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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socijalno-medicinski aspekti depresivnih poremećaja u Vojvodini / Socio-medical aspects of depressive disorders in Vojvodina

Harhaji Sanja 28 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Depresija je jedan od najče&scaron;ćih mentalnih poremećaja u op&scaron;toj populaciji &scaron;irom sveta i prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije se nalazi na trećem mestu globalnog opterećenja bolestima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi prevalencija depresije u populaciji odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Vojvodine, da se identifikuju kategorije stanovni&scaron;tva pod najvećim rizikom i da se utvrdi povezanost depresije sa determinantama zdravlja, zdravstvenim stanjem i kori&scaron;ćenjem zdravstvene za&scaron;tite. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka na reprezentativnom uzorku stanovni&scaron;tva Vojvodine starosti 15 i vi&scaron;e godina, kao deo nacionalne studije &bdquo;Istraživanje zdravlja stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije&ldquo; koju je sprovelo Ministarstvo zdravlja Republike Srbije 2013. godine. Kao instrument istraživanja su kori&scaron;ćeni upitnici konstruisani u skladu sa upitnikom Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja. Prisustvo depresivnih simptoma je analizirano primenom PHQ-8 upitnika (Patient Health Questionnaire-8) a vrednost PHQ-8 skora 10 i vi&scaron;e je ukazivala na prisustvo depresivne epizode (depresije). Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 3550 ispitanika prosečne starosti 50,2 godine. Prevalencija depresije je iznosila 4,8%. Primenom multivarijantne regresije je utvrđeno da žene imaju za 40% veću &scaron;ansu za depresiju u odnosu na mu&scaron;karce (OR=1,4), a kao prediktori depresije su se pokazali i starija životna dob, razvod/razlaz ili udovstvo, niži nivo obrazovanja, nezaposlenost, ekonomska neaktivnost i niži materijalni status. Osobe koje su u mesecu koji je prethodio istraživanju bile izložene stresu su imale oko sedam puta veću &scaron;ansu za depresiju (OR=6,8), a kod ispitanika sa lo&scaron;om socijalnom podr&scaron;kom &scaron;ansa za depresiju je bila oko četiri puta veća nego kod ispitanika sa jakom socijalnom podr&scaron;kom (OR=3,7). Multimorbiditet je bio značajno prisutniji među ispitanicima sa depresijom, a &scaron;ansa za prisustvo dve ili vi&scaron;e hroničnih bolesti je kod njih bila skoro pet puta veća (OR=4,6) u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu imali depresivne simptome. Depresija se pokazala i kao značajan prediktor če&scaron;ćeg kori&scaron;ćenja usluga zdravstvene za&scaron;tite. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili javnozdravstveni značaj depresije i istovremeno obezbedili podatke koji se mogu koristiti kao osnova za buduća prospektivna istraživanja, kao i za kreiranje programa za prevenciju i kontrolu depresivnih poremećaja i unapređenje mentalnog zdravlja.</p> / <p>Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the general population worldwide and according to the World Health Organization it is the third leading cause of the global burden of disease. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression in the adult population of Vojvodina, to identify groups at the greatest risk of depression and to determine the relationship of depression with health determinants, health status and use of health care services. The research was carried out as a cross-sectional study on a representative sample of the population of Vojvodina, aged 15 and over as part of the National Health Survey of Serbia which was conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia in 2013. Data was gathered by using questionnaires designed in accordance to the European Health Interview Survey. The presence of depressive symptoms was analyzed using the PHQ-8 questionnaire (Patient Health Questionnaire-8) and the score of 10 or above indicated a presence of a depressive episode (depression). The study included 3550 examinees with an average age of 50.2 years. The prevalence of depression was 4.8%. Multivariate regression showed that women had a 40% greater chance to suffer from depression as compared to men (OR=1.4). Also, factors such as older age, divorce/separation or widowhood, lower level of education, economic inactivity and poor financial situation were predictors of depression. People who were exposed to stress in the month prior to the survey had about seven times greater odds of depression (OR=6.8), and in patients with poor social support the chance of depression was about four times higher than among those with a strong social support (OR=3.7). Multimorbidity was significantly more prevalent among respondents with depression and they had five times higher odds of the presence of two or more chronic diseases (OR=4.6) in comparison with those who did not show depressive symptoms. Depression has been revealed as a significant predictor of more frequent use of health care services. The results confirmed the importance of depression to public health and also provided the data that can be used as a basis for future prospective studies, as well as for the development of the programs for the prevention and control of depressive disorders and mental health improvement.</p>

Gojaznost i fizička neaktivnost kao javnozdravstveni problemi odraslog stanovništva Vojvodine / Obesity and physical inactivity as public health problems among the adult population of Vojvodina

Radić Ivana 28 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Gojaznost i fizička neaktivnost su među najznačajnijim faktorima rizika za hronične nezarazne bolesti, koje su vodeći javnozdravstveni problemi u svetu i kod nas. Cilj istraživanja je procena prevalencija gojaznosti, predgojaznosti i fizičke neaktivnosti u slobodno vreme kod odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Vojvodine, kao i procena povezanosti demografskih, socio-ekonomskih i bihevioralnih faktora sa gojazno&scaron;ću i fizičkom neaktivno&scaron;ću u slobodno vreme. Istraživanje predstavlja deo Istraživanja zdravlja stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije iz 2013. godine koje je sprovedeno od strane Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, kao studija preseka na reprezentativnom stratifikovanom dvoetapnom uzorku. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 3337 osoba uzrasta 20 i vi&scaron;e godina sa prebivali&scaron;tem u Vojvodini. Instrument istraživanja su bili upitnici konstruisani u skladu sa upitnikom Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja, a podaci o telesnoj masi i telesnoj visini su dobijeni merenjem. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je u 2013. godini svaka četvrta odrasla osoba u Vojvodini bila gojazna, a svaka treća osoba predgojazna. U odnosu na 2000. godinu nije do&scaron;lo do značajnog povećanja prevalencija gojaznosti i predgojaznosti, mada su se prevalencije održale na visokom nivou. &Scaron;anse za gojaznost su rasle do 75-te godine života, a nakon toga opadaju. Najveću &scaron;ansu za gojaznost su imale osobe u braku ili vanbračnoj zajednici. Gojaznost je povezana sa socio-ekonomskim karakteristikama samo kod žena. Značajni prediktori gojaznosti kod žena su bili najniži nivo obrazovanja, lo&scaron; materijalni status i nezaposlenost/ekonomska neaktivnost. Biv&scaron;i pu&scaron;ači su imali oko dva puta veću &scaron;ansu za gojaznost u odnosu na pu&scaron;ače, dok je &scaron;ansa za gojaznost bila manja kod osoba koje su u poslednjih 12 meseci konzumirale alkohol. Fizička neaktivnost u slobodno vreme, kao i fizička neaktivnost u domenu transporta povećavaju verovatnoću za pojavu gojaznosti. Prevalencija fizičke neaktivnosti u slobodno vreme je bila veoma visoka (89%). &Scaron;anse za fizičku neaktivnost u slobodno vreme su se značajno povećavale sa staro&scaron;ću. Prediktori fizičke neaktivnosti su bili ženski pol, život u braku/vanbračnoj zajednici, nizak nivo obrazovanja i lo&scaron; materijalni status. Pu&scaron;ači su imali oko dva puta veću &scaron;ansu da budu fizički neaktivni u odnosu na nepu&scaron;ače, dok je stanovni&scaron;tvo koje je konzumiralo alkohol imalo manju &scaron;ansu da bude fizički neaktivno u slobodno vreme. Gojazne osobe, kao i fizički neaktivne osobe su lo&scaron;ije ocenjivale svoje zdravlje. Gojazne osobe (bez obzira na nivo fizičke aktivnosti) su imale oko 3,5 puta veću &scaron;ansu za pojavu multimorbiditeta u odnosu na osobe sa optimalnom telesnom masom koje su fizički aktivne u slobodno vreme. Gojazne osobe su imale četiri puta veću &scaron;ansu za arterijsku hipertenziju i skoro četiri puta veću &scaron;ansu za dijabetes u odnosu na normalno uhranjene osobe. Gojaznost i fizička neaktivnost u slobodno vreme su značajni javnozdravstveni problemi kod odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva u Vojvodini na &scaron;ta ukazuju visoke prevalencije, velika zastupljenost među vulnerabilnim kategorijama stanovni&scaron;tva, nejednakost u frekvenciji između različitih socio-ekonomskih kategorija stanovni&scaron;tva, preventabilnost, povezanost sa lo&scaron;ijom samoprocenom zdravlja i hroničnim bolestima.</p> / <p>Obesity and physical inactivity are one of the most significant risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases, which are one of the most important public health problems in the world and also in our country. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of obesity and leisure time physical inactivity among the adult population of Vojvodina, and also to evaluate the association of demographic, socio-economic and behavioral factors with obesity and leisure time physical inactivity. The study is part of the National Health Survey of Serbia, a cross-sectional study conducted in year 2013 by the Ministry of Health of Republic of Serbia on a representative stratified two-stage sample. The study included 3337 participants aged 20 and over who resided in Vojvodina. The instruments were questionnaires designed in line with the European Health Interview Survey questionnaire, and data on body mass and body height were measured. Results showed that in year 2013 every fourth adult person in Vojvodina was obese, and every third overweight. There was no increase in prevalences compared to year 2000, although they remained high. Odds of obesity increased until age 75, and afterwards decreased. The highest odds of obesity were among persons who were married or living with a partner. Obesity was associated with socio-economic factors only among women. The predictors of obesity among women were: low level of education, low wealth index and unemployment/economical inactivity. Former smokers had two times higher odds of obesity, compared to smokers, while persons who consumed alcohol in the last 12 months had lower odds to be obese. Leisure time physical inactivity, as well as transport related physical inactivity were important predictors of obesity. Prevalence of leisure time physical inactivity was very high (89%). With increasing age, odds of physical inactivity increased. Predictors of physical inactivity were female gender, being married or living with a partner, low level of education and low wealth index. Smokers had two times higher odds of physical inactivity in comparison to nonsmokers, while persons who consumed alcohol in the last 12 months had lower odds of physical inactivity. Obese and physically inactive persons were more likely to assess their health as average, poor or very poor. Obese persons (regardless of the level of physical activity) had three and a half times higher odds of multimorbidity compared to persons with healthy weight who were physically active. Obese persons had four times higher odds of arterial hypertension and almost four times higher odds of diabetes. Obesity and physical inactivity are important public health problems among the adult population in Vojvodina due to high prevalences in population, especially among vulnerable groups, inequality in frequency among different socio-economic groups, preventability and association with poor health perception and chronic diseases.</p>

Tělesná zdatnost a pohybová aktivita dětí 4. - 5. tříd základních škol v Otrokovicích / Physical fitness and Movement activity of children in Otrokovice

Skochová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
TITLE Physical fitness and Movement activity of children in Otrokovice AIM: The main aim of this Dissertation thesis is to ascertain the physical fitness level of children in Primary school in Otrokovice. The next task is to find out if athletic children attending some of the sport clubs which are offered by Otrokovice town. Further we inquire in which of the three schools are children the most physically able bodied and also we look into if the physical above-average children do the sport more often than the children physical below-average. So far we are interested whether the performances of above-average children have a lower amount subcutaneous fat than the performances of below-average children. METHOD: The data for this Dissertation thesis is generated through empirical quantitative research.This research was carried out under standardised conditions minimizing the outside influence (gymnasium). The Focus groups for this research are school-boys and school-girls from primary schools in Otrokovice. RESULTS: From the measuring results of the chosen sample shows, that more than half of the tested groups achieved below-average values in the motor tests. Than was found out that 85 percent of persons being tested do sport once until three-times per week. The most favourite sports are aerobic and...

Interkulturní komunikace (Korejská republika) / Intercultural communication (Republic of Korea)

Jiroušová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Master thesis Intercultural Communication (Republic of Korea) defines the basic definitions and approaches to culture and intercultural communication. Theoretical passage is concluded with the test of intercultural sensitivity that combines theoretical and practical approach. Next chapter is devoted to facts about the Republic of Korea: an overview of important historical events, political and economic characteristics and religion. The key passage - intercultural communication in the praxis is mostly based on the personal experience with Korean culture and on opinions of Koreans for their own cultural values and society. Korean society is based on traditional values which determine a set of rules which may not been even noticed. The content of this paper should contribute to avoiding the missteps while staying in the Korean culture.

Vliv pravidelné pohybové aktivity na zdraví dětí mladšího školního věku / Influence of Regular Activity on health of young learners

Beránková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The title of thesis: Influence of regular physical activities on the health of younger school children Aims of thesis: The main aim of this thesis is find out the reality, whether the regular physical activity influences on the health of younger school children. Nowadays, there is an increase of diseases caused by inactive way of life. It's because of today's hurried time and therefor there is a need to aware and stress the influence of regular physical activity on the health of each person, whether children or the adults. Hypokinetic way of life causes problems since the early childhood. At present, one third of people are obese and that's very alarming at these times where there is enough of healthy food and where every person has a chance to attend lots of sports centers. The next aims of this thesis is to find out children's attitude to sport and physical activities, whether they do any sport in their free time together with their parents and whether they are aware of influence of regular physical activity on their health. Method of thesis: A quantitative method was used to elaborate the research in this thesis, questionnaire that contained 15 questions. I distributed this questionnaire to the third and fourth grade pupils. The survey included closed, semi-closed, and open questions. A total of...

Influência de programas de prevenção da doença cardiovascular na concepção e prática de docentes em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do ciclo II / The influence of cardiovascular disease prevention programs in the conception and practices of teachers from public elementary schools of cicle II

Bortolozzo, Maria Silvia Sanchez 30 March 2009 (has links)
Trata-se de investigação qualitativa para conhecer a Concepção e Prática de Docentes, da cidade de São Paulo, sob a Influência de Programas de Prevenção da Doença Cardiovascular. Foram comparados grupos de professores que passaram pela formação e outros que não passaram, para verificar o que sabiam e como ensinavam o tema transversal saúde, quanto aos fatores de risco à doença cardiovascular, nos aspectos, alimentação, sedentarismo, tabagismo e uso do álcool. A entrevista como diagnóstico inicial demonstrou que existiam professores receptivos a participações inovadoras e outros resistentes a mudanças de qualquer natureza. O grupo focal confirmou esse resultado, pois, mesmo não tendo participado dos Programas, um número significativo de professores destacou-se como inovador e preocupado com as questões de saúde. A vantagem desta técnica sobre a anterior é ter permitido evidenciar na reflexão conjunta, os professores que passaram pela formação demonstraram avanço nas formas de intervenção em relação à prática de saúde em sala de aula e em todos os espaços escolares. A análise documental reforçou os resultados e identificou obstáculos internos e externos apresentados pelos professores. Os dois grupos apresentaram diferentes níveis de informações conceituais e de práticas em prevenção de doenças crônico-degenerativas, os passaram pela formação valorizaram o enfoque transversal e investigativo, relacionados ao desenvolvimento de hábitos, comportamentos, atitudes e valores. Por meio da triangulação dos dados, ficou confirmada a existência de obstáculos internos e externos à atuação docente, que interferem na evolução da concepção e prática, manifestada nas atitudes pelas simplificações do saber, que os conduzem a pensamentos dicotômicos e fragmentados. Conclui-se que a grande maioria dos professores não está informada quanto ao impacto da morbi-mortalidade por doença cardiovascular, e o valor atribuído se faz por conhecimento pessoal. Programas de capacitação devem considerar prioritariamente a forma de abordagem, em vez da extensão e profundidade dos conteúdos. O conhecimento do professor pode evoluir se houver formação continuada que o coloque em situação de diálogo e reflexão sobre sua concepção e prática. Os docentes capacitados adotam mais facilmente em sua práxis, a metodologia dialógica atuando como agente formador de atitudes e valores em estilo de vida saudável para a prevenção da doença cardiovascular. Os programas informam, motivam, promovem ações, mas não alcançam o último estágio de manutenção e empoderamento. Os professores necessitam da presença da universidade para que o conhecimento novo, em termos de ação, possa se manter e se consolidar de forma adequada a cada realidade. Para a implementação de programas o cenário ideal deve mesclar o conhecimento específico do educador com os conhecimentos das experiências dos especialistas em saúde, pondo em discussão os obstáculos de formação didático-pedagógicos que o impede de evoluir. / This is a qualitative investigation to learn the conception and practices of teachers in different curriculum subjects, at the city of São Paulo under the influence of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs. Groups of teachers who went through the training given by Programs and others who did not, were compared to verify what they knew and how the taught the theme transversal health, related to risk factors of cardiovascular disease, in aspects such as nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, tobaccoism and alcohol intake.The interview as initial diagnostic showed that there were teachers receptive to innovative participations and others resistant to changes of any kind. The focal group confirmed this result because, even as participant of the Programs, a significant number of teachers distinguished as innovator and concerned with health matters. The advantage of this technique over the previous one is that it allows accentuating the collective reflection that teachers who went through the training showed concerns and ways of intervention related to the students health in all school spaces. The documental analysis performed strengthened the results and identified internal and external obstacles presented by the teachers. The two researched groups presented different levels of conceptual and practical information in prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases, and the ones who went through the training valued the transversal and investigative approach, related to the development of habits, behaviors, attitudes and values. By the triangulation of data the existence of internal and external obstacles to the teacher performance was confirmed, which interfere with the evolution of the conception and practice, revealed by attitudes of simplification of the knowledge, which leads them to dichotomous and fragmented thoughts. The conclusion is that the majority of the teachers, is not aware of the impact of mortality due to cardiovascular disease and the value imputed is made by personal knowledge. Capacitating programs must consider, primarily, the approach instead of the range and depth of their contents. For the methodological matrixes it was established an analogy among them as of how the teachers behave themselves concerning health programs presented in schools. The teachers education is important and may evolve if there is continuous education which places them in a dialogue and reflection situation about their conception and practice. The qualified teachers adopt in their praxis the dialogical methodology acting as moulder agent of attitudes and values in healthy lifestyle for the prevention of the cardiovascular disease, more easily. The programs inform, motivate, promote actions, but do not achieve the last stage of maintenance and empowerment. The teachers need support, the presence of the university so that the new knowledge in terms of action may stay and create bonds. The ideal scene to implement the programs should mix the specific knowledge of the educator, the didactic-pedagogical obstacles which restrain them from evolving and the knowledge resulted from the health specialists experiences

Atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas pelos gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística: influência de um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado / Physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry: the influence of a supervised physical activity program

Santos, Luciana Alves dos 30 April 2008 (has links)
É reconhecida a importância da atividade física e do estilo de vida na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares. Programas corporativos de condicionamento físico têm sido utilizados por empresas na tentativa de melhorar a saúde de seus funcionários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se existe relação entre atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas por gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística. Como objetivos secundários avaliar a associação entre atividade física e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, com a utilização de serviços de saúde, absenteísmo e presenteísmo. Por último, avaliar se a participação em um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado influenciou a atividade física habitual dessa população. Para tanto, foram estudados 376 indivíduos ativos ou inativos, participantes ou não do programa de condicionamento físico. A atividade física habitual, que foi avaliada por meio do Escore de Baecke, e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, como consumo alimentar de gorduras, frutas e vegetais, hábito de fumar e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas foram levantadas por meio de questionário. O escore de atividade física apresentou associação negativa tanto com relação ao absenteísmo como quanto em relação ao indivíduo que executa trabalho quando doente. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa com morbidade cardiovascular referida, procura por atendimento médico e presenteísmo. Os indivíduos que relataram morbidade cardiovascular apresentam média de idade mais alta e índice de massa corpórea mais elevada. O presenteísmo se associou positivamente com o maior consumo de frutas e vegetais . E o inverso foi observado nos indivíduos com maior absenteísmo, que consumiram menor quantidade de frutas e vegetais. Verificou-se que os participantes regulares do programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado, por um lado, apresentaram escore mais elevado de atividade física, e por outro referiram maior proporção de morbidade cardiovascular. Esta última característica também foi observada entre os que procuraram e participaram do programa mas não foram aderentes. / There is no doubt that the fitness activity together with a sound life style has a strong impact on preventing cardiovascular diseases. Corporate fitness programs have been utilized by most companies in an attempt to improve the overall health of their employees. The primary objective of this study was to verify if there is any relation between physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry. As a secondary objective we intended to evaluate the relationship between physical activity and other variants directly related to some issues, such as life style, utilization of health services, absenteeism and presenteeism. At last, evaluate if the attendance to a under supervision physical activity program has influenced the habitual physical activity of this mentioned population. In order to accomplish that, we have studied 376 individuals, actives or not, attending or not to a physical activity program. The habitual physical activity, which has been evaluated by the \"Escore de Baecke\" and some other variants related to life style, such as intake of fat, fruits and vegetables, smoking habits as well as alcohol intake. These data have collected by the application of a questionnaire. The physical activity score has shown a negative association either with regards to absenteeism or with regards to the individual who performs his or her job when sick. There has not been any significant statistic association among the referred cardiovascular morbidity, search for medical assistance and presenteeism. The individuals who reported cardiovascular morbidity showed a higher age average and also higher body mass. The presenteeism was positively associated with the higher intake of fruits and vegetables. And the opposite was also observed in individuals with higher absenteeism with a less intake of fruits and vegetables. It was also observed that the regular attendees of under supervision physical activity program, at one side, show higher physical activity score and by the other side showed a higher proportion of cardiovascular morbidity. This last characteristic was also observed among those individuals who looked for and participated in a physical activity program but did not have the opportunity to attend it.

Análise do Programa de Qualidade Integral em Saúde - QUALIS - a partir de inquérito domiciliar / Evaluation of Project \'Comprehensive Quality in Health\' (QUALIS) applying a health survey

Brandão, José Ricardo de Mello 06 November 2007 (has links)
Utilizou-se de um inquérito domiciliar de saúde, realizado em dois distritos administrativos de São Paulo (compreendendo uma população de 190 mil habitantes) em 2001, para se analisar o possível impacto do \"Programa de Saúde da Família\" (PSF) - QUALIS na morbidade referida e estilo de vida dos maiores de 14 anos. Utilizando-se de análise uni e multivariada, com diversas variáveis sócio-econômicas, mostrou-se que há diferenças na morbidade crônica entre as populações cobertas ou não pelo PSF. Esse fato deve-se, possivelmente, a um maior acesso à Atenção Primária por parte das populações cobertas por essa nova estratégia. Praticamente não houve diferenças em relação a estilo de vida. / A health survey, held in 2001 in two administrative districts of the city of Sao Paulo (inhabited by 190,000 people) was used to measure the impact of the \"Family Health Program\" - QUALIS in referred morbidity and lifestyle for those 15 and older. Through univariate and multivariate analysis, using several socioeconomic measures, we came to the conclusion that there are differences in chronicle morbidity between the populations attended or not by the program. It is so, possibly, due to a larger access to Primary Health System with this new strategy. There is basically no difference concerning lifestyle.

Éléments pour une modélisation des déterminants anthropo-didactiques de l'éducation thérapeutique du patient dans la médecine de proximité : Cas des maladies cardio-vasculaires / Elements for an anthropo-didactical modelling of the determinants of therapeutic patient education in general practice : case of cardiovascular diseases

Pichon, Marianick 03 December 2015 (has links)
La question de l’observance non-médicamenteuse est primordiale dans la prise en chargedes maladies cardiovasculaires chroniques. Des programmes d’éducation thérapeutique dupatient (ETP) sont proposés aux patients afin de les aider à « mieux vivre avec leur maladie »(OMS, 1998). Leurs évaluations sont toutefois décevantes : ils touchent peu de patients etsont peu efficaces.Cette étude porte sur deux populations : des patients (N=19) et des médecins généralistes(N=14). Elle se base sur des entretiens menés auprès des uns et des autres ainsi que desobservations de consultation et de séquences de vie quotidienne. Nous en avons extrait uneanalyse qualitative approfondie ainsi que des éléments quantitatifs afin de mener à bien desanalyses factorielles. Le croisement de ces données permet dans un premier temps demettre en évidence la diversité des Arrière-plans (Searle, 1982, 1985) susceptiblesd’influencer la transformation des conduites des patients et d’en construire une typologie.Elle établit ensuite trois styles thérapeutiques, pratiqués par les médecins généralisteslorsqu’ils sont confrontés à ce type de patients.L’étude de la rencontre de cette diversité anthropologique avec ces différents styles montreque, malgré une configuration plus propice que celles des programmes hospitaliers, larencontre éducative entre médecine de proximité et patients cardiovasculaires ne se faitpas, ou ne se fait que sous certaines conditions bien fragiles. Son analyse sous l’angleanthropodidactique permet toutefois d’ébaucher de nouvelles formes d’ingénieriesdidactiques pour l’ETP et de donner de nouvelles pistes pour la formation des soignants. / Non-medication compliance is essential when taking care of chronic cardiovascular diseases.Therapeutic patient educational (TPE) programs are proposed to patients in order to helpthem to « have a better life with their disease » (WHO, 1998). However, those programs’evaluations are disappointing: they reach very few patients and are not as efficient asplanned.Drawing on semi-structured interviews with general practitioners (GPs, N=14) and patientsdealing with a cardiovascular chronic disease (N=19), and quantitative analysis of datarelated to a potential link between social factors and types of behaviour, this study firstemphasizes the diversity of Backgrounds (Searle, 1982, 1985) which may influence patients’life-style modifications. This work then defines four patient-types and three therapeuticstyles applied by GPs when confronted to those patients. Those styles vary according to GPsrepresentations and attitudes related to therapeutic education and cardiovascular diseases.This study shows that even though GPs are more likely to help with this transformation thanmandatory educational programs, the encounter between them and chronic patients doesnot happen, or only does in very specific and fragile conditions. Nevertheless, this anthropodidacticalapproach allows us to draft new forms of didactic engineering for TPE and to givenew tracks for healthcare professionals training.

Estilo de vida materno e aspectos nutricionais do pré-escolar / Maternal lifestyle and preschool\'s nutritional aspects

Nobre, Érica Bezerra 19 August 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Muitos dos comportamentos de saúde envolvidos no aparecimento das doenças crônicas não comunicáveis são originados na infância sob influência dos pais. A mãe é a pessoa mais envolvida na educação e nos cuidados de saúde da criança. O estilo de vida (EdV) é um determinante social da saúde. Nunca se compreendeu características de EdV materno associadas com aspectos da nutrição infantil. OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação dos EdV materno comportamental e não comportamental com aspectos nutricionais do pré-escolar. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro a dezembro de 2010 realizou-se um estudo transversal com 255 pares de mães-pré-escolares moradores em cinco subdistritos na Região Sudoeste do município de São Paulo. Selecionou-se uma amostra probabilística aleatória estratificada proporcional, com dois estratos, sendo primeiro sorteadas as escolas e depois as crianças. Da mãe, foram coletadas informações sobre a idade, classe econômica, escolaridade, estado civil e EdV não comportamental e comportamental. Da criança, foram coletadas informações de idade, peso e estatura para avaliação do estado nutricional, circunferência da cintura, comportamento sedentário, consumo alimentar através de um questionário de frequência alimentar para a faixa etária estudada. Foi realizada análise fatorial por extração de fatores comuns e de componentes principais dos questionários de EdV não comportamental e de frequência alimentar, respectivamente, com subsequente agrupamento das mães nos domínios de EdV e das crianças nos fatores extraídos. As associações foram calculadas por meio do teste do qui-quadrado e por regressão logística. RESULTADOS: as mães foram agrupadas em três clusteres de EdV: socioconsciente, autoatualizada e consumista. As crianças foram agrupadas em dois clusteres de alimentação: minimamente processado e ultraprocessado. As crianças com alimentação \'minimamente processada\' eram filhas de mães com estilo de vida não comportamental mais \'socioconsciente\', enquanto que as crianças com alimentação \'ultraprocessada\' eram filhas de mães com estilo de vida não comportamental mais do tipo \'consumista\'. Nenhuma associação foi encontrada entre as características nutricionais do pré-escolar e os tipos de estilo de vida materno comportamental. As crianças \'não eutróficas\' e com \'adiposidade central presente\' tiveram uma chance 99% e 92% maiores, respectivamente, de serem filhas de mães com \'alto\' escore no domínio \'moderno\'. As crianças com \'comportamento sedentário presente\' e alimentação \'ultraprocessada\' tiveram uma chance 113% e 84% maior, respectivamente, de serem filhas de mães pertencentes ao cluster \'consumista\'. CONCLUSÃO: o EdV materno não comportamental está associado a características nutricionais do pré-escolar, com as mães com estilo de vida do tipo \'consumista\' tendo influências negativas na nutrição infantil / BACKGROUNG: Many of the health behaviors involved in the emergence of non - communicable chronic diseases are originated in childhood under their parents influence. The mother is the most involved person in education and on the child health care. Lifestyle (LS) is a social health determinant and never before was understood maternal LS on aspects of childhood nutrition. OBJECTIVE: Verify the association on maternal behavior and non- behavioral LS with nutritional aspects in preschool. METHODS: From January 2010 to December 2010, it was performed a cross sectional study with 255 of preschool mothers peers resident on five different sub-districts in São Paulo Southwest. A stratified random sample was selected on two layers, being first the drawn schools and then, the children. From the mother, was caught the age, economical status, education, marital status, behavioral and non- behavioral LS. From the child, the age, weight and height to nutritional status, waist circumference, sedentary behavior, food intake, through an alimentation frequency questionnaire to the studied age group were all taken information about. An extraction analysis factor was performed in order to common factors and principal components on non-behavioral LS and food frequency, respectively, with a subsequent group of mothers on the domain of LS and the children on extracted factors. The association was calculated using the chi-square test and logistic regression. RESULTS: All the mothers were grouped into three clusters LS: socio conscious, self-actualization and consumeristic. The children were grouped into two feeding clusters: minimally and upper processed. Children with minimally processed food were born from mothers with more socio conscious non- behavioral LS, while children with upper processed food were born from mothers with more consumeristic non-behavioral LS. No other association was found between the nutritional preschool characteristics and the kinds of behavioral maternal LS. Not eutrophic and central adiposity present, children had 99% and 92% higher chance, respectively, to be children from mothers with a high score in the modern domain. Children with sedentary behavior and upper processed alimentation had 113% and 84% higher chance, respectively, to be children from mothers belonging to the consumeristic cluster. CONCLUSION: Non- behavioral maternal LS is associated to nutritional preschool characteristics being the mothers living a consumeristic lifestyle tending to have negative influences on child nutrition

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