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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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房彼得, Fang, Bi De Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想發展之歷史軌跡已歷經三代領導人,分別為毛澤東軍事思想、鄧小平新時期軍隊建設思想及江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,三者依序反映出各時期之相異背景與時代特徵。 江澤民主政期間一面遵循鄧小平理論政策,一面強調「一個中心三個著眼」,逐漸形成「打得贏、不變質」的國防和軍隊建設思想,其重要決策諸如:建立新時期軍事戰略方針、堅持「科技強軍」政策、提出「兩個武裝」號召、以「三步走」和「跨越式」為發展戰略、加速新型武器裝備與軍事人才之建設、積極於共軍機械化與信息化建設、要求貫徹「三個代表」思想、推進「中國軍事變革」等。 江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,成為建設國防和軍隊的基本理論與指導思想,因而確立江澤民軍事思想於中共現代軍事思想之地位,並為現階段胡錦濤時期之國防現代化與信息化發展奠定根基。

一九五八年以來中共戰爭觀的轉變 / The change of the PRC's view of war since 1985

周飛來, Chou, Fei-Lai Unknown Date (has links)


陳培雄, CHEN,PEI-XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究之目的,主要由於中共領導階層先後多次聲明:「對台灣不放棄使用武力 」,在此種威脅之下,不能不關切國家的安全。乃欲從現代歷史中找出中共在大陸上 武裝鬥爭成功的原因,加以探討,企能經由經研究成果,進而參考獲得因應狀況的對 策。並作為爾後繼續研究「中共軍事思想變遷」之基礎。本論文於緒論之下,分為六 章二十四節,最後作一結論,且提出教訓與省思。全文共約十六萬字,其大要如下: 緒論:說明論文研究動機和目的,研究的方法,研究範圍和限制,並將論文內容演進 ,自開端經發展至歸結,乃是脈絡一貫的情形,先為扼要提出。 第一章中共之成長與坐大:本世紀二○年代初期,我國社會中政策學說倡行,引起思 想上之混淆,共產主義乘機漫延。由是第三國際乃得移殖其組織於中國,稱之為「中 國共產黨」。隨後因中國國民黨之「聯俄容共政策」,使中共得以寄生繁衍於南方黨 政軍各部門,乃藉兵農運暴動而組成中共紅軍。乘日本之侵略與軍閥之割據,建立贛 南蘇維埃政權,由是而逐漸成長。復利用「西安事變」,促使中日戰爭之提前發生。 然後於八年抗戰之中,兼併坐大。 第二章:中共設想如何對其紅軍控制、運用、維持之方法。於是,毛澤東軍事思想的 形成,紅軍控制之方法和戰力之維持,便應乎需要而陸續產生。至於「情報與反情報 」乃是共黨賴以生存的本領,自然會善於運用。 第三章:推行群眾運動和統一戰線。並利用美蘇外力干預中國內政與軍事,以危害政 府之政治、經濟、軍事措施。進而爭取蘇俄的全力支援,來配合前面的各項活動,以 削弱政府而壯大自己。 第四章:當中共完成全面叛亂準備工作之後,適逢中日戰爭結束,這正是中共千載難 逢的好機。於是迫不及待,開始發動全面武裝鬥爭。 第五章:為探討中共武裝鬥爭成功的原因,對於三大戰役特須加以重點的研究。然後 併同前第四章中所選出來的戰例,逐一舉出其勝負的原因,以便作進一步的研究。 第六章:本章使用分析與歸納法,列舉出中共武裝鬥爭成功的因素。可是戰爭勝負因 素須予以相對 (作戰雙方) 的比較,才會產生意義。因此,最後以國共兩軍的戰史為 例證,來說明所提出的十四條因素是合理的。 結論:論題解答,教訓與省思。


郭亞鶴 Unknown Date (has links)
曹操是中國歷代重要的軍事家之一,其重要性不僅止於在實際戰場上的表現,更重要的是還有軍事著作流傳至今。《三國演義》所描述的曹操形象誤導了我們對曹操的看法,若陰險狡猾能夠讓曹操開創統一北方的事業,就忽略了軍事才能在戰爭中的重要性。本論文的目的在於透過《曹注孫子》與實戰驗證來瞭解曹操的軍事才能。 本文內容在第一章的部分說明此論文的研究動機、研究方法以及研究限制。第二章則先認識曹操的背景家世,以瞭解曹操成長的過程與環境,對其個性的影響。並以其詩詞詔令作為輔助,來探討曹操內心的想法與轉變。第三章旨在分析《曹注孫子》的內容,瞭解曹操與孫子的異同之處,以及闡述《曹注孫子》所蘊含的軍事思想。第四章分析曹操的發展策略,目的在於瞭解曹操在戰場之外的計畫,如迎漢獻帝與許昌是屬於政治層面的行動、屯田制屬於經濟層面的措施。說明曹操雖然重視以軍事力量來統一天下,但其戰略眼光不僅止於軍事層面,仍對其他層面也有所重視。第五章分析曹操在軍事人事管理方面的措施,因為戰爭是以「人」為主體,尤其曹操強調「御天下智力」,主要探討曹操用人帶兵的方式,其結果並不如一般對曹操的評價所言的「賞罰分明」,曹操的賞罰還是對將領有所偏愛。第六章則是以實際戰場上的經驗,歸納出曹操戰勝或戰敗的原因。此部分是曹操軍事思想的重要之處,因為僅有少數的軍事理論家具有實戰經驗,而軍事思想透過實踐,更能增加其可信度。第七章則是曹操的軍事思想與相關議題的討論,「勇能任智」、「十則圍之的迷思」都是曹操的實戰經驗對《孫子》的修正,「軍事與經濟的關係」則是補充《孫子》在經濟方面的論述,曹操所施行的經濟政策,更加強調軍事與經濟,兩者密不可分的關係。第八章則有系統的歸納出曹操軍事思想的內涵,以及說明其特色與缺失之處。

中共國防現代化政策之研究( 一九七五- 一九八三)

朱建和, ZHU, JIAN-HE Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「中國防現代化政策之研究」為題,探討自一九七五年至一九八三年中共國 防現代化在政治體系運作過程中的演變,研究重點係置於中共現代化建軍政策的形成 、演變,並預估其執行成果與未來的動向。 第一章為導論,略述研究題目、研究動機、研究假設及研方法。第二章探討中共國防 現代化政策的緣起,略述此一政策的歷史背景及其內外環境。第三章探討中共軍事思 想的現代化。第四章探討中共軍隊的人事管理。第五章探討中共軍隊的正規化與專業 化。第六章探討中共武力結構的現代化。第七章探討中共國防工業現代化。第八章為 結論部份。

中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory

郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想之形成,主要受毛澤東軍事思想、全球戰略形勢與周邊戰略形勢、及中共自身條件等因素之影響。從毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核子戰」的人民戰爭思想與積極防禦,轉變至鄧小平時期「和平時期建軍」、與「打贏一場局部戰爭」的戰略思維,以至江澤民時期強調質量建軍、高科技建軍,打贏一場高科技條件下的局部戰爭等,突顯中共在不同形勢變化之下,軍事思想所強調之目標,對其軍事發展的過程,皆有重大的影響。   本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.

蔣中正、毛澤東軍事指導之比較研究: 以剿共戰爭時期為例 / Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong 's military conduct in comparison: take Encirclement War for example

羅國儲 Unknown Date (has links)
蔣中正和毛澤東,同為二十世紀中國的重要領導人物,其影響不僅是在政治上,更在軍事上。兩人都是偉大的戰略指導者和軍事理論家,或者至少他們的追隨者如此宣稱。在超越領袖崇拜的今天,這個形容仍是事實嗎? 蔣、毛第一次在軍事上對決是在江西第三次圍剿。毛澤東已取得前兩次反圍剿的勝利,他發展出一個理論應付國軍的圍剿:集中兵力各個擊破國軍分散的各路。加上共產黨的動員力量,國軍的圍剿相當困難。蔣中正有鑑於此,做出了戰略上的轉向,新的戰略結合碉堡戰術、封鎖、「三分軍事七分政治」等方針。最終對贏得了第五次圍剿。毛澤東在長征中重新取回領導權,他馬上面對的是國軍在貴州的新一波圍剿。由於遠離蘇區戰鬥,因此只有很少的補給和援助。會戰展開也不順利,土城、魯班場之戰戰敗,而僅以慘勝贏得遵義之戰。但毛終究設法逃出蔣的包圍圈,並離開貴州與紅四方面軍會師。由於毛澤東和張國燾的戰略歧見,毛澤東獨自帶領紅軍北上抵達陝北與當地紅軍會合。紅軍東征入晉,宣稱要到華北抗日。但為蔣增援山西的中央軍所擊退。在紅四方面軍北上之後,為了在甘肅、寧夏打通蘇聯援助路線,紅軍渡過黃河。但為蔣中正命令下的國軍所切斷,這個行動最終導致了西路軍的潰滅。 在剿共戰爭當中,蔣中正和毛澤東各自研發出他們的理論與對中國戰爭的認知。他們的共識是中國的戰爭是不同於外國的戰爭的。此階段可以視為他們的軍事思想奠基時期。毛澤東所寫的「中國革命戰爭的戰略問題」成為以後他的軍事著作的先聲。另一方面,蔣中正對此的經驗則比較是方法上的,以軍官訓練團訓練軍官及幹部、親自編撰各式「手本」等戰術教材,這些方法的延續持續到抗戰之後,甚至到臺灣時期。 / Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Ze-Dong, two great leader of 20th century China, not only politically but also militarily. Both man are, or so claim separately by their followers, are great stretegist and military theorist. Beyond the worship of both man, is that true? Chiang and Mao’s first military encounter was the third encirclement campaign of Jiang-Xi. Mao already won the first two, he develop a theory to counter Nationalists’ encirclement by concentrating strength and attack the enemy detachment separately. Along with the mobilizational power of Communists, Nationalists’ encirclement campaign turns out very difficult. Chiang realize that, and making a dramatic turn of strategy, combine with bunker tactics, blockade, and political mobilization of people. Chiang eventually won the fifth encirclement campaign over the Mao-absence Communists. Mao took back his command during the Long March. He soon faces the Nationalists’ encirclement again in Guizhou. This time he is not fighting on a soviet area, therefore gain little support and reinforcement. The battles are not quite well either, Lost two of them and won one costly. But he still manage to escape from Chiang’s encirclement, and leave Guizhou to rendezvous with other Red Army. Because of strategy difference between Mao and another Communist leader Zhang Guotao, Mao leads his troop go north to Shaanxi, rendezvous with local Red Army. Mao attacks Shanxi by claiming they want to fight Japanese evasion at North, driven back by Chiang’s reinforcement to local warlord Yan Xishan. To fulfill the strategy goal of reaching USSR to get supplies, Communists launch another campaign in Ningxia and Gansu and crossed Yellow River. But the Red Army been cut off by Chiang’s nationalist army, this later leads to the elimination of the west side detached Red Army. During the war, Chiang and Mao both develop their own theory and knowledge of War in China, which they both believe in common is different from foreign wars. The period of first Chinese civil war, can be seen as their military thought’s foundation. Mao wrote “Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War” to conclude this war, became the pioneer of his military works later on. Chiang, on other hand, took the experience most in method way: retrain officers in special facility, write tactic handbooks.These methods cotinuely used by Chiang on later wars against Japan, even in Taiwan in his late years.

中共對外動武模式之研究-從戰略文化途徑研究探討 / The research of People’s Republic China’s uses of military power- The strategic culture perspective.

林棟義, Lin, Dong Yi Unknown Date (has links)
欲瞭解一個國家的行為,就必須要瞭解這個國家的整體行為,而這整體的行為所表現者,即是「文化」。從戰略文化的研究途徑做一切入點,正可深入瞭解一個國家戰爭的行為,甚而可以預測未來戰爭的發生。而維繫國防安全的軍人自當對中共戰略與戰爭模式,應有相當的了解與認知;也希望藉著對戰略文化的瞭解,探照中共對外戰爭實例,探尋中共對外戰爭的模式,進而提供國防戰略因應對策,才不愧於自己的職責所在。 就中華民國的生存發展而言,海峽對岸的中共無疑是我生存發展的最大威脅,而兩岸在軍事武力的不對稱下,中共時時以「不放棄武力」,極盡挑釁之威脅,而台灣除了默默軍事備戰外,在政治,外交生存上,也只能低調回應,這也可看出中共武力對台已具有足夠的軍事力量解決統一台灣問題。目前兩岸之間最大的障礙是由領土主權爭議所衍生的問題,而領土主權問題又很容易引起戰爭,在這種壓力下,台灣將如何去面對,這是一門重要的課題。國內學術界對於兩岸關係的研究,多偏向政策方面而較少理論方面的探討,其實,藉由理論層面的研究而詮釋海峽兩岸互動過程與未來發展,有助於強化政策建議的內涵與深度,觀諸台海兩岸未來的安全發展,若能以戰略文化研究途徑,作為觀察的理論基礎,對於台海武力衝突的可能性,及中共對於使用武力的政治目的、手段與效用或許能提供新的詮釋與政策建議,由於潛在的戰略文化,會使決策者的戰略偏好及使用兵力解決爭議的傾向產生影響,因此,武力在未來台海安全的發展中,仍會是一個關鍵的重要角色,所以透過對中共戰略文化內涵的分析與掌握的研究途徑,進而對其軍事戰略與對外戰爭模式加以研究,期能深入瞭解中共在何種情況下,會不惜一切的以戰爭來解決問題,進而思考台海雙方在既有戰略思維下審慎避免誤判或誤認,讓動武甚至檫槍走火的意外情勢均不會發生;以提供吾人從事國家安全政策及國防戰略規劃相關人員參考研究與運用。 / In order to understand the behavior of a country, it is necessary to learn its behavior in a macro scale, and the representation of such behaviors is known as the “Culture”. From the strategic culture perspective, it provides an in-depth understanding of a country’s use of military forces, as well as the prediction of future wars. Especially for the military personnel who are the key to the national security, they shall have the understanding and knowledge to the People’s Republic of China’s initiation on wars; through the study of strategic culture, examples of PRC’s use of military power, research of PRC’s initiation on wars, I shall fulfill my duty by providing recommendation towards the national security strategies in order to protect the country. To the Republic of China, the PRC from the cross strait is the biggest threat to our country’s survival and development, under the unbalance of military power, PRC constantly provokes and threatens by stating “not giving up the use of force”. In contrast, Taiwan is much more low-profile in the military preparation, politics, and diplomacy. This is a strong indicator that the PRC’s military force has the capability and could to use its power to unify Taiwan. Currently the biggest obstacle between the two sides is the territorial dispute from sovereignty, and it is a subject that can easily trigger wars. It is an important subject for Taiwan to deal with under pressure. Many of the existing academic researches focus on the policy aspect and less on the theoretical perspective. In fact, through the theoretical interpretation of cross-strait interaction and future development can strengthen the content and depth of policy recommendations, and the future safety development. Through the use of strategic culture as the research methodology, it will identify the probability of cross-strait conflict, the PRC’s political execution of military power, tactics, and effectiveness. This strategic cultural perspective may provide new definition and policy recommendation, as it studies the decision maker’s strategic preferences and their tactics. Therefore, the military power plays a significant role in the development of the cross-strait safety, and by analyzing the PRC’s strategic culture and research of its military strategy and war mode, will provide in-depth understanding of the circumstances under which the PRC will stop at nothing to solve the problem with war, and to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation through the strategic culture from both sides. This will further prevent wars from occurred by accidents: hence, this national security policy and defense strategic referencing may provide values to be researched and utilized by the associated members.

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