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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Är det ens en privat angelägenhet?" : En studie om utförande av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid inom restaurangbranschen / “Is it even a personal business?” : A study about personal business at work during working hours

Sandberg, Elin, Spännar, Evelina January 2018 (has links)
Vår studie handlar om utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid inom restaurangbranschen. Frågor som vad de anställda sysslar med på arbetstid och hur de hanterar privata angelägenheter framför gäster kommer besvaras. Även varför respondenterna utför privata angelägenheter kommer att undersökas. Restaurangbranschen är speciellt intressant att undersöka då ständig kundkontakt förekommer. Servitriser och servitörer deltar i undersökningen då dessa har daglig kontakt med kunder och vi vill undersöka vilka och varför de utför privata angelägenheter dels framför gäster. Tidigare forskning har undersökt utförandet av privata angelägenheter i andra miljöer som kontor men vi anser att vidare studier om serviceyrken behövs.I teoriavsnittet finns relevanta teorier kopplade till utförandet av privata angelägenheter under arbetstid. Teorier om work-life balance, digitalisering, organisationskultur och neutraliseringstekniker etc.   Sex respondenter, blandat servitriser och servitörer från olika företag deltar i undersökningen. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Svar från intervjuer jämfördes med teorier och en analys växte fram. Analysen mynnade ut i svar till våra frågeställningar och det framkom att det vanligaste våra respondenter ägnar sig åt när det gäller privata angelägenheter under arbetstid är mobilen, dator och olovliga pauser. Det kan handla om sms, telefonsamtal, spel på mobilen, surfa och ägna sig åt sociala medier.   Varför våra respondenter utför privata angelägenheter är dels för att få ihop arbete och fritid, alltså att ha ett fungerade work life-balance, för att det är okej inom organisationen och för att de behöver en paus i arbetet. Vidare visar det sig att respondenterna använder sig av olika tekniker för att rättfärdiga sitt beteende kring utförandet av privata angelägenheter. Vissa respondenter tycker att de förtjänar att ägna sig åt annat än arbete för de jobbar så hårt, andra förhåller sig till hur mycket kollegorna arbetar och gör inte mer eller mindre och då kan utrymme för privata angelägenheter finnas.   Respondenterna berättar även att de utför privata angelägenheter framför gäster. De använder mobil och dator framför gäster men i kontrast till det beteendet vill respondenterna även agera professionellt i yrkesrollen och framför gästen.   Slutsatserna som kunde dras var bland annat att mobilen är den absolut största faktorn till att privata angelägenheter utförs. Vanligt förekommande var att datorer och annan elektronisk utrustning användes för att svara på privata samtal, spela spel eller skicka e-mail. Det framkom att organisationskultur, sättet att leda personalen samt work life balance var faktorer som svarade på varför privata angelägenheter utförs. Det framkom även att medarbetarna rättfärdiga sitt beteende genom att förminska, normalisera eller jämföra arbetsprestationer sinsemellan.

WLB - en fråga om balansen mellan arbete och privatliv

Eriksson, Sara, Nässlin, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida det finns en skillnad i graden av Work life balance (indelat i grupperna Work Family Conflict och Family Work Conflict) mellan de som har möjlighet att distansarbeta och de som inte har det och mellan de som har barn under 13 år och de som inte har det. Vidare undersöktes om arbetsengagemang kan predicera WLB. För att genomföra studien användes en pappersenkät som delades ut till samtliga anställda på den deltagande organisationen. Totalt samlades 85 enkäter in, varav 84 hade besvarats fullständigt. Resultatet visade en huvudeffekt av distansarbete gällande Work Family Conflict, där de anställda med möjlighet att distansarbeta upplevde en högre grad av Work Family Conflict än de som inte har möjlighet att distansarbeta. Resultatet visade dessutom att de anställda med högre värde på arbetsengagemang upplevde mindre av både Work family Conflict och Family Work Conflict.

Emotional labour amongst women leaders within the consulting industry: a hermeneutic phenomenological inquiry

Pillay, Reevasha 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how women leaders within the consulting industry experience emotional labour in South Africa. I followed a qualitative research approach informed by the hermeneutic phenomenological paradigm, making use of a case study approach and in-depth semi-structured interviews with eight women leaders with a minimum of eight years’ experience within the consulting industry, all of whom resided in the Gauteng region. The questions posed to participants aimed to understand the various emotions experienced during pre-set scenarios. The empirical findings suggest that women leaders naturally adopt a transformational leadership style. The empirical research exposes that women leaders within the consulting industry do not have any form of work-life balance. Furthermore, the empirical research reveals that most of the women experience both negative and positive emotions due to the ups and downs exposed to at work, there is no organisational support to overcome these emotions / Colleges of Economic and Management Sciences / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutus terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin

Ervasti, T.-M. (Tytti-Maarit) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract In this study constructed a life course –aware age management model for the health care sector so it can be exploited by health care organizations nationally. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how leadership, through the use of life course –aware age management, affects the well-being, and describe amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The research consisted of three parts: 1) a description of earlier age management models, 2) a description of the needs and requirements of age-diverse employees for age management, and 3) a description of life course –aware age management effect on the well-being of an age-diverse workforce in the health care sector, and a description of amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The results of parts one and two were made into the Life course –Aware Age Management Model. The well-being data were collected from nurses and doctors from one central hospital´s area of operation in 2014 (N = 702) and 2016 (N = 764). The research was conducted using intervention research methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical multivariate methods. Statistics on sick leave and retirement were also exploited in the data comparison. Employee age management needs were surveyed in connection with the first well-being measurement. Qualitative data were analyzed using deductive content analysis. The doctors and nurses valuated the realization of well-being mainly in the same way. No significant statistical association was found between employee age and well-being. Management using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model influenced employee well-being so that the way in which leadership was experienced improved between 2014 and 2016. The change was statistically extremely significant (p = 0.001). No impact was found on the amount of sick leaves and retirements. The amount of sick leaves and retirement was found no statistically significant change. The knowledge generated in this study can be exploited in the management of age-diverse workforces in health care. Using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model, employers can identify the support an age-diverse workforce requires to maintain their know-how, working ability and work-life balance. The results of this study can be utilized in leadership, education, and age management and well-being research. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli terveysalalle. Malli on hyödynnettävissä terveysalalle valtakunnallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää miten Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen toimintamallin mukainen johtaminen vaikuttaa terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin, sekä kuvata sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismääriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta: 1) kuvattiin kirjallisuuden perusteella aiempia ikäjohtamisen toimintamalleja, 2) kuvattiin terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön ikäjohtamiskeinoja ja ikäjohtamistarpeita laadullisen aineiston perusteella, ja 3) kuvattiin ja selitettiin elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutusta terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin interventiotutkimuksella, johon kuului alkumittaus ja vuoden kuluttua seurantamittaus ja kuvattiin sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten määriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Osatutkimusten 1 ja 2 perusteella muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli. Osatutkimusten 2 ja 3 aineistot kerättiin yhden keskussairaalan operatiivisen toimialueen lääkäri- ja hoitohenkilöstöltä vuosina 2014 (N = 702) ja 2016 (N = 764). Vaiheen 2 aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla ja määrällinen aineisto tilastollisin monimuuttujamenetelmin. Lisäksi kerättiin työterveyshuollon ja henkilöstöhallinnon tilastoista tietoja henkilöstön sairauspoissaoloista ja eläköitymisestä. Hoitajat ja lääkärit arvioivat työhyvinvoinnin toteutumista osapuilleen samansuuntaisesti. Iän ja työhyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden välistä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ei ollut. Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamismallin mukainen toiminta vaikutti työhyvinvointiin siten, että esimiestyön koettiin parantuneen vuodesta 2014 vuoteen 2016 ja työhyvinvoinnin muutos oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä (p = 0,001). Sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismäärissä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön johtamisessa. Tutkimuksessa muodostettua Elämänkulkutietoista ikäjohtamisen toimintamallia hyödyntämällä terveysalan esimiehet voivat paremmin huomioida eri-ikäisen henkilöstönsä tuen tarpeita osaamisen johtamisessa, työkyvyn ylläpitämisessä, sekä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää henkilöstöjohtamisessa, koulutuksessa, sekä työhyvinvoinnin ja ikäjohtamisen tutkimuksessa.

Six-hour workday as an employer branding strategy : A multiple case study

Dilani, Sara, Papadopoulos, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Background - In pace with increased work-related stress and the difficulty in attracting and retaining skilled staff, companies find new ways to rationalize the organization. Working-time reduction is one of these strategies in connection to an effective employer branding attribute. Purpose - The aim is to examine the rationale behind the six-hour workday and how it is used as an employer branding strategy. Additionally, the aim is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the six-hour workday as an employer branding strategy as well as the future prospects. Method - This study has applied a qualitative method with an inductive approach and a multiple case study. Six semi-structured interviews were performed with five case companies and an additional interview was conducted with a consultancy firm. Conclusion - Organizations choose the six-hour workday because of work-life balance and well-being for employees. Also, the findings show that employers adopt the six-hour for the purpose of attracting and retaining staff. Advantages include happier staff, increased productivity and efficiency. A major disadvantage is the lost hours because of working-time reduction. The empirical findings indicate that the six-hour workday is suited in every organization, however, adjustments might be necessary.

Arbetstidsförkortning i offentlig sektor : En sociologisk fallstudie av ett pågående projekt med 30-timmars arbetsvecka.

Johansen, Caroline, Stormark, Josefina January 2017 (has links)
6-hour workday, 30-hour week, work-time reduction, work life balance, requirements and control, KASAM, health, stress, recovery

Skillnaden i work-life balance i England och i Sverige : - och om det i sin tur har påverkan på individens well-being / The difference in work-life balance in England and in Sweden : - and if it has anything to do with the individual’s well-being

Ramebäck, Emma January 2018 (has links)
This research has been studying if there is a difference in work-life balance for people working in England (n=30) and in Sweden (n=32), and if well-being can be related to this in any way. The study has used an online survey including the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) which measured well-being and QPS Nordic which measured work-life balance and work-family conflict. The result shows that there is a significant difference (p<.005) between wellbeing and work-life balance together with a significant higher level (p<.001) of work-life balance for the participants working in England compared to the once working in Sweden. The study also shows a significant correlation (p<.003) between work-life balance and the number of hours which the individual participants are normally working per day. However, the study cannot tell what is causing the significant relation between work-life balance and well-being regarding to the non-statistic significant difference between well-being and the participants working in England verses Sweden or between any of the covariates which has been included in the analysis.

Aplikace gender managementu ve vybrané společnosti / Application of Gender Management in Selected Company

Homolková, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the application of gender management in a selected tech-nically oriented company. A literature review gives an overview of the issue of diversity, gender management especially in a technical field and managerial positions, as well as it deals with work-life balance. In a practical part of the thesis an analysis of the company and staff is accomplished. Furthermore, another part is consisted of questionnaire survey among recruiters, interview with the HR Manager and interviews with selected managers. The aim of the thesis is to propose appropriate suggestions that could be used for dealing with gender issues in the company.

Životní styl studentů VŠE / Lifestyle of students of University of Economics in Prague

Zelenka, David January 2017 (has links)
The master's thesis 'Lifestyle of students of University of Economics in Prague' focuses on the concept of healthy lifestyle, its definition and sub-areas, such as health in general, nutrition, work-life balance and time management. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the lifestyle of students of the University of Economics in Prague, namely in the areas of living, eating and physical habits, work-life balance and time management. The online questionnaire survey carried out a quantitative research, which was attended by 612 VŠE students. Based on the theoretical part, four hypotheses had been established at the beginning of the application section, which were either confirmed or refuted based on the results of the questionnaire survey.

Représentations sociales, conciliation vie privée-vie professionnelle. Pour une comparaison interculturelle auprès des infirmières françaises et gabonaises / Social representations, private life balance professional life for an intercultural comparison between french and gabonese nurses

Mounguengui, Claude Marlette 04 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est fondée sur la théorie des représentations sociales. A partir d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès d’infirmières françaises (N=29) et gabonaises (N=23), nous nous sommes intéressés aux représentations sociales du métier d’infirmière et de la famille. Une enquête par questionnaires, en France (N=103) et au Gabon (N=140), avec deux épreuves associatives, complétées par un outil conçu sur les pratiques de soins et la SWING, a permis de dégager des registres spécifiques à chacun des groupes en fonction de leurs origines culturelles. Les infirmières françaises décrivent leur métier comme reposant sur une pratique qui intègre la dimension relationnelle, alors que les infirmières gabonaises ajoutent une dimension affective. L’étude des pratiques contrastées a confirmé l’existence d’un lien entre le type de pratique et la représentation du métier. Pour les infirmières françaises, ayant une pratique à dominante technique, le noyau central de la représentation est focalisé sur les soins prodigués aux patients, alors que pour celles ayant une pratique à dominante relationnelle, le soin passe par l’écoute. Pour les infirmières gabonaises, le métier est centré sur l’accueil et l’amour. Les résultats concernant les liens entre conciliation vie privée-vie professionnelle et représentations sociales révèlent des éléments différents. Un volet complémentaire met en avant des représentations de la famille différentes selon le pays : il s’agit pour les infirmières françaises de la famille nucléaire, alors que pour les gabonaises deux catégories de famille émergent : la famille traditionnelles élargie et la famille nucléaire du modèle français.Mots clefs : Représentations sociales ; infirmières ; conciliation vie professionnelles-vie privée ; pratique de soins ; France ; Gabon. / This thesis is based on the Social Representation theory. Starting with interviews of French nurses (N=29) and Gabonese nurses (N=23), we focused on the comparative social representations of both the profession of a nurse and the family. We then proceeded with a questionnaire composed of free association tasks, of a specific tool measuring the dominant type of practice and the SWING. 103 French nurses and 140 Gabonese nurses filled in this questionnaire. The results show a distinct representation of the profession according to the culture. The French nurses focus on the importance of the relationship that needs to be establishes with the patients, while the Gabonese nurses add to this the need for affection. The nurses were separated into contrasted groups according to the scores obtained both in terms of dominant practices 5technical or related to relations) and according to their life balance type. The social representation of the profession, which was studied for each of these contrasted groups, appears to be clearly different according to both variables. Moreover, in terms of the social representations of the family, a significant distinctions appears based on the two cultures: the French participants perceive the nuclear family, while the Gabonese participants combine the traditional family with the new model, close to the French nuclear one.Key words: Social Representations; Nurses; Life Balance; Healing; France; Gabon.Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne - Laboratoire EA 6291 - C2S -Bâtiment 13 Recherche - 57 rue Pierre Taittinger - 51100 REIMS

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