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Contributions à l' économie de la famille : effet du statut marital sur le comportement des ménages. / Contributions to economics of the family : Marital status' effect on household behavior.Hentati, Imen 23 February 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est une contribution à l’économie de la famille visant à analyser l’importance des interactions familiales sur le comportement des agents économiques. En effet, ces interactions peuvent influencer le pouvoir de négociation des ménages, leurs consommations des biens, ou encore leur offre de travail. Nous nous proposons donc au cours de ce document une évaluation de l’importance de ces interactions dans la prise de décision des ménages. Le modèle de base qui sera utilisé dans les différents résultats est celui de Browing et Chiappori (1998) et généralisé par Chiappori et Ekeland (2006). Ce travail comporte éventuellement trois chapitres dont l’objectif est unique ; il s’agit d’analyser l’effet des interactions familiales sur la prise de décision des ménages : La première partie de la thèse a pour objectif de modéliser l’effet de l'aversion au risque des conjoints sur leur choix marital. Les fondements théoriques de ce travail se trouvent dans une généralisation de l'article de Arrondel et Calvo (2011). Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, on estime l'effet du statut marital, mariage vs concubinage, sur les dépenses des enfants et ce en utilisant les données du Family Expenditure Survey, FES, pour la période 1995-2006. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, nous illustrons la relation matrimoine consommation par une application empirique plus structurel en utilisant toujours des données Britanniques mais pour une plus longue période (1988-2007). Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéressons à l'estimation du coût individuel des enfants. L’approche adoptée dans cette partie est étroitement liée aux développements récents dans la littérature des modèles collectifs( Browning, Chiappori et Lewbel, 2008 et Lewbel et Pendakur, 2008). / This work is a contribution to the economy of the family to analyze the importance of the family interactions on the behavior of the economic agents. So we propose during this document an evaluation of the importance of these interactions in the decision-making of the households. The basic model which will be used in the various results is the one of Browing and Chiappori ( 1998 ) and generalized by Chiappori and Ekeland (2006 ). This work contains possibly three chapters the objective of which is unique; it is a question of analyzing the effect of the family interactions on the decision-making of the households: The first part of the thesis has for objective to model the effect of parental's risk aversion on their marital choice. The theoretical foundations of this work are in a generalization of the article of Arrondel and Calvo(2011). In the second part of the thesis, we estimate the effect of the marital status, marriage vs cohabitation, on children's well-being by using the data of the Family Expenditure Survey, FES, for period 1995-2006. In the third part of the thesis, we illustrate the relation “matrimoine consumption” by a more structural empirical application using the same British data but for longer period ( 1988-2007 ). More particularly, we are interested to estimate individual children’s cost. The proposed model is inspired by recent collective model of the behavior of the household developed by Browning, Chiappori et Lewbel (2008) and Lewbel et Pendakur (2008).
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Factors Related to Parental Approval of Adult Childrens' Engagement RelationshipsMalnar, Marietta 14 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined possible factors that may influence parental approval for their adult child's engaged relationship. A total of 4,175 individuals completed the RELATE inventory. Among the items in the questionnaire were measures of parental approval, parents' marital quality, autonomy from family-of-origin, and relationship quality. Individuals also reported age, education, length of relationship, parents' marital status, and parents' socioeconomic status. Results from the linear regression analysis indicate that age, parental marital quality, autonomy from family-of-origin, and couple relationship quality all influence parental approval. What is interesting about these findings is the difference in the predictive power of males versus females. The female models accounted for much more variance than the males models, suggesting that approval may be more important to females among other possibilities which are discussed in depth. Length of the relationship and parental marital status did not influence parental approval. Clinical implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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Determinants of Food Insecurity Among Vulnerable White and Latino Households: Contextualizing the Impact of Sociodemographic and Household-Level FactorsLund, Alexandra 01 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Household-level characteristics have been shown to be associated with food insecurity but studies among vulnerable populations are sparse. A food security assessment was developed to determine food security and collect sociodemographic and household level data across San Luis Obispo County. The assessments were administered to vulnerable groups through interviews at multiple sites across the County. Three household characteristics (marital status, number of children in the household and number of workers in the household) were examined in this analysis. A total of 808 surveys were collected, 69% in English and 31% in Spanish. Through ethnicity-stratified sequentially adjusted logistic regression models, the association between food insecurity and household characteristics were tested, controlling for sociodemographic, economic and other potentially mediating variables. In the fully adjusted model for Hispanic/Latino households, associations were observed with number of children in the household and workers in the household, but confidence intervals were wide. In the fully adjusted model for White households, marital status was weakly associated with food insecurity. In both groups, per capita monthly income was strongly associated with food insecurity. Several interrelated household and individual level variables determined a households food security status. Because of this complexity, comprehensive social and economic changes are needed to improve food security in California and the rest of the United States. Also, different processes associated with race/ethnicity and coping strategies with regard to food insecurity should be considered when designing studies, planning policies, and conducting interventions.
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Recognition of domestic partnerships in South African lawManthwa, Tshepo Aubrey 09 1900 (has links)
With the advent of a new constitutional dispensation in South Africa, intimate relationships that were not formally recognised, such as customary marriages, became fully recognised through designated legislation. Domestic partnerships are, however, afforded only limited recognition despite compelling reasons that lead people to domestic partnerships. Domestic partners are also discriminated against based on marital status despite a Constitution that forbids discrimination based on equality, human dignity and marital status. The object of this study is to investigate whether there are sufficient grounds to afford domestic partnerships full recognition similar to that granted to civil marriage. This study includes arguments in favour and against the recognition of domestic partnerships and a discussion of the reasons that lead people into domestic partnerships. There will also be an analysis of the draft Domestic Partnership Bill 36 of 2008 to determine the suitability of the draft Bill to regulate domestic partnerships. This investigation is conducted with reference to relevant draft Bills, legislation, and case law. / Private Law / LLM
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Recognition of domestic partnerships in South African lawManthwa, Tshepo Aubrey 09 1900 (has links)
With the advent of a new constitutional dispensation in South Africa, intimate relationships that were not formally recognised, such as customary marriages, became fully recognised through designated legislation. Domestic partnerships are, however, afforded only limited recognition despite compelling reasons that lead people to domestic partnerships. Domestic partners are also discriminated against based on marital status despite a Constitution that forbids discrimination based on equality, human dignity and marital status. The object of this study is to investigate whether there are sufficient grounds to afford domestic partnerships full recognition similar to that granted to civil marriage. This study includes arguments in favour and against the recognition of domestic partnerships and a discussion of the reasons that lead people into domestic partnerships. There will also be an analysis of the draft Domestic Partnership Bill 36 of 2008 to determine the suitability of the draft Bill to regulate domestic partnerships. This investigation is conducted with reference to relevant draft Bills, legislation, and case law. / Private Law / LL. M.
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Att gråta i en Jaguar : en sambandsstudie mellan upplevd hälsa och faktorerna inkomst, utbildning samt civilstånd hos äldreSvensson, Oskar January 2013 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka samband mellan utbildning, civilstånd och inkomst gentemot upplevd fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Metod Undersökningen är en kvantitativ enkätstudie där totalt 525 individer ingick framförallt från Lidingö, Täby, Haninge, Östermalm och Solna. Åldern på individerna varierade mellan 37 och 89 år och medelåldern var 70,3 år (± 6,6), där cirka en tredjedel var män och två tredjedelar kvinnor. Samtliga har fått besvara frågor med fasta svarsalternativ kring deras upplevda fysiska (kroppslig) samt psykiska (själslig) hälsa och faktorerna inkomst, civilstånd samt utbildningsnivå. Därefter analyserades resultaten för att finna eventuella samvariationer mellan den upplevda hälsan och de specifika faktorerna. Samtliga deltagare har själva ansökt om att få vara med i ett projekt kring hälsa i Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolans regi. Resultat Signifikanta samvariationer fanns mellan upplevd fysisk och psykisk hälsa samt civilstånd där hög hälsa korrelerade med att leva i ett förhållande. I förhållande till inkomstnivå fanns tendenser till samband (dock utan signifikans) där en viss ökning av den upplevda fysiska samt psykiska hälsan noterades för varje inkomstintervall (låg, medel och hög), i synnerhet gentemot den psykiska hälsan. Utbildningsfaktorn visade inga signifikanta samband med grad av upplevd hälsa bland deltagarna. Slutsats Studiens hypotes om en positiv samvariation mellan den upplevda hälsan och samtliga tre livsfaktorer visade sig inte stämma fullt ut för denna grupp med företrädesvis äldre. Den faktor som signifikant korrelerade med upplevd hälsa var civilstånd. Även inkomst visade sig ha tendensen (dock ej signifikant) till ett visst samband med de skattade hälsoparametrarna för den undersökta gruppen. Det är möjligt, med använda arbetsmetoder, att starkare samband skulle fås fram på ett mer slumpmässigt urval av befolkningen. Studien ställer jämväl nya frågor om huruvida sambandet för undersökta faktorer i förhållande till upplevd hälsa eventuellt skiljer sig för olika åldersgrupper.
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Kvalitet života odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine / Quality of life of adult persons with motoric disability in VojvodinaŠušnjević Sonja 27 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Svetska zdravstvena organizacija definiše kvalitet života kao percepciju pojedinca o sopstvenom položaju u životu u kontekstu kulture i sistema vrednosti u kojima živi kao i prema svojim ciljevima, očekivanjima, standardima i interesovanjima.<br />To je širok koncept koga čine: fizičko zdravlje pojedinca, psihološki status, materijalna nezavisnost, socijalni odnosi i njihovi odnosi prema značajnim karakteristikama spoljašnje sredine. Procenjuje se da preko bilion ljudi živi sa<br />nekim oblikom invaliditeta, što čini oko 15% svetske populacije. Prisustvo bilo kakvog telesnog invaliditeta kod osobe može značajno da utiče na njen psihofizički i socijalni razvoj. Procenjivanje uticaja fizičkog invaliditeta na svakodnevni život odslikava kakvo je funkcionisanje i blagostanje te osobe iz dana u dan i u različitim domenima života, što zapravo predstavlja procenu kvaliteta života. Istraživanje predstavlja studiju preseka na uzorku od 227 odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom u Vojvodini, koji su članovi udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je posebno kreiran upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni kvalitet života osoba sa invaliditetom u odnosu na fizičko, socijalno i emocionalno funkcionisanje kod odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine, kao i da se utvrdi postojanje razlike u kvalitetu života u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja, zaposlenost i bračno stanje. Podaci prikupljeni tokom ankete su kontrolisani na validnost, kodirani i unošeni u posebno kreiranu bazu podataka. Odabrana su pitanja i formirani domeni/skale (fizičkog, emocionalnog i socijalnog funkcionisanja i samoprocene zdravlja) na osnovu matrica korelacija, ICC i vrednosti Kronbah alfa. Aritmetička vrednost, mediana, standardna devijacija, minimalna i maksimalna vrednost i 95% interval poverenja su izračunate za svaki domen kvaliteta života. Dobijene vrednosti domena i sumarnih skala su komparirane u odnosu na pol i bračno stanje ispitanika, (t-test, Mann-Whitney test), a ANOVA metodom i Kruskal -Wallis testom je vršena komparacija srednjih vrednosti u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja i status zaposlenosti ispitanika. Za sve testove su navedeni nivoi statističke značajnosti (p vrednosti). Studija je uključila 227 osoba sa motornim invaliditetom u Vojvodini, 120 muškaraca (52,9%) i 107 žena (47,1%). Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila<br />47 godina. U najvećem broju slučajeva uzrok invaliditeta je povreda (33,0%),<br />zatim neurološko oboljenje (26,0%), urođena bolest (20,7%), teško reumatsko oboljenje (13,7%), cerebrovaskularni inzult (2,6%) i ostala stanja (4%). U pogledu ortopedskih pomagala, invalidska kolica koristi 30,4% ispitanika, štap 37, 0%, šetalicu 3,1%, aparat za podizanje stopala 3,5%, dok ostatak navodi ostalo (štake, antidekubitusni krevet...). Psihometrijska analiza je pokazala da je za definisanje domena fizičkog funkcionisanja bilo moguće uključiti 5 pitanja iz upitnika, za domen emocionalnog funkcionisanja 10 pitanja a za domen socijalnog funkcionisanja 3 pitanja. Skala za svaki domen se kretala u intervalu od 0 do 100. Set od 5 pitanja uključenih u skalu fizičkog funkcionisanja definisali su kapacitet fizičkih sposobnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena fizičkog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 85, 0 (SD=18.9) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 82,6 do 87,5. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na zaposlenost (p=0.067) dok u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike. Set od 10 pitanja uključenih u skalu emocionalnog funkcionisanja definisali su emocionalni status ispitanika. Prosečna vrednost domena emocionalnog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 62,5 (SD=20,0) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 59,9 do 65,1. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja (p=0.048) dok u odnosu na zaposlenost i bračno stanje nemastatistički značajne razlike. Set od 3 pitanja uključenih u skalu socijalnog funkcionisanja definisali su kapacitet socijalnih aktivnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena socijalnog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 72,0 (SD=27,6) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 68,4 do 75,6. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja (p=0.067) dok u odnosu na zaposlenost i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike.</p> / <p>The World Health Organization defines quality of life (QoL) as “an individual's<br />perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems where they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It is a broad concept affected in a complex way by a person's physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment.”<br />Over a billion people are estimated to live with some form of disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world's population. The presence of any sort of physical disability in person can significantly influence their physical,<br />mental and social development. The assessment of the effects of a disability on every day, life reflects on the functioning and wealth of a person on daily basis and in various segments of life, that actually represents the assessment of their quality of life. The research represents a cross-sectional study of the sample of 227 adults with motoric disability in Vojvodina, who are registered in associations of people with disability. Especially created questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical (PF), emotional (EF) and social functioning (SF) domain of QoL and education level, employment and having life partner of disabled persons.<br />The data collected during the survey were checked for validity, then coded and entered into a specially created database. Тhe questions were selected, four scales / domains (physical, emotional, social functioning and self assessment of health) were formed based on the correlation matrices, intercorrelation cofficient (ICC) and Crombach alpha values. Mean value, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values and 95% of confidence interval wаs calculated for all domain of QoL. The values obtained in the field of physical, emotional and social functioning were compared as per gender and marital status of the participants, using t-test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA method and Kruskal Wallis test were used to compare the mean values in respect to level of education and employment status of the respondents. For all the tests, the levels of statistical significance (p) were provided. The study involved 227 adults with motoric disability in Vojvodina, 120 men (52.9%) and 107 women (47.1%). Average age of the participants was 47 years of age. The cause of disability in the largest number of the interviewees were the injury (33.0%), then neurological conditions (26.0%), inborn condition (20.7%), serious rheumatic disease (13.7%), cerebrovascular insult (2.6%) and other (4%). As for the orthopedic tools, wheelchairs are used by 30.4% participants, stick 37.0%, walker is used by 3.1% and the orthoses for elevating feet 3.5%, whereas the rest of the interviewees state other (different orthopedic tools such as crutches, anti decubitus mattresses etc). Psychometric analysis showed that in order to define the domain on physical functioning from the questionnaire applied it was possible to include the 5 questions, for emotional functioning domain 10 questions and for domain on social functioning 3 questions. The sum of all selected questions for every domain forms the scale in the range from 0 to 100. The set of five questions stated for the scale of physical functioning indicate the capacity of physical functioning. The average value of PF domain for all the interviewees is 85.0 (SD=18.9) with 95% CI in the range of 82. 6 to 87.5. The difference in regard to employment status (p=0.067) is statistically significant but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard level of education and marital status. The set of ten questions stated for the scale of emotional functioning. The average value of EF domain for all the interviewees is 62.5 (SD=20.0) with 95% CI in the range of 59.9 to 65.1. The difference in regard to level of education (p=0.048) is statistically significant but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard to employment status and marital status. The set of three questions stated for the scale of social functioning indicate the capacity of social interaction. The average value of SF domain for all the interviewees is 72.0 (SD=27.6) with 95% CI in the range of 68.4 to 75.6. The difference in regard to the level of education is statistically significant (p< 0.001) but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard to employment status and marital status.</p>
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On the health and wellbeing of single working women without children : an analysis of scientific and lay discourseEngler, Kim 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse examine la façon dont on interprète la santé et le bien-être des travailleuses célibataires et sans enfant au sein de deux types de récits : ceux provenant d’études publiées dans des périodiques (récits scientifiques) et ceux provenant d’entrevues qualitatives avec des membres de ce groupe (récits profanes). Sur le plan démographique, leur nombre est significatif; elles représentent 28% des employées canadiennes. Par contre, leur santé/bien-être est peu visible dans les écrits de recherche. Dans les sciences sociales, plusieurs études portent sur l’expérience parfois éprouvante d’être un adulte célibataire vivant dans une culture orientée sur le couple et la famille. Elles mettent l’accent sur le stigma associé à ce statut. Certains suggèrent même que les pratiques de recherche peuvent contribuer à la perpétuation de représentations négatives à l’égard des célibataires. En ayant un profil qui pourrait être symbolique d’une déviation vis-à-vis des attentes normatives entourant la vie de couple ou de famille, les travailleuses célibataires et sans enfant semblent un point de repère utile pour évaluer cette dernière possibilité. S’attarder autant aux récits scientifiques que profanes permettrait d’explorer les tensions et convergences entre eux. Suivant cet objectif, un échantillon de 32 articles scientifiques et de 22 retranscriptions d’entrevues ont été analysés selon une approche d’analyse de discours guidée par les concepts de répertoire interprétatif (une façon cohérente d’aborder un sujet donné) et de position du sujet (une identité mise en évidence par une façon de parler ou d’écrire). Trois articles ont émergé de cette recherche. Suite à une analyse des thèmes communs utilisés dans l’interprétation de la santé/du bien-être du groupe en question, un répertoire interprétatif surnommé la famille comme référence a été identifié. Ce répertoire expliquerait notamment la tendance observée d’expliquer leur santé/bien-être en référant aux états et aux charactéristiques d’être parent ou partenaire. Cette pratique peut avoir l’effet de voiler leur vie privée ou de la construire comme étant relativement appauvrie. L’article 2 examine comment les membres de ce groupe construisent leur propre bien-être. Il identifie la notion d’équilibre entre plusieurs sphères de vie et une identité de femme dynamique comme éléments centraux aux récits sur leur bien-être. Ces derniers vont à l’encontre de la perception des célibataires ou des personnes sans enfant comme ayant des vies moins épanouies ou enrichies et qui ne sont pas touchées par des questions de conciliation travail-vie personnelle. Le troisième article rassemble les deux types de récits autour des sujets de l’emploi et du statut de célibataire en lien avec le bien-être. Il met en évidence de nombreuses similarités et divergences, et théorise la fonction de ces diverses constructions. En conclusion, j’avance qu’une perspective plus critique face au statut de couple ou familial et de ses aspects normatifs pourrait offrir à la recherche en santé publique un point de réflexivité à développer davantage. / This thesis examines interpretations of the health and wellbeing of single working women without children (SWWWC) in two types of discourse: that of published research in periodicals (scientific) and that of qualitative interviews with members of this group (lay). Demographically, this group’s numbers are significant (28% of employed Canadian women), however, its health and wellbeing is little visible in research. Within the social sciences, research is burgeoning on the challenging experience of being a single adult in couples-oriented cultures, emphasizing the stigma of this status and also how it may be unwittingly perpetuated through research practices. By defying normative expectations pertaining to coupled and family life, SWWWC appear a useful group from which to assess this claim. Drawing on both scientific and lay accounts allows an exploration of the tensions and convergences between them. Samples of 32 scientific articles and 22 interview transcripts were drawn on in the discourse analysis, guided by the concepts of interpretative repertoire (coherent ways of writing about a topic) and subject positions (identities). This research gave rise to three articles. The first analyzes common themes in the explanation of the health/wellbeing of this group in scientific research and identifies an interpretative repertoire termed the family as reference. This repertoire accounts for the frequent explanation of their health by referring to the states and characteristics of holding parental or partner roles. This could obscure their lives or cast them as relatively impoverished, reinforcing single woman stereotypes. Article 2 examines how members of this population construct their own wellbeing. It identifies notions of balance between various life spheres and a positioning as dynamic as central. These challenge understandings of singles/the childless as having lives lacking in breadth or fulfillment, or as untouched by issues of work-life balance. Article 3 brings the scientific and lay materials together over the topics of singleness and paid work in relation to health and wellbeing, highlighting their many similarities and differences. The possible functions of the various interpretations are theorized. I conclude that a more critical perspective on coupled/family status can offer public health research a point of added reflexivity.
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Proměny struktury obyvatelstva ve věku 15-59 let podle rodinného stavu v České republice po roce 1930 / Changes in the marital status in the age group from 15 to 59 years in the Czech Republic after 1930Boušová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Changes in the marital status in the age group from 15 to 59 years in the Czech Republic after 1930 Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the changes in population structure according to the individual marital statuses. For this analysis sex-specific and age-specific nuptuality rates and multistate life tables were use, in order to be able to describe transitions between the individual marital statuses. In the first part of this thesis the data sources and the methods of creating the transversal increment- decrement life tables were described. Following chapters deal with the historical development of the Czech Republic population since the year 1930 and the trends of nuptuality, divorce and mortality. Second part is dedicated to the analysis of the transitions between the individual marital statuses. The findings of this thesis conclude that people in the individual marital states tend to react similarly to the historical events in Czech Republic, unless some events are purposefully aiming to influence only a part of the population. Key words: nuptuality rate, divorce rate, mortality rate, marital status, multistate demography, transversal increment-decrement life tables, Czech Republic
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Sense of coherence, health and lifestyle in middle-aged womenGalvenius, Taina January 2010 (has links)
<p>According to the salutogenic theory put forth by Antonovsky, an individual’s sense of coherence (SOC) is central for maintaining health. The present study used data from middle-aged women being part of a longitudinal research program to investigate how SOC relates to health status (in terms of self-rated health and medicine consumption) and a set of lifestyle factors (physical exercise, alcohol consumption, nicotine consumption and dietary habits). Women with a strong SOC were hypothesized to exhibit better health profiles, consume less medication, and lead a healthier lifestyle than women with a weak SOC. The findings partly confirmed the hypotheses in showing that women with a strong SOC had better self-rated overall health, better psychological well-being, fewer self-reported diseases and lower medicine consumption. Contrary to the hypothesis, women with stronger SOC had more self-reported psychological and physical symptoms. Of the lifestyle factors, only dietary habits were significantly associated with SOC. The study shows that SOC is related to differences in health and medicine consumption in a homogeneous group of middle-aged women, while the association between SOC and lifestyle was found to be less prominent.</p>
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