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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framework for sustainability assessment of industrial processes with multi-scale technology at design level: microcapsules production process

Navarro Rosa, Jennifer 28 May 2009 (has links)
In a world with limited resources and serious environmental, social and economical impacts, a more sustainable life style is everyday more important. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to develop a methodological procedure for eco-efficiency and sustainability assessment of industrial processes with multi-scale technology at design level. The methodology developed follows the ISO 14040 series for environmental LCA standard. To integrate the three pillars of sustainability the analytical hierarchical process was used. The results are represented in a triple bottom line framework. The methodology was applied to the case study "production of perfume-containing microcapsules" and different scenarios were assessed and compared. Several sustainability indicators were chosen to analyze the impacts. The results showed that this methodology can be used as a decision making tool for sustainability reporting. It can be applied to any process choosing in each case the corresponding set of inventory data and sustainability impact indicators. / En un mundo con recursos limitados y graves impactos ambientales, sociales y económicos, un estilo de vida más sostenible es cada día más importante. Debido a esto, el objetivo general de este trabajo es desarrollar un procedimiento metodológico para evaluar eco-eficiencia y sostenibilidad de procesos industriales con tecnología multi-escala a nivel de diseño. La metodología desarrollada sigue la serie ISO 14040 para el medio ambiente. Se utilizó el proceso analítico jerárquico para integrar los tres pilares de sostenibilidad. Los resultados se presentan en un balance triple. La metodología se aplicó al caso de estudio "producción de micro-cápsulas que contienen perfume" y se analizaron y compararon diferentes escenarios. Se seleccionaron diversos indicadores de sostenibilidad para analizar los impactos. Los resultados demostraron que esta metodología puede ser utilizada como herramienta de toma de decisiones y que puede aplicarse a cualquier proceso seleccionando, en cada caso, los datos del inventario y los indicadores.

Intégration de la pensée cycle de vie aux études d'impacts : cas du site minier Raglan

Alaoui Mdaghri, Zineb January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Moving Towards Sustainable and Resilient Smart Water Grids: Networked Sensing and Control Devices in the Urban Water System

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Urban water systems face sustainability challenges ranging from water quality, leaks, over-use, energy consumption, and long-term supply concerns. Resiliency challenges include the capacity to respond to drought, managing pipe deterioration, responding to natural disasters, and preventing terrorism. One strategy to enhance sustainability and resiliency is the development and adoption of smart water grids. A smart water grid incorporates networked monitoring and control devices into its structure, which provides diverse, real-time information about the system, as well as enhanced control. Data provide input for modeling and analysis, which informs control decisions, allowing for improvement in sustainability and resiliency. While smart water grids hold much potential, there are also potential tradeoffs and adoption challenges. More publicly available cost-benefit analyses are needed, as well as system-level research and application, rather than the current focus on individual technologies. This thesis seeks to fill one of these gaps by analyzing the cost and environmental benefits of smart irrigation controllers. Smart irrigation controllers can save water by adapting watering schedules to climate and soil conditions. The potential benefit of smart irrigation controllers is particularly high in southwestern U.S. states, where the arid climate makes water scarcer and increases watering needs of landscapes. To inform the technology development process, a design for environment (DfE) method was developed, which overlays economic and environmental performance parameters under different operating conditions. This method is applied to characterize design goals for controller price and water savings that smart irrigation controllers must meet to yield life cycle carbon dioxide reductions and economic savings in southwestern U.S. states, accounting for regional variability in electricity and water prices and carbon overhead. Results from applying the model to smart irrigation controllers in the Southwest suggest that some areas are significantly easier to design for. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2012

Comparação dos impactos ambientais de formulações de tintas com a aplicação da avaliação do ciclo de vida. / Comparison of paints formulations environmental impacts with life cicle assessment application.

Gláucia Santos Buchmann 23 January 2018 (has links)
Com a crescente demanda do mercado de tintas por produtos mais sustentáveis, toda a cadeia produtiva tem se movimentado para oferecer soluções neste âmbito. Para contemplar o pilar ambiental da sustentabilidade, a redução de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), de alquilfenol etoxilados (APEO) e a substituição de matérias-primas de origem fóssil por vegetal nas formulações de tintas são algumas das práticas em expansão neste setor. No presente estudo, os perfis de impactos ambientais de duas tintas imobiliárias base água foram comparados aplicando-se a metodologia de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) (ABNT NBR ISO 14040 e 14044). Primeiramente, foram desenvolvidas duas fórmulas genéricas não comerciais de tinta standard (ABNT NBR 15079): \"Tinta A\" com matérias-primas de uso convencional e \"Tinta B\" com algumas matérias-primas alternativas, que hipoteticamente contribuiriam com um melhor desempenho ambiental do produto final. Em seguida, ambas fórmulas foram reproduzidas em laboratório, as amostras das tintas foram submetidas a testes de desempenho técnico e com os dados obtidos determinou-se os fluxos de referência para cumprir a unidade funcional definida por cobrir 36 m2 de parede de alvenaria interior por um período mínimo de 4 anos (ABN NBR 15575-1). A ACV tem quatro fases: objetivo e definição do escopo, análise de inventário, avaliação do impacto ambiental e interpretação. Com os objetivos e escopo do estudo definidos, foi realizada uma abrangente coleta de dados, majoritariamente secundários, para possibilitar a Análise de Inventário (ICV). Posteriormente, o ciclo de vida das tintas foi modelado e analisado no software SimaPro 8.2 e na fase de Avaliação de Impactos do Ciclo de Vida (AICV) foi selecionado o método ReCiPe Midpoint (H) v.1.12. Para as sete categorias de impacto analisadas, a \"Tinta B\" apresentou perfil de impactos ambientais reduzido em relação a \"Tinta A\": Mudanças Climáticas (-18,6%), Formação de Oxidantes Fotoquímicos (-19%), Toxicidade Humana (-17,7%), Ecotoxicidade (-30,5%), Depleção de Recursos Fósseis (18,8%), Depleção de Recursos Minerais (-21,4%) e Depleção de Recursos Hídricos (-18,7%). Os resultados do estudo, reforçam a importância da ACV como uma ferramenta eficaz para mensurar o desempenho ambiental de tintas. No entanto, a falta de disponibilidade de dados primários dos processos de toda a cadeia produtiva de tintas dificulta a execução de estudos e compromete a precisão dos resultados. Destaca-se ainda, que a perspectiva do ciclo de vida de produtos e processos foi incluída como requisito da nova versão da norma ISO 14001, que é do interesse de toda a cadeia de valor, portanto, vale considerar a aplicação da ACV na indústria de tintas. / The demand for sustainable products in the paint market has been steadily growing and is pushing the whole production chain to offer solutions following this scenario. The reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEO) and the substitution of raw materials of fossil origin by vegetable in the formulations of paints are some of the practices increasing among this sector to meet the environmental sustainability pillar. In the present study, the environmental impact profiles of two water-based architectural paints were compared applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ABNT NBR ISO 14040 and 14044). Firstly, two generic non-commercial formulas of standard paint (ABNT NBR 15079) were developed: \"Paint-A\" with conventional raw materials and \"Paint- B\" containing some alternative raw materials, which would hypothetically contribute to a better environmental performance of the final product. Then both formulas were reproduced in the laboratory and the samples of the paints were submitted to technical performance tests. With the data obtained, the reference flows were determined to fulfill the functional unit defined by covering 36 m2 of interior masonry wall by a minimum period of 4 years (ABN NBR 15575-1). The LCA has four phases: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, environmental impact assessment and interpretation. After goal and scope definition, a comprehensive data collection was carried to enable the Inventory Analysis (LCI). Afterwards, the life cycle of the paints was modeled and analyzed in the SimaPro 8.2 software and in the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase the ReCiPe Midpoint (H) v.1.12 method was selected. Within seven impact categories analyzed, \"Paint-B\" presented a reduced environmental impact profile compared to \"Paint-A\": Climate Change (-18.6%), Photochemical Oxidants Formation (-19%), Human Toxicity (-18.5%), Ecotoxicity (-30.5%), Fossil Resources Depletion (18.8%), Mineral Resources Depletion (-21.4%) and Water Resources Depletion (-18.7%). The results of the study strengthen the importance of LCA as an effective tool for measuring the environmental performance of paints. However, the lack of availability of primary process data throughout the paint production chain makes it difficult to carry out studies and compromises the accuracy of the results. It is also relevant to highlight that the product and process lifecycle perspective was included as a requirement of the new version of the ISO 14001 standard, which is a matter of concern to the entire value chain, so it is worth considering the application of LCA in the paints industry.

ISO 14001:2015 Life Cycle Perspective

Our research is based on data triangulation methodology by which we are going to answer the question with a combination of two elements: the design and development in combination with life cycle perspective according to ISO 14001:2015 and organization consider the life cycle perspective when they design and develop their products, in a modified form introducing many new aspects of life-cycle thinking. This Master’sthesis aims to discuss the Sustainability approach through the use of Environmental Management Standards (EMS), the results achieved by organizations that implement and certify those EMS, and a special focus on the current process of ISO 14001:2015 revision and the logic behind it. Revisiting the concept of Sustainability, the status of the International Organization for Standardization 14001, requirements that related to that life cycle perspective in ISO 14001:2015, eco-design, circular economy and its expected outcomes are discussed. The ISO 14001:2015 revision will have major impacts on the more than 300,000 worldwide certified organizations and on the many professionals that work with it. Analysis of the development of a sustainability portfolio within a globally-operating manufacturing company, we came different illustrate the kinds of life cycle work involved in dealing with activities and interests, connecting activities and interests into action-nets, performing life cycle practices, and spreading the life cycle idea. Finally, we discuss implications of life cycle work for research in the field of organization and management studies and questions related to the topic with quality engineers within the organization.

EKODESIGN I INDUSTRIN : En lägesanalys av producenters problem, drivkrafter och framtida utmaningar inom ekodesign / ECO DESIGN IN PRODUCT INDUSTRY : An analysis, based on producers problems, driving forces and future challenges in eco design

Bergsten, Karolina, Langborg, Ida January 2012 (has links)
SammanfattningProdukter produceras idag i stor utsträckning för att tillfredsställa konsumenters behov varpåmiljöbelastningen eskalerar i takt med efterfrågan och produktionen som sker därefter. Lösningenpå problemet kan sammanfattas i ekodesign där miljöoptimering av produktutvecklingen skerutifrån ett helhetsperspektiv; råvaruutvinning, produktion, användning, återvinning, slutligtomhändertagande samt transporter.Teknik-konsultföretaget ÅF uppmärksammade detta problem hos svenska producenter ochstartade 2008 en intern sektion, EcoDesign center, som erbjöd sina kunder ekodesignrelateradetjänster. Utmaningarna och problemen hos kunderna har med tiden förändrats och för att centretska kunna erbjuda sina kunder relevanta tjänster, undersöks i detta arbete svenska producentersrelation till ekodesign idag.Syftet med arbetet har varit att kartlägga producenternas problem och utmaningar inommiljöanpassad produktutveckling och samtidigt utvärdera ÅF EcoDesign centers förutsättningaratt tillgodose sina kunder. Att utifrån denna kunskap komma med förbättringsförslag ochrekommendationer på hur centrets ekodesigntjänster kan optimeras har varit målet med arbetet.Resultatet visar att ekodesignarbetet inte är tillräckligt utbrett vilket främst beror på bristfälligefterfrågan av ekodesignade produkter. Kundefterfrågan är direkt kopplat till ekonomiskaincitament, företag drivs i vinstsyfte och utan en efterfrågan kommer ekodesignarbete inteimplementeras. Producenterna har inte insett eller förstått den ekonomiska potentialen medmiljöeffektiv produktutveckling och tror det är dyrt och tidsödande. En orsak till detta kan varabristen på enkla ekodesignverktyg, då de flesta existerande verktyg kräver experter.Kunskapsbristen är ett faktum, vilket producenterna själva ser som ett av de största hindren förimplementering av ekodesign i produktutvecklingsprocessen.ÅF:s EcoDesign center bör satsa på en inledande ekodesigntjänst som kartlägger vad för typ avekodesigntjänst deras kunder behöver hjälp med. Denna tjänst ska fungera som en inkörsport tillövriga ekodesignområden som EcoDesign center rekommenderas att satsa på i framtiden; PRS(Product Regulatory Support), strategi, eco screening, utbildning, tjänstedesign ochmarknadsföring. / Products are currently produced to satisfy customer needs to a large extent whereupon theenvironmental impact escalates due to the demand and production. A solution to the problemcan be summarized in the term eco design where the environmental optimization of a producthas a holistic perspective, including everything from raw material extraction, production, uses,recycling, disposal and transport.ÅF, a technology consulting firm, drew attention to this problem and started EcoDesign centerin 2008, an in-house section where they offered their customers eco design related services. Thechallenges and problems in their customers needs have changed over time and understandinghow the center should provide their customers with relevant service is investigated in this thesis.The aim of the thesis has been to identify producers’ problems and challenges with greenproduction and at the same time evaluate EcoDesign center's prerequisites to satisfy theircustomers’ needs. Based on this knowledge, the aim has been to come up with suggestions andrecommendations on how the center can optimize their eco design related services.The result shows that the eco design work is not sufficiently widespread, mainly due to a poordemand for eco designed products. Customer demand is directly linked to economic incentives,companies run for profit and without a demand an eco design work will not be implemented.Producers have not realized the economic potential of eco effective products and think it isexpensive and time consuming. One reason can be the lack of simple eco design tools, sinceexisting tools require expertise. The lack of knowledge is a fact, which the producers consider tobe one of the biggest obstacles to implement eco design in the product developing process.EcoDesign center should invest in an initial eco design service that identifies in which types ofeco design areas their customer needs help. This service will act as a gateway to other eco designservices offered at the center. In the future, EcoDesign center is recommended to focus on thefollowing, eco design related work; PRS (Product Regulatory Support), strategy, eco screening,education, service design and marketing.

Characterisation, biophysical modelling and monetary valuation of urban nature-based solutions as a support tool for urban planning and landscape design

Babi Almenar, Javier 27 January 2021 (has links)
The recognition of nature in the resolution of societal challenges has been growing in relevance. This recognition has been associated with the development of new concepts from science and policy such as natural capital, ecosystem services, green infrastructure, and more recently Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). NBS intends to address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive form providing economic, social, and environmental benefits. The overall aim of this PhD thesis is to develop an environmental and economic assessment of NBS for highly urbanised territories based on rationales and models underpinning ecosystem services, urban/landscape ecology, and life cycle thinking approaches. This combined evaluation approach would help to better understand if NBS are cost-effective or not. The aim is developed according to four specific objectives. The first objective corresponds to the characterisation of NBS in relation to urban contexts and the problematics that they can help to address or mitigate. To achieve this objective a critical review on the study of the relationship between NBS, ecosystem services (ES) and urban challenges (UC) was developed. As a main output, a graph of plausible cause-effect relationships between NBS, ES and UC is obtained. The graph represents a first step to support sustainable urban planning, moving from problems (i.e. urban challenges) to actions (i.e. NBS) to resolutions (i.e. ES). The second objective corresponds to the definition of an adequate set of biophysical and monetary assessment methods and indicators to evaluate the value of NBS in urbanised contexts. To achieve this objective, a review of existing methods on ecosystem services valuation, life cycle cost analysis and life-cycle assessment are developed. The review takes into account specific constraints such as easiness to use and availability of data. At the end, potential methods and indicators were selected, which will be later integrated in the combined assessment framework. The third objective corresponds to the design of a combined assessment framework integrating methods from life cycle assessment, landscape/urban ecology and ecosystem services that quantifies the environmental and economic value of NBS informing about the cost-effectiveness of its entire life cycle. To achieve this objective, a conceptual framework is developed. From it, a system dynamics model of ecosystem (dis)services is developed and coupled with a life cycle assessment method. The combined evaluation is tested with a relevant NBS type (i.e. urban forest) in a case study in the metropolitan area of Madrid. The fourth objective is the development of a decision support (DSS) tool that integrates the assessment framework as part of iterative design processes in urban planning and landscape design. The DSS intends to enhance the interrelation between science, policy and planning/design. To achieve this objective a user-friendly web-based prototype DSS on NBS, called NBenefit$®, is developed. The prototype DSS provides the user a simple form of quantifying the provision of multiple ES and costs over the entire life cycle (implementation, operational life, and end-of-life) of NBS. This thesis contributed to the characterisation of NBS and its environmental and economic assessment to inform urban planning and landscape design processes, allowing decisions that are more informed. / Il riconoscimento della natura nella risoluzione delle sfide sociali è diventato sempre più importante. Questo riconoscimento è stato associato allo sviluppo di nuovi concetti provenienti dalla scienza e dalla politica, come il capitale naturale, i servizi ecosistemici, le infrastrutture verdi e, più recentemente, le soluzioni basate sulla natura (NBS). NBS intende affrontare le sfide della società in una forma efficace e adattabile fornendo benefici economici, sociali e ambientali. Lo scopo di ricerca di questa tesi di dottorato è quello di sviluppare una valutazione ambientale ed economica delle NBS per territori altamente urbanizzati basata su logiche e modelli che hanno alla base i servizi ecosistemici, l'ecologia urbana e paesaggistica e degli approcci di approcio life cycle. Questo quadro di valutazione combinato aiuterebbe a capire meglio se le NBS sono costo effetive e se contribuiscono a uno sviluppo resiliente e sostenibile. Questo scopo di ricerca è sviluppato secondo quattro obiettivi specifici. Il primo obiettivo corrisponde alla caratterizzazione delle NBS in relazione ai contesti urbani e alle problematiche che possono aiutare ad affrontare o mitigare. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stata sviluppata una revisione critica dell letteratura sullo studio della relazione tra NBS, servizi ecosistemici (ES) e sfide urbane (UC). Come risultato principale, si ottiene un grafico delle relazioni causa-effetto plausibili tra NBS, ES ed UC. Il grafico rappresenta un primo passo per supportare la pianificazione urbana sostenibile, passando dai problemi (es. UC) alle azioni (es. NBS) alle risoluzioni (es. ES). Il secondo obiettivo corrisponde alla definizione di un set di metodi e indicatori di valutazione biofisica e monetaria adeguate per valutare il valore della NBS in contesti urbanizzati. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, viene sviluppata una revisione dei metodi esistenti sulla valutazione dei servizi ecosistemici, l'analisi dei costi del ciclo di vita e la valutazione del ciclo di vita. La revisione tiene conto di vincoli specifici come la facilità d'uso e la disponibilità dei dati. Alla fine, sono stati selezionati potenziali metodi e indicatori, che saranno successivamente integrati nel quadro di valutazione combinato. Il terzo obiettivo corrisponde alla progettazione del quadro di valutazione combinato, integrando metodi di valutazione del ciclo di vita, ecologia paesaggistica / urbana e servizi ecosistemici che quantifica il valore ambientale ed economico della NBS informando sull'efficacia in termini di costi del suo intero ciclo di vita. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, prima viene sviluppato un quadro concettuale. Da esso, viene sviluppato un modello di dinamica di sistemi per calcolare i servizi (e disservici) ecosistemici, il quale è interrelazionato con un metodo di valutazione life cycle. Questa valutazione combinata viene testata con un tipo di NBS pertinente (foresta urbana) in un caso di studio nell'area metropolitana di Madrid. Il quarto obiettivo è lo sviluppo di uno strumento di supporto decisionale (DSS) che integri il quadro di valutazione come parte dei processi di progettazione iterativa nella pianificazione urbana e nella progettazione del paesaggio. Il DSS intende migliorare l'interrelazione tra scienza, politica e pianificazione / progettazione. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo è stato sviluppato Nbenefit$® un prototipo di DSS online per la valutazzione NBS di facile uso. Il prototipo DSS fornisce all'utente una forma semplice per quantificare multipli ES e costi (internalizatti o no) durante l'intero ciclo di vita (implementazione, vita operativa e fine vita) del NBS. In conclusione, questa tesi ha contribuito alla caratterizzazione di NBS e alla sua valutazione ambientale ed economica per informare i processi di pianificazione urbana e progettazione del paesaggio, consentendo decisioni più informate.

Análise da aplicação do pensamento de ciclo de vida na gestão empresarial: estudo de casos brasileiros

Kiss, Beatriz Cristina Koszka 03 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Beatriz Kiss (etikiss@gmail.com) on 2018-07-21T15:36:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Beatriz C K Kiss_MPA2018_VF.pdf: 5774553 bytes, checksum: f7a736345e8bcf3d363db5e574484eb1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mayara Costa de Sousa (mayara.sousa@fgv.br) on 2018-07-31T18:28:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Beatriz C K Kiss_MPA2018_VF.pdf: 5774553 bytes, checksum: f7a736345e8bcf3d363db5e574484eb1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-08-01T12:44:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Beatriz C K Kiss_MPA2018_VF.pdf: 5774553 bytes, checksum: f7a736345e8bcf3d363db5e574484eb1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T12:44:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Beatriz C K Kiss_MPA2018_VF.pdf: 5774553 bytes, checksum: f7a736345e8bcf3d363db5e574484eb1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-03 / Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da inserção do Pensamento de Ciclo de Vida (PCV) na gestão empresarial e se este conceito tem permeado as diversas áreas das empresas. Para ilustrar a pesquisa foram analisados três casos de empresas brasileiras que já utilizam a técnica de Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para mensurar os impactos ambientais de seus produtos e que desenvolvem atividades relacionadas ao tema. A partir de uma análise qualitativa dos elementos internos das empresas e dos fatores influenciadores externos, buscou-se identificar o estágio de maturidade de cada empresa frente à incorporação do PCV em sua gestão – dentro de seu contexto setorial nacional. Para isso, foram mapeados os desafios desse processo e as etapas envolvidas no uso do PCV e dos resultados de estudos de ACV na construção das estratégias de sustentabilidade das empresas. Também foram identificados os benefícios presentes e futuros para as empresas e para suas cadeias de valor. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a ACV é uma ferramenta abrangente e valiosa para os gestores e tomadores de decisão corporativos, mas ainda pouco utilizada no contexto empresarial brasileiro. Os principais motivos para tal fato são: (i) a falta de conhecimento das diversas aplicações da ACV pelas empresas; (ii) a baixa integração entre as diversas áreas da empresa; (iii) a necessidade de desenvolvimento de competências específicas nas empresas; (iv) os desafios relacionados à comunicação dos resultados de estudos de ACV; e (v) a baixa compreensão e maturidade do tema de ciclo de vida na sociedade brasileira. Outro resultado relevante diz respeito aos benefícios alcançados pelas empresas estudadas: como estas já encontram-se em estágio mais avançado na inclusão do PCV em sua gestão, estas obtêm benefícios e vantagens frente a seus concorrentes. Essas se dão a partir da oferta de produtos (bens e serviços) menos impactantes ao meio ambiente, como resultado da reestruturação de seus produtos, processos e da forma como se relacionam com sua cadeia de valor e com seus clientes. / This study presents an analysis of the inclusion of the Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) in the business management process and whether this concept has been incorporated in the different corporate divisions. In order to illustrate this research, an analysis was conducted with three study cases from Brazilian companies that are already using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique to measure the environmental impacts of their products and that are developing other related activities. A qualitative evaluation of both the internal aspects and the external influential elements was carried out, aiming at classifying the maturity level of the companies in the integration of the LCT into their management strategies within their sectorial context. The challenges and milestones of this process were mapped, taking into account the use of the LCT and the LCA studies’ results in the construction of the companies’ sustainability strategies. Furthermore, the current and future benefits for the businesses and their value chains were identified. The results of the research indicate that LCA is a comprehensive and valuable tool for corporate managers and decision makers, but still underutilised in the Brazilian business context. The main reasons for this scenario are: (i) the lack of knowledge regarding the various applicabilities of a LCA for businesses; (ii) the low integration among companies’ divisions; (iii) the need for developing specific skills and competencies in the companies; (iv) the challenges of communicating LCA results; and (v) the low maturity level and understanding of the life cycle issue in the Brazilian society. Another relevant outcome refers to the benefits achieved by the cases studied: as these companies have already reached a more advanced level in the inclusion of the LCT in their management practices, they have benefits and advantages over their competitors. These arise from the offer of products (good and services) with reduced environmental impacts. The impacts reduction can be conquered by the redesign of the company’s products, restructuring of processes as well as the rethinking of the way they do businesses and relate with their value chain and clients.

The EU Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance : A Major Stride Forward or a Nightmare in Practice? / EU Taxonomi för hållbara investeringar : Ett stort steg framåt eller en mardröm i praktiken?

Wallhed, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
To limit the effects of climate change and keep the global mean temperature increase of below 1.5 °C in the year 2100, the financial markets need to shift investments into low-carbon business and technologies. By integrating sustainability assessments into traditional investment analysis, sustainable investing is in this case a concept that can be used to enable this transition. The EU Taxonomy on sustainable finance is a tool and future mandatory regulation that aims to highlight sustainable investing and to help different companies, investors and project promoters make investment decisions that align with the transition to a low-carbon society. This study aims to describe how the EU taxonomy can be related to sustainable investments, and to examine how companies in different sectors are evaluated using the EU Taxonomy by using companies included in a sustainability fund as a case study. Furthermore, the study aims to examine whether the EU Taxonomy is in line with the Industrial Ecology concepts of Life cycle thinking and weak/strong sustainability. The results of the literature study of the EU Taxonomy together with the case study suggests that the implementation of the EU Taxonomy into EU regulation will lead to a greater integration of sustainable investing within the EU. Furthermore, the EU Taxonomy does in theory integrate Life cycle thinking as well as possess a strong view on sustainability. However, this does not translate into practice as the practical implementation of the EU Taxonomy as it stands right now does not implement these concepts. The results of the case study showed that there are issues associated with accessing company specific information, as the analyzed companies did not disclose how their operations relate to the EU Taxonomy. Moreover, the case study indicated that some sectors have an easier time being considered environmentally sustainable by the EU Taxonomy. The EU Taxonomy is a step in the right direction towards increased integration of environmental sustainability into investments, however, the tool and regulation as it stands right now leaves much to be desired. / För att hålla den globala medeltemperaturen under en ökning på 1.5 °C till år 2100, måste den finansiella marknaden investera i företag och teknologier som bidrar till en minskning av växthusgasutsläpp globalt. Hållbara investeringar är ett koncept som tar hänsyn till b.la utsläpp av växthusgaser i investeringsbeslut, vilket kan möjliggöra denna övergång till hållbarare samhälle. EU:s Taxonomi om hållbara investeringar är ett ramverk och framtida reglemente som ämnar att möjliggöra och hjälpa företag, investerare och projektansvariga att investera mer miljömässig hållbart. Denna studie syftar till att förklara hur EU Taxonomin kan relateras till hållbara investeringar, samt att examinera hur företag i olika sektorer kan utvärderas med hjälp av EU Taxonomin genom att genomföra en casestudie på företag inkludera i en hållbarhetsfond. Vidare ämnar denna studie examinera om EU Taxonomin är i linje med industriell ekologi med koncepten livscykeltänkande (en: Life Cycle Thinking) samt stark och svag hållbarhet. Resultatet indikerar att implementeringen av EU Taxonomin kommer att leda till en ökad integrering av hållbara investering inom EU. Vidare indikerar resultatet att EU Taxonomin har som mål att ta hänsyn till livscykeltänkande och vara i linje med stark hållbarhet, men att denna målsättning inte är inkluderat i det praktiska verktyget som EU Taxonomin använder. Resultatet av casestudien visar att det finns problem kopplade till att bedöma hur väl företag tar hänsyn till kriterierna inkluderade i EU Taxonomin, då företag inte delger den information som behövs för att göra denna bedömning. Vidare så indikerade casestudien att vissa sektorer kommer ha det lättare när det kommer till att vara i linje med EU Taxonomins kriterier. Avslutningsvis så är EU Taxonomin ett steg i rätt riktning när det kommer till att integrera miljöaspekter i investeringar, men det praktiska verktyget och ramverk som det ser ut just nu skulle kunna vara mer utvecklat och mer strikt i praktiken.

A plan-do-check-act framework for WEEE and RoHS : a model for implementing WEEE and RoHS by integrating eco-design factors and activities into business operation and strategy.

El-Gomla, Randa A.M. January 2011 (has links)
Eco-design is relatively new and fast growing field of research due to its vital importance to the manufacturing industry and its related environmental issues such as reducing waste, and CO2 emission. A major EU programme relating to the environment is the waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive. The (WEEE) directive specifies ten categories and a voltage range which is up to 1.000 volts AC or 1.500volts DC. The developed framework came for the implementation of Eco-design principles that helps to take into account the adaption of the (WEEE) directive and the restriction of hazard substances (RoHS) used in electrical and electronic equipments. As a result of identify gaps and needs such as a lack of a comprehensive Eco-design framework and the need to integrate it to the normal business operation. In this research the PDCA framework for Eco-design and WEEE directive will be discussed. The framework will encompass all of the Eco-design¿s implementation and integration factors and activities such as WEEE and RoHS directives, Eco-design management, Environmental legislations, Eco-design tools and considerations. The literature review covers the topic of Eco-design¿s related issues, and WEEE and RoHS directives rules. Based on comprehensive questionnaire survey of Eco-design, WEEE and RoHS issues and activities among a sample of environmentally aware companies, statistical analysis is carried out using SPSS software. Then the findings of the survey triangulated with the findings of the literature review formed the basis of the design and implementation plan of the proposed framework

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