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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trygghet och samverkan i en av Sveriges mest trygga städer : En kvalitativ fallstudie om staden där nästan alla känner sig trygga. / A qualitive field study about the city where almost everyone feels safe

Bulandr, Karl-Henrik, Ludvigsson, Kim January 2014 (has links)
We have in this field study been researching how social comfort is affected by the work of social services and their collaboration with police, schools and health care within a small village located countryside in the northern part of Sweden. The attribute which sets this village a part from most other small countryside villages is the fact that the crime rate is amongst the lowest in Sweden as well as the social security feeling within the inhabitants are amongst the highest. We traveled 2298 kilometers back and forth to be able to interview professionals and gather empiric material for this study. The method we have used for data collection has been in the form of semi structured interviews. We have used previous research concerning collaboration, social comfort, social discomfort and fear of crime as our aid to analyze our findings with the help of theories regarding different types of communites (gemeinschaft and gesellschaft) invented by Ferdinand Tönnies (2001) and Human Service Organisation by Hasenfeld (1983). We have analyzed our findings with the help of a qualitative content analysis. The result showed that the collaboration between the different authorities was a key point in preserving the social comfort feeling within the community and the idea of gemeinschaft also affects the outcome in various ways. The study will provide insight in understanding how collaboration can be represented in multi professional practices in the work for social comfort for the inhabitants as well as spreading knowledge regarding positive and negative effects concerning multi professional collaboration. Nyckelord / Key words: Samverkan, samarbete, trygghet, brott, brottslighet, crime, criminality and collaboration

Folkbibliotekets roll på landsbygden och i staden / The Public Library’s role in a rural community and in a town

Thorn, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine whether the role of a public library in a rural community is different from that of a town library. To answer this, a case studie of two public libraries has been made. Interviews, collection of documents and observations were carried out on location in one public library located in a rural area, and one public library, situated in a town. A modified version of an analysis model, originally developed by Andersson and Skot-Hansen, was used to analyse the data. Andersson’s and Skot-Hansen’s model is designed to categorize the roles of the public library as (1) a cultural centre (2) a knowledge centre (3) an information centre, and (4) a social centre. The analytical findings show that the rural library examined in this study clearly possess all of the roles of the model, while the town library of this study is more distinct in the roles of being information centre and knowledge centre. The remaining two roles does appear in the sample, but not to the same extent. The results also show that the roles a public library takes on does not solely depend on the surroundings being rural or urbanized, but on many other circumstances as well. Some other determinants are the character of the municipality, and organizational issues such as management of both the municipality and the library. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Biblioteket som mötesplats : vad menas med det? / The library as a meeting place, what does that mean?

Kulju, Marja, Ingvarsson, Virpi January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines how library employees experience the library as a meeting place. Our questions are: What effect has the concept of a "library as a meeting-place" for library staff?How do they see the library as a meeting place? How do they see their workplace as a venue for meetings? The respondents interviewed work in public libraries. We were inspired by a cultural geographic theory that we re-designed. The following divisions were made in order to give the work a definitive structure:The "mental space"The library as a meeting place on a global and universal level;The "conceived space"Librarians and planners' thinking on the specific library as a meeting place;The "living space"How library staff perceive that the library is used as a meeting place in reality.In our analysis, we use a phenomenographic qualitative interpretive methodology. Phenomenography concerns the differences and variation of a phenomenon. In our case, this is how the library staff experiences the library as a meeting place. The result of our interviews gives us indications that the majority of respondents think the library is a meeting place for visitors (from the local community). It appears the library, as a venue, is used for many kinds of meetings. There are the meetings between visitors – but also meetings within the physical premises or concerning organising the library itself. We found that our respondents see the library as a meeting place from three different angles: from a societal perspective, an individual perspective and a library perspective.

Försörjningsstöd och lokalsamhälle : En explorativ studie om låga försörjningsstödskostnader i Säffle kommun / Social assistance and local society : An exploratory study about low costs of social assistance in Säffle township

Belander, Kerstin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to illustrate if structural factors to welfare indicators and the internal organisation of handle social assistance in combination with dominating ways of living with their values and norms can be used to explain why the costs of social assistance are low in Säffle township. The character of this study is exploratory, though important aspects in this case was unknown. The empiricism come from descriptive secondary statistics and from qualitative interwievs with three inhabitants in Säffle, whom are experts which means they know the township of Säffle and it´s inhabitants well. Säffle has been studied from four perspectives, of which the first two have a top- or macroperspective. In the study appears two divergent pictures. In the first macroperspective, the planning perspective, are several structural factors that used to imply high costs of social assistance. The level of education is low in Säffle, and the unemployment is high, especially among the young people. However there are positive structural factors that seem to counteract or ease the effects of the negative factors. The character of Säffle is high promotion of Self-employed and farmers. The high promotion of self-employed and farmers and their traditions of supply from many sources can be important reasons for the inhabitants of Säffle getting by without asking for help at the public institutions. In the second macroperspective, that focus on individual welfare indicators, the study shows that the inhabitants of Säffle have a low level of ill health respect several of the welfare indicators. In the mesoperspective the study shows that causes to low costs of social assistance in Säffle are not to be found in organisation or methods for handle the social assistance. The study indicates in a microperspective that the inhabitants in Säffle may have a traditional way of being and have values and norms that it is worthily to fend for oneself in exposed situations and that it is unworthy to ask for social assistance. The informants tell that the privat social relations of the inhabitants in Säffle indicates a divided place with solid groups hard to break. If there are norms and values in the group that says it is unworthy to ask for social assistance, though you might be entitled, there is a strong reason not to ask for social assistance. Though my empiricism about the norms and values of the inhabitants in Säffle are limited, the area is important and interesting for further studies. The social services in Säffle should look for better processing routines for handling the social assistance and to develop and improve the information about rights and obligations for the social assistance. Increasing costs for social assistance in Säffle hereafter would be motivated because of the non take up of social assistance that probably exists in Säffle.

Bevara industrin i Säffle! : En industristads gemenskap och samverkan i kris / Keep the industry in Säffle! : An industrial city’s community and collaboration in crisis

Andersson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Gemenskap kan förstås delvis som ett enhetligt plats-baserat väsen man kan kalla lokalsamhället, vars beståndsdelar förgrenar sig till fler mindre gemenskaper. Tillsammans samverkar gemenskaperna mot olika mål som för samhället åt olika håll. Denna studie har riktat sig på att undersöka ett lokalsamhälle, under en period av svår lågkonjunktur till följd av den ekonomiska krisen som rådde under 70-talet, för att se hur dessa jobbar enskilt och tillsammans. Två nedläggningar av lokala industriföretag från Säffle studerades genom undersökningar hur kommun, fackförbund och lokaltidning arbetade genom deras krisår mot nedläggning.

”Folkbibliotekets funktioner i det lokala samhället” : En idéanalytisk studie av fyra biblioteksplaner / “The public library’s functions in the local society” : An idea analytic study of four library plans

Antonsson, Lina, Aspernäs, Helena January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the ideas about functions that public libraries have in the local society. We have used the method idea analysis on four municipal library plans, to find out which ideas about library functions that frequented each plan, and what similarities and differences there were between the ideas about functions in each plan. As a theoretic base, we have used a theory about three dynamic spheres in modern society: the state market and civil society, and examined how these three spheres influence and control the library functions. We have extracted six different ideas about library functions: educational, social, economical, entertaining, serving and democratic functions. The most dominating ideas in this study are ideas that the public library should be an educating and formative institution. As the public library is a public institution depending on the state, are the most ideas of functions connected to this sphere. We can also see a tendency that the public library is a service institution that acts on the demands from users and other authorities in society. This can be a result of influence from the market, just as ideas that the public library should be engaged in economic development, though this idea is scarce in the documents analysed. The civil society is mostly represented in the social ideas, that the public library is a public meeting place and a room for recreation and entertainment. We have found these ideas in all plans but as these are of a more voluntary character are they not as visible. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Folkbibliotekets roll i det lokala samhället : Tre kvalitativa fallstudier / The Function of the Public Library in the Local Community : Three Qualitative Case Studies

Edlund, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master’s study is to examine the function of the public library in the local community at present. I have searched for the answers to the following questions: Which position has the public library in the local cultural policy? What characterizes each library and which are the priorities? What is the local profile of the public library? What cooperation partners does the public library have and what do they mean to the library? Does the public library intensify the local community in any way? To answer this, I have made three qualitative case studies. Interviews and collection of documents were carried out in three different communities. The people interviewed are library chiefs and local politicians. As a theoretic base I have used an analysis model, originally developed by Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen. The analysis model is designed to categorize the functions of the public library in the local community as: a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, an information centre, and a social centre. The analytical findings illustrate that all three libraries examined are clearly visible in the local cultural policy. The findings also reveal that all three libraries possess all of the functions of the analysis model, although some differences were found. One of the libraries is more distinct in the function as a knowledge centre, another is more distinct in the function as a cultural centre, and a third is more distinct in the function as a social centre. The libraries examined have several cooperation partners in the local community. The reasons why cooperation is important is partly economical and partly that it makes the library more visible in the local community. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Miljöarbete på bibliotek : En komparativ studie av tre folkbiblioteks yttre miljöarbete / Environmental work at libraries : A comparative study of three public libraries’ outer environmental work

Hagelin, Anna January 2012 (has links)
A trend since the early 90’s has been that some public libraries offer a special shelf containing environmental information to the community, but it seems as though the subject has been overlooked by the literature and the science community. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study how three independent public libraries work with environmental information that is made available to the community. The following questions were addressed: 1) Which arguments can be found as to why the libraries offer this activity? 2) How does the environmental work at the public libraries look and what does it contain of? 3) Are there any similarities or differences in this work between the three libraries?To answer these questions interviews with librarians were carried out; observations were made to complement the interviews. Kathryn Miller’s theory “the libraries green role” (2010) was used to identify which roles the libraries played in the local community. Miller suggests that there are two possible roles that the library can play in order to contribute to the greening of the community: that of an environmental leader and/or environmental educator. The results showed that the libraries environmental work differed to some extent but was largely similar. The arguments behind the activity were found to be democracy and education. The libraries were in larger extent identified to act as an environmental educator than an environmental leader. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Turismens påverkan : hur turism påverkar individer i ett lokalsamhälle / The impact of tourism : how tourism affects individuals in the localcommunity

Bensköld, Anna, Forsman, Jessica, Westerberg, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Det globala resandet har haft en kraftig positiv ökning de senaste åren och beräknas enligtinternationella bedömningar fortsätta öka med cirka tre procent per år fram till 2030.Turistnäringen växer med andra ord i snabb takt och har kommit att bli en stor inkomstkällaför många länder och i vissa av dem även den största arbetsgivaren. I Sverige omsatteturistnäringen 284,2 miljarder år 2013 och detta är en ökning med 3,9 procent i jämförelsemed föregående år. Som ett resultat av turismens centrala betydelse världen över, anser vi attdet ligger ett intresse i att undersöka hur lokalbefolkningen på en ort påverkas av dess turism.Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur individer bland en orts befolkning påverkas av ortensturism. Avsikten med studien är att skapa ny förståelse och utveckla kunskapen kring hurindivider med olika bakgrund så som sysselsättning, ålder och koppling till turismen uppleveroch påverkas av turism, och därmed bidra till den forskning som redan finns inom området.En kvalitativ metod har använts för att besvara följande forskningsfråga: Hur påverkasindivider på en destination av turism på den egna orten? En fallstudie har genomförts och istudien har Marstrand, beläget i Bohuslän Sverige, använts som medel för att ge svar påforskningsfrågan.Ett flertal positiva och negativa aspekter av turism har identifierats och därefter analyseratsmed hjälp av de teorier som presenterats. Bland annat har TALC-modellen använts för attutläsa i vilken fas Marstrand som destination befinner sig i. Detta då ortsbefolkningens syn påturism kan variera beroende på vilket steg destinationen befinner sig i, samt för att ta reda pådestinationens potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter. Studien kommer fram till att Marstrandbefinner sig i stagnation fasen under högsäsong och development fasen under lågsäsong.De slutsatser som går att utläsa från studien är att olika individer lägger vikt vid olika aspekterav ortens turism beroende på hur deras livssituation ser ut och vilken koppling de själva hartill turismen i sig. Vidare går studiens resultat i linje med de teorier som presenteras i tidigareforskning, genomförd på andra platser i världen. Trots att studiens omfattning inte ärtillräcklig för att dra några generella slutsatser skulle detta kunna tyda på att individer ur enlokalbefolkning har en liknande syn på turism, oberoende av geografisk plats och landetsutvecklingsgrad. / Global travel has had a strong positive growth in recent years and is forecasted to increase byabout three percent per year until 2030, according to international assessments. The tourismindustry is growing at a rapid pace and has become a major source of income for manycountries, in some the largest employer. In 2013 the Swedish tourism industry had a turnoverof 284,2 billion which is an increase by 3,9 percent compared to the previous year. Due to thecentral importance of tourism worldwide, we believe that there is an interest to investigatehow the local residents at a destination are affected by its tourism. The study aims to examinehow different individuals among the local population are affected by tourism. The purpose ofthe study is to create new understanding and to develop knowledge about how individualswith different backgrounds such as occupation, age and connection to tourism experience andare affected by tourism, and thereby contribute to previous research in the field. A qualitativeresearch method was used to answer the following research question: How are individuals ata destination affected by tourism in their own community? A case study has been completedand the study used Marstrand, situated in Bohuslän Sweden, to answer the research question.Several positive and negative aspects of tourism have been identified and then analysed byusing the theories presented. The TALC model was used to determine which phase Marstrandas a destination is in. This due to the fact that the local residents’ opinion may vary dependingon the phase the destination is in and also to find out the destination´s potential fordevelopment. The study concludes that Marstrand is in the stagnation stage during highseason and the development stage during low season.The result of the study indicates that different individuals put emphasis on different aspects oftourism depending on their life situation and the connection they have to tourism.Furthermore the study shows similar results as presented in recent research made in othercountries. Although the extent of the study is not sufficient enough to draw any generalconclusions, this may indicate that individuals from a local population has a similar view ontourism, regardless of geographic location and the country's level of development.

Dissekering av ett lokalsamhälle : En studie av sociokulturella mönster på småländsk landsbygd 1838-1845

Isacsson, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Following essay examines the social and cultural patterns of southern rural Sweden between the years 1838-1845. The study is based on records from trials held by the district court of the district Norra Möre, which provides an insight to the everyday life in rural local community. Emphasis is put on exclusion and inclusion: the basis for community, codes for inclusion and exclusion, meaningful attributes, social and cultural capital etc. Questions concerning gender are raised as well as intents to discover whether modern ideas contrast early-modern, especially considering the process of individualization.   Results show that concepts of confidence and trust were extremely valuable and possessed significant meanings.  Confidence, which established itself on virtuous and honest life, created the framework for most aspects of social society: for example credibility inside and outside of court, maintenance of friendship and company, capacity of upholding a working life. Forfeit of trust, through extensive dissolute, mischievous and ill-considered way of life meant exclusion from the community and great vulnerability. Convicted criminals and alcoholics were particularly people at risk in encountering these problems due to their bad reputation and public stigma.   The sources reveal little of variations between men and women. It appears as if the confidence and trust derived from the same factors: the virtuous and honest life. Unfortunately it is unsaid whether virtuousness had different meaning to men and women. Regarding the process of individualization the sources present different results: a few indicating examples exist, yet a distinct connection between individuals and collectives is tangible.

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