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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Dann verlieren sich die Vorschriften des Widerstands.' - Die Lyrik Uwe Kolbes in den literarischen Feldern der Vorwendezeit (1976-87)

Deloglu, Katharina 07 December 2018 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht Uwe Kolbes Frühwerk und dessen zeitgenössische Rezeption in der DDR und der BRD sowie sein (semi)öffentliches Handeln und Wirken während der Vorwendezeit,d.h. eines spezifischen, von Transformationsprozessen geprägten Zeitraums. Dieser reicht von Kolbes erster Zeitschriftenpublikation 1976 bis zu seiner Übersiedlung in die BRD 1987. Kolbes literarische Produktion in der bezeichneten Zeitspanne und die damit zusammenhängenden sozialen Faktoren seiner Autorenbiographie – politische Privilegien, ökonomische Möglichkeiten und soziale Beziehungen als Voraussetzungen für sein Schreiben und seine Veröffentlichungen sowie sein (semi)öffentliches Handeln und Wirken – und seine Rezeption in von spezifischen Machtverhältnissen geprägten literarischen Aktionsräumen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit als ein zusammengehöriges Ganzes untersucht und punktuell auf ihren Aussagewert für Situationen und Entwicklungen in den literarischen Feldern der Vorwendezeit befragt. Die Arbeit fokussiert mit Hineingeboren auf den Eintritt Uwe Kolbes in das literarische Feld unter der Mentorschaft Franz Fühmanns, seine davon ausgehende Rezeption als generationsspezifischer Repräsentant der jungen DDR-Autorengeneration und die damit verbundenen Wahrnehmungs- und Bewertungsmuster in den literarischen Feldern DDR und BRD. Des Weiteren untersucht sie Kolbes Rolle in der inoffiziellen Szene am Prenzlauer Berg. Sie analysiert seine zeichentheoretisch fundierte Sprach- und Machtkritik in Abschiede und seine politische Poetologie in Bornholm II und Das Kabarett. Darüber hinaus arbeitet sie Kolbes Rolle des widerspenstigen und politisch kritischen Vorzeigeautors heraus, infolge derer er in der BRD als außenpolitisches Aushängeschild einer vermeintlich toleranten DDR-Kulturpolitik fungierte. Sie erforscht schließlich seine Rezeption in der BRD u.a. durch seine Position in verschiedenen Anthologien junger DDR-Literatur und analysiert seine Integration in den bundesdeutschen Kanon. / This dissertation examines Uwe Kolbe’s early work and its reception in East and West Germany as well as his (semi-)public activities and their impact in the pre-Wende era, i.e. over a distinct time frame characterised by transformation processes. It spans the period from Kolbe’s first publication in a literary journal in 1976 to his relocation to West Germany in 1987. The present study views Kolbe’s literary production, the associated social factors of his literary career – political privileges, economic opportunities and social relationships as prerequisites for his writing and publications as well as his (semi-) public activities and their impact – and his reception as inextricably linked, and, by way of selected examples, shows their significance for situations and developments in the literary fields of the pre-Wende era. In the case of the poetry volume Hineingeboren, the study focuses on Kolbe’s entry into the literary field with the support of his mentor Franz Fühmann, his subsequent reception as a representative of the young generation of GDR authors, and the patterns of perception and evaluation associated with that in the literary fields of the GDR and West Germany. Kolbe’s role in the unofficial literary scene in Prenzlauer Berg is also investigated. The study analyses his semiotic critique of language and power in Abschiede and his political poetics as revealed in Bornholm II and Das Kabarett. In addition, it explores Kolbe’s role as a recalcitrant and politically critical author who became the poster boy of a supposedly tolerant East German cultural policy in West Germany. Finally, it examines Kolbe’s reception in West Germany, among other things through publications in various anthologies of contemporary GDR literature, and analyses how his work has been integrated into the German literary canon since Reunification.

Brito Broca: comparatismo à francesa / Brito Brota: comparativism literary from French school

Prado, Daniela da Silva 16 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um estudo sobre Brito Broca, partindo de suas relações com a França. Um dos aspectos privilegiados neste trabalho é o envolvimento do cronista com o comparatismo literário proveniente da escola francesa. Estudamos desde suas obras mais conhecidas, como A vida literária no Brasil, até livros ainda pouco explorados. Nosso objetivo é mostrar também como o historiador da vida literária se relacionou com a literatura francesa contemporânea, preocupando-se sempre com sua divulgação entre nós / The objective of this research is to develop a study on Broca Brito, from its relations with France. One of the aspects highlighted in this work is engagement with comparativism literary chronicler from the French school. Studied since its best-known works such as the literary life in Brazil, even books are still undeveloped. Our aim is also the historian of literary life was related to contemporary French literature, concerned always with its dissemination among us.

Brito Broca: comparatismo à francesa / Brito Brota: comparativism literary from French school

Daniela da Silva Prado 16 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é desenvolver um estudo sobre Brito Broca, partindo de suas relações com a França. Um dos aspectos privilegiados neste trabalho é o envolvimento do cronista com o comparatismo literário proveniente da escola francesa. Estudamos desde suas obras mais conhecidas, como A vida literária no Brasil, até livros ainda pouco explorados. Nosso objetivo é mostrar também como o historiador da vida literária se relacionou com a literatura francesa contemporânea, preocupando-se sempre com sua divulgação entre nós / The objective of this research is to develop a study on Broca Brito, from its relations with France. One of the aspects highlighted in this work is engagement with comparativism literary chronicler from the French school. Studied since its best-known works such as the literary life in Brazil, even books are still undeveloped. Our aim is also the historian of literary life was related to contemporary French literature, concerned always with its dissemination among us.

La réception de la littérature russe par la presse française sous la Monarchie de juillet (1830-1848) / The reception of Russian literature by the French press of July Monarchy (1830-1848)

Artioukh, Ekaterina 02 October 2010 (has links)
Le présent travail se propose d’étudier la réception de la littérature russe dans son ensemble par la presse française de l’époque de Louis-Philippe. On redécouvre dans ses subtilités complexes et hasardeuses toute la problématique politique et culturelle inhérente à l’acclimatation et l’implantation de la littérature russe, encore peu connue : relations entre deux pays, statut de la langue-source, traductions, réseaux d’information, reflets de la vie littéraire. Dans une Europe apparemment pacifiée, la France voit émerger une nouvelle classe d’intellectuels que la « question sociale » sollicite autant que les productions littéraires. Les journaux, les revues jouent un rôle accru de médiation culturelle et deviennent un pouvoir – ou un contrepouvoir – qui informe, juge et critique, dont les titres d’ailleurs proclament assez l’ambition : L’Europe littéraire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue Indépendante et d’autres encore. On verra comment les jugements littéraires ne peuvent s’abstraire des considérations sociopolitiques. Les articles journalistiques relèvent ainsi d’une catégorie toujours bien vivante : histoire, politique et littérature mêlées. Ecrire sur la littérature russe dans les années 1830-1840 n’est-ce pas aussi se situer par rapport à Louis-Philippe et Nicolas Ier ? / The present work suggests studying the reception of Russian literature in whole by the French press under the reign of Louis-Philippe. All political and cultural subject matter inherent in the process of familiarization and integration of so little known Russian literature develops in its complicated and accidental subtleties: relations between the two countries, Russian as a source language, translations, information networks, reflections of literary life. In apparently pacified Europe, in France there appears a new class of intellectuals that is interested in both « social matter » and literary works. Newspapers and reviews play an increasing role in cultural mediation and hold a power or a counter-power, which informs, judges and criticizes, and whose titles proclaim their aspirations well enough: L’Europe littéraire, Le Globe, Revue des Deux Mondes, Revue Indépendante and others. We can see that literary judgments are inseparable f! rom sociopolitical considerations. So the articles are followed from the existent category: a mixture of history, policy and literature. Writing about Russian literature during the 1830s-1840s, does it really mean to position yourselves towards Louis-Philippe and Nicholas the First ?


VALERIA FERNANDES LAMEGO 11 September 2013 (has links)
[pt] A partir do levantamento de cerca de 400 contos inéditos e desconhecidos do escritor Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968) propomos uma análise e revisão de sua obra literária de 16 romances e novelas. Além disso, iremos discutir a relação do autor com o renegado realismo de seus primeiros livros, a influência do fantástico em suas novelas e contos e a difícil relação da literatura brasileira, nos anos 30, com obras não realistas. Por fim, analisaremos os mais de 265 contos dos anos 50 em que o crime e a morte são personagens frequentes, fechando o ciclo de melancolia e fracasso do mundo ficcional cardosiano. / [en] Through the surveying of about 400 unknown and not-published shortstories written by Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968) we propose an analysis and review of his literary opus of 16 novels and short novels. Besides, we will discuss the authors relation with the rejected Realism of his first books, the influence of the fantastic in his novels and short-stories and the difficult relation of Brazilian literature of the 1930s with non-realistic works. Finally, we will analyze over 265 short-stories from the 1950s in which crime and death often appear, closing the cycle of melancholy and failure in Cardosos fictional universe.

”Sanassa maahanmuuttaja on vähän kitkerä jälkimaku”:kirjallisen elämän ylirajaistuminen 2000-luvun alun Suomessa

Nissilä, H.-L. (Hanna-Leena) 09 February 2016 (has links)
Abstract Globalization, immigration and the multiculturalization of society have had a deep impact on Finland in the last few decades. But what effect did these altered cultural-societal circumstances have on literary life in Finland in the early 2000s? The object of research in this article-based dissertation is the transnationalization of literary life in Finland. This is investigated through what is called ’new transnational literature’ in this study by means of analyzing literature published by writers with migrant backgrounds during the first decade of the 20th century in Finland. The study analyzes the reception of debut novels by Ranya ElRamly, Umayya Abu-Hanna, Zinaida Linden and Alexandra Salmela. Furthermore, it considers how this reception has implicitly defined and canonized Finnish literature, and how transnational and cross-border writers are situated in the literary field in Finland. By problematizing how to approach the transnational in literary studies, this dissertation contributes to current debates on methodological nationalism. The research material consists of works of fiction as well as texts published on internet and print media that deal with the reception of the novels. These sources are examined within the framework of cultural studies, mainly from the perspectives of close reading and sociological criticism, media studies-oriented reception theory, and the history of literature, as well as transnational approach that goes beyond national framework. This research demonstrates that approximately 90 writers with migrant backgrounds, often writing in languages other than Finnish, Swedish or Sami, have published texts in Finland in the 2000s. Although many of them have been successful, most of them have continued working without due recognition hampered by prevailing monolingualism. New transnational literary works have been placed in rigid categories, and the reception has emphasized authors’ backgrounds and national borders, thus concealing the literary dimensions and qualities of their works. New transnational literature questions the understanding of literature as nation-bound. According to this study, Finnish literary life appears to be a transnational and multi-lingual space, in which writers simultaneously belong to both transnational and national literary cultures. The significance of gender is also evident, in that women writers and their books have had a pivotal role in the transnationalization of Finnish literature. / Tiivistelmä Globalisaatio, maahanmuutto ja yhteiskunnan monikulttuuristuminen ovat viime vuosikymmeninä luonnehtineet Suomea. Miten muuttunut kulttuuris-yhteiskunnallinen tilanne on vaikuttanut kirjalliseen elämään 2000-luvun alun Suomessa? Artikkeliväitöskirjassa tutkitaan suomalaisen kirjallisen elämän ylirajaistumista. Tätä hahmotellaan tarkastelemalla maahanmuuttajataustaisten kirjailijoiden julkaisemia tekstejä, joita kutsutaan tässä uudeksi ylirajaiseksi kirjallisuudeksi. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan myös teosten vastaanottoa, vastaanoton sisältämää suomalaisen kirjallisuuden määrittelyä ja kanonisointia sekä ylirajaisten kirjailijoiden sijoittumista kirjalliselle kentälle Suomessa. Pohtimalla sitä, miten tutkia kirjallisuuden ylirajaisuutta, tutkimus osallistuu kansainväliseen keskusteluun metodologisesta nationalismista. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kaunokirjallisuudesta, erityisesti Ranya ElRamlyn, Umayya Abu-Hannan, Zinaida Lindénin ja Alexandra Salmelan esikoisteoksista, sekä internetissä ja printtimediassa julkaistusta, kirjallisuutta käsittelevästä tekstimateriaalista. Aineistoa lähestytään tekstilähtöisen ja yhteiskunnallisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen, mediatutkimuksellisesti painottuneen vastaanottotutkimuksen, kirjallisuushistoriallisen tutkimuksen sekä kansallisesta kehyksestä irtaantuvan ylirajaisen lähestymistavan suunnista. Tutkimus tuo esille sen, miten Suomessa on 2000-luvun mittaan julkaissut erilaisia tekstejä noin 90 maahanmuuttajataustaista ja usein muulla kuin suomen-, ruotsin- tai saamen kielellä työskentelevää kirjailijaa. Vaikka moni on menestynyt hyvin, edelleen suurin osa työskentelee näkymättömissä erityisesti kieleen liittyvien esteiden keskellä. Vastaanotossa aineiston kirjallisuutta on aseteltu jähmeisiin kategorioihin ja kirjailijoiden maahanmuuttajuutta on tuotu esille, mikä on korostanut kansallisia rajoja ja häivyttänyt teosten kaunokirjallisia ulottuvuuksia. Uusi ylirajainen kirjallisuus on horjuttanut käsitystä kansallisesta kirjallisuudesta. Suomalainen kirjallinen elämä näyttäytyy tutkimuksessa transnationaalisena ja monikielisenä tilana, jossa kirjailijat kuuluvat sekä ylirajaisiin kirjallisiin yhteisöihin että kansallisiin kirjallisuuksiin. Tutkimusaineisto havainnollistaa myös sukupuolen merkitystä. Kirjailijanaisilla ja heidän teoksillaan on keskeinen rooli kirjallisuuden ylirajaistumisessa ja neuvotteluissa suomalaisesta kirjallisuudesta.

Cesta tam a zpět, zdařilý život, sociální práce / There and back again, successful life, social work

SKALICKÁ, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
This work describes a special kind of story about the journey there and back again or journey to gain experience. The nature of this narrative is given by the presence of several key points: the existence of primary and secondary world, wandering throughout secondary world, the transformation of a hero and a reader, homecoming. Presented definition of the story is the starting point from which are being searched connections with the professional disciplines of social work and ethics. In social work the diagram of these trips back and forth presents acquiring an expertise in various scientific fields. For plane of ethics it is particularly significant credibility of the moment from this journey back and forth when the story of the hero and the reader becomes a good (or bad) story positive or negative.

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