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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

General Projective Approach to Transport Coefficients of Condensed Matter Systems and Application to an Atomic Wire

Bartsch, Christian 16 March 2010 (has links)
We present a novel approach to the investigation of transport coefficients in condensed matter systems, which is based on a pertinent time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique. In this context we analyze in advance the convergence of the corresponding perturbation expansion and the influence of the occurring inhomogeneity. The TCL method is used to establish a formalism for a consistent derivation of a Boltzmann equation from the underlying quantum dynamics, which is meant to apply to non-ideal quantum gases. We obtain a linear(ized) collision term that results as a finite non-singular rate matrix and is thus adequate for further considerations, e.g., the calculation of transport coefficients. In the work at hand we apply the provided scheme to numerically compute the diffusion coefficient of an atomic wire and especially analyze its dependence on certain model properties, in particular on the width of the wire.

Getriebene Nanosysteme: Von stochastischen Fluktuationen und Transport zu selbstorganisierten Strukturen / Driven nanosystems: From stochastic fluctuations and transport to self-organized pattern

Einax, Mario 07 October 2013 (has links)
Aufgrund des weltweiten Trends zur Miniaturisierung, u. a. von elektronischen Bauteilen, von Sensoren, von Speichermedien, oder bei der gezielten Funktionalisierung von Nanopartikeln als Kontrastmittel in bildgebenden medizinischen Verfahren, nimmt die Erforschung von Nanosystemen eine interdisziplinäre Schlüsselrolle ein. Ein grundlegendes physikalisches, chemisches und biologisches Verständnis von Nanosystemen auf Grundlage von experimentellen und theoretischen Untersuchungen steht dabei ebenso im Fokus wie die konzeptionelle Entwicklung geeigneter Nanotechnologien zur kontrollierten Herstellung von Nanostrukturen über „bottom-up“ und „top-down“ Strategien. Getriebene Nanosysteme befinden sich fern vom thermischen Gleichgewicht. Zur ihrer Beschreibung gibt es bisher keine allgemein ausgearbeitete Theorie. Dies hat zur Konsequenz, dass getriebene Nanosysteme problemspezifisch modelliert und untersucht werden müssen. Die vorliegende Schrift ist in drei Themengebiete unterteilt: (i) konzeptionelle Beschreibung stochastischer Fluktuationen der Arbeit und der Wärme im Rahmen der stochastischen Thermodynamik, (ii) konzeptionelle Beschreibung von Vielteilchen-Transportproblemen mit repulsiven Nächste-Nachbarwechselwirkungen auf Grundlage der klassischen zeitabhängigen Dichtefunktionaltheorie und (iii) selbstorganisiertes Wachstum von metallischen und organischen Nanostrukturen.

Aspects of Non-Equilibrium Behavior in Isolated Quantum Systems

Heveling, Robin 06 September 2022 (has links)
Based on the publications [P1–P6], the cumulative dissertation at hand addresses quite diverse aspects of non-equilibrium behavior in isolated quantum systems. The works presented in publications [P1, P2] concern the issue of finding generally valid upper bounds on equilibration times, which ensure the eventual occurrence of equilibration in isolated quantum systems. Recently, a particularly compelling bound for physically relevant observables has been proposed. Said bound is examined analytically as well as numerically. It is found that the bound fails to give meaningful results in a number of standard physical scenarios. Continuing, publication [P4] examines a particular integral fluctuation theorem (IFT) for the total entropy production of a small system coupled to a substantially larger but finite bath. While said IFT is known to hold for canonical states, it is shown to be valid for microcanonical and even pure energy eigenstates as well by invoking the physically natural conditions of “stiffness” and “smoothness” of transition probabilities. The validity of the IFT and the existence of stiffness and smoothness are numerically investigated for various lattice models. Furthermore, this dissertation puts emphasis on the issue of the route to equilibrium, i.e., to explain the omnipresence of certain relaxation dynamics in nature, while other, more exotic relaxation patterns are practically never observed, even though they are a priori not disfavored by the microscopic laws of motion. Regarding this question, the existence of stability in a larger class of dynamics consisting of exponentially damped oscillations is corroborated in publication [P6]. In the same vein, existing theories on the ubiquity of certain dynamics are numerically scrutinized in publication [P3]. Finally, in publication [P5], the recently proposed “universal operator growth hypothesis”, which characterizes the complexity growth of operators during unitary time evolution, is numerically probed for various spin-based systems in the thermodynamic limit. The hypothesis is found to be valid within the limits of the numerical approach.

Impact des ApoExos dans le bris de la tolérance aux antigènes vasculaires et au déclenchement d’une réponse auto-immune systémique

Juillard, Sandrine 08 1900 (has links)
Les exosomes apoptotiques (ApoExo) sont des vésicules extracellulaires (EVs) dérivées de lésions vasculaires et libérées par des cellules endothéliales (ECs) apoptotiques dont la taille, les protéines, le profil en ARN et l'activité enzymatique sont différents de ceux des corps apoptotiques classiques. Notre groupe a montré que les ApoExos accéléreraient le rejet vasculaire en association avec les anti-LG3 circulants, des auto-anticorps (auto-Ac) dirigés contre le LG3, le fragment 5' du perlécan. Nous avons également démontré le rôle de biomarqueur et le rôle effecteur des anti-LG3 dans les lésions vasculaires rénales, à la fois dans les reins natifs et transplantés. La néphrite lupique (NL) est une manifestation fréquente et grave du lupus érythémateux disséminé (LED). Il n'existe pas de biomarqueurs du dysfonctionnement rénal progressif dans la NL. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que les ApoExos stimulent des cellules B spécifiques qui existent dans le répertoire immunitaire normal et que les conditions pro-inflammatoires prévalant chez les patients atteints de LED, telles que l'activation accrue des récepteurs Toll-like (TLRs), amplifient cette réponse, conduisant à la production d'anti-LG3, un auto-Ac important dans l'établissement de la NL. Des cellules B productrices d’anti-LG3 ont été trouvées dans la cavité péritonéale de souris saines et ont produit des anti-LG3 suite à une stimulation in vitro avec des agonistes des TLR1/2, TLR4, TLR7 et TLR9. Il est intéressant de noter que ces cellules sont absentes de la cavité péritonéale de souris saines ayant reçu une injection d'ApoExos. En explorant l'importance fonctionnelle des TLRs dans le déclenchement d'une réponse auto-immune dans un modèle murin lupique, nous montrons que les agonistes de TLRs connus pour contribuer à la pathogenèse du LED (TLR2, 4, 7 et 9) déclenchent une production significativement plus élevée d'IgM anti-LG3, alors que la stimulation des TLRs qui ne sont pas associés à la pathogenèse du LED (TLR3 et 5) ne le fait pas. L’injection d'ApoExo a également déclenché l'axe auto-immun IL-23/IL-17 (mesuré par ELISA et essai cytokinique), augmenté les cellules B de centres germinatifs spléniques (mesuré par cytométrie de flux), augmenté les taux circulants d’IgG totaux, d’anti-LG3 et d’auto-Ac classiques du LED (mesuré par micropuce et ELISA) par rapport à l’injection de véhicule. Des niveaux élevés d'IgG anti-LG3 circulants sont observés chez les souris prédisposées au LED par rapport aux souris saines (mesurés par ELISA), ainsi qu'une proportion accrue de cellules B1 spléniques et de cavité péritonéale (mesurés par cytométrie de flux) augmentant avec l’établissement de la maladie. Ces observations suggèrent un rôle spécifique des ApoExos dans la modulation de la production d'auto-Ac qui, à son tour, déclenche l'involution microvasculaire importante dans les maladies auto-immunes et le rejet de greffe. Ces observations suggèrent également que les cellules B spécifiques de LG3 peuvent être modulées dans des conditions pro-inflammatoires telles que celles qui prévalent chez les patients atteints de LED, conduisant à la production d'auto-Ac. Une meilleure compréhension de l'impact de ces mécanismes permettra d'améliorer l'identification, la prédiction et la prise en charge de la NL. / Apoptotic exosomes (ApoExo) are vascular injury derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by apoptotic endothelial cells (ECs) with distinct size, protein, RNA profile and enzymatic activity from classical apoptotic bodies. Our group showed that ApoExo accelerated vascular rejection in association with circulating anti-LG3, autoantibodies (autoAb) against LG3, the 5’ fragment of the perlecan. We have also unravelled biomarkers and effector roles of anti-LG3 in kidney vascular damage in both native and transplanted kidneys. Lupus Nephritis (LN) is a common and serious manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Biomarkers of progressive renal dysfunction in LN, are lacking. We hypothesize that ApoExo stimulate specific B cells that exist in the normal immune repertoire and that the pro-inflammatory conditions prevalent in SLE patients, such as increased Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) activation, amplify this response, leading to anti-LG3 production, autoAb of importance in LN development. B cells producing anti-LG3 were found in the peritoneal cavity of healthy mice and produced anti-LG3 AutoAb when stimulated in vitro with TLR 1/2, 4, 7 and 9 agonists. Interestingly, these cells disappeared from the peritoneal cavity of healthy mice infused with ApoExo. ApoExo infusion also triggered circulating IL-23/IL-17 autoimmune axis (measured by cytokines assay), increased splenic germinal centre B cells (measured by flow cytometry), increased total circulating IgG, anti-LG3 and classical autoAb (measured by microarray and ELISA) compared to vehicle infusion. Elevated circulating anti-LG3 IgG levels are found in SLE prone mice compared to healthy ones (measured by ELISA) as well as an increased proportion of splenic and peritoneal cavity B1 cells (measured by flow cytometry). Exploring the functional importance of TLRs in triggering such a response, we show that while TLR agonists known to contribute to SLE pathogenesis (TLR2, 4, 7 and 9) triggered significantly higher IgM anti-LG3 production, stimulation of TLR that are not associated with SLE pathogenesis (TLR3 and 5) did not. These observations suggest a specific role for ApoExo in modulating the production of autoAb which, in turn, trigger microvascular involution of importance in autoimmune diseases and transplant rejection. These observations also suggest that LG3-specific B cells may be modulated under pro-inflammatory conditions such as those prevalent in lupus patients, leading to production of autoAb. A better understanding of the impact of these mechanisms will lead to improved identification, prediction, and management of LN.

Ökonomische Beiträge zur Erschließung menschlichen Verhaltens für die Lösung von Naturschutzfragen / Economic Contributions to Human Behaviour in Nature Conservation Issues

Freese, Jan 16 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit Besonderheiten? – Beiträge zur Mittelstandsforschung an den Beispielen von Innovation und Konjunktur / Researching SMEs. Innovation protection practices and beyond

Thomä, Jörg 19 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Croissance de couches minces et de nanostructures piézoélectriques A2WO6 (A=lanthanide) par ablation laser et caractérisation nanométrique par microscopie à force atomique / Growth of A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) thin films and piezoelectric nanostructures by pulsed laser deposition and nanometric characterization by atomic force microscopy

Carlier, Thomas 09 December 2016 (has links)
Afin de répondre à l’essor des nanotechnologies dans le domaine des capteurs et du stockage de l’information, la recherche de nouveaux matériaux éco-acceptables, sous forme de films minces et possédant de hautes performances s’inscrit dans une politique environnementale toujours plus présente.Le but de ce travail est donc double : (i) synthétiser des films minces d’oxydes de A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) et d’en démontrer le caractère piézo-/ferroélectrique à l’échelle locale ; (ii) nanostructurer ce type de matériau par une approche « bottom-up ».Cette thèse a débuté par l’étude de ces oxydes sous forme massive et notamment de leur comportement en température. À la suite de cette étude, des films minces de La2WO6 ont été synthétisés par ablation laser pulsé sur des substrats de SrTiO3 et de LaAlO3 orientés (100). La caractérisation structurale par diffraction de rayons X haute résolution et par microscopie électronique en transmission a permis de déterminer les paramètres de maille ainsi que les relations d’épitaxie de ces films. Par la suite, le caractère piézo-/ferroélectrique des films de α-La2WO6 haute température a été confirmé à l’échelle locale par microscopie à force piézoélectrique ainsi que par TEM-STM in situ. Le composé Nd2WO6 présente également toutes les caractéristiques d’un matériau piézoélectrique. Enfin, la nanostructuration via un masque en nitrure de silicium et l’ablation laser pulsé a permis la fabrication d’îlots piézoélectriques de La2WO6 de diamètres de 1,2 μm et 450 nm. Ces résultats prometteurs font des oxydes A2WO6 des candidats de choix pour la conception de nano-dispositifs piézo-/ferroélectriques. / With the development of nanotechnology in the field of sensors and information storage, the research for new eco-friendly materials in the form of thin films with high performances is part of an ever present environmental policy. The purpose of this work is twofold. It is (i) to synthesize oxide thin films of A2WO6 (A = lanthanide) and to demonstrate the local piezo / ferroelectric behavior; (ii) to nanostructure this type of material by using a "bottom-up" approach. Thus this thesis has began by studying the behavior of these oxides in bulk form, considering particularly the temperature and pressure effects. As a result, La2WO6 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on (100)-oriented SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 substrates. The structural characterization by X-ray diffraction high resolution and transmission electron microscopy was used to determine the lattice parameters and the epitaxial relationships of these films. Thereafter, the piezo / ferroelectric behavior of high temperature α-La2WO6 film was locally confirmed by piezoelectric force microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy combined with the scanning tunneling microscopy. The Nd2WO6 compound has also the characteristics of a piezoelectric material. Finally, the nanostructuration by combining a silicon nitride mask and the pulsed laser deposition technique has enabled the fabrication of La2WO6 piezoelectric islands with diameters of 1.2 μm and 450 nm. These promising results make A2WO6 oxides ideal candidates for the design of piezo / ferroelectric nanodevices.

Application of Projection Operator Techniques to Transport Investigations in Closed Quantum Systems

Steinigeweg, Robin 28 August 2008 (has links)
The work at hand presents a novel approach to transport in closed quantum systems. To this end a method is introduced which is essentially based on projection operator techniques, in particular on the time-convolutionless (TCL) technique. The projection onto local densities of quantities such as energy, magnetization, particles, etc. yields the reduced dynamics of the respective quantities in terms of a systematic perturbation expansion. Especially, the lowest order contribution of this expansion is used as a strategy for the analysis of transport in "modular" quantum systems. The term modular basically corresponds to (quasi-) one-dimensional structures consisting of identical or at least similar many-level subunits. Modular quantum systems are demonstrated to represent many physical situations and several examples are given. In the context of these quantum systems lowest order TCL is shown as an efficient tool which also allows to investigate the dependence of transport on the considered length scale. In addition an estimation for the validity range of lowest order TCL is derived. As a first application a "design" model is considered for which a complete characterization of all available transport types as well as the transitions to each other is possible. For this model the relationship to quantum chaos and the validity of the Kubo formula is further discussed. As an example for a "real" system the Anderson model is finally analyzed. The results are partially verified by the numerical solution of the full time-dependent Schroedinger equation which is obtained by exact diagonalization or approximative integrators.

Wellenlängenmultiplexing mit thermisch fixierten Volumenphasenhologrammen in photorefraktiven Lithiumniobat-Kristallen / Wavelength Division Multiplexing with Thermally Fixed Volume Phase Holograms in Photorefractive Lithium Niobate Crystals

Breer, Stefan 08 September 2000 (has links)
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is essential for further enhancement of the transmission capacities of optical telecommunication systems. Key devices in WDM networks are multiplexing/demultiplexing components, which enable the combination/separation of several carrier waves with different wavelengths for the purpose of simultaneous transmission through one optical fibre. These components can be realized using Bragg diffraction from volume holographic gratings. Especially reflection holograms provide a pronounced wavelength selectivity which makes them attractive for free-space WDM applications. Holograms can be stored permanently in photorefractive lithium niobate crystals by the method of Thermal Fixing. Heating of the crystal during or after the recording process and subsequent development by homogeneous illumination at room temperature create nonvolatile holograms. The recording and development processes of Thermal Fixing in iron- and copper-doped lithium niobate crystals were investigated. Macroscopic Gaussian-shaped intensity patterns were used to analyse the origin of the fixing mechanism. Spatially resolved absorption measurements were performed to determine the concentration profiles of electron traps (Fe II/III) and protons. Results of computer simulations were compared with experimental results, which showed that protons can be found to work as compensators during hologram recording at temperatures around 180 degree C. Nevertheless thermal fixing without protons was possible, another compensation mechanism stood in. The obtained refractive-index changes were due to the electro-optic effect, other contributions could be neglected. With this detailed knowledge about thermal fixing, a two-channel demultiplexing unit was built by superposition of two thermally fixed reflection holograms in an iron-doped lithium niobate crystal. For this purpose a special two-beam interference setup with precisely adjustable writing angles was arranged in a vacuum chamber to eliminate thermally induced phase disturbances of the holographic recording procedure. Continuous development of the holograms by incoherent light was necessary. In the dark, the enhanced dark conductivity of the crystal used gave rise to a hologram degradation within about one day. Large diffraction efficiencies were attained (intensity losses between 2.3 and 5.2 dB only) uilizing crystals with high-quality polished surfaces. The crosstalk supression of the realized demultiplexer was > 25 dB, which is comparable with the performance of other multiplexing techniques like fibre Bragg gratings or arrayed-waveguide gratings. The low polarization dependence of the demultiplexer can be improved by superposition of two holograms for each channel.

Navigation Control & Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots / Navigation Control and Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robots

Pütz, Sebastian Clemens Benedikt 11 February 2022 (has links)
Mobile robots need to move in the real world for the majority of tasks. Their control is often intertwined with the tasks they have to solve. Unforeseen events must have an adequate and prompt reaction, in order to solve the corresponding task satisfactorily. A robust system must be able to respond to a variety of events with specific solutions and strategies to keep the system running. Robot navigation control systems are essential for this. In this thesis we present a robot navigation control system that fulfills these requirements: Move Base Flex. Furthermore, the map representation used to model the environment is essential for path planning. Depending on the representation of the map, path planners can solve problems like simple 2D indoor navigation, but also complex rough terrain outdoor navigation with multiple levels and varying slopes, if the corresponding representation can model them accurately. With Move Base Flex, we present a middle layer navigation framework for navigation control, that is map independent at its core. Based on this, we present the Mesh Navigation Stack to master path planning in complex outdoor environments using a developed mesh map to model surfaces in 3D. Finally, to solve path planning in complex outdoor environments, we have developed and integrated the Continuous Vector Field Planner with the aforementioned solutions and evaluated it on five challenging and complex outdoor datasets in simulation and in the real-world. Beyond that, the corresponding developed software packages are open source available and have been released to easily reproduce the provided scientific results.

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