Spelling suggestions: "subject:"made inn"" "subject:"made iin""
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An evaluation of the success of the South African government's communication and information system in disseminating information to citizensRamodibe, Mohau Armatto 11 1900 (has links)
The constitution of the Republic of South Africa has mandated government to keep in touch with the citizens, by regularly updating them on the services available for the improvement of their lives, and further to constantly report back on progress made in implementing government policies. In recent years, the country has been experiencing sporadic service delivery protests especially at the local sphere of government (municipal level).
The aim of the study was therefore to examine the success of the communication and information system of the South African government in disseminating information to citizens. The area of the study was the Province of Mpumalanga which is one (1) of the nine (9) provinces constituting the Republic of South Africa.
For the study, quantitative research method in the form of a survey was adopted, the hypothesis tested and the findings generalised. In creating a sample frame for the study, both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were adopted. The type of data collection instrument adopted was a structured questionnaire. Single-stage cluster sampling was adopted for heads of government communication whereas judgemental or purposive sampling technique was adopted for citizens. Data was analysed utilising data tabulation, descriptives, and data disaggregation quantitative data analysis procedures.
The key findings of the study, amongst others, are:
(a) That the current communication and information system being utilised by the South African government has an impact (it has improved communication with citizens);
(b) That the citizens prefer government to communicate with them in their own indigenous languages (communicating in all eleven (11) official languages);
(c) That the citizens prefer face-to-face communication;
(d) That citizens would like to receive government messages via social media (given its immediacy and interactivity); and
(e) That the low status of the communication function at the local government level denies communicators access to information to be communicated.
Amongst others, the study recommends that (1) communication should be recognised as a strategic management function in all spheres of government; (2) the use of radio as the primary channel of information should be strengthened; (3) face-to-face communication with citizens should be strengthened; (4) information dissemination should be done in all eleven (11) official languages, including in Braille and sign-language; (5) social media and SMS notification should be included in the government communication policy as one of its official information dissemination channels. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication)
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Soudcovská tvorba práva. Srovnání Evropského soudního dvora s Nejvyšším soudem USA / Judge-made Law. Comparison between the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court of the United StatesDumbrovský, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
JUDGE-MADE LAW COMPARISON BETWEEN THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Keywords: judge-made law; the European Union; the Court of Justice of the European Union; the Supreme Court of the United States; judicialization of governance; Kelsenian court; European constitutional space; European constitution; normativity; constitutional pluralism; sovereignty; federalism; post-communist states; new Member States of the European Union. Standard page (that is 1800 characters per page) and word count (including footnotes; without the contents, bibliography and annexes): 327 standard pages; 82 795 words. The Ph.D. thesis offers a complex reconceptualization of the constitutional system in the European Union. The constitutional systems of the Member States have been substantially transformed during the 20th century. Meanwhile a new constitutional system functioning in the Member States alongside their own systems has emerged - the constitutional system of the European Union. These two fundamental changes are difficult to grasp through an existing theoretical framework. That is because the framework is based on a set of outdated concepts: (i) Rousseau's concept of volonté générale that forms the basis of the parliamentary supremacy in a constitutional system; (ii)...
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Svenska konsumenters syn på secondhandkläder : Fördelar och nackdelar med secondhandkläderBohlin, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Datum: 26:e juni 2019 Nivå: C-uppsats, i företagsekonomi, specialisering marknadsföring. Institution: Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle - Luleå Tekniska Universitet Författare: Sara Bohlin Handledare: Maria Ek Styvén Titel: Fördelar och nackdelar med att konsumera secondhandkläder Nyckelord: Secondhandkläder, secondhand, traditionellt tillverkade kläder, kläder, miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet, behov av att vara unik, modeintresse, behov av att visa status upplevelse av ofräschhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för konsumenters drivkrafter när det gäller att köpa eller inte köpa secondhandkläder. Metod: Deduktiv studie med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångsätt som genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Slutsatserna som drogs efter intervjuerna var att de vanligaste anledningarna till att köpa secondhandkläder var miljömedvetenhet, prismedvetenhet och modeintresse. De av de intervjuade som köpte mycket secondhandkläder utryckte alla på något sätt att de också hade ett behov av att ha en unik stil. Den vanligaste anledningen till att inte köpa secondhandkläder var modeintresse. Detta visade sig genom att de flesta av de intervjuade som köpte få eller inga kläder på secondhand också svarade att de var intresserade av mode. / Date: June 26, 2019 Level: C-uppsats, thesis in business Administration, Specialization Marketing Institution: Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences - Luleå University of Technology Author: Sara Bohlin Title: Advantages and disadvantages of consuming second-hand clothes Tutor: Maria Ek Styvén Key words: Second-hand clothes, second-hand, traditionally made clothes, clothes, environmentalism, price sensitivity, need for uniqueness, fashion involvement, need for status, perception of contamination. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand what, motivates consumers to buy or not to buy second-hand clothes. Method: A deductive study with a qualitative approach that was implemented using semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The conclusions drawn after the interviews were that the most common reasons for buying second-hand clothes were environmentalism, price sensitivity and fashion involvement. Those of the interviewed who bought a lot of second-hand clothes all expressed in some way that they also had a need to have a unique style. The most common reason for not buying second-hand clothes was fashion involvement. This was shown by the fact that most of the interviewees who bought few or no clothes on second-hand, also replied that they were interested in fashion.
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Conduta leiga e assistência médica em pacientes do Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Non-medical conduct and medical assistance in patients assisted in the Ophthalmology Emergency Room at Clinics Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo School of MedicineCarvalho, Regina de Souza 15 August 2007 (has links)
Foi realizado um survey transversal, descritivo e analítico em amostra não-probabilística, prontamente acessível, de tamanho 561, formada por pacientes que procuraram o Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo numa semana considerada típica de atendimento.Os dados foram obtidos através da ficha administrativa e aplicação de questionário semi-estruturado, realizado por meio de entrevistas. O questionário também constava de entrevista com o médico que fez o atendimento. O estudo teve como objetivos, em relação a usuários do pronto-socorro: descrever características sócio-demográficas, razões da procura e da escolha de unidade hospitalar, verificar conhecimentos e condutas referentes a causas e tratamentos do agravo ocular; verificar a adoção de tratamentos oculares prévios ao atendimento, identificar fontes de orientação na adoção de tratamentos, verificar causas de demora na procura de tratamento, identificar percepções sobre diagnóstico e tratamento prescrito. Em relação à instituição: determinar a proporção de atendimentos oculares de urgência e não urgência; disponibilizar informações para subsidiar intervenções educativas e assistenciais de saúde ocular. A análise estatística foi realizada com o uso do programa Stata (versão 9.0). Entre os resultados, destacou-se: o período de maior procura por atendimento oftalmológico no Pronto-Socorro do Hospital das Clínicas foi matutino e nos dias da semana; não houve diferença significante entre os sexos; a média de idade foi 39,8 anos; o atendimento foi realizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde para 91,1% dos pacientes. A maioria dos atendidos tinha baixa renda e escolaridade. Metade dos pacientes era de fora da área de cobertura do Hospital das Clínicas. Para 49,0% a escolha do Hospital das Clínicas ocorreu por confiança e competência; para 42,2% por não haver oftalmologista nos serviços que costumam freqüentar. O tempo para procurar o serviço foi de mais de 24 horas a uma semana para 40,8% dos pacientes. A demora em procurar atendimento ocorreu por não considerar que era urgente por 47,0% e 34,1% foram a outro serviço antes. Daqueles que foram a outros serviços previamente, 48,8% não tiveram alteração do quadro, 39,6% pioraram sintomas. A automedicação foi usada prévio a vinda ao Pronto-Socorro por 40,5% dos pacientes. Desses, 29,4% usaram produtos caseiros. Os produtos mais freqüentemente utilizados foram água boricada, soro fisiológico, água de torneira ou poço, chás, compressas, lavagem com ervas (alecrim, arruda). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no uso de automedicação para tratar os sintomas oculares entre homens e mulheres (p = 0,95), nas diferentes faixas etárias (p = 0,14) ou nos diferentes níveis de escolaridade (p = 0,21). Também não foi observada diferença no padrão de uso de automedicação quanto à situação de trabalho dos pacientes (p = 0,15) ou quanto ao seu local de residência (p = 0,52).Pacientes com diagnóstico de inflamação/infecção ou trauma apresentaram as maiores proporções de uso de automedicação (49,5%). Relataram ter procurado auxílio religioso para tratar o problema 16,1% dos pacientes. Referiram ter entendido a informação sobre o que tinham 95,1%dos pacientes. Dos que receberam prescrição de medicamento, 95,0% entenderam como e porque usá-lo. Aproximadamente 50,0% dos pacientes deram nota máxima ao atendimento recebido. Segundo os oftalmologistas, 18,1% eram casos de urgência e 83,2% dos casos poderiam ter sido resolvidos em serviços de menor complexidade. Dos pacientes, 55,2% apresentavam diagnóstico de inflamação/infecção; 19,1% trauma. Conjuntivite viral foi o diagnóstico mais freqüente 24,6%, seguido por corpo estranho de córnea 7,5%, meibomite 6,4%. Entre os pacientes atendidos, os plantonistas classificaram 11,7% como retorno e 2,0% pós-operatório. Não houve diferença significativa no diagnóstico clínico entre os pacientes que vieram espontaneamente e os referenciados (p = 0,09). Em relação ao preenchimento das fichas administrativas, ressalta-se que 3,6% não constavam o nome do médico, 3,4% não constavam o CRM, 33,4% não foram preenchidos histórico ou observações clínicas; 6,3% só constavam o CID como diagnóstico. Concluiu-se que: a automedicação é muito difundida entre os pacientes e o uso de produtos caseiros se faz presente mesmo nos casos de urgência ocular. Os pacientes estão recebendo e entendendo explicações sobre o agravo ocular e sobre o tratamento prescrito. Os plantonistas vêm mantendo um bom relacionamento médico-paciente. O atendimento recebido pelo paciente foi considerado excelente. O Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clínicas é um hospital terciário que atende em sua maioria, casos primários e secundários; a maioria dos diagnósticos não foi considerada como urgência / We report a transversal, descriptive and analytical survey in a non-probabilistic promptly accessible sample, composed of 561 patients who looked for the Ophthalmology Emergency Room (E.R) of Clinics Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine during a regular week. Data were collected from administrative charts and from semi-structured questionnaire through interviews. The questionnaire also included an interview with the physician who assisted the patient. The study had the following purposes relative to the E.R patients: to describe social-demographic characteristics; reasons for search and choice of the hospital unit; to assess knowledge and conducts related to eye diseases and their causes and treatment; to assess previous ocular treatments; to identify the causes of compliance with treatment; to identify the reason for delayed search to medical treatment; to identify the knowledge about diagnosed diseases and prescribed treatment. Relative to the institution: to assess the rate of urgent and non-urgent ocular visits; to provide helpful data for ocular health assistance and educational interventions. Statistical analysis was performed using Stata software (version 9.0). The most important results were: most searches for the Emergency Room occurred during the day and on week-days; no statistically significant difference related to gender; average age was 39.8; and 91.1% of visits were assisted by the Public Health System. Most patients had low schooling and money income. Half of the patients did not belong to the area covered by Clinics Hospital. Forty-nine percent of the patients chose Clinics Hospital based to trust on the professionals and their competence; for 42.2% of the patients due to unavailability of ophthalmologists in the health units they are used to go to. The time taken to search assistance was between 24 hours and 1 (one) week for 40.8% of the patients. Such delay was due to the fact the 47% of the patients did not believe that their situation was urgent, and 34.1% searched another health unit before. Among those who searched another unit, 48.8% did not report worsening of health symptoms by the time they reached the E.R, while 39.6% did. Auto-medication was used previously to the E.R. visit by 40.5% of the patients, 29.4% of whom used home-made products. Most of these products were: boric water, physiologic saline solution, tap or well water, and herbs. No significant difference in auto-medication between man and women (p = 0.95), in different age levels (p= 0.14) or schooling levels (p= 0.21) was observed, neither in relation to work situation (p= 0.15) or place of residence (p= 0.52). Higher rates of auto-medication were observed among patients with ocular inflammation/ infection or trauma (49.5%), while 16.1% of the patients reported search for religious help to treat their disease. 95.1% of the patients reported having understood the information given about their condition. Among those patients to whom medication was prescribed, 95% understood how and why to use it. Approximately 50% of the patients graded with the maximum score the xxii xxiii assistance received. According to the ophthalmologists opinion, 18.1% of visits were real urgent cases, while 83.2% could have been attended at less complex health units. 52.2% of the patients were diagnosed with inflammation/infectious diseases; and 19.1% with trauma. Viral conjunctivitis was the most frequent diagnosis (24.6%), followed by corneal foreign bodies (7.5%), and meibomitis (6.4%). Considering assisted patients, physicians classified 11.7% as return visits and 2.0% as post-surgical visits. There was no significant difference on clinical diagnosis between patients on spontaneous or referred assistance (p= 0.09). As for the administration charts, it is important to emphasize that 3.6% of them did not contain the physicians name, 3.4% did not contain the professional registration number, 33.4% did not contain historical and clinical observations, and 6.3% only contained the International Classification of Diseases number. In conclusion, auto-medication is largely used among patients and the use of home-made products occurs even in urgent ocular situations. Patients are receiving and understanding the explanations about their ocular diseases and the prescribed treatment. E.R ophthalmologists have had a satisfactory physician-patient relationship. Medical assistance received by patients was considered excellent. Clinics Hospital Ophthalmologic E.R is a reference service which assists mostly primary and secondary cases, most of them being considered non-urgent
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Pragmatic humanism : through the eyes of EgyptO'Brien, Matthew Steven 06 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the events that occurred throughout the Egyptian Revolution from January 2010 to February 2010 through pragmatic humanism. Tweets will be looked at from the book Tweets from Tahrir to show how the process unfolded. Building on the previous research, the tweets will be looked at through the lens of pragmatic humanism. The study will show how individuals can better the world they live in by experimenting with different methods and adapting to any failures they may encounter. The study will also show how the reach of the individual has become faster and further than previously possible. The elements of pragmatic humanism will be broken down into five main tenets. The study will take a thematic approach in analyzing the tweets through the perspective of the particular tenet. The study will also show the power of individual desires when they are able to combine with the social context of the time. The advent of Twitter has allowed individuals to test and experiment with hypotheses much quicker than before and allows them to make monumental changes to their reality in a much shorter period of time. / Graduation date: 2013
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The Apocalypse will be Televised: Representations of the Cold War on Network Television, 1976-1987Underwood, Aubrey 01 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the major television networks, in conjunction with the Reagan administration, launched a lingering cloud of nuclear anxiety that helped to revive the Cold War during the 1980s. Placed within a larger political and cultural post-war context, this national preoccupation with a global show-down with the Soviet Union at times both hindered and bolstered Reagan’s image as the archetypal conservative, cowboy President that could free America from its liberal adolescent past now caustically referred to as “the sixties.” This stalwart image of Reagan, created and carefully managed by a number of highly-paid marketing executives, as one of the embodiment of peaceful deterrence, came under attack in the early 1980s when the “liberal” Nuclear Freeze movement showed signs of becoming politically threatening to the staunch conservative pledging to win the Cold War at any cost. And even if the nuclear freeze movement itself was not powerful enough to undergo the Herculean task of removing the President in 1984, the movement was compassionate enough to appeal to a mass audience, especially when framed in narrative form on network television. In the early 1980s, debates over the possibility of nuclear war and other pertinent Cold War related issues became much more democratized in their visibility on the network airwaves. However, the message disseminated from the networks was not placed in an educational framework, nor did these television productions clarify complicated nuclear issues such as nuclear winter theory and proliferation. I argue this renewed network attention on nuclear issues was not placed in an historical framework and likely confused American viewers because it routinely exposed audiences to both fact and fiction, undifferentiated at the level of the mass media.
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Improvisation as a strategy for the teaching of physical science in Venda with reference to teacher trainingSirestarajah, Kulandaivelu 11 1900 (has links)
Practical work forms an integral part of physical science. Most schools in Venda have no laboratories for practical work. Teachers use the telling method. Students learn by rote. They learn without understanding science concepts. They cannot apply their knowledge to real life situations. This research investigates the use of equipment from inexpensive material in teaching physical science. Teachers trained to improvise equipment use them in classroom teaching. These help teachers to understand many science concepts and use the process approach in their teaching. The research found that when science is taught through experiments with improvised apparatus, student learning occurs at various domains of science education. The bad effects of lack of facilities
for practical work are mostly eliminated. Meaningful learning leads to the understanding of science concepts. Students construct their own knowledge, apply it to any situation and enjoy learning the subject. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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Conduta leiga e assistência médica em pacientes do Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo / Non-medical conduct and medical assistance in patients assisted in the Ophthalmology Emergency Room at Clinics Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo School of MedicineRegina de Souza Carvalho 15 August 2007 (has links)
Foi realizado um survey transversal, descritivo e analítico em amostra não-probabilística, prontamente acessível, de tamanho 561, formada por pacientes que procuraram o Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo numa semana considerada típica de atendimento.Os dados foram obtidos através da ficha administrativa e aplicação de questionário semi-estruturado, realizado por meio de entrevistas. O questionário também constava de entrevista com o médico que fez o atendimento. O estudo teve como objetivos, em relação a usuários do pronto-socorro: descrever características sócio-demográficas, razões da procura e da escolha de unidade hospitalar, verificar conhecimentos e condutas referentes a causas e tratamentos do agravo ocular; verificar a adoção de tratamentos oculares prévios ao atendimento, identificar fontes de orientação na adoção de tratamentos, verificar causas de demora na procura de tratamento, identificar percepções sobre diagnóstico e tratamento prescrito. Em relação à instituição: determinar a proporção de atendimentos oculares de urgência e não urgência; disponibilizar informações para subsidiar intervenções educativas e assistenciais de saúde ocular. A análise estatística foi realizada com o uso do programa Stata (versão 9.0). Entre os resultados, destacou-se: o período de maior procura por atendimento oftalmológico no Pronto-Socorro do Hospital das Clínicas foi matutino e nos dias da semana; não houve diferença significante entre os sexos; a média de idade foi 39,8 anos; o atendimento foi realizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde para 91,1% dos pacientes. A maioria dos atendidos tinha baixa renda e escolaridade. Metade dos pacientes era de fora da área de cobertura do Hospital das Clínicas. Para 49,0% a escolha do Hospital das Clínicas ocorreu por confiança e competência; para 42,2% por não haver oftalmologista nos serviços que costumam freqüentar. O tempo para procurar o serviço foi de mais de 24 horas a uma semana para 40,8% dos pacientes. A demora em procurar atendimento ocorreu por não considerar que era urgente por 47,0% e 34,1% foram a outro serviço antes. Daqueles que foram a outros serviços previamente, 48,8% não tiveram alteração do quadro, 39,6% pioraram sintomas. A automedicação foi usada prévio a vinda ao Pronto-Socorro por 40,5% dos pacientes. Desses, 29,4% usaram produtos caseiros. Os produtos mais freqüentemente utilizados foram água boricada, soro fisiológico, água de torneira ou poço, chás, compressas, lavagem com ervas (alecrim, arruda). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no uso de automedicação para tratar os sintomas oculares entre homens e mulheres (p = 0,95), nas diferentes faixas etárias (p = 0,14) ou nos diferentes níveis de escolaridade (p = 0,21). Também não foi observada diferença no padrão de uso de automedicação quanto à situação de trabalho dos pacientes (p = 0,15) ou quanto ao seu local de residência (p = 0,52).Pacientes com diagnóstico de inflamação/infecção ou trauma apresentaram as maiores proporções de uso de automedicação (49,5%). Relataram ter procurado auxílio religioso para tratar o problema 16,1% dos pacientes. Referiram ter entendido a informação sobre o que tinham 95,1%dos pacientes. Dos que receberam prescrição de medicamento, 95,0% entenderam como e porque usá-lo. Aproximadamente 50,0% dos pacientes deram nota máxima ao atendimento recebido. Segundo os oftalmologistas, 18,1% eram casos de urgência e 83,2% dos casos poderiam ter sido resolvidos em serviços de menor complexidade. Dos pacientes, 55,2% apresentavam diagnóstico de inflamação/infecção; 19,1% trauma. Conjuntivite viral foi o diagnóstico mais freqüente 24,6%, seguido por corpo estranho de córnea 7,5%, meibomite 6,4%. Entre os pacientes atendidos, os plantonistas classificaram 11,7% como retorno e 2,0% pós-operatório. Não houve diferença significativa no diagnóstico clínico entre os pacientes que vieram espontaneamente e os referenciados (p = 0,09). Em relação ao preenchimento das fichas administrativas, ressalta-se que 3,6% não constavam o nome do médico, 3,4% não constavam o CRM, 33,4% não foram preenchidos histórico ou observações clínicas; 6,3% só constavam o CID como diagnóstico. Concluiu-se que: a automedicação é muito difundida entre os pacientes e o uso de produtos caseiros se faz presente mesmo nos casos de urgência ocular. Os pacientes estão recebendo e entendendo explicações sobre o agravo ocular e sobre o tratamento prescrito. Os plantonistas vêm mantendo um bom relacionamento médico-paciente. O atendimento recebido pelo paciente foi considerado excelente. O Pronto-Socorro de Oftalmologia do Hospital das Clínicas é um hospital terciário que atende em sua maioria, casos primários e secundários; a maioria dos diagnósticos não foi considerada como urgência / We report a transversal, descriptive and analytical survey in a non-probabilistic promptly accessible sample, composed of 561 patients who looked for the Ophthalmology Emergency Room (E.R) of Clinics Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine during a regular week. Data were collected from administrative charts and from semi-structured questionnaire through interviews. The questionnaire also included an interview with the physician who assisted the patient. The study had the following purposes relative to the E.R patients: to describe social-demographic characteristics; reasons for search and choice of the hospital unit; to assess knowledge and conducts related to eye diseases and their causes and treatment; to assess previous ocular treatments; to identify the causes of compliance with treatment; to identify the reason for delayed search to medical treatment; to identify the knowledge about diagnosed diseases and prescribed treatment. Relative to the institution: to assess the rate of urgent and non-urgent ocular visits; to provide helpful data for ocular health assistance and educational interventions. Statistical analysis was performed using Stata software (version 9.0). The most important results were: most searches for the Emergency Room occurred during the day and on week-days; no statistically significant difference related to gender; average age was 39.8; and 91.1% of visits were assisted by the Public Health System. Most patients had low schooling and money income. Half of the patients did not belong to the area covered by Clinics Hospital. Forty-nine percent of the patients chose Clinics Hospital based to trust on the professionals and their competence; for 42.2% of the patients due to unavailability of ophthalmologists in the health units they are used to go to. The time taken to search assistance was between 24 hours and 1 (one) week for 40.8% of the patients. Such delay was due to the fact the 47% of the patients did not believe that their situation was urgent, and 34.1% searched another health unit before. Among those who searched another unit, 48.8% did not report worsening of health symptoms by the time they reached the E.R, while 39.6% did. Auto-medication was used previously to the E.R. visit by 40.5% of the patients, 29.4% of whom used home-made products. Most of these products were: boric water, physiologic saline solution, tap or well water, and herbs. No significant difference in auto-medication between man and women (p = 0.95), in different age levels (p= 0.14) or schooling levels (p= 0.21) was observed, neither in relation to work situation (p= 0.15) or place of residence (p= 0.52). Higher rates of auto-medication were observed among patients with ocular inflammation/ infection or trauma (49.5%), while 16.1% of the patients reported search for religious help to treat their disease. 95.1% of the patients reported having understood the information given about their condition. Among those patients to whom medication was prescribed, 95% understood how and why to use it. Approximately 50% of the patients graded with the maximum score the xxii xxiii assistance received. According to the ophthalmologists opinion, 18.1% of visits were real urgent cases, while 83.2% could have been attended at less complex health units. 52.2% of the patients were diagnosed with inflammation/infectious diseases; and 19.1% with trauma. Viral conjunctivitis was the most frequent diagnosis (24.6%), followed by corneal foreign bodies (7.5%), and meibomitis (6.4%). Considering assisted patients, physicians classified 11.7% as return visits and 2.0% as post-surgical visits. There was no significant difference on clinical diagnosis between patients on spontaneous or referred assistance (p= 0.09). As for the administration charts, it is important to emphasize that 3.6% of them did not contain the physicians name, 3.4% did not contain the professional registration number, 33.4% did not contain historical and clinical observations, and 6.3% only contained the International Classification of Diseases number. In conclusion, auto-medication is largely used among patients and the use of home-made products occurs even in urgent ocular situations. Patients are receiving and understanding the explanations about their ocular diseases and the prescribed treatment. E.R ophthalmologists have had a satisfactory physician-patient relationship. Medical assistance received by patients was considered excellent. Clinics Hospital Ophthalmologic E.R is a reference service which assists mostly primary and secondary cases, most of them being considered non-urgent
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Úloha italských obchodních komor v podnikatelském prostředí / The Role of Italian Chambers of Commerce within Entrepreneurial EnvironmentHorká, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the role of Italian Chambers of Commerce within international entrepreneurial environment. An overall analysis of Italian entrepreneurial environment is elaborated in terms of macroeconomic indicators and their last development, investment environment and characteristic features of Italian economy. The thesis analyses the system of Italian chambers of commerce in Italy and abroad, their function and role within nowadays society and everyday life of Italian businessmen and their business partners. It describes the history of Italian chambers of commerce, introduces Italian chambers of commerce under the rule of law no. 580/1993 and deals with their authorities, financing and staff. It characterises also the Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere) and representation of Italian chambers of commerce within the European Union and it deals with the activity of the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (Assocamerestero). On the concrete case of the Italian-Czech Chamber of Commerce in Prague it describes the specifics of the activities of this chamber of commerce.
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The legitimacy of judicial law-making and the application of judicial discretion in South Africa : a legal comparative studyMhlanga, Pete Vusi 02 1900 (has links)
The concept of judicial law-making impacts on the extent, meaning and scope relationship between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. It is an integral function of the courts while its shape, meaning and nature seem to lack sufficient formulation and articulation, which results in an inherent problem regarding its legitimacy. This study examines the legitimacy and the working of the South African constitutional judicial law-making concepts. Its effect on the constitutional relationships between all three branches of government is scrutinized. In order to fully probe this concept, its impact and application on the separation of powers, judicial review, constitutional deference and mandatory minimum sentences becomes inevitable.
The introductory part of this study looks at origins and historical development of the separation of powers doctrine and its application under the 1996 South African Constitution. The latter part focuses on the nature and the scope of judicial review, judicial law-making, constitutional deference and mandatory minimum sentences with a view establishing the impact of these concepts in our judicial law-making. The development of these concepts by South African courts, and what seems to be the lack of formulation and articulation of South African constitutional judicial law-making which raises questions regarding its legitimacy is probed.
This research recommends that it is of the utmost importance that South Africa develops its own unique and comprehensive doctrine of separation of powers. The Constitution further requires reforms in order to clarify the extent to which the courts can go when formulating laws and public policy in the interests of justice, and whether the interests-of-justice test is capable of delivering a well-informed outcome in developing this jurisdiction’s laws. South African jurisprudence also needs to be developed in empowering the legislature to make laws which are constitutionally compliant without making the courts the sole expositor of the Constitution. Lastly, the extent to which the legislature can enact certain laws must be redefined, which on face value might seems to be encroaching into the courts’ independence and authority. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. D. (Criminal and Procedural Law)
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