Spelling suggestions: "subject:"layer biopotentials"" "subject:"layer andpotentials""
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Approximation of Solutions to the Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann Boundary Value Problem on Lipschitz DomainsSchreffler, Morgan F. 01 January 2017 (has links)
We show that solutions to the mixed problem on a Lipschitz domain Ω can be approximated in the Sobolev space H1(Ω) by solutions to a family of related mixed Dirichlet-Robin boundary value problems which converge in H1(Ω), and we give a rate of convergence. Further, we propose a method of solving the related problem using layer potentials.
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Many boundary value problems of mathematical physics are modelled by elliptic differential operators L in a given domain Ω . An effective method for treating such problems is the method of layer potentials, whose essence resides in reducing matters to solving a boundary integral equation. This, in turn, requires inverting a singular integral operator, naturally associated with L and Ω, on appropriate function spaces on ƌΩ. When the operator L is of second order and the domain Ω is Lipschitz (i.e., Ω is locally the upper-graph of a Lipschitz function) the fundamental work of B. Dahlberg, C. Kenig, D. Jerison, E. Fabes, N. Rivière, G. Verchota, R. Brown, and many others, has opened the door for the development of a far-reaching theory in this setting, even though several very difficult questions still remain unanswered. In this dissertation, the goal is to solve a number of open questions regarding spectral properties of singular integral operators associated with second and higher-order elliptic boundary value problems in non-smooth domains. Among other spectral results, we establish symmetry properties of harmonic classical double layer potentials associated with the Laplacian in the class of Lipschitz domains in R2. An array of useful tools and techniques from Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations play a key role in our approach, and these are discussed as preliminary material in the thesis: --Mellin Transforms and Fourier Analysis; --Calderón-Zygmund Theory in Uniformly Rectifiable Domains; -- Boundary Integral Methods. Chapter four deals with proving invertibility properties of singular integral operators naturally associated with the mixed (Zaremba) problem for the Laplacian and the Lamé system in infinite sectors in two dimensions, when considering their action on the Lebesgue scale of p integrable functions, for 1 < p < ∞. Concretely, we consider the case in which a Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on one ray of the sector, and a Neumann boundary condition is imposed on the other ray. In this geometric context, using Mellin transform techniques, we identify the set of critical integrability indexes p for which the invertibility of these operators fails. Furthermore, for the case of the Laplacian we establish an explicit characterization of the Lp spectrum of these operators for each p є (1,∞), as well as well-posedness results for the mixed problem. In chapter five, we study spectral properties of layer potentials associated with the biharmonic equation in infinite quadrants in two dimensions. A number of difficulties have to be dealt with, the most significant being the more complex nature of the singular integrals arising in this 4-th order setting (manifesting itself on the Mellin side by integral kernels exhibiting Mellin symbols involving hyper-geometric functions). Finally, chapter six, deals with spectral issues in Lipschitz domains in two dimensions. Here we are able to prove the symmetry of the spectra of the double layer potentials associated with the Laplacian. This is in essence a two-dimensional phenomenon, as known examples show the failure of symmetry in higher dimensions. / Mathematics Read more
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Etude d'estimateurs a posteriori en élasticité - Développement asymptotique pour le problème de Stokes / A posteriori error for elasticity equations - Asymptotic expansion for Stokes problemLuong, Thi Hong Cam 31 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse comprend deux parties principales:La première partie est une étude du problème d'élasticité linéaire en temps par une méthode de Galerkin discontinue (SIPG). Dans cette partie, nous avons toutd'abord obtenu un estimateur a posteriori pour la formulation semi-discrète. En utilisant une technique de reconstruction et des résultats montrés dans le cas stationnaire, on a établi un estimateur a posteriori d'erreur pour le problème d'onde élastique dépendant du temps. Afin de calculer l'estimateur d'erreur lié au cas stationnaire, nous avons présenté deux méthodes, l'une utilisant la technique de la dualité ce qui nous a donné un calcul d'erreur en norme L^2 et l'autre en calculant l'erreur en norme énergie. Pour la discrétisation en temps l'équation, nous utilisons un schéma numérique d'Euler. En utilisant une technique et de reconstruction spatio-temporelle, on propose un nouvel estimateur a posteriori.La deuxième partie a pour but l'établissement d'un développement asymptotiquepour la solution de problème résolvant Stokes avec une petite perturbation dudomaine. Dans ce travail, nous avons appliqué la théorie du potentiel. On a écrit la solution du problème non perturbé et du problème perturbé sous forme d'opérateurs intégraux. En calculant la différence, et en utilisant des propriétés liées aux noyaux des opérateurs on a établi un développement asymptotique de la solution. / This thesis contains two main parts:The first part concerning the discontinuous Galerkin method for the timedependentlinear elasticity problem. In this part, we have derived the a posteriorierror bounds for semi-discrete and fully discrete formulation, by makinguse of the SE reconstruction technique which allows to estimate the errorbound for time-dependent problem through the error estimation of the ascociatedstationary elasticity problem. Then to derive the error bound for thestationary problem, we have presented two methods to obtain two different aposteriori bounds, by L2 duality technique and via energy norm. For fully discretescheme, we make use of the backward-Euler scheme and an appropiatespace-time reconstruction which has the zero-mean value in time.The second part concerning the derivation of an asymptotic expansionfor the solution of Stokes resolvent problem with a small perturbation of thedomain. In this work, we have applied the potential theory, boundary integralequation method and geometric properties of perturbed boundary. Thederivation is rigorous, and this method allows to derive high-order terms inasymptotic expansion. Also, it can be used for many other boundary valueproblems, whenever a suitable potential theory is available. Read more
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Boundary Estimates for Solutions to Parabolic EquationsSande, Olow January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concerns the boundary behavior of solutions to parabolic equations. It consists of a comprehensive summary and four scientific papers. The equations concerned are different generalizations of the heat equation. Paper I concerns the solutions to non-linear parabolic equations with linear growth. For non-negative solutions that vanish continuously on the lateral boundary of an NTA cylinder the following main results are established: a backward Harnack inequality, the doubling property for the Riesz measure associated with such solutions, and the Hölder continuityof the quotient of two such solutions up to the boundary. Paper 2 concerns the solutions to linear degenerate parabolic equations, where the degeneracy is controlled by a Muckenhoupt weight of class 1+2/n. For non-negative solutions that vanish continuously on the lateral boundary of an NTA cylinder the following main results are established: a backward Harnack inequality, the doubling property for the parabolic measure, and the Hölder continuity of the quotient of two such solutions up to the boundary. Paper 3 concerns a fractional heat equation. The first main result is that a solution to the fractional heat equation in Euclidean space of dimension n can be extended as a solution to a certain linear degenerate parabolic equation in the upper half space of dimension n+1. The second main result is the Hölder continuity of quotients of two non-negative solutions that vanish continuously on the latteral boundary of a Lipschitz domain. Paper 4 concerns the solutions to uniformly parabolic linear equations with complex coefficients. The first main result is that under certain assumptions on the opperator the bounds for the single layer potentials associated to the opperator are bounded. The second main result is that these bounds always hold if the opperator is realvalued and symmetric. Read more
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Analyse mathématique de résonances plasmoniques pour des nanoparticules et applications / Mathematical analysis of plasmonics resonances for nanoparticles and applicationsRuiz, Matias 27 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude mathématique des interactions entre la lumière et certains types de nanoparticules.À l’échelle du nanomètre, des particules métalliques comme l’or ou l’argent subissent un phénomène de résonance lorsque leurs électrons libres interagissent avec un champ électromagnétique. Cette interaction produit une augmentation du champs électrique proche et lointain, leur permettant d’améliorer la luminosité et la directivité de la lumière, confinant des champs électromagnétiques dans des directions avantageuses. Ce phénomène, appelé "résonances plasmoniques pour des nanoparticules" ouvre une porte sur une large gamme d’applications, des nouvelles techniques d’imagerie médicale à des panneaux solaires efficaces. En utilisant des techniques issues des potentiels de couches et de la théorie de la perturbation,nous proposons une étude de la dispersion d’ondes électromagnétiques par une et plusieurs nanoparticules plasmoniques, dans le cadre quasi-statique, Helmholtz et Maxwell. Nous étudions ensuite certaines applications tel que la génération de chaleur, les métasurfaces et l’imagerie super-résolue. / This thesis deals with the mathematical study of the interactions between light and certain types of nanoparticles. At the nanometer scale, metal particles such as gold or silver undergo a resonance phenomenon when their free electrons interact with an electromagnetic field. This interaction results in an enhancement of the near and far electric field, enabling them to improve the brightness and the directivity of the light, confining electromagnetic fields in advantageous directions. This phenomenon, called "plasmonic resonances for nanoparticles", opens a door to a wide range of applications, from new medical imaging techniques to efficient solar panels. Using layer potentials techniques and perturbation theory, we proposea study of the scattering of electromagnetic waves by one and several plasmonic nanoparticles in the quasi-static, Helmholtz and Maxwell framework. We then study some applications such as heat generation, metasurfaces and super-resolution. Read more
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A Hybrid Method for Inverse Obstacle Scattering Problems / Ein hybride Verfahren für inverse StreuproblemePicado de Carvalho Serranho, Pedro Miguel 02 March 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical simulation of an inertial spheroidal particle in Stokes flow / Numerisk simulering av en trög sfäroidisk partikel i StokesflödeBagge, Joar January 2015 (has links)
Particle suspensions occur in many situations in nature and industry. In this master’s thesis, the motion of a single rigid spheroidal particle immersed in Stokes flow is studied numerically using a boundary integral method and a new specialized quadrature method known as quadrature by expansion (QBX). This method allows the spheroid to be massless or inertial, and placed in any kind of underlying Stokesian flow. A parameter study of the QBX method is presented, together with validation cases for spheroids in linear shear flow and quadratic flow. The QBX method is able to compute the force and torque on the spheroid as well as the resulting rigid body motion with small errors in a short time, typically less than one second per time step on a regular desktop computer. Novel results are presented for the motion of an inertial spheroid in quadratic flow, where in contrast to linear shear flow the shear rate is not constant. It is found that particle inertia induces a translational drift towards regions in the fluid with higher shear rate. / Partikelsuspensioner förekommer i många sammanhang i naturen och industrin. I denna masteruppsats studeras rörelsen hos en enstaka stel sfäroidisk partikel i Stokesflöde numeriskt med hjälp av en randintegralmetod och en ny specialiserad kvadraturmetod som kallas quadrature by expansion (QBX). Metoden fungerar för masslösa eller tröga sfäroider, som kan placeras i ett godtyckligt underliggande Stokesflöde. En parameterstudie av QBX-metoden presenteras, tillsammans med valideringsfall för sfäroider i linjärt skjuvflöde och kvadratiskt flöde. QBX-metoden kan beräkna kraften och momentet på sfäroiden samt den resulterande stelkroppsrörelsen med små fel på kort tid, typiskt mindre än en sekund per tidssteg på en vanlig persondator. Nya resultat presenteras för rörelsen hos en trög sfäroid i kvadratiskt flöde, där skjuvningen till skillnad från linjärt skjuvflöde inte är konstant. Det visar sig att partikeltröghet medför en drift i sidled mot områden i fluiden med högre skjuvning. Read more
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