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Nikos Kazantzaki et la culture française / Nikos Kazantzaki and the French cultureGeorgiadou, Eleni 31 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un parcours biographique et littéraire autour de la vie et de l’oeuvre de Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957), ses contacts avec la langue et la culture françaises et leur influence sur sa vision du monde. C’est une recherche des éléments de la culture française dans l’oeuvre de Kazantzaki et plus précisément dans les deux ouvrages écrits directement en français, Toda-Raba et Le Jardin des Rochers. Kazantzaki, tel un Ulysse contemporain, voyage émerveillé dans l’oecoumène, afin de découvrir les richesses de la réalité humaine, pour agir au lieu d’être agité par elle! Ouvrier insatiable de l’esprit, il ne cesse de proclamer, jusqu’à la fin de ses jours, les belles vertus universelles: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, Dignité Humaine! Sa préoccupation primordiale : transformer la chair en esprit, transmettre la semence de ses écrits, riche héritage d’amour, à la postérité, ne rien laisser à Charon si ce n’est quelques os! Il tisse le cocon de sa poésie, pareil à un ver de soie, laissant la semence d’une création immortelle, trait d’union entre le passé et le futur. La joie d’apprendre, l’amour des langues, la beauté, l’art, la grâce, la tendresse, se rejoignent dans ce bijou multiculturel kazantzakien, pour danser au rythme du souffle de la vie! Bergson est la colonne dorsale de la création kazantzakienne. Ses théories de la durée réelle, de la matière et de l’esprit, de l’évolution créatrice et de l'élan vital, du langage, de l'art comme moyen de communication entre la nature et Dieu, forment le fleuve de la culture française qui traverse l’oeuvre kazantzakienne pour la conduire à la liberté : à Dieu! Le dieu de Kazantzaki évolue et est réinventé dans les fables humaines. C’est un Dieu qui attend l'homme pour le sauver, afin qu’ensemble ils puissent créer la vie ! / This thesis proposes a bibliographic and literary journey in the life and work of Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957), his relation to the French language and culture, their influence on his vision of the world and his creation. It is a research on the elements of French culture in the work of Nikos Kazantzaki and more specifically in the two novels written directly in French, Toda-Raba and The Rock Garden. Kazantzaki, a contemporary Ulysses, travels in the world with amazement, discovering the richness of the human reality, acting instead of being acted by it! An insatiable worker of the spirit, he does not stop proclaiming the beautiful universal virtues: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, and Human Dignity! His essential concern: to transform the flesh into spirit; to transmit the seed of his writings, that rich inheritance of love, to the posterity, leaving nothing to Charon, except a few bones! He weaves his cocoon of poetry, similar to a silk worm, and leaves the seed of its immortal creation as a link between past and future. The joy of learning, the passion for languages, beauty, art, grace and tenderness, join in that multicultural jewel , Kazantzaki’s work, to dance on the rhythm and breath of life! Bergson is the central figure of the French culture in Kazantzaki’s creation. His theories on real duration, on matter and spirit, on creative evolution and the élan vital, on language and art as a means of communication between nature and god, a god who changes and is reinvented in the human fables, a god who waits for men in order to save them, to create life together with them, will be the river of French culture crossing Kazantzaki’s work and leading him to freedom, to God!
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Nicolau Maquiavel: um estudo sobre a Teoria dos Humores / Niccolò Machiavelli : a study about Humor TheoryFernandes, Marcia Gomes 20 August 2010 (has links)
Nicolau Maquiavel foi um grande observador das ações políticas dos homens de seu tempo. Tanto quanto Secretário da República Florentina e, posteriormente em seu exílio, como um analista atento ao que ocorria na Europa pôde formular teses sobre o agir político e o comportamento do corpo social das comunidades políticas. De seus estudos emergiram ideias que possibilitaram o desdobramento do pensamento político precedente, mas o pensamento de Maquiavel promoveu inovações que marcariam a passagem do pensamento medieval para o moderno. Exemplo disso é a Teoria dos humores objeto deste estudo que defende a ocorrência de tumultos como um mal necessário para a conquista da liberdade. O instrumento necessário para que isso ocorra é a existência de boas leis, que regulem os conflitos sociais para que esses não desviem dos interesses coletivos. É na obra Discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio, especialmente no Livro I, que Nicolau Maquiavel analisou a temática dos Humores; sendo assim nosso estudo se deterá com mais atenção a essa obra. / Niccolò Machiavelli was a keen observer of the political actions of this time. As far as secretary of the Florentine Republic and later in exile, an attentive watcher to the situation in Europe was able to formulate theories on the political behavior and the social organization of political communities. Ideas emerged from his studies that enabled the deployment of the former political thought, but the Machiavellis thoughts promoted innovations that mark the passage from medieval to modern thought. An example of it is the Humor Theory object of this study which defends the occurrence of disorder as a necessary evil for the liberty conquest. The required instrument for this is the existence of good laws, which regulate social conflicts so that they do not deviate from the collective interests. It is in the book Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Lívio by Tito Lívio, especially in Book I, Niccolò Machiavelli analysed the template of humors; so our will be engaged more thoughfully to this work.
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La fondation philosophique de l’Etat de droit en France avec Montesquieu et Rousseau, et, son rôle dans la construction actuelle d’un Etat de droit socialiste avec l’exemple du Viet Nam / The philosophical foundation of the rule of law in France with Montesquieu and Rousseau, and his role in the actual construction of the rule of socialist law with the example of VietnamNguyen, Thi bich le 01 July 2016 (has links)
Dans l'histoire des idéologies philosophiques de l'humanité, les philosophes politiques français du XVIIIème siècle, et particulièrement Montesquieu et Rousseau, ont eu une importance décisive, non seulement dans la fondation de la république en France mais aussi pour leur contribution à la définition de ce qu'est un Etat de droit ou Etat juridique. C'est à ce titre que ces deux penseurs nous intéressent ici, comme autant de contributions idéologiques majeures à la détermination du pouvoir d'Etat et de l'Etat de droit. C'est pour ces raisons d'ailleurs que ces deux théoriciens jouent actuellement un grand rôle dans la construction d'un état juridique au Vietnam, et c'est ce rôle que nous entendons éclairer dans cette thèse. / In the history of philosophical ideologies of humanity, the French political philosophers of the eighteenth century had a decisive importance, especially Montesquieu and Rousseau, not only in the founding of the republic in France but also for their contribution to the definition of the Rule of law or legal state. These two thinkers are of central interest to understand their evolution of political concepts, because of their major ideological contributions to the determination of the State power and the Rule of law. Likewise, their influence has been extended through the time until our days, playing a big role in the configuration of a legal state in Vietnam. This thesis aims to illuminate this role.
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L'arche de l'opinion : politique et jugement public au Portugal aux Temps Modernes (1580-1668) / The Ark of Opinion : politics and Public Judgment in Early Modern Portugal (1580-1668)Magalhães Porto Saraiva, Daniel 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est d’analyser le rôle politique des opinions collectives au Portugal aux Temps Modernes. Bien avant l’avènement du concept d’« opinion publique », plusieurs sources renvoient à un jugement « public », « commun » ou « général », associé fréquemment à l’idée de Fama. La présente thèse étudie l’élargissement du débat public portugais dans un contexte marqué par une intense agitation populaire et par le développement de conceptions radicales du patriotisme et de la liberté. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the political role of collective opinions in Early Modern Portugal. Long before the advent of the concept of « public opinion », many sources refer to a « public », « common » or « general » judgment, frequently associated with the idea of Fama. This thesis studies the expansion of Portuguese public debate in a context marked by an intense popular agitation and by the development of radical conceptions of patriotism and liberty.
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Expressões de autoridade aplicadas às instituições políticasCastro, Bruno Dornelles de January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa a elaboração de um conceito de autoridade, com o intuíto de explicar a sua importância e precedência à liberdade, a níveis personalísticos e sociais, com enfoque primordial em como as formas de autoridade naturalmente constituídas se expressam através das instituições políticas. Ainda, o trabalho propõe um modelo institucional político que separe essas expressões de autoridade, de forma que evitem a fusão de umas com as outras, característica essa impressa na possibilidade de um estado de exceção, própria de regimes tirânicos ou autoritaristas. / The remain work aims a natural concept of authority, with the purpose of explaining its importance and firstness to freedom, at personal and social levels, with focus into how the naturally constituted forms of authority express themselves through political institutions. Moreover, the work proposes a political institutional model that separates these expressions of authority, so that they avoid merging with one another, a characteristic that is imprinted on the possibility of a state of exception, typical of tyrannical or authoritarian regimes.
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Social influence and the human aspiration for freedom: two fictions of duality in the late Victorian age.January 2002 (has links)
Lee Kar Man Ida. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-108). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 論文提要 --- p.iii / Acknowledgements --- p.v / "Introduction The Victorian Age, the Literary Double and Freedom" --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter I --- Struggle against Restraints: Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde --- p.24 / Chapter Chapter II --- The Ambition to Transgress: Locating Freedom in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray --- p.52 / Chapter Chapter III --- Jekyll and Dorian: Impossible Mission to Achieve an Unrestrained Freedom against the Social Orthodoxy --- p.77 / Works Cited List --- p.101
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L’invention d’Athéna : la réception d’une déesse antique dans l’imagerie officielle et la mise en scène du pouvoir du grand XIXe siècle français (1789-1914) / Inventing Athena : an antic goddess’s reception in official imagery and public authorities’s pictures in the French 19th century (1789-1914)Champier, Manon 30 June 2018 (has links)
La réception d’Athéna dans l’imagerie officielle et la mise en scène du pouvoir au XIXe siècle, en France, témoigne des processus de légitimation des pouvoirs publics par l’héritage antique. L’empan chronologique de cette étude (1789-1914), mettant en avant une diachronie marquée par un contexte politique français instable, où se succèdent les régimes, permet de relever les particularités et les constantes de ces mécanismes de réappropriation. Les recherches archéologiques et historiques du XIXe siècle proposent un portrait de plus en plus complet de la déesse, accordant une place croissante à son iconographie et la distinguant progressivement de son pendant romain, Minerve. Grande déesse de la guerre dotée de mètis, patronne des héros et des arts et métiers dans l’Antiquité, Athéna devient, dans un contexte post-polythéisme, l’allégorie de la Sagesse, la représentante de la Grèce et de son héritage, la protectrice de toutes les activités intellectuelles et artistiques, et la guide des grands hommes qui font la France. Elle est naturellement utilisée dans l’imagerie des administrations militaires et culturelles, mais aussi dans la protection du pouvoir en général, et de ses manifestations les plus directes auprès du public, notamment le domaine de la loi. Figure légitimatrice, elle peut aussi bien protéger le pouvoir, que l’incarner elle-même, personnifiant régulièrement de hautes entités, telles que la France, la Patrie ou la République, faisant ainsi concurrence à la figure de la Liberté, au bonnet phrygien. / Athena’s reception in official imagery and pictures of power in the French 19th century shows the public authority’s legitimization processes, using the antic heritage. The period studied by this research (1789-1914) bears the marks of a precarious politic context, with unstable regimes and aims to highlight the distinctive characteristics and constants of these mechanisms. Archeological and historical researches of the 19th century build a more complete portrait of Athena, giving more importance to her iconography, and progressively distinguishing her from the Roman goddess, Minerva. Great warrior goddess, gifted with mètis, patroness of heroes, arts and crafts in Antiquity, Athena becomes, in a post-polytheism context, the allegory of Wisdom, the representative of Greece and its heritage, the protector of all intellectual and artistic activities and the guide of French rulers. She is used in imagery of military and cultural administrations, but also in power’s protection in general, and all its manifestations to the public, such as law’s field. Figure of legitimization, she can also embody power, regularly personifying high entities like France, Motherland or the Republic, being in competition with the allegory of Liberty, with the Phrygian hat.
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Tributação e liberdade religiosa: o enfrentamento dos limites no contexto de um Estado laicoJoner, Gabriel 16 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-05-20T18:09:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-16 / Nenhuma / Embora a laicidade estatal configure questão consolidada na ampla maioria dos países ocidentais, a temática envolvendo o relacionamento entre direito e religião continua em evidência e gerando grandes debates no cenário político e jurídico. O Brasil, revestido da faceta de Estado Democrático de Direito, albergou o valor “religiosidade” como um dos pilares sobre os quais a sociedade brasileira está assentada, na condição de direito fundamental. Neste modelo estatal, os poderes públicos são impelidos à modificação do status quo, visando à concretização dos direitos previstos no texto constitucional. Com pertinência ao direito de liberdade religiosa, a Constituição Federal impede que o Estado crie embaraços ao livre exercício de culto, valendo-se do instituto da imunidade para atingir tal desiderato. Portanto, se nos primórdios o instituto consistia em privilégio outorgado a determinadas classes, entre as quais o clero, atualmente a justificativa da imunidade é facilitar, por meio da exclusão de encargos tributários, a consecução de finalidades que devem ser atingidas pelo próprio Estado. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar, de forma crítica, o contexto atual da tributação das entidades religiosas no Brasil, verificando até que medida atende aos anseios de um Estado laico e efetivamente garante a proteção da liberdade religiosa dos cidadãos. / Although state secularism figures as a placed consolidated issue in the vast majority of Western countries, the discussion involving the relationship between law and religion/religious believes are still in evidence. They also present the intrinsic feature of generates a range of great debates, at the same time, on political and legal scenario. Brazil, as a political entity, is coated facet of a democratic state, having hosted the value called "religiosity" as one of the pillars on which Brazilian society is supported. Thus, this principle is one of the fundamental rights provided by the Brazilian Federal Constitution. This state model provides that public authorities are then driven to the modification of the status quo, aiming the implementation of the rights contained in the Constitution. By accepting religious freedom as an extremely important value, the Federal Constitution prevents the state to create any kind of embarrassment to the free exercise of worship, developing on an idea, the so called “Institute of immunity”, to achieve this aim. So, if in the beginning the institute was to privilege granted to certain classes, including the clergy, now the reason of the immunity is to facilitate, through the exclusion of tax charges, the achievement of goals that must be conquered by the state itself. The objective of this research is to analyze, critically, the current context of the taxation of religious organizations in Brazil, exploring to what extent it meets the desires of a secular state and, if it has, effectively, as its aim to ensure the protection of the religious freedom of citizens.
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Trajetórias da reclusão: uma análise das imagens de liberdade e privação entre adolescentes de Sinop, MTCarvalho, Sandra Pereira de 29 April 2011 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-27T23:09:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2011 / FAPEMAT - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso / Este estudo dedica-se a conhecer a trajetória de privação de liberdade de alguns adolescentes da cidade de Sinop/MT, que foram transferidos para o Centro Socioeducativo de Cuiabá/MT. O estudo reflete sobre alguns processos vivenciados pelas classes marginalizadas da sociedade, e tem como elementos norteadores da investigação, os espaços e a realidade dos fenômenos sociais que permeiam os atores pesquisados. Conhecer essa realidade é requisito básico para poder compreender seus valores, suas culturas e sua subjetividade, nos espaços de inserção social. A pesquisa se desenvolve por meio de narrativas e depoimentos de adolescentes em situação de privação de liberdade, estabelecendo a relação entre o texto e o contexto explorados. Para tanto, principia-se com a depreensão do cenário onde se deu sua internação (Sinop/MT), anterior à transferência para Cuiabá/MT. Posteriormente, discute sua trajetória de privação de liberdade, bem como seus desafios, no contexto do Centro Socioeducativo. A pesquisa se concentra nas teorias que contemplam as discussões sobre os temas: igualdade e liberdade; liberdade e autonomia; relações de igualdade e liberdade negativa e/ou positiva; privações de liberdade e vulnerabilidade social. Através do recurso de entrevistas, o estudo assinala suas trajetórias, para discutir como esses adolescentes e a sociedade constroem um caminho de possibilidades e impossibilidades, diante da constituição de políticas públicas de processos de inclusão social. / This study is dedicated to knowing the trajectory of deprivation of liberty of some adolescents in the city of Sinop/MT, which were transferred to the Center of Socio Education of Cuiabá/MT. The study discusses some of the processes experienced by the marginalized classes of society, and is the guiding elements of research, space and reality of social phenomena that pervade the actors interviewed. To know this reality is a basic requirement in order to understand their values, their culture and subjectivity, in the spaces of social inclusion. The research is developed through narratives and interviews of adolescents in situations of deprivation of liberty, establishing the relationship between text and context explored. To do so, begins with the apprehension of the scene where he gave his internment (Sinop/MT) previous to the transference to Cuiabá / MT. Later, we discussed the trajectory of deprivation of liberty and its challenges in the context of the Center of Socio Education. The research focuses on theories that include discussions on the themes: equality and liberty, liberty and autonomy, relationships of equality and negative liberty and/or positive; deprivation of liberty and social vulnerability. Through the use of interviews, the study points out their careers, to discuss how these adolescents and society construct a path of possibilities and impossibilities, ahead the constitution of public politics of processes for social inclusion.
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Aspectos Psicológicos implicados no processo de Proteção a Vítimas e Testemunhas de Violência- PROVITA / the psychological aspects implied in the process of protection of the Programa de Apoio ás Testemunhas, Vítimas e Familiares de Vítimas de Violência - PROVITAValadão, Geny Rodrigues 12 September 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-09-12 / ABSTRACT
The present work has as objective to contribute for a reflection process on the psychological aspects implied in the process of protection of the Programa de Apoio ás Testemunhas, Vítimas e Familiares de Vítimas de Violência - PROVITA, emphasizing the change of identity, compatible and incompatible personality, the role of the psychologist and the freedom in the clandestinity. It was based on articles published by GAJOP and material obtained with the representative of Secretaria de Promoção e Defensa dos Direitos Humanos, in Brasilia. The objective of the study was focalized in psychological aspects of victims and witness and about challenge that they face to develop a new personal structure based on values of their new environment. From the referencial of the critical theory, it became evident the contradictions existent in the process of protection of PROVITA to reduce physical and psychological discomfort of the victims and witness, the suffering and the traumatic breaking lived by the individual. The research brings a set of information on the public politics of security that a few years ago nobody thought about it in Brazil. It evidences some problems that PROVITA will still face to become a space of contradiction and desorganization of the artifice of the social, economic politician system that command and propitiate total poverty and absence of social and political projects that guarantee the executation of the Human Rights. / RESUMO
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para um processo de reflexão sobre os aspectos psicológicos implicados no processo de proteção do Programa de Apoio às Testemunhas, Vítimas e Familiares de Vítimas de Violência PROVITA, destacando a mudança de identidade, personalidade compatível e incompatível, o papel do psicólogo e a liberdade na clandestinidade. Foi fundamentado em artigos publicados pelo GAJOP e material obtido com o representante da Secretaria de Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos, em Brasília. O objeto de estudo centrou-se nos aspectos psicológicos das vítimas e testemunhas, bem como nos desafios que enfrentam para desenvolverem uma nova estrutura pessoal referenciada em valores de seu novo ambiente. A partir do referencial da teoria crítica, procurou-se evidenciar as contradições existentes no processo de proteção do PROVITA para diminuir o mal-estar físico e psicológico das vítimas e testemunhas, o sofrimento e a violação traumática. A pesquisa traz um conjunto de informações sobre a política pública de segurança que há anos era impensável no Brasil. Evidencia alguns problemas que o PROVITA ainda terá que enfrentar para se tornar um espaço de desmistificação e desmantelamento das artimanhas do sistema social, político e econômico que impera, domina e propicia a pobreza e a ausência de projetos sociais e políticos que garantam a efetivação dos Direitos Humanos.
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