Spelling suggestions: "subject:"magnetron"" "subject:"agnetron""
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Otimização das propriedades estruturais de filmes de nitreto de alumínio visando sua aplicação como material piezoelétrico. / Structural properties optimization of aluminum nitride films aiming their application as piezoelectric material.Rubens Martins Cunha Junior 01 June 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre a produção e caracterização do nitreto de alumínio (AlN) obtido pela técnica de r.f. Magnetron Sputtering reativo. Aqui reportamos o efeito dos parâmetros de deposição, como densidade de potência de r.f., temperatura e pressão de processo nas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e elétricas dos filmes de AlN obtidos. Foram realizados estudos sobre os modos vibracionais, pela técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), das orientações cristalográficas por difração de raios X e da morfologia da superfície pela técnica de microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Estes estudos nos permitiram produzir filmes finos de AlN com uma alta orientação na direção cristalográfica [002] com uma potência de r.f. de 1,23 W/cm2 , uma temperatura de deposição de 200°C e uma pressão de processo de 2 mTorr. Este estudo nos permitiu fabricar filmes de AlN com alta orientação [002] à temperatura ambiente a partir de um alvo de Al. O coeficiente piezoelétrico d33 variou de aproximadamente 4 a 6 pm/V e o d31 2 a 3 pm/V para filmes cristalinos e d33 3 pm/V e d31 1,5 pm/V para filmes amorfos. Os coeficientes piezoelétricos d33 and d31 foram estimados pelo método capacitivo proposto por Mahmoud Al Ahmad and Robert Plana, através da variação das dimensões geométricas induzidas pelo campo elétrico aplicado. / In this work we present a study about the production and characterization of aluminum nitride (AlN) obtained by r.f. Reactive Magnetron Sputtering. Here we report the effect of the deposition parameters, such as r.f. power density, and deposition temperature and pressure, on the morphological, structural and electrical properties of the obtained AlN thin films. In this work we have performed studies concerning the vibrational modes by Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption technique (FTIR), the crystallographic orientations by X-ray diffraction and the surface morphology by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). This study allowed us to produce high oriented [002] AlN thin films with a r.f. power density of 1.23 W/cm2, a deposition temperature of 200ºC and a process pressure of 2 mTorr. This study allowed us to produce high oriented [002] AlN thin films at room temperature from a pure Al target. The piezoelectric coefficient d33 was around 4 to 6 pm/V and d31 2 to 3 pm/V to crystalline films and d33 3 pm/V and d31 1.5 pm/V amorphous ones. d33 and d31 piezoelectric coefficients were estimated by the capacitive method proposed by Mahmoud Al Ahmad and Robert Plana, through its geometrical dimensions variation.
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Otimização das propriedades estruturais de filmes de nitreto de alumínio visando sua aplicação como material piezoelétrico. / Structural properties optimization of aluminum nitride films aiming their application as piezoelectric material.Cunha Junior, Rubens Martins 01 June 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre a produção e caracterização do nitreto de alumínio (AlN) obtido pela técnica de r.f. Magnetron Sputtering reativo. Aqui reportamos o efeito dos parâmetros de deposição, como densidade de potência de r.f., temperatura e pressão de processo nas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e elétricas dos filmes de AlN obtidos. Foram realizados estudos sobre os modos vibracionais, pela técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), das orientações cristalográficas por difração de raios X e da morfologia da superfície pela técnica de microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Estes estudos nos permitiram produzir filmes finos de AlN com uma alta orientação na direção cristalográfica [002] com uma potência de r.f. de 1,23 W/cm2 , uma temperatura de deposição de 200°C e uma pressão de processo de 2 mTorr. Este estudo nos permitiu fabricar filmes de AlN com alta orientação [002] à temperatura ambiente a partir de um alvo de Al. O coeficiente piezoelétrico d33 variou de aproximadamente 4 a 6 pm/V e o d31 2 a 3 pm/V para filmes cristalinos e d33 3 pm/V e d31 1,5 pm/V para filmes amorfos. Os coeficientes piezoelétricos d33 and d31 foram estimados pelo método capacitivo proposto por Mahmoud Al Ahmad and Robert Plana, através da variação das dimensões geométricas induzidas pelo campo elétrico aplicado. / In this work we present a study about the production and characterization of aluminum nitride (AlN) obtained by r.f. Reactive Magnetron Sputtering. Here we report the effect of the deposition parameters, such as r.f. power density, and deposition temperature and pressure, on the morphological, structural and electrical properties of the obtained AlN thin films. In this work we have performed studies concerning the vibrational modes by Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption technique (FTIR), the crystallographic orientations by X-ray diffraction and the surface morphology by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). This study allowed us to produce high oriented [002] AlN thin films with a r.f. power density of 1.23 W/cm2, a deposition temperature of 200ºC and a process pressure of 2 mTorr. This study allowed us to produce high oriented [002] AlN thin films at room temperature from a pure Al target. The piezoelectric coefficient d33 was around 4 to 6 pm/V and d31 2 to 3 pm/V to crystalline films and d33 3 pm/V and d31 1.5 pm/V amorphous ones. d33 and d31 piezoelectric coefficients were estimated by the capacitive method proposed by Mahmoud Al Ahmad and Robert Plana, through its geometrical dimensions variation.
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An Investigation of Target Poisoning during Reactive Magnetron SputteringGüttler, Dominik 23 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Objective of the present work is a broad investigation of the so called "target poisoning" during magnetron deposition of TiN in an Ar/N2 atmosphere. Investigations include realtime in-situ ion beam analysis of nitrogen incorporation at the Ti sputter target during the deposition process and the analysis of particle uxes towards and from the target by means of energy resolved mass spectrometry. For experiments a planar, circular DC magnetron, equipped with a 2 inch titanium target was installed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber which was attached to the beam line system of a 5 MV tandem accelerator. A manipulator allows to move the magnetron vertically and thereby the lateral investigation of the target surface. During magnetron operation the inert and reactive gas flow were adjusted using mass flow controllers resulting in an operating pressure of about 0.3 Pa. The argon flow was fixed, whereas the nitrogen flow was varied to realize different states of target poisoning. In a fi?rst step the mass spectrometer was used to verify and measure basic plasma properties e.g. the residual gas composition, the behavior of reactive gas partial pressure, the plasma potential and the dissociation degree of reactive gas molecules. Based on the non-uniform appearance of the magnetron discharge further measurements were performed in order to discuss the role of varying particle fluxes across the target during the poisoning process. Energy and yield of sputtered particles were analyzed laterally resolved, which allows to describe the surface composition of the target. The energy resolving mass spectrometer was placed at substrate position and the target surface was scanned by changing the magnetron position correspondingly. It was found, that the obtained energy distributions (EDF) of sputtered particles are influenced by their origin, showing signi?ficant differences between the center and the erosion zone of the target. These results are interpreted in terms of laterally different states of target poisoning, which results in a variation of the surface binding energy. Consequently the observed energy shift of the EDF indicates the metallic or already poisoned fraction on target surface. Furthermore the EDF's obtained in reactive sputtering mode are broadened. Thus a superposition of two components, which correspond to the metallic and compound fractions of the surface, is assumed. The conclusion of this treatment is an discrete variation of surface binding energy during the transition from metallic to compound target composition. The reactive gas target coverage as derived from the sputtered energy distributions is in reasonable agreement with predictions from model calculations. The target uptake of nitrogen was determined by means of ion beam analysis using the 14N(d, )12C nuclear reaction. Measurements at varying nitrogen gas flow directly demonstrate the poisoning eff?ect. The reactive gas uptake saturates at a maximum nitrogen areal density of about 1.1016 cm-2 which corresponds to the stoichiometric limit of a 3 nm TiN layer. At sufficiently low reactive gas flow a scan across the target surface discloses a pronounced lateral variation of target poisoning, with a lower areal density in the target race track compared to the target center and edge. Again the findings are reproduced by model calculations, which confirm that the balance of reactive gas injection and sputter erosion is shifted towards erosion in the race track. Accomplished computer simulations of the reactive sputtering process are similar to Berg's well known model. Though based on experimental findings the algorithm was extended to an analytical two layer model which includes the adsorption of reactive gas as well as its different kinds of implantation. A distribution of ion current density across the target diameter is introduced, which allows a more detailed characterization of the processes at the surface. Experimental results and computer simulation have shown that at sufficiently low reactive gas flow, metallic and compound fractions may exist together on the target surface, which is in contradiction to previous simulations, where a homogeneous reactive gas coverage is assumed. Based on the results the dominant mechanisms of nitrogen incorporation at different target locations and at varying reactive gas admixture were identified. / Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Targetvergiftung beim reaktiven Magnetronsputtern von TiN in Argon-Sticksoff Atmosphäre. Die Untersuchungen beinhalten die Echtzeit in-situ Ionenstrahlanalyse des Stickstoffeinbaus in das Titantarget während des Depositionsprozesses sowie die Analyse der Teilchenflüsse vom – und hin zum Sputtertarget mittels energieaufgelöster Massenspektrometrie. Das Magnetron wurde in einer Vakuumkammer installiert, welche an die Beamline des 5 MV Tandembeschleunigers angeschlossen war. Die Position des Magnetrons konnte mittels eines Manipulator verändert werden, was die laterale Untersuchung der Targetoberfläche ermöglichte. Während des Magnetronbetriebes wurde der Argonfluss in die Kammer konstant gehalten, während der Stickstofffluss variiert wurde um verschiedene Ausprägungen der Targetvergiftung zu erreichen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Eigenschaften des Plasmas, z.B. die Zusammensetzung des Sputtergases, das Verhalten des Reaktivgaspartialdruckes, das Plasmapotenzial und der Dissoziationsgrad der Reaktivgasmoleküle im Plasma, mit dem Massenspektrometer ermittelt. Aufgrund der ungleichmäßigen Gasentladung vor dem Magnetrontarget, wurden auch lateral variierende Teilchenflüssen und eine ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung angenommen. Die Energie und die Ausbeute von gesputterten Teilchen wurde deshalb lateral aufgelöst untersucht. Das Massenspektrometer wurde zu diesem Zweck am Ort des Substrates positioniert und die Targetoberfläche konnte gescannt werden indem die Magnetronposition verändert wurde. Die so aufgenommenen Energieverteilungen der gesputterten Teilchen zeigen eine räumliche Abhängigkeit. Teilchen die aus dem Targetzentrum stammen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Energie signifikant von den Teilchen die in der Target-Erosionszone gesputtert werden. Dieses Resultat zeigt die ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung, wodurch es zu einer Veränderung der Oberflächenbindungsenergie kommt. Über die Verschiebung in der Energieverteilung lässt sich somit der Zustand der Targetoberfläche beschreiben. Diese experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der Modellrechnungen. Der Stickstoffgehalt des Targets wurde weiterhin mittels Ionenstrahlanalyse (NRA) bestimmt. Messungen bei verschiedenen Stickstoffflüssen demonstrieren direkt die Vergiftung des Targets. Die maximale Stickstoffkonzentration sättigt bei einem Wert, der dem Stickstoffgehalt in einer ca. 3 nm dicken Titannitridschicht entspricht. Bei ausreichend niedrigem Stickstofffluss zeigt die Messung quer über den Targetdurchmesser eine Variation im Stickstoffgehalt. Die Stickstoffkonzentration in der Erosionszone ist deutlich geringer als im Targetzentrum oder am Targetrand. Die Resultate wurden wiederum durch Modellrechnungen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten Computersimulationen basieren auf Sören Bergs Modell des reaktiven Sputterprozesses. Der Algorithmus wurde jedoch auf der Basis der experimentellen Ergebnisse erweitert. Das Modell beinhaltet nun Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Target, wie Adsorption, Implantation und Recoilimplantation. Des Weiteren wurde die Ionenstromverteilung als Funktion des Targetdurchmessers in das Modell aufgenommen, was eine detailliertere Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse und die Resultate der Computersimulation zeigen, dass bei niedrigen Reaktivgasflüssen metallische und vergiftete Bereiche auf der Targetoberfläche gemeinsam existieren. Das ist im Widerspruch zu älteren Simulationen, in denen von einer homogenen Targetbedeckung durch das Reaktivgas ausgegangen wird. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurden die dominierenden Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Sputtertarget, in Abhängigkeit von der Position und von der Sputtergaszusammensetzung, identifiziert.
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Investigation of the Amorphization of iron and austenitic stainless steel films by supersaturation with Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen / Untersuchung der Amorphisierung dünner Eisen und austenitischen Edelstahlschichten mittels der Übersättigung mit Bor, Kohlenstoff, Stickstoff und SauerstoffCusenza, Salvatore 14 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Desposição de filmes metálicos sobre a poli(Tereflalato de etileno) via Triodo-Magnetron- Sputtering: influência da corrente e das voltagem nas propriedades do filmesSoethe, Viviane Lilian 25 March 2004 (has links)
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VIVIANE LILIAN SOETHE.pdf: 4187786 bytes, checksum: ad2945f377ee8ffa2972dbc25afd42a0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004-03-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Triode Magnetron Sputtering (TMS) is a system of depositing film characterized by the introduction of a third electrode, which is made up of a grounded mobile screen, located between the cathode (target) and the anode (substrate). The purpose of this screen is to capture cold electrons (at a lower energy level) of discharge. Changing its relative position to the cathode, some of the characteristics of the plasma are changed such as the ignition tension. Based on this, a study was made investigating the relationship between the current and the target voltage by changing the positioning of the screen to the target. Through this study, we could verify that, it s possible to work independently with either of above parameters of deposition. As a result of controlling these parameters, we could verify that the deposition of quality metallic films is possible, by using a TMS equipment on polymeric substrates. By choosing the suitable conditions of deposition, based on a preliminary study, a deposition of Al film on a poly(ethylene terephthalate) substrate was made. It was observed through this study that these films prove to be structurally whole and with few faults. The maintenance of a constant current (0,5A) fir deposition of Al films on polymeric substrates indicates that the change in voltage alters mainly the deposition energy particles, not significantly the superficial property of films. We can still observe that the rate of deposition does not alter significantly with voltage increase, what is evidenced by the little temperature increase in the samples. The Al films deposited submitted to a constant voltage (-700V) displayed a distinct superficial topography due to the current used. The current variation influence was verified notably for the final structure of the deposited film. Besides this, this parameter is directly related to the deposition rate, this being responsible for a temperature increase of the sample caused by increase of condensation heat of deposited atoms. Thus we can say that the sample temperature is more influenced by target current than by target voltage. So, we can observe that depositions made under constant current cause less aggression to polymer and to deposited film than those made under constant voltage. Through TMS, it is possible to control deposition condition and consequently the deposition rate in an accurate way. This makes this method an efficient alternative to metallic film deposition. In view of above, an application of the study of deposited film on polymers was made, altering either the current or voltage of target. Films of Al an Inconel were deposited on Mylar® , a type of PET, with the purpose of investigating film behavior concerning its attenuation characteristics of 4 incident electromagnetic energy. This application range is very wide, including aerospace equipment, radars an so on. When the rate of deposition for the condition used is known, the thickness of film can be altered by varying the time of deposition. A study was conducted of the influence of layer thickness and film material (Al or Inconel) on the characteristics of attenuation of electromagnetic wave energy. According to studies, it was
observed that deposited layer thickness and film material influenced attenuating characteristics, so that Al and Inconel deposited films showed a maximum 13% attenuation. This leads us into believing that metallic films can be used with electromagnetic radiation absorbing materials, as long as ideal work thickness and its intrinsic characteristics are known. / O Triodo Magnetron Sputtering (TMS) é um sistema de deposição de filmes caracterizado pela introdução de um terceiro eletrodo, que é constituído de uma tela móvel aterrada, situado entre o catodo (alvo) e o anodo (substrato). Esta tela tem o papel de capturar elétrons frios (menos energéticos) da descarga. Alterando-se a posição relativa desta tela ao catodo, alteram-se algumas das características do plasma como, por exemplo, a tensão de ignição. Baseado nisso, realizou-se um estudo investigando-se a relação entre a corrente e a voltagem do alvo alterando-se a posição relativa da tela ao alvo. Por meio deste estudo, pode-se verificar que é possível tornar independentes estes dois parâmetros de deposição para uma determinada faixa de trabalho. Devido ao controle destes parâmetros, verificou-se que é possível depositar filmes metálicos de qualidade, utilizando um equipamento de TMS sobre substratos poliméricos. Através da escolha adequada das condições de deposição, baseadas no estudo realizado anteriormente, realizou-se a deposição de filmes de Al sobre um substrato de poli(Tereftalato de Etileno). Pode-se observar por meio deste estudo que estes filmes apresentam-se estruturalmente íntegros e com pouca quantidade de defeitos. As deposições de filmes de Al sobre substratos poliméricos mantendo-se a corrente constante (0,5A) indica que a mudança na voltagem altera principalmente a energia das partículas que se depositam, não modificando de forma significativa as propriedades superficiais dos filmes. Pode-se observar ainda que a razão de deposição não sofre alterações significativas com o aumento da voltagem, o que é evidenciado pela pequena elevação da temperatura sofrida pelas amostras. Os filmes de Al depositados sob voltagem constante (-700V) apresentaram topografia superficial distinta em função da corrente utilizada. Pode-se verificar que a variação da corrente influencia de forma significativa a estrutura final do filme depositado. Além disso, este parâmetro está diretamente relacionado com a razão de deposição, sendo este o fator responsável pelo aumento na temperatura da amostra devido a elevação no calor de condensação dos átomos que se depositam. Pode-se desta forma, dizer que a temperatura da amostra é mais influenciada pela corrente que pela voltagem do alvo. Assim, é possível observar que deposições realizadas sob corrente constante provocam menor agressão ao polímero e ao filme depositado que aquelas realizadas sob voltagem constante. Por meio do TMS, é possível controlar-se as condições de deposição e conseqüentemente a razão de deposição de maneira precisa, o que proporciona um controle da camada depositada. Isto faz deste 2 método uma alternativa eficiente para a deposição de filmes metálicos, passível de ser utilizado em muitos ramos de pesquisa. Atentando-se a este fato, realizou-se uma aplicação do estudo dos filmes depositados sobre polímero, alterando-se a corrente ou a voltagem do alvo independentemente. Para isso depositaram-se filmes de Al e Inconel (liga de níquel cromo) sobre Mylar®, um tipo de PET (poli (Tereftalato de etileno)), com a finalidade de investigar o comportamento deste filme quanto as suas características de atenuação de energia eletromagnética incidente. Esta aplicação é bastante vasta envolvendo equipamentos aeronáuticos, radares, e outros. Conhecida a razão de deposição da condição utilizada, pode-se alterar a espessura do filme obtido variando-se o tempo de deposição. Assim, fez-se um estudo da influência da espessura da camada e do material que constitui o filme (Al ou Inconel) nas características de atenuação de energia da onda eletromagnética. De acordo com os estudos, pode-se verificar que a espessura da camada depositada, e o material do filme influenciam nas características atenuadoras, sendo que os filmes de Al e Inconel depositados apresentaram uma atenuação de no máximo 13% . Isto nos leva a crer que filmes metálicos podem ser utilizados com materiais absorvedores de radiação eletromagnética, desde que se conheça a espessura ideal de trabalho e outras características intrínsecas do mesmo.
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Síntese e caracterização de revestimentos protetores de ZrN/TiN sobre o biomaterial Nitinol obtidos por tratamento duplex.Bernardi, Juliane Carla 08 July 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo do tratamento duplex para o biomaterial Nitinol (NiTi). Este tratamento consiste em nitretação a plasma para a formação do nitreto de titânio (TiN), seguido de deposição de um filme fino de nitreto de zircônio (ZrN) sobre a superfície nitretada. O estudo das fases cristalinas presentes no sistema foi realizado pela técnica de difração de raios X (DRX). A morfologia e espessura da camada nitretada e do filme fino depositado foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As propriedades mecânicas foram estudadas mediante ensaios de nanoindentação. Para avaliar a resistência à corrosão foram realizados testes de polarização potenciodinâmica em solução de saliva artificial. Os resultados mostram que a temperatura de nitretação tem forte influência na formação do TiN na superfície do substrato. O filme de ZrN depositado sobre as amostras nitretadas apresenta propriedades de dureza e resistência à corrosão que dependem da temperatura de nitretação, mesmo tendo sido depositados sem variação de temperatura. Esse comportamento sugere que os filmes são influenciados pela condição inicial da superfície antes da deposição. Os melhores resultados em termos de dureza e resistência à corrosão foram obtidos nas amostras tratadas em temperaturas mais elevadas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-05T18:07:33Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Juliane Carla Bernardi.pdf: 2940702 bytes, checksum: 376b73745f740260fc19e7a6e8b5d900 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-05T18:07:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Juliane Carla Bernardi.pdf: 2940702 bytes, checksum: 376b73745f740260fc19e7a6e8b5d900 (MD5) / The present work aims to study about duplex treatment on the biomaterial Nitinol (NiTi). This treatment consists in titanium nitride (TiN) formed by plasma nitration, followed by zirconium nitride (ZrN) thin film deposition upon the nitrated surface. The study of crystalline phases present in the system was performed by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD). The morphology and thickness of the nitrated layer and thin film were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties were studied by nanoindentation analysis. In order to evaluate corrosive resistance tests of potenciodynamic polarization were performed in solution of saliva artificial. Results demonstrate that nitration temperature has a strong influence in the formation TiN on the substrate surface. The ZrN film depositated upon nitrated samples present hardness and corrosive resistance properties that depend on nitration temperature, even though ZrN films were depositated without temperature variation. This behaviour suggests that films are influenced by the initial surface condition before depositon. The best results in terms of hardness and corrosive resistance were obtained in samples treated at higher temperatures.
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Influência do teor de silício em filmes finos de nitreto de zircônio depositados por magnetron sputtering reativo / Influence of silicon content in zirconium nitride thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputteringFreitas, Flávio Gustavo Ribeiro 19 March 2016 (has links)
Zr-Si-N thin films were deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering to study silicon
influence in the structure, morphology and properties such as hardness and oxidation
resistance. Six thin films with silicon concentrations from 2.8 to 14.9 at.% were
selected. Thin films morphology shows that there are no columnar grains, structure that
is commonly observed in films deposited by sputtering. It was identified amorphous and
crystalline areas in films microstructure, creating a structure composed by crystalline
grains embedded in an amorphous phase, which were characterized by EDS as Zr and Si
rich areas, respectively. XRD results indicate ZrN peaks intensity reduction and a
broadening increase due silicon nitride segregation to grain boundaries, which is
responsible for grain size reduction, that was calculated by Scherrer and reached
magnitudes lower than 10 nm. XRD peaks displacement are observed for all samples
and it can be explained due formation of a solid solution in which Si replaces Zr atoms
in ZrN crystal lattice and due a strong interface between crystalline phase and
amorphous one. XPS data reinforce the presence of compounds like ZrN and Si3N4 and
it is also possible to infer the formation of a solid solution of Si in ZrN lattice.
Oxidation tests were performed at temperatures in the range of 500°C to 1100°C. ZrN
film is almost fully oxidized at 500°C, while films with high silicon content maintain
ZrN grains stable at 700°C. When oxidized, ZrN films form monoclinic ZrO2 phase,
but, in films with silicon addition, the stable phase is the tetragonal one. This happens
due ZrN grain size reduction, because tetragonal phase has the lowest surface energy.
Oxidation tests results confirm that there is a mechanism acting as diffusion barrier in
films, preventing grains coalescence and oxygen diffusion into film structure. This
mechanism is a direct consequence of silicon segregation process to grain boundaries,
which ensures the formation of a nanostructure composed of ZrN grains embedded by
an amorphous Si3N4 layer (nc-ZrN/a-Si3N4), allowing oxidation resistance improvement
in at least 200°C. / Filmes finos de Zr-Si-N foram depositados por magnetron sputerring reativo para
estudar a influência do teor de silício na estrutura, morfologia e propriedades como
dureza e resistência a oxidação. Para tal, foram selecionados seis filmes com teor de Si
entre 2,8 e 14,9 at.%. A morfologia demonstra que a estrutura colunar característica dos
filmes depositados por sputtering não existe. A estrutura é composta por áreas
cristalinas e outras amorfas, na qual os grãos cristalinos estão envolvidos pela fase
amorfa, sendo que EDS detectou que estas fases são ricas em Zr e Si, respectivamente.
Há redução de intensidade e alargamento dos picos de difração do ZrN, efeito
provocado pela segregação do Si3N4 para região dos contornos, fato que propicia a
redução do tamanho de grão, o qual foi calculado por Scherrer e atinge magnitude
inferior a 10 nm. Os picos do DRX estão deslocados, fato justificado pela formação de
uma solução sólida na qual o Si substituiu o Zr no reticulado do ZrN e pela forte
interface formada entre as fases cristalina e amorfa. Dados de XPS reforçam a formação
de uma estrutura bifásica de ZrN e Si3N4 e mostra indícios de que há uma solução sólida
de Si no ZrN. Os ensaios de oxidação foram realizados em temperaturas de 500°C até
1100°C. O filme de ZrN praticamente se oxida a 500°C, enquanto nos filmes com altos
teores de silício os grãos de ZrN se mantém estáveis até 700°C. Quando oxidado, os
filmes de ZrN formam predominantemente ZrO2 na fase monoclínica, mas, nos filmes
com adição de Si há a inversão para a fase tetragonal. Tal fato é fruto da redução do
tamanho de grão, pois a fase tetragonal possui menor energia de superfície. Tais
resultados ratificam que existe mecanismo atuando como barreira a difusão, o qual
impede a coalescência dos grãos e a difusão do oxigênio. Este mecanismo é resultado
do processo de segregação do silício para os contornos, o qual assegura a formação da
nanoestrutura composta de grãos de ZrN embebidos por camada amorfa de Si3N4 (nc-
ZrN/a-Si3N4) e permite aprimorar a resistência a oxidação em pelo menos 200°C.
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Síntese e caracterização de revestimentos protetores de ZrN/TiN sobre o biomaterial Nitinol obtidos por tratamento duplex.Bernardi, Juliane Carla 08 July 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo do tratamento duplex para o biomaterial Nitinol (NiTi). Este tratamento consiste em nitretação a plasma para a formação do nitreto de titânio (TiN), seguido de deposição de um filme fino de nitreto de zircônio (ZrN) sobre a superfície nitretada. O estudo das fases cristalinas presentes no sistema foi realizado pela técnica de difração de raios X (DRX). A morfologia e espessura da camada nitretada e do filme fino depositado foram avaliadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). As propriedades mecânicas foram estudadas mediante ensaios de nanoindentação. Para avaliar a resistência à corrosão foram realizados testes de polarização potenciodinâmica em solução de saliva artificial. Os resultados mostram que a temperatura de nitretação tem forte influência na formação do TiN na superfície do substrato. O filme de ZrN depositado sobre as amostras nitretadas apresenta propriedades de dureza e resistência à corrosão que dependem da temperatura de nitretação, mesmo tendo sido depositados sem variação de temperatura. Esse comportamento sugere que os filmes são influenciados pela condição inicial da superfície antes da deposição. Os melhores resultados em termos de dureza e resistência à corrosão foram obtidos nas amostras tratadas em temperaturas mais elevadas. / The present work aims to study about duplex treatment on the biomaterial Nitinol (NiTi). This treatment consists in titanium nitride (TiN) formed by plasma nitration, followed by zirconium nitride (ZrN) thin film deposition upon the nitrated surface. The study of crystalline phases present in the system was performed by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD). The morphology and thickness of the nitrated layer and thin film were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mechanical properties were studied by nanoindentation analysis. In order to evaluate corrosive resistance tests of potenciodynamic polarization were performed in solution of saliva artificial. Results demonstrate that nitration temperature has a strong influence in the formation TiN on the substrate surface. The ZrN film depositated upon nitrated samples present hardness and corrosive resistance properties that depend on nitration temperature, even though ZrN films were depositated without temperature variation. This behaviour suggests that films are influenced by the initial surface condition before depositon. The best results in terms of hardness and corrosive resistance were obtained in samples treated at higher temperatures.
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An Investigation of Target Poisoning during Reactive Magnetron SputteringGüttler, Dominik 12 March 2009 (has links)
Objective of the present work is a broad investigation of the so called "target poisoning" during magnetron deposition of TiN in an Ar/N2 atmosphere. Investigations include realtime in-situ ion beam analysis of nitrogen incorporation at the Ti sputter target during the deposition process and the analysis of particle uxes towards and from the target by means of energy resolved mass spectrometry. For experiments a planar, circular DC magnetron, equipped with a 2 inch titanium target was installed in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber which was attached to the beam line system of a 5 MV tandem accelerator. A manipulator allows to move the magnetron vertically and thereby the lateral investigation of the target surface. During magnetron operation the inert and reactive gas flow were adjusted using mass flow controllers resulting in an operating pressure of about 0.3 Pa. The argon flow was fixed, whereas the nitrogen flow was varied to realize different states of target poisoning. In a fi?rst step the mass spectrometer was used to verify and measure basic plasma properties e.g. the residual gas composition, the behavior of reactive gas partial pressure, the plasma potential and the dissociation degree of reactive gas molecules. Based on the non-uniform appearance of the magnetron discharge further measurements were performed in order to discuss the role of varying particle fluxes across the target during the poisoning process. Energy and yield of sputtered particles were analyzed laterally resolved, which allows to describe the surface composition of the target. The energy resolving mass spectrometer was placed at substrate position and the target surface was scanned by changing the magnetron position correspondingly. It was found, that the obtained energy distributions (EDF) of sputtered particles are influenced by their origin, showing signi?ficant differences between the center and the erosion zone of the target. These results are interpreted in terms of laterally different states of target poisoning, which results in a variation of the surface binding energy. Consequently the observed energy shift of the EDF indicates the metallic or already poisoned fraction on target surface. Furthermore the EDF's obtained in reactive sputtering mode are broadened. Thus a superposition of two components, which correspond to the metallic and compound fractions of the surface, is assumed. The conclusion of this treatment is an discrete variation of surface binding energy during the transition from metallic to compound target composition. The reactive gas target coverage as derived from the sputtered energy distributions is in reasonable agreement with predictions from model calculations. The target uptake of nitrogen was determined by means of ion beam analysis using the 14N(d, )12C nuclear reaction. Measurements at varying nitrogen gas flow directly demonstrate the poisoning eff?ect. The reactive gas uptake saturates at a maximum nitrogen areal density of about 1.1016 cm-2 which corresponds to the stoichiometric limit of a 3 nm TiN layer. At sufficiently low reactive gas flow a scan across the target surface discloses a pronounced lateral variation of target poisoning, with a lower areal density in the target race track compared to the target center and edge. Again the findings are reproduced by model calculations, which confirm that the balance of reactive gas injection and sputter erosion is shifted towards erosion in the race track. Accomplished computer simulations of the reactive sputtering process are similar to Berg's well known model. Though based on experimental findings the algorithm was extended to an analytical two layer model which includes the adsorption of reactive gas as well as its different kinds of implantation. A distribution of ion current density across the target diameter is introduced, which allows a more detailed characterization of the processes at the surface. Experimental results and computer simulation have shown that at sufficiently low reactive gas flow, metallic and compound fractions may exist together on the target surface, which is in contradiction to previous simulations, where a homogeneous reactive gas coverage is assumed. Based on the results the dominant mechanisms of nitrogen incorporation at different target locations and at varying reactive gas admixture were identified. / Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Targetvergiftung beim reaktiven Magnetronsputtern von TiN in Argon-Sticksoff Atmosphäre. Die Untersuchungen beinhalten die Echtzeit in-situ Ionenstrahlanalyse des Stickstoffeinbaus in das Titantarget während des Depositionsprozesses sowie die Analyse der Teilchenflüsse vom – und hin zum Sputtertarget mittels energieaufgelöster Massenspektrometrie. Das Magnetron wurde in einer Vakuumkammer installiert, welche an die Beamline des 5 MV Tandembeschleunigers angeschlossen war. Die Position des Magnetrons konnte mittels eines Manipulator verändert werden, was die laterale Untersuchung der Targetoberfläche ermöglichte. Während des Magnetronbetriebes wurde der Argonfluss in die Kammer konstant gehalten, während der Stickstofffluss variiert wurde um verschiedene Ausprägungen der Targetvergiftung zu erreichen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Eigenschaften des Plasmas, z.B. die Zusammensetzung des Sputtergases, das Verhalten des Reaktivgaspartialdruckes, das Plasmapotenzial und der Dissoziationsgrad der Reaktivgasmoleküle im Plasma, mit dem Massenspektrometer ermittelt. Aufgrund der ungleichmäßigen Gasentladung vor dem Magnetrontarget, wurden auch lateral variierende Teilchenflüssen und eine ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung angenommen. Die Energie und die Ausbeute von gesputterten Teilchen wurde deshalb lateral aufgelöst untersucht. Das Massenspektrometer wurde zu diesem Zweck am Ort des Substrates positioniert und die Targetoberfläche konnte gescannt werden indem die Magnetronposition verändert wurde. Die so aufgenommenen Energieverteilungen der gesputterten Teilchen zeigen eine räumliche Abhängigkeit. Teilchen die aus dem Targetzentrum stammen unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihrer Energie signifikant von den Teilchen die in der Target-Erosionszone gesputtert werden. Dieses Resultat zeigt die ungleichmäßige Targetvergiftung, wodurch es zu einer Veränderung der Oberflächenbindungsenergie kommt. Über die Verschiebung in der Energieverteilung lässt sich somit der Zustand der Targetoberfläche beschreiben. Diese experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen der Modellrechnungen. Der Stickstoffgehalt des Targets wurde weiterhin mittels Ionenstrahlanalyse (NRA) bestimmt. Messungen bei verschiedenen Stickstoffflüssen demonstrieren direkt die Vergiftung des Targets. Die maximale Stickstoffkonzentration sättigt bei einem Wert, der dem Stickstoffgehalt in einer ca. 3 nm dicken Titannitridschicht entspricht. Bei ausreichend niedrigem Stickstofffluss zeigt die Messung quer über den Targetdurchmesser eine Variation im Stickstoffgehalt. Die Stickstoffkonzentration in der Erosionszone ist deutlich geringer als im Targetzentrum oder am Targetrand. Die Resultate wurden wiederum durch Modellrechnungen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten Computersimulationen basieren auf Sören Bergs Modell des reaktiven Sputterprozesses. Der Algorithmus wurde jedoch auf der Basis der experimentellen Ergebnisse erweitert. Das Modell beinhaltet nun Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Target, wie Adsorption, Implantation und Recoilimplantation. Des Weiteren wurde die Ionenstromverteilung als Funktion des Targetdurchmessers in das Modell aufgenommen, was eine detailliertere Beschreibung des Prozesses ermöglicht. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse und die Resultate der Computersimulation zeigen, dass bei niedrigen Reaktivgasflüssen metallische und vergiftete Bereiche auf der Targetoberfläche gemeinsam existieren. Das ist im Widerspruch zu älteren Simulationen, in denen von einer homogenen Targetbedeckung durch das Reaktivgas ausgegangen wird. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurden die dominierenden Mechanismen des Reaktivgaseinbaus in das Sputtertarget, in Abhängigkeit von der Position und von der Sputtergaszusammensetzung, identifiziert.
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Die Rolle des Sauerstoffanteils in Titandioxid bei Tantal-Dotierung zur Verwendung als transparentes leitfähiges OxidNeubert, Marcel 01 February 2016 (has links)
Im Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit lag die Untersuchung polykristalliner TiO2:Ta-Schichten, hergestellt mittels Gleichstrom-Magnetron-Sputtern durch Verwendung reduzierter keramischer Targets und anschließender thermischer Nachbehandlung im Vakuum der zunächst nichtleitfähigen amorphen Precursorschichten. Es wurden die physikalischen Zusammenhänge, welche die strukturellen, elektrischen und optischen Eigenschaften der kristallinen TiO2:Ta-Schichten beeinflussen analysiert und dabei eine empfindliche Abhängigkeit vom Sauerstofffluss während der Abscheidung festgestellt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Verringerung der kinetischen Energie der Plasmateilchen beim Magnetron-Sputtern durch die Erhöhung des Gesamtdruckes vorteilhaft ist, um das Wachstum des gegenüber Rutil besser leitfähigen Anatas in Verbindung mit dem für niedrige Widerstände notwendigen Sauerstoffdefizit zu realisieren.
Bei einem Gesamtdruck von 2 Pa abgeschiedene polykristalline TiO2:Ta-Schichten haben einen spezifischen Widerstand von 1,5·10-3 Ωcm, eine hohe Ladungsträgermobilität (≈8 cm2V-1s-1) und einen geringen Extinktionskoeffizienten von 0,006.
Die Abhängigkeit des elektrischen Widerstandes vom Sauerstoffdefizit in der TiO2:Ta-Schicht wurde unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Ladungsträgeraktivierung sowie der Bildung von Ti-Fehlstellen diskutiert, welche vermutlich zur Kompensation und Lokalisierung von freien Elektronen beitragen.
Darüber hinaus wurde zur effizienteren Gestaltung der thermischen Nachbehandlung die konventionelle Vakuumtemperung erstmalig erfolgreich durch die Blitzlampentemperung ersetzt.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Elektrische Leitfähigkeit
2.2 Dielektrische Funktion und optische Eigenschaften
2.3 Transparente leitfähige Oxide
2.3.1 Elektrische Eigenschaften
2.3.2 Optische Eigenschaften
2.4 Titandioxid
2.4.1 Eigenschaften und Herstellung
2.4.2 Transparentes leitfähiges Anatas
3 Experimentelle Methoden
3.1 Grundlagen der Schichtabscheidung mittels Magnetron-Sputtern
3.1.1 Wechselwirkungsprozesse im Magnetronplasma
3.1.2 Kinetik der Teilchen im Plasma
3.1.3 Schichtbildung
3.1.4 Teilreaktive Abscheidung von TiO2
3.2 Versuchsaufbau und Durchführung
3.2.1 Magnetronsputteranlage
3.2.2 Durchführung der Beschichtung
3.3 Thermische Nachbehandlung
3.3.1 Ultra-Kurzzeittemperung kleiner 20 ms mittels Blitzlampen
4 Charakterisierungsmethoden
4.1 Schichtzusammensetzung und -struktur
4.1.1 Rutherford-Rückstreu-Spektrometrie
4.1.2 Röntgenbeugung
4.1.3 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
4.1.4 Röntgen-Nahkanten-Absorptions-Spektroskopie
4.1.5 Positronen-Annihilations-Spektroskopie
4.2 Elektrische Eigenschaften
4.2.1 Hall-Messung
4.2.2 4-Spitzen-Methode
4.3 Optische Eigenschaften
4.3.1 Spektrale Photometrie
4.3.2 Spektrale Ellipsometrie
4.3.3 Modellanalyse
5 Ergebnisse/Diskussion
5.1 Synthese von Sauerstoff-verarmtem Anatas
5.1.1 Abscheidung des amorphen Precursormaterials
5.1.2 Thermisch induzierte Kristallisation mittels Ofentemperung
5.1.3 Diskussion
5.1.4 Schlussfolgerungen
5.2 Elektrische Eigenschaften TiO2-basierter TCO
5.2.1 Ladungsträgeraktivierung und elektrischer Transport
5.2.2 Einschub zur Morphologie der Anatasschichten
5.2.3 Diskussion
5.2.4 Schlussfolgerungen
5.3 Optische Eigenschaften TiO2-basierter TCO
5.3.1 Einfluss des Temperprozesses
5.3.2 Bestimmung der dielektrischen Funktion und optischer Materialeigenschaften mittels Modellanalyse
5.3.3 Abhängigkeit der optischen Eigenschaften von der Ladungsträgerdichte
5.3.4 Diskussion
5.3.5 Schlussfolgerungen
5.4 Ultra-Kurzzeit-Kristallisation mittels Blitzlampen
5.4.1 Korrelation zwischen Abscheidungs - und FLA-Prozess
5.4.2 Einschub zur Kristallisationskinetik
5.4.3 Morphologie
5.4.4 Optoelektronische Eigenschaften
5.4.5 Diskussion
5.4.6 Schlussfolgerungen
6 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick / The work is focused on understanding the physical processes responsible for the modification of the structural, electrical and optical properties of polycrystalline TiO2:Ta films formed by vacuum annealing of initially not conductive amorphous films deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering. It is shown that the oxygen deficiency of amorphous and annealed TiO2:Ta films, respectively, is critical to achieve low resistivity and high optical transmittance of the crystalline films. Increasing the total pressure during magnetron sputter deposition is shown to be beneficial to achieve the desired oxygen deficient anatase growth, which is discussed in terms of energetic particle bombardment.
Polycrystalline anatase TiO2:Ta films of low electrical resistivity (1,5·10-3 Ωcm), high free electron mobility (≈8 cm2V-1s-1), and low extinction (0,006) are obtained in this way at a total pressure of 2 Pa. The dependence of the polycrystalline film electrical properties on the oxygen content is discussed in terms of Ta dopant electrical activation as well as transport limiting processes taking into account the formation of Ti-vacancies.
In addition, the conventional vacuum annealing has been successfully substituted by the flash lamp annealing in the millisecond range.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Elektrische Leitfähigkeit
2.2 Dielektrische Funktion und optische Eigenschaften
2.3 Transparente leitfähige Oxide
2.3.1 Elektrische Eigenschaften
2.3.2 Optische Eigenschaften
2.4 Titandioxid
2.4.1 Eigenschaften und Herstellung
2.4.2 Transparentes leitfähiges Anatas
3 Experimentelle Methoden
3.1 Grundlagen der Schichtabscheidung mittels Magnetron-Sputtern
3.1.1 Wechselwirkungsprozesse im Magnetronplasma
3.1.2 Kinetik der Teilchen im Plasma
3.1.3 Schichtbildung
3.1.4 Teilreaktive Abscheidung von TiO2
3.2 Versuchsaufbau und Durchführung
3.2.1 Magnetronsputteranlage
3.2.2 Durchführung der Beschichtung
3.3 Thermische Nachbehandlung
3.3.1 Ultra-Kurzzeittemperung kleiner 20 ms mittels Blitzlampen
4 Charakterisierungsmethoden
4.1 Schichtzusammensetzung und -struktur
4.1.1 Rutherford-Rückstreu-Spektrometrie
4.1.2 Röntgenbeugung
4.1.3 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
4.1.4 Röntgen-Nahkanten-Absorptions-Spektroskopie
4.1.5 Positronen-Annihilations-Spektroskopie
4.2 Elektrische Eigenschaften
4.2.1 Hall-Messung
4.2.2 4-Spitzen-Methode
4.3 Optische Eigenschaften
4.3.1 Spektrale Photometrie
4.3.2 Spektrale Ellipsometrie
4.3.3 Modellanalyse
5 Ergebnisse/Diskussion
5.1 Synthese von Sauerstoff-verarmtem Anatas
5.1.1 Abscheidung des amorphen Precursormaterials
5.1.2 Thermisch induzierte Kristallisation mittels Ofentemperung
5.1.3 Diskussion
5.1.4 Schlussfolgerungen
5.2 Elektrische Eigenschaften TiO2-basierter TCO
5.2.1 Ladungsträgeraktivierung und elektrischer Transport
5.2.2 Einschub zur Morphologie der Anatasschichten
5.2.3 Diskussion
5.2.4 Schlussfolgerungen
5.3 Optische Eigenschaften TiO2-basierter TCO
5.3.1 Einfluss des Temperprozesses
5.3.2 Bestimmung der dielektrischen Funktion und optischer Materialeigenschaften mittels Modellanalyse
5.3.3 Abhängigkeit der optischen Eigenschaften von der Ladungsträgerdichte
5.3.4 Diskussion
5.3.5 Schlussfolgerungen
5.4 Ultra-Kurzzeit-Kristallisation mittels Blitzlampen
5.4.1 Korrelation zwischen Abscheidungs - und FLA-Prozess
5.4.2 Einschub zur Kristallisationskinetik
5.4.3 Morphologie
5.4.4 Optoelektronische Eigenschaften
5.4.5 Diskussion
5.4.6 Schlussfolgerungen
6 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick
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