Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liposomes."" "subject:"iiposomes.""
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Επίδραση επώασης λιποσωμάτων παρουσία διαφορετικών τύπων κυκλοδεξτρινών στην ακεραιότητα της μεμβράνης λιποσωμάτωνΧατζή, Παναγιώτα 11 February 2009 (has links)
Οι κυκλοδεξτρίνες είναι υδρόφιλα μόρια ολιγοσακχαριτών που έχουν την
ικανότητα να σχηματίζουν σύμπλοκες ενώσεις με δυσδιάλυτα στο νερό μόρια
φαρμάκων, εγκλωβίζοντας τα μέσω ασθενών διαμοριακών δυνάμεων στην υδρόφιλη
κοιλότητα του μορίου της κυκλοδεξτρίνης (Frank 1975). Η ιδιότητα τους αυτή να
σχηματίζουν σύμπλοκες ενώσεις με δυσδιάλυτα στο νερό φάρμακα έχει πολλές
εφαρμογές στη φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία, καθώς ο σχηματισμός συμπλόκων των
φαρμάκων αυτών με τις κυκλοδεξτρίνες έχει σημαντική επίδραση στις
φυσικοχημικές τους ιδιότητες (διαλυτότητα, χημική σταθερότητα,
Τα λιποσώματα από την πλευρά τους είναι μορφές χορήγησης φαρμάκων με
πολλά πλεονεκτήματα. Παρουσιάζουν όμως το πρόβλημα της διαφυγής των
λιπόφιλων φαρμάκων (που διέρχονται από τη μεμβράνη), κυρίως μετά από in vivo
χορήγηση (Kirby and Gregoriadis, 1983; Takino et al, 1994). Έτσι για την
παρασκευή σταθερών μορφών χορήγησης φαρμάκων προτάθηκε ο εγκλωβισμός
συμπλόκων του φαρμάκου με κυκλοδεξτρίνη στην υδατική φάση του λιποσώματος
σχηματίζοντας σύστημα φάρμακο-σε-κυκλοδεξτρίνη-σε-λιπόσωμα (McCormack and
Gregoriadis, 1994). Ωστόσο και το σύστημα αυτό εμφανίζει προβλήματα λόγω
ικανότητας των κυκλοδεξτρινών να απομακρύνουν λιπίδια από τη μεμβράνη και να
σχηματίζουν με αυτά σύμπλοκες ενώσεις. Καθώς όμως τα λιπίδια απομακρύνονται
από τη μεμβράνη και εισέρχονται στην κοιλότητα της κυκλοδεξτρίνης αντικαθιστούν
το φάρμακο που βρίσκεται εντός της κυκλοδεξτρίνης, το οποίο με τη σειρά του
απελευθερώνεται από το λιπόσωμα λόγω αποδιοργάνωσης της λιπιδικής μεμβράνης.
Στη παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η σταθερότητα της μεμβράνης
(προσδιορισμός συγκράτησης καλσεΐνης) και η σχετική θολερότητα διαφορετικών
λιποσωμικών διασπορών κατά την επώασή τους παρουσία διαφορετικών
κυκλοδεξτρινών. Συγκεκριμένα παρασκευάστηκαν DRV, MLV και SUV
λιποσώματα αποτελούμενα από διαφορετικά φωσφολιπίδια και τα οποία περιέχουν
ή όχι χοληστερόλη. Όλες οι παραπάνω λιποσωμικές μορφές παρασκευάστηκαν έτσι
ώστε να περιέχουν καλσεΐνη (100mM) στην υδατική φάσης τους και έπειτα
προσδιορίστηκε η συγκράτηση της καλσεΐνης από τα λιποσώματα κατά τη επώασή
τους για 24 ώρες παρουσία των κυκλοδεξτρινών ΗΡ-β-CD, HP-γ-CD και Methyl-β-
CD. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης της σταθερότητας της μεμβράνης έδειξαν ότι η
σταθερότητα των λιποσωμάτων στα διαλύματα των κυκλοδεξτρινών εξαρτάται
από τον τύπο του λιποσώματος και τη λιπιδική σύσταση. Έτσι στα λιποσώματα με
την ίδια λιπιδική σύσταση η διαφυγή καλσεΐνης από τα λιποσώματα κατά την
επώασή τους παρουσία κυκλοδεξτρινών, ακολούθησε την εξής σειρά MLV>DRV
>SUV. Η σταθερότητα των MLV και SUV λιποσωμάτων επηρεάστηκε περισσότερο
από τη Methyl-β-CD σε σχέση με τις άλλες κυκλοδεξτρίνες. Μάλιστα είναι
χαρακτηριστικό ότι η σταθερότητα των SUV λιποσωμάτων επηρεάστηκε μόνο από
τη Me-β-CD. Όσον αφορά στη επίδραση της λιπιδικής σύστασης, τα DSPC
λιποσώματα βρέθηκε να είναι σταθερά παρουσία και των τριών κυκλοδεξτρινών,
ακόμα και όταν η λιπιδική τους μεμβράνη περιείχε χοληστερόλη. Επιπλέον τα HPC
λιποσώματα αποδείχτηκαν σταθερότερα από τα PC, γεγονός που καταδεικνύει την
επίδραση του κορεσμού των λιπιδίων, αλλά και της ακαμψίας της μεμβράνης στη
σταθερότητα των λιποσωμάτων. Τέλος η χοληστερόλη βρέθηκε να αυξάνει τη
σταθερότητα των PC και να αποσταθεροποιεί τα λιποσώματα που αποτελούνται
από HPC.
Επιπλέον οι μετρήσεις θολερότητας των λιποσωμικών διασπορών παρουσία
αυξανόμενης συγκέντρωσης κυκλοδεξτρινών έδειξαν ότι η Me-β-CD προκάλεσε τη
διαλυτοποίηση των λιποσωμάτων. Μάλιστα τα DRV λιποσώματα βρέθηκε να
επηρεάζονται περισσότερο σε σχέση με τα SUV λιποσώματα. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι
ότι τα αποτελέσματα από της μελέτης της απελευθέρωσης καλσεΐνης δε
συμφωνούσαν πάντα με τα αποτελέσματα μέτρησης της σχετικής θολερότητας. Έτσι
εξάγεται το συμπέρασμα ότι η απελευθέρωση καλσεΐνης είναι ανεξάρτητη της
λιποσωμικής διαλυτοποίησης. / Cyclodextrins (CDs) are hydrophilic water-soluble oligosaccharides that can
accommodate water-insoluble drugs in the hydrophobic cavities they form (Frank,
1975). They received considerable attention in the pharmaceutical field because of
the improved characteristics (as aqueous solubility, chemical stability and
bioavailability) observed for several drug molecules through inclusion complex
Previous indications that highly lipophilic drugs are rapidly released from
liposomes after in-vivo administration (Kirby and Gregoriadis, 1983; Takino et al,
1994) prompted the consideration of an alternative approach for stable encapsulation
of lipophilic drugs in the aqueous interior of liposomes, utilizing CDs (McCormack
and Gregoriadis, 1994). This approach established a novel system in drug delivery,
combining liposomes and cyclodextrin complexes of lipophilic drugs by forming
drug-in-cyclodextrin-in-liposome preparations. A recently observed problem of such
systems is the release of drug from the CD-drug complex encapsulating liposomes.
This has been connected with the known ability of CDs to remove lipid components
from cell membranes by forming inclusion complexes with the lipids (Fauvelle et al,
1997, Nishijo and Mizuno, 1998). In other words, membrane lipids may be entering
in the CD cavity replacing the drug, which is in turn released from the vesicles as a
consequence of the lipid membrane reorganization.
The membrane integrity (calcein retention) and relative turbidity of different
liposomal dispersions during incubation in presence of various cyclodextrin (CD)
molecules was studied. DRV, MLV and SUV liposomes, composed of different
phospholipids and containing or not cholesterol were prepared. All liposomes were
formulated to encapsulate calcein (100 mM), and the retention of the liposome
entrapped dye was followed during a 24 hour incubation period in presence of HP-β-
CD, HP-γ-CD or Me-β-CD. The experimental results demonstrate that the integrity of
liposome membranes in cyclodextrin solutions is affected by the liposome lipid
composition and type. In general, for the same lipid composition calcein release from
liposomes during incubation in CD’s was in the order MLV>DRV>SUV. The CD
molecule that influences MLV and SUV liposome stability the most is Me-β-CD. In
fact SUV liposomes, are affected only by Me-β-CD. Considering lipid composition,
DSPC liposomes are always very stable, while cholesterol addition in their membrane either has no effect or decreases stability. HPC liposomes are more stable
compared to PC liposomes, suggesting that phospholipid saturation and/or membrane
rigidity influences their interaction with CD molecules, while cholesterol addition
improved PC-liposome stability but destabilized HPC liposomes.
Turbidity of some liposome dispersions was measured in presence of
increasing concentrations of cyclodextrins and results show that Me-β-CD induces
liposome solubilization. Aditionaly, they confirm that DRV liposomes are affected
more than SUV. Decrease of relative turbidity does not always agree with calcein
release, indicating that calcein release occurs irrespective of liposomal solubilization.
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Hyperthermia Mediated Drug Delivery using Thermosensitive Liposomes and MRI-Controlled Focused UltrasoundStaruch, Robert Michael 14 January 2014 (has links)
The clinical efficacy of chemotherapy in solid tumours is limited by systemic toxicity and the inability to deliver a cytotoxic concentration of anticancer drugs to all tumour cells.
Temperature sensitive drug carriers provide a mechanism for triggering the rapid release of chemotherapeutic agents in a targeted region. Thermally mediated drug release also leverages the ability of hyperthermia to increase tumour blood flow, vessel permeability, and drug cytotoxicity. Drug release from thermosensitive liposome drug carriers in the tumour vasculature serves as a continuous intravascular infusion of free drug originating at the tumour site. However, localized drug release requires precise heating to improve drug delivery and efficacy in tumours while minimizing drug exposure in normal tissue.
Focused ultrasound can noninvasively heat millimeter-sized regions deep within the body, and can be combined with MR thermometry for precise temperature control. This thesis describes the development of strategies to achieve localized hyperthermia using MRI-controlled focused ultrasound, for the purpose of image-guided heat-triggered drug release from thermosensitive drug carriers.
First, a preclinical MRI-controlled focused ultrasound system was developed as a platform for studies of controlled hyperthermia and drug delivery in rabbits. The feasibility of using ultrasound hyperthermia to achieve localized doxorubicin release from thermosensitive liposomes was demonstrated in normal rabbit muscle. Second, strategies were described for using MR thermometry to control ultrasound heating at a muscle-bone interface based on MR temperature measurements in adjacent soft tissue, demonstrating localized drug delivery in adjacent muscle and bone marrow. Third, fluorescence microscopy was employed to demonstrate that increased overall drug accumulation in rabbit VX2 tumours corresponds to high levels of bioavailable drug reaching their active site in the nuclei of tumour cells.
The results of this thesis demonstrate that image-guided drug delivery using thermosensitive liposomes and MRI-controlled focused ultrasound hyperthermia can be used to noninvasively achieve precisely localized drug deposition in soft tissue, at bone interfaces, and in solid tumours. Clinical application of this work could provide a noninvasive means of enhancing chemotherapy in a variety of solid tumours.
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Hyperthermia Mediated Drug Delivery using Thermosensitive Liposomes and MRI-Controlled Focused UltrasoundStaruch, Robert Michael 14 January 2014 (has links)
The clinical efficacy of chemotherapy in solid tumours is limited by systemic toxicity and the inability to deliver a cytotoxic concentration of anticancer drugs to all tumour cells.
Temperature sensitive drug carriers provide a mechanism for triggering the rapid release of chemotherapeutic agents in a targeted region. Thermally mediated drug release also leverages the ability of hyperthermia to increase tumour blood flow, vessel permeability, and drug cytotoxicity. Drug release from thermosensitive liposome drug carriers in the tumour vasculature serves as a continuous intravascular infusion of free drug originating at the tumour site. However, localized drug release requires precise heating to improve drug delivery and efficacy in tumours while minimizing drug exposure in normal tissue.
Focused ultrasound can noninvasively heat millimeter-sized regions deep within the body, and can be combined with MR thermometry for precise temperature control. This thesis describes the development of strategies to achieve localized hyperthermia using MRI-controlled focused ultrasound, for the purpose of image-guided heat-triggered drug release from thermosensitive drug carriers.
First, a preclinical MRI-controlled focused ultrasound system was developed as a platform for studies of controlled hyperthermia and drug delivery in rabbits. The feasibility of using ultrasound hyperthermia to achieve localized doxorubicin release from thermosensitive liposomes was demonstrated in normal rabbit muscle. Second, strategies were described for using MR thermometry to control ultrasound heating at a muscle-bone interface based on MR temperature measurements in adjacent soft tissue, demonstrating localized drug delivery in adjacent muscle and bone marrow. Third, fluorescence microscopy was employed to demonstrate that increased overall drug accumulation in rabbit VX2 tumours corresponds to high levels of bioavailable drug reaching their active site in the nuclei of tumour cells.
The results of this thesis demonstrate that image-guided drug delivery using thermosensitive liposomes and MRI-controlled focused ultrasound hyperthermia can be used to noninvasively achieve precisely localized drug deposition in soft tissue, at bone interfaces, and in solid tumours. Clinical application of this work could provide a noninvasive means of enhancing chemotherapy in a variety of solid tumours.
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Synthèse de nouveaux ligands du récepteur CD1d : applications à la vaccination anti-tumoraleEhret, Christophe 07 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été d'optimiser la réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale induite par les cellules dendritiques (DC) et les cellules iNKTs, en réponse à la prise en charge du KRN7000 (a-galactosyl-céramide) par la molécule CD1d située sur les DCs. Le premier axe de travail visait à synthétiser de nouveaux analogues du KRN7000, en fonctionnalisant la position C6 du sucre et en greffant un groupement phényl sur l'une des chaînes grasses. Les études in vitro ont montré que les modifications apportées par rapport au KRN7000 n'ont pas altéré la prise en charge des molécules obtenues par les DCs. Dans tous les cas, une sécrétion de cytokines a pu être observée. Des études complémentaires visant à décrire le profil cytokinique in vivo sont en cours. Le second axe a consisté en la mise au point d'une stratégie de vectorisation du KRN7000 afin de favoriser sa présentation aux DCs, en l'associant à des molécules d'intérêt comme un peptide spécifique d'une tumeur, une molécule de ciblage des DCs ou des ligands des TLRs. Dans les conditions utilisées, le phénomène d'anergie induit classiquement par l'administration répétée du KRN7000 n'a pas pu être levé. Cependant, nous avons montré d'une part que le KRN7000 vectorisé dans les liposomes est toujours pris en charge par les cellules dendritiques, et d'autre part qu'une réponse immunitaire se traduisant par la production de cytokines par les cellules iNKTs est induite.
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Formulation, characterization and cellular toxicity of lipid based drug delivery systems for mefloquin / Chrizaan Helena (nee Slabbert)Helena (nee Slabbert), Chrizaan January 2011 (has links)
Malaria affects millions of people annually especially in third world countries. Increase in resistance and limited research being conducted adds to the global burden of malaria. Mefloquine, known for unwanted adverse reactions and neurotoxicity, is highly lipophilic and is still used as treatment and prophylaxis. Lipid drug delivery systems are commonly used to increase solubility and efficacy and decrease toxicity. The most generally used lipid drug delivery system is liposomes. The lipid bilayer structure varying in size from 25 nm to 100 μm can entrap both hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Similar in structure and size to liposomes, Pheroid™ technology consist of natural fatty acids and is also able to entrap lipophilic and hydrophilic compounds. The aim of this study was to formulate liposomes and Pheroid™ vesicles loaded with mefloquine and evaluate the physiochemical characteristic of the formulations followed by efficacy and toxicity studies. Pheroid™ vesicles and liposomes with and without mefloquine were evaluated in size, morphology, pH and entrapment efficacy during three month accelerated stability testing. Optimization of size determination by flow cytometry lead to accurate determination of size for both Pheroid™ vesicles and liposomes. During the three months stability testing, Pheroid™ vesicles showed a small change in size from 3.07 ± 0.01 μm to approximately 3 μm for all three temperatures. Confocal laser scanning microscopic evaluation of the liposomes showed structures uniform in spherical shape and size. No difference in size or structure between the Pheroid™ vesicles with and without mefloquine were obtained. Significant increase (p=0.027) in size from 6.46 ± 0.01 μm to above 10 μm was observed for liposomes at all the temperatures. Clearly formed lipid bilayer structures were observed on micrographs. With the addition of mefloquine to the liposome formulation, a decrease in the amount of bilayer structures and an increase in oil droplets were found. Entrapment efficacy was determined by firstly separating the entrapped drug from the unentrapped drug utilizing a Sephadex®G50 mini column. This was followed by spectrophotometric evaluation by UV-spectrophotometry at 283 nm. Initial entrapment efficacy of both Pheroid™ vesicles and liposomes was above 60%. An increase in entrapment efficacy was observed for Pheroid™ vesicles. The addition of mefloquine to already formulated Pheroid™ vesicles illustrated entrapment efficacy of 60.14 ± 5.59% after 14 days. Formulations loaded with mefloquine resulted in lower pH values as well as a decrease in pH over time. Optimization of efficacy studies utilizing propidium iodide was necessary due to the similarity in size and shape of the drug delivery systems to erythrocytes. A gating strategy was successfully implemented for the determination of the percentage parasitemia. Efficacy testing of mefloquine loaded in Pheroid™ vesicles and liposomes showed a 186% and 207% decrease in parasitemia levels compared to the control of mefloquine. Toxicity studies conducted include haemolysis and ROS (reactive oxygen species) analysis on erythrocytes as well as cell viability on mouse neuroblastoma cells. Pheroid™ vesicles with and without mefloquine resulted in a dose dependent increase in ROS and haemolysis over time. A dose dependent increase in ROS and haemolysis in both liposome formulations were observed, but to a lesser extent. Mefloquine proved to be neurotoxic with similar results obtained when mefloquine was entrapped in liposomes. Pheroid™ vesicles seem to have neuroprotective properties resulting in higher cell viability. Mefloquine could be entrapped successfully in Pheroid™ vesicles and less in liposomes. Pheroid™ vesicles was more stable over a three months accelerated stability testing with more favourable characteristics. The increase in ROS levels of Pheroid™ vesicles could be responsible for the higher efficacy and haemolytic activity. DL-α-Tocopherol in Pheroid™ vesicles possibly acted as a pro-oxidant due to the presence of iron in the erythrocytes. DL-α-Tocopherol showed possible antioxidant properties in the neurotoxicity evaluation resulting in higher cell viability. Even though liposomes illustrated higher efficacy and little haemolysis and ROS production, no difference in neurotoxicity was observed together with unfavourable properties during stability testing makes this drug delivery system less favourable in comparison to Pheroid™ vesicles. Mefloquine was successfully incorporated into Pheroid™ vesicles resulted in high efficacy and showed possible neuroprotection and therefore makes it an ideal system for treatment of malaria. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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Studies on mechanisms of busulphan cytotoxicity and pharmacokinetics : with special reference to liposomal busulphan /Hassan, Zuzana, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2001. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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Quantitative Aspects of Nanodelivery Across the Blood-Brain Barrier : Exemplified with the Opioid Peptide DAMGOLindqvist, Annika January 2015 (has links)
The use of nanocarriers is an intriguing approach in the development of efficacious treatment for brain disorders. The aim of the conducted research was to evaluate and quantify the impact of a liposomal nanocarrier formulation on the brain drug delivery. A novel approach for investigating the blood-brain barrier transport of liposomal DAMGO is presented, including in vivo microdialysis in rat, a high quality LC-MS/MS bioanalytical method and pharmacokinetic model analysis of the data. Factors limiting the brain distribution of the free peptide DAMGO were also investigated. Microdialysis, in combination with plasma sampling, made it possible to separate the released drug from the encapsulated and to quantify the active substance in both blood and brain interstitial fluid over time. The opioid peptide DAMGO entered the brain to a limited extent, with a clearance out of the brain 13 times higher than the clearance into the brain. The brain to blood ratio of unbound drug was not affected when the efflux transporter inhibitors cyclosporine A and elacridar were co-administered with DAMGO. Nor was the transport affected in the in vitro Caco-2 assay using the same inhibitors. This indicates that DAMGO is not transported by P-glycoprotein (Pgp) or breast cancer resistant protein (Bcrp). The blood-brain barrier transport was significantly increased for DAMGO when formulated in liposomes, resulting in 2-3 fold higher brain to blood ratio of unbound DAMGO. The increased brain delivery was seen both for glutathione tagged PEGylated liposomes, as well as for PEGyalted liposomes without specific brain targeting. The improvement in brain delivery was observed only when DAMGO was encapsulated into the liposomes, thus excluding any effect of the liposomes themselves on the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. Modeling of the data provided additional mechanistic understanding of the brain uptake, showing that endocytosis or transcytosis of intact liposomes across the endothelial cell membranes were unlikely. A model describing fusion of the liposomes with the luminal membrane described the experimental data the best. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis all contribute to an increased understanding of how to evaluate and improve brain delivery of CNS active drugs and contribute with important insights to the nanocarrier field.
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Formulace a (trans)dermální podání imiquimodu / Formulation and (trans)dermal delivery of imiquimodHladký, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Candidate: Pavel Hladký Consultant: PharmDr. Barbora Švecová, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: Formulation and (trans)dermal application of imiquimod Imiquimod (IMQ) is an active pharmaceutical substance which belongs to the group of heterocyclic imidazoquinolines. The mechanism of its effect is an induction of cellular immune response after topical administration, that is used for a treatment of tumors or viral diseases of the skin. In the Czech Republic it is available like a cream called Aldara® , the content of IMQ is 5 %. Although Aldara® is an effective medicine, many problems are associated with its use, especially high price, undesirable effects, disposable use, environmental pollution, etc. The aim of this work was to prepare new liposomes for topical administration containing lower ammount of IMQ (0.5 %) and evaluation of penetration of IMQ into human skin in vitro. To improve the entrance of the drug into the skin transdermal penetration enhancers were used. Permeation experiments were performed in Franz diffusion cells on human skin under conditions as close as possible to the physiological environment of the organism. Subsequently, the individual layers of the skin (stratum corneum, the epidermis,...
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Desenvolvimento de biossensor amperométrico baseado em monoamina oxidase-b para detecção de neurotransmissoresPereira, Tamyris Paschoal 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-06-01T13:24:35Z
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PEREIRA_Tamyris_2015.pdf: 24726845 bytes, checksum: cad6e1bb20698eeb16bd6280b89c6c35 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Milena Rubi (milenarubi@ufscar.br) on 2017-06-01T13:24:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Não recebi financiamento / This work focuses on the production of nanostructured films of poly (ethyleneimine) PEI together with MAO-b free and encapsulated in liposomes constructed by the layer-bylayer technique (LbL), for application in biosensors. Liposomes are microscopic vesicles composed of concentric lipid bilayers separated by aqueous medium, capable of encapsulating hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic molecules, which are, respectively, included in the aqueous compartment and the membrane or adsorbed. Enzymes encapsulated in liposomes have advantages in stability and catalytic activity compared to the free enzyme. Liposomes were synthesized by using a rotary evaporator and subsequently the enzyme was immobilized. The phospholipids dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) and palmitoyl oleoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (POPG) and the mixture of the two were used in this study in the ratio (1:1) and (1:4) (m/m). To build a biosensor in neurotransmitter monoamine oxidase b on, thin films were set up on poly (ethyleneimine) PEI together with monoamine oxidase b enzyme (MAO-B) immobilized or not in liposomes and deposited on ITO electrodes, being the Prussian blue a mediator of electrons. The obtained films were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy, UV-visible and circular dichroism. The results indicated that the film is deposited successfully on quartz and ITO. The amperometric measurements were performed to detect the film sensitivity and the detection limits and check which architecture is best suited for the best composition of the biosensor. The results achieved until now show that the liposome retain the conformational structure of the enzyme and films composed of PEI / MAO-B + POPG:DPPG in proportion (1:4) (w/w) indicate better performance of the biosensor, due to the sensitivity value of 0.33 ± 0.02 µA.cm-2 mM-1 found and a good selectivity. / Este trabalho é centrado na produção de filmes nanoestruturados de poli (etilenoimina) PEI em conjunto com MAO-B livre e encapsulada em lipossomos, construídos através da técnica layer-by-layer (LbL), camada por camada, para aplicação em biossensores. Lipossomos são vesículas microscópicas compostas de bicamadas lipídicas concêntricas, separadas por um meio aquoso, capazes de encapsular moléculas hidrofílicas e/ou hidrofóbicas, que se encontram, respectivamente, no compartimento aquoso e inserida ou adsorvidas na membrana. Enzimas encapsuladas em lipossomos apresentam vantagens quanto à estabilidade e atividade catalítica em comparação com a enzima livre. Os lipossomos foram sintetizados por rotaevaporação e a enzima foi imobilizada na sequência. Os fosfolipídios dipalmitoil fosfatidil glicerol (DPPG) e palmitoil oleil fosfatidil glicerol (POPG) e a mistura dos dois foram utilizados neste trabalho nas proporções de (1:1) e (1:4) (m/m). Para construir um biossensor de dopamina baseado em monoamina oxidase b, filmes finos foram montados de poli (etilenoimina) PEI juntamente com a enzima Monoamina oxidase b (MAO-b) imobilizada ou não em lipossomos e depositados sobre eletrodo de ITO, tendo como mediador de elétrons o Azul da Prússia. Os filmes obtidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopias de fluorescência, UV-visível e dicroísmo circular. Os resultados indicaram que o filme é depositado com sucesso sobre quartzo e ITO. As medidas amperométricas foram realizadas nos filmes para detectar sensibilidades e limite de detecção e verificar qual arquitetura é mais adequada para a melhor composição do biossensor. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os lipossomos conservam a estrutura conformacional da enzima e os filmes compostos por PEI/MAO-B+POPG:DPPG na proporção (1:4) (m/m) indicam um melhor desempenho do biossensor, devido ao valor de sensibilidade encontrado de 0,33±0,02 ?A.cm- 2mM-1 e uma boa seletividade.
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Estudos de liberação, permeação, adesão e estabilidade de membranas de gelatina contendo ácido úsnico na forma lipossomal para o tratamento de queimaduras / Studies of release, permeation, adhesion and stability of gelatin membranes containing usnic acid incorporated into liposomes for the burns treatmentLima, Bruno dos Santos 03 March 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Burns are injuries in the skin that are usually caused by thermal accidents and the treatment of this disease is considered a great challenge due the amount of complications that are caused. Therefore, is necessary to look for alternatives that optimize the treatment of injuries caused by burns such as the use of bioactive membranes. Usnic acid (UA) is a substance that has potential for the burns treatment. However, this compound presents some unfavorable physical-chemical characteristics, such as low solubility in water. One way to stabilize this situation is through the use of AU encapsulated in liposome and combined with a gelatin membrane. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to prepare and characterize gelatin membranes containing AU incorporated in liposomes to the burns treatment. The membranes were prepared according with the casting method and the liposomes by the solvent rotavaporation technique. After obtaining, the swelling capacity of the membranes was evaluated. The analytical method was developed and validated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), which was used to determine the content and encapsulation efficiency of UA in the membranes. In vitro release studies, permeation and adhesion of UA to skin layers were performed by Franz cells, and after, the stability and photostability of formulation was evaluated. Macroscopically, gelatin membranes showed yellowish color, smooth surface and swelling capacity in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and saline solution. The method developed by HPLC was effective to the identification and quantification of UA and all parameters used for validation showed suitable results according with the current legislation (RDC 899 – ANVISA, 2003). The UA content in the membranes was 172.07 ± 0.27 μg·cm-2, obtaining encapsulation efficiency of 93.75%. The in vitro release experiments demonstrated that the gelatin membranes containing UA in liposomes showed a controlled release profile, releasing 98.15% (41.37 μg·cm-2) of the UA in 24 hours of analysis. The UA has the ability to penetrate and permeate in the skin layers because it was quantified in the epidermis (3.54 ± 0.79 μg·cm-2) and dermis (13.64 ± 0.17 μg·cm-2) respectively, as well as, it has adhesion capacity, because it remained adhered to the skin after washing the formulation with saline solution (epidermis: 2.32 ± 0.95 μg·cm-2; dermis: 8.87 ± 0.56 μg·cm-2). The membranes showed stability to thermal variations and light exposure, because they didn’t show changes in the macroscopic characteristics and /or significant decrease in the UA content. According with the results obtained, we can conclude that gelatin membranes containing AU in liposomes are a promising formulation for the burns treatment, because they have the capacity to release control of UA and showed adequate stability, besides the fact that AU has the ability to penetrate, permeate and adhere in the skin layers. / As queimaduras são lesões na pele que geralmente são causadas por acidentes térmicos e o tratamento dessa enfermidade é considerado um grande desafio, devido a quantidade de complicações que podem causar. Dessa forma, é necessário buscar alternativas que otimizem o tratamento das lesões causadas por queimaduras, como por exemplo, o uso de membranas bioativas. O ácido úsnico (AU) é uma substância que apresenta potencial para o tratamento de queimaduras. No entanto, esse composto apresenta algumas características físico-químicas desfavoráveis, como a baixa solubilidade em água. Uma das maneiras de estabilizar essa situação é através da utilização do AU encapsulado em lipossoma, combinado com uma membrana de gelatina. Diante do exposto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi preparar e caracterizar membranas de gelatina contendo AU incorporado em lipossomas para o tratamento de queimaduras. As membranas foram preparadas de acordo com método de casting e os lipossomas pela técnica de rotaevaporação do solvente. Após a obtenção, a capacidade de intumescimento das membranas foi avaliada. Um método analítico foi desenvolvido e validado por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), o qual, foi utilizado para determinar o teor e a eficiência de encapsulação do AU nas membranas. Estudos de liberação in vitro, permeação e adesão do AU nas camadas da pele foram realizados através de células de Franz, seguidos da avaliação da estabilidade e fotoestabilidade da formulação. Macroscopicamente, as membranas de gelatina apresentaram coloração levemente amarelada, superfície lisa e capacidade de intumescimento em tampão fosfato (pH 7,4) e soro fisiológico. O método desenvolvido por CLAE, mostrou-se eficaz para identificação e quantificação do AU e todos os parâmetros utilizados para a validação apresentaram resultados adequados de acordo com a legislação vigente (RE 899 – ANVISA, 2003). O teor de AU nas membranas foi de 172,07 ± 0,27 μg·cm-2, obtendo eficiência de encapsulação de 93,75%. Os experimentos de liberação in vitro demonstraram que as membranas de gelatina contendo AU na forma lipossomal apresentaram um perfil de liberação controlado, liberando 98,15% (41,37 μg·cm-2) do AU em 24 horas de análise. O AU apresenta capacidade de penetrar e permear nas camadas da pele, pois, foi quantificado na epiderme (3,54 ± 0,79 μg·cm-2) e na derme (13,64 ± 0,17 μg·cm-2), respectivamente, bem como, possui capacidade de adesão, uma vez que, permaneceram aderidos na pele após a lavagem da formulação com solução salina (epiderme: 2,32 ± 0,95 μg·cm-2; derme: 8,87 ± 0,56 μg·cm-2). As membranas apresentaram estabilidade à variações térmicas e a exposição à luz, pois não demonstraram alterações nas características macroscópicas e/ou diminuição significativa do teor do AU. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que as membranas de gelatina contendo AU na forma lipossomal é uma formulação promissora para o tratamento de queimaduras, pois apresentam capacidade de controlar a liberação do AU e apresentam estabilidade adequada, além do fato, que o AU apresenta capacidade de penetrar, permear e de aderir-se nas camadas da pele.
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