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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência dos fatores edafoclimáticos na produtividade e na eficiência do uso dos recursos naturais do Pinus taeda L. sob distintos manejos no Sul do Brasil / Edaphoclimatic factors influence on productivity and efficiency use of natural resources of loblolly pine under different managements in southern Brazil

Juliana Soares Biruel Munhoz 16 October 2015 (has links)
Devido ao aprimoramento das práticas silviculturais e do melhoramento genético para seleção de genótipos mais produtivos, a produtividade do Pinus taeda no Brasil é reconhecida entre as maiores do mundo. Mesmo com alta produtividade em determinados sítios, sua variação é consideravelmente grande. Sabe-se que a disponibilidade de água, luz e nutrientes são fatores essenciais para a produção de madeira, onde a eficiência de uso desses recursos influenciam nesta variação do produtividade. Contudo, a ausência de fertilização em plantios de Pinus é majoritária nas áreas comerciais no Brasil, devido ao bom crescimento em solos de baixa fertilidade e por dificilmente apresentarem deficiência visual de nutrientes. Para compreender quais fatores influenciam na produção e partição de biomassa, se faz necessário o estudo da ecologia da produção. Diante disso, o presente trabalho tem como principais objetivos: i) estudar a influência de diferentes classes de solo no crescimento do Pinus taeda; ii) estudar a resposta da produtividade da espécie submetida à fertilização e ao desbaste; iii) avaliar a interceptação de luz; e iv) estimar a eficiência do crescimento (EC), uso da luz (EUL) e do nitrogênio (EUN) em povoamentos de Pinus taeda no sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se para este estudo parcelas quadrigêmeas da rede experimental do programa de Produtividade Potencial do Pinus no Brasil, as quais compõem um gradiente edafoclimático nos estados do Paraná e de Santa Catarina. As parcelas foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: controle (C), fertilizado (F), desbastado (D), desbastado e fertilizado (DF). Foi calculado o índice de sítio, o incremento corrente anual, o incremento médio anual, índice de uniformidade do povoamento, a produtividade primária líquida de madeira e o índice de área foliar (IAF). Realizou-se análises de solo (0-20 cm) e foliar. Os dados das variáveis climáticas calculadas foram obtidos das estações meteorológicas mais próximas aos sítios avaliados. A produtividade mínima e máxima das parcelas controle foi de, respectivamente, 20,3 e 56,9 m³ ha-1 ano-1 com idade média de 13 anos. Houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos F e DF, com ganho máximo no estoque de volume por parcela de 33 e 63%, respectivamente. A resposta da fertilização e da fertilização com desbaste ocorreram em áreas menos férteis e com menor teor de matéria orgânica do solo. A uniformidade dos povoamentos correlacionou-se positivamente com as parcelas de maior área basal em 2014 e com a EC, EUL e EUN calculadas em 2013. Os valores médios da EC, EUL e EUN aos 12,4 anos de idade foram de 2,1 Mg ha-1 IAF-1, 0,55 g MJ-1 e 93 kg lenho kg-1 N ano-1, respectivamente. Houve relação linear positiva da EC, EUL e EUN com a produção de biomassa total acima do solo. Ocorreu maior influência das variáveis edáficas na eficiência do uso dos recursos naturais comparado com as variáveis climáticas. / Due to the improvement of silviculture practices and breeding for the selection of more productive genotypes, the loblolly pine productivity in Brazil is recognized as one of the biggest in the world. Even with the high productivity at certain sites, its variation is large. It is known that the availability of water, light and nutrients are essential for the wood production, and that the use efficiency of these resources influences the productivity variation. However, the absence of fertilization in pine plantations is majority in the commercial areas in Brazil due to good growth in low fertility soils and it hardly presents visual nutrient deficiency. To understand which factors influence the production and biomass partitioning, it is necessary to study the production ecology. Thus, the present work has as main objectives: i) to study the influence of different soil classes in loblolly pine growth; ii) to study the productivity response submitted to fertilization and thinning; iii) to evaluate the light interception; and iv) to estimate the growth efficiency (GE), use of light (LUE) and nitrogen (NUE) in loblolly pine stands in southern Brazil. For this study, it was used quadriplots from the experimental network of Pinus Potential Productivity in Brazil program, which composes an edaphoclimatic gradient in Parana and Santa Catarina states. The plots were submitted to the following treatments: control (C), fertilized (F), thinning (T), thinning and fertilized (TF). It was calculated the site index, the annual increment, the mean annual increment, the stand uniformity index, wood net primary productivity and the leaf area index (LAI). The soil (0-20 cm) and foliar analyzes were held. Data from the calculated climate variables was obtained from the closest weather stations to the evaluated sites. The minimum and maximum productivity of control plots were, respectively, 20.3 and 56.9 m³ ha-1 yr-1 with an average age of 13 years. There was a significant effect of F and TF treatments, with maximum gain in volume stock of 33 and 63%, respectively. The response of fertilization and fertilization with thinning occurred in less fertile areas and with lower soil organic matter content. The stands uniformity correlated positively with the basal area in 2014 and the GE, LUE and NUE calculated in 2013. The mean values of GE, LUE and NUE at the average age of 12,4 years were 2.1 Mg ha-1 LAI-1, 0.55 g MJ-1 and 93 kg wood kg-1 N year-1, respectively. There was a positive linear relationship of GE, LUE and NUE with the production of total biomass above ground. The soil variables influenced more on the use efficiency of natural resources than climatic variables.

Ecologia da produção e da competição intra-específica do Eucalyptus grandis ao longo de um gradiente de produtividade no estado de São Paulo / Production ecology and intra-specific competition of Eucalyptus grandis across a gradient of productivity in São Paulo State

Otávio Camargo Campoe 13 February 2012 (has links)
A produtividade dos plantios de eucalipto no Brasil apresentou ganhos significativos nas últimas décadas devido a avanços em melhoramento genético e silvicultura. Contudo, a produção de madeira representa apenas uma fração da produtividade primária bruta (GPP). Avaliar fluxos e partição de carbono (C) entre os diferentes componentes da floresta, e estudar o uso e a eficiência de uso dos recursos disponíveis é essencial para compreender os mecanismos que controlam a produtividade de plantios intensivamente manejados. O estudo quantificou os fluxos e partição de C e a eficiência de uso da luz para a produção de lenho (LUE) em 12 parcelas em um gradiente natural de produtividade, durante o sétimo ano de um plantio comercial de Eucalyptus grandis. Nessas mesmas parcelas, na escala da árvore, foram avaliadas a dominância do crescimento, produção de lenho e LUE, identificando a representatividade de árvores dominantes e suprimidas na produtividade do povoamento. O estudo do balanço de C e a aplicação da teoria da ecologia da produção em diferentes escalas objetivaram ampliar o conhecimento sobre os processos que governam a produtividade florestal. A heterogeneidade espacial dos atributos do solo e a topografia da área experimental influenciaram fortemente os fluxos componentes da GPP e sua partição, gerando um gradiente de produtividade. A produtividade de lenho variou de 554 gC m-2 ano-1 na parcela com menor GPP a 923 gC m-2 ano-1 na parcela com maior GPP. O fluxo de C para o solo variou de 497 gC m-2 ano-1 a 1235 gC m-2 ano-1 sem relação significativa com GPP. A partição do GPP para produção de lenho aumentou de 0,19 a 0,23, com tendência de aumento com o GPP (R2=0,30, p=0,07). A LUE aumentou em 66% (de 0,25 gC MJ-1 para 0,42 gC MJ-1) com a GPP, como resultado da elevação do fluxo e partição de C para produção de lenho. Ao longo do gradiente de produtividade, parcelas com alta eficiência quântica do dossel também mostraram alta LUE. A dominância do crescimento entre árvores teve forte impacto sobre a produtividade do povoamento. As 20% maiores árvores apresentaram em média 38% da biomassa de lenho e representaram 47% da produção de lenho. Características das folhas sugeriram que a maior produtividade de árvores dominantes, em relação às suprimidas, pode resultar de diferenças no controle estomático e não na capacidade fotossintética. A ecologia da produção na escala da árvore mostrou que os indivíduos dominantes produziram mais madeira por terem absorvido mais radiação e pela maior eficiência do uso da luz, comparativamente às árvores suprimidas. Em média, uma árvore suprimida cresceu 1,2 kg ano-1 de lenho, absorveu 2,9 GJ ano-1 de radiação e teve uma LUE de 0,4 g MJ-1. Já uma dominante cresceu 37 kg ano-1, absorveu 38 GJ ano-1 com mais que o dobro da eficiência (1,01 g MJ-1). Estudos sobre o balanço de carbono e ecologia da produção em diferentes escalas são essenciais para aperfeiçoar o conhecimento sobre os processos que controlam a produtividade de madeira e a fixação de carbono, e aprimorar os modelos ecofisiológicos. / The productivity of the eucalypt plantations in Brazil showed significant increase over the last decades, due to improvement in breeding and silviculture. However, wood production represents only a fraction of the gross primary production (GPP). Assessing carbon (C) fluxes and partitioning among forest components, and evaluate use and use efficiency of the available resources is essential to understand mechanisms driving productivity of intensively managed plantations. The study quantified fluxes and partitioning of C and light use efficiency for stem production (LUE) in 12 plots across a natural gradient of productivity during the seventh year of a commercial Eucalyptus grandis. Within these plots, at tree level, were evaluated growth dominance, stem production and LUE, identifying representativeness of dominant and suppressed trees to stand productivity. The study of C budget and the application of the production ecology theory at different levels aimed increase the knowledge about the processes driving forest productivity. The spatial heterogeneity of soil attributes and topography across the experimental site strongly influenced the component fluxes of GPP and partitioning, generating a gradient of productivity. Stem production ranged from 554 gC m-2 year-1 at the lowest GPP plot to 923 gC m-2 year-1 at the highest GPP plot. Total below ground carbon flux (TBCF) ranged from 497 g C m-2 year-1 to 1235 g C m-2 year-1, with no relationship to ANPP or GPP. Stem NPP:GPP partitioning ratio increased from 0.19 to 0.23 showing a trend of increase with GPP (R2=0.30, p=0.07). LUE increased by 66% (from 0.25 gC MJ-1 to 0.42 gC MJ-1) with GPP, as a result of the increased C partitioned and flux to stem NPP. Across the gradient of productivity, plots with the highest canopy quantum efficiency also showed the highest LUE. Growth dominance between trees showed a strong impact on stand productivity. The 20% larger trees accounted for 38% of stem biomass and represented 47% stem production. Leaf characteristics suggested that dominant trees were more productive, in relation to suppressed, may result in differences on stomatal control and not on photosynthetic capacity. The production ecology at tree level showed that dominant trees produced more wood by absorbing more radiation and due to higher light use efficiency, comparing to suppressed trees. On average, a suppressed tree grew 1,2 kg year-1 of stem, absorbed 2,9 GJ year-1 of radiation with a LUE of 0.4 g MJ-1. Although, a dominant grew 37 kg year-1 of stem, absorbed 38 GJ year-1 of radiation with the double of efficiency (1.01 g MJ-1). Studies regarding carbon balance and production ecology at different levels are essential to improve the knowledge on processes controlling wood production and carbon uptake, and develop ecophysiological models.

Caracterização da sazonalidade do crescimento do lenho, da copa e da eficiência do uso da luz em clones do gênero Eucalyptus / Seasonal characterization of wood growth, canopy structure and light use efficiency in Eucalyptus clones

Eduardo Moré de Mattos 15 September 2015 (has links)
Fotossíntese é o processo biofísico pelo qual energia luminosa é transformada em energia química armazenada em compostos de carbono. A taxa fotossintética instantânea possui um forte padrão assintótico em resposta ao incremento da intensidade luminosa, porém quando integramos a fotossíntese em escalas espaciais e temporais maiores, observa-se um padrão linear de resposta entre radiação interceptada e produção. Esta abordagem permitiu o surgimento de modelos baseados nas taxas de conversão de energia radiante em biomassa seca, ou eficiência do uso da luz (&epsilon;). Valores publicados para o Eucalyptus estão na faixa de 0,5-2,5 g MJ-1, porém se faz necessário um entendimento mais profundo a respeito da sensibilidade destes valores às flutuações do clima e sua sazonalidade. Para isso, as taxas de crescimento, uso e eficiência do uso da luz foram monitoradas quinzenalmente durante 16 meses em parcelas de 18 clones de Eucalyptus, dos 1,3 aos 2,7 anos de idade. Foram testadas as hipóteses de que a produção de madeira aumentaria em função de incrementos no uso e/ou eficiência de uso da luz, assim como estes valores aumentariam respectivamente com incrementos no índice de área foliar e por uma alocação de carbono para o fuste, respectivamente. Os clones apresentaram uma grande amplitude de produtividade (9,9-22,7 Mg ha-1 ano-1) e arquiteturas de copa, capturando entre 65-95% da radiação incidente. Tais valores resultaram em uma eficiência do uso da luz média de 1,5 g MJ-1, variando entre 0,16-3,14 g MJ-1. Apesar de patamares distintos, os valores de eficiência de uso dos clones oscilaram de maneira similar, de modo que a radiação incidente foi a principal variável afetando a eficiência de uso da luz, estando &epsilon; positivamente relacionada a variáveis que expressam períodos de maior disponibilidade hídrica e negativamente relacionado a períodos de menor disponibilidade. Maiores valores de índice de área foliar efetivo (Le) acarretaram em maior interceptação de luz, porém as distintas arquiteturas de copa revelaram diferentes estratégias de captura de luz (0,3 < &kappa; < 0,6). Apesar de uma maior interceptação, não houve correlação significativa com a produtividade, no entanto observou-se uma forte correlação entre eficiência do uso da luz e crescimento em madeira, resultado de uma maior alocação para o fuste. Apesar de evidenciar a relação entre alocação e eficiência, existem outros mecanismos associados às alterações observadas em &epsilon; que apenas uma caracterização completa dos fluxos de carbono pode elucidar. / Photosynthesis is the biophysical process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in carbon compounds. The instantaneous photosynthetic rate has a strong asymptotic pattern in response to increases in light intensity, however when we integrate photosynthesis in larger spatial and temporal scales, there is a linear pattern of response between intercepted radiation and production. This approach has allowed the appearance of models based on radiant energy conversion rates into dry biomass, or light use efficiency (&epsilon;). Published values for Eucalyptus range from 0.5 to 2.5 g MJ-1, but a deeper understanding of the sensitivity of these values to climate fluctuations and seasonality is necessary. For this reason, wood growth rates, light use and efficiency were monitored every two weeks for 16 months at 18 Eucalyptus clones plots, from 1.3 to 2.7 years of age. Our hypothesis was that wood production would be positively related to light use and efficiency, as well these values would increase respectively with increases in leaf area index and carbon allocation to the stem. Clones showed a wide range of productivity (9.9 to 22.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1) and canopy architectures, capturing between 65-95% of incident radiation. Such values resulted in an average light use efficiency of 1.8 g MJ-1, ranging from 0.16 to 3.14 g MJ-1. Although different levels, light use efficiency values for the clones fluctuated similarly. Incident radiation was the main variable affecting the efficiency of dry matter conversion, and &epsilon; values were positively related variables expressing periods of greater water availability and negatively related to periods of lower availability. Larger effective leaf area index (Le) values resulted in higher light interception, but the different canopy architectures revealed different light capture strategies (0.3 < &kappa; < 0.6). Despite a higher interception, there was no significant correlation with productivity; however there was a strong correlation between light use efficiency and wood growth, as a result of increased allocation to the stem. While evidencing the relationship between allocation and efficiency, there are other mechanisms associated with changes in &epsilon; observed that only one full characterization of the carbon fluxes can elucidate.

Nitrogen Uptake by Vegetation in the Wakkerstroom Wetland, South Africa

Dufbäck, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The lack of proper wastewater treatment inhibits the social and economic development in many communities. The South African town Wakkerstroom is an example where wastewater is first treated before it is released. Due to the lack of technical expertise and funding to manage the sewage disposal system, a large part of the wastewater goes directly, without any treatment, into a stream feeding the Wakkerstroom wetland. The wetland purifies the wastewater and provides clean water downstream, thus is indispensable for its detoxification capacity. One relatively cheap method to determine the absorption capacity of a wetland with respect to nitrogen loading is to investigate the nitrogen uptake by the wetland vegetation. In this study, the nitrogen uptake of the vegetation in the Wakkerstroom wetland during the growing seasons between the years 2000-2018 was investigated by using harvested biomass and its nitrogen content as a proxy. The interannual variability of Net Primary Production (NPP) was calculated using a Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model for the period 2000-2018. The NPP derived with LUE-modelling was compared to NPP based on an end-of season harvest of biomass in March 2019. The nitrogen content and carbon and nitrogen (C:N) ratio were determined in the harvested biomass by carbon and nitrogen content analysis. The annual nitrogen uptake of the growing seasons between the years 2000-2018 was subsequently determined by multiplying the calculated NPP by the fraction of nitrogen found in the harvested material. The NPPtot based on harvested biomass (NPPharvest) towards the end of the growing season 2018/2019 was estimated to be 2.01 kg‧m-2‧season-1. The NPPtot calculated from LUE modelling (NPPLUE) varied between 0.49-1.64 kg‧m-2 for the growing seasons between 2000-2018. NPPharvest was between 1.2-4 times higher compared to NPPLUE, probably due to overestimation of NPPharvest because of biomass sampling of more than one-year production, or underestimation of NPPLUE due to a low maximum radiation conversion efficiency factor, εmax. The community mean nitrogen (N) content found in the biomass harvested aboveground was 1.29 % for the Phragmites community and 1.00 % for the Typha community. The nitrogen uptake of the vegetation was estimated to vary between 6.10-20.5 g N∙m-2 per growing season between the years 2000-2018. / Bristen på adekvata reningstekniker för att behandla avloppsvatten hämmar den sociala och ekonomiska utvecklingen i många samhällen. Den sydafrikanska staden Wakkerstroom är ett exempel där avloppsvatten först renas innan det släpps ut. På grund av brisen på teknisk kompetens och finansiering att hantera reningsverket som avlägsnar avloppsvatten så läcker en stor del av det orenade avloppsvattnet ut i en våtmark i Wakkerstroom via en närliggande å. Våtmarken är av regional betydelse för sin reningskapacitet då den renar avloppsvattnet och förser användare nedströms med rent vatten. En viktig aspekt för att bestämma en våtmarks reningskapacitet med avseende på kväve (N) är att undersöka växternas kväveupptag i våtmarken. Kväveupptaget hos växterna i våtmarken i Wakkerstroom under växtsäsongerna mellan år 2000–2018 undersöktes genom att använda skördad biomassa och dess kväveinnehåll som proxy. Den årliga variabiliteten hos nettoprimärproduktionen (NPP) beräknades genom att använda en LUE (Light Use Efficiency)-modell för perioden 2000-2018. NPP framtaget med LUE-modellering jämfördes med NPP baserat på biomassa skördad i slutet av växtsäsongen i mars 2019. Kväveinnehållet och kol-kväve (C:N) kvoten bestämdes hos den skördade biomassan genom en kol- och kväveanalys. Det årliga kväveupptaget under växtsäsongerna mellan 2000–2018 togs därefter fram genom att multiplicera beräknad NPP med kvävefraktionen erhållen från den skördade biomassan. NPPtot framtaget med biomassa skördad i slutet av växtsäsongen 2018/2019 (NPPbiomassa) uppskattades vara 2,01 kg‧m-2‧säsong-1. NPPtot beräknat med LUE-modellering (NPPLUE) varierade mellan 0,49–1,64 kg‧m-2 under växtsäsongerna mellan år 2000–2018. NPPbiomassa var 1,2–4 gånger högre i jämförelse med NPPLUE, vilket troligtvis berodde på att NPPbiomassa överskattades på grund av att mer än en årsproduktion av biomassa skördades, eller för att NPPLUE underskattades på grund av ett för lågt värde på den maximala effektivitetsfaktorn εmax valdes. Medelvärdet för kväveinnehållet erhållen i biomassan skördad ovanför vattennivån var 1,29 % för Phragmites-samhället och 1,00 % för Typha-samhället. Kväveupptaget hos växterna varierade mellan 6,10–20,5 g N∙m-2 per växtsäsong mellan år 2000–2018.

A simple net ecosystem productivity model for gap filling of tower-based fluxes

Zisheng, Xing January 2007 (has links)
In response to global climate change, many important earth-systems-oriented science programs have been established in the past. One such program, the Fluxnet program, studies the response of world forests and other natural ecosystems by measuring biospheric fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour, and energy with eddy-covariance (EC) techniques to assess the role of world ecosystems in offsetting increases in CO2 emissions and related impacts on global climate. The EC methodology has its limitations particularly when weather is inclement and during system stoppages. These limitations create non-trivial problems by creating data gaps in the monitored data stream, diminishing the integrity of the dataset and increasing uncertainty with data interpretation. This Thesis deals with the development of a parsimonious, semi-empirical approach for gap filling of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) data. The approach integrates the effects of environmental controls on diurnal NEP. The approach, because of its limited number of parameters, can be rapidly optimized when appropriate meteorological, site, and NEP target values are provided. The procedure is verified by applying it to several gap-filling case studies, including timeseries collected over balsam fir (Abies Balsamea (L.) Mill.) forests in New Brunswick (NB), Canada and several other forests along a north-south temperaturemoisture gradient from northern Europe to the Middle East. The evaluation showed that the model performed relatively well for most sites; i.e., r2 ranged from 0.68-0.83 and modelling efficiencies, from 0.89-0.97, demonstrating the possibility of applying the model to forests outside NB. Inferior model performance was associated with sites with less than complete input datasets.

Light-Use Efficiency of Coral-Reef Communities: A Sensitivity Analysis Using an Optically Based Model of Reef Productivity and Calcification

Perez, Denise 01 August 2013 (has links)
Biogeochemical processes of reefs have been studied for over fifty years, however, information is still lacking on several fundamental reef processes. This lack of information has been limited essentially by techniques that cannot repeatedly sample large spatial areas. These limitations can be reduced with the use of an optical model to estimate biogeochemical processes. This project applied Monteith's light-use efficiency model to coral reef communities for determining photosynthetic and calcification efficiency of light. Gross primary production and net calcification were pooled from the peer-reviewed literature to calculate efficiency. Process efficiency was then compared across functional types of reef communities (i.e., coral, algae/seagrasses, mixed, and sand), and by year, location, season, and depth. Photosynthetic efficiency was calculated from 19 studies, showing an average of 0.039 mol O2 mol-1 photons. Photosynthetic efficiency differed significantly for mixed communities between studies, and for algae/seagrass communities among depths. Calcification efficiency averaged at 0.007 mol CaCO3 mol-1 photons. Significant differences were found in calcification efficiency of algae/seagrasses and mixed reef communities among studies and localities. Additionally, calcification efficiency of algae/seagrasses varied significantly in accordance with depth. Future use of the light-use efficiency model will require determining the efficiency of each functional type to estimate gross production and calcification. Additionally, further investigation of the light-use efficiency model will require long-term measurements of APAR, which is the fraction of incident light absorbed, and the incorporation of environmental parameters that reduce efficiency.

Surface Conductance of Five Different Crops Based on 10 Years of Eddy-Covariance Measurements

Spank, Uwe, Köstner, Barbara, Moderow, Uta, Grünwald, Thomas, Bernhofer, Christian 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The Penman-Monteith (PM) equation is a state-of-the-art modelling approach to simulate evapotranspiration (ET) at site and local scale. However, its practical application is often restricted by the availability and quality of required parameters. One of these parameters is the canopy conductance. Long term measurements of evapotranspiration by the eddy-covariance method provide an improved data basis to determine this parameter by inverse modelling. Because this approach may also include evaporation from the soil, not only the ‘actual’ canopy conductance but the whole surface conductance (gc) is addressed. Two full cycles of crop rotation with five different crop types (winter barley, winter rape seed, winter wheat, silage maize, and spring barley) have been continuously monitored for 10 years. These data form the basis for this study. As estimates of gc are obtained on basis of measurements, we investigated the impact of measurements uncertainties on obtained values of gc. Here, two different foci were inspected more in detail. Firstly, the effect of the energy balance closure gap (EBCG) on obtained values of gc was analysed. Secondly, the common hydrological practice to use vegetation height (hc) to determine the period of highest plant activity (i.e., times with maximum gc concerning CO2-exchange and transpiration) was critically reviewed. The results showed that hc and gc do only agree at the beginning of the growing season but increasingly differ during the rest of the growing season. Thus, the utilisation of hc as a proxy to assess maximum gc (gc,max) can lead to inaccurate estimates of gc,max which in turn can cause serious shortcomings in simulated ET. The light use efficiency (LUE) is superior to hc as a proxy to determine periods with maximum gc. Based on this proxy, crop specific estimates of gc,maxcould be determined for the first (and the second) cycle of crop rotation: winter barley, 19.2 mm s−1 (16.0 mm s−1); winter rape seed, 12.3 mm s−1 (13.1 mm s−1); winter wheat, 16.5 mm s−1 (11.2 mm s−1); silage maize, 7.4 mm s−1 (8.5 mm s−1); and spring barley, 7.0 mm s−1 (6.2 mm s−1).

Surface Conductance of Five Different Crops Based on 10 Years of Eddy-Covariance Measurements

Spank, Uwe, Köstner, Barbara, Moderow, Uta, Grünwald, Thomas, Bernhofer, Christian 16 January 2017 (has links)
The Penman-Monteith (PM) equation is a state-of-the-art modelling approach to simulate evapotranspiration (ET) at site and local scale. However, its practical application is often restricted by the availability and quality of required parameters. One of these parameters is the canopy conductance. Long term measurements of evapotranspiration by the eddy-covariance method provide an improved data basis to determine this parameter by inverse modelling. Because this approach may also include evaporation from the soil, not only the ‘actual’ canopy conductance but the whole surface conductance (gc) is addressed. Two full cycles of crop rotation with five different crop types (winter barley, winter rape seed, winter wheat, silage maize, and spring barley) have been continuously monitored for 10 years. These data form the basis for this study. As estimates of gc are obtained on basis of measurements, we investigated the impact of measurements uncertainties on obtained values of gc. Here, two different foci were inspected more in detail. Firstly, the effect of the energy balance closure gap (EBCG) on obtained values of gc was analysed. Secondly, the common hydrological practice to use vegetation height (hc) to determine the period of highest plant activity (i.e., times with maximum gc concerning CO2-exchange and transpiration) was critically reviewed. The results showed that hc and gc do only agree at the beginning of the growing season but increasingly differ during the rest of the growing season. Thus, the utilisation of hc as a proxy to assess maximum gc (gc,max) can lead to inaccurate estimates of gc,max which in turn can cause serious shortcomings in simulated ET. The light use efficiency (LUE) is superior to hc as a proxy to determine periods with maximum gc. Based on this proxy, crop specific estimates of gc,maxcould be determined for the first (and the second) cycle of crop rotation: winter barley, 19.2 mm s−1 (16.0 mm s−1); winter rape seed, 12.3 mm s−1 (13.1 mm s−1); winter wheat, 16.5 mm s−1 (11.2 mm s−1); silage maize, 7.4 mm s−1 (8.5 mm s−1); and spring barley, 7.0 mm s−1 (6.2 mm s−1).

Multispectral imaging of Sphagnum canopies: measuring the spectral response of three indicator species to a fluctuating water table at Burns Bog

Elves, Andrew 02 May 2022 (has links)
Northern Canadian peatlands contain vast deposits of carbon. It is with growing urgency that we seek a better understanding of their assimilative capacity. Assimilative capacity and peat accumulation in raised bogs are linked to primary productivity of resident Sphagnum species. Understanding moisture-mediated photosynthesis of Sphagnum spp. is central to understanding peat production rates. The relationship between depth to water table fluctuation and spectral reflectance of Sphagnum moss was investigated using multispectral imaging at a recovering raised bog on the southwest coast of British Columbia, Canada. Burns Bog is a temperate oceanic ombrotrophic bog. Three ecohydrological indicator species of moss were chosen for monitoring: S. capillifolium, S. papillosum, and S. cuspidatum. Three spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) were used to characterize Sphagnum productivity: the normalized difference vegetation index 660, the chlorophyll index, and the photochemical reflectance index. In terms of spectral sensitivity and the appropriateness of SVIs to species and field setting, we found better performance for the normalized difference vegetation index 660 in the discrimination of moisture mediated species-specific reflectance signals. The role that spatiotemporal scale and spectral mixing can have on reflectance signal fidelity was tested. We were specifically interested in the relationship between changes in the local water table and Sphagnum reflectance response, and whether shifting between close spatial scales can affect the statistical strength of this relationship. We found a loss of statistical significance when shifting from the species-specific cm2 scale to the spectrally mixed dm2 scale. This spatiospectral uncoupling of the moisture mediated reflectance signal has implications for the accuracy and reliability of upscaling from plot based measurements. In terms of species-specific moisture mediated reflectance signals, we were able to effectively discriminate between the three indicator species of Sphagnum along the hummock-to-hollow gradient. We were also able to confirm Sphagnum productivity and growth outside of the vascular growing season, establishing clear patterns of reflectance correlated with changes in the local moisture regime. The strongest relationships for moisture mediated Sphagnum productivity were found in the hummock forming species S. capillifolium. Each indicator Sphagnum spp. of peat has distinct functional traits adapted to its preferred position along the ecohydrological gradient. We also discovered moisture mediated and species-specific reflectance phenologies. These phenospectral characteristics of Sphagnum can inform future monitoring work, including the creation of a regionally specific phenospectral library. It’s recommended that further close scale multispectral monitoring be carried out incorporating more species of moss, as well as invasive and upland species of concern. Pervasive vascular reflectance bias in remote sensing products has implications for the reliability of peatland modelling. Avoiding vascular bias, targeted spectral monitoring of Sphagnum indicator species provides a more reliable measure for the modelling of peatland productivity and carbon assimilation estimates. / Graduate

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