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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução do tempo e dos movimentos compensatórios durante a marcha e o subir e descer degraus em crianças com distrofia muscular de Duchenne / Progression of timed performance and compensatory movements during walking and climbing up and down steps in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Joyce Martini 22 June 2015 (has links)
Contextualização: O tempo e, mais recentemente, a análise dos movimentos compensatórios, têm sido utilizados na avaliação funcional de crianças com distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD). Embora estejam relacionadas, essas duas variáveis podem progredir distintamente em crianças com DMD, no intervalo de um ano. Objetivo: Descrever e comparar a evolução do tempo e dos movimentos compensatórios durante atividades de locomoção em crianças com DMD no período de um ano. Método: Foram avaliados filmes de 32 meninos (média de idade 10 anos) durante a marcha em local plano, por 10 m, o subir e o descer quatro degraus. O tempo foi cronometrado e utilizou-se a escala de avaliação funcional para DMD (Functional Evaluation Scale for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, FES-DMD) para pontuar os movimentos compensatórios. Aplicou-se a análise multivariável de variância (MANOVA), com (alfa < 0.05) para comparar as variáveis em três momentos: avaliação inicial (AV0), após 6 meses (AV6) e após 12 meses (AV12). Resultados: Os movimentos compensatórios mais comuns observados durante a marcha foram flexão plantar de tornozelos, aumento da base de apoio, anteriorização de cabeça e tronco e aumento da dissociação de cinturas. Na atividade de subir degraus foram flexão plantar de tornozelos, aumento da base de apoio, hiperlordose lombar e aumento da inclinação lateral do tronco. Ao descer degraus, esses movimentos também foram observados, acrescidos de rotação de tronco, flexão do joelho de apoio, flexão plantar do tornozelo de balanço e descida parando em cada degrau. A MANOVA mostrou que as variáveis aumentaram significativamente no período de um ano (p < 0,05 para todas as comparações) durante a marcha, o subir e o descer degraus. Interações entre o tempo e a pontuação dos movimentos compensatórios evidenciaram progressões distintas durante o subir e descer degraus (p < 0,05 para ambos). Durante a marcha, o tempo aumentou 47% e a pontuação dos movimentos compensatórios aumentou 55%. Ao subir degraus, o tempo aumentou 144% e a pontuação dos movimentos compensatórios aumentou 44%. Durante o descer degraus, o tempo aumentou 186% e a pontuação dos movimentos compensatórios aumentou 58%. Conclusão: Na marcha, as crianças com DMD mostraram aumento discretamente maior dos movimentos compensatórios, quando comparado ao aumento do tempo. Durante o subir e descer degraus, o aumento do tempo foi mais expressivo do que o aumento dos movimentos compensatórios. Acompanhar a evolução do tempo e dos movimentos compensatórios em crianças com DMD permitiu uma avaliação mais precisa e o acompanhamento da progressão das tarefas de locomoção / Introduction: Timed performance and, more recently, compensatory movements, have been used to assess children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Although being strongly related, these variables may progress distinctly within one year. Objective: To describe and compare the progression of timed performance and compensatory movements on locomotion tasks in children with DMD, followed for one year. Method: Films of 32 boys (mean age 10 yrs) performing 10-m walking, climbing up and down four steps were analyzed. Time was digitally measured and compensatory movements were quantified with the Functional Evaluation Scale for DMD (FES-DMD). Multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) (alfa < 0.05) compared the variables on three assessments: initial (A0), after 6 months (A6) and after 12 months (A12). Results: The most common compensatory movements on walking were ankles plantar flexion, increased base of support, head and trunk anteriorization and increased upper and lower body dissociation. On climbing up steps, ankles plantar flexion, increased base of support, lumbar hyperlordosis and excessive trunk lateral inclination. On climbing down steps, these movements were also observed, associated to trunk rotation, stance knee flexion, equinus swing foot and pauses after steps. MANOVAs showed that both variables increased significantly within one year (p < 0.05 for all comparisons) on walking, climbing up and climbing down steps. Interactions between timed performance and compensatory movements evidenced distinct progressions of timed performance and compensatory movements on climbing up and down steps (p < 0.05 for both). On walking, timed performance increased 47% and compensatory movements increased 55%. On climbing up steps, timed performance increased 144% and compensatory movements increased 44%. On climbing down steps, timed performance increased 186% and compensatory movements increased 58%. Conclusion: On walking, children with DMD showed a discrete higher increase of compensatory movements, compared to the increase of timed performance. However, when climbing up and down steps, the timed performance increased much more than the compensatory movements. Evaluating the progression of timed performance and compensatory movements in children with DMD allowed more precise assessment and follow up of locomotion tasks evolution

Eficácia de diferentes dispositivos de interação em tarefa virtual na esclerose lateral amiotrófica / Efficacy of different task virtual interaction devices in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Isabela Lopes Trevizan 06 July 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é uma neuronopatia de curso progressivo, caracterizada pela morte dos neurônios motores superiores e inferiores. Devido a rápida progressão da doença e ao aparecimento dos sintomas de incapacidade funcional os indivíduos com ELA buscam uma forma alternativa de comunicação e interação. Com isso, o desenvolvimento tecnológico utilizando programas de realidade virtual com ajuda de dispositivos de interação pode viabilizar mais função e auxiliar indivíduos com ELA a obter autonomia, independência, melhor qualidade de vida e inclusão. Objetivo: Identificar qual dispositivo de interação virtual é melhor para propiciar desempenho e funcionalidade em uma tarefa de realidade virtual para indivíduos com ELA. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 indivíduos que formaram o grupo ELA e 30 indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico que formaram o grupo controle, com idade entre 44 a 74 anos, pareados por idade e sexo. A tarefa utilizada, foi um jogo no computador, que consiste em estourar o maior número de bolhas possíveis durante 30 segundos. Os indivíduos foram separados em 3 grupos, cada qual utilizando uma interface diferente (Kinect, Leap Motion Controller ou Touchscreen) na fase de aquisição e retenção da tarefa. Após essas fases, foi realizada a fase de transferência com a troca de dispositivos e assim todos os grupos tiveram contato com todas as interfaces. Para análise estatística utilizou-se o número de bolhas alcançadas para cada participante, durante as fases de aquisição, retenção e transferências. Resultados: Todos os participantes, tanto do grupo ELA como do grupo controle, apresentaram melhor performance motora na utilização do dispositivo Touchscreen, porém o grupo ELA apresentou desempenho inferior com a prática de todos os dispositivos. A prática com o dispositivo Touchscreen não permitiu a transferência para os dispositivos Leap Motion Controller e Kinect, isso significa que a prática com dispositivo de característica mais real (Touchscreen) não permitiu a transferência para os dispositivos com características mais virtuais (Kinect® e Leap Motion Controller®), porém considerando a prática com os dispositivos virtuais essa transferência ocorre. Conclusão: O trabalho apresenta um avanço na compreensão de dispositivos apropriados para a utilização na reabilitação da funcionalidade de indivíduos com ELA. O dispositivo Touchscreen foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho funcional para essa população, podendo oferecer mais funcionalidades para os indivíduos na execução de tarefas virtuais / Introdution: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive course of neuronopathy, characterized by the motor neurons death (MN) upper and lower. Due to rapid disease progression and the onset of symptoms of functional disability individuals with ALS seek an alternative form of communication and interaction. Technological development using virtual reality programs with the help of interaction devices can offer more function and assist individuals with ALS to obtain autonomy, independence, quality of life and inclusion. Objective: to identify which low-cost non-immersive interaction device, using a virtual task, is better for providing performance and functionality for individuals with ALS. Method This is an analytical cross-sectional study. A total of 60 people participated in this study, 30 individuals with ALS (18 men and 12 women, mean age = 59 years, range 44-74 years), while 30 people with normal development that were matched for age and gender with individuals with ALS formed the control group. The task used was a computer game, which consists of blowing the largest possible number of bubbles for 30 seconds. The subjects were divided into 3 groups, each using a different interface (Kinect®, Leap Motion Controller® or Touchscreen) in the task acquisition and retention stage. After these phases was carried out the transfer phase with the switching devices, then all groups had contact with all interfaces. For statistical analysis we used the number of bubbles achieved for each participant during the phases of acquisition, retention and transfer. Results: All participants, both the ALS group, both the control group showed better motor performance in the use of the Touchscreen device, but the ALS group had underperformed the practice of all devices. Practice with the touchscreen device did not allow the transfer to the Leap Motion Controller® and Kinect® devices, this means that the practice more real feature device (Touchscreen) did not allow the transfer to devices with more virtual features (Kinect® and Leap Motion controller®), but considering the practice with virtual devices that transfer occurs. Conclusion: This work presents a breakthrough in the understanding of appropriate devices for use in the rehabilitation of people with ALS functionality. The Touchscreen device showed the best functional performance for this population and can offer more features for individuals in executing virtual tasks

Desempenho motor de indivíduos com paralisia cerebral em jogo virtual / Motor performance of individuals with cerebral palsy in a virtual game

Juliana Nobre de Paula 14 September 2017 (has links)
A paralisia cerebral (PC) é uma desordem permanente do movimento, tônus muscular ou postura causada por dano ao cérebro imaturo ou em desenvolvimento. A pesquisa demonstrou que a tecnologia Realidade Virtual (RV) pode ser usada em reabilitação para apoiar a aquisição de habilidades motoras e a realização de tarefas funcionais. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar melhorias no desempenho de indivíduos com PC com prática no uso de um jogo virtual em um telefone celular e comparar seu desempenho com o grupo controle. Materiais e Métodos: Vinte e cinco indivíduos com PC foram pareados por idade e sexo com vinte e cinco indivíduos com desenvolvimento tipico. Os participantes foram convidados a executar uma tarefa de labirinto virtual, o mais rápido possível, em um telefone celular. Todos os participantes realizaram 20 repetições na fase de aquisição com a mão dominante, após a fase de aquisição; houve 5 minutos de descanso, em que o indivíduo não teve contato com a tarefa. Então, os participantes foram convidados a realizar 5 repetições na fase de retenção de curto prazo, usando o mesmo labirinto de aquisição. Para a fase de transferência, houve 5 repetições, porém com um caminho do labirinto oposto à aquisição.Como resultado, o grupo PC melhorou seu desempenho na fase de aquisição, manteve o desempenho, que foi comprovadona fase de retenção; além disso, foram capazes de transferir o desempenho adquirido em um caminho de labirinto oposto. O grupo PC levou mais tempo para executar a tarefa de labirinto, comparado ao grupo controle em todas as fases do estudo. Conclusão: Indivíduos com Paralisia Cerebral realizaram um jogo de realidade virtual (tarefa de labirinto) utilizando um telefone celular e, apesar das diferenças do grupo de controle, esse tipo de dispositivo oferece novas possibilidades de uso em programas de reabilitação / Cerebral palsy (CP) is a permanent disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture that is caused by damage to the immature and developing brain. Research has shown that Virtual Reality (VR) technology can be used in rehabilitation to support the acquisition of motor skills and the achievement of functional tasks. The aim of this study was to explore for improvements in the performance of individuals with CP with practice in the use of a virtual game on a mobile phone and to compare their performance with that of the control group. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five individuals with CP were matched for age and sex with twenty-five, typically developing individuals. Participants were asked to complete a VR maze task as fast as possible on a mobile phone. All participants performed 20 repetitions in the acquisition phase with the dominant hand, after the acquisition phase; there was 5 minutes rest, in which the individual had no contact with the task. Then, participants were asked to complete 5 trials in the short-term retention phase using the same maze of acquisition. For the transfer phase, there were 5 trials with a path of the labyrinth opposed to the acquisition. As a result the CP group improved their performance in the acquisition phase and maintained the performance, which was shown by the retention test; in addition, they were able to transfer the performance acquired in an opposite maze path. The CP group had longer task-execution compared to the control group for all phases of the study. Conclusion: Individuals with cerebral palsy were able to learn a virtual reality game (maze task) using a mobile phone, and despite their differences from the control group, this kind of device offers new possibilities for use in rehabilitation programs

Promoção da saúde cardiovascular a partir da representação de adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e prática de atividade física / Promoting cardiovascular health through the representation of adolescents on eating habits and physical activity practice

Luciana Maria Oliveira Fonseca Ianeta 31 July 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que as doenças cardiovasculares e suas complicações estão associadas ao estilo de vida das pessoas. Há evidências de que o processo aterosclerótico se inicia na infância, e que sua prevenção pode ser mais efetiva se iniciada precocemente, com ações de educação em saúde que visem a promover a prática regular de atividade física e a mudança de hábitos alimentares. OBJETIVOS: Observação das representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Verificação d a exeqüibilidade das técnicas de ensino-aprendizagem baseadas em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska e Di Clemente na reflexão com os adolescentes sobre a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. Testar a hipótese de que a presença da doença cardiovascular nos familiares têm influência nas representações observadas. MÉTODOS: Alunos da sétima série de uma escola pública de São Paulo foram levantados por meio de questionário epidemiológico para avaliar os riscos associados ao estilo de vida. Dois grupos diferentes de alunos, selecionados de acordo com a presença de doença cardiovascular nos pais, receberam a intervenção educativa em dinâmicas aplicadas no decorrer de 10 reuniões de grupo. RESULTADOS: A matriz de Prochaska e Di Clemente permitiu avaliar que a representação dos temas de alimentação e atividade física foi modificada nos dois grupos, que passaram do estágio de pré-contemplação para contemplação; no entanto, dez reuniões não foram suficientes para os grupos se manterem no estágio de preparação para mudança, oscilando com o estágio de contemplação. A análise feita pela matriz de Pichon- Rivière demonstra que o aprendizado do grupo sem história familiar aparece de forma clara como conhecimento construído sobre os temas propostos, enquanto o grupo com história familiar possui conhecimento pré-existente, e adquire novos conceitos de maneira mais lenta. Justificando as diferentes formas de abordagem aplicadas às atividades dos grupos no presente trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção por meio de grupos educativos baseados em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière e Prochaska e Di Clemente se mostrou útil para observar as representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Durante as atividades dos grupos educativos foi possível avaliar a informação pré-existente, como também, estabelecer com eles um diálogo construtivo para a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. / INTRODUCTION: Epidemiologic studies demonstrated that the cardiovascular disease and its complications are associated with people\'s life style. There are evidences that the atherosclerotic process begins in infancy and that its prevention can be more effective if it is precociously started by taking educative actions concerning health, which aim at promoting regular physical activity practice and the change of eating habits. OBJECTIVE: Observe the adolescents\' representations on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. Verify the techniques applied in the teaching - learning process, based on Paulo Freire, Pichon- Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente and together with the adolescents reflect on the primary prevention of the risks related to these representations. Test the hypothesis that the presence of the cardiovascular disease in the family influences in the representations observed. METHODS: Students of the 7th. grade of a public elementary school of São Paulo were surveyed by means of an epidemiologic questionnaire to evaluate the risks associated with their life style. Two different groups of students, chosen according to the presence of cardiovascular disease in their parents were followed during ten sections, when educative dynamics were applied. RESULTS: Prochaska and Di Clemente\'s matrix enabled the evaluation of the representations related to eating and physical activity. The representations were modified in both groups, which changed from pre- contemplation stage to contemplation stage. However, the ten group meetings were not enough for the groups to keep in the stage of preparation for the change, oscillating to the stage of contemplation. The analyses made by Pichon-Rivière?s matrix demonstrates that the learning process in the group which belongs to a family with no risk of cardiovascular disease presents a clear constructed knowledge on the proposed themes, whereas the group belonging to families under such risks has a pre- existing knowledge and acquires new concepts more slowly, justifying the different approaches applied to the activities of the groups in this study. CONCLUSION: The intervention by means of educative groups based on Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente was useful to observe the representations of the adolescents on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. During the activities of the educative groups it was possible to evaluate the adolescents pre-existing information as well as establish a constructive dialogue for a primary prevention of the risk factors related to these representations.

Atividade física, absenteísmo e demanda por atendimento à saúde de funcionários de indústria automobilística de São Caetano do Sul / Physical activity, absenteeism and the need for health care by automotive industry employees from São Caetano do Sul

Vera Regina da Fonseca 19 February 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A promoção da atividade física e de hábitos de vida saudáveis é efetiva para prevenção de doenças crônicas. Os custos com problemas de saúde oneram desde instituições governamentais até empresas dos mais variados ramos. O principal objetivo do estudo foi verificar a associação do absenteísmo por problemas de saúde, presenteísmo e procura por atendimento médico com o escore de atividade física habitual (AFH) de Baecke e seus três componentes: atividade física ocupacional (AFO), exercício físico de lazer (EFL) e atividade de lazer e locomoção (ALL). Métodos: Estudo de desenho transversal com seleção amostral aleatória estratificada por função laboral (horistas, mensalistas e executivos), participando 620 funcionários da indústria automobilística General Motors do Brasil da unidade de São Caetano do Sul. Os participantes tinham no mínimo 12 meses de vínculo com a empresa, pertenciam à mesma unidade e atuavam no Brasil no momento do inquérito. Todos preencheram o questionário de Baecke para avaliação da AFH, além de questões sobre dados sócio-demográficos, uso de álcool, fumo, alimentação, índice de massa corporal, morbidade referida, absenteísmo por problemas com saúde, procura por atendimento médico e presenteísmo. Para a comparação de médias, utilizou-se ANOVA e, no caso de significância estatística (p<0,05), foram feitas as comparações múltiplas pelo método de Tukey. Para a comparação entre proporções foi utilizado o teste de Qui-Quadrado. Para os desfechos categóricos foi realizada a análise através de um modelo de regressão logística univariada. Todas as variáveis cujo nível de significância estatística tenha sido 0,10 (p0,10) foram selecionadas para entrarem no modelo de regressão logística multivariada. Após o processo backward foi apresentado o modelo final, com as variáveis com significância estatística (p<0,05). Para o desfecho presenteísmo (variável numérica) foi feita a comparação com as variáveis independentes através do método de correlação de Pearson. Para avaliar as associações foi utilizada razão de chances e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A idade foi 38,5 ±10,2 anos e 89% do sexo masculino. Depois de controladas as covariáveis, o escore de AFH de Baecke não foi associado com os desfechos analisados e nem com morbidade referida. Os funcionários horistas apresentaram maior escore de AFH, maior escore de AFO e menor escore de EFL que os demais funcionários. O escore de AFO foi associado com absenteísmo (OR=1,63, IC95%=1,31-2,02) e apresentou proximidade à significância estatística (p=0,061) com a procura por atendimento médico (OR=1,25, IC95%=0,99-1,58), ambas na análise univariada e não confirmada no modelo multivariado. O escore de AFO também apresentou correlação com o presenteísmo (r=0,099, p=0,014). Não foi estatisticamente significante a associação do escore de ALL com absenteísmo (p=0,053), (OR=0,73, IC95%=0,58-1,00) e com procura por atendimento médico (p=0,067), (OR=0,76, IC95%=0,57-1,02). Os escores de AFO e EFL foram associados com a presença de morbidade referida, sendo respectivamente OR=1,3 (IC95%=1,06-1,61) e OR=0,67 (IC95%=0,54-0,82). Conclusão: O escore de AFH não foi associado com os desfechos estudados. Os funcionários horistas apresentaram maior escore de AFH por terem maior atividade física ocupacional a despeito do menor escore de exercício físico e esportes. Dentre os três escores avaliados, o ocupacional se mostrou mais próximo de associação com os desfechos estudados. O cálculo do poder estatístico das análises infere a necessidade de maior amostragem para a negação das hipóteses levantadas por este estudo. A utilização do questionário de Baecke, diferentemente de outros instrumentos que avaliam o gasto energético não levando em consideração os diferentes tipos de atividade física, questiona a possibilidade de que o maior gasto energético deva ser considerado fator de proteção para a saúde. / Background: By fostering physical activities and healthy life behavior, one can prevent chronic diseases. The health-related costs represent a heavy burden not only to the governmental entities but also to some private companies with many different levels of activities. The main objective of this study was to verify the association between absenteeism due to healthrelated problems, presenteeism, health care seek and the Baecke habitual physical activity score (HPA) and its three components: occupational physical activity (OPA), physical exercise in leisure (PEL) and leisure and locomotion activity (LLA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on a selected random sample which was stratified by job categories (hourly, salaried and executives) with the participation of 620 employees from General Motors Brazil, an automotive company located at São Caetano do Sul. The participants had a minimum of 12 months of company service, they worked for the same unit and all were active employees performing their jobs in Brazil at the time the questionnaire was applied. All of them filled out the Baecke questionnaire for the HPA evaluation, including specific questions on social-demographics data, intake of alcohol, tobacco, food, body mass index, referred morbidity, health-related absenteeism, health care seek and presenteeism. To compare averages, the ANOVA has been utilized and, when the statistical significance (p<0,05) was shown, multiples comparisons were made through the Tukeys Method. To compare proportions, the Chi- Square Test was utilized. For the categorical outcomes, it was carried out an analysis through the univariate logistic regression model. All variables which statistical significance level have been 0,10 (p0,10) were selected to be part of the multivariate logistic regression model. After the backward process, the final model has been presented with all variables that showed statistical significance (p<0,05). For the presenteeism (numerical outcome) a comparison has been made with the independent variables through the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. In order to evaluate the associations the odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Results: The age was 38,5 ± 10,2 years and 89% were men. After adjusting the covariates, the Baecke HPA score was neither associated with the analyzed outcomes or with the referred morbidity. The hourly employees have shown higher HPA, higher OPA and lower PEL scores when compared to remaining employee groups. The OPA score has been associated with absenteeism (OR=1,63, CI95%=1,31-2,02) and has presented a proximity to the statistical significance (p=0,061) with the health care seek (OR=1,25, CI95%=0,99-1,58), both at the univariate analysis but not confirmed in the multivariate model. The OPA score also showed correlation with the presenteesism (r=0,099, p=0,014). Statistically, it was not significant the association between the LLA score with absenteeism (p=0,053), (OR=0,73, CI95%=0,58-1,00) and health care seek (p=0,067), (OR=0,76, CI95%=0,57-1,02). The OPA and PEL scores have been associated with the presence of referred morbidity, being respectively OR=1,3 (CI95%=1,06-1,61) and OR=0,67 (CI95%=0,54-0,82). Conclusion: The HPA score did not show association with the studied outcomes. The hourly employees have shown higher HPA score once they have more occupational physical activity, regardlees the lower score of physical exercises and sports. Among the three scores evaluated, the occupational was closer to the association with the studied outcomes. The analysis statistic power calculation shows to the need of a higher sample to the denial of the raised hypothesis by this study. The Baecke questionnaire utilization, as opposed to the others instruments that evaluate the energy expenditure not taken into consideration the different types of physical activities, questions the possibility that the higher energy expenditure should be considered a health protector factor.

Étude et conception d’objets de rééducation instrumentés pour le suivi de l’activité motrice des membres supérieurs des patients après un AVC / Study and design of instrumented rehabilitation objects for monitoring the motor activity of patients' upper limbs after stroke

Bobin, Maxence 05 November 2018 (has links)
Avec le vieillissement de la population, l’Accident Vasculaire Cérébrale (AVC) est l’un des principaux problèmes de santé et touche 15 millions de personnes par an à travers le monde. Après un AVC, de nombreux troubles moteurs et sensoriels, qui ont un impact direct sur les activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ), peuvent apparaître comme le manque de coordination, la spasticité ou les tremblements. Afin de rétablir au maximum leurs capacités motrices et sensorielles, les patients doivent suivre un processus de rééducation long et coûteux. De plus, le suivi et l’évaluation des patients se fait à partir d’observations visuelles. Peu voire aucune information objective et quantifiable sur la réalisation des exercices n’est collectée pendant les séances de rééducation. Ainsi, des informations potentiellement cruciales sur les capacités motrices des patients ne sont pas mesurées. De nombreuses plates-formes de rééducation et de suivi ont été développées pour collecter des informations objectives à l’aide de la réalité virtuelle, augmentée, d’écrans interactifs ou de dispositifs portables. Cependant, ces plates-formes peuvent présenter des contraintes de coût, de portabilité et d’utilisabilité.L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des outils permettant d’améliorer l’accompagnement des patients durant la rééducation fonctionnelle en offrant aux professionnels de santé un suivi plus représentatif de l’état de santé de ces derniers séance après séance. Ce suivi s’effectue à l’aide d’informations objectives et quantifiables sur les fonctions motrices des membres supérieurs collectées par des objets instrumentés de capteurs. Sur la base de l’état de l’art et des résultats d’une étude observationnelle réalisée auprès de quatorze professionnels de santé, nous avons développé cinq objets de rééducation instrumentés pour le suivi des fonctions motrices de la main et du bras et des activités de la vie quotidienne qui se matérialisent par : (i) un osselet qui collecte des informations sur la dextérité manuelle (position et pression des doigts, orientation, mouvements irréguliers, tremblements), (ii) un cube qui collecte des informations sur la préhension globale de la main (pression globale des doigts, orientation, mouvements irréguliers et tremblements), (iii) un bracelet connecté du commerce qui collecte des informations sur les fonctions motrices du bras (mouvements du bras, mouvements irréguliers et tremblements), (iv) un vêtement instrumenté qui mesure l’angle de flexion du coude et (v) un verre qui collecte des informations sur les fonctions motrices du bras et de la main lors de séquences d’actions complexes (niveau de liquide, orientation, position sur une cible, pression des doigts et tremblements) et qui permet de reconnaître les activités de la vie quotidienne boire, s’asseoir, se lever, marcher, monter et descendre des escaliers. Nous avons conduit une étude expérimentale auprès de quatorze professionnels de santé afin d'explorer l'ensemble des fonctionnalités ainsi que le design des objets afin de récolter des retours sur de possibles améliorations. Les résultats de cette étude nous ont permis s’assurer de la validité des fonctionnalités et de développer des interfaces de visualisation visant à afficher les données de manière simple, rapide et facile à interpréter. Nous avons mené une étude auprès de six professionnels de santé afin de valider le développement de ces interfaces. Les résultats indiquent que les choix de conception de ces interfaces de visualisation sont pertinents. Enfin, nous avons mené une étude expérimentale d’utilisabilité et d’acceptabilité auprès de neuf patients victimes d’AVC. Les résultats indiquent que les critères d’efficacité et de satisfaction de l’utilisabilité sont respectés. De plus, les patients ont jugé les objets faciles à utiliser et sont volontaires pour les utiliser pendant les séances de rééducation et à domicile afin d’adapter leur programme de rééducation en fonction de leurs progrès. / As the population ages, stroke is one of the major health problems affecting 15 million people worldwide each year. After a stroke, many motor and sensory disorders, which have a direct impact on activities of daily living (ADL), can appear as lack of coordination, spasticity or tremors. In order to restore their motor and sensory abilities as much as possible, patients must undergo a long and costly rehabilitation process. In addition, patient monitoring and evaluation is based on visual observations. Little or no objective and quantifiable information on the execution of exercises is collected during rehabilitation sessions. Thus, potentially crucial information on patients' motor abilities is not measured. Many rehabilitation and monitoring platforms have been developed to collect objective information using virtual reality, augmented, interactive screens or portable devices. However, these platforms may have cost, portability and usability constraints.The objective of this thesis is to propose tools to improve the accompaniment of patients during the process of functional rehabilitation by offering health professionals a more representative follow-up of the state of health of these, session after session. This monitoring is carried out using objective and quantifiable information on the motor functions of the upper limbs collected by objects instrumented with sensor. On the basis of the state of the art and the results of an observational study conducted with fourteen health professionals, we developed five instrumented rehabilitation objects for monitoring the motor functions of the hand and arm and the activities of daily life that are materialized by: (i) a jack that collects information on manual dexterity (finger position and pressure, orientation, irregular movements, tremors), (ii) a cube that collects information on overall hand grip (overall finger pressure, orientation, irregular movements and tremors), (iii) a commercially available connected watch that collects information on arm motor functions (arm movements), (iv) an instrumented garment that measures the bending angle of the elbow and (v) a cup that collects information on the motor functions of the arm and hand during complex action sequences (fluid level, orientation, position on a target, finger pressure and tremors) and allows the recognition of activities of daily living such as drinking, sitting, standing, walking, climbing and descending stairs. We conducted an experimental study with fourteen healthcare professionals to explore the functionalities and the design of the objects in order to gather feedback on possible improvements. The results of this study allowed us to tighten the measurement perimeter and make the objects more functional. This study also allowed us to develop visualization interfaces to display data in a simple, fast and easy to interpret manner. We conducted a study with six healthcare professionals to validate the development of these interfaces. The results indicate that the design choices of these visualization interfaces are relevant. Finally, we conducted an experimental usability and acceptability study in nine stroke patients. The results indicate that the efficiency and usability satisfaction criteria are met. The results show that patients found the objects easy to use and are willing to use them during rehabilitation sessions and at home to adapt their rehabilitation program according to their progress.

Neonatal Quinpirole Treatment Enhances Locomotor Activation and Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Core in Response to Amphetamine Treatment in Adulthood

Cope, Zackary A., Huggins, Kimberly N., Sheppard, A. Brianna, Noel, Daniel M., Roane, David S., Brown, Russell W. 01 April 2010 (has links)
Neonatal quinpirole treatment to rats produces long-term increases in D(2) receptor sensitivity that persists throughout the animal's lifetime, a phenomenon referred to as D(2) priming. Male and female Sprague-dawley rats were administered quinpirole (1 mg kg(-1)) or saline from postnatal days (P)1-11. At P60, all animals were given an injection of quinpirole (100 microg kg(-1)), and results showed that rats neonatally treated with quinpirole demonstrated enhanced yawning in response to quinprole, verifying D(2) receptor priming because yawning is a D(2) receptor mediated event. Beginning 1-3 days later, locomotor sensitization was tested through administration of d-amphetamine (1 mg kg(-1)) or saline every other day over 14 days, and horizontal activity and turning behavior were analyzed. Findings indicated that D(2)-priming enhanced horizontal activity in response to amphetamine in females compared to males at Days 1 and 4 of locomotor sensitization testing, and D(2)-priming enhanced turning in response to amphetamine. Seven to ten days after sensitization was complete, microdialysis of the NAcc core was performed using a cumulative dosing regimen of amphetamine (0.1-3.0 mg kg(-1)). D(2)-primed rats administered amphetamine demonstrated a 500% increase in accumbal DA overflow compared to control rats administered amphetamine. Additionally, amphetamine produced a significant increase in NE overflow compared to controls, but this was unaffected by D(2) priming. These results indicate that D(2) receptor priming as is produced by neonatal quinpirole treatment robustly enhances behavioral activation and accumbal DA overflow in response to amphetamine, which may underlie increases in psychostimulant use and abuse within the psychotic population where increased D(2) receptor sensitivity is a hallmark.

Sex Differences in Nicotine Sensitization and Conditioned Hyperactivity in Adolescent Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole: Role of D2 and D3 Receptor Subtypes

Sheppard, Brianna, Lehmann, Julia, Cope, Zackary A., Brown, Russell W. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Neonatal quinpirole treatment in rats produces increased sensitivity of dopamine D2-like receptors throughout the animal's lifetime, referred to D2 priming. There is little information on the effects of nicotine in adolescent rats, especially in a model that has clinical relevance to psychosis where increased D2 receptor sensitivity is common. Male and female rats were treated with quinpirole (1 mg/kg) or saline from postnatal (P) day P21, given nicotine (0.5 mg/kg) or saline from P33 through P49, and placed into a locomotor arena for behavioral testing. Nicotine or saline treatment was preceded by the D2-like receptor antagonist eticlopride, D3 antagonist nafadotride, or saline. Conditioned hyperactivity was analyzed on P50 in the same context in a drug-free test. In females, D2 priming increased the locomotor response to acute nicotine, but did not affect subsequent nicotine sensitization, and only non–D2-primed females demonstrated conditioned hyperactivity. Eticlopride and nafadotride blocked behavioral sensitization, although nafadotride was more effective at blocking nicotine-conditioned hyperactivity in females. In males, D₂ priming enhanced sensitization to nicotine and produced conditioned hyperactivity, which were blocked by eticlopride and nafadotride. These results have implications for psychosis and comorbidity of nicotine abuse in adolescence.

A Role for Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Dopamine-Mediated Behaviors and the Hypnotic Response to Anesthetics: A Dissertation

Soll, Lindsey G. 17 December 2013 (has links)
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are ligand-gated cation channels that most notably influence dopamine (DA) release. In this thesis, I examine the role of nAChRs in mediating DA-related behaviors such as movement and drug dependence. To accomplish this, I utilized a “gain-offunction” knock-in mouse (the Leu9’Ala line) containing agonist-hypersensitive α4* nAChRs (* indicates other nAChR subunits in addition to α4 are within the receptor complex) that renders receptors 50-fold more sensitive to nicotine and acetylcholine than wild-type (WT) receptors. I found that DHβE, a selective antagonist for α4β2* nAChRs, induced reversible and robust motor dysfunction characterized by hypolocomotion, akinesia, catalepsy, tremor, and clasping in Leu9’Ala but not WT mice. Reversal of the phenotype was achieved by targeting dopamine signaling. Blockade of mutant α4* nAChRs elicited activation of brain regions in the basal ganglia including dorsal striatum and substantia nigra pars reticulata indicated by c-Fos immunoreactivity. These data indicate that blocking α4* nAChRs in Leu9’Ala mice activates the indirect motor pathway resulting in a motor deficit. We also determined that α4* nAChRs involved in motor behaviors did not contain the α6 subunit, a nAChR subunit highly expressed in DAergic neurons suggesting that different nAChR subtypes modulating striatal DA release have separate functions in motor output. Conditioned place aversion and hypolocomotion, behaviors elicited during nicotine withdrawal, were also induced by DHβE in nicotine-naïve Leu9’Ala but not WT mice. Together these data suggest that DHβE globally reduces DA release in the CNS. In a separate project, I determined that α4* and α6* nAChRs modulate drug-induced hypnosis. Activation of nAChRs increased sensitivity to ketamine-induced hypnosis; whereas antagonizing nAChRs had the opposite effect. Additionally, α4 knockout (KO) mice were less sensitive to the hypnotic effects of ketamine, but α6 KO were more sensitive. High doses of ethanol induce an anesthesia-like state characterized by immobility, analgesia, and hypnosis. Testing the effects of ethanol hypnosis in α4 KO revealed that α4* nAChR do not play a large role in the acute effects of ethanol-induced hypnosis, but are involved in tolerance to this ethanol-induced behavior. The mechanisms of anesthetic-induced hypnosis are still largely unclear, despite the wide use of anesthesia. Future work on these receptors and their involvement in the anesthetic response will help to define a mechanism for hypnosis and improve the use of anesthetic drugs.

Porucha chování v REM spánku:Charakteristika polysomnografických a behaviorálních projevů. / REM sleep behavior disorder:Characteristics of polysomnographic and behavioral manifestations.

Nepožitek, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
REM sleep behavior disorder: Characteristics of polysomnographic and behavioral manifestations Abstract REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is a disease characterized by abnormal motor activity corresponding to the dream content. REM sleep without atonia (RWA) and behavioral manifestations are the main features registered by video-polysomnography (PSG). Because idiopathic RBD (iRBD) is considered as prodromal stage of synucleinopathies, the direction of current research is the search for markers of early conversion. The goal of this study was to observe the group of patients with iRBD with regard to the development of manifest neurodegenerative disease, to find and test a new polysomnographic marker of phenoconversion, to perform analysis of the movements registered by video and to quantify excessive fragmentary myoclonus (EFM), which is a frequent finding in neurodegenerative processes. A total of 55 patients with iRBD were observed for 2.3±0.7 years. The annual conversion rate was 5.5%. Mixed RWA, representing simultaneous occurrence of phasic and tonic RWA, was suggested as a new marker of phenoconversion. Converted patients showed a higher mixed RWA (p=0.009) and the ROC analysis confirmed that mixed RWA is the best predictive marker of conversion among other RWA types (AUC 0.778). An average of...

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