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Processkartläggning vid tillverkning av stång hos Erasteel i SöderforsEriksson, Jessika, Westerlund, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
För att kunna klara konkurrensen på en tuff marknad, krävs en bra leveransservice och att leverera rätt mängd i rätt tid. Erasteel Kloster ABs verk i Söderfors, jobbar för att uppnå en leveranssäkerhet med ett mätvärde (On-Time-In-Full) på 90 %. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att kartlägga planerings- och tillverkningsprocessen hos Erasteel i Söderfors med utgångspunkt att hitta orsakerna till avvikelserna på levererad vikt till kund. Målet var att identifiera de viktigaste orsakerna för viktavvikelserna samt att leverera ett förslag på hur processen kunde förbättras för att öka leveranssäkerheten. En analysmodell skapades där kartläggning, datainsamling, analys av data och förbättringar ingick. En hierarkisk kartläggning gjordes över hela processen, från planering till utleverans, och en detaljstudie gjordes för att kunna identifiera eventuella orsaker till avvikande levererad vikt. Data samlades in från olika delar av processen, främst toleransavvikelser och skrotorsaker. För att identifiera dimensionsområden och stålsorter som avvek mest med avseende på levererad vikt, skapades diagram i Minitab, där alla värden för toleransen sattes upp och jämfördes för alla diameterområden. För ett godkänt In-Full skulle värdena ligga inom ±10 %, de övriga parametrarna blev under -10 % respektive över 10 % tolerans. Samma typ av diagram skapades för alla stålsorter. Resultatet av diagramen var att tre (3) olika diameterområden, valdes ut och sex (6) stycken stålsorter. Pareto-diagram skapades för att kunna identifiera de vanligaste skrotorsakerna. Ur diagrammen kunde utläsas att processkrotet stod för en stor del viktbortfallet för alla diametrar som studerades närmare. Även skrotning på grund av längdkrav och krokigt material hade en betydande inverkan på mängden skrot. Anmärkningsvärt var att sambandsdiagrammet, för det ena diameterområdet, gav en sågbladsliknande profil då levererad vikt ställdes upp mot minsta orderkvantitet (MOQ). Det indikerar att utbytet, som finns för de olika operationerna, troligtvis inte är uppdaterade. En av anledningarna till att ett av diameterområdena avviker, kan bero på problem då kapseln delas på tre. Vissa osäkerheter finns i analysen då värden och vikter som analyserats, har baserats på teoretiska vikter, då få vågar finns i produktionen. Det innebär att uppföljning på ett korrekt sätt inte kan utföras och därmed blir det svårt att identifiera områden för förbättringar. Även kunders önskemål om specifika längder orsakar problem, vilket analyserna har visat. / To be able to withstand competition in a more competitive market, it requires a good delivery service and to deliver the right amount of material at the right time. Erasteel in Söderfors are working to achieve their set goal of 90 % for their OTIF on delivery safety. The purpose of the thesis was to map the planning and manufacturing process with the starting point to find the causes that cause deviations in the weight delivered to the customer. The goal was to identify the main causes for the deviations of the weight and to deliver a proposal on how the process could be improved to enhance the delivery of safety. An analytical model was created. It consisted of operations as mapping, data collection, analysis of the collected data and improvements were created. A hierarchical mapping was done of the entire process, from planning to delivery, and a detailed study was made in order to identify possible causes of deviant delivered weight. Data were collected from different parts of the process, mainly deviations from tolerance and scrap reasons. To identify the dimension intervals and steel grades that deviated most from In-Full, a chart was created in Minitab. There, all the values of tolerance were set up and compared for all diameter intervals. To pass In-Full, the values must be within ±10% and the other parameters below -10% or above 10% tolerance. The same type of graph was created for all steel grades. The result of the charts was that three (3) different diameter intervals, were selected and six (6) steel grades. Pareto charts were created in order to identify the most common causes of scrap. The diagrams showed that the planned scrap from the process, account for a large part of weight loss for all diameters studied closer. Scrapping due to the length requirements and crooked materials had a significant impact on the amount of scrap. Noteworthy was that the scatter plot, for one of the diameter interval, gave a blade-like profile, when delivered weight was compared to Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ (). That indicates that the yields, used for the different operations, are probably not up to date. One of the reasons that one of the diameter interval differ, can be due to difficulties when the capsule is divided in three. There are some uncertainties in the analysis because the values and weights that were analyzed are based on theoretical weights. This means that follow-up in a proper manner cannot be performed and therefore it becomes difficult to identify areas for improvement.
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Preventive actions to eliminate supply chain losses in Kraft Heinz CompanyGkiolia, Maria January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the presented project is to eliminate the supply chain losses in Kraft Heinz Company through preventive actions. The two points that the current thesis will focus on are the prevention of excess production and the elimination of MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) issues that contribute to supply chain losses. High MOQ is one of the main root causes of excess production. Firstly, a literature review will be made. The approach of creating the literature framework is to start from a general description of supply chain activities in FMCG (Fast-moving Consumer Goods) companies, then to focus on more specific topic which is the excess stock and the inventory management and finally, to end up in the food waste hierarchy analysis that scientific articles frame. Food waste for a FMCG company is similar to supply chain losses, thus it is critical to provide a state-of-art literature in order to have a better understanding. Furthermore, the KHC (Kraft Heinz Company) background will be described, as the history of KHC and the current portfolio in order to understand the size of the company and the needs of such a huge company and the complexities. Additionally, the supply chain function in KHC will be described in details in order to understand the reason of this thesis existence, to identify the gaps in this process and the improvements should be made. Finally, the improvements made through this project will be presented, as well as, the processes and the methods that are developed and standardized. The analysis of the prevention of excess production process, as well as, the improvements have been made in this process will be explained. The routines and the new approaches will be described. The second part of the improvements section is concerned the development and the standardization of the MOQ Flexibility project. The calculations, the process, the challenges and the involved stakeholders will be part of this thesis. / Syftet med det presenterade projektet är att eliminera förlusterna i försörjningskedjorna genom förebyggande åtgärder på företaget Kraft Heinz. De två delar som examensarbetet fokuserar på är hur man ska kunna förhindra överproduktion och eliminera MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity/(Minsta orderkvantitet) faktorer som bidrar till förlust i försörjningskedjan. Hög MOQ är en av de främsta orsakerna till överproduktion. Det första steget var att göra en litteraturundersökning. Litteraturöversikten skapar ett ramverk där utgångspunkten är en allmän beskrivning av aktiviteter i leverantörernas försörjningskedjor inom företaget för FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods/ Snabbt Rörliga Konsumentvaror), för att sedan fokusera på ett mer specifikt ämne, vilket är överskottslagret och lagerstyrningen för att slutligen landa i en matavfallshierarkianalys som ramas in av vetenskapliga artiklar. Matavfall för ett FMCG- företag är samma sak som försörjnings- kedjeförluster i leverantörskedjan, därför är det viktigt att tillhandahålla en nulägesanalys med referens till litteraturen för att få en bättre förståelse. Dessutom beskrivs KHC (Kraft Heinz Company) mot bakgrund av företagets historia och den nuvarande produktportföljen för att läsaren ska få en uppfattning om företagets storlek, dess behov och komplexiteten i ett sådant stort företag. Leveranskedjefunktionen inom KHC kommer beskrivas i detalj för att man ska kunna förstå anledningen till behovet av detta examensarbete, för att identifiera luckorna i denna process och för att peka på de förbättringar som bör göras. Slutligen kommer de förbättringar som gjorts genom detta projekt att presenteras, liksom, processerna och metoderna som utvecklats och standardiserats. Analysen med syfte att förhindra överskott i produktionsprocessen samt de förbättringar som har implementerats i denna process kommer att förklaras. Rutinerna och de nya tillvägagångssätten kommer att beskrivas. Den andra delen av förbättringsavsnittet handlar om utveckling och standardisering av MOQ Flexibilitetsprojektet. De beräkningar, processen, utmaningarna och de inblandade intressenterna är en del av denna avhandling.
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Influence of Application Placement, Resistance Genotype, and PPO-Inhibiting Herbicide on the PPO-Resistance Phenotype in WaterhempJesse A Haarmann (6623615) 19 April 2023 (has links)
<p>PPO inhibitors are a valuable group of herbicides that provide soil-residual and foliar control of glyphosate resistant <em>Amaranthus</em> species. The ΔG210 mutation in the <em>PPX2</em> gene confers PPO-inhibitor resistance and has been present in the Midwest for more than a decade. Until recently, PPO-inhibitor resistance in waterhemp was attributable to just the ΔG210 mutation in the <em>PPX2</em> gene, but recently, several new PPO-resistant biotypes have been discovered in waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. A possible explanation is a change in PPO-inhibitor use patterns and commonly used active ingredients.</p>
<p>A direct comparison of the ΔG210 mutation and a new mutation, R128G, was conducted in the greenhouse. Results indicate that the R128G mutation in waterhemp is not substantially better than the ΔG210 mutation with respect to conferring resistance to PPO inhibitors applied preemergence. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the utility of PPO inhibitors applied preemergence will diminish any further as a result of the R128G mutation increasing in frequency. A set of field trials was conducted to investigate how a new PPO inhibitor, trifludimoxazin, will select for resistant biotypes in the field. Overall, a greater number of resistant plants survived the foliar herbicide applications than emerged through soil applications. Trifludimoxazin did not increase the frequency of PPO-resistant individuals when applied to soil, but when applied to foliage, increased the frequency of PPO-resistant individuals by 2.5 to 2.6-fold, similar to other PPO inhibitors applied to foliage. In other experiments, investigations of waterhemp populations with unique resistance phenotypes were conducted. In populations that were more resistant than others, yet had the same ΔG210 mutation, there was no evidence of herbicide metabolism contributing to the greater resistance phenotype. In resistant populations that had no target site mutations, target site expression experiments and lipid peroxidation experiments were inconclusive. However, there was some evidence of increased target-site expression or increased antioxidant capacity as being causal mechanisms, although no mechanisms have been fully ruled out.</p>
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Optimalizace parametrů objednávek výrobního materiálu v podniku / Parameters’ Optimalization of Processing Material Orders in CompanyGajďoková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the chosen logistics parameters in the process of purchasing of input materials on a particular company economy and their mathematical modelling. Graphical and mathematical outputs will be created in the computer system Maple.
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<p dir="ltr">Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watts) and waterhemp [Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J. D. Sauer] are two of the most troublesome weeds in U.S. soybean production and the auxin herbicides dicamba and 2,4-D, are currently used extensively for postemergence control of these species. In some cases, complete control of weeds at the time of auxin application is not achieved due to adverse environmental conditions, plant factors or misapplications. In these instances, a subsequent postemergence herbicide may be required to control any plant that survived the initial auxin herbicide application. This research was conducted to determine the efficacy and optimal successive time interval between applications of viable postemergence herbicides in soybean on Palmer amaranth and waterhemp plants surviving a previous application of 2,4-D or dicamba. Results from this research indicated that respraying a failed auxin herbicide application with a subsequent auxin herbicide, especially dicamba, was less effective than respraying with glufosinate or fomesafen to control waterhemp in addition to being a less desirable approach for resistance management. Additionally, respray herbicide applications should target 7 to 14 d after the initial failed herbicide application on waterhemp for optimal overall efficacy. When dicamba was the initial herbicide sprayed on Palmer amaranth, 94% or greater control was achieved with glufosinate in 2019 on a 7- and 14-d respray interval, which was greater than the efficacy observed with either dicamba or 2,4-D (< 82%). In 2020, these differences in herbicide efficacy were not evident within these time intervals. These general trends in treatment differences were also manifested in the data for plant height, biomass and viable apical meristems. When 2,4-D was the initial herbicide sprayed on Palmer amaranth, fomesafen and glufosinate applications on a 7-d respray interval and glufosinate on a 14-d respray interval resulted in greater control than 2,4-D in 2019. All other trends in herbicide treatments and time intervals were consistent with dicamba applied as the initial herbicide. Another part of his research was conducted with the objective of quantifying herbicide spray solution deposition and herbicide efficacy on waterhemp growing in different densities plant densities: low, high-thinned and high densities. In both field and greenhouse experiments, spray deposition (µl cm-2) on waterhemp leaves was up to 53% less on plants grown in high density compared to the other density treatments. Even though no differences in herbicide deposition between low and the high-thinned densities were observed, there were differences in herbicide efficacy. When applied to plants growing in low density, applications of glufosinate, fomesafen and topramezone reduced weed biomass to a greater extent than plants growing in the high-thinned density. Following herbicide damage to the apical meristem, plants growing in high-density produced new branches from axillary buds that were previously dormant, whereas plants growing in the low density already had axillary branches initiated from these buds and did not provide an opportunity for new shoot growth. In general, no differences in herbicide efficacy were observed across weed densities following dicamba applications. Source-to-sink translocation of dicamba to previously active meristems, or axillary buds that broke dormancy after the herbicide application, may have compensated for less spray solution interception on plants growing in high density. Lower levels of postemergence herbicide efficacy in high density weed populations are not only influenced by spray deposition differences, but also by changes in plant growth and apical dominance. This research provides further evidence that justifies the need for weed managers to reduce weed densities as much as possible, via non-chemical or soil residual herbicides (preemergence), as much as possible to optimize the efficacy of foliar herbicide applications.</p>
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<b>Efficacy of Synthetic Auxin Herbicides on Segregating Populations of Waterhemp (</b><b><i>Amaranthus tuberculatus</i></b><b>)</b>Claudia Rose Bland (18423315) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Waterhemp (<i>Amaranthus tuberculatus</i>)<i> </i>is one of the most problematic weeds in soybean production in the United States. The ability of waterhemp to quickly evolve resistance threatens the utility of many herbicides. The introduction of Xtend<sup>® </sup>and Xtendflex<sup>® </sup>soybeans allow for the in-season application of dicamba and glufosinate. With an increase in dicamba use in soybeans plus its continued use in corn, there have been many reports of dicamba failure on waterhemp.</p><p dir="ltr">Greenhouse dose response experiments were conducted to screen six populations of waterhemp for resistance to dicamba. Each population was compared to a known sensitive and known resistant population, with 50% growth reduction (GR<sub>50</sub>) values of 39 g ae ha<sup>-1 </sup>and 226 g ae ha<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. Low-level dicamba resistance was identified in all populations, as they had GR<sub>50 </sub>values that were different from the known sensitive and R:S ratios that varied from 1.7 to 4.4. Additionally, all six populations exhibited at least 50% survival at a 1/2X rate of dicamba where the sensitive only had 30% survival. Therefore, we can conclude that dicamba resistance in waterhemp is present in multiple counties in Indiana.</p><p dir="ltr">In addition to characterizing populations from Indiana, a growth monitoring study was conducted to determine how emergence timing impacted waterhemp growth. In 2021, plants that emerged in the earliest cohort were taller, had more branches, and accumulated more biomass in comparison to later emerging plants at six weeks after flagging. In 2022, drought conditions throughout the month of June impacted growth of earlier emerging plants, and waterhemp that emerged in the latest cohort were taller, had more branches, and accumulated more biomass than earlier emerging cohorts at six weeks after flagging. Seed yields per plant were low in both years, but all cohorts were able to produce seed. This research concludes that in years when soil sufficient moisture is available, earlier emerging waterhemp plants are competitive with crops and later emerging plants can still produce seed.</p><p dir="ltr">Additionally, field trials were conducted to determine herbicide programs in the Enlist<sup>®</sup> and Xtendflex<sup>®</sup> soybean systems that would best control a waterhemp population with multiple herbicide resistance. At 21 days after the second postemergence application, waterhemp control was highest in two pass systems. The addition of pyroxasulfone to the second postemergence application increased control of waterhemp in the Xtendflex<sup>®</sup> system. Waterhemp densities were the lowest and soybean yield was the highest in two pass herbicide programs for both systems. The results indicate that waterhemp resistant to chemistries in HRAC Groups #2, #4, #5, #9, #14, and #27 was most effectively controlled by programs with two herbicides applications, either a preemergence followed by postemergence or two pass postemergence, and included 2,4-D and glufosinate in the postemergence application(s).</p><p dir="ltr">Finally, a waterhemp population from Francesville, IN was characterized for herbicide resistance via a series of field, greenhouse, and laboratory experiments. Preliminary laboratory analysis confirmed resistance to herbicide actives in the HRAC Groups #2 and #14 via target site mutations and to Group #9 via gene amplification. Field research trials indicated inadequate waterhemp control with preemergence applications of pendimethalin and atrazine and postemergence applications of herbicide actives from Groups #2, #9, #14, and #27 as well as glufosinate and dicamba. Greenhouse dose response experiments revealed GR<sub>50 </sub>values for the Francesville population that were significantly higher for dicamba, mesotrione, and topramezone than the known sensitive. R:S ratios of 4.4, 3.3, and 1.8, were documented for dicamba, mesotrione, and topramezone, respectively. Data from all experiments demonstrated that the Francesville population is resistant to herbicide actives in Groups #2, #4, #5, #9, #14, and #27.</p>
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Små modeföretag, stora utmaningar? : Interna och externa utmaningar vid implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen / Small fashion companies, big challenges? : Internal and external challenges in implementing sustainability strategies during the development phaseTammelander, Emma, Gjörling, Ellen, Rylander, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
Miljömässig hållbarhet inom modeindustrin är en viktig strategi för att hantera de miljöutmaningar som är förknippade med modeproduktionens storskaliga användning av naturresurser. Det är viktigt att modeföretag tar hänsyn till miljömässig hållbarhet genom att integrera hållbarhet tidigt i design- och tillverkningsprocessen. Utmaningarna när det kommer till svenska små till medelstora företag (SME) och implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i design- och tillverkningsprocessen är omstridda. Tidigare studier menar att det handlar om att SMEs har brist på resurser och kunskap, medan annan forskning menar att modeföretag inte prioriterar hållbarhet. Därav är det intressant att undersöka de utmaningar som SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin står inför eftersom Sverige är känt för sin modeindustri, och historiskt sett haft internationell framgång inom branschen. Studien undersöker hur leverantörer och brist på resurser internt och externt kan utgöra en utmaning vid implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen, hos svenska SMEs inom modeindustrin med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet. Den teoretiska ramen är baserad på Industrial Network Approach (INA). Studien använder sig av en kvalitativ metod, empirin har samlats in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer hos tre företag, samt observation av webbplats med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet och utmaningar. En tematisk analys användes för att identifiera viktiga teman. Genom att tillämpa analysmodellen ARA utforskade studien hur affärsnätverket kan påverka modeföretagens hållbarhet i utvecklingsfasen. I resultatet visar studien att det är både interna och externa faktorer som påverkar implementering av miljömässig hållbarhet. Bland annat spelar ledningen hos SMEs en avgörande roll gällande om hållbarhet ska implementeras och att det är svårt att balansera ekonomiska mål med den generella hållbarhetssträvan. Dessutom påverkar externa faktorer såsom kundernas villighet att betala mer och vad leverantörerna kan erbjuda i form av resurser och kunskap, vilket kan skilja sig åt. Studien bidrar med kunskap till området implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier genom att ge en djupare förståelse för de specifika utmaningar som SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin kan möta när de ska gå mot att bli mer miljömässigt hållbara. För att kunna implementera hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen kräver det att ledningen sätter upp mål som produktionsansvariga kan förhålla sig till. Produktionsansvariga har en delaktighet och påverkar i stor utsträckning hur hållbara produkterna blir. Studiens resultat visar slutligen att det finns skillnader inom SMEs i den svenska modeindustrin, särskilt när det gäller tillgången på resurser mellan små och medelstora företag. En betydande skillnad är den utmaning som leverantörer utgör för dessa företag vilket är kopplat till produktionskvantiteter. Studiens begränsningar inkluderar urvalet av tre modeföretag, varav ett av dem var medelstort, vilket begränsade möjligheten att skapa en tydlig förståelse för deras unika utmaningarna. Framtida forskning föreslås omfatta ett bredare urval för att ge en mer djup förståelse av SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin. / Environmental sustainability within the fashion industry is a crucial strategy for addressing the environmental challenges associated with large-scale use of natural resources in fashion production. It is important for fashion companies to consider environmental sustainability by integrating it early in the design and manufacturing process. The challenges faced by Swedish small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in implementing sustainability strategies in the design and manufacturing process are debated. Previous studies suggest that SMEs lack resources and knowledge, while other research indicates that fashion companies do not prioritize sustainability. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the challenges faced by SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry since Sweden is known for its fashion industry and has historically had international success in the field. This study examines how suppliers, and the lack of internal and external resources can pose challenges in the implementation of sustainability strategies during the development phase for Swedish SMEs in the fashion industry, with a focus on environmental sustainability. The theoretical framework is based on the Industrial Network Approach (INA). The study uses a qualitative method, with empirical data collected through five semi-structured interviews at three companies, as well as observations of websites focusing on environmental sustainability and challenges. A thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. By applying the ARA analysis model, the study explored how the business network can impact the sustainability of fashion companies during the development phase. The results show that both internal and external factors influence the implementation of environmental sustainability. Among other things, management at SMEs plays a crucial role in determining whether sustainability will be implemented, and it is difficult to balance economic goals with the general pursuit of sustainability. Additionally, external factors such as customers' willingness to pay more and what suppliers can offer in terms of resources and knowledge, which can vary, also have an impact. The study contributes to the field of implementing sustainability strategies by providing a deeper understanding of the specific challenges that SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry may face when striving to become more environmentally sustainable. To implement sustainability strategies in the development phase, it requires management to set goals that production managers can adhere to. Production managers are involved and significantly influence how sustainable the products become. The study's results finally show that there are differences within SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry, particularly regarding access to resources between small and medium-sized enterprises. A significant difference is the challenge that suppliers pose for these companies, which is linked to production quantities. The study's limitations include the selection of three fashion companies, one of which was medium-sized, which limited the ability to gain a clear understanding of their unique challenges. Future research is suggested to include a broader selection to provide a more in-depth understanding of SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry. This essay is written in Swedish.
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