Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life cycle essessment"" "subject:"life cycle bioassessment""
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Modélisation sémantique des bases de données d'inventaires en cycle de vie / Semantic modelling of life cycle inventory databasesBertin, Benjamin 25 June 2013 (has links)
L'analyse des impacts environnementaux de la production de biens et de services est aujourd'hui devenue un enjeu majeur. L'analyse en cycle de vie est la méthode consacrée pour modéliser les impacts environnementaux des activités humaines. L'inventaire en cycle de vie, qui est l'une des étapes de cette méthode, consiste à décomposer les activités économiques en processus interdépendants. Chaque processus a des impacts environnementaux et la composition de ces processus nous donne l'impact cumulé des activités étudiées. Plusieurs entreprises et agences gouvernementales fournissent des bases de données d'inventaires en cycle de vie pour que les experts puissent réutiliser des processus déjà étudiés lors de l'analyse d'un nouveau système. L'audit et la compréhension de ces inventaires nécessite de s'intéresser à un très grand nombre de processus et à leurs relations d'interdépendance. Ces bases de données peuvent comporter plusieurs milliers de processus et des dizaines de milliers de relations de dépendance. Pour les experts qui utilisent les bases de données d'inventaire en cycle de vie, deux problèmes importants sont clairement identifiés : - organiser les processus pour avoir une meilleure compréhensibilité du modèle ; - calculer les impacts d'une modélisation (composition de processus) et, le cas échéant, détecter les raisons de la non convergence du calcul. Dans cette thèse, nous : - mettons en évidence de l'existence de similarités sémantiques entre les processus et leurs relations d'interdépendance et proposons une nouvelle approche pour modéliser les relations d'interdépendance entre les processus d'une base de données d'inventaire. Elle se base sur un étiquetage sémantique des processus à l'aide d'une ontologie et une modélisation multi-niveaux des relations d'interdépendance entre les processus. Nous étudions aussi deux approches déclaratives d'interaction avec ce modèle multi-niveau. - étudions les différentes méthodes de calcul des impacts basées sur des notions classiques d'algèbre linéaire et de théorie des graphes. Nous étudions aussi les conditions de non convergence de ces méthodes en présence de cycle dans le modèle des relations de dépendances. Un prototype implémentant cette approche a montré des résultats probants sur les cas étudiés. Nous avons réalisé une étude de cas de ce prototype sur les processus de production d'électricité aux États-Unis extraits de la base de données d'inventaire en cycle de vie de l'agence environnementale américaine. Ce prototype est à la base d'une application opérationnelle utilisée par l'entreprise. / Environmental impact assessment of goods and services is nowadays a major challenge for both economic and ethical reasons. Life Cycle Assessment provides a well accepted methodology for modeling environmental impacts of human activities. This methodology relies on the decomposition of a studied system into interdependent processes in a step called Life Cycle Inventory. Every process has several environmental impacts and the composition of those processes provides the cumulated environmental impact for the studied human activities. Several organizations provide processes databases containing several thousands of processes with their interdependency links that are used by LCA practitioners to do an LCA study. Understanding and audit of those databases requires to analyze a huge amount of processes and their dependency relations. But those databases can contain thousands of processes linked together. We identified two problems that the experts faces using those databases: - organize the processes and their dependency relations to improve the comprehensibility; - calculate the impacts and, if it is not possible, find why it is not feasible. In this thesis, we: - show that there are some semantic similarities between the processes and their dependency relations and propose a new way to model the dependency relations in an inventory database. In our approach, we semantically index the processes using an ontology and we use a multi-layers model of the dependency relations. We also study a declarative approach of this multi-layers approach; - propose a method to calculate the environmental impacts of the processes based on linear algebra and graph theory, and we study the conditions of the feasibility of this calculation when we have a cyclic model. We developed a prototype based on this approach that showed some convincing results on different use cases. We tested our prototype on a case study based on a data set extracted from the National Renewable Energy restricted to the electricity production in the United-States.
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LCA-SIMULERING FÖR EN MODULBYGGNAD GENOM FYRA OLIKA LIVSCYKLER / LCA-simulation of a module through four different lifecyclesAhmad, Hudallah, Ulfvengren, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: There is a severe housing shortage in Sweden, with a deficiency of schools and preschools. At the same time, carbon dioxide emission is measuring higher than ever and the realization of environmental crisis is clear. The building sector is responsible a high percentage of carbon dioxide emissions. Calculation for the climate impact can be implemented through life cycle assessment (LCA), directives are requested on how to build through an LCA perspective. The study investigates modular buildings that constitute an efficient and flexible way of managing the building shortage. The aim of this research was to get answers from an ecologically sustainable perspective to what provides more advantageous to process modules when the time- limited building permit expires and a module is needed somewhere else, with or without extra isolation. Method: A quantitative methodology was used to accomplish the aim. The climate impact of four different types of lifecycles simulates by using the software Anavitor. Other methods used for data acquisition was document analysis, calculation of specific energy use and transmission loss. Findings: The results present advantageous choices for stakeholders to pick after the time-limited building permits expire and a new module is demanded at another place. The study shows that less carbon dioxide emission is produced when reusing the module rather than demolish and produce a new module. Energy savings can be made which reduces the total climate impact of the module that are additionally insulated. Implications: The conclusion the group could deduct was that the production and manufacturing stage has a significant impact on the total climate impact that a renovation and non-manufacturing scenario is always more advantageous. By adding additionell isolation savings on total carbon dioxide emission can be made despite increased material use. Limitations: The results are limited to a life cycle assessment based on a module’s envelope as the interior and technical equipment is the same for all scenarios. The study was based on a standard module in which the equipment has no effect on the results. The result was initially specific, but with the help of calculation of the breakpoint for independent transport distances, a general validity could be given. / Syfte: I Sverige råder det brist på bostäder, skolor och förskolor, samtidigt uppmäter koldioxidutsläppen högre än någonsin och insikten om ett miljöhot är påtaglig. Byggnadssektorn ansvarar för en stor del av Sveriges koldioxidutsläpp. Beräkning av klimatpåverkan kan utföras genom livscykelanalyser (LCA), däremot efterfrågas direktiv på vad som bör göras vid byggnation kring ett LCA-perspektiv. Undersökningen har genomförts på en modulbyggnad som utgör ett effektivt och flexibelt sätt att hantera byggnadsbristen på. Målet med arbetet var att ur ett ekologiskt hållbart perspektiv få svar på vad som är mer fördelaktigt att behandla moduler på när det tidsbegränsade bygglovet löpt ut och en modul behövs på en annan plats, med eller utan en tilläggsisolering. Metod: För att uppnå målet med studien användes en kvantitativ undersökningsstrategi. Klimatpåverkan för fyra olika typer av livscykler simulerades i mjukvaruprogrammet Anavitor. Andra metoder som används för datainsamling var dokumentanalys, beräkningar av specifik energianvändning och transmissionsförluster genom vägg vid tilläggsisolering. Resultat: Det genererade resultatet presenterar vad som är fördelaktigt att välja efter att det tidsbegränsade bygglovet löpt ut och en ny modul behövs på en annan plats. Studien visar att det genererar mycket mindre koldioxidutsläpp att återanvända modulen än att kassera och bygga ny modul. En energibesparing kan ges som sänker den totala klimatpåverkan för modulerna som tilläggsisoleras. Konsekvenser: Slutsatsen av arbetet är att produktions och tillverkningsstadiet har så pass stor inverkan på den totala klimatpåverkan då utfallet att renovera och spara in på en tillverkningsfas är att föredra. För att göra valet av att tilläggsisolera eller inte krävs en LCA. Den koldioxidökningen som tillkommer på grund av volymökning av en tilläggsisolering får inte överskrida den minskning som genereras av energibesparing. Begränsningar: Studien är avgränsat till livscykelanalys gjord på modulens klimatskal då den invändiga och tekniska utrustningen är densamma för alla utfall, därför kan modulen även tillhöra en annan slags funktion. Resultatet blev till en början specifikt men med hjälp av beräkning av brytpunkt för oberoende transportsträckor kunde en generell giltighet ges.
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Green consumption energy use and carbon dioxide emissionAlfredsson, Eva January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the quantitative potential to reduce energy requirements and CO2 emissions through changed patterns of consumption, given unchanged levels of consumption expenditure. The thesis question is analysed using a systems analysis approach which in this case means that life cycle assessment data on energy requirements and CO2 emissions related to household consumption are combined with a financial and behavioural analysis to make sure that the budget constraint is kept and that both the first and second order effects of adopting a green consumption pattern are analysed. The budget constraints are kept using a general linear model. By using marginal propensities to spend to direct the reallocation of saved or deficit money calculated utility is maintained as far as possible. Further, investigations explore the impact of individual household demographic characteristics and geographic context on household consumption patterns, energy requirements and CO2 emissions. The key result of this thesis is that changed household behaviour, choosing “green“ products and energy efficient technology will not make a big difference. What can be achieved in the short time perspective by adopting an almost completely green consumption pattern and energy efficient technology is a reduction of energy requirements by around 8% and CO2 emissions by around 13%. With a longer time perspective and further technological change that provides additional possibilities to move consumption patterns in a greener direction, the effect on energy requirements and CO2 emissions is still fairly small. By 2020, the potential to reduce energy requirements is around 13% and CO2 emissions around 25%. In the most extreme scenario (2050), the scope for reducing energy requirements is 17% and for CO2 emissions 30%. All these reductions will be outpaced by growth in income almost as soon as they are implemented. Of policy relevance the results reveal that very limited impact can be expected by a policy relying on greener consumption patterns, whether adopted voluntarily or as a result of incentives such as tax changes. Such a policy cannot achieve more than a small and temporary reduction to growth in energy requirements and CO2 emissions. It is also shown that, prescribing specific consumption patterns as a means of reducing energy requirements and CO2 emissions has to be done with care. This is illustrated by one of the experiments in which adopting a partly green consumption pattern, a green diet, in fact increased total energy requirements and CO2 emissions. This, and the results of all the other experiments show the importance of applying a systems approach. It demonstrates that life cycle data alone are irrelevant for assessing the total effects of adopting green consumption patterns. Further research on the potential to reduce energy requirements and CO2 emissions thus primarily needs to better capture system wide effects rather than to improve on, and fine tune the measurement of the energy requirements and CO2 emissions related to individual products.
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Environmental System Analysis of Waste Management : Experiences from Applications of the ORWARE ModelBjörklund, Anna January 2000 (has links)
Waste management has gone through a history of shiftingproblems, demands, and strategies over the years. In contrastto the long prevailing view that the problem could be solved byhiding or moving it, waste is now viewed as a problem rangingfrom local to global concern, and as being an integral part ofseveral sectors in society. Decisive for this view has beensocietys increasing complexity and thus the increasingcomplexity of waste, together with a general development ofenvironmental consciousness, moving from local focus on pointemission sources, to regional and global issues of more complexnature. This thesis is about the development and application orware;a model for computer aided environmental systems analysis ofmunicipal waste management. Its origin is the hypothesis thatwidened perspectives are needed in waste managementdecision-making to avoid severe sub-optimisation ofenvironmental performance. With a strong foundation in lifecycle assessment (LCA), orware aims to cover the environmentalimpacts over the entire life cycle of waste management. It alsoperforms substance flow analysis (SFA) calculations at a ratherdetailed level of the system. Applying orware has confirmed the importance of applyingsystems perspective and of taking into account site specificdifferences in analysis and planning of waste manage-ment,rather than relying on overly simplified solutions. Somefindings can be general-ised and used as guidelines to reduceenvironmental impact of waste management. Recovery of materialand energy resources from waste generally leads to netreductions in energy use and environmental impact, because ofthe savings this brings about in other sectors. Waste treatmentwith low rate of energy and materials recovery should thereforebe avoided. The exact choice of technology however depends onwhat products can be recovered andhow they are used. Despite the complexity of the model and a certain degree ofuser unfriendliness, involved stakeholders have expressed thevalue of participating in orware case studies. It providesimproved decision-basis, but also wider understanding of thecomplexity of waste management and of environmental issues ingeneral. The thesis also contains a first suggestion of a frameworkto handle uncertainty in orware, based on a review of types ofuncertainty in LCA and tools to handle it. / QC 20100413
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Förpackning med förbättrad miljö- och säljaspekt : Ett projekt i samarbete med Primus Sverige AB / Packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects : A project in collaboration with Primus Sverige ABLundqvist, Alexander, Eklund, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
This work of examination describes an environmentally oriented product development aimed to develop new packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects of the products from Primus Sweden AB. The report covers the design process from the first collection of facts to the final results with a description of all methods involved in the work. The focus has been on a clear environmental awareness and the report contains a deepening of the concept life cycle assessment (LCA) for product development. In the process, the consumers’ opinions of the brand Primus and environmental profiling formed the basis for the packaging to communicate the right values such as quality, technology, environmental awareness and adventurer’s first choice. The deepening of the life cycle analysis shows that composting and other alternative treatment of the biological cycle is not possible to implement in a satisfactory way in the design process. The work results in two final concepts. The first concept consists of a protective packaging made from natural fibres, which are vacuum - thermoformed to produce attractive and unique shapes. The raw material is waste from other industries which otherwise would be of no use. The packaging can be composted but also recycled among cardboard. The second concept is both packaging and commercial product in the form of a seat pad. An outer packaging is thus replaced with a seat pad with the same life span as a Primus stove. The material is recommended to be polyamide 6.6, which can be fully recycled and has qualities that meet all customer requirements. The material can be recycled among other plastics, but a take-back system is recommended to fully recover the properties of materials. The two concepts follows the Cradle to Cradle philosophy in which polyamide 6.6 is part of the technical life cycle, and the natural fibre is part of the biological life cycle. A clear common layout have been developed to distinguish Primus and their products on the market. / Denna rapport redogör för en miljövänligt inriktad produktutveckling som syftat till att ta fram ny förpackning med förbättrade miljö- och säljaspekter åt Primus Sverige AB:s produkter. Rapporten behandlar designprocessen från den första insamlingen av fakta till slutgiltiga resultat med en beskrivning av alla metoder som involverats i arbetet. Fokus har legat på en tydlig miljömedvetenhet och rapporten innehåller en fördjupning av begreppet livscykelanalys (LCA) för produktutveckling. Under arbetet har konsumenters åsikter om varumärket Primus och miljövänlig profilering legat till grund för att med förpackningarna kommunicera rätt värdeord som kvalitet, teknik, miljömedvetenhet och äventyrarens självklara val. Fördjupningen i livscykelanalysen visar att kompostering och andra alternativa avfallshanteringar från det biologiska kretsloppet inte går att implementera på tillfredställande sätt i designprocessen. Arbetet resulterar i två slutkoncept. Ett koncept innebär en skyddande förpackning som tillverkas av naturfiber med vakuum - termoformning för att få fram attraktiva och unika former. Råvaran är avfall från annan industri som annars inte används till något. Förpackningen kan komposteras men även återvinnas i pappåtervinningen. Det andra konceptet är både förpackning och nyttoprodukt i form av ett sittunderlag. En yttre förpackning ersätts således med ett sittunderlag med samma livslängd som ett Primuskök. Materialet rekommenderas vara polyamid 6.6, vilken har möjlighet att återvinnas till 100 % och vars kvaliteter uppfyller alla kundkrav. Materialet kan återvinnas bland annan plast men ett återtagningssystem rekommenderas för att till fullo utnyttja materialets egenskaper. De två koncepten följer filosofin Cradle to Cradle med polyamid 6.6 som näringsämne i ett tekniskt kretslopp och naturfiber som näringsvärde i ett biologiskt kretslopp. En tydlig gemensam layout för koncepten har tagits fram för att utmärka Primus och deras produkter på marknaden.
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Förpackning med förbättrad miljö- och säljaspekt : Ett projekt i samarbete med Primus Sverige AB / Packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects : A project in collaboration with Primus Sverige ABLundqvist, Alexander, Eklund, Henrik January 2010 (has links)
<p>This work of examination describes an environmentally oriented product development aimed to develop new packaging with improved environmental and sale aspects of the products from Primus Sweden AB. The report covers the design process from the first collection of facts to the final results with a description of all methods involved in the work. The focus has been on a clear environmental awareness and the report contains a deepening of the concept life cycle assessment (LCA) for product development. In the process, the consumers’ opinions of the brand Primus and environmental profiling formed the basis for the packaging to communicate the right values such as quality, technology, environmental awareness and adventurer’s first choice.</p><p>The deepening of the life cycle analysis shows that composting and other alternative treatment of the biological cycle is not possible to implement in a satisfactory way in the design process.</p><p>The work results in two final concepts. The first concept consists of a protective packaging made from natural fibres, which are vacuum - thermoformed to produce attractive and unique shapes. The raw material is waste from other industries which otherwise would be of no use. The packaging can be composted but also recycled among cardboard. The second concept is both packaging and commercial product in the form of a seat pad. An outer packaging is thus replaced with a seat pad with the same life span as a Primus stove. The material is recommended to be polyamide 6.6, which can be fully recycled and has qualities that meet all customer requirements. The material can be recycled among other plastics, but a take-back system is recommended to fully recover the properties of materials.</p><p>The two concepts follows the Cradle to Cradle philosophy in which polyamide 6.6 is part of the technical life cycle, and the natural fibre is part of the biological life cycle. A clear common layout have been developed to distinguish Primus and their products on the market.</p> / <p>Denna rapport redogör för en miljövänligt inriktad produktutveckling som syftat till att ta fram ny förpackning med förbättrade miljö- och säljaspekter åt Primus Sverige AB:s produkter. Rapporten behandlar designprocessen från den första insamlingen av fakta till slutgiltiga resultat med en beskrivning av alla metoder som involverats i arbetet. Fokus har legat på en tydlig miljömedvetenhet och rapporten innehåller en fördjupning av begreppet livscykelanalys (LCA) för produktutveckling. Under arbetet har konsumenters åsikter om varumärket Primus och miljövänlig profilering legat till grund för att med förpackningarna kommunicera rätt värdeord som kvalitet, teknik, miljömedvetenhet och äventyrarens självklara val.</p><p>Fördjupningen i livscykelanalysen visar att kompostering och andra alternativa avfallshanteringar från det biologiska kretsloppet inte går att implementera på tillfredställande sätt i designprocessen.</p><p>Arbetet resulterar i två slutkoncept. Ett koncept innebär en skyddande förpackning som tillverkas av naturfiber med vakuum - termoformning för att få fram attraktiva och unika former. Råvaran är avfall från annan industri som annars inte används till något. Förpackningen kan komposteras men även återvinnas i pappåtervinningen. Det andra konceptet är både förpackning och nyttoprodukt i form av ett sittunderlag. En yttre förpackning ersätts således med ett sittunderlag med samma livslängd som ett Primuskök. Materialet rekommenderas vara polyamid 6.6, vilken har möjlighet att återvinnas till 100 % och vars kvaliteter uppfyller alla kundkrav. Materialet kan återvinnas bland annan plast men ett återtagningssystem rekommenderas för att till fullo utnyttja materialets egenskaper.</p><p>De två koncepten följer filosofin Cradle to Cradle med polyamid 6.6 som näringsämne i ett tekniskt kretslopp och naturfiber som näringsvärde i ett biologiskt kretslopp. En tydlig gemensam layout för koncepten har tagits fram för att utmärka Primus och deras produkter på marknaden.</p>
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Ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή μεθοδολογίας περιβαλλοντικής αξιολόγησης σε ηλεκτροχρωμικά παράθυρα / Development of an environmental evaluation methodology and application for electrochromic windowsΣυρράκου, Ελένη 31 May 2007 (has links)
Στη διατριβή αυτή έχει αναπτυχθεί ένας νέος συνδυασμός της Ανάλυσης Κύκλου Ζωής (ΑΚΖ) και της Ανάλυσης Οικολογικής Απόδοσης, που εφαρμόζεται για την αξιολόγηση της περιβαλλοντικής και ενεργειακής απόδοσης και της απόδοσης κόστους ενός πρότυπου ηλεκτροχρωμικού παραθύρου, η οποία έχει σκοπό να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως διάταξη εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας σε κτήρια. Ο κύριος στόχος είναι να επισημάνουμε πώς η συγκεκριμένη μέθοδος συμπληρώνει τις δύο μεθόδους, ενσωματώνοντας τα ιδιαίτερα πλεονεκτήματά τους σε ένα πληρέστερο και πιο ισχυρό διαγνωστικό εργαλείο. Η αποδοτικότητα της μεθόδου αποδεικνύεται με εφαρμογή σε έναν ηλεκτροχρωμικό υαλοπίνακα (K-Glass/WO3/πολυμερής ηλεκτρολύτης/V2O5/K-Glass), διαστάσεων 40cmx40cm. Αξιολογείται ολόκληρος ο κύκλος ζωής του εφαρμόζοντας τη μέθοδο της ΑΚΖ (ISO 14040). Για να μετρηθεί και να καταγραφεί η οικολογική απόδοση, χρησιμοποιούνται δείκτες περιβαλλοντικής απόδοσης, οι οποίοι βασίζονται σε ισοζύγια υλικών και ενέργειας και ορίστηκαν λαμβάνοντας υπόψη διάφορες παραμέτρους, (σενάριο ελέγχου, προσδοκώμενος χρόνος ζωής, κλιματικές συνθήκες, κόστος αγοράς). Ο συνδυασμός των αποτελεσμάτων οδηγεί σε σημαντικά συμπεράσματα για τον συνδυασμό ιδιοτήτων και τις πιθανές βελτιώσεις, που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθούν στη λήψη αποφάσεων για το σχεδιασμό και την ανάπτυξη του προϊόντος και για την επιλογή της βέλτιστης περίπτωσης μεταξύ διαφόρων υαλοπινάκων για ειδικές κλιματικές συνθήκες. Τέλος, μια τέτοια μεθοδολογία μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την καθιέρωση ενεργειακής σήμανσης, ή ενεργειακής ταξινόμησης των παραθύρων, ενώ επιπλέον είναι σύμφωνη με την Ευρωπαϊκή Οδηγία (2002/91/EC) για την ενεργειακή απόδοση των κτηρίων, που απαιτεί πιστοποιητικά ενεργειακής απόδοσης για υφιστάμενα και νέα κτήρια. / In this study, a novel combination of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the Eco-efficiency analysis has been developed and implemented to evaluate the environmental, energy and cost efficiency potential of an electrochromic (EC) window prototype that aims to be used as an energy saving component in the building. The main objective is to mark out how the proposed method complements the traditional techniques, namely LCA and Eco-efficiency integrating their individual advantages into a more complete and a further more powerful diagnostic tool. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated with implementation to a 40cm x 40cm EC glazing (K-Glass/WO3/polymer electrolyte/V2O5/K-Glass). The whole life cycle of the EC glazing is evaluated by implementing the method of LCA (ISO 14040). In order to measure and report the ecological efficiency, environmental performance indicators were used, based on material and energy balances. The indicators were suitably defined taking into consideration various parameters (control scenario, expected lifetime, climatic type, purchase cost). Significant conclusions can be drawn for the development and the potential applications of the device compared to other commercial fenestration products. The combination of the results leads to significant conclusions for the balance of its properties and possible improvements that can be utilized in decision making for the product design and development and for the selection of an optimum case among various fenestration products for specific areas/climates. Finally, such a methodology can be utilized to establish a system for energy labeling or energy rating of windows and it is in accordance with the European Directive (2002/91/EC) on the energy performance of buildings, which calls for energy performance certificates to be available for new and existing buildings.
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The relationship between light-weighting with carbon fiber reinforced polymers and the life cycle environmental impacts of orbital launch rocketsRomaniw, Yuriy Alexander 13 January 2014 (has links)
A study was undertaken to determine if light-weighting orbital launch vehicles (rockets) improves lifetime environmental impacts of the vehicle. Light-weighting is performed by a material substitution where metal structures in the rocket are replaced with carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP’s). It is uncertain whether light-weighting the rocket in the same way as traditional vehicles are light-weighted would provide similar environmental benefits. Furthermore, the rocket system is significantly different from traditional vehicles and undergoes an atypical lifecycle, making analysis non-trivial. Seventy rocket configurations were sized using a Parametric Rocket Sizing Model (PRSM) which was developed for this research. Four different propellant options, three staging options, and eighteen different lift capacities were considered. Each of these seventy rockets did not include CFRP’s, thus establishing a baseline. The seventy rockets were then light-weighted with CFRP’s, making a total of seventy pairs of rockets. An environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was performed on each of the rockets to determine lifetime environmental impacts. During the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI), a Carbon Fiber Production Model was developed to determine the environmental burdens of carbon fiber production and to address issues identified with carbon fiber’s embodied burdens. The results of the LCA were compared across all rockets to determine what effects light-weighting had on environmental impact. The final conclusion is that light-weighting reduces lifetime environmental impacts of Liquid Oxygen-Rocket Propellant 1 and Nitrogen Tetroxide-Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine rockets, while it likely benefits Liquid Oxygen-Liquid Hydrogen rockets. Light-weighting increases lifetime environmental impacts of Solid Propellant rockets.
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The life cycle assessment of the Milazzo peninsula (north-eastern Sicily, Italy) : geochimical impact assessment of water and soilsMey, Morgane 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The Milazzo peninsula, North-Eastern Sicily, Italy, is the implantation site of potentially polluting anthropogenic activities. Among them, a refinery and a thermoelectric plant. An epidemiological study has shown a decrease of human health quality in the area, but there was no further research as to the reasons of this observation. The aim of this work is to better understand how the Milazzo peninsula's anthropogenic emissions impact the local human health and ecosystems. The Life Cycle Assessment calculating approach was chosen in order to study the consequences of the emissions resulting from the following local anthropogenic activities: the thermoelectric plant, the refinery, the road traffic, the illegal combustion of domestic waste. The Impact 2002+ and the ReCiPe 2008 global-scale models were chosen, as well as a site-specific approach. In order to conduct this site-specific calculation, Milazzo soils and seawater samples were gathered and the specific local parameters were deduced from their analyses. The global-scale results pointed out the waste combustion emissions and the thermoelectric plant as the main causes of the human health quality decrease, while the thermoelectric plant was pointed out as the anthropogenic activity causing the most environmental damages. The site-specific study applied to the soil and seawater ecotoxicity confirmed the important role of the thermoelectric plant's emissions in the damages upon the environment, especially the seawater. Moreover, the site-specific study also corrected the soil ecotoxic impact scores, showing the importance of both thermoelectric plant and illegal waste combustion contributions to the damaging of the environment. As a conclusion, LCA study as a whole enlightens and explains the previous observations of human health and ecosystem damages in the site of study while the site-specific study proved relevant in the peculiar area of Milazzo.
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Användning av byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM) för effektivare klimat- och livscykelanalyser av byggnadskonstruktioner / The use of building information modeling (BIM) to achieve efficient life cycle assessments of buildingsRodriguez Ewerlöf, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
Byggprocesser och produktionen av byggmaterial orsakar stora delar av världens och Sveriges växthusgasutsläpp. För att uppnå en hållbar utveckling är det av stor vikt att minska klimatpåverkan från byggnadskonstruktioner. Genom att göra klimat- och livscykelanalyser av byggnader i tidiga designskeden ökar möjligheten att påverka design, material- och produktval för att minska klimatpåverkan. I denna studie undersöktes hur byggnadsinformationsmodeller (BIM) och BIM-metodik kan användas för ökade möjligheter att effektivt utföra klimat- och livscykelanalyser av ingående byggnadsmaterial iterativt under projekteringsprocessen. Två 3D-modeller importerades till två verktyg för klimat- och livscykelanalyser, Bidcon och One Click LCA. Mängdavtagningen från objekten i modellen till båda LCA-verktygen fungerade automatiskt medan kopplingen mellan objekten och databaser med miljöpåverkansdata för byggobjekt och material innebar mycket handpåläggningsarbete. Processerna förutsätter att modellerna innehåller någon information om de ingående materialen i modellens objekt, vilket därför bör kravställas under projekteringen. För att kopplingen mellan materialbeskrivningar och databaser i LCA-programmen ska ske mer automatiskt bör materialen eller objekten benämnas standardiserat, till exempel med BSAB-koder, ett klassifikationssystem från Svensk Byggtjänst. Benämningarna bör sedan kunna kopplas automatiskt till poster i databaser för effektivare klimat- och livscykelanalyser. Även intervjuer utfördes, i syfte att undersöka hur metodiken för integrering av BIM och LCA kan tillämpas i byggprojekt. Möjligheten att tillämpa detta i konsultföretag beror på beställarens krav samt i vilka skeden och discipliner konsulterna arbetar. Integreringsprocesser av BIM- och LCA-verktyg borde kombineras med interdisciplinära möten för bättre resultat. Detta tillsammans med ökad efterfrågan på klimat- och livscykelanalyser, exempelvis för att uppnå miljöcertifieringar, kan öka motivationen att använda metodiken. På så sätt kan byggnadsinformationsmodellering användas för effektivare klimat- och livscykelanalyser vilket bidrar till minskad klimatpåverkan från byggnadskonstruktioner. / Construction processes and the production of building material cause a large part of the emissions of greenhouse gases around the world. To achieve a sustainable development it is of great importance to reduce emissions from construction projects. Doing climate analyses and life cycle assessments of building materials during early design phases could enable more sustainable design and material choices. This thesis focuses on Swedish conditions. During this study it was investigated how Building Information Modeling/Management (BIM) can be used to improve possibilities of doing efficient life cycle assessments (LCA) of buildings and included materials, during the whole design phase. Two 3D building models were transferred to two software tools, Bidcon and One Click LCA, for climate analysis and life cycle assessment of the building components. Quantity take-off from the model objects to the tools worked automatically while the connection between the material descriptions and databases inside the tools had to be done manually. The process requires information about the materials in the model to work. To make the connections more automatic, material descriptions need to be more standardized and connect to entries in the databases. Moreover interviews were held to investigate how the methods of integrating BIM with LCA can be used in construction projects. For consulting firms this depends on the demands from the client and which stages of the project the consultants work in. LCA-methods based on BIM should be combined with interdisciplinary meetings for better results. This together with an expanding demand for LCA could increase the motivation to use these methods, which enables reduction of climate impact from buildings.
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