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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'influence des pratiques langagières enseignantes sur l'acquisition de la langue orale chez les élèves entre quatre et cinq ans / The effect of the teacher's use of language upon the speech competencies acquisition within pupils aged four and five

Charvy, Nathalie 02 December 2009 (has links)
Nous nous sommes interrogée sur l’influence des pratiques langagières de l’enseignant sur l’appropriation de la langue orale chez des élèves entre quatre et cinq ans dans le cadre de narrations. L’objectif de notre travail est double : caractériser les interactions dans le cadre d’un échange duel maître-élève; constater, dans une visée acquisitionnelle, ce qui, de la part de l’enseignant, en termes d’offres langagières du point de vue interactionnel et syntaxique, favorise l’acquisition de la langue orale chez l’élève. Nous appuyant sur les travaux socio-interactionnistes (Vygotski, 1934, Bruner, 1983, 1991) et en acquisition du langage (Lentin, 1998, Canut, 2006), nos hypothèses sont les suivantes : une offre langagière adaptée de la part de l’enseignant -reposant sur une reformulation des énoncés de l’enfant et un langage syntaxiquement structuré qui s’inscrivent dans la zone proximale de développement de l’élève- est déterminante dans son évolution langagière. Dans le cadre de l’analyse de données qualitative, nous avons analysé à la fois de manière longitudinale et contrastive les interactions langagières entre une enseignante et trois élèves sur une année de moyenne section de maternelle. Nous avons comparé nos premiers résultats avec ceux d’une analyse identique d’interactions langagières d’un enseignant-chercheur avec deux élèves. La méthode d’analyse adoptée a consisté à la fois en une analyse des interactions en unités interactionnelles et en celle des énoncés (maître et élève) en catégories syntaxiques. A travers les deux expérimentations analysées dans une perspective comparative, nos hypothèses ont été vérifiées. / We have questioned the effect of the teacher's use of language upon the speech growth of pupils aged four and five through narration. Our research has two objectives : characterizing the linguistic interactions within the context of a one-to-one teacher-pupil exchange; making an observation of what, in the teacher's communication, in terms of interactions and syntax, foster the pupil's acquisition of oral skills. Relying on socio-interactionists (Vigotski, 1934, Bruner, 1983,1991) and language acquisition theories (Lentin, 1988, Canut, 2006), we made the following assumptions : an appropriate teacher's response, based upon rephrasing the child's utterances and a syntaxically structured model fitting in their zone of proximal development, is a determining factor in the evolution of their verbalness. In the framework of the analysis of qualitative data , we have analysed at the same time a longitudinal way and a contrastive way, the language ! interactions between a female teacher and three pupils in a nursey school class during one school year. Then we have compared our initial results with the ones of an identical analysis of language interactions between a researcher and two pupils. The methodology consisted of both an analysis of the interactions in interaction units and an analysis of the utterances (teacher and pupil ) in syntactic categories. Through the two experimentations analysed from a comparative viewpoint, our hypotheses have been confirmed.

Enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères dans le système éducatif tchadien : Quelle politique linguistique pour le Tchad ? / Teaching and learning of modern and foreign languages in the Chadian educatiobnal system : What linguistic policy for Chad ?

Sanodji Yonbel, Abiathar 06 July 2011 (has links)
Tous les pays du monde s’accordent sur le principe selon lequel l’éducation est un domaine prioritaire qui contribue à la construction ou la reconstruction du développement social, culturel, économique et politique d’un pays donné. Chaque pays en privilégiant le secteur éducatif, met au point une vision, une action éducative émergeant des réalités de la société et de la culture en contexte, en vue de rendre cohérent le système éducatif et développement. Raison pour laquelle Cheymol pense que "Le développement passe par l’éducation et l’éducation passe par l’aménagement", (Cheymol, 2004), tel est le but recherché par cette présente thèse. L’éducation reste, quel que soit le contexte, le seul secteur fournisseur de futurs cadres compétents nécessaires à l’évolution d’un pays. Certains pays du Nord qui ont compris cette importance, lui ont accordée et assignée des objectifs et des finalités précis pour son bon fonctionnement. Ils ont certes rencontré des problèmes structurels, méthodologiques, logistiques, etc. dans leurs contextes respectifs. Mais ils ont fourni de gros efforts dans l’amélioration de leur contexte éducatif pour le rendre meilleur. Contrairement à ceux du Sud qui traînent le pas encore en ce domaine par l’absence d’une politique linguistique et éducative, répondant aux besoins et aux aspirations de leurs peuples. Ces pays ont hérité de force ou gré le modèle éducatif occidental et l’ont adopté sans réflexion didactique au préalable. Cette situation fut reconnue par les Etats Généraux de l‘enseignement du français, en ce qui concerne le cas de la plupart des pays francophones au Sud du Sahara, parmi lesquels, le Tchad, héritier du modèle français y figure en mauvaise posture et fait présentement l’objet de notre travail de recherche. Ce système éducatif français tout en imprégnant sa marque éducative et culturelle au Tchad, lui a légué son histoire et sa langue. Cette thèse s’est préoccupée du système éducatif tchadien actuel, en le constituant comme l’un de ses objets principaux et fondamentaux de sa réflexion. L’une des finalités de cette thèse consiste à montrer la crise dans laquelle ce système éducatif se trouve plongée, en raison de son inadaptabilité au contexte tchadien, du manque de politique linguistique et éducative bâtie sur les dimensions intrinsèques au peuple tchadien. La politique tchadienne de l’enseignement "bilingue" français /arabe prônée par l’instance officielle a montré ses limites, c’est pourquoi cette thèse suggère un enseignement bilingue consistant à enseigner simultanément les langues partenaires (langue maternelle/étrangère) dans la perspective d’une politique d’éducation au plurilinguisme, au choix conscient et social de l’enseignement des langues maternelles et étrangères, susceptibles de faciliter la transmission des savoirs et des savoir faire pertinents contextuels, répondant d’une part aux besoins langagiers individuels, collectifs et professionnels de tout citoyen tchadien et d’autre part à l’amorce d’un réel développement économique. Cet enseignement linguistique s’opérera au regard de la perspicacité et de l’efficacité du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues, mise en œuvre dans le cadre d’enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères, cet outil est une avancée notoire susceptible d’aider à la réforme méthodologique de l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues dans certains contextes éducatifs en Afrique, en particulier dans le contexte tchadien. Cette proposition implique de la part de l’instance officielle une nouvelle politique linguistique et éducative au regard du système éducatif actuel qui se paralyse, qui s’agonise à travers les crises structurelles et logistiques qu’il a développées au cours de son histoire coloniale à l’indépendance, entravant son évolution politique et économique actuelle. / This thesis is about of the actual Chadian educational system. One of its objectives is to show the crisis in which Chad is because of the defiency in the linguistic and educational policy. This theses suggests a bilingual education , consisting in a educational policy striving for multilinguilism, likely to make easier for relevant knowledge to be passed on. This linguistic and didactical work leans on The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the Chadian situation that is nowadays "on a drip".

Le sens en partage. Les outils linguistiques et approches théoriques de la signification [fin XIXe- XXe siècles] / Sharing meaning. Linguistic tools and theorical approaches to siginification end 19th-20th century

Bisconti, Valentina 08 December 2010 (has links)
La tension constante qui s’instaure entre dictionnaires et approches théoriques de la signification s’avère une dynamique majeure de l’histoire et de l’historicité des idées linguistiques. Il s’agit dès lors de faire ressortir la perméabilité, les effets de continuité et les ruptures éventuelles entre les dictionnaires en tant qu’outils linguistiques et les approches théoriques qui se penchent sur le sens. La période retenue permet de suivre, sur le moyen terme, les formes de cette interaction. Il s’agit, dans un premier temps, de voir comment la lexicographie monolingue française de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle contribue à la promotion du sens au rang d’objet d’étude. En effet, le dictionnaire s’avère un lieu heuristique révélateur des problèmes théoriques que pose la description sémantique. À partir des matériaux empiriques collectés dans le cadre de cette description de la langue, les linguistes de la fin du XIXe siècle cherchent à parvenir à une synthèse des observations. Une relecture du débat qui se développe autour de l’institutionnalisation de la sémantique au XIXe siècle permet de montrer, dans un deuxième temps, que les dilemmes du lexicographe sont susceptibles d’aboutir à des impasses théoriques. Néanmoins, les failles repérées dans les outils linguistiques sollicitent la réflexion et lui suggèrent de nouvelles hypothèses. Dans un troisième temps, il s’agit de retracer, au cours du XXe siècle, la dispersion de l’interaction entre dictionnaires et approches théoriques du sens et ce, dans des horizons de recherche différents qui adoptent l’outil linguistique comme modèle de la langue, de la compétence sémantique ou comme terrain d’expérimentation. / The constant strain between dictionaries and theoretical approaches to signification proves to be one of the major dynamics of the history and the historicity of linguistic ideas. Hence what matters is to bring out the permeability, the effects of continuity and the possible breaking points between dictionaries as linguistic tools and the theoretical approaches that look into meaning. The period considered here provides an understanding of the various forms of this interaction in the medium term. First, this study shows how French monolingual lexicography in the second half of the 19th century contributes to making meaning an object of study. As a matter of fact dictionaries prove to play a heuristic role which reveals the theoretical problems raised by semantic description. From the empirical evidence collected in the context of that description of language, late 19th-century linguists seek to come to a synthesis of observations. A new reading of the debate surrounding the institutionalization of semantics in the 19th century then shows that a lexicographer’s dilemmas are likely to end up in theoretical deadlocks. Nevertheless, the faults found in linguistic tools trigger off further reflection and suggest new hypotheses. Finally, this study aims to trace back the dissipation of the interaction between dictionaries and theoretical approaches to meaning, during the 20th century, thanks to different research perspectives which take on linguistic tools as the model for language, for semantic competence, or as an experimental field.

The dilemma of the language-minority stud

Unknown Date (has links)
If we define language fluency as more than simply a way of speaking, but also a way of thinking, acting, and being, then we enter a conversation of language as ‘Discourse’ that was sparked by James Paul Gee. This conversation invokes discrete designations of Discourse as home-based, school-based, dominant, and non-dominant. These designations reveal divisions between Discourses that are believed to manifest themselves in the identity formation of ‘language-minority students:’ those whose home Discourse is non-dominant. The dominant Discourse that these students encounter in school generates two documented paths: Richard Hoggart’s scholarship boy and Herbert Kohl’s not-learner; both paths reflect the limited agency of these students within academia. In order to counteract this delimiting of student agency, this project proposes a progressive shift towards a post-modern conception of identity formation; this can be accomplished by opening the Composition classroom to student authored, non-traditional, ‘hybridized’ Discourses. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.

Recherches sur la semi-auxiliarité en espagnol : le cas de ir / About semi auxiliarity : the example of ir

Quitard, Mathilde 02 October 2010 (has links)
Le but principal de ce travail est l’approche de chacun des radicaux auxquels la langue espagnole fait appel pour constituer le « verbe ir ». Après une remise en question de la catégorie « auxiliaire » et une analyse détaillée des combinatoires dans lesquelles on trouve ce verbe – qui expliquent les effets de sens produits en discours –, nous faisons l'hypothèse que le verbe ir n’a d’existence qu’à travers des radicaux signifiants divers, porteurs de signifiés [uniques] distincts. On ne peut donc envisager un seul signifié pour le « verbe ir », conglomérat de paradigmes hétérogènes, qui partagent tous cependant un trait commun : la « tension vers ». Cette étude cherche également à définir les liens qui unissent ces formes verbales, regroupées sous l’infinitif ir, à d’autres verbes de la langue espagnole tels que venir, andar, ser ou estar. / The main purpose of this work is to approach each one of the radicals used by the Spanish language to make up the « verb ir ». Reappraising the category known as « auxiliary » and completing a detailed analysis of the combinations in which this verb is to be found [that explain the sense effects produced in discourse] leads us to the assumption that the verb ir only exists through different significant radicals, each of them bearing its own – its one and only – meaning. It is therefore impossible to consider that the « verb ir » has only one meaning, as it is a conglomerate of heterogeneous paradigms that all share a common feature : the « tension towards ». This study also tries to define the links between those verbal forms, grouped under the infinitive ir, and other Spanish verbs such as venir, andar, ser or estar.

O verbo to get e o ensino de inglês /

França, João Daniel Passarelli. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Letícia Marcondes Rezende / Banca: Eliane Hércules Augusto Navarro / Banca: Ademar da Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho visa a apresentar uma proposta alternativa para o ensino de inglês, usando como base alguns princípios da teoria enunciativa de Antoine Culioli, tais como o aspecto, a modalidade, a noção, a léxis e a construção da significação. Para esse fim, iniciamos com uma descrição dos principais métodos e abordagens na história do ensino de línguas a fim de apresentarmos alguns dos principais conceitos que norteiam as práticas em sala de aula. Em seguida apresentamos a teoria das operações enunciativas e, sob o viés dessa teoria, realizamos uma extensiva e detalhada análise das marcas lingüísticas de 22 enunciados extraídos do corpus do verbo to get. Os resultados advindos dessa análise serviram para fundamentar nossa proposta para uma aula de língua inglesa de cunho menos mecanicista. / Abstract: Our goal is to present an alternative approach to English teaching based on some principles of Antoine Culioli's enunciative theory, such as aspect, modality, notion, lexis and meaning construction. For that purpose, we describe the most relevant teaching methods and approaches in the history of language teaching in order to present some of the most important concepts behind classroom practice. Next we present Culioli's theory and, under its perspective, we carried out an extensive and detailed analysis of the linguistic marks of 22 sentences from the corpus of the verb to get. The results of this analysis were used to support our proposal for a less mechanicist English class. / Mestre

Dicionário enciclopédico de topônimos do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul : uma proposta de modelo /

Castiglioni, Ana Claudia. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Lidia Almeida Barros / Banca: Aparecida Negri Isquerdo / Banca: Karylleila Andrade Klinger / Banca: Maria José Bocorny Finatto / Banca: Paula Tavares Pinto / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo mais amplo elaborar uma proposta de formato de dicionário enciclopédico toponímico e, para isso, utilizamos como corpus o repertório das unidades léxicas que designam o nome dos elementos geográficos referentes à água, ou seja, os hidrônimos. Os hidrônimos que fazem parte de nossa pesquisa se referem aos elementos hidrográficos arroio, baía, cabeceira, cabo, cachoeira, canal, catarata, corixão, corixo, córrego, foz, lago, lagoa, nascente, represa, riacho, ribeira, ribeirão, rio, riozinho, salto, sanga, vazante, volta. Esses hidrônimos foram obtidos no banco de dados do projeto Atlas Toponímico do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul - ATEMS. Para alcançar o objetivo principal da nossa pesquisa refletimos sobre o estatuto do mapa como texto fonte de pesquisa toponímica e como nele estão registrados os sintagmas toponímicos; analisamos alguns dicionários toponímicos brasileiros publicados para entender como funcionam e quais os objetivos de obras como essas; organizamos um sistema conceptual dos hidrônimos de Mato Grosso do Sul com base no amparo teórico da Terminologia, considerando as relações hierárquicas e não hierárquicas existentes entre as unidades léxicas que fazem parte de nosso corpus; propomos três modelos de microestrutura de verbetes: dois principais, um para verbetes cujas entradas designam conceitos relativos a elementos hidrográficos e a conceitos-chave do conjunto terminológico, outra para a constituição dos verbetes que têm como entradas os sintagmas toponímicos e uma terceira remissiva; organizamos um sistema de remissivas prevendo a presença de sintagmas toponímicos variantes e indicando ao consulente qual verbete deve procurar para encontrar a informação que deseja. Por fim, organizamos uma amostragem de verbetes como demonstrativo do que poderá vir a ser o dicionário. Desenvolvemos essas ações para chegar ao objetivo principal de apresentar uma proposta ... / Abstract: This research has broader objective to elaborate a propose of format of toponymic encyclopedic dictionary and for that we use as corpus the repertoire of the lexical units that designate the names of the geographical features related to water, i.e. hydronym. The hydronyms that are part of our research refer to elements hydrographic stream, bay, marsh, head, cape, waterfall, canal, cataracts, corixão, corixo, stream, estuary, lake, pond, spring, dam, creek, river, stream river, little river, jump, sanga, ebb back. These hydronyms were obtained at database toponymic of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul project - ATEMS. To achieve the main objective of our research we reflect on the status of the map as text source toponymic research and how in it is recorded the toponymic syntagma; we analyze some Brazilian toponymic dictionaries already published to understand how they work and what the goals of a work like this; we organize a conceptual system of hydronym of Mato Grosso do Sul based on theoretical support of Terminology considering the hierarchical and non-hierarchical relationships between the lexical units that are part of our corpus; we propose three microstructure models of headwords: two main, one for headwords whose entries describe concepts related to hydrographic elements and key concepts of terminology and another set for the establishment of the headword that have as inputs the toponymic syntagmas, and a third remitting; we organize a system of reference foreseeing the presence of the variant toponymic syntagmas and indicating to person who is consulting the dictionary which headword he/she should look for to find the information who wants. Finally, we organize a sampling of entries as demonstration of what it could come to be the dictionary. We develop these actions to reach the main goal of presenting a proposal of model of dictionary to toponymic syntagmas, as regards the superstructure, the macrostructure and microstructure ... / Doutor

Análise de um programa: \"passo a passo\" orientação e mobilidade para pessoas surdocegas / Analysis of a program: \"Step by step\" guidance and mobility for deafblind people

Giacomini, Lilia 08 May 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar um programa de Orientação e Mobilidade para pessoas surdocegas, sugerindo caminhos para a inclusão na escola, no trabalho, e em outros ambientes; promovendo recursos para o desenvolvimento de autonomia e acessibilidade e sugerir diretrizes para novos programas, bem como, resgatar a auto-estima, a autonomia e, principalmente, a qualidade de vida para esta população. A pesquisa aponta a importância do protocolo de avaliação para o desenvolvimento do programa Passo a Passo de Orientação e Mobilidade para pessoas surdocegas visando realizar as adaptações necessárias nas técnicas de guia-vidente, bengala longa e a criação de recursos para favorecer um deslocamento orientado e seguro. / The objective of this study was to analyze an Orientation and Mobility program for deafblind people, suggesting paths to inclusion at school, work, and other environments; promoting resources for the development of autonomy and accessibility and suggest guidelines to new programs, as well as, to recover self-esteem, autonomy and, mainly, the quality of life of this population. The research points out the importance of the assessment procedure for the development of the Orientation and Mobility Step-by-Step Program for deafblind people, which aims the realization of necessary adaptations in the long cane and sighted-guide techniques, and the creation of resources to favor a safe and oriented travel.

Análise do discurso musical: uma abordagem semiótica / Analysis of the musical discourse: a semiotical approach

Monteiro, Ricardo Nogueira de Castro 21 November 1997 (has links)
A dissertação \'Análise do discurso musical: uma abordagem semiótica\' discute e propõe soluções para a questão da aplicação do modelo de percurso gerativo de sentido à análise do discurso musical. A partir de uma exposição inicial onde se procura situar essa proposta analítica dentro da evolução da musicologia e da semiótica francesa, passa-se a uma discussão em profundidade da aplicação do modelo semiótico no que diz respeito à estrutura dos níveis fundamental e narrativo, tanto no que tange à organização sintática quanto semântica de cada patamar da significação. As explanações teóricas são fundamentadas diretamente a partir da análise de textos significativos do repertório ocidental, como a 5.a Sinfonia de Beethoven, a 4.a Sinfonia de Tchaikovski e a Fuga I do Cravo bem temperado de Bach. Em linhas gerais, o trabalho conclui por defender uma abordagem analítica que parte das aspectualizações presentes no nível de superfície para determinar a organização semântica do nível profundo no que diz respeito às modulações tensivofóricas e à ordenação de seu campo valencial. Postulada e justificada a presença de uma instância discretizadora responsável pela conversão das modulações em modalidades e das valências em valores, passa-se ao estudo do nível narrativo, que culmina com; a) a importante descoberta em nível musicológico do papel da dimensão semântica no processo de variação motívica e na geração da macroforma musical; b) uma investigação semiótica da paixão na música. / The dissertation named\' Analysis of the musical discourse: a semiotical approach\' discusses the application on musical analysis of the model championed by lithuanian linguist Algirdas Julien Greimas which conceives the process of generation of meaning as a path from abstract oppositions to narrative structures and hence to the discourse itself, which is called meaning generation path. The first chapter brings a general exposition which situates its analytical proposal in terms of the historical development of both musicology and the french branch of semiotical studies, which is committed with Structuralism. On chapter II, a detailed application of the theoretical model is presented step by step with the help of commented examples regarding some of the most appealing compositions of western repertory such as Beethoven\'s 5th. Symphony, Tschaikovsky\'s 4th Symphony and the first fugue of Bach\'s Well-tempered keyboard. The conclusion suggests that a semiotical approach on music should start with considering the superficial aspects of musical discourse so that its tensive and phorical course can be inferred and conceived as a complex of modulations where its internal relationships of attraction and repulsion may be ordinated in terms of valence. Based on the hypothesis of the existence of an instance of discreteness which converts the valences of the fundamental level into values of the narrative level and modulations into modalities, the study of narrative brings forth two main contributions. First, a semantical approach which explains the relationship between theme and musical form and revolutionizes the concept of musical variation. Second, a semiotical research on passion in music.

O advérbio em fraseologias das áreas da culinária e do direito contratual: um estudo baseado em corpus / The adverb in phraseologies in the areas of Culinary and Contract Law: a corpus-based study

Moraes, Helmara Febeliana Real de 26 January 2011 (has links)
Ao analisar o material hoje disponível sobre os advérbios em inglês e em português observa-se, em especial naqueles baseados em corpus e aqui referimo-nos mais especificamente às gramáticas , que o estudo dessa classe gramatical vem ganhando espaço. Além de abordar questões morfológicas, sintáticas, pragmáticas, semânticas e em alguns casos discursivas, essas obras de referência têm procurado conscientizar o consulente sobre a imprecisão dessa classe gramatical, chamando a atenção para seu uso em contexto. Mesmo com esses avanços significativos, no entanto, observa-se que não há dados sobre o uso dos advérbios, mais especificamente aqueles terminados em ly e mente, em linguagens especializadas, principalmente no que tange o levantamento de padrões linguísticos que venham a caracterizar essas áreas e tenham, em sua composição, esse grupo de advérbios. Partindo de dois corpora de estudo, um composto de receitas culinárias em inglês e em português e outro de instrumentos contratuais no mesmo par de línguas, levantamos os cinco advérbios terminados em ly e mente mais chave em cada tipologia e língua e extraímos os padrões linguísticos em que ocorriam. Considerando a extração e análise dos dados coletados, pudemos comprovar a nossa tese de que esse grupo de advérbios apresenta características próprias e fraseologias típicas da área em que se inserem, ajustando-se a cada contexto de uso. Inclusive, tal fato é evidenciado quando analisamos immediately, advérbio com alto índice de chavicidade e comum às receitas culinárias e contratos em inglês, e imediatamente e juntamente nessas tipologias em português. Descrevemos também todo o processo para o levantamento de formas equivalentes de algumas fraseologias na direção inglês-português, com o objetivo de enfatizar a necessidade de incluir os resultados obtidos em diferentes obras de referência, especialmente em gramáticas e dicionários especializados, o que contribuiria de modo significativo para o trabalho do produtor de textos, principalmente o tradutor. / When analyzing the material available nowadays about adverbs in English and in Portuguese we observe, especially in those that are corpus-based more specifically grammar books , that the study of this grammatical class has gained ground. Besides covering topics such as morphology, syntax, pragmatics, semantics and sometimes discourse, these reference books have tried to make the reader aware of the lack of precision when referring to this grammatical class, emphasizing its use in context. However, despite these significant advances we observe that adverbs, especially those ending in ly in English and mente in Portuguese, are not mentioned as far as specialized languages are concerned, especially when referring to linguistic patterns that may characterize their use in specific areas, in both languages. Based on two study corpora, one with recipes (Culinary) in English and in Portuguese and the other with agreements (Contract Law) in these two languages, we extracted the five adverbs (ending in ly and mente) with the highest keyness index in each text typology and language, also identifying the linguistic patterns in which they occurred. Considering the extraction and analysis of the collected data, we could confirm our thesis that these adverbs have their own characteristics and specific phraseologies in the area in which they occur, adjusting to each context of use. This was also observed when we analyzed immediately, an adverb with a high keyness index that was common to both areas of study, i.e., culinary recipes and agreements in English, and imediatamente and juntamente in the same text typologies in Portuguese. We have also described the whole process to extract the equivalent forms of some phraseologies in the English-Portuguese direction, with the objective of emphasizing the need to include the results obtained so far in different reference books, especially grammar books and specialized dictionaries which would contribute significantly to the job of the text producer, mainly the translator.

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