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The Struggle Against Bandits: The Cuban Revolution and Responses to CIA-Sponsored Counter-Revolutionary Activity, 1959-1963Rossodivito, Anthony, M 01 January 2014 (has links)
Following the 1959 victory of the Cuban revolution, the United States government along with the CIA and their Cuban émigré allies immediately undertook a campaign of subversion and terrorism against the Cuban revolution. From 1959 until 1963 a clandestine war was waged between supporters of the revolution and the counter-revolutionary organizations backed by Washington. This project is a new synthesis of this little-known story. It is an attempt to shed light on a little known aspect of the conflict between the United States government and the Cuban revolution by bringing together never-before seen primary sources, and utilizing the two distinct and separate historiographies from the U.S. and Cuba, concerning the clandestine struggle. This is the story of Cuba’s resistance to intervention, the organization of the counter- revolution, and finally how the constant defeat of CIA plots by the Cubans forced changes in U.S. strategy concerning intervention in Cuba and in other parts of the developing world that would have far-reaching and long-last effects.
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Zahraniční politika Spojených států amerických vůči Kubě v letech 1958 - 1965 / U. S. Foreign Policy Towards Cuba 1958-1965Fiala, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba in the years 1958-1965. It analyses sources of U.S.-Cuban hostility at the beginning of the Fidel Castro era. It shows, how the U.S. foreign policy and the beginning of Cold war contributed to polarization as well as radicalization of politics in Cuba. Thus, it analyses the change of a local conflict into the "international civil war". The aim of the thesis is to argue that Cuba influenced the global balance of power between the Soviet Union and the United States at the beginning of 1960's. The introductory chapters summarize the causes of the Cuban Revolution, the U.S. policy toward friendly dictators, mainly toward Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. Next part deals with the guerilla warfare against Batista and the extent of U.S. influence on this insurrection. The thesis uses a multi-archival research of the U.S. as well as Czech and British sources. The comparison of sources shows the extent of independent Cuban actions and helps to comprehend the logic of the Eastern-European foreign policy. The thesis further analyses the U.S. reaction on Cuban Revolution as well as causes and consequences of the Cuban Missile crisis. Moreover, it deals with the possibilities of improvement in the U.S.-Cuban relations. Last but not least it also analyses the...
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JB-2: America's First Cruise MissileQuigg, Gary Francis January 2014 (has links)
My research provides a historical and archaeological context for this thesis, in which I argue the JB-2 missile is historically significant as a unique example of the rapid duplication of enemy technology for both physical and psychological retaliation, as a crucial link in the chain of development for America’s cruise missile program, and for its role in early Cold War deterrence. Jet Bomb model number 2 (JB-2), America’s first operationally successful, mass produced cruise missile, developed as a direct copy of the German V-1, with slight variation in manufacture due to differences between German and American components, machinery and tooling. Continuing modifications of the JB-2 during its service life led to improvements in performance, control, and accuracy. From 1944 to 1953, the JB-2 transitioned from a weapon quickly prepared for wartime deployment to an essential test vehicle for the United States Army, Air Force and Navy while supporting the U.S. policy of containment during the early Cold War.
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冷戰後中共海洋戰略之研究 / The People Republic of China's Maritime Strategy After Cold War林東煥, Lin Dung-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中共海洋戰略發展之相關條件、環境、具體措施,以及對周邊國家所產生的影響。後冷戰時期國際情勢緩和,發生大規模戰爭的可能性已大幅降低,地區爭端和衝突反而浮現出來。因地緣政治環境的改變,台海、南海地區已成為區域衝突的引爆點。中共研析波灣戰爭之經驗,放棄「早打、大打、打核戰」時時臨戰之觀念,強調「質量建軍打贏高科技局部戰爭」之策略,故調整戰略方向由陸上走向海洋,以保障其國家利益、國防安全及完成統一中國之企圖。就整體國力言,中共自1978年實施經濟改革後.,經濟成長快速,國家競爭力上升,無庸置疑,已經成為亞太地區經濟大國。而蘇聯解體後,中共來自北方威脅降低,有利其海洋之發展。又因沿海海洋爭奪及領土紛爭問題亟待解決,更全力擴展其海軍武力。中共在 1998年就制定了「中國二十一世紀海洋議程」,提出中國海洋事業永續發展政策。同年中共國務院在國際海洋年會中提出《中國海洋事業發展白皮書》,其中明文主張「中國是發展中沿海大國」。中共大力發展海洋戰略,已為亞太地區安全投下一個變數,亞太各國均深感不安。加上區域內互信機制不夠健全,中共時時對台灣文攻武嚇,更增加地區衝突之危險性。故未來台海、南海問題最後是以和平方式或兵戎相見收場,中共的戰略作為就顯得十分重要。
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Papers and related collections of James A. Van Allen,Van Allen, James Alfred, Unknown Date (has links)
Includes Van Allen thesis (M.S.)--University of Iowa, 1936, and thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Iowa, 1939.
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