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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Working conditions and musculoskeletal disorders in flight baggage handling

Bergsten, Eva L January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Baggage handling is considered to be a heavy manual handling job including biomechanical exposures suspected of increasing the risk for musculoskeletal disorders. Aims: To document low back pain (LBP), shoulder pain (SP), and physical and psychosocial factors in baggage handlers, and to evaluate the implementation of an ergonomic intervention aiming to increase the use of loading assist devices. Methods: A questionnaire was utilized to characterize pain and psychosocial work conditions in 525 baggage handlers. The postures of 55 baggage handlers during 114 shifts were measured using inclinometry, half shift video-recordings were made for subsequent task analysis, and the number of aircraft handled was registered. Associations for psychosocial and biomechanical exposures with pain were assessed using regression analyses. An ergonomic intervention was implemented and evaluated using questionnaires and repeated interviews. Feasibility, intermediate outcomes, barriers and facilitators were assessed. Results: The prevalence rates of reported LBP and SP were 70% and 60%, respectively. Pain interfering with work (LBP - 30% and SP - 18%) and high pain intensity (LBP - 34% and SP - 28%) were associated with poor psychosocial working conditions. Extreme postures with arms elevated >60° occurred for 6.4% of the total time, and in trunk flexion >60° for 2.1% total time. In contrast, 71% of the total time was spent in a neutral trunk posture. The 90th percentile trunk forward flexion was 34.1°.  Daily shoulder pain increased in approximately one-third of all shifts and was positively associated with extreme work posture and the number of aircraft handled; this association was modified by influence and support. The intervention was delivered as planned, and dose received and satisfaction were rated as high. Motivated trainees facilitated implementation while lack of manager support, opportunities to observe and practice behaviors, follow-up activities, staff reduction, and job insecurity were barriers. Conclusion: The high prevalence rates of LBP and SP in baggage handlers were associated with psychosocial exposures, and daily shoulder pain was associated with higher biomechanical exposure. Barriers to implementation can be minimized by recruiting motivated trainees, securing strong organizational support, and carrying out follow-up activities.

Problematika zranění pohybového aparátu u golfistů / Issues of the motion apparatus injuries among golf players

Lagatorová, Sendi January 2012 (has links)
Title: Issues of the motion apparatus injuries among golf players Objectives: The goal of the work is to find out the most common health problems among golf players and possible preventative measures against their formation. Methods: The work is structured as a research, which has been created on the basis of an analysis of relevant sources. The literature, printed and electronic monographs and periodical were obtained from library catalogues and the Internet. The foreign studies were obtained from databases PubMed and SPORTDiscus. Results: The most common vertebrogenic difficulty among both amateur and professional golf players is low back pain (LBP). It appears more often among men than women. Specific issues are the overload of the paravertebral muscles, occurrence of the osteophytes and degenerative changes in the area of the facet joints and intervertebral disc. Other health problems among golf players are inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons, posterior glenohumeral subluxation, acromioclavicular disfunction, shoulder joint arthritis, stress fracture of the ribs, epicondylitis, and in the area of the wrist and arm of the golf players occur especially fractures, subluxation of the joints and overload of the tendons (especially adductors, flexors and extensors). Almost all the studies...

Sambandet mellan vidden på rektusdiastas och ländryggs- och bäckensmärta samt rörelserädsla : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie / The relationship between the width of pregnancy-related diastasis recti abdominis, low back- and pelvic pain and fear of movement.

Ärlebäck, Anna, Maineborn, Carina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bukväggens muskulatur spelar en viktig roll gällande hållning, bål- och bäckenstabilitet, andning, bålrörelser och som stöd för de inre organen i buken. Rektusdiastas, en delning av bukmusklerna, är vanligt förekommande framför allt hos kvinnor under och efter graviditet och kan eventuellt påverka dessa funktioner och göra ländryggen och bäckenet mer sårbara. Syfte: Att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan vidden på rektusdiastasen och ländryggs- och bäckensmärta samt vidden på rektusdiastasen och rörelserädsla, hos kvinnor efter graviditet. Metod: Kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Antalet deltagare var 141. Populationen var kvinnor 20-50 år som fött barn där yngsta barnet var mellan 1-8 år och som förstod och kunde uttrycka svenska i tal och skrift. Deltagarna skulle ha en rektusdiastas på minst 2 fingerbredd mellan rektusbukarna mätt 4 cm ovanför naveln. Datainsamlingen bestod av ultraljudsmätning samt frågeformulären Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) och Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-SV). Korrelation analyserades med Spearmans korrelationskoefficient. Deltagarna delades in i två grupper utifrån att de hade en rektusdiastas på mer eller mindre än 2,4 cm och skillnaderna mellan grupperna analyserades med Mann-Whitney U-test. Resultat: Ingen statistisk signifikant korrelation över p = 0,05 förelåg mellan vidden på rektusdiastasen och någon av smärtskattningarna. Däremot förelåg en statistiskt signifikant svagt positiv korrelation mellan vidden på rektusdiastasen och rörelserädsla. Vidare sågs ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan de två grupperna, ≤ 2,4 cm eller >2,4 cm rektusdiastas, och smärtskattningarna. Resultatet visade dock på statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna och skattningen av rörelserädsla. Slutsats: Studien visade att vidden av rektusdiastas som enskild faktor inte hade något samband med ländryggs- och bäckensmärtor hos kvinnor efter graviditet. Kvinnor med kvarstående rektusdiastas > 2,4 cm, tenderade i denna studien att skatta högre på TSKSV, än de som hade ≤ 2,4 cm. Gällande skattningen av smärtan sågs ingen statistisk signifikans mellan grupperna. I mötet med dessa kvinnor bör fysioterapeuter inte endast fokusera på smärtan utan beakta fler faktorer såsom rörelserädsla, och fokusera på att guida dessa personer till att våga röra sig för att minska och undvika utveckling av rörelserädsla. / Background: The abdominal muscles play an important part in posture, inner unit stability, breathing, upper body movement, to generate power of the abdominal muscles and in supporting inner organs. Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is common during and after pregnancy and might affect these important functions and thereby increase the vulnerability of the lower back and pelvic areas. Aim: To determine the correlation between the width of the diastasis recti abdominis and low back- and pelvic pain and the width of diastasis recti abdominis and fear of movement, in women after pregnancy. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study. The amount of participants was 141. The population was women, 20-50 years old, who had given birth, the youngest child between the ages of 1-8 years old and were able to understand Swedish both verbally and in writing. The research participants had a diastasis recti abdominis more than 2 finger-widths, measured 4 cm above the umbilicus. The data collection was made with ultrasound and the questionnaires used were Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and the swedish version of Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-SV). Correlation was analyzed with Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The participants were also divided into two groups based on a cut-off value of the diastasis of 2,4 cm and differences between groups were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test. Results: No statistical significance in correlation over p = 0,05 was found between the width of the diastasis recti abdominis and any of the pain ratings. However, there was a statistical significant weak positive correlation between the width of the diastasis recti abdominis and fear of movement. Furthermore there was no statistical significance between the groups ≤ 2,4 cm or > 2,4 cm of diastasis recti abdominis and the pain ratings, but a significant difference between the groups and the estimation on fear of movement. Conclusion: The study showed that the width of diastasis recti abdominis as alone factor doesn’t have any correlation with low back- and pelvic pain in women after pregnancy. Women with remaining diastasis recti abdominis > 2,4 cm, tended to estimate higher in this study in TSK-SV than those who had ≤ 2,4 cm. Regarding the ratings of the pain, no statistically significant difference between the groups were shown. When meeting these women physiotherapists should not only focus on the pain but also consider factors such as fear of movement and focus their efforts on guiding the women so that the risk of developing fear of movement is reduced.

Test- retest reliability of a test for joint position sense in patients with mechanical low back pain.

Alm, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Abstract   Background:Low back pain has a reported lifetime prevalence of about 70% and tops the list of  years lived with disease in the developed countries. There is still to date areas on the mechanisms driving pain andmovement system impairments not fully understood. For some areas the  research are evident butclinically friendly methods lack. A new test for measuring joint position  sense (JPS) in the lumbar spine is tested forreliability.  Objectives:Aim of this study was to evaluate test-retest reliability on a new test measuring JPS, using two laser pointers attached to the vertebrates off L1 and S1. Design:Cross-sectional observational test-retest. Methods:82 participants, 41 with mechanical low back pain and 41 healthy controls, were tested  for repositioning error two times with 30-60minutes between tests. Movement directions tested  was; Flexion, extension, rotation right and rotation left in sitting. Intraclasscorrelation coefficient  (ICC) was used for measuring relative reliability and standard error ofmeasurement (SEM) for  absolute reliability. Results:ICC in the LBP group ranged from -0,51 – 0,94 and for the whole group -0,19 – 0,84. The SEM in the LBP group ranged from 0,1 – 2,9 (95%CI -5,6 – 6,4) and for the whole group 0,1 – 3,2 (95%CI -6,3 – 6,2). Conclusions:The test-retest reliability of this JPS test shows poor to moderate reliability. Measuring joint positioning sense by using two laser pointers attached to S1 and L1 as in this study has shown not to be reliable enough to be used in clinical tests or research and can therefore not be recommended.

Correlação entre a relaxometria T2 e os parâmetros espinopélvicos em indivíduos com dor lombar crônica / Correlation between T2 relaxometry and spinopelvic parameters and clinical symptoms in patients with low back pain

Hernandes, Leonor Garbin Savarese 11 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A degeneração do disco intervertebral tem alta prevalência e é sabidamente associada à dor lombar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi correlacionar os valores de relaxometria T2 dos discos intervertebrais lombares com os parâmetros espinopélvicos em pacientes com dor lombar crônica. Materiais e métodos: Entre março a setembro de 2015, 91 pacientes consecutivos (56 mulheres, média de idade 53,5 anos, DP 11,6 anos, 23-76 anos e 35 homens, média de idade 53,6 anos, DP 11,9 anos, 19-73 anos) com dor lombar crônica foram incluidos neste estudo prospectivo. O Comitê de Ética Local aprovou o estudo e o consentimento foi obtido de cada paciente. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados pelo índice de incapacidade Oswestry e escala visual analógica e não possuiam outras doenças da coluna vertebral, exceto degeneração discal. Os parâmetros espinopélvicos incidência pélvica (IP) versão pélvica (VP), inclinação sacral (IS), eixo vertical sagital (EVS), versão global (VG), ângulo espinopélvico (ASP), ângulo espinossacral (ASS), ângulo T1 pélvico (ATP), lordose lombar (LL), cifose torácica (CT), diferença entre a incidência pélvica e a lordose lombar (IP-LL) e a falta de lordose lombar (FLL) foram mensurados a partir de radiografias panorâmicas da coluna e pelve com o paciente na posição supina utilizando o software Surgimap®. O grupo de estudo foi categorizado de acordo com a classificação de Roussouly. Os mapas de relaxometria T2 foram adquiridos em aparelho de ressonância magnética de 1.5 Tesla para extrair os tempos de relaxação T2 e a segmentação manual completa dos discos lombares intervertebrais de cada paciente foi realizada no software Display®. Para verificar a reprodutibilidade desta avaliação, a concordância inter-observador para a segmentação manual dos discos intervertebrais lombares e mensuração dos parâmetros espinopélvicos foi avaliada. A significância estatística foi aceita quando p <0,05. Resultados: Os valores de relaxação T2 se correlacionaram significativamente com os parâmetros VP, VG, ASP, ATP, IP-LL e FLL em pacientes com dor lombarcrônica. Não encontramos correlação significativa entre os valores de relaxação T2 e os parâmetros IS, IP, ASS, EVS, LL, CT e questionários clínicos. A divisão por subtipos de Roussouly não se correlacionou com a degeneração discal avaliado pelo tempo de relaxação T2. A mensuração dos parâmetros espinopélvicos e a segmentação manual dos discos intervertebrais lombares mostraram uma alta reprodutibilidade interobservador. Conclusões: Indivíduos com maiores VP, VG, ATP, IP-LL e FLL apresentaram valores mais baixos de relaxação T2 nos discos intervertebrais. Para o nosso conhecimento, esse é o primeiro estudo a correlacionar os parâmetros espinopélvicos com a degeneração discal avaliada por meio da relaxometria T2. / Purpose: Intervertebral disc degeneration has a high prevalence and is known to be associated with low back pain.The purpose of this study was to correlate quantitative T2 relaxation measurements of lumbar intervertebral discs (IVD) with spinopelvic parameters and clinical symptoms in patients with chronic low back pain. Methods: From March to September 2015, 455 intervertebral discs from 91 consecutive patients (56 women, mean age 53.5 years, SD 11,7 years, 23-76 years and 35 men, mean age 53,6 years, SD 11.9 years, 19-73 years) with chronic low back pain were included in this prospective study. The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written consent was obtained from all patients. All subjects were assessed by Oswestry Disability Index and Visual Analog Score questionnaires and were confirmed to have no other spine diseases except disc degeneration. Spinopelvic parameters including pelvic incidence (PI), pelvic tilt (PT), sacral slope (SS), sagittal vertical axis (SVA), global tilt (GT), spinopelvic angle (SPA), spinosacral angle (SSA), T1-pelvic angle (TPA), lumbar lordosis (LL), thoracic kyphosis (TK), PI-LL (pelvic incidence minus lumbar lordosis) and lack of lumbar lordosis (LLL) were measured from standing spine and pelvis lateral radiographs using the software Surgimap®. The study group was categorized according to the Roussouly classification. Saggital T2 maps were acquired in a 1.5T MRI scanner to extract the IVD relaxation times and the complete manual segmentation of the IVD of each patient in all levels was performed using the software Display®. To assess the reproducibility of this evaluation, the interobserver agreement fot the manual segmentation of the lumbar intervertebral discs and measurement of the spinopelvic parameters was performed. Statistical significance was accepted when p <0.05. Results: Lumbar intervertebral discs T2 relaxation times correlated significantly with PT, GT, SPA, TPA, PI-LL and LLL in patients with chronic low back pain. We found no significant correlation between T2 values and SS, PI, ASS, SVA, LL, TK andclinical questionnaires. Roussouly subtypes and clinical questionnaires did not correlate with T2 relaxation times. Conclusions: Individuals with higher PT, GT, TPA, PI-LL and LLL showed decreased intervertebral disc T2 relaxation values. To our knowledge, this is the first study to correlate spinopelvic parameters with disc degeneration evaluated by T2 relaxometry.

Identificação de fatores prognósticos em pacientes com lombalgia mecânica comum crônica submetidos ao tratamento fisioterápico convencional / Identification of prognostic factors in patients with chronic mechanical back pain submitted to conventional physiotherapy treatment

Feitosa, Aloma da Silva Alvares 25 October 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A lombalgia gera altos custos, em todo o mundo, com tratamentos e perda de produtividade. Embora hoje existam vários tratamentos para lombalgia, não ocorrem estudos demonstrando a superioridade de um programa específico de reabilitação e o número de pacientes que recidiva da dor é alto, sobrecarregando os serviços públicos de saúde. Questionamos se uma lista de fatores prognósticos elaborada, em 2007, pelo Multinational Musculoskeletal Inception Cohort Study, poderiam servir também para identificar fatores prognósticos da resposta terapêutica à fisioterapia convencional, em pacientes com lombalgia crônica já estabelecida. Objetivos: Identificar fatores prognósticos para resposta ao tratamento fisioterápico em uma população de pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Materiais e métodos: Foram selecionados 130 pacientes com lombalgia mecânica comum crônica no Ambulatório de Doenças da Coluna da Reumatologia. Estes pacientes foram avaliados inicialmente, após realização de dez sessões de fisioterapia e três meses após a da última sessão. Os pacientes foram classificados como respondedores ao apresentarem melhora na escala numérica de dor (END) e redução no questionário de Roland Morris (QRM). Resultado: A ausência de dor extra- espinhal e medo evitação-trabalho aumentam a chance de melhora na END ao final do tratamento. Já a melhora pelo QRM, ao final de dez sessões, só é influenciada pela ausência de dor extra-espinhal. Após três meses do final do tratamento, a ausência de medo-evitação trabalho e dor extra-espinhal aumentam a chance de melhora na END. Conclusão: Identificamos que medo e evitação-trabalho, bem como a presença de dor extra-espinhal são características de subgrupos de pacientes que podem necessitar de programas de reabilitação especiais / Introduction: Low back pain causes high treatment expenses and productivity losses worldwide. Although several treatments are currently available for low back pain, no studies have demonstrated the superiority of any rehabilitation program, and the number of patients exhibiting relapse is notably high, which has the effect of overloading the public health services. We questioned whether the list of prognostic factors elaborated in 2007 by the Multinational Musculoskeletal Inception Cohort Study, could also serve to identify prognostic factors of therapeutic response to conventional therapy in patients with chronic LBP already established. Aim: To identify prognostic factors for the response to physiotherapy treatment in a population of patients with chronic low back pain. Materials and Methods: A total of 130 patients with chronic mechanical low back pain were selected at the spine disease outpatient clinic of the rheumatology unit of a hospital. These patients were assessed at recruitment, at the completion of 10 sessions of physiotherapy and three months later. Patients were classified as responders when they exhibited at least a two-point improvement on a numerical rating scale (NRS) and at least a four-point reduction on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Results: According to the NRS, the absence of extra-spinal pain and fear avoidance work increased the odds of improvement at the end of treatment. Improvement in the RMDQ at the end of 10 sessions was only influenced by the lack of extra-spinal pain. Three months after the end of the treatment, as measured by the NRS, the absence of fear-avoidance with regard to work and the absence of extra-spinal pain increased the improvement odds. Conclusion: We identified fear-avoidance with regard to work and the presence of extra-spinal pain as characteristics of subgroups of patients who may require special rehabilitation programs

Correlação entre a análise tridimensional da marcha, a percepção da dor e o grau de estenose verificado em exames de imagem em pacientes com estenose do canal vertebral lombar / Correlation between three-dimensional gait analysis, pain perception and degree of stenosis occurred on imaging exam in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

Garbelotti Junior, Silvio Antonio 11 April 2013 (has links)
Dor lombar é uma queixa comum especialmente entre os idosos. O termo estenose espinal é baseado no fato de que um espaço mínimo do canal vertebral é necessário para o funcionamento normal das estruturas nervosas e quando esse espaço torna-se estreito, resulta em sintomas como dor, dormência e fraqueza dos membros inferiores e claudicação neurogênica, que pioram com o esforço e melhoram com o repouso. Objetivos: Avaliar as alterações cinemáticas da marcha antes e após esforço físico em teste de esteira e correlacionar com a percepção de dor e com o grau de estenose do canal vertebral lombar obtido através do exame de ressonância nuclear magnética. Método: 14 pacientes com diagnóstico de estenose do canal vertebral lombar, com média de idade de 74,5 (9,8) anos e a área transversal média do canal vertebral foi de 43,86 (28,76) mm2. Para análise cinemática foram utilizados o sistema Vicon® MX 40 e o software Nexus® de reconstrução tridimensional das imagens. O exame constou de três fases: 1) Captura de seis ciclos de marcha após um período de descanso; 2) Caminhada em esteira durante um período máximo de 20 minutos; 3) Nova captura de outros 6 ciclos da marcha imediatamente após o esforço. A partir destes dados, as variáveis espaço temporais e angulares foram extraídas e analisadas individualmente e, em seguida, comparadas com a percepção da dor de cada paciente obtido pela escala visual analógica no inicio e ao final do exame e com a área transversal do canal vertebral medida em exames de ressonância nuclear magnética. Resultados: A maior parte das correlações se mostraram fracas e os resultados mais expressivos se referiram ao GDI onde notamos diminuição das medianas para ambos os membros com correlação negativa moderada com a percepção da dor pós-esforço, tanto para o membro esquerdo (r= -0,64, p=0,014) quanto para o direito (r= -0,53, p= 0,05), o que significa que existe uma diminuição significante da função geral dos membros inferiores conforme o sintoma da dor aumenta ( p= 0,002). Este fato pode ter reflexo na diminuição da cadência e da velocidade além dos tempos de apoio simples (significante para o membro esquerdo, p= 0,019) e balanço (significante para o membro direito, p= 0,013) como parte de uma estratégia de proteção contra a dor e o desequilíbrio. Conclusão: Há alteração da velocidade, cadência e dos tempos de apoio simples e duplo apoio para compensar a dor e a diminuição da função dos membros inferiores medida pelo GDI se correlaciona com o aumento da dor. Porém, as variáveis cinemáticas da marcha e a dor não tiveram correlação com tamanho da área transversal do canal vertebral / Back pain is a common complaint especially among older patients.The spinal stenosis term is based on the fact that a minimum space of the spinal canal is necessary for normal functioning of the nervous structures, and when this space becomes narrow, results in nerve compression symptoms such as pain, lower limbs numbness and weakness and neurogenic claudication, which increase with stress and decreases with rest. Objective: Evaluate kinematics changes of gait before and after physical effort in treadmill test, and correlate with the perception of pain and the lumbar stenosis degree obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance. Method: 14 subjects were evaluated with diagnostic of lumbar stenosis with a mean age of 74,5 (9,8) years and average size of the spinal canal was 43.86 (28.76) mm2. Were used for kinematic analysis Vicon ® MX 40 system and Nexus ® software for images three-dimensional reconstruction. The exam consisted of three phases: 1) Capture of six gait cycles after a rest period; 2) Walk on treadmill for a maximum of 20 minutes; 3) New capture of other 6 gait cycles immediately after the effort. From these data, temporal-spatial and angular variables were extracted and analyzed individually and compared to the pain perception obtained by visual analog scale at the beginning and the end of the exam and the cross-sectional area of the dural sac obtained from the nuclear magnetic resonance. Results: Most of the correlations were weak and the most significant results are reported to GDI when we observed decrease in medians for both lower limbs to moderate negative correlation when compared to pain perception after effort for both left (r = - 0.64, p= 0.014) and right limb (r= -0.53, p= 0.05), which means that there is a significant reduction in the global function of the lower limbs according the symptom of pain increases (p = 0.002). This fact may be reflected in decreased cadence and gait speed and also the times of single support (significant for the left limb, p= 0.019) and balance (significant for the right limb, p= 0.013) as a protection strategy against pain and imbalance. Conclusion: There is changing the speed, cadence and time of single and double support for compensation of pain and decreased function of the lower limbs measured by GDI correlates with increased pain. However, the kinematic variables of gait and pain did not correlate with the size of cross-sectional area of the spinal canal

Efeito da dança circular comparada aos exercícios de estabilização segmentar lombar na lombalgia crônica inespecífica: ensaio clínico controlado aleatório / Effect of circular dance compared to lumbar segmental stabilization exercises in unspecific chronic low back pain: randomized controlled clinical trial

Barreto, Juerila Moreira 28 February 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A lombalgia crônica inespecífica (LCI) é um problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico responsável pela redução da capacidade funcional de trabalhadores, sendo as mulheres mais acometidas. Danças Circulares (DC) vem sendo utilizadas na atenção primária a saúde como prática integrativa e complementar para melhorar diversos aspectos referentes a flexibilidade, a postura, a força e a resistência muscular, reduzindo dores e tensões. Os exercícios de estabilização segmentar lombar (ESL) têm sido utilizados como padrão ouro na abordagem terapêutica desta alteração. OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito das DC com os exercícios de ESL na dor e incapacidade funcional de mulheres com dor lombar crônica inespecífica (DLCI). MÉTODO: Trinta e oito mulheres, na faixa etária de 35 a 60 anos, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: 1) grupo de Dança Circular (gDC); 2) grupo de Exercício de Estabilização Lombar (gESL). Os desfechos clínicos primários foram dor, avaliada com a Escala Numérica de Dor e incapacidade funcional pelo Questionário de Incapacidade Roland Morris e os desfechos secundários foram: Depressão avaliada pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck; Ansiedade pela Escala Numérica de Ansiedade; Percepção Global com a Escala de Percepção do Efeito Global, Sinais e Sintomas de Efeitos Adversos analisados pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e Qualidade de Vida por meio Short-Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36). Os grupos foram tratados duas vezes por semana com a duração de 60 minutos, durante 8 semanas totalizando 16 sessões. Cada participante foi avaliada a antes e após o tratamento e no follow up 12ª e 24ª semanas. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram que não houve diferenças significativas em nenhuma variável relacionada aos desfechos primários e secundários entre os grupos estudados, exceto na variável dor no SF-36 (p < 0,05) na 24ª semana de follow-up. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apontam que as danças circulares são tão eficazes quanto os exercícios de estabilização lombar no tratamento de dor lombar crônica inespecífica / INTRODUCTION: Nonspecific chronic low back pain (NSCLCP) is a public health and socioeconomic problem responsible for the reduction of worker\'s functional capacity, and women are more affected. Circular Dance (CD) have been used in primary health care as an integrative and complementary practice to improve several aspects like flexibility, posture, strength and muscular endurance, reducing pain and tension. Lumbar Segmental Stabilization (LSS) exercises have been used as gold standard in the therapeutic approach of this alteration. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of CD with LSS exercises on pain and functional disability in women with nonspecific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP). METHOD: Thirty-eight women, aged 35-60 years, were randomly assigned to two groups: 1) Circular Dance group (CDg); 2) Lumbar Stabilization Exercise group (LSEg). The primary clinical outcomes were pain, assessed using the Numerical Pain Scale and functional disability by the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire and the secondary outcomes were: Depression assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory; Anxiety by the Numerical Anxiety Scale; Global Perception with the Global Effect Perception Scale, Signs and Symptoms of Adverse Effects analyzed by the Collective Subject Discourse and Quality of Life method using the Short-Form Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36). The groups were treated twice a week for 60 minutes, for 8 weeks, in total 16 sessions. Each participant was assessed before and after treatment and at follow-up 12 and 24 weeks. RESULTS: The results showed that there were no significant differences in any variables related to the primary and secondary outcomes between the groups studied, except for the pain variable in the SF-36 (p < 0.05) at the 24th week of follow-up. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that circular dances are as effective as lumbar stabilization exercises in the treatment of non-specific chronic low back pain

Uso da massagem como intervenção na lombalgia ocupacional em trabalhadores de enfermagem / Use of the massage as intervention in occupational low back pain in nursing staff.

Borges, Talita Pavarini 04 November 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Enfermagem apresenta alta possibilidade de desenvolvimento de lombalgia ocupacional por suas características laborais e condições de trabalho, impactando na qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores, níveis de absenteísmo e sobrecarga do sistema de Saúde. A massagem é apontada como um tratamento aceitável e adequado para lombalgia, uma vez que há benefícios na diminuição de dor e aumento do bem-estar. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da massagem para diminuir a lombalgia ocupacional. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado com a equipe de Enfermagem de um Pronto-Socorro da Grande São Paulo. Após aprovação pelo CEP-EEUSP nº20328, aqueles que se enquadraram nos critérios de inclusão assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre-Esclarecido, preencheram o questionário de Dados Sócio-demográficos e de Morbidade, responderam qual o escore atual da dor pela Escala de Estimativa Numérica da Dor e preencheram o Questionário de Avaliação Funcional de Oswestry, com reaplicação deste na 6ª e 12ª. Os sujeitos com intensidade de dor moderada fizeram parte do estudo, sendo randomizados aleatoriamente em grupo intervenção (G1-Massagem por acupressão), grupo placebo (G2- aplicação do Laser Arseneto de Gálio 904nm desligado) e controle (G3-resposta a questionário). Os grupos G1 e G2 receberam a técnica da massagem e aplicação de Laser por 20 minutos, 2 vezes por semana, respectivamente, durante 6 semanas, totalizando 12 sessões, aplicadas pela pesquisadora responsável, no pós-plantão. O G3 não recebeu nenhuma intervenção, respondendo apenas aos questionários. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 43 sujeitos, correspondendo a 63,2% do total de trabalhadores do Pronto-Socorro. A duração da dor intermitente apresentou maior concentração com 51,2%. O tipo de dor em queimação ficou em destaque com 23 (54,8%) sujeitos. Tanto como fator desencadeante como de piora, a manipulação de paciente ficou em primeiro lugar, ambos com 34,9%. A média da Escala de Estimativa Numérica da Dor na avaliação 1 entre os três grupos, foi de 5,7, correspondente a dor moderada. O G1 obteve 6,4 na primeira avaliação; 3,4 na segunda e ao término da pesquisa chegou a 0,9. O G2 iniciou a pesquisa com média de intensidade de dor de 5,7; 4,8 na segunda avaliação e 4,7 na terceira. No G3 as três avaliações apresentaram os seguintes valores, respectivamente: 5,0; 5,3; 5,9. A média do Questionário de Oswestry na avaliação 1, entre os três grupos, foi de 36,3%, correspondente a incapacidade moderada. O G1 obteve 44% na primeira avaliação; na segunda sessão, a incapacidade passou a 20,9%, finalizando com 16,6%. O G2 iniciou com 35,5% em média, passou a 33,5% na segunda avaliação e 32,5%, na terceira. O G3 permaneceu na faixa de 21 a 40%. A aplicação da massagem apresentou um tamanho de efeito de 86% entre o início e fim do tratamento sobre a dor e 63% no Questionário de Oswestry. Conclusões: A massagem foi eficaz para diminuir a lombalgia ocupacional dos trabalhadores de Enfermagem, à medida que os escores de dor passaram de moderada para leve. Assim como foi positivamente eficaz na influência das atividades laborais e de vida diária, com mudanças nos escores do Questionário de Oswestry de incapacidade intensa para mínima. NTC 01315197. / Introduction: The development of occupational low back pain is a common complaint among nursing professionals, due to the type of work performed and working conditions, which has an impact on workers quality of life, level of absenteeism and health care service overload. Massage has been indicated as an acceptable and adequate therapy for low back pain, resulting in benefits such as decreased pain and an increased sense of well-being. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of massage in the decrease of occupational low back pain. Method: The present was a randomized clinical trial carried out with the nursing staff of an Emergency Room in Greater São Paulo. After being approved by CEP-EEUSP under n. 20328, subjects that met the inclusion criteria signed the Free and Informed Consent form, filled out the questionnaire on sociodemographic and morbidity data, had the current score of the pain estimated through the Numerical Pain Scale and filled out Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, which was reapplied on the 6th and 12th. Subjects with moderate pain intensity were enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned to the intervention group (G1-massage through acupressure), placebo group (G2- use of sham Gallium Arsenide Laser 904 nm) and control group (G3- questionnaire responses). G1 and G2 were submitted to the massage and laser application for 20 minutes, twice a week, respectively, for six weeks, totaling 12 sessions, applied by the main researcher after working hours. G3 received no intervention and only answered the questionnaires. Results: A total of 43 subjects participated in the study, corresponding to 63.2% of total workers in the ER. Intermittent pain duration showed the highest prevalence, with 51.2% of cases. The burning pain type was the most common, reported by 23 (54.8%) subjects. Patient handling was the main triggering factor for pain, as well as a worsening factor, both with 34.9%. The mean score at the Numerical Pain Scale at the first evaluation in the three groups was 5.7, which corresponds to moderate pain. G1 had a score of 6.4 in the first evaluation, 3.4 in the second and 0.9 at the end of the study. G2 had an initial mean score of 5.7 and 4.8 and 4.7 in the second and third evaluations, respectively. G3 had scores of 5.0, 5.3, 5.9, respectively. The mean Oswestry Questionnaire score at the first evaluation in the three groups was 36.3%, corresponding to moderate disability. G1 had 44% in the first evaluation; after the second session, disability decreased to 20.9%, with a final score of 16.6%. G2 started with a mean of 35.5%, decreasing to 33.5% in the second evaluation and 32.5% in the third. G3 remained in the range of 21 to 40%. The use of massage showed an effect size of 86% between the start and the end of treatment on pain and 63% in the Oswestry Questionnaire. Conclusions: The use of massage was effective in decreasing occupational low back pain in the nursing staff, as pain scores decreased from moderate to mild. It was also positively effective regarding its influence on activities of daily living and work performance, with changes in the Oswestry Questionnaire scores from intense to minimal disability. NTC 01315197.

Prevalência de dor lombar em idosos da cidade de Manaus, Amazonas / Prevalence of low back pain in the elderly at Manaus city, Amazonas

Souza, Ingred Merllin Batista de 11 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A dor lombar (DL) é um sintoma comum que acomete pessoas de todas as idades. Em 2015, a prevalência pontual global de DL limitante de atividade foi de 7,3%, implicando que 540 milhões de pessoas foram afetadas a qualquer momento neste período. É a principal causa mundial de anos perdidos por incapacidade e as consequências a ela vinculadas, estão crescendo junto com o aumento e o envelhecimento da população. Objetivo: Mensurar a prevalência de dor lombar e avaliar a intensidade da dor e o nível de incapacidade funcional em idosos residentes da cidade de Manaus, Amazonas. Método: Participaram do estudo 700 idosos, de ambos os gêneros, residentes na área urbana de Manaus. Os desfechos primários foram: prevalência de dor lombar pontual e nos últimos 365 dias, intensidade da dor (Escala Numérica de Dor) e incapacidade funcional (Questionário de Incapacidade de Rolland Morris) e os desfechos secundários: nível de atividade física (International Physical Activity Questionnaire - short version), Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), doenças autorreferidas, anos de estudo, renda individual, classificação da saúde e nível emocional. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de julho de 2016 a julho de 2017. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência de DL pontual foi de 42,4%; (IC 95% 38,2-46,6%) e a prevalência nos últimos 365 dias 93,7%; (IC 95% 91,3-95,6%). A média da intensidade da dor foi 6,17 ± 2,14 (moderada) e a incapacidade funcional com escore ³14 pontos (incapacidade grave) esteve presente em 31,6% dos idosos com DL. Nos desfechos secundários foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os idosos na intensidade da DL e incapacidade funcional respectivamente nos desfechos gênero (p = 0,039; p = 0,001), IMC (p = 0,048; p = 0,000), classificação da saúde (p = < 0,000; p = <0,000) e nível emocional (p = 0,007; p = < 0,000). O desfecho anos de estudo (p = 0,001) foi estaticamente significante na intensidade da dor e os desfechos nível de atividade física (p = 0,000) e hipertensão arterial (p = 0,032) no nível de incapacidade funcional. Conclusão: Nossos resultados demonstram que a prevalência de dor lombar pontual e nos últimos 365 dias foi alta entre os idosos, a intensidade de dor foi moderada para ambos os gêneros e o escore geral de incapacidade funcional foi classificado como incapacidade moderada. O estudo também apontou que existe associação entre os fatores clínicos e sociais com a incapacidade funcional e intensidade de dor nos idosos com dor lombar / Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is a common symptom which affects people of all ages. In 2015, the global punctual prevalence of activity-limiting LBP was 7.3%, involved that 540 million were affected the any one time in this period. Is the worldwide cause principal of last years for disability and your consequences are growing together with increase and population ageing the population. Objective: To measure the prevalence of low back pain and to evaluate the intensity pain and the level of disability functional in the elderly residents in the Manaus city, Amazonas. Methods: Seven hundred elderly, both genders, residents in the urban area of Manaus. The primary outcomes were: LBP prevalence punctual and the last 365 days, intensity pain (Numerical Range Scale Pain), and disability functional (Rolland Morris Disability Questionnaire). The second outcomes were: physical activity level (International Physical Activity Questionnaire - short version), Body Mass Index (BMI), self-reported diseases, years of study, individual income, health classification and emotional level. The data collection occurred between July 2016 and July 2017. The level of significance was established in 5%. Results: The punctual prevalence of LBP was 42.4% (CI 95% 38.2-46.6%) and the last 365 days 93.7% (CI 95% 91.3-95.6%). The intensity pain mean was 6.17±2.14 (moderate) and disability functional score with ³ 14 points (disability serious) was present in 31.6% elderly with LBP. In the outcomes was found significance difference between elderly intensity pain and disability functional respectively in the outcomes genders (p = 0.039; p = 0.001), BMI (p= 0.048; p = 0.000), health classification (p = 0.000; p = < 0.001), emotional level (p = 0.007; p = < 0.000). The outcome years of study (p = 0.001) was significance difference in the intensity pain and outcomes physical activity level (p = 0.000) and high blood pressure (p = 0.032) in the disability functional level. Conclusion: Our results provide the punctual and the 365 last days low back pain prevalence was high between elderly, the intensity pain was moderate in between genders and total score disability functional was moderate classified. The also study point that association occurred amongst clinical and social factors with the intensity pain and disability functional in elderly with low back pain

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