Spelling suggestions: "subject:"logik"" "subject:"gogik""
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Kundens ansvar i serviceupplevelsen : En studie inom marknadsföring utifrån en servicecentrerad logik.Ericsson Rabete, Linda, Berndt, Veronica January 2011 (has links)
Diskussionen inom tjänstemarknadsföring har länge handlat om att klassificera skillnader mellan varor och tjänster i termer om greppbarhet. Senare forskning har visat på klassificeringens irrelevans och presenterat en servicecentrerad logik, där erbjudandet i sig spelar roll för värdet. Filosofin låter varor och tjänster konvergera och ser till icke greppbara aspekter som relationer, dynamik, utbyte och kompetenser. Teorier har visat att kunden är medskapare av värde tillsammans med serviceutövaren och detta synliggörs i interaktionen. Kundens agerande kan således påverka servicesituationen och upplevelsen, vilket leder till en fråga om roller. Vidare är upplevd servicekvalitet subjektiv och grundas i en helhetsupplevelse med emotionella och funktionella inslag. Resonemangen leder vidare till kundens del i serviceupplevelsen och det delade ansvaret.Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla synen kring kundens ansvar i serviceupplevelsen genom att se till aspekter såsom värdeskapande, roller och servicekvalitet.Studiens empiriska del baserades på en kvalitativ intervjuserie med både kunder och serviceutövare i fyra olika branscher samt två introspektioner.Slutligen visar studien på att kundens roll och agerande är av betydelse för värdeskapande i interaktionen. Emotionellt och praktiskt kan kunden bidra såväl positivt som negativt till upplevd servicekvalitet. Kundens ansvar i serviceupplevelsen handlar om möjligheten till att aktivt eller passivt påverka servicesituationen.Nyckelord; service, ansvar, serviceupplevelse, roller, värdeskapande, servicekvalitet, servicecentrerad logik, tjänstemarknadsföring, interaktion. / The theoretical discussion within the area of service marketing has predominantly dealt with how to distinguish the differences between goods and services in terms of tangibility. Later studies have proven its irrelevance by presenting a service-centered logic, in which it is thought the actual offer of the product or service is what matters. This philosophy converges on goods and services, analyzing non-tangible aspects such as relations, dynamics, exchange and competences. Theories have shown that there is a co-production of value between company and customer which can be visible during the service interaction. The behavior and actions of the customer may affect the service situations as well as the experience. This leads to a question about roles. Furthermore, service quality is experienced subjectively. Customers tend to see the whole picture as in an experience, involving both emotional and functional parts.The discussion focuses on the customer’s part in a service experience and shared responsibility.This study aims to develop this discussion and assess the different view points concerning how the customer has a responsibility for the service experience by looking into aspects such as value creation, roles and service quality.The empirical part of the study is based on qualitative interviews from four different branches and two introspections.Conclusively, the study shows the role and acts of the customers are of importance for the value creation and the interaction. Emotionally and functionally, the customer can contribute positively and negatively to experienced service quality. Customer responsibility is about actively or passively using the opportunity to have an effect on the service situation.Key words: service, responsibility, service experience, roles, value creation, service quality, service-centered logic, services marketing, interaction,
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Entwicklung einer Steuerungsstrategie für die biologische Abfallbehandlung im dynamischen ReaktorBartha, Béla Kolos 07 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die prozess- und steuerungstechnische Untersuchung der biologischen Trocknung von Restabfällen im dynamischen Reaktor. Die gezielte Kombination von biologischen und mechanischen Prozessen innerhalb eines Reaktors führt zu Eigenschaften des Outputmaterials, die die prinzipielle Überlegenheit des dynamischen Reaktors hinsichtlich Prozessbeeinflussbarkeit und Produktqualität deutlich belegen. Die vorgestellte Steuerungslösung besteht aus einem Modul zur Klassensteuerung, der in eine übergeordnete Ablaufsteuerung eingebettet wurde. Diesem Aufbau liegt die Feststellung zu Grunde, dass beim diskontinuierlich geführten Prozess die Eigenschaften des Reaktor-Abfall-Systems von Charge zu Charge sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen können. Mit fortschreitender Prozesszeit können bestimmte Eigenschaften, im konkreten Fall Wassergehalt und Aktivität des Materials aus dem Prozessverlauf selbst bestimmt werden. Voraussetzung dazu ist die Schaffung von vergleichbaren Prozessbedingungen durch eine vorgegebene Reihenfolge von Handlungen zu Beginn des Prozesses. Ab einem bestimmten Informationsstand kann die bis dahin schematische in eine automatische Prozessführung überführt werden. In dieser werden an die aktuelle Prozesssituation angepasste Handlungen ausgeführt.
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Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical ProofsBrünnler, Kai 25 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we see deductive systems for classical propositional and predicate logic which use deep inference, i.e. inference rules apply arbitrarily deep inside formulas, and a certain symmetry, which provides an involution on derivations. Like sequent systems, they have a cut rule which is admissible. Unlike sequent systems, they enjoy various new interesting properties. Not only the identity axiom, but also cut, weakening and even contraction are reducible to atomic form. This leads to inference rules that are local, meaning that the effort of applying them is bounded, and finitary, meaning that, given a conclusion, there is only a finite number of premises to choose from. The systems also enjoy new normal forms for derivations and, in the propositional case, a cut elimination procedure that is drastically simpler than the ones for sequent systems.
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Bio-inspired Optical Flow Interpretation with Fuzzy Logic for Behavior-Based Robot Control / Biologisch-Inspirierte Interpretation des Optischen Flusses mittels Fuzzy-Logik für Verhaltensbasierte RobotersteuerungenMai, Ngoc Anh, Janschek, Klaus 10 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This paper presents a bio-inspired approach for optical flow data interpretation based on fuzzy inference decision making for visual mobile robot navigation. The interpretation results of regionally averaged optical flow patterns with pyramid segmentation of the optical flow field deliver fuzzy topological and topographic information of the surrounding environment (topological structure from motion). It allows a topological localization in a global map as well as controlled locomotion (obstacle avoidance, goal seeking) in a changing and dynamic environment. The topological optical flow processing is embedded in a behavior based mobile robot navigation system which uses only a mono-camera as primary navigation sensor. The paper discusses the optical flow processing approach as well as the rule based fuzzy inference algorithms used. The implemented algorithms have been tested successfully with synthetic image data for a first verification and parameter tuning as well as in a real office environment with real image data.
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Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Integration der kundengerechten Wertgestaltung in die Konzeptphase des ProduktentwicklungsprozessesSchumann, Frank Jens 11 April 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Die für die Konzeptphase des Produktentwicklungsprozesses erarbeitete integrierte Vorgehensweise bietet durch Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Zielkostenspaltung und -erreichung eine systematische Unterstützung hinsichtlich der:
Funktionsprojektierung entsprechend den Kundenanforderungen
Ermittlung der Prioritäten des Kunden
Erarbeitung von Teilzielkostenvorgaben
Konzipierung prinzipieller Lösungen
Prognose deren voraussichtlicher Kosten
Auswahl alternativer Lösungskonzepte
Bewertung des technischen Potentials und des vergüteten Nutzens der Konzeptalternativen
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Die Funktion des Arbeitsgedächtnisses beim abduktiven Schließen: Experimente zur Verfügbarkeit der mentalen Repräsentation erklärter und nicht erklärter BeobachtungenBaumann, Martin 22 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Abductive reasoning is the process of finding a best explanation for a
set of observations. In many abductive problems, like medical
diagnosis, scientific discovery, debugging or troubleshooting, an
amount of information far beyond the capacity limits of working memory
(WM) must be processed. Although WM plays a central role in theories
of human cognition, theories of abductive reasoning do not specify WM
processes during the generation of explanations. On the basis of a
computational model of abductive reasoning and of theories of text
comprehension a mechanism is proposed that reduces WM load during
abductive reasoning. The computational model views abductive reasoning
as the sequential comprehension and integration of observations into a
situation model that represents the current best explanation for the
observations. The proposed WM mechanism assumes that the situation
model is only partly kept in WM, whereas other pieces are stored in
long-term memory. These long-term representation part can be reliably
accessed through retrieval structures to reinstatiate information in
WM during abductive reasoning. It is assumed that unexplained
observations are actively maintained in WM until an explanation for
them could be generated. Thereafter their representation is lost from
WM. But these explained observations can be recalled from long-term
memory via their integration into the situation model.
This mechanism makes predictions about the availability of the mental
representation of explained and unexplained observations. These
predictions were tested in four experiments, using different memory
tests for observations. In Experiments 1 and 2 a recognition test was
used, in Experiment 3 an implicit menory test was used and in
Experiment 4 the participants had to perform an unexpected recall
after task interruption.
The results show that unexplained observations are accessed faster
than explained ones during abductive reasoning. This confirms the
mechanism's assumption that unexplained observations are kept in WM and
explained ones not. But explained observations seem not to be
represented in long-term memory. Rather, it seems that observations
are rapidly forgotten afer they are explained. Different possible
reasons for this pattern of result are discussed.
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Diagnostisches Schließen bei WidersprüchenBocklisch, Franziska 30 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit dem diagnostischen Schließen bei Widersprüchen. Diagnostisches Schließen wird in Anlehnung an Johnson und Krems (2001) als sequentieller Verstehensprozess aufgefasst, bei dem ein Situationsmodell aufgebaut wird, dass die Problemlösung enthält. Es wurde eine Experimentalaufgabe aus dem Bereich der medizinischen Diagnostik konstruiert, bei der sequentiell Krankheitssymptome präsentiert wurden. Die studentischen Versuchspersonen sollten auf mögliche Ursachen schließen und eine Diagnose stellen. Erfasst wurden die Häufigkeit richtiger Lösungen sowie Ratingwerte einer Plausibilitätseinschätzung über den gesamten Schlussfolgerungsprozess hinweg.
Neben widerspruchsfreien Versuchsdurchgängen wurden zwei Arten von Widersprüchen erzeugt. Zum einen Widersprüche, in denen ein Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen Klassen von Hypothesen notwendig ist, und zum anderen Widersprüche, bei denen zwischen Einzelhypothesen der gleichen Hypothesenklasse gewechselt werden soll. Erwartet wurde, dass Widersprüche schwerer zu lösen sein sollten als widerspruchsfreie Durchgänge und dass sich der Prozess des Schließens je nach Widerspruchsart unterschiedlich gestaltet. Im Vergleich der Durchgänge ließen sich die Hypothesen bestätigen. Bezüglich der beiden Widerspruchsarten wurde davon ausgegangen, dass ein Wechsel zwischen Hypothesenklassen schwieriger sein sollte, als wenn Einzelhypothesen innerhalb der gleichen Klasse geändert werden müssen. Dies konnte in der experimentellen Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden, sondern hat sich eher gegenteilig gezeigt. Mit Hilfe des Verfahrens der Fuzzy Pattern Klassifikation, dass insbesondere die Unsicherheit und Unschärfe von Daten berücksichtigt, wurden die Ratings ausgewertet. Die Modellierung des Schlussfolgerungsprozesses speziell für die Fälle von Widersprüchen verdeutlicht die Ergebnisse.
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Environmental balance of mining from seafloorGomaa, Ehab 21 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The underwater mining has increased in the recent years and the growing awareness of the potential impacts on the environment, as results of increasing the encroachment on the marine environment. Therefore, the debate has increased about how to protect this environment by using the scientific research that\'s relevant to the various environmental effects and developing the equipment used in dredging. There is a wide diversity of underwater mining equipments, such as continuous and non-continuous dredging which used for production of sand, gravel, alluvial deposits and raw material. There are a relation between increasingly dredging activities in the recent years and their impacts on the aquatic environment. These impacts are causes by changes in the topography of the sea floor such as turbidity, noise and other environmental impacts.
Today, there is an international framework of legislation which has been developed for dredging projects. This contains rules and regulations which must be followed by mining companies and have to implemented by national authorities. The European countries also develop their legislation to control on the dredged material which deposit on land and sea. This legislation is constantly changing related to scientific knowledge and increasing the implementation frameworks. Also, the people become more sensitive to emissions that have a negative attitude towards dredging in the neighborhood. In addition, dredging techniques give rise to objections, which eventually led to think in more environmentally-friendly production methods.
After that, the use of dredger is the only alternative in some project. The question is what are the true benefits of these techniques and what is the relation between possible improvements and technological potential as well as the costs. Therefore, it is intended to assess mining techniques in the context of their environmental impact and the costs. There are many systematic approaches which have been used for evaluation and determination of the environmental performances of different dredging equipment, techniques and procedures. Moreover, the new future developments and latest proposals in the dredging industry have been presented. Also, the new proposal to reduce the turbidity and suspended material effect which is the most important environmental impacts during dredging operations has presented.
This research work gives a description of underwater mining techniques and different way of evaluating the dredging equipment’s in term of environmental, economic and social aspects. Also, this work presents two different methods of evaluation. The first approach is the statistical analyses method by using the modern Fuzzy evaluation concept. The second slant is a mathematical accounting method by using the information from the Egyptian case study, in order to reach the most environmental-friendly dredging techniques by taking into account the economic and social point of views.
The final evaluation showed that the suction and bucket ladder dredger are the best choices. The assessment was made after comparing many parameters such as performance, characteristics, working depth, soil types and project area. Also, this work presents two different new practices for extraction of the underwater placer deposits which occur on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast.
The first technique uses floating processing unit in the in situ area, which gets the extracted material and treated it to reduce the transportation costs. The second technique has divided the working area to many stages which make the suction dredger used also for transporting the material into the beach. The pipeline will be the best method of transportation by using the power of suction, which reduce also the transportation costs and also avoid the environmental effects.
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Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocessBolander, Marcus January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR’s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations. Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR. Furthermore four observations were made to supplement the interviews. Findings: The general findings of this study shows that SALAR has been mediatized through organizing in way which signals adaptation to media logic. However, contrary too much of what the literature tells about political mediatization, SALAR adapts to media logic to be able to use the media as an arena for the messages and stories they want to tell. Which means that the adaption isn’t only forced but they are able to make the most of that adaption. SALAR from a Meta organizational perspective shows that it does not affect the actual mediatization process, only that using members as examples enforces the content, which later forms opinion. Concluding, no evidence can be found the supports the notion that SALAR’s mediatization process can be equalled to the meditization process for the whole political system. / Sammanfattning Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka i vilken grad den politiskt styrda organisation SKL blivit medialiserad. Dessutom studera hur SKL i egenskap av att vara metaorganisation påverkar hur denna medialisering sker. För att åstadkomma detta undersöks hur SKL organiserar sig internt för att kunna bedriva medial opinionsbildning inom en av deras prioriterade verksamhetsfrågor, ökat bostadsbyggande. Därtill var ett ytterligare syfte att likställa SKL:s medialiseringsprocess mot medialiseringsprocesserna för hela det politiska systemet. Metod: Det här är en kvalitativ studie där insamling av det empiriska materialet har skett genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och fältobservationer. Material: Totalt åtta intervjuer genomfördes. Fyra tycken från avdelningen för kommunikation, tre från avdelningen tillväxt och samhällsbyggnad och en från avdelningen VD-stab. Därtill har fyra observationer genomförts för att komplettera de intervjuer som gjorts. Resultat: Resultatet av undersökningen visar att SKL har blivit medialiserad utifrån två definierade medialiseringsfaser. Det betyder att SKL anpassar sig till medielogik för att kunna möta mediernas behov. Resultatet visar att denna anpassning görs för att kunna använda media som en arena för de budskap som man vill förmedla i opinionsbildande syften inom bostadsfrågan vilket skiljer sig från vad mycket av litteraturen om politisk medialisering säger. SKL som metaorganisationen har också inga stora problem med att hantera sina medlemmar in denna medialiseringsprocess och har heller ingen påverkan på hur den sker. Däremot kan SKL som metaorganisation förstärka sitt innehåll i de mediala produkter som produceras i syftet att vara opinionsbildande. Inga övertygande bevis kan dock inte göras för att se SKL:s medialisering som en representant för medialiseringen av det hela politiska systemet. Det här på grund av att SKL som organisationen har ett annat sätt att vara verksam på vilket gör att deras anpassning till medielogik inte med säkerhet går att säga är densamma som anda politiska institutionernas anpassning.
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Learning Description Logic Knowledge Bases from Data Using Methods from Formal Concept AnalysisDistel, Felix 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Description Logics (DLs) are a class of knowledge representation formalisms that can represent terminological and assertional knowledge using a well-defined semantics. Often, knowledge engineers are experts in their own fields, but not in logics, and require assistance in the process of ontology design. This thesis presents three methods that can extract terminological knowledge from existing data and thereby assist in the design process. They are based on similar formalisms from Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), in particular the Next-Closure Algorithm and Attribute-Exploration. The first of the three methods computes terminological knowledge from the data, without any expert interaction. The two other methods use expert interaction where a human expert can confirm each terminological axiom or refute it by providing a counterexample. These two methods differ only in the way counterexamples are provided.
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