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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Man blir nog en bättre människaav att ta hand om små barn” : En intervjustudie om mäns konstruktion av föräldrarollen i Umeå

Ridzén, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to deepen our understanding of both how men are affected by taking longer periods of parental leave, and the factors behind the decision of some men to take at least six consecutive months of leave. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five men living in Umeå, Sweden, who had been on parental leave for periods ranging from 6-15 months. Thematic analysis of these interviews revealed four themes: The female as the norm, gender-equal masculinity, the significance of paid work, and understanding provided by practical experience. The men in the study appeared to embody/perform a gender-equal masculinity, which differs from traditional masculinities. This deviant group challenges normative beliefs about how parenting should be done. Based on the four themes, above, a number of problem areas were identified: Firstly, even though a majority of the men seemed to pay less interest to their career than to their child, the paid-work norms affected the choices and possibilities for the men to take parental leave. The men feel that women, as the parent who carries the baby, are the major focus of parental education programs, and that different expectations exist formale and female parents. They experienced difficulty relating to other men in parental education  programs, and one man clearly expressed the discomfort of discussing parenting issues with other men. Breastfeeding also appeared to be problematic. This was partly because some of the men felt uncomfortable with the assumption of parental education programs that the woman would be the one to feed the baby, through breastfeeding, and partly because some of the men felt a sense of alienation from the fact that they themselves were incapable of breastfeeding. They felt a certain sadness that their children formed links to their mothers in this manner, which they were unable to. Finally, some of the men experienced difficulty in finding social groups, with the exception of the open preschools (öppna förskolan), while on parental leave. The paper discusses, and proposes suggestions to, the aforementioned problem areas, with the aim of contributing to regional development in Västerbotten,  Sweden.

Factors that affect employee absenteeism at Vodacom

Ntshani, Willies Terminator. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The objective of this study was to identify factors that are responsible for employee absenteeism in Vodacom SA, which is the largest mobile cell phone company in South Africa. In the literature, it has been extensively reported that absenteeism is a major cause of loss of income and revenues among mobile cell phone operators in South Africa. The purpose of this study was to identify the root causes of absenteeism in the cellular phone industry in South Africa. Data was collected from a random sample of 120 employees of Vodacom SA working in Midrand.

Fyra aktörers upplevelse av en multinationell organisations hälsoarbete : Rehabiliteringsprocessen och det förebyggande arbetets möjligheter och begränsningar. / Title: Four Actors’ Experiences of a Multinational Organization’s Health Work : The Opportunities and Limitations of the Rehabilitation Process and the Preventive Work.

Åkesson, Carolin, Åkerlund, Alinda January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fyra olika aktörer med skilda yrkesroller upplevde organisationens befintliga rehabiliteringsprocess med dess möjligheter och begränsningar samt deras synpunkter på vad som kan förbättras för att undvika sjukskrivningar. En förhoppning var också att kunna ge konkreta förslag på hur man kan arbeta förebyggande i syfte att undvika sjukskrivningar inom organisationen. Fyra minifokusgruppintervjuer, bestående av två till fyra personer, genomfördes där två fiktiva fall användes som diskussionsgrund. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en induktiv tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i de fyra temaområdena; Verktyg för att förbättra hälsoarbetet, Insatser för att motverka sjukskrivningar, Begränsningar i hälsoarbetet samt Chefens roll i hälsoarbetet. I studien framkom att deltagarna ansåg att rehabiliteringsprocessen är ett bra verktyg som förenklar rehabiliteringsarbetet, men att den behöver fortsatt utveckling. Resultatet visade även att deltagarna hade många förslag på åtgärder för att förbättra den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön. / The aim of this study was to examine the experience, of four different actors’ with diverse occupational roles, of the existing rehabilitation process in the organization, with its limitations and possibilities. A further aim was to examine the preventive work and hopefully contribute with some practical solutions to counteract sick leave within the organization. Four mini focus group interviews with two to four people were carried out with two fictitious cases as a base for discussion. Data was analyzed by an inductive thematic analysis and resulted in four thematic areas; Tools to improve the health work, Efforts to avoid sick leave, Health work limitations and The manager’s role in health work. The study showed that the participants considered that the rehabilitation process was a good tool that simplifies the rehabilitation work, but it needs further development. The results also showed that the participants had many suggestions of how to improve the physical and psychosocial work environment.

Familj eller karriär i arbetslivet, måste man välja? : -en uppsats om arbetstagares skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet.

Engström, Maja January 2014 (has links)
Pregnant workers are considered at risk in the labor market and therefore need extra protection from employment discrimination . The purpose of this essay is to investigate what protection of pregnant workers against discrimination in employment situations and  if  there  is  no  corresponding  protection  for  female  workers  claim  the  right  to parental leave. The essay describes the national and EU rules on applications and practice, showing how pregnant women and workers on parental leave are treated in the labor market. Through Sweden's accession to the EU , we must apply the requirements nationally EU imposes on its member countries. The essay shows that pregnant employees have a strong legal protection from discrimination in employment , from both DL and by EU directives . Employers who deny workers employment because of pregnancy is guilty of direct discrimination on grounds of sex, because it is only women who may become pregnant. It is not important whether it is a temporary or permanent position . Employers must never deviate from the protection of pregnant workers in employment situations.  Furthermore, states the essay that male workers are protected from unfair treatment in relation to parental leave by 16 § föräldraledighetslagen. Male workers are not as strongly   protected   as   an   employer   is   allowed   to   derogate   from   disadvantaged prohibition in certain situations. / Gravida arbetstagare anses vara en riskgrupp på arbetsmarknaden och behöver därförextra skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda vilket skydd gravida arbetstagare har mot diskriminering i anställningssituationer samt om det finns något motsvarande skydd för manliga arbetstagare gällande rätten tillföräldraledighet.Uppsatsen redovisar nationella och EU-­‐rättsliga bestämmelser på området samt praxis som visar hur gravida och föräldralediga arbetstagare behandlas på arbetsmarknaden. Genom Sveriges anslutning till EU måste vi nationellt tillämpa de krav EU ställer på sinamedlemsländer.Uppsatsen visar att gravida arbetstagare har ett starkt rättsligt skydd från diskriminering i arbetslivet, både från DL samt genom direktiv från EU. Arbetsgivare som nekar arbetstagare anställning på grund graviditet gör sig skyldig till direkt diskriminering på grund av kön, eftersom det endast är kvinnor som kan bli gravida. Det är inte av betydelse om det gäller en tidsbegränsad -­‐eller tillsvidareanställning. Arbetsgivare får aldrig frångå skyddet gravida arbetstagare har i anställningssituationer. Vidare fastslår uppsatsen att manliga arbetstagare skyddas mot missgynnande i samband med föräldraledighet genom 16 § föräldraledighetslagen. Manliga arbetstagare är dock inte lika starkt skyddad eftersom arbetsgivare tillåts att göra undantag frånmissgynnandeförbudet i vissa situationer.

The effect of stress, burnout and emotional labour on intention to leave amongst call centre employees

Sadien, Aaishah January 2010 (has links)
<p>Further findings of the current study are: there are significant differences in stress based on employees&rsquo / gender and tenure, a significant difference in burnout with regards to gender and employment type, and significant differences between emotional labour based on gender and tenure. However, no significant difference was found between burnout and tenure, nor was there a significant difference between emotional labour and employment type. Recommendations are made to alleviate the effects of stress on call centre employees which in turn, will minimise the effects of burnout and emotional labour. Recommendations included the development of wellness programmes, stress management programmes, coping programmes and effective communications as a mean to shape employee perceptions regarding their interpretation of organisational demands, threats or opportunities and to enhance call centre employees&rsquo / performance within their work.</p>

Lietuvoje ir emigracijoje dirbančių darbuotojų pasitenkinimo skirtingais darbo veiksniais ypatumai bei sąsajos su ketinimais išeiti iš darbo / Lithuanians' and Emigrated Employees’ Peculiarities of Satisfaction with the Different Aspects of Job and its Connection with the Intention to Leave

Motiejauskienė, Lina 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančių darbuotojų pasitenkinimo darbu ir ketinimo išeiti iš darbo sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 258 darbuotojai. Jo metu buvo apklausti 125 tiriamieji, neturėję emigracijos patirties, 82 grįžę iš emigracijos ir 51 dirbantis emigracijoje. Dėl imties specifiškumo tyrimas susidėjo iš kelių etapų, kurių metu duomenys buvo renkami su kitomis studentėmis ir Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Bendrosios ir Teorinės psichologijos katedrų mokslininkais. Dalis anketų buvo pateiktos atspausdintos, o kita dalis įdėtos į internetą. Klausimynus tiriamieji pildė savarankiškai jiems patogiu laiku. Atlikus tyrimą buvo gauti rezultatai, kad emigracijoje dirbantys darbuotojai yra labiau patenkinti savo darbu nei Lietuvoje dirbantys darbuotojai, o grįžę iš migracijos darbuotojai yra mažiau patenkinti savo darbu, palyginti su darbuotojais, neturėjusiais migracijos patirties. Pasitenkinimas darbo aspektais skiriasi trijose migracijos patirties grupėse (emigracijoje dirbančių, iš migracijos grįžusių ir niekada nemigravusių darbuotojų). Emigracijoje dirbančių, iš migracijos grįžusių ir niekada nemigravusių darbuotojų ketinimas išeiti iš darbo yra susijęs su skirtingais pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais. Emigracijoje dirbančių darbuotojų ketinimas išeiti iš darbo yra susijęs su pasitenkinimu darbo užmokesčiu, karjera, privilegijomis, motyvavimu, darbo pobūdžiu, o Lietuvoje dirbančių darbuotojų – su pasitenkinimu atlyginimu, karjera, vadovavimu, privilegijomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research is to evaluate the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to leave job, including employees who work in Lithuania and abroad. 258 employees took part in the research. During it 125 people who did not have emigration experience, 82 people who came back to Lithuania (repatriates) and 51 who are still working abroad (expatriate) were questioned. Due to the specificity of extend, the research was carried out in a several stages. During them the data was collected together with other students as well as scholars of Vytautas Magnus University and General and Theoretical Psychology Departments. One part of the questionnaires was given printed, and the other part was put in the internet. Questionnaires were filled by people independently and at their convenient time. The following are results of this research. Expatriates are more satisfied with their job comparing to employees in Lithuania while repatriates are less satisfied with their job comparing with people who did not emigrated. Satisfaction with job aspects differs in all three groups which have different migration experience (expatriates, repatriates and who have never emigrated). The intention to leave job of expatriates, repatriates and who have never emigrated is related to different aspects of job satisfaction. The expatriates’ intention to leave job is related to satisfaction with pay, promotion, fringe benefits, contingent rewards and the nature of the job while the intention to... [to full text]

Vad kostar korttidssjukfrånvaron?

Brinkner, Jessica, Eriksson, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Långtidssjukfrånvaron har länge varit ett uppmärksammat problem och flertalet åtgärder har satts in för att minska denna. På senare tid har korttidssjukfrånvaron dock lyfts fram som ett ytterligare problem och erhållit en större uppmärksamhet i takt med dess ökning. Korttidssjukfrånvaro syns inte i offentlig statistik förrän efter den åttonde dagen och är därmed svår att studera. Likaså kan kostnaden för korttidssjukfrånvaron vara svår att fastställa eftersom korttidssjukfrånvaro består av både direkta- och indirekta kostnader. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara hur stora kostnaderna är för den korttidssjukfrånvarande socialsekreteraren på en enhet i Växjö kommun. Utifrån dessa kostnader ska sedan en metodik utformas för att kunna fastställa en standardkostnad för vad korttidssjukfrånvaro per timme kostar. Metod: Under studiens gång har en abduktiv forskningsansats, en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en fallstudie som undersökningsdesign nyttjats. Vidare har de metodologiska valen motiverats väl. Slutsats: Vi har i denna studie kommit fram till att kostnader för korttidssjukfrånvaro på berörd enhet består av kvarvarande lönekostnader och kostnader för överanställningar. / Background and Problem: Long-term sick leave has long been a recognized problem and several measures have been taken to reduce it. However more recently, short-term sick leave has been highlighted as an additional problem and received a greater attention in pace with its growth. Short-term sick-leave doesn’t appear in official statistics until after the eighth day and is therefore difficult to study. Similarly, the cost of short-term sick-leave is difficult to establish since it consists of both direct and indirect costs. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe and explain what the costs are for the short-term sick leave social worker at a unit in Växjö municipality. Based on these costs a methodology then will be designed to establish a standard cost for what short-term sick leave per hour costs. Method: During the study an abductive research approach, a qualitative research approach and a case study research design has been utilized. Furthermore, the methodological choices have been justified well. Conclusion: We have in this study concluded that the cost of short-term sick leave for the unit in question consists of the remaining wage costs and over employment costs.

Relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave amongst registered nurses in medical-surgical units in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces / J.S. Sojane.

Sojane, Jeremia Sipho January 2012 (has links)
Registered nurses are the first contact for individuals seeking medical attention in the health system. These nurses have leaders who encourage them and they have goals and dreams to reach. The leadership of a hospital are responsible for creating a positive working environment so as to maintain job satisfaction for all. When subordinates are satisfied with their job they tend to stay and become more productive in their workplace. Leadership has an influence on the level of job satisfaction and therefore influences whether they leave or stay in the workplace. The objectives of the study were to describe the status of leadership, job satisfaction and the intention to leave among registered nurses in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces. The relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave among registered nurses in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces was also investigated. The research design in this study was quantitative, descriptive, explanatory and contextual in nature. The sample included registered nurses (RNs) in medical and surgical units in both private and public hospitals in the North-West and Free State provinces of South Africa, (n = 204). Data was collected using the RN4CAST questionnaire. EpiData and SPSS statistical programmes were used to analyze data. The results of the study showed that most registered nurses were satisfied with the items of leadership except for the praise and recognition item (55.7%). Most registered nurses showed high levels of overall job satisfaction (70.5%), but were dissatisfied with wages (50%), study leave (40.9%) and opportunity for advancement (40.1%). Furthermore, the registered nurses showed high intention to leave their current hospitals (46.1%). The results also indicated a relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave among registered nurses in medical and surgical wards in both private and public hospitals. Recommendations for policy, education, practice and future research were made. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave amongst registered nurses in medical-surgical units in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces / J.S. Sojane.

Sojane, Jeremia Sipho January 2012 (has links)
Registered nurses are the first contact for individuals seeking medical attention in the health system. These nurses have leaders who encourage them and they have goals and dreams to reach. The leadership of a hospital are responsible for creating a positive working environment so as to maintain job satisfaction for all. When subordinates are satisfied with their job they tend to stay and become more productive in their workplace. Leadership has an influence on the level of job satisfaction and therefore influences whether they leave or stay in the workplace. The objectives of the study were to describe the status of leadership, job satisfaction and the intention to leave among registered nurses in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces. The relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave among registered nurses in hospitals in the North-West and Free State Provinces was also investigated. The research design in this study was quantitative, descriptive, explanatory and contextual in nature. The sample included registered nurses (RNs) in medical and surgical units in both private and public hospitals in the North-West and Free State provinces of South Africa, (n = 204). Data was collected using the RN4CAST questionnaire. EpiData and SPSS statistical programmes were used to analyze data. The results of the study showed that most registered nurses were satisfied with the items of leadership except for the praise and recognition item (55.7%). Most registered nurses showed high levels of overall job satisfaction (70.5%), but were dissatisfied with wages (50%), study leave (40.9%) and opportunity for advancement (40.1%). Furthermore, the registered nurses showed high intention to leave their current hospitals (46.1%). The results also indicated a relationship between leadership, job satisfaction and intention to leave among registered nurses in medical and surgical wards in both private and public hospitals. Recommendations for policy, education, practice and future research were made. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Slaugytojų su darbu susijusio streso, pasitenkinimo darbu ir ketinimų keisti darbą vertinimas / Nurses' work related stress, jog satisfaction and intent to leave

Krušinskaitė, Dalė 18 June 2013 (has links)
Stresas darbe apibrėžiamas, kaip emocinė būsena ar nuotaika, kurios priežastis – prieštaravimas tarp darbe keliamų reikalavimų ir asmens sugebėjimo atlikti juos, arba asmens suvokimas, jog nesugebės atlikti darbo pagal keliamus jam reikalavimus. Vyraujanti pakeliamo lygmens įtampa darbe suteikia energijos ir motyvuoja kovoti su iššūkiais, tačiau per dideli reikalavimai ir per didelė įtampa sukelia stresą, kuris turi neigiamą poveikį darbuotojams ir jų organizacijoms. Nustatytos streso darbe, jį sukeliančių veiksnių ir simptomų sąsajos nuo slaugytojų amžiumi, šeimine padėtimi, pamaina. Tikslas – Ištirti slaugytojų su darbu susijusio streso, pasitenkinimo darbu ir ketinimų keisti darbą pasireiškimą bei sąsajas Tyrimo metodas – 2012 m. gegužės mėn. 1-31 d. atlikta anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrime dalyvavo keturių Kauno miesto poliklinikų bendrosios praktikos ir bendruomenės slaugytojai (n=280, atsako dažnis - 87,5 proc.). Visos respondentės buvo moterys. Tyrimui naudota Išplėstinė slaugos streso skalė (56 teiginiai). Tyrimui atlikti Lietuvos Sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Bioetikos centras 2012-04-16 išdavė leidimą Nr. BC- KS (M)-260. Rezultatai: Dažniausiai stresą darbe slaugytojams sukelia situacijos, kai jie susiduria su paciento mirtimi ar mirimo procesu bei situacijos, susijusios su pacientų slauga ir bendravimu su pacientų artimaisiais; rečiausiai stresą keliantis veiksnys yra diskriminacija kolektyve. Nustatyta, kad slaugytojos dirba... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work related stress is described as emotional state or mood, emerging from contradiction between work requirements and personal ability to fullfil them; this is personal perception of inability to perform the work tasks that are expected from him. Moderate strain at work acts as motivator and supply with energy to accept the challenges, although very high expectations and strong pressure results stress that negatively affects personell and organisation. There is the data about relationship of stress, its factors and symptoms with nurses age, family status and shift. The purpose – to investigate nurses‘ work related stress, satisfaction with work and intent to leave, and the relationship between these variables. Methods. Anonymous questionnairing was performed on 1-31 of May, 2012. Nurses of general practice and community care from four primary care centers of Kaunas city participated in the survey (N=280, response rate was 87,5%). All the respondents were females. The Extended Nursing Stress Scale with 56 items was used. Commettee on Bioethics at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences provided permission to perform this survey. Results: The most often stressful situation for nurses are related to patient‘s death and dying, also to situations of patient care and communication with his relatives. Discrimination was the rearest stresfull factor for nurses. Nurses are enthusiastic at work and the negative item that nurses dislike their work was scored with the lowest value... [to full text]

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