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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A liberdade sexual administrada

Silva, Pedro Fernando da 29 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Fernando da Silva.pdf: 798892 bytes, checksum: 1b91be42c3332be8c8c7d5f7095368aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This objectives research are to investigate the correlations between attitudes concerning to the sexual liberation, the desexualization and the conformism; and to elucidate some contradictions of the psychosocial structure of the administrated sexual liberty. The general hypothesis supposes that this regressive phenomenon is a contradictory expression of the freedom desire made under the not-free world determinations. The administrated sexual liberty incidence, such as the correlations between the implicated attitudes in her structure, was examined by empirical investigation and theoretical speculation. For to realize this purpose, three scales type Likert was elaborated: conformism scale (C), sexual liberation scale (LS), and desexualization scale (D). These scales were applied in 135 university students from Great São Paulo, and the final sample has 77 individuals. The correspondent dates were submitted to statistical tests, permitting to verify the scales precision and to obtain correlations between the measured attitudes. The instruments precision was verified by Alpha of the Cronbach, who was satisfactory in the three cases, with the following coefficients: 0,89 in the scale C, 0,77 in the scale LS, and 0,76 in the scale D. The found results confirm the hypothesis, and permit to demonstrate that there is a significant correlation between the characterized attitudes to the desexualization and the inclination to the conformism. Although the favorable attitudes to the liberation sexual, as much as the attitudes characterized to the desexualization, were related with contemporary forms and patterns of the sexual behavior, the results do not indicate significant correlation between them. Also there not is significant correlation between the conformist attitudes and the adhesion to the sexual liberation. Among the mediation of the administrated sexual liberty studied in this research, the desexualization is the form of the sexual liberty regression more directly implicated in the adjustment of the individuals to the conditions of the existence imposed to them nowadays / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos averiguar se havia correlações entre as atitudes concernentes à liberalização sexual, à dessexualização e ao conformismo, e elucidar algumas contradições da estrutura psicossocial da liberdade sexual administrada. Além da hipótese geral, que em síntese supunha ser este fenômeno regressivo uma expressão contraditória do anseio por liberdade produzido sob as determinações do mundo não-livre, formulou-se hipóteses operacionais acerca das correlações entre as atitudes estudadas. A incidência da liberdade sexual administrada, bem como as correlações entre as atitudes implicadas em sua estruturação, foi examinada por meio de técnicas de investigação empírica e da especulação teórica. Para atingir este propósito, foram elaboradas três escalas de atitude tipo Likert escala de conformismo (C), escala de liberalização sexual (LS) e escala de dessexualização (D) , posteriormente aplicadas a 135 estudantes de Universidades da Grande São Paulo, constituindo uma amostra final de 77 sujeitos. Os dados a eles correspondentes foram submetidos a testes estatísticos que permitiram verificar a precisão das escalas e obter as correlações entre as atitudes mensuradas. A precisão dos instrumentos foi constatada por meio do Alpha de Cronbach, que nos três casos mostrou-se satisfatório, com coeficientes de 0,89 para a escala C, 0,77 para a escala LS e 0,76 para a escala D. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram as hipóteses, permitindo demonstrar que há correlação significativa, de 0,75, entre as atitudes caracterizadas pela dessexualização e a inclinação ao conformismo; e que, apesar de as atitudes favoráveis à liberalização sexual, tanto quanto as que são caracterizadas pela dessexualização, referirem-se às formas e aos padrões contemporâneos do comportamento sexual, ainda assim, não há correlação significativa entre elas; assim como também não há correlação significativa entre as atitudes conformistas e a adesão à liberalização sexual. Dentre as mediações da liberdade sexual administrada estudadas nesta pesquisa, a dessexualização revelouse como a forma de regressão da liberdade sexual mais diretamente implicada no ajustamento dos indivíduos às condições de existência atualmente impostas

A utopia concreta e o ainda-não-consciente na obra de Ernst Bloch / The concrete utopia and the not-yet-conscious in the work of Ernst Bloch

Viana, Francisco Antonio Marques 29 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Antonio Marques Viana.pdf: 1904124 bytes, checksum: df2ab414fc9475e111c70c9231b2245e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-29 / Ernst Bloch‟s thought is quite broad, and it is usually analyzed in its messianic, utopian, mystical, features; or yet, due to its possible repercussion in Latin America and its hopeful point of view. This Dissertation investigates Bloch‟s philosophy as a source for the renovation of Marxism, in two moments which are interconnected to one sole idea: the Socialist revolution, enlightened by the liberation of man from Capitalism, and the building of a better life. The first moment is to be found in concrete utopia: an equalitarian, humanistic society, without the ill-consciousness of the division of classes and the egotism of profit, having man and his integration with nature as its subject. The second moment, consequence of the first, has its nucleus in the not-yet-conscious concept and it increases in density in man after he has (been) awakened with the transformation of society. Dialectically, the road to concrete utopia is to be found in the conjugation of the cold current of Marxism - the lucidity regarding reality -, with its warm current - revolutionary enthusiasm. There is, however, a starting point for Utopian philosophy, which is the Materialist Dialectics of historical man, the incompleteness of his trajectory, and the exit from obscurity wherein he lives, in search of himself, in the luminosity of the interlacing of theory and praxis. In such process, mediated by the anticipating will, one finds the need to review the ways of philosophy and psychoanalysis. Reviewing means thinking and overcoming difficulties so as to make Socialism the political regime mass-society chooses so that, faced with the imperatives of reality, man does not give up acting and dreaming, he does not, especially, relinquish the values of equality, friendship, and happiness on Earth. With its beginning in Aristotle and in the Aristotelism of the Left, in the Gothic thought of the Middle Ages, and in the philosophy of Renaissance, Bloch‟s hope concentrates in the awakening of rebellious man and in the building upon order starting from liberty, in the convergence of the superstructure with the structure, thus making it possible for one to live true history, so that the estrangement‟ of life does not become permanent repetition. If this happens, if philosophy and psychoanalysis acquire new knowledge, including the rediscovery of fore-knowledge [of the future] in Classical Philosophy, concrete utopia and the not-yet-conscious have the chance to overcome the capitalist illusion, thus generating horizons of hope for the construction of that which man has never experienced, a society wherein he is, at once, subject and object of its construction. What distinguishes Bloch from "Orthodox Marxism" is the open philosophical system, without ideologism, far from the delusive fetish of merchandise, next to the man who transforms and awakens to a better life. He dreams awake with a philosophy of a classless society in opposition to the philosophy of a class society / O pensamento de Ernst Bloch é complexo, sua obra é extensa e, em geral, tem sido analisado pelas suas feições messiânicas, utópicas, místicas ou ainda pela sua possível repercussão na América Latina e pelo ângulo da esperança. Esta tese, investiga a filosofia blochiana como fonte de renovação e extensão do marxismo, em dois momentos interligados a uma mesma ideia: a revolução socialista, iluminada pela libertação do homem do modo de produção capitalista e a construção da vida melhor. O primeiro momento encontra-se na utopia concreta: uma sociedade igualitária, humanística, sem a má consciência da divisão de classes e o egoísmo da expropriação da mais-valia, tendo como sujeito o homem e a sua integração com a natureza. O segundo momento, consequência do primeiro, tem o seu núcleo no conceito do ainda-não-consciente e se adensa no homem a partir do sonho acordado com a transformação da sociedade. Dialeticamente, o caminho para a utopia concreta encontra-se na conjugação da corrente fria do marxismo, a lucidez em realçar a realidade quanto à submissão ao capital, com a corrente quente , o entusiasmo revolucionário com o ainda-não-consciente. Há, contudo, um ponto de partida para a filosofia utópica que é o sonhar acordado com a saída da obscuridade em que vive o homem, na procura de encontrar a si mesmo, na luminosidade do entrelaçamento da teoria e da prática. Nesse processo dialético-materialista, mediado pela vontade antecipadora, encontra-se a necessidade de rever os caminhos da filosofia e da psicanálise. Rever significa pensar e transpor as dificuldades para transformar o socialismo no regime de escolha da sociedade de massas e que, diante dos imperativos do cotidiano, o homem não deixe de agir e sonhar, jamais abdique, principalmente, dos valores da igualdade, da fraternidade e da felicidade na Terra. Com seu início em Aristóteles e no chamado aristotelismo de esquerda, no pensamento gótico do medievo e na filosofia do Renascimento, a esperança em Bloch concentra-se no acordar do homem rebelde e na construção da ordem fundada na liberdade, na convergência da superestrutura com a estrutura e que, dessa forma, passe-se a viver a verdadeira história, sem que o estranhamento da vida se torne repetição permanente. Se assim ocorrer, a filosofia e a psicanálise irão adquirir novos saberes, inclusive redescobrindo ensinamentos antecipatórios do futuro na filosofia anterior a Marx. A utopia concreta e o ainda-não-consciente, nesse ambiente, terão possibilidades de superar a ilusão dos valores do capitalismo, criando horizontes de esperança para a construção daquilo que o homem jamais viveu, a sociedade em que ele será, a um só tempo, sujeito e objeto da construção. O que distingue Bloch do marxismo ortodoxo é o sistema filosófico aberto, de elucidação da essência humana, sem ideologismo, de mediação com a realidade, sem vínculos com o jogo ilusório do fetiche das mercadorias, identificado com o homem que transforma as relações entre os homens e com a natureza, despertando para uma vida melhor. Bloch sonha acordado com a filosofia da sociedade sem classes em oposição à filosofia da sociedade de classes

Nicolau Maquiavel: um estudo sobre a Teoria dos Humores / Niccolò Machiavelli : a study about Humor Theory

Marcia Gomes Fernandes 20 August 2010 (has links)
Nicolau Maquiavel foi um grande observador das ações políticas dos homens de seu tempo. Tanto quanto Secretário da República Florentina e, posteriormente em seu exílio, como um analista atento ao que ocorria na Europa pôde formular teses sobre o agir político e o comportamento do corpo social das comunidades políticas. De seus estudos emergiram ideias que possibilitaram o desdobramento do pensamento político precedente, mas o pensamento de Maquiavel promoveu inovações que marcariam a passagem do pensamento medieval para o moderno. Exemplo disso é a Teoria dos humores objeto deste estudo que defende a ocorrência de tumultos como um mal necessário para a conquista da liberdade. O instrumento necessário para que isso ocorra é a existência de boas leis, que regulem os conflitos sociais para que esses não desviem dos interesses coletivos. É na obra Discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio, especialmente no Livro I, que Nicolau Maquiavel analisou a temática dos Humores; sendo assim nosso estudo se deterá com mais atenção a essa obra. / Niccolò Machiavelli was a keen observer of the political actions of this time. As far as secretary of the Florentine Republic and later in exile, an attentive watcher to the situation in Europe was able to formulate theories on the political behavior and the social organization of political communities. Ideas emerged from his studies that enabled the deployment of the former political thought, but the Machiavellis thoughts promoted innovations that mark the passage from medieval to modern thought. An example of it is the Humor Theory object of this study which defends the occurrence of disorder as a necessary evil for the liberty conquest. The required instrument for this is the existence of good laws, which regulate social conflicts so that they do not deviate from the collective interests. It is in the book Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Lívio by Tito Lívio, especially in Book I, Niccolò Machiavelli analysed the template of humors; so our will be engaged more thoughfully to this work.

Roosevelt, Vargas e a liberdade: história em contexto: o ethos e a guerra da língua pelas perspectivas da AD e dos estudos culturais

Avelar, Regina Paula Ambrogi 23 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:45:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regina Paula Ambrogi Avelar.pdf: 1493250 bytes, checksum: d538dda89ddf0e26e835d783aa168783 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present thesis can be read as possible transcultural implications referring to conceptualization of liberty as a socio-cultural theme determined by the identity of a people. We analyzed the position assumed by the subject (discursive ethos) and its roles considering the bivocality speaker/audience in dialogism of the following policy addresses: the speech of the American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt The four freedoms (1941), and the address of the Brazilian President Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (1943), known as The celebrations of National Independence and the Entrance of Brazil in the War . Our general objective is to seek the voice of freedom in the process of erasure of voices which naturally act in the discourse, besides the observation of language wars which frame themselves surreptitiously there. The first stage of this research consisted of surveying concepts of Discourse Analysis (DA) concerning the notions of discourse and political discourse, its constitutive elements, its space-time coordinates, besides a panorama of discursive ethos knowledge from the Aristotelic understanding to its perspective in Cultural Studies. The procedure adopted aims to analyze the ethe built in the speeches selected with the intention of revealing voices of freedom that they might entail. The second phase examined the concepts of transculturality, interculturality and multiculturality through the perspective in Cultural Studies in order to depict a comparison between the ideas of liberty for the American and Brazilian peoples through transcultural analysis of language wars which wage themselves in the discourse. The third stage brought a stocktaking of the aspects from the historical-ideological-sociocultural context from the moments of the addresses which allowed us to delineate the analyses including those aspects. The transdisciplinary analysis here developed targeted for articulating three distinguishable subjects History, DA and Cultural Studies in a transcultural approach of a universal thematic (liberty/freedom) aiming at fostering the critical analysis of moments and speeches which left (trans)cultural legacies relevant to the present time. / A presente dissertação parte em busca de possíveis implicações transculturais referentes à conceituação de liberdade como um tema sócioculturalmente marcado na identidade de um povo. Analisamos a posição do sujeito (ethos discursivo) e os papeis assumidos por ele, considerando-se a bivocalidade locutor/alocutário na dialogização das seguintes alocuções políticas: o discurso do presidente americano Franklin Delano Roosevelt As quatro liberdades de 1941 e o discurso do presidente brasileiro Getúlio Dornelles Vargas de 1943, intitulado As comemorações da Independência Nacional e entrada do Brasil na guerra . O objetivo geral é o de buscar a voz da liberdade no processo de apagamento de vozes que naturalmente intervêm no discurso, além da observação das guerras de língua que ali se instauram sub-repticiamente. A primeira etapa dessa pesquisa consistiu em um levantamento de conceitos da Análise do Discurso (AD) referentes às noções de discurso e de discurso político, seus elementos constitutivos, suas coordenadas espaço-temporais, assim como um panorama da noção de ethos discursivo desde a noção aristotélica à perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais. O procedimento adotado visa a analisar os ethe construídos nos discursos selecionados com o intuito de desvelar a voz de liberdade que eles possam vincular. A segunda etapa examinou os conceitos de transculturalidade, interculturalidade e multiculturalidade pela perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais para que traçássemos um paralelo entre as ideias de liberdade para os povos norte-americano e brasileiro por meio da análise transcultural das guerras de língua que se travam nos pronunciamentos. A terceira parte trouxe um levantamento dos aspectos do contexto histórico-ideológico-sócio-cultural dos momentos dos pronunciamentos para que pudéssemos delinear as análises incluindo também esses aspectos. A análise transdisciplinar aqui desenvolvida objetivou articular essas três áreas distintas do conhecimento a história, a AD e os Estudos Culturais em uma abordagem transcultural de uma temática universal (a liberdade) com o intuito de fomentar a análise crítica de momentos e de discursos que deixaram legados (trans)culturais relevantes para a atualidade.

Book Review of Hillel Frisch and Efraim Inbar (Eds.). Radical Islam and International Security: Challenges and Responses. Tamar Meisels. The Trouble With Terror: Liberty, Security, and the Response to Terrorism.

Kamolnick, Paul 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Le musée de l'immigration d'Ellis Island, lieu de mémoire de l'immigration américaine / The Ellis Island Immigration Museum, Site of Memory of American immigration

Cosson, Isabelle 12 December 2016 (has links)
L’histoire d’Ellis Island, de l’ouverture de la station d’immigration en 1892 jusqu’à la restauration du site dans les années 1980 après une période d’abandon et d’oubli, reflète les interactions entre les discours sur l’immigration et la construction de l’identité politique et culturelle de la nation américaine. Le musée de l’immigration qui a ouvert sur l’île en 1990, dans le bâtiment même où sont passés douze millions d’immigrants entre 1892 et le milieu des années 1920, est devenu le lieu de mémoire de l’immigration américaine. En partant du postulat que les sociétés construisent leur représentation du passé et leur mémoire collective pour répondre à leurs besoins dans le présent, cette thèse entend montrer comment et à quelles fins la nation américaine a choisi de mettre en avant, à un moment donné, certains éléments de son histoire pour s’affirmer « nation of immigrants ». La création du musée d’Ellis Island, qui a consacré l’immigration et l’ethnicité comme composantes essentielles de l’identité américaine, était en effet aussi un choix de mémoire de l’Etat fédéral, témoignant d’une manière d’interpréter et de représenter l’Histoire. / The story of Ellis Island, from the opening of the immigration station in 1892 to the restoration of the site in the 1980s after a period of neglect and oblivion, reflects the interactions between discourses on immigration and the building of the political and cultural identity of the American nation. The immigration museum that opened on the island in 1990, in the building where twelve million immigrants were processed between 1892 and the mid-1920s, has become the site of memory of American immigration. Starting from the postulate that societies build their representation of the past and their collective memory to meet their demands in the present, this thesis aims at showing how and for what purposes the American nation chose to put forward, at a certain time, selected pieces of its history to assert itself “ nation of immigrants”. The setting-up of the Ellis Island museum, which affirmed immigration and ethnicity as essential components of the American identity, was indeed also a choice of memory by the Federal government, testifying to a way of interpreting and representing History.

Herman L. Midlo: Social Ally in Louisiana Religious Civil Rights

Taylor, Kenneth William-Moran 23 May 2019 (has links)
The study of social allies in the field of American Civil Rights and Liberties History is largely an underappreciated aspect of this historical era. This work argues that social allies and their stories are worthwhile histories that are beneficial to the study of American Civil Rights and Liberties using Louisiana lawyer Herman Lazard Midlo as a case study. Midlo worked as a Louisiana lawyer from the 1930s to 1960s and fought tirelessly for the religious liberties of the Jehovah’s Witness community in the state. His story shows how beneficial and consequential the actions of social allies have had and can have on the protection and expansion of civil rights and religious liberties.

Les images et l’image dans l’œuvre de Michel Tournier / Images and image in the work of Michel Tournier

Lin, Wei-chun 11 February 2011 (has links)
Cette étude de l’image dans l’œuvre de Tournier vise à déchiffrer la conception qu’a l’écrivain de l’image, la spécificité de son monde imaginaire ainsi que sa passion à créer la nouveauté, à l’instar des artistes. Ainsi, les images, photographiques et peintes, tantôt maléfiques tantôt bénéfiques, révèlent l’imaginaire spécifique de Michel Tournier : l’ambiguïté d’une imaginaire « bifrons ». Une image n’est jamais limpide ni durablement stable. Le caractère dual et le plus souvent antithétique des images illustre bien le projet esthétique de Tournier : l’ambiguïté, la contradiction, la polysémie. Ce projet esthétique lance un défi à la pensée et aux habitudes du lecteur. Une image n’est pas telle qu’elle semble l’être ; un mot ne renvoie pas non plus à ce qu’il représente dans l’œuvre littéraire ; le monde n’est pas tel qu’il est perçu. Toutes les valeurs, les règles imposées par la société, par l’homme demandent à être inversées et interprétées. Analysant les images chez Tournier, cette recherche permet spécifiquement de réfléchir aux possibilités de la représentation, à leur valeur et donc à la création littéraire, considérée comme une « re-présentation ». / This study of image in Tournier's work aims to decipher the writer’s conception of image, the specificity of his imaginary world, his passion to create « new » like artists do. Thus, images, photographic and painted, either evil or beneficial, reveal the specific imagination of Michel Tournier – the ambiguity of an imaginary « bifrons ». An image is neither clear nor stable. The dual and often antithetical nature of image illustrates the aesthetic project of the writer: ambiguity, contradiction and polysemy. This aesthetic project is a challenge to the reader’s usual thoughts and habits. An image is not like it seems to be, a word is not changes his meanings in literary works, the world is not like it is perceived. All values, rules imposed by society, by human beings have to be inverted and interpreted. By analyzing images in the works of Tournier, this research specifically invites us to reflect on the possibilities of representation, and on their value and literary creation, considered as « re-presentation ».

A genealogy of subjective rights

Buonamano, Roberto, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation is an historical and philosophical study on the development of a subjective concept of individual rights. It takes the form of a history of ideas informed by genealogical methods of inquiry. Rather than seeking an origin for and underlying truth to human rights, it treats human rights as a product of various historical developments which are capable of being investigated in terms of their contingency as well as their continuous traditions. The thesis begins with an analysis of political theory in ancient Greek thought, primarily as a means of suggesting possible alternative political philosophies to the rights-based approach dominant in modern Western societies. The thesis then considers the theologicalpolitical discourse on sovereignty in the early Middle Ages, revolving around the doctrine of divine right and influenced by the function of the Christian Church in defining the nature of government. This is followed by an examination of the emergence of hierarchical, feudal relations and the formulation of feudal rights as based on proprietary notions and coinciding with individual liberties. In the following chapter there is a discussion of the juridical construction of sovereign power that emerged from the reception of Roman law and the development of canon law, the influence of legal textuality on the granting of rights and liberties, and the emergence of a discourse on public right as a way of defining the relationship between the prince and his subjects and thus delimiting sovereign authority. Finally, the thesis considers the legacy of the theory of natural rights and its relationship to forms of liberty, with an analysis of: firstly, the idea of natural rights that developed through canon law and the discussions surrounding the Franciscan poverty disputes; secondly, the role of property rights in the formulation of the rights of liberty; thirdly, the Christian understanding of liberty as a subjective attribute or power through the theo-ontological theory of human nature as represented by the free will; and fourthly, the transformation in Renaissance and early modern legal and political theory of the concept of liberty into a political doctrine about individual autonomy and inherent freedom. The purpose of the dissertation is to describe the multiple and complex historical processes from which the idea of subjective rights has emerged, as a means of understanding how human rights have come to play a seemingly essential role in modern legal and political discourses and practices.

社會福利與分配正義 -論約翰彌爾之社會福利思想 / Social Welfare and Distributive Justice: on John Stuart Mill's thought of social welfare

蘇慧君, Su, Huei-chun Unknown Date (has links)
社會福利的觀念與制度之產生,實肇因於近代資本主義發展後,產生的無數社會問題,為了延續資本主義制度,因而產生社會福利之合理性的辯論。因此,若要深刻了解社會福利的本質及問題,必不可缺少對於近代資本主義發展歷程的認識,包括社會經濟史和經濟思想史,故本文嘗試在經濟思想的脈絡下,透過經濟學家們在理論思想上的辯論,探討社會福利制度的正當性問題。 本文以約翰.斯圖亞特.彌爾(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873)為思想類比的核心,並以馬克思(Karl Marx, 1818-1883)、海耶克(F. A. von Hayek, 1899-1992)與羅爾斯(John Rawls)作為辯論的對手,交織出一個以歷史為經,意識形態為緯的論述架構,尋思政府應採自由放任或管制的界限何在,其原則為何。 由於社會福利制度本質上實是自由主義與社會主義思想調和的具體呈現,因此,在思想上交糅著自由主義與社會主義的約翰.彌爾,其分配正義理論乃為社會福利制度的合理性提供了有力的辯護;並且,當代著名的「第三條路」(the Third Way)—此一非左非右的政治哲學,不過是彌爾折衷思想的舊理新敘,身處十九世紀的約翰.彌爾實為「第三條路」之先驅,故本文認為,倘若要深刻理解「第三條路」的哲學,實應返回彌爾的理論思想。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 第二節 思考的起點與論述架構 第二章 思想源流-十七至十九世紀之英國 第一節 社會經濟環境之變遷 壹.十七世紀至十八世紀末的英國 貳.十八世紀至十九世紀中葉的英國 第二節 政治經濟思潮之發展 壹.英國古典政治經濟學的發展 一.重商主義時代的告終 二.亞當斯密自由放任的思想 貳.邊沁的效用主義 第三章 彌爾的社會福利思想 第一節 社會福利理論 壹.彌爾的效用原則 貳.效用原則與分配正義 第二節 社會福利制度 壹.教育 貳.勞工 一.最低工資 二.工作時數 三.工會 參.窮人 第四章 對彌爾思想的檢討 第一節 馬克思的批評 第二節 海耶克的批評 第三節 羅爾斯的批評 第五章 結論

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