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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of a hydrogen-based transport system and the role of public policy in the transition to a decarbonised economy. / Choix de politiques sectorielles pour la décarbonisation de l’économie. Application au cas de l’hydrogène pour le secteur du transport

Kotelnikova, Alena 03 October 2016 (has links)
Quel cadre économique et réglementaire à long terme (2030-50) pour soutenir la transition énergétique des carburants fossiles vers l’hydrogène dans le secteur européen des transports ? Cette recherche combine les approches théoriques et empiriques pour répondre aux trois questions suivantes :1. Comment concevoir des politiques de soutien adaptées pour pallier les imperfections de marché lors du déploiement de technologies de mobilité hydrogène ?2. Comment modéliser les coûts d’abattement en tenant compte des effets d’apprentissage (LBD) ?3. Comment définir la trajectoire optimale de déploiement quand le LBD et la convexité des coûts d’investissement sont présents ?L’article ‘Transition vers un Système de Transport de Passagers à Hydrogène : Analyse Politique Comparée’ passe au crible des politique de soutien destinées à résoudre les imperfections de marché dans le déploiement de la mobilité hydrogène. L’article effectue une comparaison internationale entre les instruments en faveur du déploiement des véhicules. Les indicateurs ex post d’efficacité des politiques sont développés et calculés pour classifier les pays selon leur volontarisme dans la promotion des véhicules à piles à combustible (FCEV). Aujourd’hui le Japon et le Danemark apparaissent comme les meilleurs fournisseurs d’un environnement favorable au déploiement de la mobilité hydrogène. Les autorités locales introduisent de solides instruments prix (tels que des subventions et des exemptions fiscales) pour rendre le FCEV plus attractif par rapport à son analogue à essence et coordonnent le déploiement de l’infrastructure hydrogène sur le territoire.L’article ‘Modélisation des Coûts d’Abattement en Présence d’Effets d’Apprentissage : le Cas du Véhicule à Hydrogène’ présente un modèle de transition du secteur des transports d’un état polluant à un état propre. Un modèle d’équilibre partiel est développé pour un secteur automobile de taille constante. L’optimum social est atteint en minimisant le coût de la transition du parc automobile au cours du temps. Ce coût comprend les coûts privés de production des véhicules décarbonés (sujets aux effets d’apprentissage) ainsi que le coût social des émissions de CO2 qui suit une tendance haussière exogène. L’article caractérise la trajectoire optimale qui est un remplacement progressif des véhicules polluants par les décarbonés. Au cours de la transition, l’égalisation des coûts marginaux tient compte de l’impact des actions présentes sur les coûts futurs via l’effet d’apprentissage. L’article décrit aussi une trajectoire sous-optimale où la trajectoire de déploiement serait une donnée exogène : quelle serait alors la date optimale de début de la transition ? L’article présente une évaluation quantitative de la substitution des FCEV aux véhicules à combustion interne (ICE). L’analyse conclut que le FCEV deviendra une option économiquement viable pour décarboner une partie du parc automobile allemand à l’horizon 2050 dès que le prix du carbone atteindra 50-60€/t.L’article ‘Le rôle des Effets d’Apprentissage dans l’Adoption d’une Technologie Verte : le Cas LBD Linéaire’ étudie les caractéristiques d’une trajectoire optimale de déploiement des véhicules décarbonés dans le cas où les effets d’apprentissage et la convexité sont présents dans la fonction de coût. Le modèle d’équilibre partiel de Creti et. al (2015) est utilisé comme point de départ. Dans le cas LBD linéaire la trajectoire de déploiement optimale est obtenue analytiquement. Un apprentissage fort induit une transition antérieure vers les véhicules verts dans le cas d’une convexité faible et une transition ultérieure dans le cas d’une convexité forte. Ce résultat permet de revisiter le projet H2 Mobility en Allemagne. Un effet d’apprentissage plus fort et une accélération du déploiement aboutissent à une transition moins coûteuse et une période de cash flow négatif plus courte. / What economic and policy framework would foster a transition in the European transport sector from fossil fuels to hydrogen in the long term (2030-50)? This research combines empirical and theoretical approaches and aims to answers the following questions:1. How to design appropriate policy instruments to solve inefficiencies in hydrogen mobility deployment?2. How to define abatement cost and an optimal launching date in the presence of learning-by-doing (LBD)?3. How to define an optimal deployment trajectory in presence of LBD and convexity in investment costs?The paper ‘Transition Towards a Hydrogen-Based Passenger Car Transport: Comparative Policy Analysis‘ draws a cross-country comparison between policy instruments that support the deployment of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV). The existing policy framework in favour of FCEV and hydrogen infrastructure deployment is analysed. A set of complementary ex-post policy efficiency indicators is developed and calculated to rank the most active countries, supporters of FCEV. Denmark and Japan emerge as the best providers of favourable conditions for the hydrogen mobility deployment: local authorities put in place price-based incentives (such as subsidies and tax exemptions) making FCEV more financially attractive than its gasoline substitute, and coordinate ramping-up of their hydrogen infrastructure nationally.The paper ’Defining the Abatement Cost in Presence of Learning-by-doing: Application to the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle’ models the transition of the transport sector from a pollutant state to a clean one. A partial equilibrium model is developed for a car sector of a constant size. In this model the objective of the social planner is to minimize the cost of phasing out a stock of polluting cars from the market over time. The cost includes the private cost of green cars production, which are subject to LBD, and the social cost of carbon, which has an exogenous upward trend. During the transition, the equalization of marginal costs takes into account the fact that the current action has an impact on future costs through LBD. This paper also describes a suboptimal plan: if the deployment trajectory is exogenously given, what is the optimal starting date for the transition? The paper provides a quantitative assessment of the FCEV case for the substitution of the mature Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles. The analysis concludes that the CO2 price should reach 53€/t for the program to start and for FCEV to be a socially beneficial alternative for decarbonizing part of the projected German car park in the 2050 time frame.The impact of LBD on the timing and costs of emission abatement is, however, ambiguous. On the one hand, LBD supposes delaying abatement activities because of cost reduction of future abatement due to LBD. On the other hand, LBD supposes starting the transition earlier because of cost reduction due to added value to cumulative experience. The paper ‘The Role of Learning-by-Doing in the Adoption of a Green Technology: the Case of Linear LBD’ studies the optimal characteristics of a transition towards green vehicles in the transport sector when both LBD and convexity are present in the cost function. The partial equilibrium model of (Creti et al., 2015) is used as a starting point. For the case of linear LBD the deployment trajectory can be analytically obtained. This allows to conclude that a high learning induces an earlier switch towards green cars in the case of low convexity, and a later switch in the case of high convexity. This insight is used to revisit the hydrogen mobility project in Germany. A high learning lowers the corresponding deployment cost and reduces deepness and duration of the, investment ‘death valley’ (period of negative project’s cash flow). An acceleration of exogenously defined scenario for FCEV deployment, based on the industry forecast, would be beneficial to reduce the associated transition cost.

Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna louka

Britanová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
New komplex of school buildings in Ostrava on Černá louka is the school with perspective for the future. It provides overall education and concentrate on maximum efficiency of learning proces. The idea links the theory with practical demonstration and intense learning with relaxation in nature enviromnemt. The teaching system support the independent activity of each individual and self-realization for everyone. The school allows some variability of internal organization of space and take into consideration the technology development and the capacity of youngsters to understand it and embrace it.

Rent frågebaserat lärande som metod i utbildningsmaterial : En undersökning av upplevelsen och effektiviteten av rent frågebaserat lärande / Pure question based learning as a method in online learning material

Mannerfelt, Susanna January 2022 (has links)
I takt med att tekniken går framåt krävs det att företag håller sig ständigt uppdaterade genom att vidareutbilda sina medarbetare. Inom företagsutbildning finns behovet av att utveckla metoderna för lärande samt att hitta sätta att utbilda personalen mer effektivt. I tidigare forskning har det framkommit att frågebaserat lärande kan effektivisera utbildningen med 50 %. Den här studien vill undersöka en ny metod som kallas rent frågebaserat lärande, utvecklat av Bälter och Glassey. Rent frågebaserat lärande innebär att lära sig endast genom att svara på frågor och av återkopplingen som följer därefter. Studien som presenteras i detta examensarbete syftar till att utvärdera och undersöka beteendet och erfarenheterna hos deltagare på en kurs som är uppbyggd med metoden rent frågebaserat lärande. Ett existerande utbildningsmaterial om Scanias ledarskapsmodell har först omvandlats med hjälp av den givna metoden och sedan har en grupp medarbetare på Scania testat och utvärderat kursen. Genom enkäter med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa frågor har totalt 27 kursdeltagares upplevelse av sitt eget lärande analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys och kursmaterialet har utvärderats. Detta har sedan jämförts med resultatet från 15 personer som gick den ursprungliga kursen med individuellt internetbaserat lärande. Det visar sig att gruppen som deltagit i den utvecklade kursen hade mer aktivt lärande jämfört med de som deltagit i den ursprungliga kursen. Kursdeltagarnas uppfattning av hur mycket de har lärt sig skiljer sig inte åt mellan grupperna. Tiden det tog att slutföra kursen har analyserats och av detta framkommer att kursen som är utvecklad med rent frågebaserat lärande kortar ner inlärningstiden med ca 33 %. / As technology advances, companies need to stay updated by continuously training their employees. Therefore, there is a need to make the learning material more efficient and in previous research, question-based learning has been shown to do just that by up to 50%. This study seeks to investigate a new method called pure question-based learning, developed by Bälter and Glassey. Pure question-based learning means learning only by answering questions and the feedback that follows. The study that is presented in this thesis aims to evaluate and investigate the behavior and experience of participants in a course that is structured with the method pure question-based learning. An existing training material on Scania's leadership model has first been transformed using the given method and then a group of employees at Scania has tested and evaluated the course. Through surveys with both qualitative and quantitative questions, 27 course participants' experience of their own learning has been analyzed with the help of thematic analysis and the course material has been evaluated. The result has since then been compared to the results of 15 participants in the original course with individual internet-based learning. It turns out that the group that participated in the developed course had more active learning compared to the group that participated in the original course. The course participants' perception of how much they learned does not differ between the groups. The time it took to complete the course has been analyzed and from this it appears that the course that is developed with pure question-based learning shortens the learning time by approximately 33 %.

Las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la nacionalidad Waorani y la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell

Duque Orozco, Gabriela Estefania 24 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los Waorani del Ecuador son una nacionalidad indígena de reciente contacto. Su territorio ha ido modificándose debido a las presiones extractivas que le han devenido. La migración interna es uno de los efectos visibles de esta realidad. Shellpare es el espacio geográfico donde se han asentado familias waorani que empujan un modelo de desarrollo desde el derecho a la educación, salud y trabajo digno. El objetivo central de este trabajo de investigación es determinar cómo las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la Nacionalidad Waorani influyen en la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell. La Metodología desarrollada es cualitativa. Toma los aportes de la Escuela Intergeneracional Wiñenani-Pikenani y desarrolla procesos como el Campeonato Intergeneracional de Futbol, para la recolección de datos. Se describe el camino ético de la investigación, así como sus principales retos. Se explica la utilidad del programa NVIVO12+ para organizar la información. Entre los resultados se puede destacar que las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales desarrollan formas de diálogo con interacciones tanto materiales como inmateriales entre lo humano y no-humano. Así mismo, se construyen desde el aprender-haciendo, lo que fortalece el concepto de intergeneracionalidad. Otro resultado es el entramado que emerge de ligar las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales (adaptabilidad, proficiencia, enunciación verbal, enunciación no verbal, integrativas, libertad, materialidad e inmaterialidad) con el manejo territorial vernáculo (alta movilidad interna, mapeo territorial, gestión político-administrativa y sistema productivo). Permitiendo concluir que esta contribución empírica es el primer acercamiento a la realidad urbana de los waorani. El aporte al debate teórico a través de conceptos como las interacciones entre lo humano y no-humano, el aprender-haciendo con enfoque intergeneracional y el manejo territorial sostenible dan una posibilidad de reflexión teórica sobre la territorialización de la intergeneracionalidad. Finalmente, se concluye que los conflictos por distribución ecológica que permean la vida de las poblaciones desfavorecidas modifican sus territorios y las formas de relación con lo no-humano. La crisis civilizatoria que el modelo industrial globalizado empuja afecta principalmente a los grupos históricamente excluidos y a los espacios geográficos con bienes comunes extraíbles. / [CA] Els Waorani de l'Equador són una nacionalitat indígena de recent contacte. El seu territori ha anat modificant-se a causa de les pressions extractives que li han esdevingut. La migració interna és un dels efectes visibles d'aquesta realitat. Shellpare és l'espai geogràfic on s'han assentat famílies waorani que espenten un model de desenvolupament des del dret a l'educació, salut i treball digne. L'objectiu central d'aquest treball de recerca és determinar com les relacions socials intergeneracionals de la Nacionalitat Waorani influeixen en la reproducció de les lògiques de maneig territorial ancestral en el barri waorani en Shell. La Metodologia desenvolupada és qualitativa. Presa les aportacions de l'Escola Intergeneracional Wiñenani-Pikenani i desenvolupa processos com el Campionat Intergeneracional de Futbol, per a la recol·lecció de dades. Es descriu el camí ètic de la investigació, així com els seus principals reptes. S'explica la utilitat del programa NVIVO12+ per a organitzar la informació. Entre els resultats es pot destacar que les relacions socials intergeneracionals desenvolupen formes de diàleg amb interaccions tant materials com immaterials entre l'humà i no-humà. Així mateix, es construeixen des de l'aprendre-fent, la qual cosa enforteix el concepte de intergeneracionalidad. Un altre resultat és l'entramat que emergeix de lligar les relacions socials intergeneracionals (adaptabilitat, proficiencia, enunciació verbal, enunciació no verbal, integratives, llibertat, materialitat i immaterialitat) amb el maneig territorial vernacle (alta mobilitat interna, mapatge territorial, gestió polític-administrativa i sistema productiu). Permetent concloure que aquesta contribució empírica és el primer acostament a la realitat urbana dels waorani. L'aportació al debat teòric a través de conceptes com les interaccions entre l'humà i no-humà, l'aprendre-fent amb enfocament intergeneracional i el maneig territorial sostenible donen una possibilitat de reflexió teòrica sobre la territorialització de la intergeneracionalidad. Finalment, es conclou que els conflictes per distribució ecològica que permean la vida de les poblacions desfavorides modifiquen els seus territoris i les formes de relació amb el no-humà. La crisi civilizatoria que el model industrial globalitzat espenta afecta principalment als grups històricament exclosos i als espais geogràfics amb béns comuns extraïbles. / [EN] The Waorani of Ecuador are an indigenous nationality of recent contact. Its territory has been changing due to the extractive pressures that have come to it. Internal migration is one of the visible effects of this reality. Shellpare is the geographical space where Waorani families have settled, pushing a development model based on the right to education, health and decent work. The central objective of this research work is to determine how the intergenerational social relations of the Waorani Nationality influence the reproduction of the logics of ancestral territorial management in the Waorani neighborhood in Shell. The methodology developed is qualitative. It takes the contributions of the Wiñenani-Pikenani Intergenerational School and develops processes such as the Intergenerational Soccer Championship, for data collection. The ethical path of research is described, as well as its main challenges. The usefulness of the NVIVO12 + program for organizing information is explained. Among the results, it can be highlighted that intergenerational social relations develop forms of dialogue with both material and immaterial interactions between the human and the non-human. Likewise, they are built from learning-doing, which strengthens the concept of intergenerationality. Another result is the framework that emerges from linking intergenerational social relations (adaptability, proficiency, verbal enunciation, non-verbal enunciation, integrative, freedom, materiality and immateriality) with vernacular territorial management (high internal mobility, territorial mapping, political-administrative management and productive system). Allowing to conclude that this empirical contribution is the first approach to the urban reality of the Waorani. The contribution to the theoretical debate through concepts such as the interactions between human and non-human, learning-doing with an intergenerational approach and sustainable territorial management provide a possibility of theoretical reflection on the territorialization of intergenerationality. Finally, it is concluded that the ecological distribution conflicts that permeate the lives of disadvantaged populations modify their territories and the forms of relationship with the non-human. The civilizational crisis that the globalized industrial model pushes mainly affects historically excluded groups and geographical spaces with extractable common goods. / Duque Orozco, GE. (2021). Las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la nacionalidad Waorani y la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180282

Innovative energy technologies in energy-economy models

Schumacher, Katja 08 August 2007 (has links)
Die Einführung neuartiger Energietechnologien wird allgemein als der Schlüssel zur Senkung klimaschädlicher Treibhausgase angesehen. Allerdings ist die Abbildung derartiger Technologien in numerischen Modellen zur Simulation und ökonomischen Analyse von energie- und klimaschutzpolitischen Maßnahmen vielfach noch rudimentär. Die Dissertation entwickelt neue Ansätze zur Einbindung von technologischen Innovationen in energie-ökonomische allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle, mit dem Ziel den Energiesektor realitätsnäher abzubilden. Die Dissertation adressiert einige der Hauptkritikpunkte an allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodellen zur Analyse von Energie- und Klimapolitik: Die fehlende sektorale und technologische Disaggregation, die beschränkte Darstellung von technologischem Fortschritt, und das Fehlen von einem weiten Spektrum an Treibhausgasminderungsoptionen. Die Dissertation widmet sich zwei Hauptfragen: (1) Wie können technologische Innovationen in allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodelle eingebettet werden? (2) Welche zusätzlichen und politikrelevanten Informationen lassen sich durch diese methodischen Erweiterungen gewinnen? Die Verwendung eines sogenannten Hybrid-Ansatzes, in dem neuartige Technologien für Stromerzeugung und Eisen- und Stahlherstellung in ein dynamisch multi-sektorales CGE Modell eingebettet werden, zeigt, dass technologiespezifische Effekte von großer Bedeutung sind für die ökonomische Analyse von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen, insbesondere die Effekte hinsichtlich von Technologiewechsel und dadurch bedingten Änderungen der Input- und Emissionsstrukturen. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Dissertation, dass Lerneffekte auf verschiedenen Stufen der Produktionskette abgebildet werden müssen: Für regenerative Energien, zum Beispiel, nicht nur bei der Anwendung von Stromerzeugungsanlagen, sondern ebenso auf der vorgelagerten Produktionsstufe bei der Herstellung dieser Anlagen. Die differenzierte Abbildung von Lerneffekten in Exportsektoren, wie zum Beispiel Windanlagen, verändert die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und hat wichtige Implikationen für die ökonomische Analyse von Klimapolitik. / Energy technologies and innovation are considered to play a crucial role in climate change mitigation. Yet, the representation of technologies in energy-economy models, which are used extensively to analyze the economic, energy and environmental impacts of alternative energy and climate policies, is rather limited. This dissertation presents advanced techniques of including technological innovations in energy-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. New methods are explored and applied for improving the realism of energy production and consumption in such top-down models. The dissertation addresses some of the main criticism of general equilibrium models in the field of energy and climate policy analysis: The lack of detailed sectoral and technical disaggregation, the restricted view on innovation and technological change, and the lack of extended greenhouse gas mitigation options. The dissertation reflects on the questions of (1) how to introduce innovation and technological change in a computable general equilibrium model as well as (2) what additional and policy relevant information is gained from using these methodologies. Employing a new hybrid approach of incorporating technology-specific information for electricity generation and iron and steel production in a dynamic multi-sector computable equilibrium model it can be concluded that technology-specific effects are crucial for the economic assessment of climate policy, in particular the effects relating to process shifts and fuel input structure. Additionally, the dissertation shows that learning-by-doing in renewable energy takes place in the renewable electricity sector but is equally important in upstream sectors that produce technologies, i.e. machinery and equipment, for renewable electricity generation. The differentiation of learning effects in export sectors, such as renewable energy technologies, matters for the economic assessment of climate policies because of effects on international competitiveness and economic output.

Mediální výchova na školách - kriticko-analytický či produkční přístup / Media education at schools-critical-analytic or production approach

Ročňák, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis, which is entitled "Media Education in schools - critical-analytic or production approach", is to map the current state of practice of media education in a sample of secondary schools (gymnasiums) in central Bohemia. Our goal is to provide readers with broader theoretical insight into the concept of media literacy (as a goal of any media education), to capture a brief history of development of the perspective on the role of media education, as well as to examine how media education is incorporated within the Czech system of secondary education, and also to reflect on its possible forms of implementation. Last but not least, the intent of the thesis is to describe two basic approaches to media education, both of which are directed to development of media literacy. Our research led by a combination of questionnaires and interviews with educators suppose to be used as a tool that should help us to bridge the theory with an image of factual practice. The research part primarily aims to provide insight into framework of the current practice of teaching media education in secondary schools in central Bohemia, and through interpretation of the main remarks points to (at least) basic issues which teachers of media education must deal with.

El inglés y el español - ¿asignaturas en igualdad de condiciones? : Diferencias en cuanto a la actitud, la percepción de habilidad y el input en el tiempo libre de los alumnos. / English and Spanish - Subjects on equal terms? : Differences in students´ perceived abilities, attitudes and input outside the classroom

Billqvist, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine various aspects of the difference between the acquisition of English and Spanish by Swedish learners in compulsory education and its causes. The two subjects have the same syllabus, with the difference that English studies start 3 years earlier, but studies of the competences of the Swedish students in these two languages (see f.ex. First European Survey of Language Competences, 2012)suggest that the gap between the languages is bigger than what could be expected and that there is an existing difference in attitude towards the two languages. The conclusion is that the predominance of English in the immediate environment of the surveyed students is considerable. The study has shown large differences between the input in English and Spanish. Students receive input in Spanish, communicate in Spanish and acquire knowledge of Spanish / Latin American cultures almost exclusively at school. On the other hand, they acquire knowledge, receive input and interact in English both in school and in their spare time. We also found considerable differences in attitudes towards the two languages and the perceived ability of the students. The Spanish is perceived as more difficult, less necessary, less fun and less useful in their future lives. New technologies create new platforms for communication that allow students to participate in interaction in the target language. This study shows that these situations occur mostly in English but also in Spanish, which in our opinion could be more used in teaching.

'Where does the new come from?' : an ethnography of design performances of 'the new'

Gaspar, Andrea Marques January 2013 (has links)
The core concern of my thesis is with shifting the focus from the description on how innovation is done (predominantly STS accounts of innovation in-the-making) to what designers do with conceptions of innovation. The thesis is based on ethnographic fieldwork within a group of interaction designers of Milan. Despite the different conceptions and traditions of innovation that these designers bring in – the artistic and technological ones – I observed that a design-centered conception of innovation is reproduced, as well as the idea that plans and intentions precede things. However, another key idea of my fieldwork is the importance designers give to imagining things as they might be, rather than focusing on how things are. This is where different models of action, planned and open ones coexist in creative ways: it is these processes that the ethnography details.

Charismen Entdecken: Eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung in der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden / Discovering Chrismata : a practical theological inquiry in the United Lutheran Church of Baden

Baumert, Manfred Otto Willi 03 1900 (has links)
Summary and key words in German and English / Every church faces the challenge of procuring capable workers for the multifaceted task of ministry. For several decades now official denominational statements and the discipline of Practical Theology have been calling for a new understanding of giftedness in ecclesial service. As yet little fundamental research has been done in this area. This dissertation seeks to make a contribution both empirically and theologically. It marks the first time in the German–speaking world of Practical Theology that the issue of how one discovers charisms is addressed academically. The specific field of research is located in the Protestant Regional Church of Baden in southwest Germany. Nevertheless the findings can be applied more broadly since the research is based on thorough exegetical and systematic–theological analysis and has been verified empirically. There has been a quest for the charisms of the Spirit since the beginning of the twentieth century and even more so now in the face of the societal challenges of postmodernity. In the discussion of the different theological positionens arise as result that charisms have to be seen with an triune approach. In addtion, besindes the fact that charisms have a habitual meaning, they first of all have a relational dimension. The empirical research involved online–interviewings of pastors, plus interviews of church members. One of the major findings was that the views of pastors on how church members receive gifts is determined by their theological understanding of the charisms. Pastors discover gifts, not according to Pauline criteria, but largely according to emotional aspects, as proved by this research. It became apparent that protestant pastors are of the opinion that New Testament charisms are not first received at baptism, but already at birth. Another interesting finding is that members of both protestant main stream churches and pentacostal-charismatic churches hold the same believes about how to receive charisms. The only difference is their repertoire of gifts. This dissertation focuses on developing guidelines for the discovery of charisms within the congregation as the local body of the Church. / Fähige Mitarbeiter für eine vielgestaltige Gemeindearbeit zu finden, ist in jeder Kirche eine bleibende Aufgabe und Herausforderung. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten wird in kirchlichen Verlautbarungen und in der Praktischen Theologie verstärkt das Konzept einer gabenorientierten Mitarbeit betont. Dieses Feld ist noch wenig grundsätzlich erforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit greift empirisch und theologisch in die aktuelle Diskussion ein. Innerhalb der Praktischen Theologie im deutschsprachigen Raum liegt mit ihr zum ersten Mal eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur Frage vor, wie Charismen im Forschungsfeld der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden entdeckt werden. Die Ergebnisse reichen aber weit über diesen Rahmen hinaus und können grundsätzlich gelten, weil sie auf dem Hintergrund exegetischer und systematisch-theologischer Grundlagenarbeit in einer sorgfältigen empirischen Methodik erhoben, reflektiert und ausgewertet wurden. Die Ausführungen zeigen, dass die Suche nach Charismen seit Beginn des 20. Jh. angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche im Kontext der Postmoderne zu einem großen Thema geworden ist. Aus den theologischen Positionen erwuchs die wesentliche Einsicht, dass Charismen trinitarisch einzuordnen sind und neben dem habituellen Charismenverständnis vor allem die relationale Dimension vorliegt. Die empirische Forschungsarbeit umfasst eine Online-Befragung von Pfarrern, ergänzend dazu wurden Gemeindeglieder interviewt. Als eines der Hauptergebnisse stellte sich heraus, dass die Meinung der Pfarrer, wie Gemeindeglieder Gaben empfangen, durch ihr theologisches Gabenverständnis bestimmt wird. Wie Pfarrer Gaben entdecken, richtet sich weithin nicht nach den paulinischen Kriterien, sondern nach emotionalen Gesichtspunkten, wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit nachgewiesen werden konnte. Wie sich herausstellte, sind Pfarrer der Überzeugung, dass neutestamentliche Gaben nicht erst bei der Taufe empfangen werden, sondern mit der biologischen Geburt. Ein weiterer interessanter Aspekt belegt, dass Gemeindeglieder der evangelischen Landeskirche im Vergleich zu charismatisch-pentekostalen Gemeindegliedern Gaben nach ihren subjektiven Glaubensüberzeugungen in derselben Weise empfangen, lediglich das Gabenrepertoire unterscheidet sich. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Leitlinien zum Entdecken von Charismen im Kontext der lokalen Gemeinde zu entwickeln. / Practical Theology / Thesis (D. Th. (Practical Theology))

Charismen Entdecken: Eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung in der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden / Discovering Chrismata : a practical theological inquiry in the United Lutheran Church of Baden

Baumert, Manfred Otto Willi 03 1900 (has links)
Summary and key words in German and English / Every church faces the challenge of procuring capable workers for the multifaceted task of ministry. For several decades now official denominational statements and the discipline of Practical Theology have been calling for a new understanding of giftedness in ecclesial service. As yet little fundamental research has been done in this area. This dissertation seeks to make a contribution both empirically and theologically. It marks the first time in the German–speaking world of Practical Theology that the issue of how one discovers charisms is addressed academically. The specific field of research is located in the Protestant Regional Church of Baden in southwest Germany. Nevertheless the findings can be applied more broadly since the research is based on thorough exegetical and systematic–theological analysis and has been verified empirically. There has been a quest for the charisms of the Spirit since the beginning of the twentieth century and even more so now in the face of the societal challenges of postmodernity. In the discussion of the different theological positionens arise as result that charisms have to be seen with an triune approach. In addtion, besindes the fact that charisms have a habitual meaning, they first of all have a relational dimension. The empirical research involved online–interviewings of pastors, plus interviews of church members. One of the major findings was that the views of pastors on how church members receive gifts is determined by their theological understanding of the charisms. Pastors discover gifts, not according to Pauline criteria, but largely according to emotional aspects, as proved by this research. It became apparent that protestant pastors are of the opinion that New Testament charisms are not first received at baptism, but already at birth. Another interesting finding is that members of both protestant main stream churches and pentacostal-charismatic churches hold the same believes about how to receive charisms. The only difference is their repertoire of gifts. This dissertation focuses on developing guidelines for the discovery of charisms within the congregation as the local body of the Church. / Fähige Mitarbeiter für eine vielgestaltige Gemeindearbeit zu finden, ist in jeder Kirche eine bleibende Aufgabe und Herausforderung. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten wird in kirchlichen Verlautbarungen und in der Praktischen Theologie verstärkt das Konzept einer gabenorientierten Mitarbeit betont. Dieses Feld ist noch wenig grundsätzlich erforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit greift empirisch und theologisch in die aktuelle Diskussion ein. Innerhalb der Praktischen Theologie im deutschsprachigen Raum liegt mit ihr zum ersten Mal eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung zur Frage vor, wie Charismen im Forschungsfeld der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden entdeckt werden. Die Ergebnisse reichen aber weit über diesen Rahmen hinaus und können grundsätzlich gelten, weil sie auf dem Hintergrund exegetischer und systematisch-theologischer Grundlagenarbeit in einer sorgfältigen empirischen Methodik erhoben, reflektiert und ausgewertet wurden. Die Ausführungen zeigen, dass die Suche nach Charismen seit Beginn des 20. Jh. angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche im Kontext der Postmoderne zu einem großen Thema geworden ist. Aus den theologischen Positionen erwuchs die wesentliche Einsicht, dass Charismen trinitarisch einzuordnen sind und neben dem habituellen Charismenverständnis vor allem die relationale Dimension vorliegt. Die empirische Forschungsarbeit umfasst eine Online-Befragung von Pfarrern, ergänzend dazu wurden Gemeindeglieder interviewt. Als eines der Hauptergebnisse stellte sich heraus, dass die Meinung der Pfarrer, wie Gemeindeglieder Gaben empfangen, durch ihr theologisches Gabenverständnis bestimmt wird. Wie Pfarrer Gaben entdecken, richtet sich weithin nicht nach den paulinischen Kriterien, sondern nach emotionalen Gesichtspunkten, wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit nachgewiesen werden konnte. Wie sich herausstellte, sind Pfarrer der Überzeugung, dass neutestamentliche Gaben nicht erst bei der Taufe empfangen werden, sondern mit der biologischen Geburt. Ein weiterer interessanter Aspekt belegt, dass Gemeindeglieder der evangelischen Landeskirche im Vergleich zu charismatisch-pentekostalen Gemeindegliedern Gaben nach ihren subjektiven Glaubensüberzeugungen in derselben Weise empfangen, lediglich das Gabenrepertoire unterscheidet sich. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Leitlinien zum Entdecken von Charismen im Kontext der lokalen Gemeinde zu entwickeln. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Thesis (D. Th. (Practical Theology))

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