianism. In the case of Euroscepticism, a typology by a French political scientist Cécile Leconte is used as well because Euroscepticism is a very complex term. In the next chapter there are described relevant aspects of political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů. The fourth chapter, with help of content analysis of the Strana svobodných občanů program, answers to all of the research questions: To what extent is Euroscepticism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How the presence of Euroscepticism in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů evolved since the founding of the party to the present? To what extent is anarchocapitalism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How the presence of anarchocapitalism in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů evolved since the founding of the party to the present? To what extent is libertarianism present in the political philosophy of Strana svobodných občanů? How...
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The Dostoevskyan Dialectic in Selected North American Literary WorksSmith, James Gregory 12 1900 (has links)
This study is an examination of the rhetorical concept of the dialectic as it is realized in selected works of North American dystopian literature. The dialectic is one of the main factors in curtailing enlightenment rationalism which, taken to an extreme, would deny man freedom while claiming to bestow freedom upon him. The focus of this dissertation is on an analysis of twentieth-century dystopias and the dialectic of Fyodor Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor parable which is a precursor to dystopian literature. The Grand Inquisitor parable of The Brothers Karamazov is a blueprint for dystopian states delineated in anti-utopian fiction. Also, Dostoevsky's parable constitutes a powerful dialectical struggle between polar opposites which are presented in the following twentieth-century dystopias: Zamiatin's Me, Bradbury's Farenheit 451, Vonnegut's Player Piano, and Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. The dialectic in the dystopian genre presents a give and take between the opposites of faith and doubt, liberty and slavery, and it often presents the individual of the anti-utopian state with a choice. When presented with the dialectic, then, the individual is presented with the capacity to make a real choice; therefore, he is presented with a hope for salvation in the totalitarian dystopias of modern twentieth-century literature.
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Frihetens dialektik : En studie av politisk och existentiell frihet / Dialectic of Freedom : A study on political and existential freedomHjort, Alice January 2020 (has links)
This is a conceptual historical study on the dialectic meaning of the concept of freedom. The purpose of this study is to examine John Stuart Mill’s and Jean-Paul Sartre’s usage of the concept of freedom, and to examine its dialectical meaning. This is done by examining concepts such as the nature of man, moral philosophy, political thinking and the meaning and usage of the concept of freedom itself. Using the method of conceptual history and the theoretical framework of Hegelian dialectics, I have studied Mill’sOn Liberty and Sartre’s Existentialism is a Humanism. In my research, I have found that the two thinkers share some similarities in what they mean by freedom, but I have also found that there are striking differences. These differences are most notable in how Mill discusses freedom primarily in political and societal terms, whereas Sartre discusses freedom as being the natural human condition and in what ways it is linked to action and morals. I also note how Mill’s thinking is centered around man as an individual, whereas Sartre’s thinking is centered around man as a subject. Finally, I discuss the importance of liberal hegemony in the expected meaning of the term freedom. / Detta är en studie av dialektiken inom frihetsbegreppet. Syftet med denna undersökning är att med begreppshistorisk ansats undersöka John Stuart Mills och Jean-Paul Sartres användande av begreppet frihet, och att undersöka hur begreppets dialektiska innebörd yttrar sig genom en komparativ de bägge tänkarna. Detta görs genom att undersöka respektive tänkares syn på människans natur såväl som deras moralfilosofi, politiska tänkande samt deras användning av frihetsbegreppet som sådant. Med en begreppshistoriskt präglad metod och ett hegelianskt dialektiskt teoretiskt ramverk har jag studerat Mills Om friheten och Sartres Existentialismen är en humanism. I min undersökning har jag funnit att de två tänkarna har vissa likheter i vad de menar med frihet, men jag har även funnit slående skillnader. Dessa skillnader framträder som tydligast i hur Mill diskuterar frihet främst i politiska och samhällsenliga termer, medan Sartre betraktar frihet som människans naturtillstånd och diskuterar frihet som kopplat till handling och moral. Jag noterar även att Mills tänkande kretsar kring människan som individ, medan Sartres tänkande kretsar kring människan som subjekt. Slutligen diskuterar jag betydelsen av liberal hegemoni i utformandet av frihetsbegreppets erfarenhetsrum.
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Ethical Leadership: Life Story of George Ciampa, U.S. WWII Military Veteran and Community LeaderWiedemann, Susan M. 24 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The 'I' and the individual : the problem of nature in Fichte's philosophyWilhelm, Hans-Jakob. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Etiken bakom surrogatmoderskapsdebatten : En innehållsanalys av hur etiska teorier kommer till uttryck i den svenska politiska debatten gällande surrogatmoderskap / The Ethics Behind the Surrogacy Debate : A Content Analysis of how Ethical Theories Manifest in the Swedish Political Debate Regarding the Subject on SurrogacyHjalmarsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is to contribute to an understanding of how ethical theories manifest in the political debate in Sweden, where the focus is on the debate on surrogacy. This to contribute with an understanding of the relation between ethics and politics. The purpose will also be to contribute with and understanding of the potential differences in the use of the concept “freedom” in the political discourse in Sweden. The ethical theories that was part of this paper where consequentialism, deontological ethics and ethics of care. In order to answer this questions, propositions regarding the subject of surrogacy from all the parties who are represented in the Swedish parliament where analyzed. During this paper I discovered that all three of the ethical theories where manifested in motions from every party and in all the different positions in the matter, regarding surrogacy, even if the arguments differed. When it came to how the concept “freedom” was used, there were no clear pattern regarding which party who used it in a certain way. However, I could see that arguments related to negative freedom were mostly used as the head arguments while arguments related to positive freedom was more used to back up the head arguments. There were also no clear pattern regarding how the concept of freedom was used in relation to the parties’ respective position on surrogacy.
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