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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling of low illuminance road lighting condition using road temporal profile

Dong, Libo 05 October 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking (PAEB) system for avoiding/mitigating pedestrian crashes have been equipped on some passenger vehicles. At present, there are many e orts for the development of common standard for the performance evaluation of PAEB. The Transportation Active Safety Institute (TASI) at Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis has been studying the problems and ad- dressing the concerns related to the establishment of such a standard with support from Toyota Collaborative Safety Research Center (CSRC). One of the important components in the PAEB evaluation is the development of standard testing facili- ties at night, in which 70% pedestrian crash social costs occurs [1]. The test facility should include representative low-illuminance environment to enable the examination of sensing and control functions of di erent PAEB systems. This thesis work focuses on modeling low-illuminance driving environment and describes an approach to recon- struct the lighting conditions. The goal of this research is to characterize and model light sources at a potential collision case at low-illuminance environment and deter- mine possible recreation of such environment for PAEB evaluation. This research is conducted in ve steps. The rst step is to identify lighting components that ap- pear frequently on a low-illuminance environment that a ect the performance of the PAEB. The identi ed lighting components include ambient light, same side/opposite side light poles, opposite side car headlight. Next step is to collect all potential pedes- trian collision cases at night with GPS coordinate information from TASI 110 CAR naturalistic driving study video database. Thirdly, since ambient lighting is relatively random and lack of a certain pattern, ambient light intensity for each potential col- lision case is de ned and processed as the average value of a region of interest on all video frames in this case. Fourth step is to classify interested light sources from the selected videos. The temporal pro le method, which compressing region of interest in video data (x,y,t) to image data (x,y), is introduced to scan certain prede ned region on the video. Due to the fact that light sources (except ambient light) impose distinct light patterns on the road, image patterns corresponding to speci c light sources can be recognized and classi ed. All light sources obtained are stamped with GPS coordinates and time information which are provided in corresponding data les along with the video. Lastly, by grouping all light source information of each repre- sentative street category, representative light description of each street category can be generated. Such light description can be used for lighting construction of PAEB test facility.

Environmentální řešení objektu domu s kavárnou v Zaječí / Environmental solution of a house with a café in Zaječí

Medková, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
In my master's project I design a nearly zero energy consumption house with a café in Zaječí. The 1ST part of this project deals with a structural part of the building, which has two above-ground floors and basement. On the basement are storerooms and rooms for technical equipment, on the ground floor is café and living room with kitchen, and on the second floor are bedrooms, bathrooms and cloakrooms. Footings are from cast-in-place concrete, the load bearing walls on basement are from formwork blocks with cast-in-place concrete, on above-ground floors are from ceramic blocks and every non-load bearing walls are also from ceramic blocks. On whole floor are reinforced concrete floor slab and flat green roof. The 2ND part deals with technical equipment of the building. There are gas boiler, floor heating, air conditioning, mechanical ventilation (HVAC), photovoltaics panels with energy storage, retention tank, external blinds and biodynamic lighting. The 3RD part compares several options for using solar energy in combination with different heat sources in terms of energy and economic efficiency of the building.

Inneklimat i kontorslokaler : Fallstudie av belysning och ventilation i kontor i Västerås

Kamil, Ayhan, Aljanabi, Tabarek January 2021 (has links)
The office environment is an important part of the workers’ performance and need therefore to be designed in a pleasant and functional way. The problem is not that today’s offices do not function but rather that these need to be improved to achieve better work results. Lighting and ventilation are big parts of the office environment. In this project will three offices be examined, and these are Archus, WSP and Sweco. Purpose: This study is done to find improvement measures for these three offices based on the examination of the light and ventilation conditions. The improvements that will be suggested are mainly based on a survey but also a study on how these two factors affect the employees’ performances. Method: To perform this project was a literature study, a case study and measurement of illuminance used. A survey om how the employees experience the office environment were also conducted. Drawings provided by the office managers were used to perform calculations of the airflow. Results: The survey shows that 73.5 percent of the 68 people who answered the survey feel comfortable in the current design of the offices. The rest feel that they lack privacy and a quiet environment. In addition, 82.4 percent are happy with the lighting situation and 69.1 percent with the air quality. Archus, WSP and Sweco all meet the required guidelines set for illuminance in an office with certain deficiency. For ventilation do Archus and Sweco meet the minimum requirements for airflow, but there are small differences between the dimensioned airflow and the minimum requirement for WSP. Conclusions: The conclusion of this study is that the three studied offices lack seclusion which affects the office workers’ ability to work. The current lighting, and the ventilation in smaller rooms also contribute worsened working conditions. Good lighting conditions is required to achieve good work results. The same applies to ventilation where the air flow is deficient in certain rooms and should be regulated. / Kontorsmiljön är en viktig del i arbetarnas prestation och ska därför utformas på ett trivsamt och funktionellt sätt. Problematiken är inte att dagens kontor inte fungerar utan att dessa kan förbättras för att uppnå goda arbetsresultat. Belysning och ventilation är stora delar inom ämnet och kontoren som undersöks i detta arbete är Archus, WSP och Sweco.  Syftet med studien är att ta fram förbättringsåtgärder för tre kontorslokaler utifrån en undersökning avseende belysnings- och ventilationsförhållanden. Förbättringsförslaget bygger främst på en enkät men även en studie om hur de två faktorer spelar in i medarbetarnas presterande.  För att utföra studien tillämpades ett antal olika metoder däribland en litteraturstudie för att sätta grund till arbetet, en fallstudie där ett studiebesök till de undersökta kontoren och mätningar utfördes. Även en enkät om hur medarbetarna upplever sina kontorsmiljöer gjordes. Ritningar som tillhandahölls av ansvariga på kontoren tillämpades för att utföra beräkningar av luftflödet.  I resultat visar enkäten att 73,5% av de 68 personer som besvarade enkäten känner sig bekväma i den nuvarande utformningen men att resterande att de saknar avskildhet och tystare miljö. Utöver det trivs 82,4% med belysningen och 69,1% med luftkvalitén i dagsläget.  Archus, WSP och Sweco uppfyller de riktvärden som ställs för belysningsstyrka i kontorslokaler med vissa avvikelser. För ventilation uppfyller Archus och Sweco minimikraven för luftflödet men för WSP förekommer det skillnader mellan minimikravet och det dimensionerade luftflödet.  Diskussionen visar att vid utförandet av mätningar var det svårt att anpassa omgivningen efter önskemål vilket medförde att vissa mätvärden avviker från verkligheten. Även för beräkning av ventilation uppstod oförväntade svårigheter som att tillgång till egna instrument för luftflödesmätning saknades samt brister i ritningar.  Slutsatserna som dras för arbetet är att de tre kontoren saknar avskildhet vilket påverkar kontorsarbetarnas arbetsförmåga. Även den nuvarande belysningen samt ventilationen i mindre rum bidrar med försämrade arbetsförhållanden. För att uppnå ett gott arbetsresultat krävs god belysning i verksamheten. Samma gäller för ventilation där luftflödet brister i vissa rum och bör regleras.

Changing Object Appearance by Adding Fur / Changing Object Appearance by Adding Fur

Pražák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Cílem této práce je demonstrovat možnost renderování srsti přímo do existujících obrazů bez toho, aby bylo po uživateli požadováno překreslení všech pixelů nebo dodání kompletní 3D geometrie a osvětlení. Srst je přidána na povrch objektů pomocí extrakce jejich přibližného tvaru a světelných informací z obrazu a takto získaný objekt je poté přerenderován. Tento přístup je nový v tom, že vysokoúrovňové úpravy obrazu (jako např. přidání srsti), mohou úspěšně vést k vizuálně korektním výsledkům a to i přes omezení nepřesnou geometrií a světelnými podmínkami. Relativně velká množina technik použitých v této práci zahrnuje obrazy s velkým dynamickým rozsahem, metody extrakce 3D tvaru z obrazu, výsledky výzkumu vnímání tvaru a osvětlení a fotorealistické renderování. Hlavním cílem práce je potvrdit koncept popsaný výše. Hlavním implementačním jazykem bylo C++ s použitím knihoven wxWidgets, OpenGL a libTIFF. Renderování bylo realizováno v software 3Delight kompatibilním se standardem Renderman, za pomoci množiny shaderů implementovaných v nativním jazyce Rendermanu.

Realistické zobrazení budovy s proměnným osvětlením / Realistic Rendering of a Building with Varying Lighting Conditions

Navrátil, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This paper is focused on realistic rendering of interior environments with varying lighting conditions. It proposes methods of setting properties of light sources to achieve a specific scene appearence. It mainly works with light comming from a sky and sun to the scene and describes this light in relation to weather conditions, time of day and overcast factor. The goal is creating easily configurable system in which a single parameter change leads to significant change of lighting conditions. All these changes should be presented in a short video.

Deferred Shading / Deferred Shading

Starý, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Work deals with design and implementation a tutorial for demonstration deferred shading technique and its possibilities. It explains lighting and shading principles in intuitive and interactive way. Deferred shading is a technique which determines pixel color after the geometry rasterization of the entire scene. In other words the processing of geometry does not interfere with the shading process.

Advanced intelligent lighting system for boosting personal comfort and energy saving of workspaces / ワークスペースの個別的快適性とエネルギー節約を増進する先端的知的照明システム / ワークスペース ノ コベツテキ カイテキセイ ト エネルギー セツヤク オ ゾウシン スル センタンテキ チテキ ショウメイ システム

Mohammed Awad Hajjaj 22 March 2021 (has links)
本論文は,知的照明システムの改良に関わるものであり,従来の課題であった色温度の実現精度の向上と高価な色温度センシング機材を無くす方法ならびにそれらの最適制御法,これまで不明であったシステムがもたらす省エネルギー性に関する詳細な解析方法を提案し,これらの提案手法の有効性を検証するため新たに改良した知的照明システムを用いて実験を行い,それらの手法の有効性を確認した. / An advanced intelligent lighting system has been proposed and introduced to provide a comfortable personal lighting environment for the workplace using the evaluation and biological information of workers. The research studies the appropriate perspectives of using the intelligent lighting system as a solution of the smart design in the office workspace. In the first part, the research paper has utilized the computerized system and the optimization method to generate the lighting automatically instead of using the sensing devices. The second part is related to energy consumption. The illuminance has been distributed based on the individual preference available of each user inside the office. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Ljusintensitetstoleranser på belysningskomponenter interiört i bilar / In car lighting tolerances on lighting components

Lindh, Tove, Elfström, Victor January 2022 (has links)
Interiör inredning i bilar idag är en faktor som konsumenter värderar högt. För att sticka ut i marknaden krävs det att alla delar upplevs högkvalitativa. Det medför att det ställs allt större krav på interiöra komponenter i bilen. Studien är i samarbete med Volvo Cars och mer specifikt deras Perceived Quality-avdelning då det är denna avdelning som fokuserar på upplevd kvalité och arbetar för att Volvo Cars bilar ska upplevas högkvalitativa. En viktig del av den interiöra inredningen är belysning. Denna studie har som mål att besvara hur stora differenser det kan vara på luminansnivåer innan det mänskliga ögat märker skillnad. De metoder som använts är observationer och experiment. Observatörer blev visade fyra olika lysande punkter där deras uppgift var att förklara när de upplevde skillnad samt hur de upplevde skillnaderna. Mätdata insamlades med luminanskamera som sedan analyserades. Data som insamlades redovisades och analyserades. Data användes sedan för att påvisa hur mycket luminansnivåer interiört i bilar kan differera innan skillnad upplevs. / Interior design in cars today is a factor that consumers value highly. To stand out in the market, it is required that all parts are experienced as high quality. This entails that there are increasing demands on interior components in the car. The study is in collaboration with Volvo Car Group and specifically their Perceived Quality department as it is this department that focuses on perceived quality and works to ensure that Volvo Car Group´s cars are perceived as high quality. An important part of the interior design is lumination. This study aims to answer how large differences there can be at luminance levels before the human eye notices a difference. The methods used are observations and experiments. Observers were shown four different luminated points where their task was to explain when they experienced difference and how they experienced the differences. Measurement data were collected with a luminance camera which was then analyzed. Data collected were reported and analyzed. Data were then used to show how much luminance levels interior in cars can differ before a difference is experienced.

Ljus associerat till trygghet i kulturmiljöer / Investigation of the Relationship between Light and Perceived Safety in Cultural Environments

Holmén, Ella, Peelae, Liam January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker den roll ljuset spelar för att skapa en trygg upplevelse i en kulturmiljö. Undersökningen genomförs i Tändsticksområdet som är ett före detta industriområde i Jönköping och har ett kulturhistoriskt värde. Målet med studien är att få kunskap om vilka regelverk som rör belysningen i Tändsticksområdet och vilka delar av regelverken som är viktigast gällande belysningen, ur ett trygghetsperspektiv. En fallstudie utfördes i Tändsticksområdet. Metoder i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, trygghetsanalys med hjälp av en litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Intervjuerna genomfördes med fyra sakkunniga personer. Analyser utfördes i Tändsticksområdet vid ett flertal tillfällen. Resultatet visade att det viktigaste med arbete av belysning i kulturmiljöer är att belysningen ska passa in och framhäva det som redan finns där. I Tändsticksområdet är det kulturmiljölag (1988:950) som skyddar områdets kulturhistoriska värde. Vissa delar av belysningen i området kan bidra till en otrygg upplevelse då de bländar och ger obehag. För att ändra på belysningen i området måste förslaget tas upp via länsstyrelsen som kan diskutera och reagera på förslaget tillsammans med antikvariat. / The study examines the role that lighting roles in creating a safe experience in a cultural environment. The investigation was done in Tändsticksområdet, a former industrial area in Jönköping with cultural-historical value. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge about the regulations concerning lighting in Tändsticksområdet and identify the most significant aspects of these regulations in terms of lighting, from a safety perspective. A case study was conducted in Tändsticksområdet using methods such as semi-structured interviews, safety analysis, with help of an literature review. The interviews were conducted with four people that had experience within the area. Analyses were carried out in Tändsticksområdet in several occasions. The result showed that the most important thing when working with lighting in cultural environments is that the lighting should highlight what is already there. In Tändsticksområdet, it is the kulturmiljölag (1988:950)  that protects the area´s cultural-historical value. Certain parts of the lighting in the area can contribute to an unsafe experience as they cause glare and discomfort. To change the lighting in the area, the proposal must be taken up via the country administrative board, which can discuss and react to the proposal together with the antiquarian authority.

Besökarnas upplevda trygghet i Karlstads Stadsträdgård : En fallstudie av faktorer som påverkar användningen och upplevelsen i Stadsträdgården / Visitors' perceived safety in Karlstad City Garden : A case study of factors that affect usage and experience in the City Park

Hama Saeed, Ajar, Larsson, Karl-Alvin January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates how people's perceived sense of safety affects their use of and feeling of safety when they are in a park. The chosen location for the case study research is Karlstad City Garden. Currently, Karlstad City Garden is underutilized and was described as unsafe in a survey conducted by the municipality of Karlstad in 2018 (Karlstad kommun 2019). The purpose of this study is to examine visitors' perceived feelings of safety when they are in Karlstad City Garden. The study will focus on four factors; lighting, lack of people, maintenance, and visibility to provide what effect they have on people when they visit a public place. Previous research, including the municipality's safety survey, identified these four factors as significant contributors to visitors' feelings of safety. This study aims to gain a better understanding of why visitors perceive themselves as safe or unsafe in the park and how these four factors influence their perceived sense of safety. To investigate visitors' experiences of the park, a questionnaire was distributed through social media, and QR codes were distributed in the park to reach a diverse range of respondents. Additionally, observations were conducted as part of the study, primarily to complement the questionnaire and strengthen the findings. The study findings revealed that the time of day and the four factors mentioned above influenced visitors' perceived sense of safety in the park. During the day, more people were present, which made visitors feel safer. In the evening, the park was largely empty, and there were few visitors. The feelings of safety during this time could be attributed to the low population in the park, inadequate lighting in most areas, and reduced visibility during the evening. The poor visibility and lighting could be a result of insufficient maintenance, particularly in the densely vegetated southern part of the park. As a result, many people may have avoided visiting the park in the evening due to feeling unsafe.

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