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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seizing the initiative : the intellectual renaissance that changed U.S. Army doctrine, 1970-1982 /

Due, Jonathan Lee. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-109). Also available via Internet from the University of North Carolina Libraries Electronic Thesis and Dissertation web site.


Basak, Abhishek 31 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory

郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想之形成,主要受毛澤東軍事思想、全球戰略形勢與周邊戰略形勢、及中共自身條件等因素之影響。從毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核子戰」的人民戰爭思想與積極防禦,轉變至鄧小平時期「和平時期建軍」、與「打贏一場局部戰爭」的戰略思維,以至江澤民時期強調質量建軍、高科技建軍,打贏一場高科技條件下的局部戰爭等,突顯中共在不同形勢變化之下,軍事思想所強調之目標,對其軍事發展的過程,皆有重大的影響。   本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.

中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略之研究 / Studies on the PRC’s“ Anti-Access and Area-Denial” Strategy

慎炳倫, Shen, Pin Luen Unknown Date (has links)
中共一直沒有放棄以武力作為解決「臺灣問題」的選項,「統一臺灣」是中共建軍備戰主要目標之一,而國軍自然是共軍的主要假想敵。但是在1996年美國派遣兩支航母戰鬥群干預臺海軍事危機後,使中共體認美軍才是解決「臺灣問題」的最強大對手,開始深入思考如何阻止擁有高科技優勢的美軍介入臺海軍事衝突。防止美軍在中國大陸周邊地區進行作戰行動,是目前中共軍事現代化的主要發展方向,美國官學界將其稱為「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略,一時之間已成為研究中共軍事發展者之主要觀察指標。 中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的主要著眼,在於建構能防止美國運用軍力涉入中國大陸周邊事務的能力,中共相信即使強大如美軍也不可能擁有全方位的優勢,其「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略主要依據地理環境、地緣戰略、美軍作戰特性及弱點等要素,並憑藉共軍數量與質量俱增的現代化武器,希望在西太平洋地區可能的軍事衝突中壓制美軍的作戰行動,或迫使美軍由較遠的基地發起軍事行動,並且阻止美軍後續的兵力增援,這可能使美軍在西太平洋作戰中遭到中共擊敗,或是迫使美國付出其不願意承擔的重大代價,此將導致中共可以達成其軍事和政治目標,同時也阻止美國全部或部分的軍事和政治目標。 中共軍力在「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的帶動下快速成長,使美軍在西太平洋地區面臨重大挑戰和風險,並使美國區域盟邦有遭受侵略或被迫接受強制手段之虞,美軍為因應中共的挑戰,已確立「空海一體戰」的新型作戰概念,並著手發展相關能力。「空海一體戰」係以美軍現有軍力優勢為基礎,再經由西太平洋軍力部署的重組、海空作戰力量的整合、新型武器裝備的研發,並且加強與盟邦的軍事合作,希望建構一個多層次立體作戰體系,俾遏制中共的軍事擴張。在中、美兩強「反介入與區域拒止」和「空海一體戰」軍事戰略的競逐下,臺灣的自處之道和所應扮演的角色,亦為吾人應予深思的課題。 / The People’s Republic of China has never given up the use of military force as an option to solve the “Taiwan issue”, and the “unification with Taiwan” has also been one of the PLA’s objectives in its military buildup, which naturally makes the ROC military as the PLA’s hypothetical enemy. However, after the US sending two of its aircraft carrier battle groups to intervene a military crisis across the Taiwan Strait in 1996, the PRC started to realize that US military is its strongest opponent in solving the Taiwan issue and began to think how to deny the high-tech US military force from stepping into a military confrontation across the Taiwan strait. The prevention of US military operation in surrounding areas of China has been leading the modernization of China’s military, and officials and academia in the US have been calling this phenomenon “anti-access and area-denial” strategy which all of a sudden becomes an observation index when studying the PRC’s military development. The main focus of China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy is to develop the capability of preventing the US military from intervening affairs taking place in surrounding areas of China. China believes that no matter how powerful the US military is, it is unable to gain a comprehensive advantage in this region. By the PLA’s increasing modernized weapons, the anti-access and area-denial strategy, based on the geographic environment, geostrategy, and characteristics and weakness of the US military, aims to suppress US military activities in possible military conflicts in the western Pacific region, or to compel the US military to launch its force from bases further away and to stop its reinforcement. The success of this strategy will make the US military be defeated by the PLA or force the US to pay a price that it is unwilling to afford, and then China is able to achieve its military and political objectives and at the same time stops the US, entirely or partially, from achieving its military and political objectives. The anti-access and area-denial strategy has led to a rapid military development in China, which poses a great challenge and risk to the US military in the western Pacific region and makes allies of the US in this region in the fear of being invaded or coerced. In responding to China’s challenges, the US military has developed a new operational concept -- “AirSea Battle” and begins the development relating to this new concept. The “AirSea Battle” concept, building on current US military supremacy and the integration of air-sea combat powers as well as the reorganization of US force in the western Pacific region and the development of new weapons, looks to enhance the military cooperation between the US and its allies to establish a multilevel operation system which is able to contain Chinese military expansion. Amid the competition between China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy and US “AirSea Battle” concept, Taiwan’s responses and the role that Taiwan should play is a subject that we must deliberate thoroughly.

Deception strategies for web application security: application-layer approaches and a testing platform

Izagirre, Mikel January 2017 (has links)
The popularity of the internet has made the use of web applications ubiquitous and essential to the daily lives of people, businesses and governments. Web servers and web applications are commonly used to handle tasks and data that can be critical and highly valuable, making them a very attractive target for attackers and a vector for successful attacks that are aimed at the application layer. Existing misuse and anomaly-based detection and prevention techniques fail to cope with the volume and sophistication of new attacks that are continuously appearing, which suggests that there is a need to provide new additional layers of protection. This work aims to design a new layer of defense based on deception that is employed in the context of web application-layer traffic with the purpose of detecting and preventing attacks. The proposed design is composed of five deception strategies: Deceptive Comments, Deceptive Request Parameters, Deceptive Session Cookies, Deceptive Status Codes and Deceptive JavaScript. The strategies were implemented as a software artifact and their performance evaluated in a testing environment using a custom test script, the OWASP ZAP penetration testing tool and two vulnerable web applications. Deceptive Parameter strategy obtained the best security performance results, followed by Deceptive Comments and Deceptive Status Codes. Deceptive Cookies and Deceptive JavaScript got the poorest security performance results since OWASP ZAP was unable to detect and use deceptive elements generated by these strategies. Operational performance results showed that the deception artifact could successfully be implemented and integrated with existing web applications without changing their source code and adding a low operational overhead.

冷戰後中共海洋戰略之研究 / The People Republic of China's Maritime Strategy After Cold War

林東煥, Lin Dung-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討中共海洋戰略發展之相關條件、環境、具體措施,以及對周邊國家所產生的影響。後冷戰時期國際情勢緩和,發生大規模戰爭的可能性已大幅降低,地區爭端和衝突反而浮現出來。因地緣政治環境的改變,台海、南海地區已成為區域衝突的引爆點。中共研析波灣戰爭之經驗,放棄「早打、大打、打核戰」時時臨戰之觀念,強調「質量建軍打贏高科技局部戰爭」之策略,故調整戰略方向由陸上走向海洋,以保障其國家利益、國防安全及完成統一中國之企圖。就整體國力言,中共自1978年實施經濟改革後.,經濟成長快速,國家競爭力上升,無庸置疑,已經成為亞太地區經濟大國。而蘇聯解體後,中共來自北方威脅降低,有利其海洋之發展。又因沿海海洋爭奪及領土紛爭問題亟待解決,更全力擴展其海軍武力。中共在 1998年就制定了「中國二十一世紀海洋議程」,提出中國海洋事業永續發展政策。同年中共國務院在國際海洋年會中提出《中國海洋事業發展白皮書》,其中明文主張「中國是發展中沿海大國」。中共大力發展海洋戰略,已為亞太地區安全投下一個變數,亞太各國均深感不安。加上區域內互信機制不夠健全,中共時時對台灣文攻武嚇,更增加地區衝突之危險性。故未來台海、南海問題最後是以和平方式或兵戎相見收場,中共的戰略作為就顯得十分重要。 關鍵字:亞太戰略;國家戰略;海洋戰略;海軍戰略;海軍現代化;海權;積極防禦;近海防禦;局部戰爭;太平洋島鏈;兵力展示,有生戰力;聯合國海洋法公約;戰區飛彈防禦系統;遏制點阻滯;海洋經濟;指管通情系統;亞太經合會;東協區域論壇;東南亞國家協會。

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