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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contamination: A Lighting Design of "An Enemy of the People"

Baker, Thomas Andrew 28 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Automatiserad gatubelysning baserad på omgivningens ljusstyrka : Hur ljussensorteknik kan minska energianvändningen för utomhusbelysning / Automated street lighting based on the ambient lighting of the surroundings : How light sensor technology could reduce the energy usage for outdoor lighting

McCarthy, Tom January 2021 (has links)
Målet med arbetet var att undersöka hur enskilda gatlyktor skulle kunna utrustas med ljussensorteknik för att implementera automatisk dimring med syftet att sänka energianvändningen. Rapporter visar att väg- och gatubelysningen i Sverige stod för 626 GWh år 2016 samt att en stor del av ljuspunkterna fortfarande består av energikrävande högtrycksnatrium. Uppgifter visar även att energisnåla LED-armaturer blir alltmer förekommande som alternativ till högtryckslampor. Målet var att utveckla en prototyp för LED där funktionen bygger på att lysdioderna ska vara släckta när omgivningens ljusstyrka är hög och dynamisk dimras upp när omgivningens ljusstyrka minskar. Arbetet resulterade i en prototyp som fungerar tillfredsställande och efter uppsatta mål. Varje ljussensor läser in ett analogt mätvärde som tolkas av en mikrokontroller som sedan skickar en pulsbreddsmodulerad signal för styrning av lysdiodens belysningsnivå. Generellt visade arbetet att omfattande fortsatta studier behöver göras innan prototypen skulle kunna implementeras i verkligheten. Prototypen behöver även testas och kalibreras i utomhusmiljö med dagsljus. / The goal of this thesis was to investigate how individual streetlights could be equipped with light sensor technology to apply an automatic dimmer function with the purpose of reducing energy usage. Studies show that road and streetlights in Sweden accounted for 626 GWh during the year 2016 and that a large portion of the lights still consists of energy demanding high pressure sodium lamps. Reports also show that energy efficient LED is becoming more and more common as an alternative to high pressure lamps. The goal was to develop a prototype for LED lighting with the function to control the LED’s to be off when the surrounding light levels are high and to dynamically increase the output power when the surroundings light level go down. Each light sensor reads an analog value which is interpreted by a micro controller that sends a pulse width modulated signal to control the LED power output. The finished prototype worked satisfactory and according to the set goals of the thesis. Generally, the thesis showed that extensive research is needed before the prototype could be implemented in real life. The prototype also needs to be tested and calibrated in an outdoor environment with day light.

Development and Evaluation of New Methods for Automating Experiments with C. Elegans Based on Active Vision

Puchalt Rodríguez, Joan Carles 10 March 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas automatizadas que permiten inspeccionar nematodos Caenorhabidits elegans (C. elegans) en placas de Petri estándar, para el análisis de sus comportamientos. C. elegans es un nemátodo de 1mm de longitud, con el cual se pueden realizar distintos experimentos para analizar los efectos de fármacos, compuestos o alteraciones genéticas en su longevidad, su salud física o su cognición. El campo principal metodológico del presente trabajo para el análisis de esos efectos es la visión por computador; y con ello, el desarrollo completo del sistema de visión activo: sistema de iluminación inteligente, sistema de captura óptimo, procesamiento de las imágenes para detección y clasificación de nematodos. Los campos secundarios en esta investigación son el control y robotización. Los C. elegans son animales sensibles a la luz y por ello el primero de los métodos está en la rama de la iluminación inteligente, con el cual se permite regular la intensidad y las longitudes de onda de la luz que reciben los nematodos. El siguiente método es el procesado para la detección y clasificación de movimiento a partir de las imágenes obtenidas con esa iluminación controlada. Tener el ambiente controlado es fundamental, los nematodos son muy sensibles a las condiciones ambientales por lo que puede alterarse su actividad biológica, y con ello los resultados, así que el tercer método es la integración de las técnicas en un nuevo dispositivo que permite automatizar ensayos de lifespan y validar los resultados automáticos comparándolos con los manuales. El movimiento del animal es clave para poder realizar inferencias estadísticas que puedan mostrar tendencias en sus comportamientos, por ello la estimulación automatizada que provoque una reacción de su movilidad es el cuarto de los métodos. Por último, el aumento de la resolución en las imágenes muestra mayor detalle, mejorando el procesamiento y extracción de características. El quinto método es un robot multivista que posibilita tomar imágenes a distintas resoluciones, lo que permite mantener el seguimiento global de los gusanos, al mismo tiempo que se toman imágenes con un encuadre de mayor detalle del nematodo objetivo. / [CA] Esta tesi doctoral se centra en el desentrollament de noves tècniques automatitzades que permeten inspeccionar nemàtodes Caenorhabidits elegans (C. elegans) en plaques de Petri estàndar, per a l'anàlisi dels seus comportaments. C. elegans és un nemàtode d'1mm de llargària, ab el qual se poden realitzar distints experiments per a analitzar els efectes de fàrmacs, composts o alteracions genètiques en sa longevitat, la seua salut física o la seua cognició. El camp principal metodològic del present treball per a l'anàlisi d'eixos efectes és la visió per computador; i ab açò, el desentrollament complet del sistema de visió actiu: sistema d'il.luminació inteligent, sistema de captura òptim, processament de les imàtgens per a detecció i classificació de nematode. Els camps secundaris en esta investigació són el control i robotització. Els C. elegans són animals sensibles a la llum i por ello el primer dels mètodes està en la branca de la il.luminació intel.ligent, ab el qual es permet regular la intensitat i les longituds d'ona de la llum que reben els nematodes. El següent mètode és el processat per a la detecció i classificació de moviment a partir de les imàtgens obtinguda ab eixa il.luminació controlada. Tindre l'ambient controlat és fonamental, els nemàtodes són molt sensibles a les condicions ambientals per lo que pot alterar-se la seua activitat biològica, i ab aço els resultats, aixina que el tercer mètode és la integració de les tècniques en un nou dispositiu que permet automatitzar ensajos de lifespan i validar els resultats automàtics comparant-los ab els manuals. El moviment de l'animal és clau per a poder realitzar inferencies estadístiques que puguen mostrar tendències en el seus comportaments, per això la estimulació automatitzada que provoque una reacció de la seua mobilitat és el quart dels mètodes. Per últim, l'augment de la resolució en les imàtgens mostra major detall, millorant el processament i extracció de característiques. El quint mètode és un robot multivista que possibilita prendre imàtgens a distintes resolucions, lo que permet mantindre el seguiment global dels cucs, al mateix temps que se prenguen imàtgens ab un enquadrament de major detall del nematode objectiu. / [EN] This thesis focuses on the development of new automated techniques that allow the inspection of Caenorhabidits elegans nematodes (C. elegans) in Petri dishes, for the analysis of their behavior. This nematode is a 1mm long worm, with which different experiments can be carried out to analyze the effects of drugs, compounds or genetic alterations on its longevity, physical health or cognition. The main methodological field of the present work for the analysis of these effects is computer vision; and with it, the complete development of the active vision system: intelligent lighting system, optimal capture system, image processing for detection and classification of nematodes. The secondary fields in this research are control and robotization. C. elegans are light-sensitive animals and therefore the first method is in the field of intelligent lighting, with which it is possible to regulate the intensity and wavelength of the light that nematodes receive. The next method is the processing for the detection and classification of movement from the images obtained with that controlled lighting. Having a controlled environment is essential, worms are very sensitive to environmental conditions so it can alter biological activity, and with it the results, so the third method is the integration of techniques in a new device that allows automating tests of lifespan and validate the automatic results comparing them with the manual ones. The movement of the animal is key to be able to carry out statistical conferences that can show trends in its behaviors, therefore the automated stimulation that causes a reaction of its mobility is the fourth of the methods. Finally, increasing the resolution in the images shows greater detail, improving the processing and extraction of features. The fifth method is a multiview robot that enables images to be taken at different resolutions, allowing global tracking of worms to be maintained, while at the same time taking images with a more detailed frame of the target worm. / Puchalt Rodríguez, JC. (2022). Development and Evaluation of New Methods for Automating Experiments with C. Elegans Based on Active Vision [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181359 / Compendio


LUCIA MARIA MAC DOWELL SOARES 26 September 2003 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo pretendeu fazer um levantamento de como e por que Santo Agostinho formulou a noção de interioridade. Parti da hipótese de que a interioridade foi resultado da busca de Agostinho pela verdade, o que o levou a refutar o ceticismo e a formular o proto-cogito, que lhe garante não só a certeza de sua própria existência, mas também a indicação de que é no interior do homem, em sua alma, que a verdade deve estar. Para que a verdade pudesse ser conhecida, porém, Agostinho precisou estabelecer as condições de possibilidade do conhecimento o que ele fez com a doutrina da iluminação, por meio da qual sabe-se que o homem foi criado com uma luz capaz de conhecer as razões eternas e a verdade. Mas no De Trinitate Agostinho irá postular ser no homem interior que se poderá encontrar a imagem de Deus. Desse modo observa-se que se, inicialmente, a interioridade é pensada, em Agostinho, relativamente a questões de ordem epistemológica, ela irá, porém, sendo formulada para dar conta também de questões éticas, de que a salvação faz parte. Nesse sentido, pode-se dizer que ela é, para ele, uma noção que irá sendo repensada e reformulada, sendo revestida de conteúdos novos e vindo a adquirir, em sua obra madura, contornos cada vez mais teológicos. / [en] This study looks into how and why Saint Augustine has formulated the notion of inwardness. I have started from the hypothesis that inwardness is the result of Augustine's search for truth. For this reason he had initially to refute skepticism in order to come to the formulation of the proto- cogito, which has not only assured him of the certainty of his own existence, but it has also indicated that it is in the inner man, in his soul, that truth should be found. For truth to be known, however, Saint Augustine has had to produce the conditions that allowed for the possibility of knowledge, which he has done in his doctrine of illumination. It is believed that through illumination, man has been created with a natural light which is able to know the eternal reasons and truth. But in De Trinitate Augustine will postulate that it is in the interior of man that God's image can be found. So if inwardness is initially thought of by Augustine as relating to epistemological order, it will, however, be formulated in a way that it also tackles ethical questions, of which Salvation is part. It can, thus, be stated that inwardness is for Augustine a notion that will be reformulated, in a way that new contents are enhanced, coming to point that, in his mature work, it acquires more and more theological characteristics.

Einfluss von Lichtspektren auf wertgebende Inhaltsstoffe und Qualität asiatischer Gemüsepflanzen, am Beispiel von Persicaria odorata (Lour.) Sojak

Paschko, Kerstin 22 February 2021 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Lichtbedingungen auf den Ertrag und die nutritive Qualität der Versuchspflanze Persicaria odorata untersucht. Die Experimente wurden unter praxisnahen Bedingungen im Gewächshaus (Sonnenlicht) und Klimakammern (Dreiband-Leuchtstoffröhren) unter Berücksichtigung eines breiten Inhaltsstoffspektrums, mehreren Versuchsreihen, Lichtmodifizierungen anhand von Zusatzbestrahlungen mit LEDs und Überdeckungen mit photoselektiven Folien sowie dem Anwenden verschiedener statistischer Auswertungsverfahren durchgeführt. Die Tageslichtsumme beeinflusste das Pflanzenwachstum positiv. Beispielsweise wurde die Frischmasse bei einem Anstieg der Tageslichtsumme um 1% mit gleichbleibender spektralen Lichtzusammensetzung um 0,96% (Gewächshaus) bzw. 0,64% (Klimakammer) erhöht. Versuche mit monochromatischen LEDs zeigten, dass spektralbereichsabhängige Erhöhungen der Tageslichtsumme die Biomassesteigerungen verstärkten. Den deutlichsten Effekt im Hinblick auf die Frischmassebildung hatte das kurzwellige Blaulicht (443 nm). Bezüglich der Inhaltsstoffe zeigte insbesondere das kurzwellige Grünlicht (515 nm) einen positiven Effekt. Dieser Spektralbereich wird jedoch durch die traditionell in Gewächshäusern eingesetzten Natriumhochdrucklampen kaum emittiert. Auch sind die bisher häufig eingesetzten Bestrahlungen mit Blau- und Rotlicht in kontrollierten Anbausystemen zwar wichtig für den Aufbau von Biomasse, jedoch nicht optimal im Hinblick auf den Nährwert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Belichtung im Gartenbau sorgfältig ausgewählt werden sollte, jedoch während strahlungsschwachen Monaten eine effektive Möglichkeit ist, den Ertrag und die nutritive Qualität von P. odorata deutlich erhöhten. Durch Modifikationen der Lichtbedingungen ist es möglich den Ertrag und Nährwert pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse zu steigern und dadurch die Versorgungslage mit gesundheitsfördernden bzw. essentiellen pflanzlichen Inhaltsstoffen zu verbessern. / This thesis examined the impact of light conditions on the nutritive quality of the test plant Persicaria odorata. Experiments took place in a greenhouse (sunlight) and climate chamber (fluorescent tube) and under consideration of a wide range of nutritive compounds, several test series, different light modifications and the use of various statistically evaluation procedures. This thesis demonstrates that varying light conditions increase nutritive value and yield under realistic conditions. Increasing the day light integral by 1% improved the fresh mass of 0,96% (greenhouse) and 0,64% (climate chamber). Experiments with monochromatic LEDs proved a high increase of biomass by spectral range dependent enhancements of the day light integral. For example, in the greenhouse, fresh mass was mostly affected by short wave blue radiation (443 nm). Additionally, the day light integral influenced the accumulation of nutrients. Higher contents of polyphenols and flavonoids in the climate chamber and the reactions on additional monochromatic LEDs proved again that it is more effective to increase day light integral by a specific enhancement of certain spectral ranges. The highest increases were achieved by supplementing spectral ranges that are not included in the emission spectrum of commonly used high pressure sodium lamps. Results also indicate that controlled agriculture’s frequently used lighting systems which emit blue and red light can improve plant growth, but it is not optimal regarding the nutritive quality. Adding short wave green light (515 nm) could increase biomass and improve the nutritive quality considerably. This thesis demonstrates that additional lighting in horticulture is an effective method to improve yield and nutritive quality of herbal vegetables in light deprived northern regions. By altering the emission spectrum of traditional artificial lighting systems, it is possible to increase yield and simultaneously improve the nutritive value of vegetables.

Design pouliční svítilny s nezávislým napájením. / Off-grid street lamp design.

Hampl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Oblast problémů, ze kterých konkrétní téma projektu vychází, zahrnuje současnou globální transformaci zdrojů energie a jejich dodávek se zvláštní pozorností na obnovitelné zdroje energie. Důraz je kladen zejména na hodnoty jež přináší produkt určený k užívání ve veřejných prostorách. Autorovým zadáním bylo navrhnout osvětlovací jednotku nezávislou na vnějším zdroji napájení. Cílem návrhu je přehodnotit způsob, jakým jsou dnes technologie využívání sluneční a větrné energie běžně používány, a navrhnout řešení přinášející nové vlastnosti a užitné hodnoty pro přímého uživatele i celou společnost. Autor přináší návrh produktu jenž je reakcí na současné globální hrozby a příležitosti. Výsledkem projektu je návrh pouliční lampy kombinující fotovoltaický článek a větrnou turbínu s cílem získat elektrickou energii jež je dočasně akumulována a následně dodávána svítidlu. V návrhu je kladen důraz na požadavky ergonomie a estetickou hodnotu produktu. Navržené řešení znamená finanční přínos z hlediska šetření neobnovitelnými zdroji energie a případnými finančními výhodami pro investora plynoucími z provozování veřejného osvětlení. Pouliční lampa nezávislá na vnějším zdroji napájení má navíc menší negativní dopad na životní prostředí a představuje technologie využívání větrné a solární energie v přívětivé a nerušivé podobě.

Segurança, eficiência energética e conforto visual em emboques de túneis rodoviários: soluções arquitetônicas / Safety, power efficiency and visual comfort at the access zone of highway tunnels: architectural solutions

Moura, Norberto Corrêa da Silva 28 August 2007 (has links)
Para atenuar o impacto visual, que acomete o motorista ao ingressar em túneis rodoviários durante o período diurno, utiliza-se a luz artificial, com alto nível inicial e gradual diminuição para o interior do túnel. Tal solução apresenta dois inconvenientes imediatos, relacionados ao consumo de energia e à segurança. Devido à radiação solar direta, as imediações da entrada do túnel tornam-se fontes de ofuscamento de elevada intensidade e a iluminação deve estar dimensionada para permitir, ao motorista que se aproxima da entrada do túnel, a visualização de seu interior, implicando em elevado consumo de energia para uma tarefa com pouco requisito visual. Quanto à segurança, na hipótese de falta de energia aumenta-se a probabilidade de acidentes, pois o reflexo do motorista pode ser frear. As soluções arquitetônicas, objeto da pesquisa, correspondem a um Sistema para Adaptação Visual (SAV), implantado no trecho de rodovia aberta anterior à entrada do túnel, que, por um lado, atua nos elementos causadores do problema e, por outro, fornece a iluminação necessária no interior do túnel através das fontes de luz natural (Sol e céu). Para sua concepção, são propostas cinco estratégias. O desempenho do SAV, assim constituído, foi testado em uma aplicação prática nos túneis do trecho Oeste do Rodoanel Mário Covas, sem apresentar os inconvenientes identificados na solução convencional (iluminação artificial). A segurança no ponto crítico ficou garantida por característica intrínseca do sistema. Além de reduzir o consumo, a energia para o período noturno pôde ser gerada pelo próprio SAV, se incorporados módulos fotovoltaicos, e a sazonalidade característica da luz natural é acompanhada pelo sistema, favorecendo o conforto visual por diminuir a faixa em que ocorre o processo de adaptação visual. / The usual adopted solution to defuse the drivers visual impact at the highway tunnel entrance during the daytime, has been the use of electric lighting, with high initial level and gradual reduction towards the internal side of the tunnel. This brings two immediate problems, concerning energy consumption and security. Direct sunlight causes high intensity glare sources around the tunnel entrance, and the lighting level should be enough to allow the interior visibility, when the driver approaches the tunnel, entailing high energy consumption to a low accurate task. Security-wise, in case of power supply failure, collisions possibility increases, due to the drivers instinctive reaction to brake suddenly. Architectural solutions, this research object, are related to a Visual Adaptation System (VAS) positioned on the open road before the tunnel entrance, which, on the one hand, acts into the problem causes, and, on the other, provides the necessary lighting inside the tunnel by natural light sources (Sun and sky). Five strategies are proposed designing the VAS. A practical application on Metropolitan Area Ring Road Mario Covas West segment tunnels checked the so-built VAS performance, not presenting the identified deficiencies in the conventional solution (artificial lighting). The intrinsic system feature assured the critical point security. Besides the consumption reduction, the energy supply for nighttime could be generated by the VAS, if photovoltaic modules are added, and the natural light seasonal feature is followed by the system, favoring the visual comfort by decreasing the visual adaptation process range.

'Sie rief mich aus der Nacht' : the birth complex in Nietzsche and Wagner

Lebiez, Judith January 2018 (has links)
This thesis addresses the role of the birth complex in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy and in Richard Wagner’s operas. I see the birth complex as characterised by a dialectical relation between flesh and light, which is itself polarised by the tension between desire and anxiety. A structural determinant of the human relation to the world, this complex in my argument is of special importance for understanding the roles given to and assumed by women. Wagner gave the birth complex its first comprehensive elaboration through his operas. This, I contend, is the aspect of Wagner’s work that Nietzsche in his writings particularly reacted to through the ambivalent fascination it awakened in him. I argue that, even after Nietzsche’s break from Wagner, the birth complex remains central in his philosophy. The primary reference I build on here is Otto Rank’s theory of birth trauma, as set out in Das Trauma der Geburt (1924). To me, Rank’s theorisation of the trauma of birth is a translation into psychoanalytic language of Nietzsche’s philosophy, which itself arose with a translation into philosophical language of Wagner’s operas. In this thesis I build especially on Rank’s formulation of the tension between desire and anxiety and on his suggestions concerning the causes of the undoing of women. However, Rank did not take into account what I contend is a key aspect of both Nietzsche’s and Wagner’s work: the role of light in its dialectical relation with the flesh. By flesh I mean the interiority of the mother’s body and, by extension, the human body insofar as it is conceived through its relation to the maternal body. In the first main section of my PhD, I propose a theoretical understanding of the birth complex through an analysis of Nietzsche’s philosophy. I start with his writings pro and contra Wagner, showing that what Nietzsche primarily sees in Wagner’s operas is the birth complex. I then go on to argue that Nietzsche’s philosophy of life and of creativity is an exploration of the ways in which birth could be overcome. The second main section of my PhD is dedicated to Wagner, with largely text-based readings of three operas. I first discuss the extent to which death in Der fliegende Holländer and in the Freudian conception of the death drive is a mask for birth. I then tackle Tristan und Isolde and its famous celebration of night and death, in order to investigate whether love can be reduced to the birth complex. The last chapter of this section presents a close analysis of Das Rheingold and especially of its first scene and of Wagner’s indications on lighting. In a third and shorter section, I show that Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s and Richard Strauss’s Elektra pursued and reviewed this fundamental preoccupation of Nietzsche’s and Wagner’s work in proposing a further formulation of the birth complex that incorporates the scene of matricide. Finally, as a coda to the thesis, I explore the extent to which the uses of stage lighting pioneered by Adolphe Appia have been coming to terms with the birth complex.

Le paysage urbain nocturne : une dialectique du regard entre ombre et lumière

Bertin, Sylvain 04 1900 (has links)
Questionner la construction du paysage urbain nocturne, c’est développer une approche dialectique du regard entre l’ombre et la lumière. Parce que la ville devient invisible dans l’obscurité, la nuit menace celle-ci de disparition. Dans ce contexte, ce travail explore les nouvelles images et interprétations de la ville dévoilées par la lumière artificielle. L’enjeu est de comprendre les aspects changeants et instables liés à l’apparence de la ville. Découvrir la ville la nuit, c’est la comprendre dans l’éphémérité de ses modes d’apparition, dans sa capacité de survivance et de transformation grâce à la lumière artificielle. La nuit révèle tant des imaginaires liés à la fascination de la lumière qu’à la peur de l’obscurité. Dominée par des transformations visuelles, elle intensifie et démultiplie les significations portées aux espaces. Entre nuit dionysiaque et nuit maligne, c’est toute une variété de « tableaux urbains nocturnes » qui apparaissent. Penser le paysage urbain nocturne, c’est envisager la nuit comme une « hétérotopie », qui, parce qu’elle modifie les conditions d’apparition de la ville, modifie les perceptions du territoire. Au croisement du réel et de l’imaginaire, il s’agit de dépasser les limites du visible pour apprendre à voir l’invisible. Ce travail révèle une relation complexe de la ville avec la lumière; il interroge le rapport entretenu avec les espaces urbains la nuit et remet en perspective la manière de voir l’obscurité. La lumière offre un fond de toile pour le déroulement des activités, elle régule les perceptions et les expériences de la ville. L’espace-temps nocturne offre l’opportunité d’envisager les tensions entre lumière et obscurité. Dans cet « entre- deux », cette recherche contribue à ouvrir la voie à une perspective transversale de la ville la nuit. Celle-ci comprend donc une revue de littérature sur les différentes visions de l’éclairage, mais aussi sur la nuit et l’obscurité. Elle permet une compréhension des nouvelles approches en éclairage comme des nouveaux concepts émergeant des recherches sur la nuit. S’appuyant sur des démarches anthropologiques et expérientielles du paysage, l’originalité de cette étude est d’explorer les différentes manières d’envisager la nuit. Des imaginaires développés par les acteurs de l’aménagement — issus d’entretiens avec des experts en urbanisme, en architecture, en paysage, en design et des arts — à l’expérience visuelle et sensible — issue d’explorations nocturnes —, ce travail dévoile une pluralité de paysages qui compose le territoire. Recourant à Montréal comme cas d’étude, cette métropole canadienne offre un contexte original pour comprendre le regard que pose la société occidentale sur la ville la nuit. Cette recherche révèle alors une hiérarchisation des représentations liées aux espaces urbains nocturnes. De la consécration des espaces centraux, à la méconnaissance des espaces marginaux, en passant par la banalité des espaces quotidiens, celle-ci dépeint un portrait inédit de Montréal vu et imaginé de nuit. À travers l’étude des représentations socioculturelles, cette investigation contribue à une nouvelle compréhension de la planification et de l’expérience de la ville. Elle définit ce que revêt la notion de « paysage urbain nocturne ». / This thesis questions the ways the urban landscape is constructed at night. It develops a dialectical approach of sight, between luminosity and darkness. Because the city becomes invisible in the darkness, the night puts the existence of the city in jeopardy. This thesis explores the new interpretations of the city resulting from the illuminated landscapes. The purpose is to understand the changing and unstable appearances of the city at night. To discover the city at night implies understanding the ephemeral aspects of its appearance, its capacity to survive and to be visually transformed. The night reveals the fascination for light as well as the fear of darkness. Night is governed by visual changes; it intensifies and multiplies the significance of the urban spaces to the viewer. Between Dionysian and malign nights, a variety of “urban nocturnal scenes” appears. Because night changes the visual conditions and therefore the perception of the city, this study develops a reflection on the urban landscape considering the night as a “heterotopia”. Situated at the meeting point of the real and the imaginary, this investigation questions the limits of what is visible in order to look at what is invisible. This research reveals a complex relationship between the city and lighting; it examines how the society looks at darkness and how new relations with urban spaces emerge at night. Lighting provides the backdrop for activities; it regulates city perceptions’ and experiences’ at night. Night time enables to consider the tensions between luminosity and darkness. This investigation of the “in-between” of light and dark contributes to the comprehension of the city at night through a transversal perspective. Therefore, this study is composed of a literature review on the evolution of urban lighting approaches, and on the relation that the city has with the night time iii and the darkness. It provides an understanding of new approaches of lighting design with the addition of new concepts emerging in the literature on the night. The methodological approach includes anthropological and experiential landscape perspectives to question the different ways of looking at the night. Interviews with stakeholders from different disciplines—urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, design and art—and the study of the visual and sensitive experience of the city at night, provide a diversity of ways to see the city at night. Using Montreal as a case study, this Canadian metropolis offers an original context to better understand the relation that the occidental society has with the city at night. The dissertation presents a hierarchization of the representations of the urban spaces. From the recognition of downtown spaces, passing by the banalization of daily spaces and the misreading of marginal places, this research depicts a new portrait of Montreal and how it is seen and imagined at night. It contributes in a new comprehension on how the city is planned and experienced, depending on sociocultural representations of night time. It aims at defining what is the “nocturnal urban landscape”.

Segurança, eficiência energética e conforto visual em emboques de túneis rodoviários: soluções arquitetônicas / Safety, power efficiency and visual comfort at the access zone of highway tunnels: architectural solutions

Norberto Corrêa da Silva Moura 28 August 2007 (has links)
Para atenuar o impacto visual, que acomete o motorista ao ingressar em túneis rodoviários durante o período diurno, utiliza-se a luz artificial, com alto nível inicial e gradual diminuição para o interior do túnel. Tal solução apresenta dois inconvenientes imediatos, relacionados ao consumo de energia e à segurança. Devido à radiação solar direta, as imediações da entrada do túnel tornam-se fontes de ofuscamento de elevada intensidade e a iluminação deve estar dimensionada para permitir, ao motorista que se aproxima da entrada do túnel, a visualização de seu interior, implicando em elevado consumo de energia para uma tarefa com pouco requisito visual. Quanto à segurança, na hipótese de falta de energia aumenta-se a probabilidade de acidentes, pois o reflexo do motorista pode ser frear. As soluções arquitetônicas, objeto da pesquisa, correspondem a um Sistema para Adaptação Visual (SAV), implantado no trecho de rodovia aberta anterior à entrada do túnel, que, por um lado, atua nos elementos causadores do problema e, por outro, fornece a iluminação necessária no interior do túnel através das fontes de luz natural (Sol e céu). Para sua concepção, são propostas cinco estratégias. O desempenho do SAV, assim constituído, foi testado em uma aplicação prática nos túneis do trecho Oeste do Rodoanel Mário Covas, sem apresentar os inconvenientes identificados na solução convencional (iluminação artificial). A segurança no ponto crítico ficou garantida por característica intrínseca do sistema. Além de reduzir o consumo, a energia para o período noturno pôde ser gerada pelo próprio SAV, se incorporados módulos fotovoltaicos, e a sazonalidade característica da luz natural é acompanhada pelo sistema, favorecendo o conforto visual por diminuir a faixa em que ocorre o processo de adaptação visual. / The usual adopted solution to defuse the drivers visual impact at the highway tunnel entrance during the daytime, has been the use of electric lighting, with high initial level and gradual reduction towards the internal side of the tunnel. This brings two immediate problems, concerning energy consumption and security. Direct sunlight causes high intensity glare sources around the tunnel entrance, and the lighting level should be enough to allow the interior visibility, when the driver approaches the tunnel, entailing high energy consumption to a low accurate task. Security-wise, in case of power supply failure, collisions possibility increases, due to the drivers instinctive reaction to brake suddenly. Architectural solutions, this research object, are related to a Visual Adaptation System (VAS) positioned on the open road before the tunnel entrance, which, on the one hand, acts into the problem causes, and, on the other, provides the necessary lighting inside the tunnel by natural light sources (Sun and sky). Five strategies are proposed designing the VAS. A practical application on Metropolitan Area Ring Road Mario Covas West segment tunnels checked the so-built VAS performance, not presenting the identified deficiencies in the conventional solution (artificial lighting). The intrinsic system feature assured the critical point security. Besides the consumption reduction, the energy supply for nighttime could be generated by the VAS, if photovoltaic modules are added, and the natural light seasonal feature is followed by the system, favoring the visual comfort by decreasing the visual adaptation process range.

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