Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liberation heology"" "subject:"liberation mtheology""
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Liberation or Reconstruction : A critical survey on the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of Reconstruction theologySolomons, Demaine Jason January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the relevance of Black theology in light of the emergence of reconstruction theology. It offers a critical survey of a range of contributions on this issue, questioning whether scholars who have used Black theology as a form of self description should shift emphasis, from the paradigm of liberation to reconstruction. The significance of this study has to be understood within the context of the proposal to redirect African theological initiatives from liberation theologies to reconstruction theology. The basis for this call was the end of apartheid in South Africa, which signalled the independence of all countries on the African continent.
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Awareness as a process toward a liberating theology for the women of South-East Zimbabwe.Chauke, Elesinah. January 2006 (has links)
This research is a study in systematic theology with strong implications on the biblical doctrine of anthropology for women. Having said this, it needs to be made clear that it was not the intention of this research to deal with the traditional abstract of theology in all its details. The doctrine however is alluded to, from the perspective of African Women's Theology, in that the research builds upon women's experiences, and looks at them in the light of what the researcher sees as God-given dignity for all humanity including women, from the time of creation. It is from this perspective that the researcher approached her synthesis and the basis of such analysis is multi-disciplinary. The people under study are that of the Mashangana (va-Hlengwe) and the (ya-Karangd) who inhabit South-East Zimbabwe. Special emphasis was placed on the situation of women in this area. Chapter 1 presents the motivation for the study, namely, the invisibility of women in positions of leadership responsibilities in the Church and in the public sector. The chapter seeks to investigate the causes of this imbalance and discusses the thesis of this study that women are capable of leading, but are prevented from doing so due to cultural and theological factors. The methodology and theoretical frame of reference used is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 examines briefly the background information about the people under study, and related issues of geography, culture, Christianisation and civilisation. It should however be mentioned that this study has no intention of giving a detailed history of Zimbabwe and its people. Other scholars, including, Ranger, T.O. (1967; 1970); Daneel, M. L. (1971); Murphree, W. M. and Cheater, G. (eds.) (1975); Dachs, J. A. (ed.) (1973) provide adequate information in this regard. This study provides only the basic background on those aspects that are essential for purposes of this present study; consequently, the background that is given is designed to set the stage for a deeper understanding of life in South-East Zimbabwe. Chapter 3 investigates the contribution of Christianity and modernisation in shaping the identity of women. This is done in order to provide a further foundation upon which the interviews with the women and men of South-East Zimbabwe are presented. Chapter 4 begins the analysis of responses from the interviews with the people under study. From this chapter the causes of the problem become identifiable and levels of women's awareness begin to show, as analysis of the responses is undertaken. Chapter 5 continues with the analysis analyses of the responses of the interviews on the effects and influence of Christianity and western civilisation upon women, including, education, political and socio-economics. Chapter 6 is the last of the three chapters that deal specifically with the analysis of the field research, and deals in particular with the responses on the question of leadership, Church and culture as it relates to women. The limited number of women in leadership is brought out in particular from the interviews. Chapter 7 reviews African Women's Theology as a possible instrument of liberation. The goals and aspirations of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians are examined as a means of providing hope for the women of South- East Zimbabwe. Chapter 8 investigates empowerment as a way forward. It discusses the empowerment of women through both Church and society. Suggestions are made as to how empowerment can be implemented. Women themselves are challenged to take action. Chapter 9 is a summary of the entire research and a challenge to the women of South-East Zimbabwe to stand up and boldly claim their humanity and dignity and to exercise their God-given responsibilities. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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The quest for identity in African theology as a mission of empowerment.Musasiwa, Roy. January 2002 (has links)
The thesis links African Theology with three notions: identity, mission and empowerment. Out of this linkage arise three interrelated themes that dominate the thesis. Firstly, different African theologies can be read as different modes of the quest for identity. The thesis demonstrates how the quest for identity in African Theology fits into political, philosophical, religious and other quests for identity in Africa, which are driven by
historical factors such as the slave trade, imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism. The responses of inculturation and liberation theologies to these historical factors of disempowerment leads to the conclusion that being Christian can be both liberating and fully compatible with being African. Secondly, the quest for identity in African Theology properly belongs to the notion of mission understood as missio Dei. This conclusion is derived from an examination of critical aspects of missio Dei. These include determining the purposes of missio Dei as being the restoration of the imago Dei and the salvation and liberation of humankind. The conclusion is also derived from acknowledging that missio Dei is effected through
missiones ecclesiae and missio hominum.
Thirdly, constructing mission as missio Dei leads to the notion of the quest for identity as a mission of empowerment and an empowerment for mission. A multidiscipline theoretical framework of empowerment leads to a stipulation of ways in which African theology, through a quest for identity, is empowering or can empower its interlocutors. At the same time the mission of empowerment becomes an empowerment for mission. This is especially
significant in the light ofthe acknowledged southward shift in Christianity's centre of gravity. That shift implies African Christianity having a missionary responsibility that extends to the rest of the world.
The quest for identity in African Theology is fraught with ambiguities, dilemmas and risks. But this is a price various African theologies are willing to pay in order both to help uplift the historically disadvantaged Africans and also to secure the future of Christianity on the continent. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.
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L'église s'engage dans la politique / The politic engagement of roman catholic churchPinheiro, Mario Doraci 17 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’analyser l’engagement institutionnel de l’Église catholique et des groupes pentecôtistes sur le terrain politique et agraire du Brésil à partir de l’organisation de la Conférence nationale des évêques du Brésil (CNBB) en 1952. Nous discutons la façon dont l’Église catholique commence la lutte d’abord pour « alphabétiser » et « rapprocher » ses fidèles perdus par l’idéologie socialiste développée par les ligues paysannes, puis pour empêcher l’accroissement du front communiste dans les campagnes. L’engagement social de l’Église catholique n’est pas désintéressé car les militaires brésiliens, avec l’aide américaine, déclarent le « coup d’État » en 1964. L’Église catholique brésilienne se divise en deux pôles, progressiste et conservateur. Le côté progressiste de la théologie de la libération se voit empêché et interdit par Rome. Mais cette minorité religieuse arrive à créer la Commission pastorale de la terre (CPT) qui contribuera au retour de la démocratie, à la création du Parti des travailleurs (PT) en 1980, considéré alors comme le parti de Dieu, et du Mouvement des paysans sans terre en 1984. / This thesis aims to analyse the institutional engagement of the Roman Catholic Church and other Pentecostal groups, regarding the land reform and agrarian policies launched in Brazil after the organisation of the Brazil’s Conference of Catholic Bishops (CNBB) held in 1952. We underline that it is necessary to highlight the way how the Roman Catholic Church started its actions by “teaching to read and write” and “recovering” their members those who were dragged into the socialist ideology developed by peasant’s leagues, in order to prevent the growing of the communist front in the countryside. At that time, the catholic’s social movement objectives were under eminent danger, due the Brazilian army aided by the U.S. government, declared a coup in 1964. The Roman Catholic Church in Brazil is divided into two wings: a left and a conservative. The left wing has launched the “Liberation Theology” prohibited by the head of the church in Rome. However, this religious left minority succeeded by organizing the Land’s Pastoral Commission, which contributed to the return of democracy, as well as the organization of the Worker’s Party in 1980, considered by the believers as the God’s will and the foundation of the Landless Worker’s Movement in 1984.
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E a luta continua: propostas para uma teologia pública libertadora para o desenvolvimento construída em diálogo com a reflexão teológica sul-africanaFelipe Gustavo Koch Buttelli 04 March 2013 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado procura apontar alguns caminhos para a teologia pública no contexto brasileiro de modo que mantenha uma identidade com a tradição teológica da América Latina da teologia da libertação. Para atingir este objetivo, usou-se como recurso o diálogo com a reflexão teológica sul-africana pós-apartheid, que, como se procurará demonstrar, trilhou caminho semelhante na formulação de teologias públicas mais afeitas ao contexto democrático. Inicialmente, será oferecido um apanhado histórico da África do Sul, bem como uma breve reflexão sobre o processo de transição política que resultou no contexto democrático atual. No segundo capítulo serão mencionadas algumas características sociopolíticas da África do Sul durante e após os mandatos dos presidentes Nelson Mandela e Thabo Mbeki. Serão apontados alguns desafios atuais do contexto sul-africano, advogando-se por certa correspondência com desafios que são enfrentados no Brasil. No terceiro capítulo será oferecida uma leitura dos sinais dos tempos por teólogas e teólogos sul-africanos contemporâneos, identificando desafios para a teologia e para as igrejas no contexto atual. O quarto capítulo fará, além de uma breve exposição de percepções de teologia pública, um mapeamento de três tipos de teologias públicas sul-africanas: teologias anti-apartheid, teologias de transição e teologia pública atual. No último capítulo será feita uma abordagem de teologia pública enquanto teologia para o desenvolvimento, identificando modos através dos quais essa teologia pública permanece conectada à tradição da teologia da libertação e, ainda assim, apresenta uma abordagem adequada aos desafios dos contextos democráticos brasileiro e sul-africano. / This doctoral dissertation seeks to point out some ways for a public theology in a Brazilian context so that it maintains identification with the Latin American theological tradition of liberation theology. To achieve this objective, dialogue with the South African post-apartheid theological reflection was used as a resource tool, which, as we will try to show, took a similar way in the formulation of public theologies more suitable for the democratic context. Initially, we will offer an historical overview of South Africa, as well as a brief reflection about the political transition which resulted in the actual democratic context. In the second chapter some sociopolitical features of South Africa will be mentioned during and after the presidential terms of Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki. Some actual challenges will be pointed out, showing similarities with the challenges faced in Brazil. In the third chapter we will offer a reading of the signs of the times by contemporary South African theologians, identifying some challenges for theology and the church in the current context. In the fourth chapter we will show, besides a brief introduction to some perceptions of public theology, a mapping of three types of South African public theologies: anti-apartheid theologies, transition theologies, and the actual public theology. In the last chapter an approach will be made which considers public theology as theology for development, identifying ways through which this public theology remains connected to the tradition of liberation theology and still presents an adequate approach to the challenges of the Brazilian and South African democratic contexts.
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Entre a dependência e a libertação: mudanças epistemológicas na teologia latino-americana a partir da apropriação da teoria da dependência pela teologia da libertaçãoEzequiel de Souza 20 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Introdução: A teologia da libertação assinalou o comprometimento teórico com
a prática comunitária da desprivatização da fé cristã na América Latina,
subsidiando a ideia de libertação e suas implicações holísticas. Em
consequência, a noção de libertação correspondeu ao equivalente oposto de
dependência dentro do quadro metodológico de abordagem bíblico-teológica.
Dessa forma, consiste em apresentar, a pesquisa agora submetida à avaliação,
a relação conceitual existente entre a teologia latino-americana e a crítica à
estrutura teórica do subdesenvolvimento, qual seja, a teoria da dependência.
Objetivo: Compreender o significado da correlação oposta da libertação à
dependência desde suas especificidades de acordo com a visão dos
intelectuais da libertação, e identificar a forma pela qual a dependência foi
apropriada para responder ao quadro teórico responsivo socioanalítico destes
intelectuais, bem como perceber até que ponto representou essa maneira de
labor teológico um tipo epifenomênico identitário. Métodos: Pesquisa históricosistemática,
de caráter exploratório, com orientação analítico-descritiva,
organizada a partir de esquemas classificatórios cuja disposição busca indicar
a evolução no nível de interação social dos intelectuais latino-americanos de
disputa pelos bens simbólicos dentro do campo religioso, a bem dizer, a
interpretação teológica. A interpretação dos textos reunidos seguiu um
esquema hermenêutico compreensivo pressuposto no pensamento fraco e na
antilogia teológica latino-americana. Resultados: É partindo da constatação da
refração teórica da dependência pela libertação que se poderá ver claramente
tanto a concepção epifenomênica de uma intelligentsia teológica latinoamericana,
quanto à recepção da crítica ao subdesenvolvimento, à da
dependência enquanto unidade hermenêutica correlativa ao labor teológico
sobre a libertação, que deve ser aprendida por um critério dialético-conflitivo. O
conceito de libertação aparece assim como a interpretação teológica de todo
um campo teórico tomado indistintamente, a saber, a teoria da dependência.
Conclusão: Nada mais errôneo, então, do que tomar a correlação oposta entre
dependência e libertação como constatação de semelhança entre o real
teorizado (dependência) e a conceitualização hipotética de máximas de ação
(libertação), uma vez que a opção pela tese de uma teoria geral (a do antiimperialismo)
foi recebida dentro do fazer teológico em nome da
interdisciplinaridade. O resultado implícito foi prescindir da empiria interpretada
de forma autônoma em favor do móvel moral humano sob a recuperação da
tradição profética. / Introduction: Liberation theology signaled a theoretical commitment to the
community practice of de-privatizing the Christian faith in Latin America,
supported by the Idea of liberation and its holistic implications. Consequently,
the notion of liberation corresponded to the opposite equivalent of dependence
within the methodological framework of the Biblical-theological approach. Thus
we present in the research now submitted to evaluation, the conceptual relation
that exists between Latin American theology and the criticism of the theoretical
structure of underdevelopment, that is, the theory of dependence. Goal: To
comprehend the meaning of the opposite correlation of liberation with regard to
dependence from its specificities according to the perspective of the liberation
intellectuals, and identify the way in which dependence was appropriated to
respond to the socio-analytical responsive theoretical framework of these
intellectuals, as well as perceive up to what point this manner of theological
labor represented an epiphenomenal identity type. Methods: Historicalsystematic
research of an exploratory type with a descriptive-analytical
orientation, organized on classificatory patterns the layout of which seeks to
indicate the evolution within the level of social interaction of the Latin American
intellectuals who are disputing for the symbolic goods within the religious field,
which is to say, the theological interpretation. The interpretation of the texts
gathered here followed a comprehensive hermeneutical pattern presupposed
within the weak thought and in the Latin American theological antilogy. Results:
Stemming from the observation of the theoretical refraction of dependence
toward liberation one can clearly see the epiphenomenological. concept of a
Latin American theological intelligentsia as well the reception of the criticism of
underdevelopment, of dependence as a hermeneutical unit correlating with the
theological work on liberation, which should be learned through a dialecticalconflictual
criterion. The concept of liberation thus appears as the theological
interpretation of a whole theoretical field assumed indistinctly, that is, the theory
of dependence. Conclusion: There is nothing more wrong, therefore, than to
assume the opposite correlation between dependence and liberation as an
affirmation of similarity between the theorized real (dependence) and the
hypothetical conceptualization of the action maxims (liberation) since the option
for a general theory (that of anti-imperialism) was received within the theological
work in the name of interdisciplinarity. The implicit result was to dispense with
the interpreted empiricism in an autonomous way in favor of the mobile human
moral in order to recover the prophetic tradition.
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Teologia e teoria política: aproximações críticas entre correntes da teologia contemporânea e o pensamento político de Jürgen HabermasEneida Jacobsen 02 March 2015 (has links)
Com base em um diálogo entre a teoria política de Jürgen Habermas e correntes da teologia
contemporânea, nomeadamente, a teologia da libertação e a teologia pública, afirma-se o
potencial político-democrático de uma teologia ancorada no mundo da vida para o processo
comunicativo conduzido na esfera pública. O primeiro capítulo oferece uma introdução aos
principais conceitos da obra de Habermas e sua recepção na teologia, destacando-se a
centralidade de temas como emancipação, libertação, política e religião no diálogo entre
Habermas e a teologia. O segundo capítulo é dedicado à exposição do conceito habermasiano
de mundo da vida e à noção de uma teologia desenvolvida a partir da dimensão do mundo da
vida. Como pano de fundo de todo entendimento possível, o mundo da vida constitui um
horizonte de sentido reproduzido através da prática comunicativa cotidiana. Análises de
mundo da vida levam em consideração a perspectiva intersubjetiva dos próprios atores
inseridos em situações concretas de vida. Visões intersubjetivas de mundo encontram-se
expressas em narrações, interpretações de experiências cotidianas, símbolos culturais e
religiosos, esperanças partilhadas e mobilizações conjuntas. A teologia da libertação pode ser
entendida como um esforço sistematizado de realização do pensamento teológico a partir da
dimensão do mundo da vida. Uma teologia a partir do mundo da vida toma como material
para sua reflexão aspectos da formação da subjetividade, expressões da cultura e da
organização em sociedade e ajuda, em um segundo momento, a canalizar esforços
comunicativos do mundo da vida para a esfera pública. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado ao
conceito habermasiano de esfera pública e aponta para tarefas da teologia nesse espaço. A
esfera pública é descrita como uma rede comunicativa que conecta o mundo da vida ao
sistema político na medida em que nela se tematizam e problematizam questões identificadas
pelas pessoas em seu contidiano. Uma teologia ancorada no mundo da vida ajuda no processo
de tematização de demandas do mundo da vida na esfera pública, e contribui para a tarefa de
tradução de conteúdos religiosos em uma linguagem acessível tanto para pessoas religiosas
quanto para pessoas não religiosas. A teologia pública, ao defender o encontro da teologia
com diferentes parceiros de diálogo, mostra-se como uma perspectiva frutífera para o
desenvolvimento da tarefa tradutora da teologia. Em seu vínculo com o mundo da vida e em
sua atuação na esfera pública, uma teologia cristã é desafiada e motivada por três princípios
fundamentais característicos da tradição judaico-cristã: rememoração, profecia e libertação. A
memória de sofrimento e libertação alimenta a prática profética do discernimento orientada
para o anúncio e busca de libertação nos mais diversos âmbitos da vida humana. Finalmente,
no quarto capítulo, o modelo de uma teologia ancorada no mundo da vida e atuante na esfera
pública é vislumbrado em relação a diferentes questões teóricas que perpassam o diálogo
entre Habermas e a teologia, formulando-se as seguintes teses: a fé não anula a importância da
razão; a prática argumentativa na esfera pública pode ser meio para a inclusão de grupos
excluídos; a teologia na esfera pública pode ser construtiva para um processo políticodemocrático;
teologias da libertação são importantes em uma democracia; e a materialidade
da ética não é possível sem sua intersubjetividade, ao mesmo tempo em que a ética não é
possível sem a preservação da materialidade da vida. Em termos gerais, desde a perspectica
da teoria política de Habermas, a presente tese de doutorado afirma o valor político de uma
teologia ancorada no mundo da vida e atuante na esfera pública; e, desde a perspectiva da
teologia, afirma o valor teológico da palavra criadora da vida cotidiana para um processo
político inclusivo, orientado para a promoção de vida em abundância para todas as pessoas. / Based on a dialog between the political theory of Jürgen Habermas and currents of contemporary theology, namely, liberation theology and public theology, this dissertation affirms the political-democratic potential of a theology anchored in the lifeworld for the communicative process conducted in the public sphere. The first chapter offers an introduction to the main concepts of Habermas' work and its reception in theology, highlighting the centrality of themes such as emancipation, liberation, politics and religion in the dialog between Habermas and theology. The second chapter is dedicated to the presentation of the Habermasian concept of lifeworld and of the notion of a theology developed from the lifeworld dimension. As background of all possible understanding, lifeworld constitutes a horizon of meaning reproduced through daily communicative practice. Lifeworld analyses take into consideration the intersubjective perspective of the actors themselves placed in concrete life situations. Their intersubjective worldviews are found expressed in narratives, interpretations of daily experiences, cultural and religious symbols, shared hopes and joint mobilizations. Liberation theology can be understood as a systematized effort of carrying out theological thought based on the lifeworld dimension. A theology anchored in the lifeworld uses as material for its reflection aspects of the formation of subjectivity as well as cultural and organizational expressions in society and helps, in a second moment, to channel communicative efforts of the lifeworld to the public sphere. The third chapter is dedicated to the Habermasian concept of public sphere and points out tasks for theology in this space. The public sphere is described as a communicative network which connects the lifeworld to the political system to the extent in which issues identified by people in their daily lives are thematized and problematized within it. A theology anchored in the lifeworld helps in thematizing the demands of the lifeworld into the public sphere and contributes to the task of translating religious contents into an accessible language both for religious as well as for non-religious people. Public theology, in defending the encounter of theology with different dialog partners, shows itself as a fruitful perspective for the development of theology's translating task. In its tie to the lifeworld and in its work in the public sphere, Christian theology is challenged and motivated by three main fundamental characteristics of the Judeo-Christian tradition: remembering, prophecy and liberation. The memory of suffering and liberation feeds the prophetic practice of discernment oriented to the announcement and quest of liberation in the various ambiances of human life. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the model of a theology anchored in the lifeworld and active in the public sphere is visualized with regard to different theoretical issues which permeate the dialog between Habermas and theology, with the formulation of the following theses: faith does not annul the importance of reason; the argumentative practice in the public sphere can be a means of inclusion of excluded groups; theology in the public sphere can be constructive for a political-democratic process; theologies of liberation are important in a democracy; and the materiality of ethics is not possible without its intersubjectivity while at the same time ethics is not possible without preserving the materiality of life. In general terms, from the perspective of the political theory of Habermas, the present doctoral dissertation affirms the political value of a theology anchored in the lifeworld and active in the public sphere; and from the perspective of theology it affirms the theological value of the creative word of daily life for an inclusive political process orientated toward the promotion of life in abundance for all.
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Interdependence, responsibility and partnership : a German perspective on the Northern Local Church in her international contextSchmidt, Jörg 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis is an attempt to investigate how local churches (re)define their international orientation in response to the shockwaves of globalisation and their interpretation of the signs of the times. The analysis is guided by the key dimensions of interdependence, responsibility, and partnership. The local church is expected to have reached an increasing awareness of interdependence in her international relationships by the emergence of the postmodern systemic paradigm as never before in the history of the ecumenical movement. Consequently, this results in a sense of responsibility developing directly from a prophetic reading and an interpretation of the signs of the times as well as in a receptivity to be fertilised by international impulses. The local church is perceived by both individual Christians and pastors as direct platform for international responsibility. The wounds of the world, the needy and the suffering are suggested as inviting primary responses of local churches in the North. International church partnerships are investigated as practical attempts to live out interdependent relationships, to translate the sense of responsibility into action, and to receive fertilisation from the partner churches. Qualitative case studies from Reformed, United (Lutheran/Reformed) and Free churches present a status analysis of churches regarding the points under discussion.
The tendency is observed that pastors inc~easingly look for ways alternative to the old ecumenical structures, which are characterised by rich/poor and donor/recipient relationships, thus operating their churches with free initiative and association.
Studies regularly narrow down topics to interdependence, postmodernism, development, development politics, church development services, international partnerships, ecumenical learning, etc. Often recommendations for action are made based on the one single area of research presented. In this study, however, it is argued that pastors and churches do not derive their decisions and programmes from considerations of one single area, but they consider all these areas together. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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Black theology and apartheid theology : an investigation into epitheton theologyLe Roux, Zacharias Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Black theology and apartheid theology are theologies making
use of an epitheton. The use to which the epitheton is put in
these theologies is of crucial importance, that is, they are
couplet theologies being used in a subjective genitive fashion.
The question is whether the couplet becomes a theology
of/concerning the epitheton or is it used in an objective
genitive fashion.
When the epitheton is used in the objective genitive sense it
of necessity has to generate an epistemological break in order
to distinguish it from orthodox theology. This in turn necessitates a conscientisation of a contextually predicated theology The theology becomes reductive. In this way an epitheton
theology forming part of a couplet becomes attenuated and diverges from orthodox theology in the construction of its theology. This can lead to the espousal of heretical teachings.
The conclusion arrived at is
the objective genitive sense,
that an epitheton theology, in
for the purpose of advancing a
particular secular base or pseudo-theological base for Christian
society, once it has gained a life of its own, will lead
to heresy unless erroneous or sinful teachings are confessed
and repented of. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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História, Teologia e Prática do Centro Ecumênico de Evangelização, Capacitação e Assessoria: uma contribuição para o movimento ecumênico no BrasilJosé Carlos Stoffel 21 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação é fruto de uma pesquisa sobre a história, teologia e prática de um organismo ecumênico, o Centro Ecumênico de Evangelização, Capacitação e Assessoria CECA. O CECA nasceu com entidade católico-romana e foi evoluindo de uma forma que se tornou ecumênica por causa de diversos fatores, especialmente eclesiásticos. Neste trabalho analisaremos a contribuição do CECA na difusão da Teologia da Libertação no Brasil e suas práticas a partir desse referencial teológico e as implicações da história da entidade com o próprio desenvolvimento da TL na América Latina. Concomitantemente foi se construindo uma proposta de ecumenismo no CECA que foi um aporte significativo para o movimento ecumênico no Brasil. Na memória dos trinta anos de história do CECA se resgatam personagens, práticas e uma proposta de evangelização comprometida com as transformações estruturais da sociedade, como mediações históricas do reino de Deus que têm na unidade dos cristãos como principal princípio para uma nova oikoumene segundo os desígnios de Deus, anunciados pelos profetas bíblicos e encarnados em Jesus Cristo. / The present dissertation is a research about History, Theology and Practice of an ecumenical organism The Ecumenical Center of Evangelization, Formation and Consultancy CECA. It was created as a Roman-Catholic entity and has been growing to become ecumenical because of many, namely ecclesiastic reasons. In this essay, I shall analyze the contribution of CECA toward the proliferation of Liberation Theology in Brazil and its practices based on this theological reference, as well as the interrelatedness between the history of this organization with the development of Liberation Theology in Latin America. Simultaneously, a new ecumenical proposal was being elaborated by CECA which has given significant support to the Ecumenical Movement in Brazil. From the thirty years of its history, many things are to been remembered: persons, practices and a proposal of evangelization engaged with structural transformations of society, as historic mediations of the kingdom of God with Christian unity as its main principle toward a new oikoumene, according to Gods purpose, announced by biblical prophets and embodied in Jesus Christ.
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