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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Likhetens rum - olikhetens praktik : om produktion av integration i fyra svenska kommuner / Spaces of Similarity - Practices of Difference : the Production of Integration in four Swedish Municipalities

Grip, Lena January 2010 (has links)
What is integration? How is integration achieved and to whom is it directed? And how is integration implemented in respect to immigrant women? This thesis examines ideas concerning integration and the policy and practice of integration on the basis of a set of policies which include Swedish society as “multicultural”, with the focus on immigrant women. Integration as a political project exists at a national level in Sweden but also in most of Sweden’s municipalities. This study concentrates mainly on the local level. Four medium-sized Swedish municipalities with differing conditions, political governance, geographical location and immigration history have been selected for a study of how integration is implemented and how ideas about integration also produce and reproduce both local and national space. Various political documents on integration and interviews with politicians, officials and immigrant women form the basis of a study of how integration is achieved as seen from the positions of different actors at the municipal level and how similarities and differences are constructed and expressed in the example of integration. Conceptions regarding similarities and differences on the basis of gender and ethnicity in an imagined Swedish space, but also in more local spaces, have been central to an understanding of the phenomena studied in the thesis, given that at the core of a policy of integration lie differences that need to be integrated. The theoretical points of departure in the thesis are the ideas of Henri Lefebvre regarding the production of space, which are combined with theories inspired by gender theory and phenomenology to illustrate the individual and physical aspects of the process. A model of the complexity of creating spatiality is devised from this theoretical basis and is used throughout the thesis both as an analytical tool and as an instrument for creating structure. On the basis of the study it is concluded that integration may be likened to a space of similarity, as integration is construed by means of different metaphors as a move from something “outside” to Sweden, as a room to be entered. The policy and practice of integration, as it has so far functioned, is shown to be based on a (dis)similarity paradox in that integration is constructed on a discourse of similarity at the same time as assumptions and constructions of difference are a fundamental point of departure for the policy objectives.

A escola como fronteira: representações docentes, limites e possíveis do direito à educação / The school as a frontier: teaching representations limits and possible of the right to education

Rufo, Dora Serrer 02 May 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa se orienta com referência a autores que procuram iluminar o funcionamento atual da sociedade a partir de uma perspectiva analítica que toma como objeto as relações sociais que se desenrolam nas fronteiras (reais ou imaginárias) da estrutura social. Nesse caso, a intenção foi compreender as conflitividades em torno da efetivação do direito à educação a partir da experiência docente, de modo a identificar o encontro e as tensões que tiveram espaço em uma unidade escolar específica da rede de ensino municipal de São Paulo, aqui pensada a partir da categoria analítica de fronteira, lugar onde as tensões sociais relacionadas dentre outros aspectos aos processos de segregação urbana se tornam sociologicamente visíveis. Assim, por meio da perspectiva docente procuramos identificar e analisar as representações que circulam no espaço contraditório que é a escola pública. Utilizamos como referência a teoria das representações de Henri Lefebvre, ao entendermos que nos fornece subsídios para o desenvolvimento de um estudo do cotidiano escolar e nos proporciona uma maneira de compreender como as representações docentes podem ser entendidas como elaborações do malestar ou como crítica em relação ao fato de que a escola é um espaço social historicamente investido de utopias de justiça, combate às desigualdades injustas e cidadania (do ponto de vista do concebido), e vem acolhendo a possibilidade de relações tensas, conflituosas e até violentas, que sistematicamente negam direitos. Aqui se busca responder à questão da perspectiva dos professores, entendendo que estão em posição privilegiada para nomear certos aspectos de como essas conflitividades que atravessam a sociedade brasileira de 1988 para cá se configuram no cotidiano escolar. / This research refers to authors whose works seek to understand how contemporary society functions from an analytical perspective that takes as its object the social relations that develop within the (real or imaginary) frontiers of social structure. In our case, the aim was to examine the conflicts involved in actualising the right to school education, from the teachers experience, in order to identify encounters and tensions which took place in a school that is part of the municipal system of education, in São Paulo Brazil. This school is thought through the analytical concept of frontier a space where social tensions (provoked, among other reasons, by processes of urban segregation) become sociologically visible. Taking from teachers perspective, we thus intended to identify and analyse social representations that circulate within the contradictory space of a public school. We make use of Henri Lefèbres theory of representations which supports a study of school everyday life and offers an understanding of how teachers representations may be seen both as an elaboration of a general malaise and as a critique reactions to the fact that although school is conceived as a space historically invested of utopias of social justice, of fight against unfair inequalities and citizenship, it is also a space where tense, conflictive and even violent relations are taking place, systematically denying the rights it was supposed to assure. We understand that the teachers point of view is a privileged position to point out some aspects that the conflictive relations that cross Brazilian society since 1988 assume in school everyday life.

Fundamentos metapsicológicos da constituição do espaço psíquico e a elaboração de um sentido terapêutico do tratamento psicanalítico / Metapsychological foundations of the constitution of the psychic space and the elaboration of therapeutic prospects for the psychoanalytic treatment

Botter, Isabel 13 April 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa partiu do desejo de se investigar as possibilidades terapêuticas do tratamento psicanalítico. A partir do estudo da obra Entre o sonho e a dor, do psicanalista J.-B. Pontalis, este campo inicial por demais abrangente pôde ser delimitado, e a questão do trabalho de pesquisa circunscrita. Optou-se por centralizar o estudo no processo de constituição daquilo que o autor chama de espaço psíquico uma metáfora que indica a realidade psíquica, ou, em outras palavras, a própria subjetividade, desde que viva. Esta noção do vivo é fundamental porque, diante de uma situação clínica em que o analista (Pontalis, no caso) experimentava a morte do espaço psíquico do paciente, colocava-se precisamente a necessidade de constituir ou recuperar esse espaço psíquico amortecido: que o sujeito pudesse nascer para si mesmo. O tratamento psicanalítico, então, para Pontalis, teria, entre outras, essa possibilidade terapêutica: favorecer a constituição (ou reinstalação) do espaço psíquico. Compreender analiticamente esse processo constitutivo, mediante o esclarecimento de suas bases metapsicológicas, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Para tanto, foram utilizados basicamente três conjuntos de referenciais teóricos: 1) alguns trabalhos do próprio Pontalis que constam da obra supracitada; 2) as posições esquizoparanoide e depressiva, do arsenal teórico kleiniano e, por fim, 3) as matrizes da intersubjetividade (Coelho Jr. e Figueiredo, 2004) e a metapsicologia do cuidado (Figueiredo, 2009). Esses fundamentos metapsicológicos estão apresentados, a título de organização, em dois eixos: no primeiro, os fundamentos relativos à dimensão intersubjetiva na constituição do espaço psíquico a que se atribuiu o nome de trabalho de transmissão, e cujo foco, nesta pesquisa, está nas funções exercidas pelos objetos primários. No segundo eixo, situam-se os fundamentos relativos à dimensão intrapsíquica da subjetividade, entre os quais, a partir de Melanie Klein e Luis Claudio Figueiredo, se destaca o trabalho do luto. Enfatizou-se e justificou-se que as dimensões intersubjetiva e intrapsíquica são interdependentes, não se opõem como experiências nem como conceitos antagônicos, de modo que o pareamento nos dois eixos foi tão-somente um recurso para organizar a estrutura da dissertação. Nas Considerações Finais, a hipótese da constituição do espaço psíquico como uma possibilidade terapêutica do tratamento psicanalítico é retomada, e acrescida de algumas considerações que a articulam à metapsicologia do cuidado. Em linhas gerais, sustenta-se que a instalação do espaço psíquico ou da metáfora materna (Pontalis) representa justamente a constituição de uma matriz de cuidado, isto é, da capacidade de cuidar de si e dos outros. Estas seriam, dentre outras, perspectivas terapêuticas que um processo psicanalítico pode almejar / The present work has stemmed from a wish to investigate the therapeutic possibilities of the psychoanalytic treatment. Starting with the study of Between the dream and psychic pain, by psychoanalyst J.-B. Pontalis, this initial and extraordinarily broad field could be limited, and the research question could be circumscribed. We chose to center the study in the process of constitution of what the author calls psychic space a metaphor that designates psychic reality or, in other words, subjectivity itself, as long as it is alive. This notion of aliveness is essential because, facing a clinical situation in which the analyst (Pontalis, in this case) experienced the death of the patients psychic space, there arose precisely the need to constitute or recover this deadened psychic space: that the subject could be born to him/herself. According to Pontalis, the psychoanalytic treatment would thus have this therapeutic possibility among others: to favor the constitution (or reinstallation) of the psychic space. The objective of the present work is to analytically understand this constitutive process, by means of the clarification of its metapsychological bases. Three groups of theoretical frameworks have been used to achieve said objective: 1) some papers by Pontalis, pertaining to the aforementioned work; 2) the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, from the Kleinian theoretical framework, and finally 3) the patterns of subjectivity (Coelho Jr. & Figueiredo, 2004) and the metapsychology of caring (Figueiredo, 2009). These metapsychological foundations are presented, for didactical purposes, in two axes: firstly, those foundations related to the intersubjective dimension of the constitution of the psychic space which have been termed work of transmission, and whose aim, in the present research, is on the functions exerted by the primary objects. Secondly, the foundations related to the intrapsychic dimension of subjectivity, among which, according to Melanie Klein and Luis Claudio Figueiredo, the work of mourning is emphasized. It has been emphasized and justified that the intersubjective and intrapsychic dimensions are interdependent, i.e. they are not opposed to each other as experiences nor as antagonistic concepts, so that the pairing of both axes is a mere resource to organize the thesis structure. On the Concluding Remarks, the hypothesis of the constitution of the psychic space as a therapeutic possibility of the psychoanalytic treatment is readdressed, added by some considerations that connect it to the metapsychology of caring. In general terms, it is argued that the installation of the psychic space or the maternal metaphor (Pontalis) refers precisely to the constitution of a pattern of caring, i.e. the ability to take care of oneself and of others. These, among others, would be therapeutic perspectives that a psychoanalytic process can aspire to

Fundamentos metapsicológicos da constituição do espaço psíquico e a elaboração de um sentido terapêutico do tratamento psicanalítico / Metapsychological foundations of the constitution of the psychic space and the elaboration of therapeutic prospects for the psychoanalytic treatment

Isabel Botter 13 April 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa partiu do desejo de se investigar as possibilidades terapêuticas do tratamento psicanalítico. A partir do estudo da obra Entre o sonho e a dor, do psicanalista J.-B. Pontalis, este campo inicial por demais abrangente pôde ser delimitado, e a questão do trabalho de pesquisa circunscrita. Optou-se por centralizar o estudo no processo de constituição daquilo que o autor chama de espaço psíquico uma metáfora que indica a realidade psíquica, ou, em outras palavras, a própria subjetividade, desde que viva. Esta noção do vivo é fundamental porque, diante de uma situação clínica em que o analista (Pontalis, no caso) experimentava a morte do espaço psíquico do paciente, colocava-se precisamente a necessidade de constituir ou recuperar esse espaço psíquico amortecido: que o sujeito pudesse nascer para si mesmo. O tratamento psicanalítico, então, para Pontalis, teria, entre outras, essa possibilidade terapêutica: favorecer a constituição (ou reinstalação) do espaço psíquico. Compreender analiticamente esse processo constitutivo, mediante o esclarecimento de suas bases metapsicológicas, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Para tanto, foram utilizados basicamente três conjuntos de referenciais teóricos: 1) alguns trabalhos do próprio Pontalis que constam da obra supracitada; 2) as posições esquizoparanoide e depressiva, do arsenal teórico kleiniano e, por fim, 3) as matrizes da intersubjetividade (Coelho Jr. e Figueiredo, 2004) e a metapsicologia do cuidado (Figueiredo, 2009). Esses fundamentos metapsicológicos estão apresentados, a título de organização, em dois eixos: no primeiro, os fundamentos relativos à dimensão intersubjetiva na constituição do espaço psíquico a que se atribuiu o nome de trabalho de transmissão, e cujo foco, nesta pesquisa, está nas funções exercidas pelos objetos primários. No segundo eixo, situam-se os fundamentos relativos à dimensão intrapsíquica da subjetividade, entre os quais, a partir de Melanie Klein e Luis Claudio Figueiredo, se destaca o trabalho do luto. Enfatizou-se e justificou-se que as dimensões intersubjetiva e intrapsíquica são interdependentes, não se opõem como experiências nem como conceitos antagônicos, de modo que o pareamento nos dois eixos foi tão-somente um recurso para organizar a estrutura da dissertação. Nas Considerações Finais, a hipótese da constituição do espaço psíquico como uma possibilidade terapêutica do tratamento psicanalítico é retomada, e acrescida de algumas considerações que a articulam à metapsicologia do cuidado. Em linhas gerais, sustenta-se que a instalação do espaço psíquico ou da metáfora materna (Pontalis) representa justamente a constituição de uma matriz de cuidado, isto é, da capacidade de cuidar de si e dos outros. Estas seriam, dentre outras, perspectivas terapêuticas que um processo psicanalítico pode almejar / The present work has stemmed from a wish to investigate the therapeutic possibilities of the psychoanalytic treatment. Starting with the study of Between the dream and psychic pain, by psychoanalyst J.-B. Pontalis, this initial and extraordinarily broad field could be limited, and the research question could be circumscribed. We chose to center the study in the process of constitution of what the author calls psychic space a metaphor that designates psychic reality or, in other words, subjectivity itself, as long as it is alive. This notion of aliveness is essential because, facing a clinical situation in which the analyst (Pontalis, in this case) experienced the death of the patients psychic space, there arose precisely the need to constitute or recover this deadened psychic space: that the subject could be born to him/herself. According to Pontalis, the psychoanalytic treatment would thus have this therapeutic possibility among others: to favor the constitution (or reinstallation) of the psychic space. The objective of the present work is to analytically understand this constitutive process, by means of the clarification of its metapsychological bases. Three groups of theoretical frameworks have been used to achieve said objective: 1) some papers by Pontalis, pertaining to the aforementioned work; 2) the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, from the Kleinian theoretical framework, and finally 3) the patterns of subjectivity (Coelho Jr. & Figueiredo, 2004) and the metapsychology of caring (Figueiredo, 2009). These metapsychological foundations are presented, for didactical purposes, in two axes: firstly, those foundations related to the intersubjective dimension of the constitution of the psychic space which have been termed work of transmission, and whose aim, in the present research, is on the functions exerted by the primary objects. Secondly, the foundations related to the intrapsychic dimension of subjectivity, among which, according to Melanie Klein and Luis Claudio Figueiredo, the work of mourning is emphasized. It has been emphasized and justified that the intersubjective and intrapsychic dimensions are interdependent, i.e. they are not opposed to each other as experiences nor as antagonistic concepts, so that the pairing of both axes is a mere resource to organize the thesis structure. On the Concluding Remarks, the hypothesis of the constitution of the psychic space as a therapeutic possibility of the psychoanalytic treatment is readdressed, added by some considerations that connect it to the metapsychology of caring. In general terms, it is argued that the installation of the psychic space or the maternal metaphor (Pontalis) refers precisely to the constitution of a pattern of caring, i.e. the ability to take care of oneself and of others. These, among others, would be therapeutic perspectives that a psychoanalytic process can aspire to

À travers pratiques citadines et tactiques citoyennes, la production du droit à la ville au Cap (Afrique du Sud) / Through urban practices and citizens’ tactics, producing the right to the city in Cape Town (South Africa)

Buire, Chloé 25 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse part de l’idée de l’espace comme instrument pour la pensée et l’action formulée par Henri Lefebvre dans les années 1970, afin de comprendre les liens entre citadinité et citoyenneté dans la ville du Cap, en Afrique du Sud. Elle analyse la démocratisation du gouvernement local à travers la création de nouvelles circonscriptions électorales aux ambitions participatives : les wards. L’étude se concentre sur le ward 44 qui réunit des territoires autrefois divisés par l’apartheid. Une immersion dans la vie quotidienne de différentes familles révèle les mécanismes d’une gouvernementalité communautaire où la légitimité politique individuelle est indissociable de l’expérience citadine partagée.La thèse est complétée par un DVD qui présente seize séquences vidéos, entre récits de vie, situations du quotidien et moments forts de la vie de quartier. Les tactiques pragmatiques déployées au jour le jour par les citadins pauvres apparaissent alors dans leur complexité. Elles s’adaptent aux réformes institutionnelles en cours, tout en en conditionnant l’application au niveau micro-local. En fin de compte, la résistance aux inégalités spatiales passe donc par la figure de citadins-citoyens qui inventent jour après jour ce que pourrait être le droit à la ville en Afrique du Sud. / The present work takes as its starting point the idea of space as an instrument for thought and action, as formulated by Henri Lefebvre in the 1970s, as a means to understand the relationship between city life and citizenship in Cape Town, South Africa. It analyses the democratization of local government through the creation of new electoral circumscriptions, which aim to facilitate public participation: the wards. The study focuses on ward 44, which brings together territories formerly divided by apartheid. The immersion in the daily lives of various families highlights the mechanisms of a community-based governmentality, where individual political legitimacy is intertwined with the shared experience of the city.The PhD comes with a DVD comprising sixteen video excerpts of life narratives, scenes of daily life and neighbourhood events. The pragmatic tactics that urban residents deploy on a daily basis thus reveal their full complexity. They not only adjust to on-going institutional reforms, they also condition the very implementation of these reforms. Eventually, the resistance to spatial inequalities is carried out through the figure of the “citadins-citoyens”, the “urban citizen” who on a daily basis invents what could be the right to the city in South Africa.

“Charme é poder viver aqui.”: a atual oferta imobiliária habitacional do município de Salvador – Ba

Reis, Sarah Nascimento dos 09 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sarah Reis (sarahreis@ufba.br) on 2017-02-01T13:03:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_REIS_SN_Charme é poder viver aqui(1).pdf: 4173103 bytes, checksum: 475dfc250ce390c42bd1ece0a2849dde (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Hozana Azevedo (hazevedo@ufba.br) on 2017-08-16T14:16:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_REIS_SN_Charme é poder viver aqui(1).pdf: 4173103 bytes, checksum: 475dfc250ce390c42bd1ece0a2849dde (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-16T14:16:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_REIS_SN_Charme é poder viver aqui(1).pdf: 4173103 bytes, checksum: 475dfc250ce390c42bd1ece0a2849dde (MD5) / O Brasil viveu na última década um momento de expansão da oferta de produtos habitacionais, este momento tem sido chamado de boom imobiliário. Salvador, em especial, viveu a intensidade deste momento sendo um dos destaques da produção imobiliária do país, foi invadida por grandes incorporadoras e construtoras paulistas e estrangeiras e diversificou a oferta de unidades habitacionais apresentando novos produtos, tais como novos modelos de condomínio, condomínios-clubes, condomínios-parques, bairros planejados, acentuando a verticalização da orla atlântica em especial e da cidade como um todo além de aprofundar o desmatamento do remanescente de Mata Atlântica, últimos vazios urbanos existentes na cidade. Este trabalho se propõe a fazer um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo da oferta imobiliária contemporânea da cidade a partir do instrumental teórico oferecido principalmente por Henri Lefebvre e David Harvey, resgatando também os antecedentes históricos desta produção além dos impasses e limitações, do qual o desenho arquitetônico é objeto, revelado pela observação do trabalho de arquitetas e arquitetos num escritório destaque. Trata-se de uma etnografia multi-situada, na qual foram investigados documentos e matérias jornalísticas, e o lócus de pesquisa se desdobrou em inúmeros lugares onde a prática da compra e venda de imóveis se realiza. Assim, este trabalho busca contribuir com a visão antropológica ao panorama que as ciências sociais e o urbanismo tem procurado construir sobre as transformações da cidade sob a égide do capital imobiliário e financeiro. / The Brazil experienced in the last decade a time of expanding the offer of housing products, this moment has been called the real estate boom. Salvador, in particular, lived the intensity of this time being one of the highlights of the housing production in the country was invaded by large developers São Paulo and foreign construction companies and diversified offer of housing units introducing new products such as new condominium-models, clubs-condominium, parks condominiums, planned neighborhoods, emphasizing the vertical edge of the Atlantic, in particular, and the city as a whole, in addition to further deforestation of the Atlantic forest, urban voids last existing in the city. This paper aims to make a qualitative and quantitative study of contemporary real estate offer of the city from the theoretical tools offered mainly by Henri Lefebvre and David Harvey also rescuing the historical background of this production beyond the impasses and limitations, which the architectural design is object, revealed by observation of architects work in a prominent office. This is a multi-situated ethnography, in which documents and newspaper articles were investigated, and the locus of research unfolded in many places where the practice of buying and selling of real estate helds. This work seeks to contribute to the anthropological view that the social sciences and urbanism has sought planning to build on the changes in the city under the aegis of the real estate and financial capital. / Le Brésil a connu durant la dernière décennie une période de développement de l'offre de produits de logement, ce moment a été appelé le boom de l'immobilier. Salvador, en particulier, a vécu l'intensité de ce moment étant consideré un des lieux remarquables de la production immobilière dans le pays, dont a été envahi par les grands développeurs de São Paulo et les entreprises de construction étrangères et diversifiée l‟offre de logements introduisant de nouveaux produits tels que les nouveaux modèles de résidences, les résidences-clubs, les résidences-parques, les quartiers planifiés, accetuant la verticalization de la Forêt Tropicale en particulier, et la ville dans son ensemble, en plus l‟approfondisement de la déforestation du restant de la Forêt Tropicale, lês dernières vides urbains existantes dans la ville. Ce travail vise à faire une étude qualitative et quantitative de la contemporaine offre immobilière de la ville à partir des outils théoriques offerts principalement par Henri Lefebvre et David Harvey rachetant aussi le contexte historique de cette production au-delà des impasses et des limites, duquel le design architectural est l‟objet, révélé par l'observation du travail des architectes dans um notable bureau. C‟est une ethnographie multi-située, dans laquelle ont été étudiés documents et dês articles de journaux, et le locus de la recherche s‟est déroulé dans de nombreux endroits où la pratique de l'achat et de la vente de biens immobiliers s‟effectue. Donc, ce travail vise à contribuer à la vue anthropologique au panorama que les sciences sociales et l‟urbanisme ont cherché à se appuyer sur les changements dans la ville sous l'égide du capital immobilier et financier.

Henri Lefebvre: possibilidades te?rico-metodol?gicas para Arquitetura e urbanismo

Oliveira, Cinthia Soares de 17 November 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:56:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CinthiaSO_TESE.pdf: 4439176 bytes, checksum: 4a9fb3c961f80971e11ea214049dd828 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-17 / This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre, for the discipline of architecture and urbanism in an effort to overcome the fragmentation imposed by the institutionalization of science in general. From Du rural ? l'urbain (Lefebvre, 1970) compilation, it brings the author's other works from the period between 1968 and 1974, indicating the conduits for reflection and their interrelationships with methods, types of analyses and other procedures to treat the space-time urban. The methodology involves a research on the author s 'today and yesterday' in the scientific field, a research and analysis of his procedures in highlight of philosophical, social, economic and political aspects, the historical context of his references and provides significant and possible elements for the study, research and extension in the area in question / Este trabalho apresenta possibilidades te?rico metodol?gicas do fil?sofo e soci?logo franc?s, Henri Lefebvre, para a disciplina de arquitetura e urbanismo, no esfor?o de ultrapassar a fragmenta??o imposta pela institucionaliza??o das ci?ncias de modo geral. A partir da compila??o Du rural ? l urbain (LEFEBVRE, 1970), abrange outras obras do autor do per?odo entre 1968 e 1974, indicando condutas para a reflex?o e suas inter-rela??es com m?todos, categorias de an?lises e outros procedimentos para tratar o espa?o-tempo de vida urbana. A metodologia envolve pesquisas sobre o ontem e o hoje do autor no meio cient?fico, investiga??es e an?lises dos seus procedimentos ? luz de aspectos filos?ficos, sociais, econ?micos e pol?ticos, a contextualiza??o hist?rica de suas refer?ncias e apresenta elementos significativos e poss?veis para o estudo, a pesquisa e a extens?o na ?rea em quest?o

Le rôle de la spatialité dans la mise en place du New Model Worker : du projet Valmy aux tours de la Défense de la Société Générale / How spatiality can help implement a New Model Worker : from the Valmy Project to the towers La Société Générale based in La Defense

Minchella, Delphine 06 May 2015 (has links)
Les organisations, tentées par la perspective de transformer un poste de dépense considérable en véritable ressource organisationnelle, envisagent généralement leur espace comme un potentiel outil de management, mais de l'espace conçu à l'espace vécu, on observe souvent un décalage remarquable. Cette thèse pose la question de ce que peut révéler un espace organisationnel du management pratiqué en son sein : au-delà des déclarations d'intention, que peut-on comprendre de l'espace? De la façon dont il est administré? Notre terrain d'observation est le siège social d'une grande banque internationale, de son projet architectural initial (rédigé en 1989) jusqu'à nos jours, soit six ans de construction (livraison des tours en 1995), et dix-neuf années de pratique spatiale. Ce cas emblématique a retenu notre attention car le projet consistait à faciliter la mise en place d'un "New Model Worker" par un aménagement spatial particulier, propice à la communication informelle. L'analyse de nos données nous a finalement permis de mettre au point une grille de lecture - regroupant la territorialisation, la valorisation et la localisation - pour mieux appréhender l'espace des organisations. / Willing to turn a tremendous item of expenditure into a real organizational resource, organizations usually perceive their spaces as potential management tools, but from conceived spaces to lived ones, a noticeable gap is often to be found. This thesis aims at understanding what an organizational space can reveal about the ongoing management practices: what can we understand from the way space is organized, beyond official discourses? Our research is focused on a case: an international bank's headquarter, from its original architectural project document (written in 1989) to 2014, that is to say: six years of construction (as the towers were delivered in 1995) and nineteen years of spatial practice. This is particularly interesting for those towers were supposed to help implement a "New Model Worker" through a particular spatial setting, favorable to informal communication. From our collected data, we've been able to build up a fresh perspective - an analysis grid gathering space, place, and artefacts - to better understand organizational spaces.

Hur Covid-19 blev en faktor till förändring : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vilka förändringar som skett i rum och rumslighet på sjukhusbibliotek under pandemin / How Covid-19 became a factor for change : A qualitative interview study of changes that have taken place in space and spatialisation at hospital libraries during the pandemic

Nordin, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine what changes have taken place in space and spatialisation at hospital libraries during Covid-19 and how the changes have been experienced by the librarians. The empirical material consists of five semi-structured interviews conducted during April 2022. In the development of the interview guide and analysis of the interviews, the theoretical framework "La Production de l'Espace" by Henri Lefebvre has been used. Lefebvre’s theory is based on the fact that the social space is produced in a three-part dialectic based on the three dimensions: the perceived space, the conceived space and the lived space. The research questions for this study are: What changes were implemented at the hospital library during the pandemic? How have these changes been experienced by hospital librarians? How do the spatial dimensions of Lefebvre’s theory interact in the changes that the hospital library has implemented? The result of the study shows that the biggest changes that took place at hospital libraries during Covid-19 were that they needed to close their physical services and thereby increase digital communication, and that the librarians felt that the changes mainly had positive effects for the library and their own work situation. The results also show how the dialectical relationship between the dimensions is made visible through changes as a change of space and spatialisation affects and is expressed in several dimensions. By making changes in the library room, the physical aspects are affected, which in turn affects the experience of the room and also how we produce the room we are in. / Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka vilka förändringar som skett i rum och rumslighet på sjukhusbibliotek under Covid-19 samt hur förändringarna upplevts av bibliotekarierna. Det empiriska materialet består av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförda under april 2022. Vid framtagande av intervjuguide och analys av intervjuerna har det teoretiska ramverket ”La Production de l’Espace” av Henri Lefebvre använts. Lefebvres teori grundar sig i att det sociala rummet producerats i en tredelad dialektik utifrån de tre dimensionerna: det upplevda rummet, det föreställda rummet och det levda rummet. Frågeställningarna för studien är: Vilka förändringar genomfördes på sjukhusbiblioteket under pandemin? Hur har dessa förändringar upplevts av sjukhusbibliotekarierna? Hur samspelar de rumsliga dimensionerna i Lefebvres teori i de förändringar som sjukhusbiblioteken har genomfört? Resultatet av studien visar att de största förändringarna som skett på sjukhusbiblioteket var att de behövde ha stängt för fysiska besök och därigenom öka den digitala kommunikationen samt att bibliotekarierna upplever att förändringarna främst gav positiva effekter för biblioteket och sin egen arbetssituation. Resultatet visar även hur det dialektiska samspelet mellan dimensionerna synliggörs genom förändringarna eftersom en förändring av rum och rumslighet påverkar och tas i uttryck i flera dimensioner. Genom att göra förändringar i biblioteksrummet påverkas de fysiska aspekterna vilket i sin tur påverkar upplevelsen av rummet och även hur vi producerar rummet vi befinner oss i.

La tuerie de l'Assemblée nationale (1984) comme un parricide raté : une étude du détour-parabole dans "Lortie" de Pierre Lefebvre et du Nouveau Théâtre expérimental

Lapalice, Marc-André 19 June 2024 (has links)
Cette étude s'inscrit dans le sillage de la réflexion de Jean-Pierre Sarrazac sur l'écriture dramatique du fait divers. Pour éviter de se laisser paralyser par le pouvoir de fascination que ce type de nouvelles exerce, le chercheur français suggère au dramaturge d'adopter ce qu'il nomme une « stratégie de détour ». Ce mémoire se penche sur le recours à l'une d'entre elles, soit le « détour-parabole », dans la pièce Lortie de Pierre Lefebvre et du Nouveau Théâtre Expérimental. L'œuvre de Lefebvre porte sur une tuerie de masse perpétrée à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec en 1984, par le caporal de l'armée canadienne Denis Lortie. Se fondant sur l'essai Le crime du caporal Lortie : Traité sur le Père (1989), de l'historien du droit et psychanalyste Pierre Legendre, Lortie aborde cet évènement comme un parricide raté. Ce mémoire explore les enjeux esthétiques, dramaturgiques et spectaculaires de la lecture parabolique développée dans la pièce de Lefebvre et du NTE, pour finalement chercher à dégager les nouveaux modes de perception et d'intellection du fait divers (selon l'expression de France Vernier).

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