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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A language in decline ? :a constrastive study of the use of, and motivation and de-motivation for, learning Afrikaans among two groups of learners at an English medium high school in Cape Town, South Africa

Govender, Manisha January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Afrikaans in practice replaced Dutch and became one of South Africa's official languages (along with English) from 1925. It reached the apex of its development and influence during the years of Nationalist party rule and the apartheid regime as a language of officialdom, of the judiciary and education. However, in 1994 nine African languages were afforded official status along with English and Afrikaans in South Africa. Presently, Afrikaans is still taught in the majority of schools in the Western Cape as either a first or second language. This thesis compares and contrasts the language attitudes and motivation towards Afrikaans in two groups of secondary school learners - grade eight and grade eleven learners - at the same school, viz. the Settlers' High School in Parow, a northern suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. At this English medium school, Afrikaans as a second language is a compulsory subject. The thesis also examines the dominant ideologies held towards Afrikaans by the learners and by the school in question which contributes towards shaping their attitudes and motivations for learning the language as well as their actual use of the language. The study finds a correlation between the learners' attitudes towards Afrikaans and their actual patterns of use of the language, which indicates that the use of Afrikaans may be in decline among especially the younger, grade eight, learners. / South Africa

Trilingvální Bratislava: sociolingvistický pohled / Trilingual Bratislava: A Sociolinguistic View

Satinská, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The M.A. thesis approaches the trilingual language situation of Bratislava via example of four case studies of old trilingual Bratislava inhabitants. The first chapter introduces the historical context of old Bratislava; it is an extended introduction to the city issues, its ethnicities and languages. The second chapter processes respondents' language biographies with regard to language acquisition, contemporary language use and transferring languages to the next generations. The third chapter is close analysis of code- switching in respondents' speeches. The fourth chapter concentrates on language ideologies connected to individual Bratislava languages and ethnicities. The last chapter describes the components of collective and individual memory of respondents, such as mental map of the city (emerging through speaking about the city promenade, confectioneries and also celebrations) and repeated stories connected to languages. The thesis contributes to the discourse about (not only) language identity of Bratislava and approaches the use of specific sociolect of the city's older generation of indigenous inhabitants.

Code-switching jako vyjádření moci a solidarity v česko-slovenském prostředí / Code-switching as an expresion of power and solidarity in Czechoslovak enviroment

Korenyiová, Mariana January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Code-switching as an expression of power and solidarity in Czechoslovakian environment deals with several crucial interpretational sets of code-switching based on a research with Czech and Slovak speaking participants of conversations in Czechoslovakian environment. It stresses various possible interpretational sets through which code-switching can be looked at. Code-switching is examined on the basis of conversational analysis of not solely Czechs and Slovaks. Code-switching is not interpreted only from macro-social perspective and the work anticipates also the importance of the sequence order in specific conversation. Chosen communicational code is to some extent always dependent on the participants' negotiation directly in the interaction. Furthermore, the emphasis is on the deeper knowledge of idiolect in a long term perspective and on a connection of the topic and the changing language code of the conversation. The last part of the text discusses the issue of alcohol and its impact on verbal behavior with emphasis on code-switching. Alcohol modifies human behavior and also the speech acts of each of us. The best known research in the field of alcohol consumption and language is taken into account. These studies are subsequently applied on the case studies of Czechoslovak code-switching.

Baskičtina v denní komunikaci mladých lidí / Basque language in daily communication of young people

Nižnanská, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Ungdomar tycker, talar och känner om en språklig variation : En kvalitativ fokusgruppsstudie om attityder till och benämningar för migrationsrelaterad språklig variation / Adolescents think, talk and feel about a linguistic variation : A qualitative focus group study on attitudes to and names for migration-related linguistic variation

Göransson, David January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats, ”Ungdomar tycker, talar och känner om en språklig variation – En kvalitativ fokusgruppsstudie om attityder till och benämningar för migrationsrelaterad språklig variation”, har som syfte att undersöka olika attityder till migrationsrelaterad språklig variation bland ungdomar i Värmland. Samt att kartlägga vad den språkliga variation kallas av ungdomarna. Detta undersöks i uppsatsen genom kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer med gymnasieungdomar i Värmland. I intervjuerna får informanterna lyssna på och diskutera förinspelade talprov. Den insamlade empirin analyseras med hjälp av teorier om attityder samt utifrån begreppen språkideologi och schibbolet. Ansatsen är explorativ och utgår från det folklingvistiska forskningsparadigmet. Studiens analys av den insamlade empirin visar på en spridning av attityder bland ungdomarna. Framträdande i resultat var bland annat informanternas positiva känslor till variationen samt en föreställning om sammankopplingen mellan den språkliga variationen och lågstatusyrken. Ett av studiens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att det i empirin framkommer en bild av att informanterna inte har tydliga uppfattningar om hur de ska benämna den migrationsrelaterade språkliga variation, istället använder de främst deskriptiva sätt för att benämna attitydobjektet. / This essay, ”Adolescents think, talk and feel about a linguistic variation - A qualitative focus group study on attitudes to and names for migration-related linguistic variation” has as its purpose to explore adolescents attitudes to so called migration-related linguistic variation. And also to examine how the informants name this variation. This is done through qualitative focus-group interviews with sixteen- to eighteen-year old gymnasium school students in the county of Värmland, Sweden. In the interviews the informants listen to and discuss recorded samples of the variation in question. The collected data is analyzed using scientific theories on attitudes and the concepts of language ideology and shibboleth. The onset is explorative and uses the folk linguistic paradigm as a frame. Analysis of the collected data shows a variation of attitudes amongst the adolescents ranging from positive feelings towards the linguistic variation to the idea that there is a connection between said variation and low-status occupations. One of the main conclusions of the study is that the data shows an unwillingness or inability amongst the informants to give the linguistic variation a name.

Analysis of the Influence of Chinese Cultural Values on the Meaning and Usage of New Chinese Internet Words

Korányi, Bence January 2019 (has links)
摘要     “语言决定论”说明了语言和思想之间的联系,且通过分析语言与文化间的关系而不断改善。文化在一个人思想形成的基础阶段中发挥了决定性作用,是语言意识形态的基本特征。于是我们可以假设,文化价值作为一种可以衡量文化影响力的手段,文化影响力理应能够在文字中被识别出来和与文字建立起联系,而这也可与网络新词,这个从未被研究过的领域联系起来。     为了证明中国的文化价值对网络新词的影响,笔者会使用“定性内容分析”的方法与“定量分析法”。文化影响了字词的本意,也影响了在网络上出现的新词的意义。此外,中华文化价值与网络新词之间的联系不单可由文化对新词直接的影响中识别出来,亦可间接地在用法中加以识别。而有些网络新词虽然源于其他语言或文化,但是中国文化影响了这些网络新词的语境,使这些新词最终能够与中文融为一体。 / Linguistic determinism has prompted one of the earliest discussions about the connection between language and thought. This link has been further refined through the identification of cultural values playing a determinative role on the basic stage of thought formation, which is one of the fundamental aspects of language ideology. Such findings have sparked the hypothesis that cultural influences, in the form of cultural values as measurable means, should be recognized in or connected to words, even to those that belong to previously uninvestigated areas, such as new Internet words. The methodology of qualitative content analysis as well as a quantitative study applied to a sample of new Chinese Internet words and expressions has demonstrated that the influence of Chinese cultural values on them is identifiable to a significant extent. The cultural values either directly affect the words in their original or new meaning or have an influence on the Internet words indirectly, in their usage. Furthermore, it is argued that such connections between the researched Chinese cultural values and the meaning or usage of the collected new Chinese Internet words and expressions are not only to be strictly categorized into direct and indirect influences but should be considered in a broader sense. Despite some words and expressions originating from other languages and cultures, the influence of Chinese cultural values should still be acknowledged since it is through these that words are able to integrate into the Chinese language.

Språklig mångfald – resurs eller belastning? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om rektorers syn på flerspråkighet som resurs för lärande och språkpolicyarbete / Linguistic diversity – resource or liability? : A qualitative interview study on heads of schools’ views on multilingualism as a resource for learning and language policy work

Kjörning-Bertheau, Maria January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how heads of schools perceive multilingualism as a resource for learning and to what extent the process of writing and implementing language policies has provided a support for developing a multilingual view on languages in schools. This is done in accordance with the multilingual turn, which states that although a multilingual view on languages has spread in the global North in recent decades due to globalization and migration, a monolinguistic hegemony still persists in countries such as Sweden. Qualitative interviews were carried out with three heads of schools in Sweden and the findings of the study are discussed in relation to theories on school development and a framework for critical reflection on multilingualism. The results show that although the interviewed heads of schools express a positive understanding of and attitude towards multilingualism and language policies, traces of a deficit discourse can be found in their answers and their teachers struggle to make multilingualism a natural part of their everyday school practice. Multilingualism and multilingual children and pupils are at times seen as problems rather than resources. Furthermore, the monolingual norm is still visible in the interviews and teachers seem stuck in the assimilation stage and heads of schools unable to overbridge the gap between ostensive and performative aspects of school development. Implications of the findings are that heads of schools as well as teachers need to further develop a multilingual and diversified view on languages as a resource for learning in order to facilitate learning for multilingual children and pupils.

Sprachwissenschaft als argumentative Ressource in der Debatte um gendersensible Sprache: Eine Analyse öffentlicher Diskurse in den Sozialen Medien

Buchwitz, Julia 01 August 2024 (has links)
Seit geraumer Zeit bietet das Thema gendersensible Sprache eine breite Angriffsfläche für sprachideologische Auseinandersetzungen in Politik, Wissenschaft, aber auch oder vor allem im öffentlichen Diskurs. Obschon Positionen und Erkenntnisse der linguistischen Genderforschung in alltagsweltlichen Metasprachdiskursen bislang wenig Nachhall finden, berufen sich Befürworter:innen wie auch Kritiker:innen eines genderinklusiven Sprachgebrauchs mitunter auf (pseudo-)linguistische „Fakten“ zur Legitimierung der eigenen bzw. Delegitimierung der gegnerischen Position. Verweise auf die (Nicht-)Unterscheidung von Genus und Sexus, aber auch auf (nicht-)natürlichen Sprachwandel prägen ebenso die Diskussion wie die Berufung auf wissenschaftliche Autoritäten. In meiner Arbeit zeige ich, wie sich auf linguistische Begriffe und Theorien stützende Argumente im metadiskursiven Sprechen über gendersensible Sprache niederschlagen, welche sprachlichen Mittel dabei zum Einsatz kommen und inwieweit die Argumentationen überhaupt durch inhaltliche Stringenz überzeugen können. Als Beispiel dient die Kommentarsektion des mit 2,4 Mio. Views und rund 18.500 Kommentaren überaus erfolgreichen YouTube-Videos „Warum Gendersprache scheitern wird“ von Alicia Joe. Ausgehend von theoretischen Ansätzen der Sprachideologieforschung werden die hier ausgehandelten laienlinguistischen und metapragmatischen Wissensbestände in einer Kombination aus korpuslinguistischen und argumentationsanalytischen Methoden rekonstruiert. Dabei wird der Diskussion um gendersensible Sprache jedoch keine weitere sprachwissenschaftlich legitimierte Meinung hinzugefügt, sondern vielmehr das alltagsweltliche Sprechen über das Thema Gendern als metadiskursive Sprachpraxis analysiert.:1. Einleitung 1.1 Fragestellung und Vorgehensweise 1.2 Forschungsstand 2. Grundlagen der linguistischen Genderforschung 2.1 Möglichkeiten der genderbezogenen Personenreferenz im Deutschen 2.2 Das sogenannte generische Maskulinum 3. Positionen in der Debatte um gendersensible Sprache 3.1 Fachlinguistischer Diskurs 3.2 Laienlinguistischer Diskurs 4. Methodik und Methodologie 4.1 Grundlagen der Diskursanalyse 4.2 Methodische Vorgehensweise 4.2.1 Beschreibung des Untersuchungsmaterials 4.2.2 Datenakquise und -aufbereitung 4.2.3 Vorgehen bei der Datenanalyse und -auswertung 5. Empirischer Teil 5.1 Korpuslinguistische Exploration 5.2 Toposanalytische Untersuchung 5.2.1 Überblick und quantitative Befunde 5.2.2 „ich als angehender Lehrer“: Autoritäts-Topos 5.2.3 „nicht Teil der Rechtschreibreform“: Sprachnormen-Topos 5.2.4 „von ‚oben‘ der gesellschaft aufoktroyiert“: Sprachwandel-Topos 5.2.5 „Sprache schafft Wirklichkeit“: Sprache-Wirklichkeit-Topos 5.2.6 „Lehrer war nie ein Wort bloß für Männer“: (Sprach-)Geschichts-Topos 5.2.7 „Auch im Englischen gibt es diese Diskussion“: Beispiel-/Analogie-Topos 6. Fazit 7. Literatur

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in Urumchi

Cabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.

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