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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tseng, Shih-Feng 18 July 2007 (has links)

The constitution of college town of Kaohsiung---the study of future regional development of Kaohsiung area.

Chang, Yun-yih 19 June 2009 (has links)
In the developing history of city of Taiwan, Great Kaohsiung Area (including Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County) always act to lead the locomotive of heavy industry. These developments had created countless miracles economically but sacrificed the resident's living environment and inhabited quality of Great Kaohsiung Area at the same time, and made Kaohsiung becoming marginalization in the trend of humanism quality and afforest in the whole world. However, in order to make the city change in a way of lively personality, creatively and even more, to have humane breath of depth through the way of the urban renewal, it is necessary to reconstruct the city by the vision of residents. Accordingly, this research based on the regional development and resource such as Qiao-tou, Yun-chou, Zuoying, Nanzou, etc. to put forward and build a future development plan which constructs the College Town of Kaohsiung (CTK), hope to inject a whiff of fountainheads of innovation into excessively industrialized Great Kaohsiung Area. In this research of the construction of CTK, I set three subject parts: industry, education and living environment. I referred to relevant researches and the development policies of government in the past, cases of the developing history of foreign college town, and consulted the main person of industry, government, and academy to get the professional opinion to make this research more completely.

Mokinių socialinės paramos, fizinės aplinkos ir mokymosi pasiekimų sąsajos su FA / Students 'social support, and physical environmental learning links to physical activity

Petravičiūtė, Monika 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Mokinių socialinės paramos, fizinės aplinkos ir mokymosi pasiekimų sąsajos su fiziniu aktyvumu Tyrimo tikslas – Nustatyti 8–9 klasių mokinių socialinės paramos, fizinės aplinkos ir mokymosi pasiekimų sąsajas su fiziniu aktyvumu. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti mokinių fizinį aktyvumą lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. 2. Nustatyti socialinė paramos įtaką mokinių fiziniam aktyvumui. 3. Nustatyti fizinės aplinkos įtaką mokinių fiziniam aktyvumui. 4. Nustatyti mokinių mokymosi pasiekimus skirtingo fizinio aktyvumo aspektu. 5. Nustatyti fizinio aktyvumo, socialinės paramos įtakos, fizinės aplinkos ir mokinių mokymosi pasiekimų tarpusavio sąsajas. Išvados: 1. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad 52,2 proc. tirtų mokinių buvo fiziškai aktyvūs ir 47,7 proc. pasyvių, fiziškai aktyvesni buvo vaikinai (p<0,05), fiziniu aktyvumu dažniau užsiima vyresni mokiniai. Dauguma mokinių fiziniam aktyvumui per savaitę skiria po 2–3 kartus per savaitę. Fiziškai aktyvesni mokiniai subjektyvų savo fizinį aktyvumą ir pajėgumą vertino aukštesniais balais. 2. Nustatyta, kad tėvai palaiko ir paremia jaunesnius mokinius ir vaikinus fiziniam aktyvumui (p<0,05). Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad tėvai mažiau domisi vyresnio vaiko fiziniu aktyvumu, nei jaunesnio, o taip pat vaikinus fiziniam aktyvumui remia mažiau, nei merginas. Išanalizavus draugų įtaką mokinių fiziniam aktyvumui pastebėjome, kad vyresnių klasių mokiniai kur kas dažniau siūlo užsiimti fiziniu aktyvumu kartu. Šiuo atveju jaunesni mokiniai savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – Students of social support, physical environment and learning outcomes interfaces with physical activity The aim – Set of 8-9 grade students of social support, physical environment and learning outcomes relationship with physical activity. Objectives: 1. Set the physical activity of students by gender and age. Third set of physical environment on students physical activity. 2. Identify social support impact on student physical activity. 3. Identify the physical environment on students' physical activity. 4. Identify students' learning achievements of different aspects of physical activity. 5. Set physical activity, social support influence the physical environment and the students' learning achievement between the interfaces. Conclusions: 1. The study found that 52,2 rate surveyed students were physically active and 47,7 rate passive, were more physically active males (p<0,05), physical activity, older students more engaged. Most of the students' physical activity per week to 2 – 3 times a week. Physically active students of their subjective physical activity and capacity by higher scores. 2. It was found that parents support and support younger pupils and boys physical activity (p<0,05). The study found that parents are less interested in the older child's physical activity than younger, but also guys supporting physical activity less than girls. The analysis of students' friends and influence physical activity found that older students much more... [to full text]

Customers’ Emotions and their Impact on Quality Development of Products : with Environmental Implications

Boceski, Dushko January 2013 (has links)
The contemporary society reflects with countless of non-functional, i.e. luxurious, products which, with their redundant property, have a wasteful or negative impact on customers’ survival value and their living environment. Customers have a tendency to make biased judgments in the choice of the products they purchase, causing them to confuse many of such non-functional product features with the functional ones and constantly encourage their market production. This may reflect a variety of impacts on the market: decreasing the pace and course of development products’ actual, functional quality while increasing the pace and course of development for products’ non-functional, luxurious quality; constant increments of prices disproportionate to the product’s actual quality; discard of functional investments; utilization of wasteful resources; etc. This study will suggest a link between products’ price-quality disproportions in the development of new models and the customers’ biased emotional purchasing-decisions before buying a product. With that, it will indicate how customer’s emotions play a role in products’ future industrial quality developments and how biased emotional perceptions contribute to non-functional or luxurious quality developments. Consequently, implications are also found for the psychological and economical causalities behind our ubiquitously polluted environments.

The research of city competitiveness: A structural equation model analysis

Huang, Yu-jen 26 July 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to build city competitiveness evaluating models through structural equation model(SEM) by using data of 5 cities and 14 counties of Taiwan. According to literature review, the research choses three dimensions for city competitiveness: economic, living environment and education. Belongs to three dimensions, there are 18 indexes to evaluate city competitiveness. By using five steps Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA), the explained variance of three dimensions are more than 50%, which economic model is 58%, living environment model is 61% and education model is 62%. Although fitness indexes of two order confirmatory factor analysis are under 0.9, but composite reliability(CR) 0.9486 is more than 0.7, and average variance extracted(AVE) 0.6307 is more than 0.5, these mean the model of research is representative to some extent. Finally, the research offered some suggestions for future researchers.

Freiräume in Thüringer Großsiedlungen. Erfahrungen aus der Wohnumfeldverbesserung 1990-2000

Lemsch, Eva 23 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Im Erscheinungsbild der Thüringer Großsiedlungen vollzog sich zwischen 1990 und 2000 ein deutlicher Wandel. Wohnumfeldverbesserungen trugen maßgeblich dazu bei. Diese Maßnahmen ordneten sich in die durch Förderprogramme gesteckten Ziele der Stadt- und Sozialplanung ein. In allen Wohngebieten wurden die Wohn- und Lebensbedingungen im Vergleich zu 1990 verbessert. Umfangreiche Aufwertungen im Wohnumfeld folgten i. d. R. umfassenden Gebäudesanierungen. Die Vorteile der Verkehrskonzepte und Versorgungsinfrastruktur wurden erhalten und ausgebaut. Die soziale Segregation vollzog sich deutlich langsamer als noch zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre befürchtet. Entsprechend blieb die gemischte Sozialstruktur teilweise erhalten. Die Bewohner sind mit ihrer Siedlung heute mindestens genauso zufrieden wie zu Beginn der Aufwertungsmaßnahmen. Das Eigenimage der Großsiedlungen konnte ebenfalls stabilisiert werden. Damit wurde das erklärte sozialplanerische Ziel, die Identifikation der Bewohner mit ihrem Wohngebiet zu stärken, erreicht. Diesen gelungenen Aspekten steht eine Reihe von Aufgaben gegenüber, die nicht umgesetzt wurden. So besteht die strukturelle, funktionale und bauliche Uniformität fort. Trotz Neu- und Umbau vieler Stadtteilzentren entwickelte sich nicht die angestrebte urbane Vielfalt. Die unzureichende funktionale und gestalterische Differenzierung des Raumes nach dem Öffentlichkeitscharakter verstärkt diese weiterhin vorhandene Monotonie der Siedlungen. Die Chancen, die Großsiedlungen besser an die Gesamtstadt und die landschaftliche Umgebung anzubinden, wurden nur selten genutzt. Trotz aller Bemühungen verzeichneten alle Großsiedlungen in den 1990er Jahren erhebliche Einwohnerverluste. Das Fremdimage der „Platte“ ist weiterhin schlecht. Die Wohnumfeldverbesserungen weisen in den Großsiedlungen deutliche Unterschiede hinsichtlich Umfang und Intensität auf. Allen Wohngebieten gemein ist ein Nebeneinander von aufwendig aufgewerteten Bereichen und von Quartieren, in denen nur wenig Veränderungen stattgefunden haben. In keinem Wohngebiet erfolgte eine komplette Gebietsaufwertung. An den Aufwertungsmaßnahmen waren viele verschiedene Akteure beteiligt, mit teilweise gegensätzlichen Interessen. Landschaftsarchitekten sind eine dieser Interessensgruppe. Ihre Arbeit bestimmt das Erscheinungsbild der Großsiedlungen erheblich mit. Allerdings bestehen nur geringe Handlungsspielräume zur Konfliktlösung zwischen den Beteiligten. Im Laufe der 1990er Jahre wandelten sich die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Bedingungen. Nachfolgend fand ein Paradigmenwechsel im Umgang mit der Weiterentwicklung der Großsiedlungen und ihrer Freiräume statt. Aus den zu erwartenden Konditionen wurden hier Handlungsempfehlungen zur künftigen Wohngebietsentwicklung formuliert: in dauerhaft zu erhaltenden Quartieren sollten differenzierte Aufwertungen durchgeführt, in Rückbaubereiche neben der Stabilisierung des Wohnungsmarktes auch die Wohnungsvielfalt durch Umbauten erhöht werden. Die Freiräume in den Bestandsquartieren sind zu sichern, zu vernetzen und zu verbessern. Bei Interimsfreiräumen besteht ein erhebliches funktionales und gestalterisches Potential. Dazu gehören sowohl temporäre Aufwertungen für Erholungssuchende als auch extensive Freiraumentwicklungen verschiedener Vegetationstypen zur Erhöhung der ökologischen Vielfalt sowie wirtschaftliche Zwischennutzungen. / An enormous change in the appearance of the large suburban housing estates in Thuringia took place between 1990 and 2000. Improvements of the living environment contributed significantly to it. These measurements integrated into the aims of the city- and social planning that had been defined by support programmes. In all residential areas the housing- and living conditions have been improved in comparison to 1990. Extensive upgrading in the living environment generally followed substantial building restorations. The advantages of the traffic concepts and the provisioning infrastructure were conserved and extended. The social segregation transformed clearly slowlier than suspected at the beginning of the 1990ies. Correspondingly, the mixed social structure has been partly conserved. Today, the residents are at least as satisfied with their housing estates as at the beginning of the upgrading procedures. The image of the large suburban housing estates themselves could also be stabilised. Thus, the definded aim in social planning, to enforce the residents’ identification with their housing area, has been reached. These successful aspects are confronted with a row of tasks that have not been realised. So, the structural, functional and constructional uniformity still exists. Despite the new and re- construction of many community centres the intended diversity has not been developed. The insufficient functional and creative differentiation of the space according to the public character enforces this still existent monotony of the areas. The chances of linking the large suburban housing estates better to the whole town and the surroundings / landscape have only rarely been used. Despite all efforts all large suburban housing estates recorded immense losses of residents in the 1990ies. The external image of the “Platte” is still bad. Concerning their extent and their intensity the improvements in the living environments show significant differences in the large suburban housing estates. In all areas there is a coexistence of expensively upgraded parts and of accomodation with only few changes. There was no complete upgrading in any of the areas. Many protagonists contributed to the upgrading measurements, partly with opposed interests – landscape architects are one of these interest groups. Their work considerably defines the appearance of the large suburban housing estates. As a fact, there is only little room for manoeuvre concerning conflict resolution among the involved. In the course of the 1990ies the economic and social conditions changed. Afterwards a paradigm change in the handling of the advancement of the large suburban housing estates and their spaces took place. The expected conditions were formulated into recommended actions to the future development of the residential areas: in accomodation to be permanently preserved, differentiated upgrading should be made as well as the residential market should be stabilised in reconstruction areas while the diversity of flats should be increased through rebuilding at the same time. The open spaces in the accomodation need to be secured, to be linked and to be improved. There is an enormous functional and creative potential with interim spaces. Temporary upgrading for recreation searchers belongs to it, also extensive space developments of different vegetation types to increase the ecological diversity as well as temporary uses in the field of economy.

11 klasių mokinių fizinio aktyvumo ir gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnių sąsaja / Relation Between Physical Activity and Living Environment of 11th Grade Pupils

Maziliauskaitė, Auksė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Fizinis aktyvumas svarbus kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenime, tad įdiegti jo svarbą reikia jau nuo vaikystės. Tyrimais atskleista, kad, su amžiumi, vaikai vis mažiau fiziškai aktyvesni, o tai skatina jų nutukimą ir kitas ligas. Šiame darbe bandėme atskleisti, mokinių fizinį aktyvumą ir jį lemiančius gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnius. Tyrimo objektas – fizinis aktyvumas ir gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnių sąsaja. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti 11 klasių mokinių fizinį aktyvumą ir gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnių sąsają. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti 11 klasių mokinių fizinį aktyvumą lyties aspektu. 2. Nustatyti 11 klasių mokinių gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnius lyties aspektu. 3. Nustatyti pakankamai ir nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvių 11 klasių mokinių gyvenamosios aplinkos veiksnius. Išvados: 1. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad merginos dažniau negu vaikinai į mokyklą eina pėsčiomis. Vaikinai yra fiziškai aktyvesni negu merginos pagal fizinio aktyvumo dažnį ir trukmę. Merginos dažniau fiziškai aktyvios yra namuose, o vaikinai – kieme. 2. Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad merginų gyvenamojoje aplinkoje dažniau yra šaligatviai, apšviestos gatvės, fiziškai aktyvūs žmonės bei pati aplinka yra malonesnė negu vaikinų. Merginos dažniau nurodė, kad keliaujant į mokyklą mato sporto įstaigas, žaidimų aikšteles. Taip pat merginos dažniau negu vaikinai turi sportines priemones ar inventorių namuose. 3. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad daugiau nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvių 11 klasių mokinių gyvena daugiabučiuose namuose nuo 3 iki 5... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Physcial activity is important in all the people lives, so it is imporant to introducte its‘ essence from childhood. Researches revealed that in older age children become more and more physically inactive and it causes fattiness and other diseases. In this work we were trying to reveal relation between physical activity and living environment of pupil. Object of research – relation between physical activity and living environment. Aim of research – reveal relation between physical activity and living environment of pupil. Tasks of the research: 1. Assess physical activity of 11th grade pupils according to the gender. 2. Identify living environment factors of 11th grade pupils according to the gender. 3. Identify living environment factors of 11th grade pupils, who are sufficiently physically active and insufficiently physically active. Conclusion: 1. The study found that girls go to school on foot more often than boys. Boys are more physically active than girls according to physical activity frequency and duration. Girls are more physically active at home while the guys are more active in the yard. 2. Research data reveals that in the girls‘ living environment there are more common to be pavements, illuminated streets, physicaly active people and environment is more pleasant than boys‘ environment. Girls indicated that they see sports establishements, playgrounds in their way to school more often. Girls have sports means and inventory at home more often than boys as well... [to full text]

Espace de vie et résilience des personnes expropriées par les grands projets (à partir du cas de Suape, Brésil) / Living space and resilience of expropriated individuals into the affected areas (the case of Suape, Brazil)

Candido de Paula, Elvira Claudia 23 October 2017 (has links)
La mise en place de grands projets d’aménagement peut avoir des impacts sociaux provoqués par le déplacement des familles installées dans les espaces concernés. C’est pour contribuer à comprendre et analyser ce type de problème que la présente recherche s’est tournée vers les personnes déjà expropriées par le Complexe Industriel Portuaire de Suape, au Nordeste du Brésil, et habitant maintenant en dehors de leurs anciens espaces de vie. La présente thèse cherche à explorer dans quelle mesure ces personnes reconstruisent leur espace de vie. Tout en mobilisant le concept d’espace de vie, la thèse reprend la notion de résilience, comprise comme « la reprise d’un nouveau développement » de ces personnes, considérées comme sujets d’un point de vue géographique. L’objectif est donc d’analyser le processus de reconstruction spatiale – réussie ou non – des personnes expropriées par l’entreprise SUAPE, avec l’espoir d’aboutir à quelques propositions qui puissent aider à minimiser les problèmes socio-spatiaux découlant de l’expropriation. L’analyse s’appuie sur les différentes zones d’origine et de relocalisation, parcourues lors du terrain de recherche (l’île de Tatuoca, Massangana, Águas Compridas, Gaibu, Nossa Senhora do Ó, et l’Assentamento Valdir Ximenes, au Pernambouc - Brésil), pour connaître les espaces de vie des familles et leur situation actuelle. L’atmosphère de peur qui y régnait nous a obligé à utiliser certaines techniques pour dépasser les difficultés, dont la méthode d’enquête par boule de neige et la prise de photos par les habitants eux-mêmes. Il en ressort que le déplacement des personnes correspond à un traumatisme, mais peut aussi dans certains cas, signifier de nouvelles opportunités dans de nouveaux espaces de vie dont certaines des caractéristiques sont favorables ou défavorables à la reprise d’un nouveau développement personnel. Les différentes zones parcourues nous ont permis encore de voir combien les habitants souffrent de leur éloignement des pratiques spatiales d’avant, mais aussi, que certains d’entre eux, même si c’est de façon précaire, ont réussi à s’engager dans un nouveau développement à partir du peu qu’ils avaient. La thèse se termine par quelques suggestions et perspectives pour des recherches futures. / The setting up of large planning project may have social impacts due to the displacement of families settled into the affected areas. In order to have a better understanding and a finer analysis of such an issue, this research is focusing upon the expropriated individuals by the Industrial Port Complex of Suape in the Brazil’s Nordeste, who are now dwelling outside of their old living areas. This thesis explores the means by which these people are piecing their life back together. The thesis tackles the concept of living environment as well as the notion of resilience, understood as “the resumption of a new development” of these people through the geographical point of view. The objective is thus to analyze the process of spatial reconstruction – succeed or not – of expropriated individuals by the SUAPE company, with the hope of ending in useful propositions to minimize the socio-spatial problems that stemmed from the expropriation. The analysis is based upon the multiple areas of people’s origin and relocation crossed during the research on the ground (the island of Tatuoca, Massangana, Águas Compridas, Gaibu, Nossa Senhora do Ó, and the Assentamento Valdir Ximenes, in Pernambouc - Brazil), to know the living environment of families and their current situation. The pervasive atmosphere of fear that remains in these places constrained us to use specific technics to overcome the difficulties, including the “snow ball survey” and the taking of pictures by the inhabitants of these areas. It results from this research that such a displacement of individuals is experienced as a trauma, but in some cases, can also offer new opportunities in the new living environment with its characteristics being more favorable or unfavorable to a renewal of the personal development. The visited areas allowed us to acknowledge the inhabitant’s suffering from the remoteness of their prior spatial practices, but also, that some of these individuals have been successful, even in a precarious manner, in piecing their life back together while starting with the little they had. The thesis is ending with some suggestions and avenues for future researches.

Rozbor radionuklidického složení výpustí ETE / Analysis of radioactive discharges composition at Temelín NPP

BUZEK, Karel January 2007 (has links)
Goal of this dissertation is to establish increasing of radioactive discharges with reference to projected construction of next nuclear power units. This dissertation describes radionicludes composition in gaseous also liquid discharges and resulting impact to individual from critical group of the public. Dissertation includes annual summaries of discharges, released into environment during Temelín NPP operation. Procedure of the analysis: 1) calculation of average annual activity of most considerable radionuclides 2) determination of environment influence to radionuclides distribution 3) calculation of supposed committed effective dose 4) calculated supposed committed effective dose comparison with actual authorized limit, with double authorized limit and with dose constraint for effective dose for individual from critical group of the public, caused by discharges of radioactive substances Main conclusion of this dissertation is suggestion of to increase authorized limits for individual from critical group of the public: for gaseous discharges: 50 % above current value {--} it means 60 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for liquid discharges: 100 % above current value {--} it means 6 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year This values are quite acceptable in comparison with dose constraints defined by Regulation No. 307/2002 of Coll., § 56, section 3 {--} {\clqq}average effective dose of 250 {$\mu$}Sv per calendar year for the appropriate critical group of the public, from which 200 {$\mu$}Sv shall be for discharges into the atmosphere and 50 {$\mu$}Sv for discharges into watercourses``. It is possible to utilize this dissertation in process of new nuclear power units projection, next this dissertation demonstrates radiation protection optimisation in area of radioactive discharges according to valid legislation.

'n Psigopedagogiese perspektief op die verwerkliking van die pedagogiese verhoudinge

Steyn, Petrus Ignatius January 1976 (has links)
One of the most fundamental and meaningful statements that can be made about the human being, is that man is always in a certain relationship towards his fellow-man and the objects in his livingenvironment. With this statement as vantage-point it has been attempted to study the realization of the pedagogical relationships in psychopedagogical perspective and to analyse the becoming of the child within these relationships, against the background of the categories experiencing-willing-experience as becoming. The child is a person-in-the-world of objects and people, and as fellow-being he finds homself in certain relationships, because man is intentional and ever involved. Psycho-pedagogics deals with the discovering of the psychological life of the child in education and also reveals becoming and learni~ as its equal basic structures. It has furthermore become clear that "becoming and learning" are actualised, inter alia, by means of "learningas- becoming., and "experiencing-as-becoming" and exist as prerequisite for the adequate realization of pedagogical relationships (trust, knowledge and authority). Furthermore, a psychopedagogical analysis has been made of educational procedures and subsequently the structures of the pedagogical situation has been dealt with. Special attention was given to the trust-understanding and authority relationships against the background of the child's becoming-actualising-forms, namely: "Emancipating as experiencing-willing and living-becoming", "Exploring- as-experiencing, willing and living-becoming", "Distantiating-as-experiencing, willing-and living-becoming", "Differentiating-as-experiencing, willing-and living-becoming" and "Objectivating- as-experiencing, willing-and living-becoming". Mention was made of the stability which must be present in the child's experience world, and that experience as well as the will in the child's becoming within pedagogical relationships, depend on the degree of rational execution of these relationships, in order to reach adequate actualisation. The adequate actualisation of the pedagogical relationships pre-shapes the child's later actions as adult in his relationship towards his fellow-man, It was also been attempted to consider pedagogically the development of the various pedagogical relationships in which the child finds himself against the background of his becoming, with particular emphasis on the pre-school years, the primary school phase and the secondary school phase, Subsequently certain psychopedagogical criteria for the evaluation of the child's becoming within the realized pedagogical relationship- structures were elucidated, The thesis concludes with various remarks regarding the recognition of deviation from pedagogical relationships and suggested remedial steps, / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 1976. / gm2014 / Early Childhood Education / Unrestricted

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