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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepção de qualidade de vida no município de Avelinópolis-GO e desenvolvimento local / Perception of Quality of Live in Avelinópolis-GO and Local Development

Renato Batuíra Ribeiro Pinto 28 August 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar a percepção da qualidade de vida dos moradores da cidade de Avelinópolis-GO e relacioná-la com os indicadores de desenvolvimento local. Realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, documental e de campo, por meio de questionários voltados à população, com o objetivo de conhecer o que esta população entende por qualidade de vida e como percebe seu nível de qualidade de vida nas diferentes dimensões que a compõem. Formou-se uma amostra com 297 moradores da zona urbana do município, de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, e foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: questionário de identificação da amostra, WHOQOL-bref (desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde) e questionário complementar sobre qualidade de vida (elaborado com base no material do PNUD Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento). Foram analisados os seguintes indicadores de desenvolvimento de base documental: indicadores socioculturais, econômicos e demográficos gerados pelo Instituto Mauro Borges de Estatísticas e Estudos Socioeconômicos, e os indicadores voltados para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio gerados pelo Portal ODM Acompanhamento Municipal dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio. Os dados coletados em campo foram analisados e comparados com os indicadores de desenvolvimento local do município, discutindo-se a relação entre a qualidade de vida percebida pela população do município de Avelinópolis-GO e o desenvolvimento local. Como conclusão da pesquisa de campo, os dados revelaram que as pessoas entrevistadas consideram boa a sua qualidade de vida. Comparando a percepção da população com os indicadores locais, observaram-se alguns problemas de desenvolvimento municipal que não condizem com a percepção da população, como o baixo índice de empregabilidade, renda e baixo nível de escolaridade. Porém, existem fatores que contribuíram para uma melhor avaliação da qualidade de vida pela população, tais como o baixo índice de violência, o bom acesso aos estabelecimentos de saúde e o ambiente. Pode-se concluir que as principais demandas de programas de desenvolvimento são voltadas às áreas de educação e trabalho. / This study sought to analyze how the residents of the city of Avelinópolis, in the state of Goiás, perceived their quality of life and to relate that perception with the local development indicators. It was an exploratory, documental, and field study made through questionnaires to the population, in order to know what they understood as quality of life and how they perceived their level of quality of life in the different dimensions that compose it. The sample was made up of 297 residents in the urban area of the city, of both genders, with ages between 18 and 90 years. The following instruments were applied: questionnaire to identify the sample, WHOQOL-bref, and a supplementary questionnaire about quality of life (prepared based on material from the UNDP-United Nations Development Program). The following document-based development indicators were analyzed: socio-cultural, economic, and demographic indicators generated by the Instituto Mauro Borges de Estatísticas e Estudos Socioeconômicos (Mauro Borges Institute for Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies) and the UN Millennium Development Goals indicators generated by the MDG Portal Millennium Development Goals Local Monitoring. The data collected in the field were analyzed and compared with the citys local development indicators and the relationship between the quality of life perceived by the population in the city of Avelinópolis and local development was discussed. When the field research was concluded, the data revealed that the subjects interviewed considered their quality of life as good. Comparing the peoples perception with the local indicators, a few problems in the municipal development were observed that do not match the perception of the residents, such as low levels of employment, income, and schooling. However, there were factors that contributed to a better evaluation of the quality of life by the population, such as a low incidence of violence, good access to health care, and the environment. It can be concluded that the main demands for development programs are in the areas of education and work.

Développement et dépendance des systèmes portuaires d'un état fragile ancrés dans la mondialisation : l'exemple de Djibouti / Development and dependency of the port systems of a fragile state rooted in globalization : the example of Djibouti

Abdillahi Guirreh, Ismaël 14 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est une analyse géohistorique et géopolitique du système portuaire de Djibouti à l’aune de l’arrivée des capitaux étrangers et leurs impacts politiques, sociaux-économiques dans le développement du pays. Elle privilégie ainsi deux échelles, celle du port (l’évolution des fonctions portuaires) et celle du corridor (Djibouti – Ethiopie). En effet, Djibouti, lieu stratégique depuis l’ouverture du canal de Suez en 1869, connaît un regain d’intérêt depuis les années 2000. L’arrivée des investissements étrangers principalement en provenance des puissances émergentes (Dubai d’abord ensuite de la Chine) a transformé les infrastructures de transport donc du pays. Un regain d’intérêt qui n’est pas uniquement économique puisqu’on assiste également une multiplication des bases militaires (américaine, japonaise, chinoise) qui viennent se grever à l’ancienne base française héritée de la colonisation montre le rôle stratégique de Djibouti dans la surveillance et la sécurisation de la route maritime par les grandes puissances. Ce travail s’inscrit, donc, dans la lignée des recherches sur la relation ports-territoires et de la question des corridors. Cette thèse s’articule donc autour de trois grands axes : les circonstances du développement, d’émergence du port de Djibouti et son rapport particulier au territoire éthiopien. D’où, l’adoption, dans un premier temps, d’une approche géopolitique nécessaire pour comprendre la situation de Djibouti, les circonstances de la fondation de la ville et du territoire, et le rôle du port. Elle analyse ensuite l’évolution et la dépendance des fonctions portuaires de la situation géopolitique face aux différentes crises historiques régionales et mondiale (évolution statutaire de l’Erythrée, fermeture du canal de Suez, conflits régionaux) afin de montrer le lien entre le trafic portuaire (succession des phases de croissance et décroissance) et ces événements. L’évolution du port de Djibouti montre, d’une part, un lien d’interdépendance entre le littoral et son arrière-pays continental, et d’autre part, une dépendance des vicissitudes et des aléas géopolitiques mais également des acteurs extérieurs publics ou privés. Enfin, l’interaction entre le territoire et l’espace traversé fait également l’objet de cette étude en s’attaquant à la dimension territoriale du corridor Djibouti -Ethiopie. De ce fait, elle interroge donc les impacts socio-économiques et environnementaux des activités jalonnant le long de ce corridor mais également leur influence sur la morphologie urbaine de la capitale, à travers l’exemple de la zone péri-urbaine de PK12. / The objective of this thesis is a geohistorical and geopolitical analysis of the Djibouti port system in the light of the foreign capital inflows and their political, social-economic impacts in the country development. In thus it favours two levels, that of the port (the evolution of port functions) and that of the corridor (Djibouti - Ethiopia). Indeed, Djibouti, a strategic location since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, knows a renewed interest since the 2000s. The influx of foreign investments mainly from the emerging powers (Dubai, first of all then China) has transformed the transport infrastructure hence the country. A renewed interest that is not only economic since we witness a proliferation of military bases (American, Japanese, Chinese) that come imposing to the former French base inherited from colonisation shows the strategic role of Djibouti in the monitoring and securing of the maritime route by the major powers.This work is therefore in line with researches on the relationship ports-territories and the question of corridors. This thesis is articulated around three main axes: the circumstances of the development, emergence of the port of Djibouti and its particular relationship to the Ethiopian’s territory. Hence, the adoption, at first, of a geopolitical approach necessary to understand the situation of Djibouti, the circumstances of the founding of the city and the territory, and the role of the port. It analyses then the evolution and the dependence of port functions on the geopolitical situation in the face of various regional and global historical crises (statutory evolution of Eritrea, closure of the Suez Canal, regional conflicts) in order to show the link between port traffic(succession of growth and decay phases) and these events. The evolution of the port of Djibouti shows, on the one hand, a link of interdependence between the coastline and its continental hinterland, and on the other hand, a dependence of vicissitudes and geopolitical hazards but also external public actors or private. Finally, the interaction between the territory and the space traversed is also the subject of this study through the territorial dimension of the Djibouti-Ethiopia corridor. Therefore, it questions then the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the activities along the corridor but also their influence on the urban morphology of the capital, through the example of the peri-urban area of PK12.


07 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] Nesse trabalho busca-se perceber a maneira como o movimento desigual do capital que se articula em uma escala global se realiza no e através do local. Para esse exercício a comunidade do Vale Encantado, Alto da Boa Vista – RJ nos seus últimos 10 anos, será o recorte espacial-temporal selecionado. Além de perceber e estudar o desenvolvimento desigual na comunidade, promovido, sobretudo, pela entrada da ONG Abaquar nesta, é parte do problema perceber quais as possibilidades de valorização da prática agroflorestal na produção do espaço da comunidade. Assim sendo, uma abordagem crítica do espaço da comunidade do Vale Encantado é necessária para que ocorra o desvelar das representações desse espaço. A prática da agrofloresta ganha força dentro de um contexto de ressignificação da relação entre sociedade e natureza. Sua prática oferece resistência ao padrão industrial e homogêneo de cultivo e ajuda a conceber outras práticas de cultivo do solo, como o plantio manual, diversificado e sucessional. / [en] This work seeks to understand how the uneven movement of capital which is articulated on a global scale takes place in and through the site. For this exercise the community of Vale Encantado, Alto da Boa Vista - RJ, in his last 10 years, will be the selected space-time frame. In addition to understand and study the uneven development in the community, promoted mainly by the entry of the NGO Abaquar, is part of the problem figure out the recovery possibilities of agroforestry practice in the production of community space. Therefore, a critical approach to the Vale Encantado community space is required to occur the uveiling of the representations of that space. The practice of agroforestry gains strength within a reinterpretation of the context of the relationship between society and nature. His practice offers resistance to industrial and homogeneous pattern of cultivation and helps devise other soil cultivation practices such as manual planting, diverse and succession.

Proyecto de emprendimiento sobre carteras a base de fibra vegetal hechas por comunidades de Catacaos / Entrepreneurship project on vegetable fiber-based hanbag made by Catacaos communities.

Castro Ramírez, Diego Alonso, Farfan Zelaya, Anghela Betsabeth, Zuleta Nako, Celso Yasuo, Pacchioni Cubillas, Enzo Giovanny 11 July 2020 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación nace de un análisis sobre la problemática ambiental y social que afecta la vida de los seres vivos y de las comunidades peruanas. En ese sentido, uno de los principales problemas ambientales está relacionado con los residuos contaminantes que se necesitan para producir carteras de cuero y sintéticos. El uso indiscriminado de este tipo de materiales en la industria de la moda genera inestabilidad en el ecosistema. Frente a esta problemática, se propone un modelo de negocio relacionado a la comercialización de carteras de fibra vegetal por redes sociales para un nicho ecológico de mujeres que se preocupan por tener accesorios eco amigables en Lima Metropolitana. La elaboración de las carteras de fibra vegetal será de responsabilidad de la Asociación de Tejedoras Ñari Walac Arte, las cuales, son representadas por un grupo de tejedoras de la provincia de Piura, Catacaos. Punto fundamental de nuestro modelo de negocio es la exposición del talento de las tejedoras del norte del Perú. El proyecto contempla la evaluación financiera para los próximos 3 años, la cual inicia a mediados del 2020. Para el inicio de operaciones se necesita una inversión de S/44,193, y se espera una rentabilidad de S/57,421 a finales del tercer año en el Flujo de Caja Económico y una rentabilidad de S/59,716 en el Flujo de Caja Financiero. La tasa interna de retorno representa el 26.4% recuperándose la inversión en 2.5 años considerando un crecimiento económico moderado debido a la pandemia por el COVID-19. La estructura financiera está conformada por 65% de capital propio y 35% financiado a través de una Fintech. El proyecto presenta una perspectiva financiera positiva para los inversionistas, así como permite el desarrollo de las comunidades y promueve el consumo responsable de productos ecológicos. / The research work stems from an analysis of the environmental and social problems that affect the lives of living beings and of Peruvian communities. In this sense, one of the main environmental problems is related to the polluting residues that are needed to produce leather and synthetic wallets. The indiscriminate use of this type of material in the fashion industry generates instability in the ecosystem. Faced with this problem, a business model related to the commercialization of vegetable fiber handbag through social networks is proposed for an ecological niche of women who worry about having ecofriendly accessories in Metropolitan Lima. The production of vegetable fiber handbags will be the responsibility of the Ñari Walac Arte Weavers Association, which are represented by a group of weavers from the Piura province, Catacaos. Fundamental point of our business model is the exhibition of the talent of weavers in northern Peru. The project contemplates the financial evaluation for the next 3 years, which begins in mid-2020. An investment of S / 44,193 is required for the start of operations, and a profitability of S / 57,421 is expected at the end of the third year in Economic Cash Flow and a profitability of S / 59,716 in Financial Cash Flow. The internal rate of return represents 26.4%, recovering the investment in 2.5 years considering a moderate economic growth due to the pandemic by COVID-19. The financial structure is made up of 65% of its own capital and 35% financed through a Fintech. The project presents a positive financial perspective for investors, as well as allows the development of communities and promotes the responsible consumption of organic products. / Trabajo de investigación

Autonomy and Empowerment: Social and Solidarity Economy Initiatives and Local Development in Peripheralised Areas of Germany and Hungary

Mihály, Melinda 03 September 2021 (has links)
Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigmatisation, selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion are dimensions of peripheralisation that are interconnected and that accelerate each other’s effects. Structurally disadvantaged rural areas, especially remote small villages in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are particularly affected by the processes of peripheralisation. While economic decline and ethnic exclusion produced contagious “ghettoes” (Virág 2010) or “internal colonies” (Kóczé 2011) in the last two decades in structurally disadvantaged small villages of Hungary, in the German context the phenomenon of a “rural ghetto” seems to be non-existent. In Germany, mainly East German old industrial towns and rural areas are affected by peripheralisation, selective out-migration, demographic shrinking and demographisation are emphasised here. Ethnographic research in the case study villages of Eastern Germany and Hungary confirmed that peripheralisation is relational and amongst others national and regional social policies influence how it manifests on the local level. While areas undergoing moderate peripheralisation were able to attract counter-cultural migrants (“back-to-the-landers“, Calvário and Otero 2015), who further counteracted peripheralisation processes, socially excluded people (Roma and long-term unemployed) accumulated in areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation. While counter-cultural migrants (case study G1 and H3), who follow a critique of materialist mainstream culture, modern farming practices, and the globalization of the agri-food systems, were free to decide where to live, the inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation (H2) got locked into spaces which are abandoned by the state, investors and the majority society (non-Roma people). As class, gender, ethnicity and place of residence influences autonomy, the individual and collective autonomy of the counter-cultural migrants is on a higher level than the autonomy of the inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation. As local initiatives (social and solidarity economy initiatives or rural social enterprises) are created to counteract processes of peripheralisation, the central question of this research is: In the context of peripheralisation how can social and solidarity economy initiatives contribute to local development? To explore in what ways rural social enterprises may (or may not) counteract processes of peripheralisation this study relies on a critical realist ethnography (with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentary analysis) and on a normative approach of local development, integrating economic, social, and environmental aspects too. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS In line with the relational approach to individual autonomy (Mackenzie 2014), a normative assumption of social enterprise scholars is that even if social enterprises receive state funding or money from private foundations or churches, they should be able to preserve their organisational autonomy. However, it should be pointed out that existing institutional contexts influence the political and organisational independence of social and solidarity economy (SSE) initiatives. Even if the reunification of Germany resulted in the assimilation of many East German institutions into West German ones, compared to Hungary, East Germany got integrated into a country with a thick institutional system for welfare provision and in which state-civil society relationships are rather characterised by partnership than state control. The current Hungarian government shows authoritarian tendencies, when it limits funding sources for civilian-based initiatives. Such a context, leads to municipality-based and faith-based social enterprises to blossom over civilian-based ones. These organisations are embedded in centralised structures and they often envision development through patronising means and thus reproduce the marginality of the socially excluded (particularly Roma) within the local society. Beyond monetary resources, non-monetary resources, such as volunteers or strong communities with reciprocal behaviour are considered to be potential resources for social enterprises. However, this research showed that with intensifying peripheralisation (eg. the selective out-migration of better-off social strata) SSE initiatives can decreasingly rely on non-monetary resources locally. Even if capitalist integration of CEE influenced negatively village communities, the reciprocal structures still existed in a village undergoing a higher (but not advanced) level of peripheralisation (H3) when the Ministers moved there and started their faith-based social enterprise together with the locals. In contrast, when the colleagues of the Equality Foundation started their civilian-based social enterprise in a village undergoing advanced peripheralisation, structures of reciprocal relations no longer existed there (H2). People in this village had time, but had been experiencing socio-spatial marginalisation (educational and territorial segregation, lack of jobs locally, limited access to public transport and car) for such a long time that they did not have the actual capacity to initiate local development without assistance coming from outside the village. SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The potential of participative decision-making is recognised by social enterprise researchers as a vehicle to empower marginalised people. From the four case studies only two initiatives (H2, G1) aim explicitly to achieve participative decision-making. Within the two other projects decisions are made through representatives of the community. In the case of the municipality-based social enterprise (H1), dominantly one representative, the Mayor has the power to make decisions, while in the case of the faith-based social enterprise (H3) the community representative, the 8 Presbyters and the Minister (who are all male) have the institutionalised right to make decisions for the community. The two civilian-based social enterprises (G1 and H2) are embedded in differently peripheralised contexts. In the case of advanced peripheralisation (H2) help comes outside of the village, from a development organisation. Building up the capacities of the local stakeholders for participative decision-making is a long-term strategy for the Foundation, which explicitly focuses on the empowerment of Roma and women. In case of moderate peripheralisation (G1) local agents, amongst whom counter-cultural migrants are overrepresented, have a capacity to start their SSE initiatives without help coming from a development organisation. Even if inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation have an agency, they need professional assistance from outside. It is, however, of particular importance that the development organisation follows the philosophy of democratic solidarity and has a capability-based approach. Without such assistance it would be naïve to expect agents of severely peripheralised areas to set up and run SSE initiatives themselves. At the same time it would be also wrong to think that without local knowledge (for example the knowledge of surviving in conditions of deep poverty and lived experiences of institutional racism) “developers” could reach long lasting results. Among the four case studies, the empowerment capacity was the highest in the civilian-based social enterprise (belonging to the Equality Foundation). This was the only initiative that acknowledged the ethnicised (and gendered) structural oppression of Roma (women). In addition to aiming to increase the individual autonomy of their stakeholders (through supporting adult education or providing advices on how to deal with domestic abuse), the organisation also aims to develop the collective autonomy of the inhabitants of the village through their community development project. Without identifying themselves as a Roma feminist organisation, the Equality Foundation has consciously focused on women as partners of local development. The reasoning behind their decision is connected to the role women play in the social reproduction of their households. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS There are life situations, when social needs get prioritised over environmental considerations. Deep poverty is one of those life situations. For example, the daily survival under conditions of housing poverty and extreme cold weather overwrites long-term strategies, such as environmentalism. Due to a lower purchasing power, poorer households have lower levels of consumption too. This, however, does not mean that underprivileged people would not aim to consume more. On the contrary, as our society is dominated by the ideology of capitalist consumerism, to counteract social exclusion consumerism is seen as a strategy towards social integration for people living in deep poverty. The comparison between a Hungarian village undergoing advanced peripheralisation (H2) and a German village undergoing moderate peripheralisation (G1) shows that only people with a higher level of individual autonomy are capable of “decolonizing their imaginary” (Latouche 2011), namely of questioning capitalist consumerism and develop ethical consumption practices.:Contents List of Abbreviations 11 Figures / Maps / Images 13 Tables 15 1 Introduction 17 1.1 AIMS AND MOTIVATION 17 1.2 THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH 20 1.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 21 2 Theorising peripheralisation and local development 23 2.1 PERIPHERALISATION, A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL, SELF-REINFORCING PROCESS 23 2.1.1 Dimensions of peripheralisation 23 2.1.2 Advanced peripheralisation 28 2.2 SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 29 2.2.1 Economic dimension 30 2.2.2 Social dimension: autonomy and empowerment 31 2.2.3 Environmental dimension 36 2.3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 38 3 Contexts: social and solidarity economy in the context of peripheralisation 41 3.1 PERIPHERALISATION 41 3.1.1 Post-socialist transformation, a historical overview of periheralisation 41 3.1.2 Multi-dimensional peripheralisation in East Germany and Hungary 44 3.1.3 The relational aspect of peripheralisation 48 3.1.4 Advanced peripheralisation, a Hungarian (semi-peripheral) reality 50 3.2 SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN CEE 51 3.2.1 Informal social and solidarity economy 52 3.2.2 Institutionalised social and solidarity economy 54 4 Methodology 59 4.1 TOWARDS A CRITICAL REALIST ETHNOGRAPHY 59 4.1.1 The scope of postmodern reflexive ethnography 60 4.1.2 Critical realism 61 4.1.3 Critical realist ethnography 62 4.2 CASE SELECTION AND COMPARATIVE PROCEEDING 63 Stage 1: Selecting areas undergoing peripheralisation 63 Stage 2: Identifying rural social enterprises 66 4.3 DATA COLLECTION 68 4.3.1 Interviews 69 4.3.2 Participant observation 72 4.3.3 Documents 76 4.4 POTENTIAL AND LIMITATIONS OF THE METHODOLOGY 77 4.4.1 Positivist critiques of the ethnographic approach 77 4.4.2 Anti-realist and postmodern critiques of ethnography 78 4.4.3 Critical realism and political engagement 79 4.4.4 Data analysis and reflections on the field experiences 81 5 Peripheralisation and the local scale 83 5.1 PERIPHERALISATION: THE LOCALITY AND THE CASE STUDY PROFILES 83 5.2 PERCEPTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PERIPHERIALITY IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS 91 5.2.1 Surviving advanced peripheralisation 91 5.2.2 Uneven access to education 92 5.2.3 Counter-cultural migration 93 5.3 THE MAIN CHALLENGES AND MISSION OF THE CASE STUDY SOCIAL ENTERPRISES 95 6 The interplay between autonomy and local resource-mix strategies 99 6.1 ORGANISATIONAL AUTONOMY AND ACCESS TO FUNDING 99 6.2 MARKET-BASED RESOURCES: EARNED INCOME 102 6.3 NON-MARKET RESOURCES: GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES 106 6.3.1 International governmental funding 106 6.3.2 National governmental funding 114 6.3.3 Non-governmental funding 119 6.4 NON-MONETARY RESOURCES: THE CAPACITIES OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY 120 7 Empowerment capacity of the case study initiatives 123 7.1 DECISION-MAKING STRUCTURES 123 7.1.1 Representative decision-making structures 124 7.1.2 Participative decision-making structures 127 7.2 EMPOWERMENT OF ROMA (WOMEN) 131 7.2.1 The empowerment capacity of rural social enterprises: a perspective of the Roma 132 7.2.2 A gendered aspect: the empowerment of Roma women 137 8 Environmental considerations 143 8.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE LOCAL LEVEL 143 8.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL 145 9 Summary and conclusions 149 9.1 LIMITATIONS AND POTENTIALS OF THE METHODOLOGY 149 9.2 THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS: THE CAPACITY OF SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN COUNTERACTING PERIPHERALISATION 150 9.2.1 Economic considerations: autonomy and local resource-mix strategies 150 9.2.2 Social considerations: Autonomy and Empowerment 153 9.2.3 Environmental considerations: environmental consciousness and environmental impact 156 9.3 POLICY IMPLICATIONS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ECONOMY POLICIES 156 10 References 159 10.1 GENERAL WORKS 159 10.2 DATABASES, RELATED MATERIALS 172 10.3 MEDIA SOURCES 172 10.4 WEBPAGES 173 10.5 LEGAL REFERENCES 174 Annex 1 Expert sampling sheet (hu) 175 Annex 2 Information sheet (hu) 177 Annex 3 Information sheet (de) 179 Annex 4 Consent form (hu) 181 Annex 5 Consent form (de) 183 Annex 6 Expert interviews 185 Annex 7 Case study interviews 187 Annex 8 Participant observation 189 Annex 9 Anonymised data sources 193

Firms and Territories in 4.0 Transformations: Evidence from Italian Technological Knowledge Intensive Business Services

Ciappei, Simona 04 October 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the transformations associated with the development and diffusion of 4.0 technologies, by combining a firm-level perspective with a territorial-level perspective. The aim is to understand whether and to what extent the engagement of firms, in particular technological knowledge-intensive business services, in 4.0 innovation activities is affected by the characteris-tics of the territory, regions, cities, or local production systems, in which they are located. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 comprises a systematic literature review of the studies that address Industry 4.0-related issues in industrialized countries from a regional perspective. The selected articles have been systematically collected and then discussed using a qualitative content-based approach. This review allowed for the identification of the main issues discussed and the gaps that exist in the literature and laid the foundation for the empirical analysis conducted in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, which focus on private technological knowledge-intensive business services (t-KIBS) engaged in the production and/or provision of ICT services. The decision to concentrate on technological knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) specializing in information and communication technology (ICT) is connected to their significant role in 4.0 transformations as they serve as both producers of these technologies and intermediaries and adapters, facilitating their adoption and implementation. Chapter 2 delves into the examination of the firm level and territorial level factors that influence the spatial distribution of the t-KIBS involved in the provision of 4.0 technologies (4.0 t-KIBS). 4.0 t-KIBS were identified using information extracted from t-KIBS websites, collected through web-scraping techniques. Then, a probit model with sample selection was employed to identify the most important territorial and firm-related factors influencing the decision to develop and/or provide 4.0 technologies. The results show that the probability of mentioning 4.0 technology is positively affected by t-KIBS size and profitability. From a territorial perspective, the main determinants are represented by demand coming from co-located manufacturers and to a lesser extent by urbanization economies. Finally, following the literature on KIBS variety, Chapter 3 explores the heterogeneous nature of the t-KIBS involved in the production and provision of 4.0 technologies. The objective is to gain insights into how these organizations differ across several key dimensions frequently examined in the KIBS variety literature. These dimensions encompass the geographical scope, innovation output, cognitive structure, external collaborations, and client focus. The empirical analysis draws on the same database built for Chapter 2 and on data collected through an original survey of a sample of 500 t-KIBS. The survey allowed for the collection of firm-level information that could not be retrieved from other data sources. The empirical analysis is split into two parts. Using a probit approach, the first part of the analysis explores whether and to what extent the peculiarities of 4.0 t-KIBS vary mainly according to their geographical scope and innovation output. The second part of the analysis employs a matching technique to compare certain attributes of 4.0 t-KIBS with those whose activities are not centred around 4.0 technologies. The main results show that the activities of 4.0 t-KIBS have a broader geographical scope that goes beyond local and regional boundaries. In contrast to established literature on KIBS, this is especially true for those t-KIBS that deliver customized innovations tailored to the needs of customers. From a cognitive perspective, it emerges the tendency of 4.0 t-KIBS to also rely on non-technical knowledge, while in terms of collaborations, they are more likely to collaborate with firms belonging to the same business group. Finally, 4.0 t-KIBS that are regionally anchored (i.e., they have not established an inter-regional network) are more likely to develop services and technologies specifically for public administrations.

Redevances forestièrse annuelles et développement local au Cameroun : expériences de deux communes rurales : une analyse anthropologique

Matchioundji, Télesphore 03 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse étudie les liens entre les « redevances forestières annuelles » (RFA) et le « développement local » dans deux communes du Cameroun. Ce travail anthropologique s’inscrit dans le débat qui se fait à l’échelle internationale relativement au rôle et au devenir des populations locales dans la gestion des ressources naturelles. Dans le passé, la gestion des redevances forestières annuelles (RFA) a été, dans les pays d’Afrique centrale et au Cameroun en particulier, sous la seule responsabilité de l’État central. Une telle politique n’offrait pas la garantie nécessaire à l’utilisation durable de ces ressources qui sont indispensables à la vie des populations villageoises riveraines et à l’équilibre de l’environnement. Profitant de la crise des années 1980 et 1990 en Afrique, le FMI et la Banque mondiale ont exercé une pression sur les États africains pour qu’ils revoient, en conformité avec la Conférence de Rio (1992), leurs politiques en matière de gestion et de conservation des ressources forestières. Dans le bassin du Congo, le Cameroun a été le tout premier pays à réviser, en 1994, ses lois forestières par le biais d’une décentralisation de la fiscalité forestière : les taxes perçues furent réparties entre l’État, les collectivités territoriales décentralisées et les populations villageoises riveraines. Les fonds transférés aux communes et aux populations riveraines devaient servir au développement local en contribuant notamment à l’amélioration des conditions générales de vie des populations à travers la réalisation d’œuvres sociales, l’adduction d’eau, la construction et l’entretien des routes, des écoles, des cases de santé, etc. Dans les faits, l’impact de la fiscalité forestière décentralisée reste à ce jour encore peu visible sur la dynamique du développement local des communes. Notre projet de recherche doctorale prend place dans le domaine d’une anthropologie du développement centrée sur l’étude des solutions que les populations locales apportent aux problèmes auxquels elles sont confrontées dans leur vie de tous les jours. L’analyse des impacts que les politiques de développement économique exercent sur les populations villageoises d’Afrique est ici à l’avant-plan, pas seulement au sens d’une critique des politiques étatiques en matière d’exploitation forestière, mais aussi au sens d’une meilleure compréhension des conditions de mise en œuvre de ces politiques et de l’impact de celles-ci sur les populations villageoises, tant sur le plan des avantages financiers directs que des transformations écologiques que les activités forestières introduisent dans les pratiques agricoles des villageois. Sur le plan méthodologique, il faut noter que ce fut très difficile d’obtenir les informations nécessaires, notre sujet d’étude se révélant être très sensible quant à sa portée politique. Nous avons néanmoins pu recueillir un solide ensemble de données par le biais d’une démarche de proximité de type qualitatif qui a été conduite dans deux communes forestières qui représentent deux réalités différentes en matière de gestion des RFA. La collecte des données a été faite, de manière intensive, dans sept villages qui répondaient à nos critères : nous avons ainsi pu étudier, de manière approfondie, la situation des groupes sociaux les plus défavorisés qui sont exclus dans le partage des revenus forestiers. Pour construire notre cadre théorique, nous avons combiné des éléments empruntés aux théories environnementales, à l’anthropologie économique et à l’analyse des modes de gestion. Il faut noter, par ailleurs, que l’anthropologue n’est ni un aménagiste, ni un environnementaliste, ni un spécialiste des études managériales. Nous avons conduit notre étude comparative dans les communes concernées en nous fixant pour objectif de comprendre les mécanismes de gestion des RFA mis en place par les leaders locaux et d’évaluer leur impact sur l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations villageoises et sur leur écosystème. Notre préoccupation était de savoir si les RFA constituent des vecteurs de développement socioéconomique pour des populations vivant dans et de la forêt. / Our thesis is an examination of the relationship between annual forest royalties (AFRs) and local development in two communities in Cameroon. This anthropological study joins the debate that is taking place on an international scale with regard to the role and the future of local populations in the management of natural resources. In the past, the management of annual forest royalties was, especially in Central Africa and in Cameroon, the sole responsibility of the state. Such a policy did not offer the guarantees necessary for the sustainable use of these resources, which are indispensable to the lives of riverside village populations and the stability of the environment. Taking advantage of the crisis of the 1980s and 1990s in Africa, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank applied pressure on African States to revise their policies, in accordance with the Conference of Rio (1992), regarding the management and conservation of forest resources. In 1994, Cameroon was the first country in the Congo river basin to revise its forest laws by means of a decentralization of the forest tax system: taxes received were distributed between the State, decentralized territorial collectives and riverside village populations. Funds transferred to these collectives and riverside populations were to be used for local development, specifically by contributing to the improvement of the general conditions of these populations through the realization of social works, water delivery, the construction and maintenance of roads, schools, health centers, etc. In practice, the impact of the decentralized forest tax system is hardly visible in the dynamics of the local development of communities to this day. Our doctoral research project is in the field of the anthropology of development centered on the study of the solutions local populations bring to the problems they are confronted with in their daily lives. The analysis of the impacts of economic development policies on the village populations of Africa is here foregrounded, not only in the sense of a criticism of state policies regarding forestry development but also in the sense of better understanding the conditions of their implementation and impact on village populations; both from the point of view of direct financial benefits as well as ecological changes forestry activities introduce to the agricultural practices of the villagers. On the methodological level, it is essential to note that it was very difficult to obtain the necessary information, the subject of the study proving to be very sensitive in its political implications. We were nevertheless able to collect a solid set of data by means of a local qualitative approach that was carried out in two forest communities, those of A (68 villages) and B (17 villages), which represent two different realities in terms of the management of annual forest royalties (AFRs). Through an intensive approach, data collection was undertaken in seven villages that responded to our criteria: we were able to study, in depth, the situation of the most disadvantaged social groups excluded in the sharing of the forest royalties. In building out theoretical framework, we combined elements borrowed from environmental theory, economic anthropology and the analysis of management styles. It should be noted, moreover, that the anthropologist is neither a forester, nor an environmentalist, nor a specialist in managerial studies. We focused our comparative study in the municipalities of A and B on the objective of understanding the mechanisms for the management of AFRs set up by the local leaders and to estimate their impact on the improvement of the living conditions of the village populations and their ecosystems. Our concern was to know if AFRs establish vectors for the socioeconomic development for village populations living and from the forest.

Les acteurs et le développement local : outils et représentations. Cas des territoires ruraux au Maghreb / Actors and local development : tools and representations. Case of rural areas in the Maghreb

Boudedja, Karima 02 July 2013 (has links)
Les stratégies de développement agricole et rural destinées aux territoires longtemps marginalisés, dans les trois pays du Maghreb central (Algérie, Maroc et Tunisie), ont, peu à peu, connues une convergence notamment durant l’adoption des plans d’ajustement structurel. Ces trois pays ont alors opté, sous l’influence des organisations internationales et de la politique européenne de développement rural, pour les approches participatives puis pour l’approche territoriale. Les acteurs publics de développement local sont ainsi appelés à adopter de nouvelles approches et de nouveaux modes d’intervention dont la principale conséquence attendue est l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs civils. La construction collective de territoire devrait alors être possible. A travers le cas des acteurs de développement en charge de l’insertion économique des jeunes, cette recherche s’est attelée à démontrer que l’approche territoriale, adoptée dans ces territoires marginalisés, fait face aux représentations divergentes entre les acteurs de développement qu’ils soient publics ou civils et les jeunes, qui au-delà des conflits de génération, traduisent des ancrages territoriaux et des pratiques influencés par les représentations territoriales. Ce qui explique qu’actuellement, malgré une attention particulière, ces territoires, longtemps marginalisés, ne font pas l’objet de véritables projets de construction collective de territoire. Cette thèse met l’accent notamment sur ces représentations, leurs origines, leurs influences et les possibilités de leurs changements. / Strategies for agricultural and rural development designed for the too long excluded territories in the three central Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia), have gradually converged specialy during the adption of the structural adjustment programmes. These three countries have then opted, under the influence of international organizations and the European rural development policy, for the participatory approaches and later on for the territorial approach. Public actors of local development are expected to adopt new approaches and new methods of intervention, whose main expected result, is the emergence of new civil actors. In such a case, a collective construction of territories should be possible. In the light of the case of development actors responsible of the economic integration of young people, this research has sought to prove that the territorial approach adopted in these marginalized areas, faces the divergent representations of public and private development actors and the young people which, beyond generational conflicts, reflect territorial anchors and practices influenced by territorial representations. That explains why, currently, despite particular attention, these too long excluded territories are not subject to real collective construction territory projects. This thesis focuses particularly on these representations, their origins, influences and possibilities of changes.


DANIEL TEIXEIRA DOS SANTOS 25 February 2015 (has links)
[pt] Na contemporaneidade, a intensidade dos processos e a velocidade dos acontecimentos marcam as relações humanas e as relações que estas estabelecem com o espaço. A sociedade é alvo de mudanças que alteram a rede de relações que a sustenta, relações entre sociedade e a natureza, estabelecidas a partir do trabalho. A produção do espaço é iminente à produção da sociedade no movimento histórico da sua reprodução. Neste Sentido, objetivamos entender a produção do espaço da cidade de Nova Friburgo inserido no conjunto de relações que dão conteúdo e sentido à vida da cidade, tendo espaço e desenvolvimento como os principais conceitos norteadores da pesquisa. Objetivamos realizar uma crítica ao modelo capitalista e a razão ocidental como pressuposto da mundialização que tem como propósito manter as estruturas de poder e exploração, e não o desenvolvimento autônomo de lugares, ou seja, aqueles lugares em que quando é explorada as tradições pode-se gerar um desenvolvimento livre sem imposições de agentes externos à comunidade. O objeto da dissertação é o processo mais recente de produção e reprodução do espaço urbano da cidade de Nova Friburgo baseado em um modelo capitalista de acumulação flexível e conceitos de metropolização e modernidade, construídos socialmente, estabeleceram condições de risco em um sítio susceptível a deslizamentos, que a partir de inúmeras apropriações torna-se urbano. Neste sentido é necessário investigar as contradições do processo de urbanização que se manifestam na cidade de uma forma desigual e combinada. / [en] In contemporaneity, the intensification of the processes and speed of events marks human relationships and, the relationships they establish with the space. Society is subject to changes, which can changes the relationships that sustain it, relations between society and nature, which is connected by work. The production of space is imminent production of society in the historic movement of reproduction, in this sense; the objective of the paper is to analyze the production of the city of Nova Friburgo inserted in the space of relations that give content and meaning to everyday life city in actuality, having space and development as the fundamental concepts of the paper. We intend to realize an criticism to capitalist model and globalization presupposes that aims to maintain the structures of power and exploitation, and not to encourage the autonomous development, it means the rising of those spaces that when traditions are explored can generates a free development without external impositions of the community. We have as object of the paper the most recent production and reproduction process of urban space in the Nova Friburgo city based on a capitalist system, flexible accumulation and concepts of metropolisation and modernity, that are socially constructed, established risk conditions at a site liable to landslides, which from numerous appropriations becomes urban. In this sense it is necessary to investigate the contradictions of the urbanization process manifested in the city in unequal and combined forms.

As interfaces entre o Plano Diretor (PD) Municipal e o Planejamento de Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL): o caso de Tambaú no Estado de São Paulo (2003-2008) / The connections between the municipal Master Plan and the plan for Local Productive Arrangements (LPA): the case of the town of Tambaú, in São Paulo State (2003-2008)

Fernandes, Jose Leandro de Resende 23 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho levanta as interfaces entre o planejamento municipal e as estratégias de desenvolvimento do aglomerado produtivo local (APL); tendo como estudo de caso o município de Tambaú em São Paulo e o seu APL de cerâmica vermelha, no período de 2003 a 2008. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se: o estudo das diferentes abordagens de aglomerações industriais produtivas, suas contribuições e pontos em comum; o conceito de Arranjo Produtivo Local, suas características essenciais, bem como suas diferenças com outros conceitos que tratam do tema; as diretrizes para a atuação em APLs do Governo Federal brasileiro e do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, como também do Sebrae e da Fiesp; análise do município de Tambaú; as delimitações físico-territorial, político administrativa e por bacias hidrográficas; processo de ocupação e desenvolvimento e a infra-estrutura tambauense; o setor de cerâmica vermelha no Brasil e a sua inserção na cadeia produtiva da construção civil; a caracterização do pólo ceramista tambauense; o processo de implementação da metodologia Fiesp no APL de cerâmica vermelha de Tambaú; os resultados averiguados; questões fundamentais na política urbana brasileira na atualidade; as diretrizes de desenvolvimento do Plano Diretor Municipal de Tambaú; os elementos estruturantes do planejamento do APL de cerâmica vermelha de Tambaú; e por fim, as interfaces entre o Plano Diretor Municipal e o Planejamento do APL de cerâmica vermelha de Tambaú. / The present work intends to set out the connections between municipal planning and development strategies for local productive arrangements (LPA), having studied the case of the town of Tambaú, in São Paulo, and its ceramic LPA, between 2003 and 2008. This dissertation presents: the study of the different approaches to the concept of productive industrial agglomeration, their contributions and common elements; the concept of LPA, its main characteristics, and the differences with other similar concepts; the operational guidelines for LPAs issued by the Brazilian federal government and the state of Sao Paulo´s regional government, and also by SEBRAE (Brazilian agency that gives support to micro and small enterprises) and FIESP (Federation that brings together the industries of the state of Sao Paulo); analysis of the town of Tambaú, center-east of Sao Paulo; geologic, geographic, politic and administrative delimitations; the process of the town´s occupation, development, and infrastructure; the ceramic sector in Brazil and its role in the production line of the Brazilian construction industry; the characteristics of Tambaú´s industrial district; the outcome of the implementation of FIESP´s methodology on the ceramic LPA; key questions in today´s Brazilian urban policy; development guidelines in Tambaú´s Master Plan; structural elements in Tambaú´s ceramic LPA; and, the connections between the town´s Master Plan and the plan for Tambaú´s ceramic LPA.

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