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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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La cohérence interterritoriale des projets de continuités écologiques. L’exemple de la politique Trame verte et bleue en France / Interterritorial coherence of projects relating to ecological networks. Example of the “Trame verte et bleue” policy in France

Chaurand, Julie 08 November 2017 (has links)
La Trame verte et bleue (TVB) a pour objectif la préservation et la remise en « bon état » des continuités écologiques (CE). Cette politique publique veut être un outil d’aménagement du territoire. Elle est inscrite à la fois dans le code de l’environnement et de l’urbanisme. Elle se décline à différents niveaux de gouvernance, du national au local en passant par le régional. La cohérence entre ces niveaux est cadrée par la loi française. Mais une importante marge d’interprétation et de mise en œuvre de la politique est laissée aux territoires. Dans cette thèse, nous interrogeons les conditions permettant d’assurer la cohérence entre les projets des territoires ayant trait à la planification des CE. Pour cela, nous répondons à deux principales hypothèses sources de (in)cohérence : (i) l’incomplétude de la connaissance existante en écologie du paysage et son utilisation dans les territoires et, (ii) les processus de gouvernance mis en place pour saisir la marge d’adaptation de la politique, avec un focus sur les acteurs « relais » entre les projets des territoires. Ainsi, nous développons une notion de la « cohérence interterritoriale » basée sur le partage entre les acteurs des territoires d’une vision de l’organisation de l’espace. Nous en tirons une grille d’analyse de cette cohérence appliquée aux projets portant sur les CE. Cette grille présente trois volets : la dimension écologique, la multifonctionnalité et la gouvernance. Ces volets sont assortis de critères et d’indicateurs. La grille d’analyse a été appliquée à différents projets portés par des territoires « emboités » du niveau national au local, dans les régions Bretagne et Occitanie (pour l’ancienne région Languedoc-Roussillon). L’analyse est d’abord spécifique à chaque projet puis est ensuite comparative, de façon verticale entre les niveaux de gouvernance et horizontale entre mêmes niveaux de gouvernance. Nous montrons que la préservation des CE est un « wicked mess problem », dans le sens où il n’existe pas une solution unique et optimale face aux complexités écologiques et sociétales du sujet. Les territoires s’adaptent, traduisent, simplifient et ont leur propre représentation des concepts d’écologie du paysage. Les approches diffèrent du niveau national au local. L’approche naturaliste promue au niveau national devient une approche par l’occupation du sol au niveau local. De même, l’approche écologique devient multifonctionnelle en passant du code de l’environnement au code de l’urbanisme. La loi impose une cohérence descendante entre les territoires ce qui peut être source d’innovation ou au contraire limiter les initiatives par crainte du contentieux juridique. Les acteurs et les projets sont extrêmement divers. La planification des CE est une « patate plus ou moins chaude » que les territoires se repassent les uns aux autres. Les territoires porteurs de schémas de cohérence territoriale (SCoT) ou de plans locaux d’urbanisme (intercommunaux) (PLU(i)) sont souvent identifiés comme les plus pertinents pour traiter le problème. Mais l’application du principe de subsidiarité ne doit pas déresponsabiliser certains territoires, alors que les systèmes socio-écologiques sont de fait inter-échelles et donc interterritoriaux. Le rôle des acteurs « relais » entre les territoires est essentiel à la cohérence interterritoriale pour dynamiser voire créer les proximités organisées entre les territoires. La Trame verte et bleue est actuellement à un tournant suite aux récentes évolutions législatives. Les régions sont identifiées comme cheffes de file sur la biodiversité et sont dotées d’un nouveau schéma régional intégrateur absorbant, notamment, la TVB. La cohérence interterritoriale se construit dans le temps et méritera d’être analysée dans le temps. / The “Trame verte et bleue” (TVB), a French public policy, aims at preserving and restoring ecological networks (EN). It is intended to be a tool for land-use planning. It is part of French law’s codes for the environment and for urbanism. It is meant to be implemented at different governance levels, ranging from the national to the regional to the local. The coherence of the TVB between these levels has been specified in French law. Nevertheless, territories have a wide margin for interpretation and implementation of TVB policy. In this thesis, we examine the conditions necessary for ensuring coherence between territorial projects which pertain to EN planning. To this end, we address two main hypotheses that are sources of (in)coherence: (i) the incompleteness of existing knowledge in landscape ecology and its use in the territories, and (ii) the governance processes put in place to take into account the margin for adaptation of the TVB policy, with a focus on “bridging” actors between territorial projects. We develop a notion of “interterritorial coherence” based on the sharing of a vision between the stakeholders of the organization of space. We propose an analysis grid of this coherence applied to projects related to EN. The grid involves three components: the ecological dimension, the multifunctionality, and the governance processes. These components are characterized by criteria and translated into indicators. The analysis grid has been applied to different projects carried out by “nested” territories ranging from the national to the local level in two French regions (Brittany and Occitania, (formerly called Languedoc-Roussillon region)). The analysis is initially specific to each project and then becomes comparative, vertically between levels of governance and horizontally between the same levels of governance. We show that the preservation of EN is a “wicked mess problem”, in the sense that a single and optimal solution does not exist given the ecological and societal complexities of the subject. The territories adapt themselves, simplify and have their own representation of the concepts of landscape ecology. Approaches differ between the national and the local. The naturalistic approach promoted at the national level becomes a land-use approach at the local level. Similarly, the ecological approach becomes multifunctional by transitioning from the environment code to the urbanism code. The law imposes a top-down coherence between the territories. This can be a source of innovation or, on the contrary, can limit initiatives due to fear of litigation. The actors and projects are extremely diverse. EN planning is a “hot potato” (more or less “hot”) that territories pass to each other. The territories with territorial coherence schemes (SCoTs) or local urban planning plans (PLU) are often identified as the most relevant levels to tackle the problem. Nevertheless, the application of the subsidiarity principle must not disempower certain territories, since socio-ecological systems are inter-scale and therefore interterritorial. The role of “bridging” actors between the territories is essential to interterritorial coherence because they can energize or even create the organized proximities between the territories. The “Trame verte et bleue” policy is currently at a turning point following recent legislative developments. Regions are identified as leaders on biodiversity and have to follow a new integrated regional scheme that includes, in particular, EN. Interterritorial coherence is built up over time and will therefore need to be analyzed over time.

La tortue, le requin et le jaguar. : L'aménagement du territoire et la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans les aires protégées, par les instruments de politique. Les cas des Galápagos et du Yasuní en Equateur. / The turtle, the shark and the jaguar. Land use planning and governance of common pool resources in protected areas analysed via policy tools. The case of the Galapagos islands and the Yasuni in Ecuador. / La tortuga, el tiburón y el jaguar. Ordenamiento territorial y gobernanza de recursos naturales comunes en áreas protegidas, a través los instrumentos de política pública. El caso de las islas Galápagos y el Parque Yasuní en Ecuador.

Ciccozzi, Elena 09 December 2015 (has links)
Espaces emblématiques des dynamiques complexes entre l’homme et l’écosystème dans des aires protégées abritant des ressources naturelles commune, les îles Galápagos et le Yasuní en Équateur partagent une histoire de dégradation environnementale, conflits socio-environnementaux et chaos territorial. La présence de biens communs, source d’une rente économique liée à la biodiversité et aux hydrocarbures (Yasuní) attire depuis un demi-siècle les intérêts des industriels du pétrole et du tourisme qui ont systématiquement exercé un poids déterminant sur les décisions en matière d’aménagement et de gestion de ces espaces, influant également sur leur gouvernance. Cette réalité joue à l’encontre de politiques d’aménagement territorial pour les deux espaces, Réserves de la Biosphère de l’UNESCO, depuis des décennies. Les Galápagos et le Yasuní témoignent en même temps de la manière dont les gouvernements équatoriens ont eu recours à une « instrumentation » des politiques pour décider le sort des deux aires protégées. Cette thèse montre comment un problème structurel – l’absence d’une politique d’aménagement territorial – a facilité la mobilisation d’instruments de politique pour administrer les deux réserves naturelles. L’histoire du Yasuní est un exemple éloquent de cette pratique d’instrumentation de politiques. La création du parc en 1979, puis les modifications de ses limites et le découpage de la Réserve de la Biosphère Yasuní, dont le parc est le noyau, ont été tous réalisés par des instruments de politiques. De même, aux Galápagos la puissance publique a opéré ses choix en matière d’accès aux espaces protégés et d’utilisation de leurs ressources, en privilégiant les instruments de politique. La loi spéciale des Galápagos (LOREG) a de facto gouverné l’archipel depuis son entrée en vigueur en 1998. Dans les deux cas, l’absence d’une politique d’aménagement territorial a permis l’adoption de décisions top-down sur l’administration des deux espaces.La «révolution citoyenne» du président Correa, en dépit d’une profonde refonte institutionnelle et d’un nouveau paradigme de développement – le Buen Vivir, ou Sumak Kawsay – ne saura changer la manière d’aménager les espaces des deux aires protégées. La planification est élevée à politique d’État qui prime sur toute autre politique, mais dans cette vision l’aménagement du territoire devient un instrument au service de la planification étatique.Ce travail, conduit dans une perspective interdisciplinaire en utilisant une grille de lecture encore peu explorée (les instruments de politique publique) veut aussi contribuer à de nouvelles pistes de réflexion sur l’action publique en matière d’aménagement du territoire ainsi que sur la gouvernance d’aires protégées riches en ressources naturelles communes. / Archetypes of the complex interactions between humans and ecosystems in protected areas rich in Common Pool Resources (CPR), the Galapagos Islands and the Yasuní in Ecuador share a history of environment degradation, socio-environmental conflicts and chaotic land development. The abundance of CPR, source of a lucrative rent from biodiversity and crude (in the Yasuní case) have attracted the interests of oil and tourism businesses over the last fifty years. These industries have consistently steered public decisions over the creation, spatial organisation and administration of these natural reserves, additionally affecting their governance, a reality which has hindered the implementation of land-use planning policies for these areas which are two UNESCO MAB Reserves. The Galapagos and Yasuní protected areas are also a powerful example of the peculiar way whereby Ecuador governments over the last five decades have “instrumented” policy making, preferring the use of policy tools to public policies to decide on the two areas’ fate. This thesis shows how a structural problem such as the absence of a land use planning policy, has thrust the practice of policy tools adoption, instead of policy making, to manage the two protected areas. The “revolución ciudadana” led by president Correa succeeded in re-founding State institutions and launching a new development paradigm (Sumak Kawsay or Buen Vivir) however, it did not advance on land-use management related issues particularly regarding the two areas. Correa has placed national planning at the heart of public policy making it the state policy – backed by a powerful bureaucratic structure – but in this process, land use planning is considered as an instrument in support of national planning. This research, carried out under an interdisciplinary perspective, using policy tools as analytical key, wishes to contribute new insights and methods of analysis on public land use planning and management, as well as governance of common pool resources in protected areas.

Hill tribes struggling for a land deal

Puginier, Oliver 16 May 2002 (has links)
Das Hochland Nordthailands isi ein Beispiel für eine widersprüchliche Situation die entsteht, wenn ein zentralistisches Regierungssystem seine Kontrolle auf entlegene Gebiete ausdehnt und auf traditionellen Wanderfeldbau auftrifft. Auf Regierungsseite zeichnet sich die Politik durch unterschiedliche Interessen der Walderhaltung einerseits und Integration von ethnischen Minderheiten andererseits aus. Die Bergstämme ihrerseits erstreben Landsicherheit um ihre Subsistenzwirtschaft zu sichern. Somit geht es um Mediation und Konfliktresolution zur Überwindung der Dichotomie zwischen Waldschutz und landwirtschaftlicher Subsistenz. Trotz des fehlenden politischen Rahmens, hat es eine Verschiebung zu mehr partizipativen Ansätzen bei der Entwicklung des Hochlands gegeben, zum Beispiel Community Based Land Use Planning and Local Watershed Management (CLM) des Thai-German Highland Development Programe (TG-HDP) in der Provinz Mae Hong Son. Dieses Forschungsprojekt hat den CLM-Ansatz mit GIS kombiniert um jenseits der Demarkierung von Landtypen die Dorfebene mit höheren Planungsebenen zu verbinden, wie die sich etablierenden Tambon (Sub-Distrikt) Administrative Organisations. Vor dem Hintergrund der grundsätzlichen oben angeführten Probleme und auf den CLM-Ansatz aufbauend, wurden Landnutzungskarten digitalisiert um die Widersprüche zwischen zentralistischer Landklassifizierung und lokalen Dorfgrenzen zu überwinden. Durch den Vergleich von topographischen Modellen und Karten mit Dorfbewohnern und Regierungsorganisationen, könnte eine Kommunikationsplattform für die Formulierung von Landnutzungsplänen etabliert werden. Stolpersteine zur partizipativen Planung werden dargestellt und Empfehlungen für eine koordinierte Politik der Hochlandentwicklung ausgesprochen. Bei der laufenden Dezentralisierung werden die neu entstehenden Tambon (Sub-Distrikt) Administrative Organisations (TAO) sich als Schlüsselverbindung zwischen dem Staat und der Gesellschaft entwickeln. Eine Möglichkeit mit den unterschiedlichen Prioritäten der Teilhaber auf Tambonebene umzugehen könnte sich aus der laufenden Umstrukturierung des Landwirtschaftsministeriums (MOAC) ergeben, als Teil der administrativen Reform. Ein Teil dieser Reform auf Grasebene war die Einführung von Technology Transfer Centres (TTC) seit 1998, mit mittlerweile 82 vom Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE) etablierten Zentren landesweit. In diesem Kontext wird der Tambon ein Test für partizipative Landnutzungsplanung sein, sowohl aus der technischen Perspektive mit neuen Technology Transfer Centres, als auch aus der administrativen mit existierenden Tambon Administrative Organisations. Pläne der Vernetzung von TTCs mit TAOs müssen die Bedeutung der Repräsentanz von Schlüsselinstitutionen der Forstwirtschaft und Landentwicklung für Aspekte der Landnutzung berücksichtigen, sowie lokale Verwaltung und Sozialfürsorge für die Registrierung von Dörfern mit klaren und allseits akzeptierten Grenzen. Ein Ansatz von unten müßte sich auf die drei während der Forschung genannten Hauptprobleme konzentrieren, nämlich Reisinsuffizienz, Waldbrachemanagement und Dorfgrenzen. So lange der Zustand der Landunsicherheit weiterhin vorherrscht, werden Bergstämme Strategien zur Beibehaltung von ausreichendem Ackerland anwenden, wie die Deklaration von bis zu doppelt so vielen Hochlandfeldern und die Zwischenpflanzung mit Heckenreihen auf Bracheflächen um zu zeigen, daß dieses Land genutzt wird. Zur Zeit gibt es keinen einheitlichen Planungsansatz, jedoch hat die öffentliche Debatte in Nordthailand ein Stadium erreicht, inklusive der Bergstämmenminderheit, daß der Prozeß der Institutionalisierung weitergehen wird während das Land den Pfad der Demokratie beschreitet. Die Lösung von Problemen und nachhaltiger Landnutzungsplanung wird somit zu einem Testfall für die Umsetzung von guter Regierung auf lokaler Ebene. / The highlands of northern Thailand are an example of a contradictory situation arising when a centralised government system extends its control to remote areas and clashes with traditional shifting cultivation practices. On the government side, policy is characterised by conflicting interests between forest preservation on the one hand, and the integration of ethnic minorities on the other. Hilltribes, on the other hand, are looking for land security to meet their subsistence needs. It is a precondition for them to modify their traditional farming systems or to explore other alternatives to secure a livelihood. The issue has become one of mediation and conflict resolution in order to overcome the dichotomy between forest protection and agricultural subsistence. In spite of a lack of policy framework, highland development has shifted towards more participatory approaches, for example Community Based Land Use Planning and Local Watershed Management (CLM) of the Thai-German Highland Development Programme (TG-HDP) in Mae Hong Son province. This research project combined the CLM approach with GIS in order to go beyond the demarcation of land types and to connect the village level to higher planning bodies like the emerging Tambon (sub-district) Administration Organisations. In light of the fundamental problem of highland development described above, and building on the CLM approach, land use maps were digitised to help overcome contradictions between central land use classifications and local village boundaries. By crosschecking topographic models and maps with villagers and government agencies, a communication platform could be created for the formulation of land use plans. Stumbling blocks to participatory planning are illustrated and recommendations for a co-ordinated policy for highland development are made. In the current move towards decentralisation, the newly forming Tambon (or sub-district) Administrative Organisations (TAO) will evolve as the key link between the state and society. One potential to deal with differing stakeholder priorities at Tambon level could evolve from the current restructuring of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) as part of the administrative reform. A part of this reform at grass-roots level has been the introduction of Technology Transfer Centres (TTC) initiated in 1998, with 82 of them established nationwide by the Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE). In this context the Tambon will be a test for participatory land use planning, both in terms of a technical perspective with new Technology Transfer Centres, as well as an administrative one with existing Tambon Administrative Organisations. The plans to link TTCs with TAOs need to consider the importance of representation of key agencies like forestry and land development for aspects of land management, as well as local administration and social welfare for the registration of villages with clear and mutually agreed boundaries. A bottom-up approach would need to focus on the three main problem areas identified during the research, namely rice sufficiency, forest fallow management, and village boundaries. As long as this state of land insecurity persists, hill tribes will resort to strategies to keep enough land for agricultural production, like the declaration of up to twice the number of upland fields under cultivation, and the interplanting of hedgerows in fallow areas to indicate that the land is used. For the time being a unified planning approach does not exist, but a stage of public debate has been reached in northern Thailand, including those of minority hill tribes, that the process of institutionalisation will continue as the country follows a path to democracy. The resolution of problems and sustainable land use planning will turn into a testing ground for the application of good governance at the local level.

Instrumentos para la planificación integral del uso de la tierra con sistemas de información geográfica

Lacava, Amalia Nahír Díaz 10 June 2004 (has links)
Die Analyse von ländlichen Projekten erfordert exakte sozioökonomische und agroökologische Studien auf lokaler Ebene über große Räume. In dieser Studie wird eine Methodologie für die Analyse von Bodennutzungssystemen mit GIS entwickelt. Das empirische Modell charakterisiert die ländliche Bodennutzung einer Neuansiedlung im Tropenwald von Misiones, Argentinien. Das Modell verbindet mit Hilfe von GIS Informationen der Landnutzung, die aus der Satellitenbildklassifizierung extrahiert wurden, mit einzelbetrieblichen Informationen, die von offiziellen Daten und Befragungen abgeleitet wurden. Die Analyse schließt ein die Bewertung alternativer Produktionsverfahren und Wirtschaftsweisen in ihrem räumlichen und zeitlichen Bezug. Es werden Szenarien auf der Basis parametrischer Variationen entwickelt und bewertet. Die Aussagegenauigkeit und Überprüfbarkeit der Modellergebnisse wurden durch Befragungen vor Ort und Betriebsbesichtigungen getestet. Ein weiteres Szenario, definiert auf der Basis des Projektes "Grüner Korridor" wurde sozioökonomisch und ökologisch evaluiert. Die Modellierung mit GIS produziert genaue und plausible Daten der Landnutzung auf lokaler und auf regionaler Ebene und sind geeignet für Entscheidungsfindungen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen der ländlichen Entwicklungsplanung. / The analysis of rural projects requires precise socio-economic and agro-ecological investigations on a local level over extended areas. The present study develops a methodology for the analysis of agricultural systems with GIS. The empirical model characterises rural land use of a new settlement in the tropical forest of Misiones, Argentine. The model combines the GIS information on land use, extracted from remote sensing, with farming data, derived from official statistics and participatory surveys. The analysis of the agricultural system incorporates the local variations of production and capital management in space and time. On the basis of parametric variation of the model, scenarios are defined and evaluated. Precision and plausibility of the land use assessment were validated through farm visits and interviews of the farmers. A new scenario, defined on the basis of the project "Green Corridor of Misiones" was evaluated in socio-economic and ecological terms. The modelling of land use with GIS produces precise and plausible analysis results on a local and regional scale which turns out to be useful for decision-making on the different planning levels of rural development.


闕志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區數十年來隨著社會經濟的快速發展,都市計畫地區內之人口數,自民國50年以來,平均每年約以7.45%的速度增加。為了滿足日益增加的都市人口活動需求,故需不斷地在有限的都市土地資源上進行開發活動。然而,由於在規劃、組織、管制等方面的不周延,導致土地開發常缺乏計畫性指導原則,產生例如交通擁擠、環境污染、公共設施與開放空間的不足、生態環境的破壞等許多不同性質的問題,而無法真正健全都市的發展,對於都市型態與都市機能亦產生許多的負面效果。 本研究以台灣地區目前公部門常實施之市地重劃與區段徵收為例,藉由文獻資料的整理分析與問卷深入訪談的方式,探討相關的政府承辦人員及專家學者們對於上述兩種土地開發方式所產生的土地開發問題性質之看法。期以美國成長管理理念為基礎,並透過管理的規劃、組織、指導、管制四大功能的分析,提出成長管理策略與相關配合措施之建議,俾指導土地開發活動的進行得以滿足促進都市發展,健全都市機能的目標。 本研究基於上述的理念,對於市地重劃與區段徵收所產生之土地開發問題的分析,研擬適當的成長管理策略,作為政府在土地開發管理上的參考。首先在規劃方面應建立明確的土地開發原則,配合相關技術工具的實行,以指導土地開發活動的進行;在組織方面應加強各相關單位之協調整合;在管制方面則是擬定適當的管制性計畫並透過電腦技術的運用,監測與掌控土地開發的速度與都市發展、公共設施之間的配合;在指導方面則是須有效整合土地開發各相關單位之意見及解決其發生之衝突,清楚界定土地開發相關單位間的權責以達成彼此間的共識。此外,亦須加強民眾在土地開發過程中的參與機制,以爭取民眾的支持而減少土地開發所受到的阻力。 / For decades, Taiwan has experienced rapid social and economic development. Since 1961, the population has increased about 7.45 percent annually in the urban planned districts. In order to accommodate the increasing urban population and activities, it has to develop scarce land resources. However, weakness in existing planning systems, government structure, policy context, and control strategies for managing development and growth has led to many problems, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, public facility provision, open space deficiency, and ecological environment destruction. Those problems produce negative impacts on urban development, urban pattern, and urban firnction. Based upon the functions of management, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, this study investigates the problems of urban development in Taiwan, particular in the development by urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs. The approaches of literature review and questionnaire are adopted in order to understand deeply the problems of land development in Taiwan. Furthermore, the strategies of growth management of American experiences are discussed. Finally, some practical suggestions for land development in Taiwan are presented. This thesis explores the background of existing problems related to urban land consolidation and zone expropriation programs and develop workable growth management strategies and suggestions. First, in planning aspect, government should establish clear land development principles associated with relative technical tools to guide development which is satisfactory in timing, location, and quantity. Second, in organizing aspects, government should bring more about integration and coordination among relative institutions to yield administrative efficiency. Third, as for controlling aspects, government should develop feasible land use plans and apply the computer techniques for monitoring land development pace and service level. Fourth, in leading aspects, government should regulate the clear responsibilities among relevant institutions and resolve the possible conflicts to bring more about consensus. Finally, government should strengthen citizen participation in the land development process to win public support.

Urban Coastal Settlements: Implementation Of A Coastal Area Assessment Model In Iskenderun Case

Cakir, Bilge 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Coastal urban settlements require a special planning approach since they bring the concepts of &ldquo / urban&rdquo / and &ldquo / coastal&rdquo / together. In relation to the specific contents of these concepts, there are also different models of management plans. &ldquo / Urban Disaster Risk Management&rdquo / and &ldquo / Integrated Coastal Zone Management&rdquo / are two of them. Urban Disaster Risk Management model deals with the planning and management problems of urban settlements in the case of disaster risk conditions. Likewise, Integrated Coastal Zone Management model focuses on the whole coastal area and deals with the sustainable use and protection of all types of coastal resources. However, in case of urban coastal settlements, these models of management plans can be valid together, can overlap, and they can even conflict with each other. In this thesis study, these two models of management plan and their coexistence are considered. A Coastal Area Assessment Model is set up and applied for Iskenderun case. This model provides a detailed spatial analysis opportunity in planning and management of coastal urban settlement. Therefore the model offers a significant input for the planning process through determining urban and coastal risks at the same time. Coastal Area Assessment Model is a tool which takes both Urban Disaster Risk Management and Integrated Coastal Zone Management models&rsquo / concerns into account and evaluates the coastal settlement in terms of urban risk sectors and coastal management issues. This study also introduces an approach on classification of the coastal areas and coastal urban settlements while setting up the Coastal Area Assessment Model. Coastal Area Assessment Model becomes an advantageous tool since it has significant contributions to the planning process by making a simple risk analysis and guiding the proper utilization and protection of the population, built environment, and resources of the coastal areas. Risk sectors, coastal management issues, critical and prior intervention areas of a coastal urban settlement are easily determined, and preparation of development plans of a coastal settlement is guided by the implementation of Coastal Area Assessment Model. In addition to these, general principles on planning and management of coastal settlements are determined by the implementation of the model for the implementation conditions of Urban Disaster Risk Management model, Integrated Coastal Zone Management model, and the Coastal Area Assessment Model in Turkey are also discussed and presented.

Living outside the box: sustaining the lifelong community through universal design

Ricks, Joi Elizabeth 08 July 2010 (has links)
We all want to live in a healthy community. Each of us has his or her own image of what such a community should look like. That image is shaped, in part, by our reaction to the communities in which we now live or used to live. However we often take for granted the elements of communities that enable and sometimes disable many of us to remain active in a community for a lifetime. For older residents, a lifelong community would include elements that help them to maintain independence and quality of life. The physical characteristics of a community often play a major role in facilitating our personal independence. In order to combat the growing challenges and health concerns facing the American lifestyle this research proposes a set of design guidelines that promote sustainable lifelong communities that are universally designed for people of all ages and levels of physical ability. The purpose of developing a set of universal design guidelines for lifelong communities is to alleviate many of the physical barriers and challenges that prevent some Americans from active involvement in the community. The methods employed to develop these guidelines were based on literature review and analysis. This research was incorporated into a new body of practical standards that was tested against a real life community in Decatur, Georgia. These standards were edited and revised to appropriately accommodate the necessary adaptations that were discovered during the evaluation phase. The resultant guidelines are presented with the intention of becoming a usable guide for planning agencies such as the Atlanta Regional Commission and other local and national community design facilitators.

綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式 / A Land Use Planning Model for Green Transit-oriented Development

劉人華, Liu, Jen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨著永續發展思潮之興起,「大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-oriented development, TOD)」已成為都市規劃之重要理念。相關研究雖曾就TOD緊密、混合使用發展帶來之永續效益進行探討,然高密度之發展模式亦會加速都市內資源消耗,並影響生活環境品質。為解決前述課題,相關文獻因而提出「綠色大眾運輸導向發展(Green transit-oriented development, Green TOD)」理念,以期待在TOD與綠色都市主義(Green urbanism)之結合下,形塑更為友善環境發展之都市型態。國內外雖有相關研究對Green TOD之規劃理念進行探討,並建立評估架構與準則,然規劃上仍未以該理念建構土地使用規劃模式,以協助規劃者研擬規劃方案;此外傳統土地使用規劃模式建構亦較少將土地使用配置現況與變更限制納入考量,規劃模式因而無法反映實際之規劃問題,並使其應用受到限制。   基此,本研究係由通盤檢討面向切入建構「綠色大眾運輸導向土地使用規劃模式」,規劃上並以高密度發展、混合使用配置、親生物開放空間追求、非機動運具可及性提升、停車需求抑制、資源配置效益追求、都市機能健全發展為追求目標建構多目標規劃模式;模式考量限制則包含通盤檢討變更可行性、配置區位限制、規模與容量限制、預算限制、運輸場站自明性、自行車道連續性等;模式求解則修正最小偏差法,並設定不同之權重組合尋求非劣解集合;最後則模擬實例情境設計假想例,以測試模式之可用性,並透過敏感度分析探討規劃模式之應用特性。   研究結果發現,規劃模式部分目標因追求方向相同而不具有償付關係,然各目標規劃理念、衡量面向與決策內容皆有不同,規劃上因而有保留之必要性,規劃模式並可依據此特性追求整合性之規劃效益,且著重高密度發展策略之應用。而敏感度分析則顯示,預算額度多寡將影響模式之規劃彈性與償付關係之表現程度,規劃前應妥善分析土地使用配置現況後編列適當之預算資源,以確保規劃偏好達成。本研究建構之土地使用規劃模式可於Green TOD 理念下研提不同之替選方案,並輔助規劃單位進行土地使用、自行車路網、水資源配置之規劃作業。 / Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become a main concept of urban planning as the advocacy of sustainable development. Previous studies, though, have explored the benefit of TOD which features of compact development and mixed land use, excessive density would also accelerate the resources consumption in inner city and decrease the quality of living environment. To solve the aforementioned problems, studies have proposed the concept of “Green transit-oriented development (Green TOD)”, which combines the concepts of “TOD” and “Green Urbanism” in anticipation of shaping an environmentally friendly urban form. However, most of the studies about Green TOD mainly focus on defining the planning concept or establishing the evaluation framework and criteria of it, it still lacks a land use planning model for Green TOD which aims to generate planning alternatives objectively for planners. With regard to the land use planning model, prior studies seldom took the current zoning and rezoning restriction into consideration during the model formulation, which not only made the formulated model fail to represent the real planning problem but also decrease the application value. This study, therefore, develops a multi-objective land use planning model for Green TOD from the aspect of overall review of urban planning. The objectives of the model include “maximizing the development density”, “maximizing the mixed land use degree”, “maximizing the biophilic open space”, “maximizing the accessibility of non-motorized vehicle”, “minimizing the parking demand”, “maximizing the benefit of resource allocation” and “minimizing the rezoning scale of available land”. The constrains of the model include “the rezoning feasibility of overall review”, “the restriction of allocated location”, “the allocated restriction of minimum scale and maximum volume”, “budget limitation”, “identification of transit station area” and “connectivity of bikeway network”. The revised minimum deviation method with different weight settings was used to search the non-inferior solutions set for the simulated case to verify the applicability of the developed model. Besides, sensitivity analysis was used to explore the model characteristic. The result found that some of the objectives, which cannot be integrated due to the difference of planning concept, assessing aspect and decision contents, feature of non-trade-off relationship due to the same pursuing direction. The application of the model can therefore apply this characteristic to pursue the integrated benefit accordingly and focus on the planning approach of high density development. Besides, the sensitivity analysis showed that budget amount influences the planning flexibility and trade-off degree significantly. Budgeting should therefore be dealt appropriately after analyzing the current zoning to ensure the achievement of planning preference. The land use planning model developed by this study can be applied to generate planning alternatives under the planning concept of Green TOD and support the authorities for land use allocation, bikeway design and water resource allocation.

Housing 30,000 people in Mai Po: an alternative for ecologically considered development

蔡基信, Choy, Kei-shun, Vincent. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

Improving Land Use Planning (LUP) by integration of landslide susceptibility: An economic case study in Maichau District, Hoabinh Province, Vietnam / Improving Land Use Planning (LUP) by integration of landslide susceptibility: An economic case study in Maichau District, Hoabinh Province, Vietnam

Do, Van Nha 15 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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