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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelské akcelerátory. Význam a přínosy. / Business Accelerators. Their Significance and Contributions

Nipoti, Vladimir January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse and compare the contributions of business or startup accelerators. The contributions are compared from the point of view of the managers of accelerators, startups and investors. Business accelerators help new firms accelerate their growth. The aid can be provided in a material form through financial capital and services or in an educational form through workshops and mentoring. The first chapter deals with the definition of the accelerator, its history and differences with incubators. The second chapter engages in the causes of the phenomenon of startups and accelerators, the model of lean startup, the impacts of accelerators on the economy and the current situation of accelerators in the world. The third chapters analyses the oldest and the most famous accelerator in the world Y Combinator. The last part evaluates the contributions of accelerators based on the inquiry among experts.

Diseño de un modelo de negocio, de productos en base a la innovación de productos alimenticios con vegetales marinos

Araneda Reyes, Natalia Roxana Ximena January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Gestión y Dirección de Empresas / Este proyecto de tesis presenta la evaluación de un modelo de negocio y sus respectivos ámbitos, para valorar la viabilidad de una empresa innovadora de productos alimenticios en base de vegetales marinos. La iniciativa se origina tras la identificación de la necesidad de falta de productos alimenticios innovadores en base a vegetales marinos, que aportan nutrientes al cuerpo humano, debido a la tendencia de consumir productos con menores índices de contaminantes. La elaboración del modelo de negocio, utilizada en este proyecto, implica el desafío de aplicar una metodología poco utilizada en el mercado tradicional como lo es la Metodología Lean Startup , la que consiste en la formulación de una idea a través de la creación, medición y aprendizaje utilizando el método científico, permitiendo con ello generar un proceso iterativo que posibilita un aprendizaje validado en cada ciclo, proporcionando un know-how mayor en el modelo de negocios. En este contexto, se evidencia el bajo consumo de productos marinos en chile. Lo anterior de acuerdo con investigación de mercados realizada en el presente trabajo, instrumento aplicado en una encuesta online, donde se identificó que el 33% de los encuestados indica que nunca consume algas marinas y sólo el 1% indica que consume de forma diaria. Sin embargo, al ofrecer un conjunto de productos en base a vegetales marinos, se observa un cambio en la tendencia y se incrementa la frecuencia de intensión de consumo, ya que en caso de existir alternativas un 13,1% indica que consumiría en forma diaria y el 9,2% afirma que consumiría rara vez. En este proyecto se aplica el ciclo de Lean Startup para testear las hipótesis de desarrollo de cuatro productos, basados en algas como: Barras de Chocolate, Snack de frutos secos, mermelada y crema para untar con algas marinas, productos que fueron testeados, donde se logró establecer un aprendizaje validado, conforme a las mediciones, realizadas con la metodología de evaluación de productos. La evaluación del modelo de negocios y de la iniciativa de diseño de productos con algas marinas, corresponde a una iniciativa innovadora, que considera un avance en materia de desarrollo de este tipo de productos junto con incentivar el desarrollo social en las zonas costeras del país, donde se ha logrado establecer la existencia de una demanda de productos de este tipo, en este contexto, la evaluación del modelo de negocios es rentable y posibilita la existencia futura de soluciones y negocios focalizados en este tipo de productos para satisfacer la demanda de alimentos saludables en el país.

Design Thinking Vs. Lean Startup, un análisis desde el enfoque educativo / Design Thinking Vs. Lean Startup, an analysis from the educational approach

Guich Jiménez, Allison, Osorio Vásquez, Luis Angel 20 February 2021 (has links)
Las metodologías del Design Thinking y el Lean Startup son herramientas de gran valor dentro del contexto empresarial donde se evidencian sus inicios; pero es importante estudiar su participación indiscutible y acertada dentro de la educación. En el presente trabajo investigativo se presentan las diversas posturas asumidas por distintos autores en torno a dichas metodologías dentro del proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje, un hecho que se forma a partir de una importante y rigurosa revisión bibliográfica donde intervienen 30 papers que al ser clasificados develaron las diferentes confrontaciones de las ideas asociadas. En primer lugar, al Design Thinking dentro del ámbito educativo y, en segundo lugar, al Lean Startup y su participación en el contexto pedagógico. Así mismo, es posible la apreciación de las conjeturas derivadas del análisis de posturas relacionadas con el empleo de ambas metodologías y a su complementariedad para la educación. / The methodologies of Desing Thinking and Lean Startup are highly valuable mechanisms within the business context where their annals are evidenced; but it is important to study their indisputable and successful participation in education. In this research work, the various positions assumed by different authors regarding said methodologies within the teaching-learning process are presented, a fact that takes concrete form from an important and rigorous bibliographic review involving 30 papers that, when classified, revealed different confrontations of associated ideas. Firstly, to Design Thinking within the educational field and secondly to Lean Startup and its participation in the pedagogical context. Likewise, the conjectures derived from the analysis of positions related to the use of both methodology and their complementarity for education can be appreciated. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Exploring the Impact of AI-Tools on Swedish Startups - A qualitative Analysis of Operations Optimization and Alignment with the Lean Startup Development

Haji, Saadia, Sheehy, William January 2023 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence has recently attracted attention due to its rapid advancement in various industries such as the healthcare and finance industry. The intersection between AI and entrepreneurship is still being studied, and this study explores the impact of AI-tools on startups, with a focus on Swedish startups. The study explores the utilization of AI- tools to optimize their operations or capture new opportunities. It also examines their alignment to The Lean Startup Development, designed to help entrepreneurs to navigate through challenges they face when launching a product or a service. The primary contribution is of qualitative nature, using semi-structured interviews with individuals from startups implementing AI-technologies. Interpretation of the data is done through thematic analysis, which involves identifying themes and core categories.  The startups use the AI-tools for strategic internal planning and operations. The findings suggest that the AI- tools are commonly used to minimize costs, automate certain tasks, saving time to focus more on complex tasks and thereby enhancing efficiency which gradually leads to strengthened competitiveness. Interestingly, the participating startups show a consideration for ethical risks making more careful decisions on the information provided by the AI-tools.

Knowledge Problems and Entrepreneurial Strategy

Jin, Ju hyeong 01 May 2023 (has links)
Entrepreneurs formulate and implement strategies to tackle different knowledge problems over the entrepreneurial journey. This dissertation systematically disentangled and compared the value of two strategic decision logics that have been tested little in the extant entrepreneurship literature: the strategic decision logic that leverages speed advantages versus the logic that leverages comprehensive advantages. Using a pseudo-NK simulation method first in the management and entrepreneurship fields, the comparative effectiveness of new product development strategies that leverage speed (e.g., the lean method [paper one] and a modular strategy [paper two]) versus comprehensiveness (e.g., a more comprehensive method [paper one] and a parallel strategy [paper two]) was tested in the first and second essays of the dissertation. In the third essay, I systematically reviewed, analyzed, and disentangled two existing corporate strategy constructs of decision speed and decision comprehensiveness by investigating different ways these decision strategies could be effective within entrepreneurship. I also used a multilevel meta-analysis to synthesize and test the contingent role of decision speed and decision comprehensiveness in different entrepreneurial decision contexts. That is, I found that the value of these two entrepreneurial strategies would be contingent upon the external and internal conditions of ventures. Overall, this dissertation shows that strategies that leverage comprehensiveness might even be more effective in entrepreneurship than the strategies that leverage speed advantages, depending on the internal and external decision contexts. / Doctor of Philosophy / Entrepreneurs venture into the unknown to capture abnormal profits. Specifically, entrepreneurs make efforts to develop novel products/services, the market value of which is yet unknown. Thus, a rapid decision-making strategy is typically considered a good decision strategy because it allows entrepreneurs to test the potential new products first and then use the real-time feedback and information that come directly from the market (where there is a high level of 'unknowingness') after testing the products to update those that better satisfy market demands. However, such entrepreneurial strategies that leverage quick decisions do not necessarily capture profits because early adopters from which entrepreneurs collect feedback do not necessarily represent mainstream customers. Rather, it is possible that the market feedback obtained through quick product experimentations fails to indicate actual market demands. Hence, more comprehensive strategies can be a good alternative to rapid decision strategies (e.g., lean startups) for entrepreneurs. Specifically, entrepreneurs can use more comprehensive product designs (paper one), employ systematic approaches (e.g., advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence) to create multiple potential product candidates (paper three), and experiment with multiple products simultaneously (paper two) for new product development. However, this dissertation shows that the effectiveness of comprehensive strategies compared with the entrepreneurial strategies that leverage speed is contingent upon the internal contexts (e.g., available resources and venture lifecycles) and external conditions (e.g., market features).

Användarinvolvering under produktutvecklingsprocessen i startups : En studie om produktutvecklingsprocessen i svenskbaserade startups / User involvement in the product development process in startups : A study on the product development process in Swedish-based startups

Ekman, Freja, Lagervall, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Det blir allt enklare att starta ett företag i Sverige, mycket tack vare de många startupplattformar som finns. Samtidigt överlever knappt hälften av alla startup längre än fem år. En viktig aspekt för att inte misslyckas som nystartat företag är att förstå sina kunder och sina användare och lansera produkten till rätt kundsegment, samtidigt som det kan vara kostsamma undersökningar som också förlänger den kritiska tiden innan företaget börjar generera inkomster. För att det ska bli lönsamt krävs det också att företagen förstår hur informationen som insamlas ska användas för att förbättra produkten. Det här arbetet undersöker hur och när startups väljer att involvera sina användare i produktutvecklingsprocessen. För att besvara arbetets frågeställningar har en litteraturstudie utförts, där bakgrunden till problematiseringen kartlagts. Därefter genomfördes en intervjustudie med fyra olika startups där syftet var att förstå hur arbetet med användarinvolveringen utfördes i praktiken. Samtliga företag som intervjuades hade genomgått ett program på, eller finansierats av någon startupplattform. Studien visade att startups ofta inte följer en linjär produktutvecklingsprocess, utan måste anpassa den efter de finansiella och strukturella förutsättningar som företaget har. Därför lämpar sig ofta andra iterativa metoder för företagen, där insatsen för varje förändring blir mindre. Det gäller också för användarinvolvering, där företagen dock strävar efter att involvera användaren så mycket som möjligt då det upplevs som en minskad osäkerhet. En kontinuerlig involvering av användare är dock sällan genomförbart för nystartade företag. Dessutom gör bristen på erfarenhet det svårt för företagen att strukturerat fastställa de viktigaste kraven och behoven från användarna. Sammanfattningsvis pekar studiens resultat på att en utmaning för startups är att applicera en linjär produktutvecklingsprocessen på grund av bristande struktur och startupfas. De strävar efter att förstå sina kunder och användare då konsensus råder om att detta leder till en lyckad lansering då osäkerheten minskar och produkterna förbättras. / Starting a business in Sweden is becoming easier, thanks in large part to the numerous startup platforms available. However, barely half of all startups survive beyond the first five years. A crucial aspect of avoiding failure as a new company is understanding one's customers and users and launching the product to the right customer segments. Yet, conducting costly surveys can also prolong the critical period before the company starts generating income. To make it profitable, companies also need to understand how the collected information should be used to improve the product. This study investigates how and when startups choose to involve their users in the product development process. To address the research questions, a literature review was conducted mapping out the background of the problem. Then an interview study was carried out with four different startups, aiming to understand how user involvement was implemented in practice. All interviewed companies had gone through a program on or were funded by a startup platform. The study revealed that startups often do not follow a conventional product development process but have to adapt it based on the company's financial and structural conditions. Insted, other iterative methods are often suitable for new companies, where the cost for each change is less significant. This also applies to user involvement, although companies strive to involve users as much as possible because it is perceived as reducing uncertainty. However, continuous user involvement is rarely possible for startups with limited budgets and time constraints. Moreover, the lack of experience makes it challenging for companies to systematically determine the most critical requirements and needs from users. In summary, the study's findings indicate that a challenge for startups is to apply a linear product development process due to a lack of structure and the startup phase. They strive to understand their customers and users, as there is a consensus that this leads to a successful launch by reducing uncertainty and improving products.

Strategic Sustainable Trigger Questions: How Strategic Sustainable Development might be introduced in the Lean Startup through the Business Model Canvas

Van der Molen, Thomas, Bagrianski, Anastasia January 2016 (has links)
We are living in the “Anthropocene” the era in which human activities are responsible for severe damage to the resilience of the ecological and social systems, undermining the Earth’s autopoetic mechanism, integrity and ability to function as a healthy complex adaptive systems. The prevailing societal paradigm for business practices has yet to realise the reality of our current global unsustainable state – and the shift necessary to move us forward collectively. Startup companies have a unique opportunity to gain and leverage competitiveness and attractiveness for funding and customers through sustainability driven business strategies, models and value propositions. This research analyses literature, document and interview data to explore if and how current practices in the Lean Startup contribute to a sustainable society – and how a Strategic Sustainable Development approach might be introduced to enhance the resilience of Lean Startups. Therefore, our key recommendations for Lean Startups that want to introduce an SSD approach are: to raise awareness about the sustainability challenges and opportunities; utilise backcasting towards a vision framed by the Sustainability Principles; focus on fulfilling fundamental basic Human Needs; utilize strategic prioritization questions when pivoting and combine the FSSD ABCD process with the Lean BML cycle. Ultimately, this thesis proposes the use of Strategic Sustainable Trigger Questions to (re)design sustainable business models and value-propositions. We conclude that “asking the right questions - rather than giving answers up front” might spark conversations and innovations in Lean Startups, beneficial for the sustainability of both the individual startup the larger socio-ecological systems.

Use of the lean model at Pro Sky

Stäger, Niko January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Niko Stäger (nikostaeger@gmail.com) on 2014-11-07T23:23:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NIKO STAEGER - MASTER THESIS.pdf: 1292135 bytes, checksum: f5c9d4d530d8327489b7aec48d3ae60b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2014-11-10T12:14:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NIKO STAEGER - MASTER THESIS.pdf: 1292135 bytes, checksum: f5c9d4d530d8327489b7aec48d3ae60b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T12:24:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NIKO STAEGER - MASTER THESIS.pdf: 1292135 bytes, checksum: f5c9d4d530d8327489b7aec48d3ae60b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / O modelo lean startup representa uma forma recente de desenvolver novos produtos e serviço. No entanto, existe pouca informação sobre a implementação em empresas. O autor desta tese aborda esta lacuna na literatura, fornecendo um exemplo prático de uma organização adaptando o modelo lean startup. O estudo de caso único envolve o intermediário de serviços aéreos Pro Sky que tenta desenvolver um novo serviço de concierge em aeroporto. Um entendimento profundo é obtido por meio de entrevistas, participant-observation e a simulação do novo serviço. Em comparação com desenvolvimentos passados de novos serviços na Pro Sky, o modelo lean startup ajuda a acelerar o processo de desenvolvimento, reduzir o desperdício de recursos e reduzir os efeitos negativos dos vieses cognitivos. O modelo reforça o objetivo da Pro Sky se desenvolver numa empresa voltada para o cliente. Obstáculos incluem oferecer aos clientes um produto inacabado e o medo resultante da perda de reputação.

Desenvolvimento e implantação de um modelo de negócio para introdução de uma nova marca de maquiagem no mercado brasileiro: um estudo de caso

Chen, Yi 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Yi Chen (kych80@gmail.com) on 2018-01-16T13:50:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Projeto Final Corregido.pdf: 1893994 bytes, checksum: a9c159251cfa7347a1fdf78f9105ad2e (MD5) Projeto Final Corregido.pdf: 1893994 bytes, checksum: a9c159251cfa7347a1fdf78f9105ad2e (MD5) / Rejected by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br), reason: Prezado Yi Chen, Alguns itens deverão ser ajustados no trabalho: 1. O nome Getulio não tem acento 2. O título do trabalho deve ser em caixa alta 3. Não é necessário o SP ao lado de SÃO PAULO, na capa e contracapa 4. As palavras-chave do resumo/abstract devem estar separadas por ponto e vírgula 5. A paginação começa na introdução, porém, todos os elementos pré-textuais devem ser contados. Qualquer dúvida estou à disposição. Mayara 3799/3438 on 2018-01-16T22:46:18Z (GMT) / Submitted by Yi Chen (kych80@gmail.com) on 2018-01-18T01:48:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto Final Corregido.pdf: 1894742 bytes, checksum: ec1c9bb08bf7b6c6262752532976e443 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-01-19T18:13:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto Final Corregido.pdf: 1894742 bytes, checksum: ec1c9bb08bf7b6c6262752532976e443 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-19T19:34:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto Final Corregido.pdf: 1894742 bytes, checksum: ec1c9bb08bf7b6c6262752532976e443 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / Este estudo tem como tema o desenvolvimento e implantação de um modelo de negócios para a introdução de uma nova marca de maquiagem e de um novo produto no mercado de cosméticos brasileiro. O objetivo do estudo é investigar quais são as razões determinantes para a escolha de um modelo de negócios específico para este mercado. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou uma abordagem multiteórica, aplicando a teoria de diversos modelos de negócios para desenvolver e implantar o mais adequado para o produto. A entrevista semiestruturada foi utilizada como método de coleta de dados, aplicada a amigos e pessoas que tem grande interesse em produtos inovadores de cosméticos. É esperado que este trabalho contribua academicamente ao gerar um maior conhecimento sobre o tema. Do lado profissional, com a pesquisa, o modelo de negócios estudado poderá ser executado na prática. Além disso, a pesquisa serve como base para ajudar a introduzir um produto inovador em qualquer setor do mercado.

Návrh rozvoje obchodních aktivit ve společnosti CCV Informační systémy / Proposal of Business Activities Development in the CCV Information Systems

Vlasák, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je návrh rozvoje obchodních aktivit vybrané společnosti. Práce obsahuje podrobné analýzy vnějšího a vnitřního prostředí společnosti, které jsou následně shrnuty a vyhodnoceny ve SWOT analýze. Na základě výstupů z provedené analýze jsou vypracovány návrhy pro rozvoj obchodních aktivit za použití Lean Startup metodiky. Uskutečnění popsaných návrhů povede ke zvýšení tržeb a konkurenceschopnosti společnosti na trhu.

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