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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partnerwahl, Sexualdimorphismus & Populationsunterschiede in Chorthippus biguttulus

Stange, Nicole 27 February 2012 (has links)
Die Heuschreckenart Chorthippus biguttulus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) ist ein Modellorganismus für akustische Kommunikation. Die Männchen stridulieren durch Reiben des Hinterbeins gegen eine Flügelvene. Diese Dieser Gesang bietet Weibchen Informationen über Artzugehörigkeit, Geschlecht und u.U. die Qualität. Rezeptive Weibchen antworten auf arteigene und attraktive Gesänge. Ich untersuchte, welche Informationen der Männchengesang enthält, wie diese sich in Gesangsparametern manifestieren und welche Informationen rezipiert werden. Ich untersuchte Abhängigkeiten zwischen Gesang und Temperatur, Alter, Morphologie und Immunkompetenz. Ebenfalls testete ich auf eine Infektion mit Wolbachia sp.. Mit Playback-Versuchen wurde die Präferenz der Weibchen getestet. Der Sexualdimorphismus, Populationsunterschiede und Unterschiede zwischen Freiland- und F1-Populationen wurden untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Männchengesänge in geringem Maße altersabhängig waren während sie Temperatur den Gesang stark beeinflusst. Länger andauernde Nymphenphasen induzierten veränderte Gesangsmerkmale. Größere und schwerere Beine korrelierten mit dem Onsetsowie der Versdauer und der Pausendauer. Die Phasenverschiebung der Hinterbeine hing stark mit der Störpausentiefe und der Thoraxbreite zusammen. Die Werte der Immunkompetenz korrelierten positiv mit dem Onset des Gesangs des jeweiligen Männchens sowie der Femurlänge. Die Weibchen bevorzugten Männchengesänge, die tiefe Offsets, lange Periode, bzw. Silben, geringe Störpausen und besonders lange Versdauern aufwiesen. Die Tiere zeigten einen hohen Grad an Sexualdimorphismus in Morphologie und Gesang. Ebenfalls waren starke Unterschiede in fast allen untersuchten Morphologiemerkmalen und den meisten Gesangsparametern verschiedener Populationen von Männchen festzustellen, wobei die Weibchenpräferenzen ähnlich waren und der artspezifische Parameter, das Silben-Pausen-Verhältnis, sich nicht unterschied. / The grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) is a model organism for acoustic communication. The males stridulate by rubbing the hind legs against their forewings. The "song" is species-specific and contains information about the gender and perhaps about the quality. Receptive females answer by singing, if the male song is attractive. I worked on the question, which information about the male is in the song, which song parameters contain the information and which of these information is received by the females. I tested correlations between the song parameters and temperature, age, morphology and immunocompetence and I tested for an infection with Wolbachia sp.. The females’ preferences on male songs were tested with playback-experiments. I investigated the sexual size dimorphism and behavioral differences and the differences in these parameters of animals of different sites in Germany and of laboratory and field animals. The male songs were on a small scale age-dependent. Temporal parameters) depended very much from the temperature and decrease with higher temperatures. The developmental time correlated with the duration of the syllables, the onset variances and the gaps in the syllable. Males with longer and heavier legs produced higher onset, longer verses and longer pauses. The gaps in the syllable amplitude and the width of the thorax correlated with the phase shifting of the hind legs. The immunocompetence rate was positively correlated with the onset and the length of the femur. Females preferred male songs, which contained deep offsets, long periods (syllables), small gaps and long verse durations. The species showed a high degree on sexual dimorphism in morphology and the song parameters. The animals of different populations differed significantly in almost every morphology parameter and a lot of song parameters, while the syllable-to-pause-ration (species-specific) was constant. The females preference of the different sites were similar.

Emotions et personnalité : au cœur des décisions chez un poisson monogame / Importance of emotions and personality in decision-making in a monogamous fish

Laubu, Chloé 19 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours de leur vie, les animaux doivent sans cesse prendre des décisions qui impactent leur survie et leur succès reproducteur. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier le rôle de deux sources de variabilité dans la prise de décision — la personnalité et l’état émotionnel — en contexte sexuel chez un poisson monogame, le cichlidé zébré. Nos travaux sur la personnalité ont mis en évidence son importance sur la compatibilité comportementale et le succès reproducteur des partenaires. De plus, les individus les plus réactifs se sont ajustés à leur partenaire et ont augmenté leur succès reproducteur. Ceci supporte l’hypothèse d’une plus grande flexibilité de ces individus qui compenseraient ainsi leur faible compétitivité. Les différents profils de personnalité peuvent ainsi être considérés comme des stratégies alternatives. Le maintien de la variabilité interindividuelle pourrait ainsi s’expliquer par le succès équivalent de ces stratégies. Les émotions sont, elles, une cause de variabilité intra-individuelle souvent négligée qui pourrait pourtant représenter une information interne utilisée par l’individu pour prendre ses décisions. En transposant le test cognitif du biais de jugement aux poissons, nous avons pu observer un lien étroit entre leur état émotionnel et la présence/absence du partenaire. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle des émotions dans les processus d’appariement et interrogent sur leur utilisation dans les prises de décision. Les individus se basent-ils sur leurs émotions pour choisir un partenaire ? Est-ce adaptatif ? À travers l’étude de ces sources de variabilité comportementale, nous avons observé que, loin d’être distribuée aléatoirement, la variabilité était liée à des stratégies décisionnelles et pouvait influencer le succès reproducteur des individus. Il serait donc crucial de la prendre en compte pour appréhender l’évolution des processus décisionnels. / During their lives animals constantly need to make decisions that influence their survival and their reproductive success. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the role of two variability sources in decision-making — personality and emotional states — in a sexual context in a monogamous fish, the convict cichlid. Our work about personality highlights its importance on pair compatibility and reproductive success. We also observe that reactive individuals adjusted their behaviour to their partner and thus increased their reproductive fitness. This result supports the hypothesis that reactive individuals are more flexible and thus compensate for their weak competitiveness.Personality traits are thus to be considered as co-existing alternative strategies. The maintenance of this inter-individual variability can be results from their equal success on the long run. Emotional states are source of intra-individual variability that has been largely underestimate. However they may represent an internal information used by individuals to make choice. We developed a protocol of cognitive judgment bias test in fish to evaluate their emotional states, and we observed a strong relationship with the presence/absence of the preferred partner. These results suggest that emotions is a key component of pair-bonding and then question how animals use them to make decision. Do they choose a partner based on their emotional states in an adaptive way? Through these different studies, we have shown that behavioural variability is not randomly distributed. On the contrary, it is linked to different strategies and it can influence reproductive success. It is thus crucial to take this parameter into account in order to understand the evolution of decision processes.

Desenvolvimento tecnológico de grânulos esferoidais a partir de extrato seco de folhas e ramos de ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. aquifoliaceae (erva-mate) / Technological development of pellets obtained from aqueous extract of leaves and branches of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil. aquifoliaceae (yerba mate)

Yatsu, Francini Kiyono Jorge January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos produzir um extrato seco de Ilex paraguariensis por spray-drying, em escala semi-industrial, e desenvolver grânulos esferoidais a partir do extrato seco, pelo método de extrusão/esferonização, bem como caracterizar as propriedades físicas, químicas e tecnológicas e investigar a estabilidade dos principais constituintes polifenólicos de ambos produtos frente à radiação UVC e ao calor. O extrato seco apresentou partículas esféricas (tamanho médio de 19,6 μm), com superfície lisa, boas propriedades de fluxo e rendimento satisfatório (67 %). No teste de fotoestabilidade, o extrato seco se manteve estável frente à radiação UVC, por 48 h, nos diferentes materiais de acondicionamento (frascos de vidro âmbar, frascos de vidro transparente ou vidros de relógio). No teste de estabilidade acelerada (40 ºC, 75 % de umidade relativa, 4 meses), o extrato seco demonstrou ser higroscópico e sensível ao calor, especialmente quando acondicionado em frascos de polietileno, por serem permeáveis à umidade. Os grânulos esferoidais, por sua vez, apresentaram tamanho médio de 1,10 mm, forma e rendimento (78,7 %) satisfatórios, boa dissolução em água (89,44 a 100,05 %) e adequada recuperação (> 95 %) do conteúdo de polifenóis totais em relação ao extrato seco. Os grânulos esferoidais foram estáveis frente à radiação UVC quando acondicionados em frascos de vidro âmbar, entretanto, o teor de polifenóis totais foi reduzido quando as amostras foram acondicionadas em vidro de relógio ou em frascos de vidro transparente. No teste de estabilidade acelerada, os grânulos esferoidais demonstraram ser higroscópicos e sensíveis ao calor. Este efeito foi mais pronunciado quando as amostras foram acondicionadas em frascos permeáveis (de polietileno) do que em frascos impermeáveis (de vidro transparente). Os resultados apontam para a importância da redução da umidade residual tanto do extrato seco quanto dos grânulos esferoidais, bem como para a necessidade de acondicioná-los em embalagens com proteção contra a umidade e a luz, sob baixas temperaturas. / The present work was designed to produce a dry extract of Ilex paraguariensis by the spray-drying process, in semi-industrial scale, and to develop pellets from dry extract, by the extrusion/spheronization method, as well as to characterize the physical, chemical and technological properties and to investigate the stability of the main polyphenol constituents from both products against UVC radiation and heat. The dry extract presented spherical particles (mean size of 19.6 μm), with smooth surface, good flow properties and satisfactory yield (67 %). In the photo stability test, the dry extract remained stable against UVC radiation, for 48 h, in all packaging material (amber glass bottles, transparent glass bottles or open-dishes). In the accelerated stability testing (40 ºC, 75 % relative humidity, 4 months), the dry extract demonstrated to be hygroscopic and sensible to the heat, especially when conditioned in polyethylene ethyl bottles because they are permeable to the humidity. The pellets presented mean size of 1.10 mm, satisfactory shape and yield (78.7 %), good dissolution in water (89.44 to 100.05 %) and good recovery (> 95 %) of the total polyphenol content in comparison with dry extract, the pellets were stable against UVC radiation when conditioned in amber glass bottles, however, the total polyphenol content was reduced when the samples were conditioned in open-dishes or in transparent glass bottles. In the accelerated stability testing, the pellets demonstrated to be hygroscopic and sensible to the heat. This effect was more pronounced when the samples were conditioned in permeable flasks (polyethylene ethyl bottles) than in semi-permeable flasks (transparent glass bottles). These findings point to the relevance of reducing the residual moisture of both dry extract and pellets, as well as to the necessity of conditioning both into opaque humidity tight packing, at low temperatures.

Coabitação com um parceiro doente: conseqüências sobre o comportamento, a atividade imune inata e o crescimento tumoral / Cohabiting with a sick mate: consequences on behavior, innate immune activity, and tumor growht

Glaucie Jussilane Alves 16 August 2005 (has links)
A atividade do sistema nervoso central (SNC) afeta aquela do sistema imune e esta por sua vez, através de produtos originados em células imunes, como por exemplo, as citocinas modificam a atividade cerebral e, portanto, alguns comportamentos. O ato de conviver com pessoas portadoras de um tumor ou de patologias crônicas debilitantes tem sido estudado por vários pesquisadores, os quais têm relatado evidencias que mostram ser algumas condições psicológicas experimentadas por ?caregivers? associadas com variações de comportamento e de imunidade. Manifestações de estresse têm sido intensamente estudadas nestas pessoas. Neste sentido, e guardado os devidos cuidados com as extrapolações, não existe um modelo animal especificamente desenvolvido para analisar, em laboratório, as eventuais alterações imunes que possam ocorrer em animais que convivem com um outro doente. Este foi o objeto do presente trabalho. Mais especificamente, avaliou-se a existência de uma possível interação neuroimune em camundongas que coabitaram com outras portadoras de um tumor de Ehrlich, através da análise de parâmetros hematológicos, imunológicos, hormonais, comportamentais e neuroquímicos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a convivência por 11 dias com um animal portador do tumor de Ehrlich produziu em camundongas: 1) leucopenia; 2) diminuição do burst oxidativo induzido por PMA e por S. aureus e da porcentagem e, também da intensidade de fagocitose de neutrófilos sanguíneos; 3) aumento do burst oxidativo e redução da porcentagem, mas não alterou a intensidade de fagocitose de macrófagos ativados pelo ONCO-BCG; 4) diminuição da resistência ao crescimento de um tumor de Ehrlich, isto é, aumentou a concentração de células tumorais/ml de líquido ascítico e o número total de células tumorais; 5) redução do número de leucócitos circulantes em animais inoculados com o tumor de Ehrlich; 6) diminuição dos níveis hipotalâmicos de noradrenalina e aumento daqueles de dopamina e de MHPG; 7) aumento do ?turnover? de noradrenalina no hipotálamo e de dopamina no córtex frontal; 8) aumento dos efeitos da anfetamina sobre alguns parâmetros da atividade locomotora dos animais observados no campo aberto; 9) potenciou os efeitos de um tratamento com diazepam, reduzindo ainda mais o burst oxidativo induzido por PMA e por S. aureus assim como os efeitos do fármaco sobre a porcentagem e a intensidade de fagocitose de neutrófilos sanguíneos. No entanto, esta convivência não modificou a média do número de eritrócitos, a porcentagem do hematócrito e o volume corpuscular médio, assim como a atividade de macrófagos peritoneais residentes e, não interferiu com os níveis de corticosterona sérica dos animais. Em seu conjunto, os presentes resultados mostraram que a convivência com animais portadores de um tumor ascítico de Ehrlich produziu alterações comportamentais, neuroquímicas e imunológicas, que guardam grande similaridade com sinais e sintomas relatados em caregivers. Estas alterações foram interpretadas como decorrentes de uma situação de estresse psicológico prolongado vivenciado pelas camundongas companheiras de conspecíficas portadoras de um tumor. Mais especificamente, postulou-se, neste trabalho, sejam as alterações observadas decorrentes de um aumento de atividade catecolaminérgica no SNC e/ou de ativação do SNAS. A semelhança dos resultados obtidos em companheiras de animais doentes com aqueles de caregivers permitiu sugerir, tomados os devidos cuidados com extrapolações, seja o modelo experimental agora usado de alguma utilidade para a compreensão da situação vivenciada por estes caregivers / The activity of the central nervous system (CNS) affects the immune system, which by means of products molecules synthesized by its cells, modify the activity of the CNS, and, consequently, animal behavior. People that care for and support the needs of patients bearing tumors or with chronic, debilitating diseases, have been studied by many groups, with evidences pointing towards an association between some psychological conditions experienced by caregivers and changes in behavior and immunity. Stress-associated symptoms have been intensely studied in these people. Thus, taking into account the required grounds reasonable comparisons, there was no description of a suitable model for laboratory analysis of possible changes in immunity of animals cohabiting with a sick cage-mate. Therefore, the objective of this study was to establish a suitable model for this purpose. We particularly aimed on possible neuroimmune interaction in female mice that had cohabited with Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice, using for comparison hematological, immune, hormonal, behavioral, and neurochemical parameters. The results of this study show that cohabiting with a sick mate - mice bearing the Ehrlich tumor - for 11 days induced, in female mice: 1) leukopenia; 2) decrease in PMA- or S. aureus-induced oxidative burst, and also of the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis by circulating neutrophils; 3) increase in oxidative burst and reduction in the percentage, but did not influence intensity of phagocytosis by ONCO-BCG-activated macrophages; 4) decrease in the resistance to the progression of the Ehrlich tumor, shown by the enhanced concentration of tumor cells per ml of the ascitic fluid, and total number of tumor cells; 5) reduction in the number of circulating leukocytes in animals injected with the Ehrlich tumor; 6) diminished hypothalamic levels of noradrenaline and increased those of dopamine and MHPG in the same region; 7) increased the turnover of noradrenaline in the hypothalamus, and of dopamine in the frontal cortex; 8) enhanced the effects of amphetamine on several parameters of motor activity observed in the open field arena; 9) potentiated the effects of diazepam, reducing the PMA- or S. aureus-induced oxidative burst, and on the percentage and intensity of phagocytosis by circulating neutrophils even further. Nonetheless, cohabiting with the sick mate did not alter the red cell count, the hematocrit, or the mean cell volume, nor did it influence the activity of resident peritoneal macrophages or interfere with serum corticosterone levels. Altogether, these findings show that cohabiting with animals bearing the ascitic Ehrlich tumor caused behavioral, neurochemical, and immunological changes compatible with those presented and described by caregivers. These changes are interpreted as related to a sustained, long-term situation of psychological stress experienced by the conspecific female healthy mates of the tumor-bearing mice. In particular, we postulate in this study that the changes observed might be driven by the increased cathecolaminergic activity in the CNS and/or by the activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (SANS). The resemblance of the results obtained here and those seen in human caregivers allows the careful suggestion that this model may be relevant to help understanding the situation experienced by caregivers

Atividade antimicrobiana, antioxidante e imunomoduladora de Agaricus brasiliensis e Ilex paraguariensis in vitro e em modelo de sepse murino

NAVEGANTES, Kely Campos 15 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-06-26T15:18:47Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_AtividadeAntimicrobianaAntioxidante.pdf: 2908572 bytes, checksum: e12ae6d5a92fa7674e91793cb3fff4f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-06-27T16:05:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_AtividadeAntimicrobianaAntioxidante.pdf: 2908572 bytes, checksum: e12ae6d5a92fa7674e91793cb3fff4f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-27T16:05:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_AtividadeAntimicrobianaAntioxidante.pdf: 2908572 bytes, checksum: e12ae6d5a92fa7674e91793cb3fff4f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-15 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A sepse é uma disfunção orgânica causada por uma resposta imune desregulada a uma infecção. Na abordagem terapêutica inicial da sepse são utilizados antimicrobianos de amplo espectro, que não é suficiente para o controle da infecção, sendo necessário associações com outras terapias. Dessa forma, o Ilex paraguariensis por ser um potente antimicrobiano, antioxidante, e Agaricus brasiliensis possui propriedades imunomoduladora poderiam ser uma nova fonte de terapia. Assim, o presente estudo visou avaliar o efeito antimicrobiano, antioxidante e imunomodulador in vitro e in vivo dos extratos. Para tanto, neste estudo, foi avaliada a ação antimicrobiana in vitro dos extratos aquosos de A.brasiliensis e I. paraguariensis frente à Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli pelo método da microdiluição e espectrofotmétrico para determinação de concentração inibitória Mínima e técnica de cultivo em placa de petri para a concentração bactericida mínima. Foi também avaliada a citotoxicidade em macrófagos, produção de óxido nítrico (NO), proliferação, fagocitose, capacidade antioxidante equivalente ao Trolox (TEAC) e determinação da atividade antioxidante total pela captura do radical livre e produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). In vivo, os camundongos swiss com sepse induzida foram pré-tratados com os extratos aquosos de A.brasiliensis e I. paraguariensis e após 12 e 24 horas suas amostras coletadas,e avaliado a sobrevida, migração leucocitária, hemograma, carga bacteriana, produção de NO, níveis de malonaldeído, TEAC em ex vivo avaliou-se capacidade fagocítica e liberação de EROs. O A.brasiliensis não apresentou atividade antimicrobiana in vitro, manteve as células viáveis, reduziu a capacidade fagocítica, aumentou NO, mas na presença de LPS reduziu o NO, apresentou efeito proliferativo, mas na presença do mitógeno teve efeito antiproliferativo e possui uma forte atividade antioxidante e capacidade de sequestro de radicais in vitro. O I.paraguariensis apresentou atividade antimicrobiana assim como efeito citotóxico, induziu à capacidade fagocítica dos leucócitos, aumentou NO, mas na presença de LPS reduziu, teve efeito proliferativo e atividade antioxidante com capacidade de sequestro de radicais in vitro. Em modelo de sepse in vivo, ambos aumentaram da sobrevida dos animais. O A.brasiliensis reduziu o influxo de leucócitos enquanto que o I. paraguariensis aumentou. Somente A.brasiliensis teve o hemograma semelhante ao sham, ambos extratos reduziram a carga bacteriana e diminuíram os níveis de NO, MDA e aumentaram os níveis de antioxidante nos tecidos, além disso, ambos diminuíram a produção de ERO. Apesar de ambos extratos apresentarem excelente resultados in vitro, o extrato aquoso de A.brasiliensis mostrou ser mais promissor que o extrato de I.paraguariensis como uma terapia adjuvante na sepse, devido sua elevada atividade antimicrobiana, antioxidante e anti-inflamatória in vivo. / Sepsis is an organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated immune response to an infection, the initial therapeutic approach to sepsis are broad spectrum antimicrobials, which is not sufficient for control of infection, requiring association with other therapies. Thus, Ilex paraguariensis where to be a potent antimicrobial, antioxidant and Agaricus brasiliensis has immunomodulatory properties could be a new source of therapy. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect, antioxidant and immunomodulatory in vitro and in vivo of the extracts. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the in vitro antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts from A.brasiliensis and I. paraguariensis against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by the method of microdilution and by spectophotometry for determination of minimum inhibitory concentration and cultivation technique on petri dish for minimum bactericidal concentration, cytotoxicity in macrophages was evaluated, nitric oxide (NO) production, proliferation, phagocytosis, equivalent antioxidant capacity to Trolox (TEAC) and determination of the total antioxidant activity by capturing the free radical and reactive species production oxygen (ROS). In the swiss mice with induced sepsis were pretreated with aqueous extracts of A.brasiliensis and I. paraguariensis, after 12 and 24 hours collected their samples and evaluated the survival, leukocyte migration, hemogram, bacterial load, NO production, malondialdehyde (MDA), TEAC and ex vivo we evaluated phagocytic capacity and release of ROS. The A.brasiliensis showed no antimicrobial activity in vitro, remained viable cells reduced the phagocytic capacity, increased NO, but in the presence of LPS reduced, showed proliferative effect, but in the presence of mitogen had antiproliferative effect and has a strong antioxidant activity and capacity to sequester radicals in vitro. I.paraguariensis presented antimicrobial activity as well as cytotoxic effect induced phagocytic capacity increased NO, but in the presence of LPS reduced, had proliferative effect, antioxidant activity and capacity to sequester radicals in vitro. In vivo model of sepsis, both increased the survival of animals, A.brasiliensis reduced leukocyte influx while Ilex increased, only A.brasiliensis had hemogram similar to sham, both extracts reduced bacterial load and levels decreased NO, MDA and increased antioxidant levels in the tissues, in addition, both reduced the production of both extracts present ERO. Although excellent in vitro results, the aqueous extract from A.brasiliensis was found to be most promising as an adjuvant therapy in sepsis that I. paraguariensis due to its high antimicrobial activity, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in vivo.

Chá mate (Ilex paraguariensis): compostos bioativos e relação com atividade biológica / Mate tea (Ilex paraguariensis): bioactive compounds and relationship with biological activity

Souza, Marina Figueiredo Ferreira de 16 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A erva mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire) é uma espécie nativa do Brasil, Paraguai e Argentina e tem importante apelo social, econômico e cultural. É utilizada na preparação de vários tipos de bebidas, como chimarrão, tererê e chá-mate, consumidas em toda a América Latina. O chá mate, assim como o chimarrão, apresenta potencial protetor à saúde devido à atividade antioxidante, ente outras, conforme demonstrado em diversos estudos. A alta concentração de compostos bioativos, como as saponinas, os compostos fenólicos e as metilxantinas respondem, em conjunto, pela sua atividade biológica. Objetivos: a) validar metodologia para isolar e quantificar as principais classes de compostos bioativos do chá mate (compostos fenólicos, xantinas, sapogeninas e melaninas); b) avaliar se há diferenças nos teores desses compostos nas diferentes marcas deste produto comercializado em São Paulo; c) avaliar a atividade biológica de cada classe por diferentes métodos in vitro. Metodologia: Foram analisados três lotes das três marcas de chá mate 100 por cento presentes em hipermercados no município de São Paulo. A validação da metodologia para quantificação, empregando CLAE, consistiu no cálculo da exatidão (recuperação), repetibilidade e sensibilidade para os compostos: ácido caféico, ácido-5-cafeoilquínico, cafeína, teobromina, acido ursólico e ácido oleanólico. Foram determinados os teores de fenólicos totais por método espectrofotométrico com o reagente Folin-Ciocalteu. As frações de fenólicos e xantinas, sapogeninas e melaninas foram isoladas e testadas quanto à atividade antioxidante pelo: sistema de oxidação -caroteno e ácido linoléico, teste da capacidade de absorbância de oxigênio radical ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), capacidade de seqüestrar o radical DPPH, e atividade ligante de ácidos biliares (ácidos glicocólico, cólico, deoxicólico e taurocólico). Resultados: Os coeficientes de determinação das curvas de calibração foram maiores que 0,99. A recuperação dos compostos variou de 84,2 a 115,88por cento e o coeficiente de variação médio foi 5 por cento. Uma xícara de chá mate (182 mL) apresentou, em média, 161,96 mg de fenólicos totais; 14,71 mg de ácido clorogênico (5CQA); 3,13 mg de ácido caféico ; 2,74 mg de teobromina e 15,16 mg de cafeína. Os teores de ácido ursólico e ácido oleanólico no chá mate (sachês), foram, em média 82,60 g/g e 54,08 g/g, respectivamente. As concentrações dos compostos variaram significativamente entre as marcas analisadas. A atividade antioxidante do chá mate (69,2 por cento de inibição da oxidação pelo sistema -caroteno e ácido linoléico; DPPH (IC50) = 0,014 mgSS/mL; ORAC = 9997molTrolox/xícara de chá), diferiu significativamente (p<0,05) entre as marcas apenas para o IC50. Para as frações houve diferença estatística apenas para a porcentagem de inibição da oxidação do ácido linoléico para o extrato melânico. Verificou-se correlação linear (p<0.05) positiva ou negativa entre a atividade antioxidante e a concentração de alguns compostos bioativos. A capacidade ligante de ácidos biliares foi semelhante ao controle positivo colestiramina para o chá mate, FS e FFX. O EM demonstrou baixa ou nenhuma capacidade de si ligar aos ácidos biliares. Conclusões: O chá mate é uma excelente fonte de compostos bioativos com atividade biológica. Ocorreu variação da concentração de compostos bioativos em função da marca analisada. Essa variação, no entanto, não influenciou na atividade antioxidante da bebida, conforme avaliada pelos métodos ora utilizados. / Introduction: Yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire) is a spontaneous species that grows in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay and several beverages (chimarrão, terere, maté tea) are produced from its leaves. Maté tea, one of I. paraguariensis beverages present antioxidant activity and other biological effects. Compounds such as aponins, polyphenols and methylxanthines, which are present in considerable amounts, are responsible for the biological effects. Objectives: The aims of this work were: a) to validate analytical methodologies to evaluate the main bioactive compounds from maté tea (phenolic compounds, xanthines, sapogenins and melanins); b) to evaluate if there are differences on these compounds contents among maté tea brands commercialized in São Paulo; c) to evaluate biological activity of each class of compounds by different in vitro methodologies. Methods: Three lots from three commercial brands of maté tea present in 100 per cent of the main supermarkets in São Paulo city were analysed. HPLC methodology validation was assessed by determining accuracy (recovery), repeatability and sensibility (linearity, limits of detection and quantitation) for caffeic acid, 5- caffeoylquinic acid, caffeine, theobromine, ursolic and oleanolic acids. Total phenolic content was assessed with the Folin-Ciolcalteu´s reagent. Maté tea phenolic and methylxanthines (FFX), sapogenins (FS) and melanins (EM) fractions were isolated and tested for theirs in vitro antioxidantactivity by the following methods: -carotene and linoleic acid system, ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), radical scavenging capacity (DPPH). The ability of binding bile acids (glycocholic, cholic, taurocholic and deoxycholic acids) was also assayed. Results: Calibration curves determination coefficient (r 2) were higher than 0,99 for all compounds. Recovery ranged from 84,2 to 115,88per cent and repeatability average was 5per cent. One maté tea cup (182 mL) contains in average 161,96 mg5CQA of total phenolic compounds, 14,71 mg of chlorogenic acid (5CQA), 3,13 mg of caffeic acid, 2,74 mg of theobromine and 15,16 mg of caffeine. The roasted leaves contains 82,60 and 54,08 g/g of ursolic and oleanolic acids in average, respectively. Compounds contents varied significantly (p<0,05) among brands. The antioxidant activity assays showed no significant difference (p>0,05) among brands to maté tea, except for DPPH (IC50), and the average results for the maté tea are the following: 69,2 per cent in -carotene and linoleic acid system, DPPH (IC50) = 0,014mgSS/mL; ORAC = 9997,7molTrolox/tea cup. Antioxidant activity of the isolated fractions showed significant difference only in -carotene and linoleic acid system to melanic extract. A positive or negative correlations between the antioxidant activity and the bioactive compounds contents was observed (p<0.05). Maté tea, FS and FFX bile acid binding capacity were similar to the positive control cholestyramine. EM showed very little or no bile acid binding capacity. Conclusions: Maté tea is a source of bioactive compounds. Although concentration can vary significantly from brand to brand, this fact did not affect maté tea antioxidant activity evaluated by the methods used in this study.

Attractivité faciale des hommes et préférences des femmes en matière de partenaire sexuel : évolutionnisme et psychologie sociale / Men’s facial attractiveness and female’s mate preferences : evolutionism and social psychology

Aziz, Ind 04 October 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons confronté l’explication du fitness model à celle du stéréotype beautiful is good, afin de mieux saisir l’influence de l’attractivité faciale d’un homme sur les préférences d’une femme. Selon le fitness model, une femme interprèterait l’attractivité faciale d’un homme comme l’indice de sa bonne santé (bonne condition génétique), profitable à la survie et au succès reproducteur de la progéniture. Mais selon des travaux en lien avec l’aisance cognitive (prototype, stéréotype beautiful is good), les traits attractifs et l’attention qu’une femme manifeste pour l’attractivité faciale d’un homme n’auraient pas de valeur reproductive, et s’expliqueraient plutôt en termes de facilité de traitement et d’économie cognitive, qui génèrent des réactions positives. Nous avons eu recours à un logiciel de ‘morphing’ afin de créer des visages artificiels d’hommes dont le genre, la correspondance à une moyenne et la symétrie variaient, et les avons fait évaluer par des femmes françaises et marocaines sur différents points : attractivité faciale, santé, revenus, rencontre, partenaire sur le long terme. Les résultats mettent en évidence que l’influence de l’attractivité faciale sur les préférences des femmes n’aurait pas seulement une valeur reproductive, et que l’économie cognitive permise par le recours au stéréotype beautiful is good expliquerait aussi les préférences. / In this work of thesis, we compared the fitness model explanation with the beautiful is good stereotype point of view to better evaluate the influence of men’s facial attractiveness on women preferences. According to the fitness model, a woman would interpret men’s facial attractiveness as an indicator of their good health (good genetic condition), profitable for the offspring’s survival and reproductive success. But according to studies in the field of cognitive ease (prototype, beautiful is good stereotype), the attractive facial features and the attention that a woman pay to men’s facial attractiveness is explained in terms of easy processing and cognitive economy, which generate positive reactions and would have no reproductive value. We used a software of morphing to create artificial men’s faces among which the masculine vs feminine, the averageness and the symmetry were manipulated. After, we submitted these faces to the evaluation of french and moroccan women on several aspects : facial attractiveness, health, income, meeting, long-term mate. The results suggest that facial attractiveness’s influence on women’s preferences would not only have a reproductive value, and that the cognitive economy allowed by the beautiful is good stereotype would also explain the preferences.

An Investigation of the Impact A ROV Competition Curriculum has on Student Interest in sTEm, Specifically Technology and Engineering

Bates, Daniel Gordon 01 June 2016 (has links)
This research investigates the impact a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) program has on student interest in, and perception of, technology and engineering (sTEm). ROV programs embed areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) into their curriculum; however, emphasis for this study is placed on interest and perception of the "T" and "E" of STEM. Although there are many articles detailing the benefits of ROV programs, there is little empirical data documenting the impact on student interest and perception of sTEm. This study outlines the background of a few major ROV programs in the U.S.; specifically Utah Underwater Robotics (UUR), an ROV statewide program within a landlocked state, the methods for gathering data and findings from a sTEm survey instrument administered to over 300 students ranging from 6th to 12th grade who participated in a five-month ROV program and near 50 students who did not. Key findings include: 1. Males were more interested in technology and engineering than females, regardless of whether they participated in the UUR ROV program. 2. Male and female students in the UUR program were more interested and had a more positive perception of engineering than those who did not participate in the UUR ROV program. 3. Females in the UUR program reported more interest in engineering careers and activities than females not in the program. 4. Females in the program reported more interest and self-efficacy in science than females not in the program. 5. Males in the UUR program reported more awareness of the positive and negative consequences of technology and engineering than those who did not participate.

The Genetic and Social Mating System of a White-Backed Population of the Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen tyrannica)

Durrant, Kate, n/a January 2004 (has links)
The Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) is a large, sedentary, omnivorous passerine. In some populations, individuals live in groups, and some of these groups breed cooperatively. The white-backed magpie (G. t. tyrannica) from the south-eastern corner of the continent, has had relatively little study, and few details are known of its mating system, social structure, and method of parental care. I conducted an observational study on a population of white-backed magpies, recording details of their demography, dispersal, breeding system, and parental care. In conjunction, I conducted a genetic analysis of the population, to determine if the genetic mating system matched the observed social system, to detect instances of extra-group mating, and to sex juvenile birds. Extra-pair paternity (EPP) is a common feature of the mating systems of many birds. The rate of EPP may vary between species, races and populations. I made a comparison of extra-group paternity (EGP) rates between two races of the Australian magpie, to determine if similar mating systems were being employed. The two populations had similar social structure, but differed in group size and dispersal. I predicted that dispersal differences would have a profound effect on the rate of EGP between the populations, as the population with the lower rate of dispersal and higher chance of breeding with a close relative would engage in EGPs more frequently. Eight microsatellite loci were used to determine parentage in the white-backed Australian magpie. The rate of EGP was found to be 44%. Dispersal rates were estimated from observational data. Over half of the juvenile magpie cohort from the previous breeding season leave the territorial group. These results contrast sharply with the results found by other researchers in a population of western Australian magpies (G t. dorsalis). In this population, 82% EGP is recorded and dispersal of juveniles is close to nil. The results indicate that dispersal rate is a potentially important predictor of rates of extra-group fertilisations between populations of this species, and suggest that females maximise their reproductive output by avoiding breeding with close kin. The reproductive success of a male bird is often correlated with measurable traits that predict his intrinsic quality. Females are thought to select mates based on their quality to gain their 'good genes'. Male Australian magpies of the white-backed race were trapped in two breeding seasons. Measurements were taken of morphometric and other characteristics in order to discover whether particular traits of males were associated with: a) number of fledglings produced in the territory per season; b) percentage of offspring sired in the territory; and c) whether females select males for their 'good genes'. The only variable that was correlated with number of territorial offspring was feather lice load. Males with high numbers of lice were less likely to produce territorial fledglings in one season and across both seasons. Males of inferior quality may be subject to increased conspecific territorial intrusions, leading to more time spent on defence, more failed breeding attempts, less time allocated to grooming and thus high parasite loads. Males that produced many territorial fledglings were more likely to gain genetic paternity of at least some of them, although again this was significant for only one season. Also, across both seasons, a high number of females in the group was correlated with increased paternity within the group. The general lack of correlation between the variables and level of genetic paternity may be due to females engaging in extra-group mating primarily to avoid breeding with a close relative rather than to choose a quality male. In this scenario, males would not have to be 'high quality', but merely genetically different to the female's social mate. Extra-group paternity (EGP) can affect paternal effort. It may also influence the helping effort of auxiliary birds in cooperatively breeding species. If helping is driven by kin selection, helpers should decline to provision unrelated young. Relatedness becomes difficult to assess however, when females mate outside the group. Alternative rewards may then become important in helper decisions. In my study population of Australian magpies, 38% of fledglings were sired by males outside the territorial group. In a second population (G. t. dorsalis), 82% of fledglings were sired by extra-group males. I observed within-group male and helper feeding effort over three breeding seasons in the first population and obtained data recorded over a single season in the second population. In both populations, males provisioned young regardless of relatedness, as did helpers. Males provisioned less than the nesting female on average. Paternal effort did not reduce with an increase in the rate of EGP between populations. In the population with intermediate levels of EGP, the white-backed magpies, I observed helpers in about half of the sampled territories that produced fledglings. Helpers did not increase the production of young. In the population with high levels of EGP, western magpies, I detected helping behaviour in proportionally more territories. It appears that Australian magpie helpers provide help in order to pay 'rent' and remain on the natal territory. I discuss these results in light of the differences between the two races of magpie and the major theories regarding male parenting decisions and helper activity. Finally, I examine the relatively high rates of EGP's in the Australian magpie from a phylogenetic perspective. Although inbreeding avoidance is strongly supported by this study as the major reason EGP is so common in magpie populations, there may be an element of phylogenetic inertia that maintains the frequency of this behavioural trait. I comment upon the use of single-population estimates of species EGP rates in comparative analyses, given the intraspecific variation discovered between Australian magpie populations. Future directions for the study of mate choice in the Australian magpie are outlined with a proposal to study variation at the major histocompatibility complex between mated pairs.

Mutual mate choice in a terrestrial salamander, Plethodon shermani, with long-term sperm storage

Eddy, Sarah L. 17 April 2012 (has links)
Sexual selection can influence the mating system of an organism through multiple mechanisms. These mechanisms result in variation in reproductive success among individuals, and include scramble competition, endurance rivalries, contests, mate choice and cryptic choice, and sperm competition. Understanding the mating system of a species requires the identification of which processes are occurring, and to what degree. In this thesis, I explored the influence of mate choice mechanisms on the mating system of the terrestrial red-legged salamander, Plethodon shermani. I also documented the potential for post-copulatory processes (such as sperm competition and cryptic choice) to influence mating system dynamics. The evolution of mate choice requires (among other factors) variation in the reproductive value of potential mates. This variation is made apparent to choosy individuals through cues. Most animals use multiples cues incorporating many modalities to assess the reproductive quality of potential mates. In Chapter 2, I tested the contribution of two cues (chemical and visual) to mate choice by female P. shermani. I found that a male visual cue ("foot-dancing") increased courtship success. In contrast, delivery of non-volatile pheromones during courtship did not influence courtship success in the laboratory setting, but did affect the duration of one of the courtship stages. In Chapter 4, I identified a tactile cue that was significantly correlated with male reproductive success. Thus, P. shermani females could use at least three modalities to assess the reproductive quality of potential mates. Mate choice can also evolve in males. In Chapter 3, I tested this possibility in P. shermani. I found that males vary the reproductive effort they invest in a particular courtship based on the reproductive value of their partner, indicating male mate choice is occurring. A male invested most when paired with a female with large, well developed ova, and invested less with females that were non-gravid or had small ova. In addition to documenting male mate choice, I showed that the male visual display ("foot-dancing") that affected female mate choice was correlated with male condition, implying foot-dancing may be an honest indicator of male quality. Finally, in Chapter 5, I explored the potential for post-copulatory processes to influence the P. shermani mating system. The opportunity for sperm from multiple males to overlap in the female reproductive tract (i.e., the opportunity for females to mate multiply) is necessary for post-copulatory processes such as cryptic choice and sperm competition. The capacity for long-term sperm storage by females can increase the likelihood that this overlap in sperm from multiple males will occur. I found that females can store viable sperm for at least 9 months and in some cases beyond oviposition. In addition, I documented one female with sperm in her sperm storage organ from a mating that occurred 17 months earlier. Such lengthy sperm storage allows the possibility of sperm from one breeding season to interact with sperm from a subsequent season. Thus, the potential for post-copulatory sexual selection within this salamander system is high. / Graduation date: 2012

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