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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Achieving a Collaborative Goal-oriented Planning Process : Exploring the Early Stages of Swedish National Transport Planning / Att uppnå en kollaborativ målfokuserad planeringsprocess : Undersökning utifrån de tidiga skedena av Sveriges nationella transportplanering

Wallgren, Signe Hanson January 2022 (has links)
The transport sector is facing a noticeable challenge to decrease its environmental and climate impacts, as well as to increase the possibility to achieve the objectives that are managing the societal development. Additionally, the early stages of transport planning are characterised by the participation of many stakeholders and that several areas of interest are affected, which entails that no distinct solution exist. This is an example of a wicked problem. One strategy there has been found efficient to handle wicked problems is the collaborative planning approach. In Sweden, the Strategic Choice of Measures approach (SCM) is used in the early stages of the transport planning process to enable the integration of several perspectives and discussion of alternative measures. Previous studies show that there is a need for increased consideration of environmental aspects and use of the collaborative methodology in SCMs. Furthermore, there should be an increased coordination between the actors and inclusion of a broader problem description in the early stages of transport planning to be able to achieve the Swedish climate objective.  This degree project aimed to explore the early stages of national transport planning in Sweden in relation to the potential of achieving the objectives managing the transport system, with a focus on the environmental aspects and objectives. A qualitative methodology was used, based on a literature review, case study, semi-structured interviews with representatives from four governmental authorities, as well as a content analysis based on concepts from theories on collaborative planning and management by objectives.  The study found that the interviewees, in general, had a common understanding of the early stages of national transport planning in Sweden. The differing point of view that existed were dependent on the governmental authority’s role and possibility to participate in these planning steps. The biggest differences were found to be the opinion of what role the SCM should have in the transport planning and how environmental aspects should be considered. Further, the result and analysis showed that the early stages mean great opportunities for the contribution of achieving the environmental objectives, since the process of setting objectives is based on comprehensive objectives and a broad problem description, as well as the possibility to consider environmental aspects throughout the early stages. The result and analysis of the study also showed that potential of the early stages to consider environmental aspects and contribute to the achievement of environmental objectives would benefit from some improvements. The suggested improvements are to include support for increased transparency, develop new tools for assessment of measures and break down comprehensive objectives to the relevant planning level. Lastly, the study showed that the process pf setting achievement-inducing objectives and the collaborative planning approach may benefit from being used together. This conclusion would most likely be possible to apply to other societal development sectors when setting objectives. / Transportsektorn står inför en märkbar utmaning för att minska sin miljö- och klimatpåverkan, samt möjligheten att bidra till att uppnå de mål som styr samhällsutvecklingen. Dessutom karaktäriseras speciellt de tidiga skedena av transportplanering av att flera olika aktörer medverkar och att flera intressen påverkas, vilket medför att ingen entydig lösning finns. Detta är ett exempel på ett komplext problem (eng. wicked problem). För att hantera dessa problem har den kollaborativa planeringsteorin identifierats som en effektiv strategi. I Sverige används åtgärdsvalsstudien (ÅVS) i de tidiga skedena av transportplaneringsprocessen för att möjliggöra integrering av flera perspektiv och diskussion av alternativa åtgärder. Tidigare studier visar att det inom åtgärdsvalsstudier krävs en ökad hänsyn till miljöaspekter samt att den kollaborativa metodiken inte används fullt ut. Vidare bör det inom de tidiga skedena av transportplaneringen ske en ökad samordning av aktörer och inkluderas en bredare problembild för att nå Sveriges klimatmål.  Detta examensarbete syftade till att undersöka de tidiga skedena av nationell transportplanering i Sverige kopplat till dess potential att uppnå målen som styr transportsystemet, med fokus på miljöaspekter och miljömål. Studien följde en kvalitativ metodik som inkluderade en litteraturstudie, fallstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från fyra statliga myndigheter, samt en innehållsanalys baserad på begrepp från teori inom kollaborativ planering och målstyrning.  Studiens resultat visade att det generellt finns en samstämmig syn mellan intervjupersonerna för hur de tidiga skedena av Sveriges nationella transportplanering ser ut. Skillnaderna i synsätt som fanns grundade sig i myndighetens roll och möjlighet att delta i dessa planeringssteg. De största skillnaderna visade sig vara synen på vad åtgärdsvalsstudien ska ha för roll i transportplaneringen och på vilket sätt miljöaspekter bör tas hänsyn till i tidiga skeden. Vidare visade resultatet och analysen att de tidiga skedena har stora möjligheter att bidra till att miljömålen uppnås, detta genom att processen att sätta mål utgår från övergripande mål och en bred problembild, samt att miljöaspekter kan tas hänsyn till i alla steg inom de tidiga skedena. Studiens resultat och analys visade också att de tidiga skedenas potential att ta hänsyn till miljöaspekter och bidra till att miljömål uppnås skulle gynnas av vissa förbättringar, så som stöd för ökad transparens, att utveckla nya verktyg för bedömning av åtgärder och att bryta ned övergripande mål till den relevanta planeringsnivån. Avslutningsvis visade studien att processen att sätta rationella mål och den kollaborativa planeringsapproachen kan gynnas av att användas tillsammans. Denna slutsats skulle troligtvis även kunna appliceras inom andra samhällssektorer.

Riskhantering som en del av den organisatoriska styrningen / Risk management as part of organizational governance

Jebeli, Daniella January 2024 (has links)
Inledning: Det förändrade säkerhetspolitiska läget till följd av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har lyft fram behovet av militär internationell samverkan. Den svenska regeringen beslutade om ett medlemskap i NATO och Sverige blev fullvärdig medlem den 7 mars 2024. Försvarsmakten har lång erfarenhet av samarbete med NATO och andra allierade länder, men det samarbetet har inte inneburit samma typ av kravställning som ställs för en medlemsstat. Ett NATO-medlemskap i denna kontext innebär att lagar och förordningar kan behöva anpassas och Försvarsmakten kan uppleva ett behov av att justera sina styrande dokument. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om den organisatoriska riskhanteringen är en del av målstyrningen inom Försvarsmakten och om inträdet i NATO kan komma att påverka Försvarsmaktens organisatoriska riskhantering. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som till del är jämförande och en innehållsanalys mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument. Materialet består av styrande dokument som beskriver den organisatoriska riskhanteringen samt den övergripande organisatoriska styrningen i respektive organisation. Semistrukturerade intervjuer av tjänstemän inom Försvarsmakten har också genomförts. Data kategoriserades sedan tematisk med hjälp det av utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer kopplat till kapacitetsutveckling och tolkades utifrån dessa samt teorin riskstyrning. Resultat:  Resultatet visar på att det finns likheter och skillnader mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument, samt att riskhanteringen är beskriven i relation till Försvarsmaktens uppdrag och mål. Respondenterna bekräftar och ger en djupare inblick i Försvarsmaktens riskhantering. Slutsatser: Resultatet visar på att den organisatoriska riskhanteringen är en del av målstyrningen. Dock framkommer det att det finns utmaningar bland annat politiskt. Skillnaderna mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument visar även att dessa kan komma att påverka Försvarsmakten i form av ställningstagande och eventuell anpassning av styrande dokument. / Introduction: The Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine have altered the security environment and have highlighted the need for military international cooperation. The Swedish government decided that Sweden would apply for NATO membership and Sweden became a full member on March 7, 2024. The Swedish Armed Forces have a long experience of cooperation with NATO and other allied countries, but that cooperation has not entailed the same demands that of its member states. NATO membership in this context means that laws and regulations may need to be adapted and the Swedish Armed Forces may experience a need to adjust their governing documents. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the organizational risk management is part of the management by objectives within the Swedish Armed Forces and whether the entry into NATO may affect the Swedish Armed Forces' organizational risk management. Method: A qualitative comparative and content analysis study between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents. The material consists of governing documents that describe the organizational risk management as well as the overall organizational management, in each organization. Semi-structured interviews of officials within the Swedish Armed Forces have also been conducted. The data was then categorized thematically using challenges and success factors linked to capacity development and interpreted based on these and the theory of risk governance. Results: The results show that there are similarities and differences between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents, and that risk management is described in relation to the Swedish Armed Forces' missions and goals. The respondents confirm and further describe the Swedish Armed Forces' risk management. Conclusions: The results show that organizational risk management is part of goal management within the Swedish Armed Forces. However, it appears that there are challenges, political ones among other things. The differences between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents also show that these may affect the Swedish Armed Forces in terms of taking a position towards these differences and possible adaptation of governing documents.

Att spränga normer : om målstyrningsprocesser för jämställdhetsintegrering / Breaking Norms : On Management by Objectives for Gender Mainstreaming

Wittbom, Eva January 2009 (has links)
How do management control systems function when under pressure to mainstream gender equality into a core business? This question is being discussed with an interpretive approach from both the institutional and the gender perspective. Empirical evidence stems from two longitudinal case studies within the Swedish public sector where management by objectives (MBO) is the current model for governmental control. The analysis is based on four aspects: management by objectives, gender mainstreaming, the concept of loose coupling from organization studies and institutional change as translation. The gender perspective highlights constructions that tend to enable or to hamper gender equality. The sociological institutional perspective sheds light over rules, norms and culture. In the empirical cases, it becomes evident that formal goals within MBO proved unable to overrule prevailing norms that have grounded a well established gendered (malestream) culture.  Control systems are designed to handle new issues; however, in the cases studied, this took place merely normatively and in line with the core business, not by changing the grounds on which the control system stands. The MBO model consequently lacks the ability to integrate gender in a transformative mode.

Perceptions, challenges and coping strategies of social work managers regarding their management functions

Gunda, Edison 02 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study was to explore the perceptions, challenges and coping strategies of social work managers regarding their management functions. Management is vital for growth and survival of the social welfare sector and this can be realized if social work managers understand and are able to execute their management functions. This study utilized a qualitative research approach to unpack the perceptions and challenges of social work managers. Explorative, descriptive and contextual research designs were used to explore how social work managers cope in their settings. Data were collected from social work managers in the NGO sector and the Department of Social Development, through semistructured interviews. A sample was selected by using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using Creswell’s (2007:150) analytical spiral model, and data was verified using Guba’s model in Creswell (2007:150). Relevant social research ethical issues were fully considered in this study. The study revealed that there were social work managers who had the basic understanding of what social work management entails, whilst there were also those who did not understand what is meant by the concept ‘social work management’. In this study it was found that social work managers perform key management functions and roles such as planning, organising, leading, controlling, supervision, fundraising and financial management, coordination of services and performance management. The study revealed common challenges which are faced by social work managers. These challenges include a shortage of human resources, physical resources shortage, a lack of knowledge on management and a lack of adequate funding. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Work)

個別化する労使関係と企業別労働組合の対応 / コベツカ スル ロウシ カンケイ ト キギョウベツ ロウドウ クミアイ ノ タイオウ

三吉 勉, Tsutomu Miyoshi 14 September 2017 (has links)
日本企業の職場において個別化された仕事・労働条件決定のルールの構造を記述するフレーム、そして青木昌彦が展開した組織アーキテクチュアとコーポレートガバナンスの分析枠組みを労使関係・労働組合機能の分析に活用できるよう詳細化したフレームを提起し、企業別労働組合が個別化する労働条件決定における合意形成に向けてどのような役割を果たしているのかを賃金制度の労使協議・労働時間決定・経営参加の事例を展開した上で明らかにした。 / 博士(産業関係学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Relations / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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