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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprendizado mediado: contribuições dos pibidianos em aulas de Física / Mediated learning: contributions of the undergraduate student in classes of Physics

Proença, Roberta Nazareth de 23 April 2018 (has links)
O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), tem como objetivo o aperfeiçoamento da formação docente nas licenciaturas. Isto é previsto através da parceria estabelecida entre a universidade e a escola de educação básica. O programa foi alvo de um estudo avaliativo no ano de 2014 que revelou diversas contribuições proporcionadas pelo programa. As contribuições abrangiam todos os sujeitos participantes do processo, no entanto, apenas algumas apontavam os alunos das escolas públicas. Nessa pesquisa, buscamos compreender e caracterizar as contribuições que os licenciandos, ou pibidianos, possibilitaram aos alunos de uma escola pública. Para isso, além de ouvir o supervisor e os pibidianos, entrevistamos os alunos de uma escola pública. Para esse estudo, acompanhamos uma professora supervisora e alguns dos pibidianos orientados por ela. A observação foi realizada durante o segundo semestre de 2015 e durante o ano de 2016. Para caracterizar as contribuições, fundamentamos nosso trabalho nas ideias de Vygotsky sobre mediação e aprendizado. Os dados coletados foram divididos em quatro eixos: Cultura escolar, Aprendizado, Linguagem e Afetividade. As contribuições foram denominadas mediações e dos quatro eixos emergiram sete categorias: mediação científica, mediação científica, mediação assistencial, mediação problematizadora, mediação comunicativa, mediação afetivo-vivencial e mediação afetivo-científica. As categorias foram construídas no decorrer da análise dos dados, com exceção das categorias afetivo-vivencial e afetivo-científica que nos baseamos no trabalho desenvolvido por Pereira (2014). Inicialmente esperávamos resultados mostrando que a contribuição dos pibidianos para a educação científica dos alunos seria uma complementação da contribuição da supervisora. De fato, encontramos uma mudança dos alunos bastante diversificada e de longo prazo, envolvendo a cultura, a linguagem, a própria comunicação, a afetividade e também a Alfabetização Científica, que não seria possível sem a colaboração dos pibidianos, e que resultou também numa mudança da atuação deles e da supervisora. / The Institutional Scholarship for Teaching Initiation Program (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID) aims to improve teacher education in undergraduate programs. This is provided through the partnership established between the university and the school of basic education. The program was the subject of an evaluative study in the year 2014 that revealed several contributions provided by the program. The contributions covered all the subjects participating in the process, however, only a few contributions referred to students of the public school. In this research, we seek to understand and characterize the contributions that the undergraduate student enable to the students of a public school. For this, in addition to listening to the supervisor and the pibidianos, we interview the students of a public school. For this study, we accompanied a supervising teacher and some of the undergraduate students guided by her. The observation was made during the second half of 2015 and during the year 2016. To characterize the contributions, we base our work on Vygotsky\'s ideas on mediation and learning. The data collected were divided into four axes: School Culture, Learning, Language and Affectivity. The contributions were denominated mediations and seven categories emerged from the four axes: cultural-scientific mediation, scientific mediation, assistance mediation, problematizing mediation, communicative mediation, affective-experiential mediation and affective-scientific mediation. The categories were constructed during the analysis of the data, with the exception of the affective-experiential and affective-scientific categories based on the work developed by Pereira (2014). Initially we expected results showing that the contribution of the pibidians to students\' scientific education would complement the contribution of the supervisor. In fact, we find a rather diffuse and long-term change of students, involving culture, language, communication itself, affectivity and also Scientific Literacy, which would not be possible without the collaboration of the undergraduate students, and which also resulted in a change their work and the supervisor.

Proibido tocar, permitido dançar: dança e mediação no museu de arte contemporânea / Do not touch. Dance, though: dance and mediation in the contemporary museum

Silva, Aila Regina da 12 May 2017 (has links)
Este estudo visa analisar o corpo dentro do Museu de Arte Contemporânea (MAC/USP) por meio de seis vivências com dança nos andares expositivos, como forma de mediação. Pesquisou-se como é a interação do indivíduo com base numa tríade: dele consigo, dele com o outro (grupo) e dele com o espaço artístico; numa relação guiada pela mediação dançada com grupos aleatórios, de pessoas com e sem deficiência física e/ou mental, em grupos entre 3 e 23 pessoas, intermediadas pela própria pesquisadora. Com isso, buscou-se estabelecer um diálogo sobre Arte e como ela nos afeta. A dança é acessível a todo o público, isto é, qualquer indivíduo está apto a dançar. Por isso, ela foi eleita como ferramenta, a fim de nivelar o público horizontalmente. Por tal motivo, este estudo trata, sim, de inclusão, mas não por ser um projeto destinado apenas às pessoas com alguma deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida, mas um projeto em que todos podem participar, no qual a diversidade é celebrada. O estudo, longe de querer formar dançarinos ou puramente estudar a técnica da dança, baseou-se nos princípios de Rudolf Laban e no arcabouço da técnica do DanceAbility e de coletivos de dança contemporâneos, a fim de validar o processo de uma proposta original de mediação com dança. A percepção de Arte, do ponto de vista fenomenológico de Merleau-Ponty, só pode se dar pela experiência, pelo reconhecimento corpóreo do indivíduo com o espaço em que ele está inserido. Esta ocupação do espaço museológico pelo dançar é capaz de transformar a forma de se locomover e se portar no espaço, de mudar a relação do indivíduo com ele próprio e, por conseguinte, com o grupo e o espaço, provocando, então, uma nova forma de diálogo com a Arte através de corpo. Para quebrar as barreiras do tato com a Arte contemporânea, o indivíduo quebra, antes, a barreira do tato consigo mesmo. / This work draws upon the human body inside the Contemporary Art Museum of São Paulo (MAC/USP) as a result of six events with dance at the exhibitions as a style of mediation. The interaction of an individual was investigated based on a triad of elements: from the individual to himself, the individual and the group, and the individual and the artistic space. This relation was observed through a danced mediation with aleatory groups, among people with and without physical and/or mental disabilities. The groups had from 3 to 23 participants and the author mediated it. It has been proposed to establish an Art dialogue and how it affects us. The dance is accessible to everybody; due to that it was elected as a tool, in order to levelling the group horizontally. For that reason, this study is about inclusion, in its full meaning; this study is destined to all the people, which the diversity is celebrated. The work, far from training dancers or studies the dance techniques strictly, used the principals of Rudolf Laban, the methodology of DanceAbility, and contemporary dance groups to validate its process as an original proposal of dancing mediation. The perception of Art, according to the Merleau-Pontys phenomenology, just occurs throughout experience itself, by the body recognition with the space around himself. The museum occupied by the dance act is capable of changing the way the individual moves and contact the space; or changing his relation with himself and, after, with the group and space. This research instigates, then, a new layer about Art, about how the person looks at it. Because to break the boundary with Contemporary Art, before the person needs to break the boundaries with himself.

The Phenomenology of the Icon: Finite Mediation of an Infinite God

Rumpza, Stephanie Louise January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Jeffrey Bloechl / Is it possible for a finite thing to mediate an infinite God? Would it not be as futile as a hand trying to grasp the entire earth, or a seashell to contain the ocean? A finite thing is by definition limited, and thus its attempt to reveal an infinite God seems to lead immediately to two possible outcomes: (a) idolatry, where the finite fails to adequately capture God, where mediator becomes imposter, and (b) iconoclasm, which recognizes the inevitable failure of mediation and seeks to avoid or destroy any further attempts to carry it out. While taking different courses of action, their opposition reveals a deeper unity: both posit an implicit competition between the infinite God and finite reality. And yet most religions still claim mediation of God is possible. How do they avoid this impasse? To explore this possibility of mediation, I turn to the things themselves, focusing on the particular case of the icon. As something to be looked at, touched, or kissed, the icon reminds us how deeply rooted we are in the senses we prefer to take for granted, and cuts short any attempts to “spirit away” the finite limitations of human existence. The Introduction contextualizes this first problem, but upon turning to the icon in Chapter 1 a second problem immediately arises. What is an icon, and how do we approach it? Aesthetics, history, patristics, and contemporary theology have a legitimate claim on its identity, but also suffer from significant blind spots. By untangling the lines of these debates, I show that two questions critical to my inquiry remain without a satisfactory answer: 1) What is an image, and how does it mediate the truth in what it shows? 2) What would it mean for God to “show” himself? I argue that phenomenology will serve as a productive way forward on both these fronts. Chapter 2 uses the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer to address the first of these questions with a hermeneutic phenomenology of the image. Chapter 3 addresses the second in dialogue with Jean-Luc Marion. Although Marion does engage with the question of the painted icon in several places, the “icon” for Marion is not primarily a question of images, but of the unique way that God shows himself. When combined with Gadamer’s aesthetics this will offer the launching point for my phenomenological analysis of the icon in Chapters 4 and 5. The icon is something to be seen, but also something to be touched and kissed. It is a kind of representational art, with a unique style and clearly defined content, but also embedded in a practice of substitutional prayer and shared with a liturgical community. I show how each of these dimensions of meaningful mediation arises within ordinary human experience and how its structure changes as it is extended in prayer. Chapter 6 closes the inquiry by drawing these particular results into a final and general model of “iconic mediation.” This begins to explain how a finite thing in its limitations and particularities can mediate an infinite God, but only once we have exposed and subverted the layers of iconoclasm implicit in the original question. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Philosophy.

O brincar na diversidade das famílias: análise da narrativa de familiares sobre o brincar / Play on the diversity of families: analysis of the narrative of families about play

Sitta, Valeria de Oliveira Macedo 18 February 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho na área de Psicologia e Educação tem como objeto de estudo a família na educação da criança pequena, abordando o brincar como o eixo do processo que estabelece vínculos entre as crianças e os membros familiares. O objetivo foi identificar os brinquedos e brincadeiras que as crianças usam nos contextos familiares; compreender por meio das narrativas familiares quais as preferências das brincadeiras das crianças (objetos usados e sujeitos que participam) e identificar como a diversidade das famílias interfere na escolha de brinquedos e brincadeiras. A metodologia adotada fundamenta-se no paradigma qualitativo, que analisa um fenômeno específico que se refere ao brincar no âmbito familiar. O método aplicado foi o estudo de caso, que envolveu vinte famílias entrevistadas, com filhos de idades entre 0 a 10 anos. As famílias foram selecionadas conforme a diversidade que compõem, a etnia, religião, profissão e nível de escolaridade. Neste contexto, os dados foram coletados a partir da narrativa de membros familiares, de encontros com grupos de mães e pais, da criação de grupo de e-mails, entrevistas nas casas com as famílias e contato com as crianças, para registro de fotos dos ambientes lúdicos disponíveis. A partir dos dados coletados, verificou-se os tipos de mediações existentes no ambiente familiar, propondo uma reflexão sobre as formas de brincar na diversidade das famílias. Tais reflexões sustentaram-se em referências teóricas, tais como Vygotski (1978), Melhuish (2010), Vandenbroeck (2009), Wertsch (1988) e Daniels (2003). As considerações finais indicam que a família exerce uma grande importância na escolha dos brinquedos e brincadeiras das crianças pequenas e, no brincar, notam-se relacionamentos mais estreitos entre a criança e os membros familiares. A análise das narrativas mostra, também, que a diversidade das famílias participantes influencia nas decisões a respeito das diferentes formas de brincar. / The present work in Psychology and Education field has as object of study the family on young children education, covering play as the axis of the process that establishes connections between children and family members. The aim was to identify toys and games that children use in familiar contexts, understanding through the family narratives which are the preferences of the childrens play (the objects that are used and the subjects involved) and identify how the diversity of families interfere in the choice of toys and games. The methodology adopted is based on the qualitative paradigm that analyzes a specific phenomenon, which refers to the play in family scope. The applied method was the case study, which involved twenty interviewed families with children aged 0 to 10 years old. Families were selected according to the diversity that compose, ethnicity, religion, occupation and education level. In this context, data were collected from the narrative of the familiar members, meetings with groups of mothers and fathers, the creation of the e-mail group, interviews at the families homes and contacts with children, for registration of pictures of available ludic environments. From the data collected, types of existing mediations on familiar environment were verified, proposing a reflection about the ways of play in the diversity of families. Such reflections were supported on theoretical references, such as Vygotski (1978), Melhuish (2010), Vandenbroeck (2009), Wertsch (1988) and Daniels (2003). Final considerations indicates that family exert a great importance in the selection of toys and plays for young children and, in the play, are noticed closer relationships between the child and family members. The analysis of the narratives also indicates that the diversity of the participating families influence the decisions about different ways of playing.

Aprendizagem mediada de literatura pelos direitos do leitor / Literature´s mediated learning throug the reader´s rights

Bulgarelli, Marcello 28 April 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca elaborar e colocar em prática uma alternativa metodológica para que o ensino de literatura possa, ao menos, formar leitores literários autônomos críticos, capazes de fazer as suas escolhas de leituras, sabendo que o aprendido do texto literário não é um todo absoluto, mas passível de ser constantemente ressignificado. Para tanto, retoma e procura transpor as teorias de Jean Piaget e Lev Vygotsky, ampliadas com o estudo da teoria de aprendizagem mediada de Reuven Feuerstein e com as ideias de alguns autores franceses que enfatizam a necessidade de se implicar mais o leitor na obra (direitos do leitor), à prática pedagógica de sala de aula. Dessa forma, estruturam-se duas experimentações focadas nos alunos de Ensino Médio da rede pública estadual de ensino, de modo que sua participação fosse a mais efetiva possível, partindo-se da ação leitora à reflexão sobre o lido, por meio ora de momentos individuais, ora coletivos, para que, ao final, o aluno se instrumentalize com ferramentas que o tornem sujeito leitor, participando empenhadamente da construção do sentido do texto e, talvez, torná-lo habitué da leitura. Da análise daquelas experimentações, observa-se a necessidade de se trazer o texto literário para o centro da aula, para que se possa estruturar metodologicamente uma sequência variada de atividades, bem planejada, com intencionalidade-reciprocidade, transcendência e significado, que leve à construção de conceitos relevantes, facilitando a construção da caminhada interpretativa do leitor, desde o recolhimento de pistas no texto ao opinar sobre o próprio processo, sobre o que apreendeu do texto. / The present dissertation seeks to elaborate and implement an alternative methodology so that the teaching of literature can, at least, educate autonomous critical literary readers, who are able to make their choices of reading while being aware that the learned of the literary text is not an absolute whole, but that it is open to being constantly resignified. For this purpose, it has retaken and sought to transpose the theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, which have been extended with the study of Reuven Feuersteins theory of mediated learning experience and the ideas of some French authors who have emphasized the need to involve more the reader in the text (rights of the reader) to the classroom pedagogic practice. Thus, two experimentations focused on high school students in state public education were structured for their participation to be the most effective possible, starting from the reading action to thinking about the read, through either individual moments, or collective ones, so that in the end, the student can manipulate tools that make him/her a reader subject fully involved in the meaning making of the text, and, perhaps, make him/her a reading habitué. Through the analysis of these experimentations, we have observed the need to bring the literary text to the center of the class, so that we can methodologically structure a well-planned varied sequence of activities, with intentionality-reciprocity, transcendence and meaning, that will lead to the construction of relevant concepts to facilitate the construction of the interpretive walk of the reader\", from the collection of clues in the text to giving opinions about his/her own process, about what he/she has learned from the text.

Uma experiência de leitura literária no Ensino Fundamental II: A hora da estrela, de Clarice Lispector / A literary reading experience at middle school: A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector

Morais, Ana Carolina de Oliveira 19 February 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo discutir aspectos da leitura literária em sala de aula a partir da leitura do romance A hora da estrela, de Clarice Lispector, aplicada nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa em uma escola municipal de São Paulo. Esta pesquisa insere-se no contexto do Mestrado Profissionalizante em Rede Nacional Profletras, que visa promover a educação continuada dos professores de Língua Portuguesa atuantes no ensino público do país. Por isso, professor e pesquisador aqui são um único sujeito que busca aprimorar e refletir sobre sua prática pedagógica. A partir dos estudos dos documentos oficiais nacionais e municipais e das discussões teórico-metodológicas sobre o ensino de Leitura Literária (ROUXEL, LANGLADE, REZENDE, 2013), foi realizada a leitura compartilhada da obra de Clarice Lispector, com duas turmas de 9º ano em 2017. O planejamento, sua execução e a coleta de dados não se deram sem imprevistos e percalços, típicos em qualquer escola ou sala de aula. Todas essas etapas, bem como os comentários e produções textuais dos estudantes, foram descritas e analisadas com vias a se perceber as leituras realizadas por estudantes/leitores reais em uma sala de aula sob a mediação do professor/pesquisador, leitor experiente que busca uma leitura implicada e significativa. Os resultados demonstram avanços e recuos de estudantes ainda pouco familiarizados com o repertório próprio da cultura literária, mas que a partir de suas experiências pessoais e da partilha de interpretações e impressões apoderam-se e utilizam-se do texto literário de modo singular. Nesta experiência, alguns conceitos provaram ser decisivos para o sucesso da atividade: a mediação do professor, a partilha dentro da comunidade leitora e o pacto que não se estabelece apenas entre leitor e obra, mas entre estudantes e professor. / The present dissertation aims to discuss literary reading aspects in the classroom about the romance A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector, applied in Portuguese lessons in a municipal school situated in São Paulo. This research is a result of the National Vocational Masters Program, PROFLETRAS, which intends to promote the ongoing development of Portuguese teachers working in public schools in Brazil. Therefore, teachers and researchers have a single role, which is to improve their pedagogical practice and to reflect on these practices. By studies made over national and municipal official files and discussions over theory and methodology used in the teaching process of literary reading (ROUXEL, LANGLADE, REZENDE, 2013) a sharing reading of Clarice Lispectors book was accomplished with the 9th grade groups in 2017. The planning, its execution and the data gathering have come out throughout mishaps and unexpected situations, as expected at any school or classroom. All the steps taken, as well as the comments and students text productions were described and examined with the intent to observe the reading processes of real students/readers in a classroom under the mediation of the teacher/researcher, this last one being an experienced reader searching for an involving and meaningful reading. The results show progress among some students and setbacks among others that are not familiar enough with the existent variation in the literary culture, but that could use the reading process in a very particular way due to the sharing of interpretations and impressions of the book. In the experience, some concepts have proved to be decisive to the success of the task: The teachers mediation, the sharing inside the readers community and the pact that is not only established between the reader and the book, but also between students and teacher.

Social media memorialising and the public death event

Scott, Sasha A. Q. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores how participatory online rituals of mourning serve to mediate public death events that are collectively experienced as forms of social injustice, and the modes of collectivity they engender. I introduce the term Social Media Memorialising (SMM) to describe this phenomenon. The mediated deaths of SMM are experienced as a transgression of the sacred, and in the process reveal societies' constant negotiation with death, virtuality and memorialising online. SMM entails appropriating the processes of public mourning such that the means of symbolic production shifts away from media and political gatekeepers and towards networked publics. In analysing SMM on YouTube, this thesis employs a mixed-methods research design premised upon a multimodal approach to discourse, system-network mapping, and thematic analysis. I present two case studies for comparative analysis: those of Neda Agha-Soltan in Tehran in 2009, and that of Lee Rigby in London in 2013. Both constitute emblematic examples of 'public death events': the death of individuals considered to be exceptional, morally significant, traumatic and worthy of public mourning and grief. This framework captures the complex forces involved in the mediation of death online, and the modalities and mechanisms of virtual space as ritual space. SMM manifests through innovative, strategic and performative forms of grieving that hybridise online and offline practices, highlighting the conditions of the death event as integral to the modes of grieving that follow. What emerges is a platform-specific vernacular that reflects the form, function and terms of engagement for online grieving. SMM coalesces the commemorative with the performative, shaping both the social significance of the death event and the attitudes regarding the death and its causes.

Mais do mesmo : a mediação judicial como reforço do protagonismo do poder judiciário

Weimer, Sarah Francieli Mello January 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo busca investigar se a institucionalização de práticas de mediação pelo Poder Judiciário, por meio da Lei 13.140/15, pode ser considerada um benefício para superar as consequências advindas de uma sociedade brasileira supostamente hiperjudicializada. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi organizada em três capítulos. O primeiro cuida de elucidar a existência de um fenômeno denominado protagonismo judicial que se desdobraria em outras facetas, qual seja; o ativismo judicial, a judicialização da política e a juridificação das relações sociais – todas essencialmente relacionadas ao aumento da ingerência do Poder Judiciário nas esferas da vida. A partir disto, busca-se expor a construção de um senso comum sobre a judicialização da sociedade brasileira, especialmente após as condições institucionais criadas pela Constituição de 1988 e, em seguida, valendo-se dos dados divulgados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, esta pesquisa visa questionar o suposto diagnóstico. Já o segundo capítulo tem por escopo apresentar os argumentos de autores que defendem a mediação judicial como uma proposta de solução à ideia de uma cultura do litígio, traçando seu percurso legislativo até alcançar o marco processual e legal com as Leis nº 13.105 e 13.140, respectivamente. Objetiva-se, ainda, expor as concepções de mediação judicial e extrajudicial com destaque às suas diferenças. O último ponto deste trabalho busca apresentar alguns fundamentos históricos e filosóficos sobre as facetas do protagonismo judicial mediante a exposição das ideias de Axel Honneth, Jürgen Habermas, Ingeborg Maus e Antoine Garapon, e, assim, relacioná-las com a institucionalização da mediação judicial. A dissertação concentra-se, ao cabo, em questionar a capacidade da Lei de Mediação para dirimir os problemas para quais ela foi pensada, sobretudo, porque o Poder Judiciário mantém-se como protagonista na resolução dos conflitos. / This paper aims to investigate whether institutionalizing mediation practices by the Judiciary, through the Law 13.140/15, could be considered beneficial to overcome the consequences from an a supposedly “hyper judicialized” Brazilian society. For this purpose, the research was organized in three chapters. The first one elucidates a phenomenon known as judicial protagonism which would unfold in other facets,, such as: the judicial activism, the judicialization of politics and the juridification of social relationships – all of them essentially related to the increase of Judiciary interference in people’s lives. From this point, the paper aims to expose the construction of a common sense about judicialization of the Brazilian society, especially after the institutional conditions created by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and after that using the data disclosed by the National Justice Council, this paper aims to question the revealed diagnostic. The second chapter aims to present arguments from authors who defend the judicial mediation as a solution to the culture of litigation, tracing its legislative course until the procedural and legal framework with the Laws nº 13.105 and 13.140, respectively. This paper also intends to expose conceptions of judicial and extrajudicial mediation, highlighting their differences. The last topic of this essay aims to show some historical and philosophical grounds about the facets of the judicial protagonism by bringing the ideas of Axel Honneth, Jürgen Habermas, Ingeborg Mausand Antoine Garapon, and, with that, connect them with institutionalization of the judicial mediation. The dissertation focus, at last, on questioning the capacity of Mediation Law to solve the problems it was developed to solve, especially since the Brazilian Judiciary is still the main character of conflict resolutions.

Transformative Space

BERKO, NILLA January 2014 (has links)
Transformative Space is a project positioned between the field of architecture and textile design. In this work the definition of space focuses on the experience of space in contrast to defining space as static shape or built enclosure. Due to the pliability and ambiguous materiality of textiles, textile space proposes a more instable logic which constitutes the relation between the individual and architecture in form of the solid. Throughout the material exploration ambiguity, light and inside outside are used as major place holders to develop woven textiles. The material is configured in a large scale structure as an “open system” open for the user to transform or define. “Blurred Surfaces”, “Extended Layers”, “Float Free” and Transformative Structures” are results of design explorations in this research which relate both to spatial as well as material scale. The work proposes different examples of ambiguous structures whereof one is further developed into an installation in the exhibition context. / Program: Konstnärligt masterprogram i mode- och textildesign

A prática da mediação em processos educomunicacionais: o caso do projeto educom.rádio / A prática da mediação em processos educomunicacionais: o caso do projeto educom.rádio

Borges, Claudia Vicenza Funari Sa 10 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo traçar o perfil, entender a ação e os conceitos formados por agentes culturais que foram responsáveis pela relação direta entre o Projeto Educomunicação pelas Ondas do Rádio - Educom.rádio e os cursistas, representados por professores, estudantes e membros das comunidades educativas, das escolas de Ensino Fundamental da Prefeitura do município de São Paulo. A atuação desses agentes, denominados mediadores, ocorreu no período compreendido entre o início do segundo semestre de 2001 e o final do segundo semestre de 2004, totalizando três anos e meio. O objetivo da atuação dos mediadores era o de criar, em cada um dos Pólos, onde a proposta foi desenvolvida, as condições indispensáveis para o entendimento do conceito de educomunicação e para a sua aplicação no planejamento de ações educomunicativas, mediante o uso da linguagem radiofônica, entre outras mídias. / This research aims to establish the profile, understand the action and the concepts formed by cultural agents that were responsible for the direct relationship between the Educommunication Project by Radio Waves - Educom.rádio and the course attendants, represented by teachers, students and members of the educational societies of the Elementary Schools of the City of São Paulo. The action of those agents, named mediators, occurred in the period between the second semester of 2001 and the end of the second semester of 2004, totalizing three and a half year-period. The purpose of the mediators actions was to create, in each of the poles where the proposal was developed, the necessary conditions for the understanding of the concept of educommunication and its impact at the planning of educommunicational actions, with the utilization of radiophonic language, among other medias.

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