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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pagrindinių kirtimų sortimentinės struktūros ir pajamų prognozavimo galimybių tyrimai / Research on prognosis of assortment composition and income from final cut

Radzevičius, Sigitas 16 June 2006 (has links)
Amounts of pine sawlogs, pine pulpwood as well as spruce pulpwod can be estimated rather precisely. The accuracy of the prognosis is as high as 90%. The amount of spruce sawlogs can be prognosed with less accuracy (75%). The biggest errors are obtained by prognosis of smal dimensions softwood and hardwood as well as of birch pulpwood. Prognosis of birch pulpwood differs from actuall volume 3.7 times. When prognosed income is being compared with the actual one, very small discrepancies are found, though the assorment composition is different. The difference between actual and theoretical income were 2.4% and -0.5% respectively for 2004 and 2005.

Virbalgirio botaninio – zoologinio draustinio būklės įvertinimas ir gamtosauginio plano parengimas / State evaluation and management plan of the protection of nature for virbalis botanical - zoological reserve

Gedminas, Jurga 08 September 2009 (has links)
“Virbalgirio botaninio-zoologinio draustinio būklės įvertinimas ir gamtosauginio plano parengimas” Jurga Gedminas Optimalus saugomų teritorijų ūkinis, rekreacinis ir kultūrinis panaudojimas priklauso nuo teritorijų tvarkymo planų. Virbalgirio botaninis-zoologinis draustinis užima 364 ha, sudarydamas atskirą kompaktišką miško masyvą, susidedantį iš 7 kvartalų. Tarp miško masyvo išlikę nedideli įsiterpusių pievų plotai. Miško pakraščiai ribojasi su dirbamaisiais laukais. Efektyvi draustinio gamtosauga neįmanoma be biotos tyrimų. Atliktais augalijos tyrimais (2000-2003) buvo nustatyta vyraujančios draustinyje miškų (Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939) klasės, liepyninių skroblynų (Tilio Carpinetum betuli) asociacijos bendrijos. Norint išsaugoti ar pagerinti esamą ekologinę draustinio būklę būtina parengti gamtosauginio tvarkymo planą. Norint nustatyti teritorijos vertę reikalingas ekologinis vertinimas. Pagal nustatytus kokybinius ir kiekybinius kriterijus išskirtinį dėmesį būtina skirti Tilio Carpinetum bendrijom, į Buveinių direktyvos I priedą įtrauktom Europinės svarbos buveinėm: skroblynam ir pelkėtiem lapuočių miškam, draustinyje išskirtom dviejų tipų Kertinėm miško buveinėm: upės šlaitam bei plačialapių miškam, bei retiems draustinyje esantiems augalams (dvi iš jų saugomos tarptautiniu mastu) ir gyvūnams (visos saugomos tarptautiniu mastu). Draustinio teritorijoje aplinką veikia skirtingi gamtiniai ir antropogeniniai veiksniai, kurie neigiamai veikia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / “State evaluation and management plan of the protection of nature for Virbalgiris botanical-zoological reserve” Jurga Gedminas Optimal economical, recreational and cultural use of conservancy areas depends on their management plans. The total area of Virbalgiris botanical-zoological reserve is 364 hectares. Almost the whole territory of reserve is covered with forest. The reserve has 7 blocks. Small meadows are inserted into the reserve woods, and it is surrounded by agricultural fields. Effective management of the reserve is impossible without the researches of biota. The researches of flora were made in 2000-2003 in Virbalgiris botanical-zoological reserve. These researches show the forest communicaties dominate in the reserve. The most common communicaties belong to Tilio-Carpinetum association, Querco-Fagetea class. It is necessary to make an environmental management plan to keep or make better situation in the reserve. Ecological evaluation is required for setting the value of the protected area. Using traditional quantitative and qualitative parameters, the most important attention must be paid to management of Tilio-Carpinetum communicaties, important European habitats written in I appendix of habitats directive (Sub-Atlantic and medio-European oak and oak-hornbeam forests of the Carpinion betuli, and Fennoscandian wooded pastures), Untempered forest habitats (broad-leaved deciduous forests, and river slope), and 10 species of and plants (two of them are protected... [to full text]

Transforming theory and practice of environmental governance – A case study of Ayubia National Park, Pakistan

Farooque, Mohsin January 2011 (has links)
Parks and protected areas are long-regarded as effective measures for conservation of biodiversity. More recently, they are also recognized as a means to provide social and economic benefits and indefinite ecological and environmental services, particularly to local communities. Historically, parks and protected areas have been managed through an exclusive model, whereby local communities are regarded as a threat to biodiversity preservation. More recently, this model is being replaced by an inclusive model which regards local communities as important stakeholders and partners in sustainable resource management. Like other developing countries of the world, Pakistan is switching to the inclusive model, mostly under the influence and pressure of the world community and external donors. This thesis focuses on the Ayubia National Park (ANP) in Pakistan. This park is managed by the provincial government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province through the Wildlife Department. At the same time, the park falls within the jurisdiction of the Forest Department by virtue of its being located within reserve forest. Until 1996, the traditional exclusive conservation model was predominant. Under the influence of the European Union (EU) and IUCN – The World Conservation Union – the inclusive approach has been tested in the park since 1996. Accordingly, the first park management plan was prepared with the active collaboration of all local communities, the WWF-Pakistan, and the Forest and Wildlife Departments. The planning document was designed to promote co-management and incorporate the viewpoints of all the local communities in park management. Following termination of EU funding, the plan was implemented, but without active involvement of the local communities. Evidence presented in this thesis shows that, due to strict management in line with the traditional exclusive conservation model, park resources have improved to a certain extent. However, failure in implementing the mutually agreed planning document has resulted in local communities developing serious mistrust against the Wildlife Department. This thesis suggests that short-term improvements in park resources mask the persistent problems of poor governance in the study area. The thesis shows that marked differences between the Forest and Wildlife Departments, and between local communities and the concerned government agencies provide a poor foundation for long-term sustainable resource management. Thus ineffective governance lies at the heart of resource management problems within the park. The thesis recommends that in order to effectively address the current park-people conflicts a state-centric co-management model should be pursued. Such a hybrid model will have the strengths of both the exclusive and inclusive models. The thesis further presents a framework focusing on effective environmental governance, effective management and effective planning. Importantly, the thesis argues that for effective environmental governance to be realized, the management approach must be place-based and site-specific. Thus, the thesis recommends both micro and macro level environmental governance measures. Such measures can be undertaken through proper institutional reforms that are undertaken at three distinct levels: legislative reforms, educational reforms and organizational reforms.

Bacia hidrográfica do rio das Ostras: proposta para gestão ambiental sustentável / The Ostras river basin: sustainable environmental management proposal

Mauro Alexandre de Oliveira Prioste 13 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise ambiental do rio das Ostras através do levantamento das características físicas, bióticas e antrópicas da macrorregião onde está localizada a bacia hidrográfica, que tomada como unidade de planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo, permite a elaboração de diversos instrumentos de gestão capazes de valorizar os ecossistemas existentes, resultando em políticas públicas com uma visão sócio ambiental. Apesar de as bacias hidrográficas apresentarem gestão com base legal estadual e federal, os maiores conflitos de ocupação ocorrem nos municípios e são capazes de gerar impactos ambientais locais, cuja responsabilidade de mitigação e compensação passam pela administração municipal. A bacia hidrográfica do rio das Ostras está, quase que integralmente, situada no município de mesmo nome,no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As características analisadas neste trabalho apontaram a necessidade de elaboração de um Plano de Gestão na bacia visando a preservação dos ecossistemas ali existentes, promovendo ações de educação ambiental, programas de redução de poluição, monitoramento da qualidade da água e das condições hidrosanitárias, controle de erosão e assoreamentos, recuperação da vegetação ciliar, manutenção da diversidade ecológica, resultando, assim, na melhoria global das condições sócio ambientais da região. / This dissertation presents an environmental analysis of the Ostras River Basin through surveys of physical, biological and anthropomorphic characteristics of the macroregion where the basin is located. The river basin was used as the base area for use management and ground occupation, allowing the elaboration of diverse assessment instruments capable of evaluating existing ecosystems, resulting in community politics with a social vision. Although river basins are under state and federal jurisdiction, the major conflicts in occupation occur in the cities, impacting the local environment, leaving the municipal administration responsible for enforcing pollution reduction and environmental compensation. The Ostras River Basin is almost entirely situated in the city of same name, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The characteristics analyzed in this dissertation point to the necessity of developing a Management Plan for this basin with the aim of preserving the existing ecosystems: promoting environmental education, developing pollution reduction programs, monitoring water quality and sewage and water conditions, soil and riverbank erosion, promoting recovery of riverbank vegetation, preserving ecological diversity, resulting, thus, in global improvement of the social conditions of the region.

A utilização do plano de gestão de logística sustentável como ferramenta de gestão: um olhar dos servidores da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria / Use of sustainable logistics management plan with management tool: a look from Santa Maria Federal University servants.

Gazzoni, Fernando 19 December 2014 (has links)
The sustainable logistics management plan was established by Decree 7746 of June 5, 2012, and with it all federal institutions were required to prepare logistic plans having sustainable development as the main point. For the success of this plan it is necessary to be incorporated into the organizational practices of each public administration servant. In the face of this situation and aiming to insert the plan and sustainable variable in UFSM organizational environment, the creation of action plans as main objective was defined. So we used a questionnaire to diagnose the profile of UFSM servants, assess the level of knowledge regarding sustainable issues and identify aspects considered the most important ones for the development of action plans. Besides, interviews were conducted with the setting-up committee of the PLS in UFSM in order to obtain a deepening of the process of design and its implementation. The results showed that the servants, regardless of individual factors, generally have a low level of knowledge on topics related to sustainability in public administration. Issues related to the development of sustainable construction projects, the realization of rational consumption campaigns and the re-use of materials were the main points raised by respondents as suggestions for preparing action plans. Later, the strengths and weaknesses in the organizational environment were identified in order to explore these aspects in planning actions. In the preparation of plans the aspects of the inclusion of them in the work routine had priority and enabled an initial discussion on the subject, as the level of knowledge is not satisfactory and it is essential to move forward on this discussion. / O Plano de Gestão de Logística Sustentável foi instituído pelo Decreto 7.746, de 5 de junho de 2012, diante disso todas as instituições federais tiveram que elaborar planos de logística tendo o desenvolvimento sustentável como ponto principal. Para que esse plano obtenha o sucesso almejado, é necessário que esteja incorporado às práticas organizacionais dos servidores de cada órgão da administração pública. Diante de tal situação e objetivando a inserção do plano no ambiente organizacional da UFSM, definiu-se como objetivo principal do trabalho a criação de planos de ação. Para tanto, utilizou-se um questionário para diagnosticar o perfil dos servidores da UFSM, avaliar o nível de conhecimento referente a temas sustentáveis e ainda identificar os aspectos considerados de maior importância para elaboração de planos de ação. Também foram realizadas entrevistas com a comissão elaboradora do PLS da UFSM a fim de se obter um aprofundamento sobre o processo de elaboração e implementação. Os resultados mostraram que os servidores, independente dos fatores individuais, possuem, de uma maneira geral, um baixo nível de conhecimento sobre tópicos ligados à sustentabilidade na administração pública. Questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de projetos de construções sustentáveis, a realização de campanhas de consumo racional e o reaproveitamento de materiais foram os principais pontos levantados pelos pesquisados como sugestão para elaboração de planos de ação. Posteriormente, identificaram-se os pontos fortes e fracos no ambiente organizacional, a fim de explorar esses aspectos no planejamento de ações. Na elaboração dos planos priorizaram-se os aspectos relacionados à inserção do plano na rotina de trabalho e que possibilitem uma discussão inicial sobre o tema, visto que o nível de conhecimento ainda não é satisfatório e é imprescindível que se avance nessa discussão.

Influência de resíduos agroindustriais na saúde pública: estudo de caso em Sousa - PB. / Influence of agroindustrial residues on public health: a case study in Sousa - PB.

SARMENTO, Dayanny de Santana. 14 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-14T18:39:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DAYANNY DE SANTANA SARMENTO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1014503 bytes, checksum: 16d44113109fb69e702796d29612c3c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T18:39:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DAYANNY DE SANTANA SARMENTO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1014503 bytes, checksum: 16d44113109fb69e702796d29612c3c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / esta pesquisa buscou-se verificar se a existência de agroindústrias tem efeitos significativos ou não na saúde pública do município de Sousa - PB. Para isso, foram levantados dados sobre as unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), número de pessoas atendidas por cada unidade, registros de doenças prevalentes e informações acerca das agroindústrias situadas em suas microáreas de atuação. Os principais instrumentos metodológicos utilizados foram à pesquisa documental, feitas através de pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas guiadas junto aos gestores da saúde do município, visitas in loco e registros fotográficos, a analise foi realizada estatisticamente com softwres. A partir dos resultados obtidos nas entrevistas, percebeu-se que as principais doenças relacionadas aos resíduos agroindustriais, em ordem de importância, são: diarreia, dengue e Leishmaniose Visceral. Os dados utilizados neste estudo compreenderam o período de janeiro a dezembro dos anos de 2013 e 2014 . Os indicadores per capita calculados para diarreia e dengue mostraram-se, em geral, maiores nas ESF que possuem agroindústrias com disposição inadequada de resíduos sólidos em seu raio de atuação que naquelas sem agroindústrias. Não houve variação significativa nos indicadores per capita de Leishmaniose Visceral entre as ESF com e sem agroindústrias em seu raio de atuação. Ao averiguar os resultados sobre a percepção dos gestores de saúde de Sousa - PB acerca do impacto dos resíduos sólidos agroindustriais na saúde local e os indicadores per capita para as doenças prevalentes obtidos na comparação das ESF com e sem agroindústrias, sugere-se que o estudo contribua para a reflexão das autoridades envolvidas, dos profissionais de saúde e principalmente da população em estudo, no que se diz respeito à disposição inadequada dos resíduos sólidos gerados na agroindústria. / This study aims at verifying whether the existence or not of agribusiness has significant effects on public health in Sousa City, Paraíba, Brazil. For this, data on the “Family Health Strategy (FHS)” units of Sousa - PB, number of people served by each unit, prevalent diseases records and information on the agribusinesses located in their respective microáreas were collected. The basic methodology consisted of using documentary research, guided interviews with city health managers, in loco visits and photographic records. Based on the results obtained from the interviews, it was noted that the prevalent diseases related to agroindustrial residues, in order of importance, are: diarrhea, dengue and Visceral Leishmaniasis. The data used in this study comprised the period from 2013 to 2014. The per capita indicators calculated for diarrhea and dengue were shown to be generally higher in the FHS units that have agribusinesses with improper disposal of solid wastes in its operating radius than in those without agribusinesses. There was no significant variation in the comparison of per capita indicators for Visceral Leishmaniasis between ESF with and without agribusinesses in its operating range. When checking the results about the perception of health managers of Sousa - PB on the impact of agroindustrial solid wastes in local health, allied to the per capita indicators for prevalent diseases obtained in terms of the ESF with and without agro-industries, it was suggested that there is a need to adopt prevention and measures to promote public health.

Bacia hidrográfica do rio das Ostras: proposta para gestão ambiental sustentável / The Ostras river basin: sustainable environmental management proposal

Mauro Alexandre de Oliveira Prioste 13 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise ambiental do rio das Ostras através do levantamento das características físicas, bióticas e antrópicas da macrorregião onde está localizada a bacia hidrográfica, que tomada como unidade de planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo, permite a elaboração de diversos instrumentos de gestão capazes de valorizar os ecossistemas existentes, resultando em políticas públicas com uma visão sócio ambiental. Apesar de as bacias hidrográficas apresentarem gestão com base legal estadual e federal, os maiores conflitos de ocupação ocorrem nos municípios e são capazes de gerar impactos ambientais locais, cuja responsabilidade de mitigação e compensação passam pela administração municipal. A bacia hidrográfica do rio das Ostras está, quase que integralmente, situada no município de mesmo nome,no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As características analisadas neste trabalho apontaram a necessidade de elaboração de um Plano de Gestão na bacia visando a preservação dos ecossistemas ali existentes, promovendo ações de educação ambiental, programas de redução de poluição, monitoramento da qualidade da água e das condições hidrosanitárias, controle de erosão e assoreamentos, recuperação da vegetação ciliar, manutenção da diversidade ecológica, resultando, assim, na melhoria global das condições sócio ambientais da região. / This dissertation presents an environmental analysis of the Ostras River Basin through surveys of physical, biological and anthropomorphic characteristics of the macroregion where the basin is located. The river basin was used as the base area for use management and ground occupation, allowing the elaboration of diverse assessment instruments capable of evaluating existing ecosystems, resulting in community politics with a social vision. Although river basins are under state and federal jurisdiction, the major conflicts in occupation occur in the cities, impacting the local environment, leaving the municipal administration responsible for enforcing pollution reduction and environmental compensation. The Ostras River Basin is almost entirely situated in the city of same name, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The characteristics analyzed in this dissertation point to the necessity of developing a Management Plan for this basin with the aim of preserving the existing ecosystems: promoting environmental education, developing pollution reduction programs, monitoring water quality and sewage and water conditions, soil and riverbank erosion, promoting recovery of riverbank vegetation, preserving ecological diversity, resulting, thus, in global improvement of the social conditions of the region.

Parque Nacional do Jaú, Unidade de Conservação e Patrimônio Natural Mundial na Amazônia Brasileira: a articulação de instrumentos permite melhor proteção? / Parque Nacional do Jaú, Protected Area and Worldwide Natural Heritage in the Brazilian Amazônia: does the articulation of instruments permit better protection?

Fabiana Cunha da Silva 05 August 2010 (has links)
O Parque Nacional do Jaú unidade de conservação de proteção integral protegida pelo SNUC (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza) localiza-se, aproximadamente, 200km a noroeste de Manaus e está inserido dentro dos limites territoriais dos municípios de Barcelos e Novo Airão, no estado do Amazonas. Sendo o maior Parque Nacional do Brasil com 2.272.000 hectares, cobrindo a segunda maior extensão de florestas tropicais úmidas contínuas do mundo na Amazônia, foi criado com o objetivo de proteger a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Negro, sua biodiversidade e seus recursos naturais. Reconhecido por paisagens notáveis e de beleza natural, por importantes processos ecológicos e biológicos relacionados à conservação da biodiversidade, e por ser detentor de importantes formações naturais relevantes tanto para a Ciência quanto à História da Humanidade, o PNJ foi selecionado como área de proteção do patrimônio natural da Humanidade pela Convenção da UNESCO (Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura). No ano de 1993 é estabelecido um convênio de co-gestão do PNJ entre o IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis) e a Fundação Vitória Amazônica (FVA), responsável pela elaboração do Plano de Manejo do Parque, cuja adoção de uma postura de envolver os moradores no planejamento, nas ações de manejo, criando espaços de discussão e socialização de experiências, possibilitou a consolidação da UC, definindo, assim, normas para o acesso e utilização dos recursos naturais (previstos no SNUC) vinculadas às necessidades de sobrevivência da população tradicional residente no Parque. / The Parque Nacional do Jaú protected areas by SNUC (National System of Units of Nature Conservation) is located, approximately, 200km northwest of Manaus and it is within the territorial limits of the municipalities of Barcelos and Novo Airão in the state of Amazonas. Being the biggest National Park of Brazil with 2.272.000 hectares, covering the second largest extension of continuous humid tropical forests (rain forests) of the world in Amazônia, it was created in order to protect the watershed of Rio Negro, its biodiversity and its natural resources. It is recognized for outstanding landscapes and natural beauty, for important ecological and biological processes related to the conservation of biodiversity, and for being responsible for important natural formations relevant both for Science and for the History of Humanity, the PNJ (Parque Nacional do Jaú) was selected as a protection area of natural heritage of Humanity by the Convention of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). It is established in 1993 an agreement of management of PNJ between IBAMA (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) and Vitória Amazônica Foundation (FVA), responsible for the elaboration of the Park Management Plan, whose adoption of a posture to involve the dwellers in the planning, in the actions of management, creating spaces for discussion and socialization of experiences, enabled the consolidation of UC (protected area), defining this way, norms for access and use of natural resources (planned in the SNUC) linked to the needs of survival of the traditional population resident in the Park.

Estudo e adaptação de um método de gestão de desempenho de modelos de negócios em uma empresa nascente de base tecnológica (startup) / Study and adaptation of a business model's performance evaluation method in a startup firm

Minatogawa, Vinicius Luiz Ferraz, 1990- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Batocchio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T04:51:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Minatogawa_ViniciusLuizFerraz_M.pdf: 4092028 bytes, checksum: fe573d546d40a89556d021f21e617ff4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Organizações startup, por vezes, apresentarão a necessidade do estudo de modelos de negócios. Isso se deve, em suma, para que seja possível definir apropriadamente a maneira pela qual essas empresas propõem, distribuem e capturam valor. Todavia, ainda que desenvolvido um modelo de negócio, não é claro na literatura um método para que organizações startup possam gerenciar o desempenho desses arquétipos. A dissertação terá como intuito adaptar em organizações startup um método de avaliação de desempenho de modelos de negócios. Para tal o trabalho se valerá das práticas do Balanced Scorecard, combinadas a um método de representação de modelos de negócios, o Business Model Canvas. Sob o ponto de vista de metodologia científica será realizada uma pesquisa de natureza aplicada, de objetivo exploratório e de abordagem qualitativa. Compreendendo como procedimentos técnicos pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso. A adaptação do método proposto, e a consequente análise de dados, pode fornecer a gestores de organizações startup uma ferramenta que permita a aferição constante do desempenho de modelos de negócios / Abstract: Startups firms will demand the necessity of business models studies, ocasionaly. This is due, in a nutshell, to make possible to define properly the way in which these firms will offer, distribute and capture value. However, after the construction of a business model, it is not clear in the literature a method for assist startup firms on managing the performance of their business model. This work will aim to adapt, for Startups firms, a method of performance management of business models. For this purpose, this dissertation will make use of the Balanced Scorecard practices, combined with a method for represent business model logic, the Business Model Canvas. About the scientific methodology, this research is going to be of applied nature, exploratory objectives and qualitative approach. As technical procedures this work is going to use bibliographical research and case studies. The adaptation of the proposed method, and the resulting data analysis, may provide to managers of startup firms, a tool that provides the constant measurement of business model performance / Mestrado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

The ecology and conservation of Juliana’s golden mole (Neamblysomus julianae)

Jackson, Craig Ryan 28 July 2008 (has links)
Despite an IUCN conservation status of critically endangered, Juliana’s golden mole (Neamblysomus julianae) has received no ecological research attention to date. The species urgently requires conservation attention, but a poor understanding its biology, ecology and distribution makes effective conservation planning almost impossible. In light of this, a thorough understanding of the habitat requirements for this habitat specific species was needed. Additionally, the cryptic lifestyle of Juliana’s golden mole has resulted in very few distribution records for the species. Little was known about the animals’ daily and seasonal activity patterns or movement patterns. This study revealed that Juliana’s golden mole is range restricted on account of sandy soils that have a uniform particle size distribution. This feature limits substrate compaction, making tunnelling far easier for these small mammals. In comparison to uninhabited areas, occupied habitat had greater vegetation cover provided by trees and shrubs, and this would be expected to provide a cooler and moister microenvironment. The ecological parameters associated with the species presence were then used, in addition to existing GIS data, to predict regions of potentially suitable habitat. This process revealed large potentially inhabitable areas in the northern parts of South Africa. Preliminary ground-truthing has shown the model to be relatively accurate with three potentially new populations having been identified. Contrary to what has been reported in the literature, Juliana’s golden mole does not appear to be strictly nocturnal. Instead, an adaptive pattern of activity was observed, governed by soil temperature. Body temperature was found to fluctuate to some degree with that of the soil temperature, but fluctuations were regulated by behavioural thermoregulation. Seasonal activity is highly correlated with rainfall. Rain moistens the soil making it significantly softer and far easier to tunnel through. Using this and other information acquired through the course of the study, the thesis culminates with an evaluation of conservation concerns and proposed conservation management actions. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

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