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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bergamo, 568-1098 : Verfassungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte einer lombardischen Stadt im Mittelalter /

Jarnut, Jörg, January 1979 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Geschichte--Bonn, 1977. / Bibliogr. p. 296-314. Index.

Adelsherrschaft und städtische Gesellschaft in Oberitalien : 9. bis 12. Jahrhundert /

Keller, Hagen, January 1979 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Habilitationsschrift : Geschichtswissenschaft : Freiburg: B¹.--1971, parue sous le titre "Senioren und Vasallen, Capitane und Valvassoren--Untersuchungen über die Führungsschicht in den lombardischen Städten des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Mailands. Teil 1" / Bibliogr. p. 405-434. Index.

Totius libertatis patrona : die Kommune Mailand in Reich und Region während der ersten Hälfte des 13. Jahrhunderts /

Hermes, Raimund, January 1999 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät--Münster--Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität, Wintersemester 1998/9. / Bibliogr. p. 515-546. Index.

Kontakte zwischen dem alamannisch-bajuwarischen Raum und dem langobardenzeitlichen Italien /

Keim, Stephanie. January 2007 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Dissertation--München--Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2005. / Bibliogr. p. [198]-222.

Itálie: ekonomika a postavení na mezinárodním trhu cestovního ruchu / Italy: Economics and Position in the International Tourism Market

Levák, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the development of key economic indicators and indicators of tourism and determination of trends of Italian economy and tourism in the last years. The first chapter is about the influence of the global financial crisis on the development of Italian economy and the economic competitiveness. This chapter also analyzes the measures which were approved by Italian government in effort to improve the state of the economy after the crisis. The second chapter defines the tourism in Italy and describes the development of inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, Italian tourism trends and the tourism competitiveness of Italy. The third chapter compares Italy, Portugal, Greece and Spain in terms of economic level and position of these countries in the international tourism market. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the comparison of Italian regions Lombardy and Calabria which are analyzed by chosen indicators for purpose of showing regional differences between both regions.

La visibilité de la mort et l’expression de la vie : la fondation funéraire de Philibert II de Savoie et Marguerite d’Autriche à Brou (1504-1532) / The visibility of death and the expression of life : the funeral foundation of Philibert II of Savoy and Margaret of Austria at Brou (1504-1532)

Vial, Françoise 07 February 2012 (has links)
Traditionnellement perçu comme expression de la politique impériale de Marguerite d’Autriche, régente des Pays-Bas, dans le duché de Savoie dont elle était douairière en Bresse, le couvent Saint-Nicolas de Tolentin à Brou monumentalise en fait la dévotion de son défunt époux Philibert II. Le souverain avait hérité des derniers ducs de la branche aînée son inclination ignorée pour l’influente congrégation observante des Augustins de Lombardie qui participant de la création renaissante, fournit, transcrit dans un style local, le schéma claustral de Brou. L’idée maîtresse de Marguerite fut le prestige de la Renaissance, découverte au dôme Saint-Jean de Turin. A l’encontre des lectures erronées du XIXe siècle, la princesse ne s’inspira pas de Champmol. Pour son italianisme, elle confia les tombeaux et l’église au français Perréal. Seules des impossibilités pratiques l’amenèrent à recruter fin 1512 le bruxellois van Boghem. Son art et son réseau brabançons accompagnaient le tropisme ibérique de la cour de Bourgogne mais dès 1524-25, il insuffla à Brou les touches maniéristes que permettait la pénétration de la Renaissance aux Pays-Bas, plus tardive qu’en France. Le programme de l’église sotériologique emphatise la piété du duc et à un second rang, celle de la maison de Marguerite, mais aussi les devoirs du regnum, que Philibert et sa veuve exercèrent dans des pays distincts : ils culminent dans l’exercice de la justice dont le modèle est le Christ du Jugement dernier qui jadis, figurait sur le vitrail nord du transept de Brou. Marguerite signa l’œuvre : promouvant l’échange compassionnel, elle incitait autant à la conversion de chacun qu’à la prière d’intercession et à la mémoire, par-delà les siècles, de l’archiduchesse dont la naissance d’exception, impériale, avait engagé la vie et le monument d’exception. / Instead of expressing, as it is traditionally regarded, the imperial politics in Savoy of Margaret of Austria, regent of the Netherlands, the convent Saint Nicolas of Tolentino in Brou she erected in her dower of Bresse embodies the devotion of her late husband Philibert II, duke of Savoy. The sovereign had received from the last dukes of the eldest branch that unrecognized inclination towards the soaring observant congregation of the Austin Friars of Lombardia, which joined the Renaissance and provided the claustral scheme of Brou. Margaret’s main idée was the search of the Renaissance she had discovered through the Duomo San Giovanni of Torino. Against the incorrect readings of the XIXth century, she was not inspired by Champmol. She entrusted the graves and the church of Brou to the Italianizing French artist Perréal, and only practical impediments prompted her to sign on van Boghem at the end of 1512. His brabantine Gothic’s practice and circle accorded to the Spanish tropism of the burgundian court but around 1524-1525, the arrival of the Renaissance in the Netherlands allowed him to bring mannerist accents. The iconology of Brou reveals its soteriological aim. It magnifies the duke’s devotion and at a second rank, the one of Margaret’s house, but also the duties of the regnum that Philibert and his widow both practiced in different countries. Their acme is the ministry of Justice whose reference is the Christ of the Last Judgment, which once figured on the lost northern glass window of the transept. Margaret signed the work: ruled by a will of compassion and exchange, it induced anyone both to the conversion for one’s own salvation, to intercede for the princes, and to remind through ages the memory of the archduchess, whose exceptional imperial birth had involved her unique life and memorial.

Les Bijoux et leurs représentations dans les images de l’Italie du Nord aux XIVe et XVe siècles : Vallée d’Aoste – Piémont – Ligurie – Lombardie : États et rang social, emblématique et fonctions des objets de parure des laïcs : L’apport de l’Iconographie / Jewels and their Representations in Images of northern Italy (Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy) in 14th and 15th century

Zingraff, Sarah 11 December 2014 (has links)
L'étude des bijoux - notion complexe pour la période prise en examen - et de leurs représentations, s'appuie sur l'analyse des images en deux dimensions de la Vallée d'Aoste, du Piémont, de Ligurie et de Lombardie aux XIVe et XVe siècle. Elle vise à observer les contextes et les types de support permettant d'observer des détails comme les objets précieux, ainsi qu'à déterminer les grands groupes de commanditaires des images mettant en scène ces objets. Elle vise ensuite à analyser la fréquence d'apparition des différents bijoux et accessoires de parure, ainsi qu'à déterminer les catégories de personnages les plus ornées, tout en confrontant ces résultats avec les autres sources à notre disposition: mobilier archéologique, objets d'orfèvrerie, documentation comptable, inventaires après décès, lois somptuaires, récits de chroniqueurs, sermons, correspondance, poésie, ainsi que les Lapidaires dédiés aux gemmes. Sont abordées les particularités mises en avant par les images, qui insistent sur les différentes valeurs morales attachées à chaque type d'objet de parure, à l'endroit du corps auquel il était destiné ainsi qu'au rang de celui qui les portait.Le recours à plusieurs études relevant du domaine de l'anthropologie historique permet d'observer le rôle important des occasions qui requéraient le port de ces objets ou qui en commandaient les échanges, découlant des nécessités imposées par un cérémonial très ritualisé, lors duquel les objets de parure jouaient un rôle de représentation et de protection.L'analyse s'oriente sur la « stratégie » déployée par les images et leurs commanditaires, au sein d'une logique des apparences visant à légitimer leur position. / The study about jewels and adornment accessories - a complex notion for the period in examination - and their representations, leans on the analysis of the two-dimensions images produced in Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in the 14th and 15th century.It aims at observing contexts and types of medium allowing images to show such details as jewels and adornment accessories, when still visible, and to determine the different groups of people who subscribed the images where these objects appear.It aims at analyzing the frequency of appearance of the various jewels and dress adornments, as well as determining which are the most decorated categories of characters, while confronting these results with the other sources at our disposal: archeological and goldsmiths' work finds, account books, inventories, sumptuary laws, chroniclers narratives, sermons, correspondence, poetry, and a particular genre of literature dedicated to gemstones: Lapidaries.The particularities advanced by images insist on the various moral values attached to every type of jewel and adornment object, their location on the body, as well as the rank of their owner.The recourse to several studies belonging to the historic anthropology domain allows focusing on the important role played by the occasions which required the bearing of these objects or which commanded their exchanges, ensuing from a ritualized ceremonial, during which the finery objects played a role of representation as well as protection.Finally, the analysis turns on the "strategy" displayed by images and, especially by those who ordered them, joining within logic of appearances, in order to legitimize their position. / Lo studio dei gioielli – nozione complessa per il periodo preso in esame – e delle loro rappresentazioni, si basa sull’analisi delle immagini a due dimensioni prodotte nella Valle d’Aosta, in Piemonte, Liguria e Lombardia ne Trecento e Quattrocento. Mira innanzitutto ad osservare quali sono i contesti ed i tipi di produzione che permettono di osservare dettagli come gli accessori ornamentali, quando questi sono ancora reperibili, così come a determinare i grandi gruppi di promotori delle immagini raffiguranti questi oggetti. Mira poi ad analizzare in modo quantitativo la frequenza delle apparizione di quei differenti tipi di gioielli ed accessori preziosi, nonchè a determinare quali sono le categorie di personaggi più ornati, pure confrontando questi risultati con le altre fonti a disposizione. Tra queste si annoverano reperti archeologici e oggetti di oreficeria, ma anche fonti scritte : documentazione archivistica contabile, inventari, leggi suntuarie, opere di cronisti, sermoni, corrispondenza, poesia, così come une tipo particolare dedicato alle gemme : i Lapidari. Sono così evidenziate le particolarità messe in luce dalle immagini, che insistono sulle differenti caratteristiche morali legate ad ogni tipo di oggetti presi in conto, alla parte del corpo alla quale era destinato, così come al rango sociale di chi lo portava. Il ricorso a parecchi studi che rientrano nel campo dell’antropologia storica permette di osservare il ruolo importante delle occasioni che richiedevano di ornarsi con questi oggetti o che ne determinavano gli scambi, il che dérivava dalle necessità imposte da un cerimoniale molto ritualizzato, nel quale quegli oggetti preziosi assumevano nello stesso tempo una funzione di rappresentazione et di protezione. Infine, l’analisi si orienta sulla « strategia » sviluppata dalle immagini, e sopratutto dai loro donatori, iscrivendosi in una logica delle apparenze che tendeva a legittimare la loro posizione.

La migration de retour de la population italienne immigrée au Canada et en Belgique

Ghio, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La migration de retour de la population italienne immigrée au Canada et en Belgique

Ghio, Daniela January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Mezi manýrou a barokem. / Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Between Mannerism and Baroque.

Hlušičková, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation evaluated the formal, stylistic and contextual analysis of the painting oeuvre of the Cremonese native Antonio Campi. Monographic elaboration of Campi's oeuvre complement to the existing range of syntheses a number of information that has been in the literature so far omitted. The work assessed Antonio's oeuvre on the revision of archival material preserved in Milanese and Cremonese state and church archives, as well as by the means of thorough study of the secondary literature. Chronology of Campi's production was based on the stylistic and formal analysis and at the same time it has been enriched by a number of comparisons of the Lombardy-Ligurian region. Perspective at Antonio's oeuvre was accompanied by drawings and panel paintings that have emerged in the art market in recent years. With this thorough analysis, it became clear that the simple definition of an older Italian scientific literature that had Antonio Campi understood as a painter, who by his work formed the basis of Caravaggio chiaroscuro approach in the last decades of the 16th century and in the early years of the 17th age, proved to be inaccurate. It became clear that with this view we can not identify ourselves any more. Constant changes in mood, surprise, unpredictability, restlessness and individuality, the...

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