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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einsatz von Graphdatenbanken für das Produktdatenmanagement im Kontext von Industrie 4.0

Sauer, Christopher, Schleich, Benjamin, Wartzack, Sandro 03 January 2020 (has links)
Im Zuge der digitalen Transformation im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 tun sich eine Vielzahl neuer Datenquellen auf, die im Produktdatenmanagement berücksichtigt werden müssen. Ein Beispiel neuer Datenquellen sind Daten der Industrie 4.0, die zum Beispiel über Sensoren in der Fertigung erhoben werden. Kennzeichen dieser Datenquellen sind die zunehmende Heterogenität der Daten, die nicht mehr in einer Tabelle erfasst werden können. So könnten dies unter anderem Bilder einer optischen Bauteilprüfung sein oder Code zur Bauteilprüfung. Dieser Umstand führt zum Aufbau vieler einzelner neuer Silos, in denen die Daten separat und getrennt vom PDM-System ver-rbeitet werden müssen. Zudem werden dort abgeschottet von den restlichen Silos Daten gespeichert. Daneben führt eine Vielzahl neuer Autorensysteme (Prüfsoftware, Kundenmanagement, Anforderungsmanagement) zu einer gesteigerten Datenmenge, die nicht mehr in klassischen tabellenbasierten und rein-relationalen Datenbanksystemen sinnvoll erfasst werden können. Um an Informationen zu gelangen, sind im Fall rein-relationaler Datenbanksysteme oft komplizierte Abfragen nötig. Diese greifen dann auf mehrere unterschiedliche Tabellen innerhalb der Datenbank zu und stellen daraus wiederum relevante Informationen bereit. Je mehr größer jedoch diese Datenbanken werden und je mehr Informationen miteinander relational verbunden werden müssen, desto mehr Expertenwissen über das jeweilige Datenbanksystem wird benötigt. Somit büßen rein-relationale (SQL-basierte) Systeme auch einen Großteil der Vorteile ihres logischen strukturellen Aufbaus ein. Um den oben genannten Problemen zu begegnen, können neue Ansätze aus dem Bereich der Linked Data herangezogen werden. Bei Linked Data werden nicht nur die reinen Daten verwendet, sondern auch beschreibende und verknüpfende Informationen um die Daten zu interpretieren verwendet und weitergegeben. Durch diesen Mehrwert an Information wird es in einem ersten Schritt möglich, heterogene Produkt- und Prozessdaten, also Daten aus verschiedensten Quellen, wie zum Beispiel Konstruktion, Simulation und Qualitätssicherung, miteinander zu verknüpfen. Durch diese Verknüpfung kann eine höherwertige Darstellungsform geschaffen werden, die neben den reinen Daten auch die sinnvolle Verknüpfung enthält und so eine semantisch höherwertige Repräsentation darstellt. Die so entstehende, vernetzte Datenbank kann z.B. über eine graphenorientierte Datenbank oder Graphdatenbank implementiert werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird untersucht, inwieweit die Modellierung mit gegenwärtig existierenden Lösungen für Graphdatenbanken möglich ist. Ausgehend von einem Beispiel mit einem vereinfachten Produkt- und Prozessdatenmodell der Blechmassivumformung, wird eine allgemeine Methode vorgestellt, durch die ein SQL-basiertes Datenbanksystem in eine Graphdatenbank überführt werden kann. Anhand dieser Methode wird dargestellt, wie bestehende Lösungen teilweise auch parallel zu neuartigen Linked Data Datenbanken existieren können, um diese Schritt für Schritt in eine Graphdatenbank zu überführen. Die Ergebnisse des Beitrags sind auf der einen Seite das allgemeine Vorgehensmodell zur Einführung von Graphdatenbanken und auf der anderen Seite Aussagen über die Nutzbarkeit der vorgestellten Lösung für das Produkt- & Prozessdatenmanagement. [... aus der Einleitung]

Utmaningar och framgångsfaktor inom agil kravhantering : En studie om Scaled Agile Framework / Challenges and success factor in agile requirements management : A study on Scaled Agile Framework

Sturesson, Emil, Sarkis, Maya January 2023 (has links)
Hanteringen av krav är en essentiell del för att lyckas leverera det som kunden efterfrågar hos ett system. Flertalet forskare pekar på att ett misslyckat IT-projekt grundar sig i felhantering av krav. Kringliggande faktorer som påverkar kravhanteringen har identifierats som kommunikation och dokumentation. Syftet är att undersöka de utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer som förekommer inom agil kravhantering, med avseende på arbetet enligt SAFe. För att kunna identifiera utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer tillämpas empirisk datainsamling, kompletterad med befintlig teori. Undersökningens metod har genomförts i enlighet med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi, där fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har tillämpats vid den empiriska datainsamlingen. Den kvalitativa studien har använt sig av en abduktiv forskningsansats, detta i syfte att pendla mellan empiri och befintlig teori. Urvalet som har tillämpats i denna undersökning använder en konfidalitet och har tilldelats fiktiva namn, med anledning av att säkerställa trygghet hos respondenterna. Den insamlade empirin har analyserats och diskuterats utifrån befintlig teori som är relevant och stärker undersökningens trovärdighet. Utmaningar som vi har identifierat inom arbetet enligt SAFe är bland annat kopplat till prioritering och anpassning till organisationen. Resultatet påvisar även utmaningar gällande planeringen, med anledning av de långa cyklerna, likaså är anpassningen till den agila rytmen inom alla avdelningar hos organisationen en utmanande aspekt i arbetet. Våran undersökning har påvisat att SAFe har medfört gynnsamma fördelar med organisationens arbete, bland annat förbättrad transparens genom en ökad insikt i varandras arbeten. Likaså visar vår undersökning att den agila kravhanteringen har bidragit med gynnsamma fördelar i hur kraven hanteras, där sprintar och små leveranser är centralt inom arbetet. Beträffande empiri kontra befintlig teori, påvisas likheter och skillnader som bör betraktas, de utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer som förekommer inom empirin är omtalade i befintlig teori. Däremot presenterar befintlig teori endast generella aspekter som förekommer i det agila arbetet. Empirin bekräftar de utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer som omnämnas i befintlig teori, men är mer i linje med respondentorganisationens situation och verklighet. De slutsatser som vi har kommit fram till är att befintlig teori presenterar övergripande aspekter utan någon specifik anknytning till en organisations situation. Empirin visar att SAFe har anpassats för att möta respondentorganisationens behov, där teoretiska utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer har bekräftats och kompletterats. / The management of requirements is an essential part of successfully delivering what the customer demands from a system. The majority of researchers point out that a failed IT project is based on mishandling of requirements. Surrounding factors that affect requirements management have been identified as communication and documentation. The purpose is to investigate the challenges and success factors that occur within agile requirements management, with regard to the work according to SAFe. In order to identify challenges and success factors, empirical data collection is applied, supplemented with existing theory. The survey's method has been carried out in accordance with a qualitative research strategy, where five semi-structured interviews have been applied to the empirical data collection. The qualitative study has used an abductive research approach, with the aim of commuting between empiricism and existing theory. The sample that has been applied in this survey uses a confidentiality and has been assigned fictitious names, due to the safety of the respondents. The collected empirical evidence has been analyzed and discussed based on existing theory that is relevant and strengthened the credibility of the investigation. Challenges that we have identified within the work according to SAFe are, among other things, linked to prioritization and adaptation to the organization. The result also shows challenges regarding the planning, due to the long cycles, as well as the adaptation to the agile rhythm within all departments of the organization and challenging aspects in the work. Our investigation has shown that SAFe has brought favorable benefits to the organization's work, including improved transparency through and increased insight into each other's work. Likewise, our thesis shows that the agile requirements management has contributed with favorable advantages in how the requirements are handled, where sprints and small deliveries are central to the work. Regarding empiricism versus existing theory, similarities and differences that should be considered are demonstrated, the challenges and success factors that occur within empiricism are discussed in existing theory. In contrast, existing theory only presents general aspects that occur in agile work. The empirical evidence confirms the challenges and success factors mentioned in existing theory, but is more in line with the respondent organization's situation and reality. The conclusions we have reached are that existing theories present overall aspects without any specific connection to an organization's situation. The empirical evidence shows that SAFe has been adapted to meet the needs of the respondent organization, where theoretical challenges and success factors have been confirmed and supplemented.

Bestuursbevoegdheid van persone wat as rampverpleegsters by burgerlike beskerming geregistreer is / The management competency of persons registered as disaster nurses at civil defence

Perold, Annalette 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is die noodsaaklike bestuursrol van die rampverpleegster tydens rampoptrede en direk daarna verken, nagevors en beskryf. Haar bevoegdheid om die verskillende rampbestuurstake effektief te kan verrig voor, tydens en na rampe wat buite 'n hospitaal plaasvind, is oak nagegaan. Bestuurstake is geidentifiseer waarmee verpleegsters tydens rampsituasies buite hospitale vertroud behoort te wees. Die navorsingsprojek het deur middel van vraelyste biografiese data ingesamel met betrekking tot die persone wat as rampverpleegsters by Burgerlike Beskerming in Pretoria geregistreer is, met die doel om 'n kursus aan te beveel wat pertinent op hul behoeftes gerig is. Die rampverpleegster se behoefte aan toepaslike verdere opleiding, inoefening of leiding betreffende die ge1dentifiseerde bestuurstake, is bepaal. Dit het geblyk dat opleiding in die meeste take nodig is, en 'n kursus in rampbestuur vir verpleegkundiges is ontwerp / In this study the essential management role of the disaster nurse during disaster action was outlined, researched and described. Her competency to effectively execute disaster relief tasks before, during and after a disaster occurring outside a hospital, was studied. Management tasks were identified which nurses should have mastered regarding disaster situations occurring outside hospital boundaries. Research data were gathered by means of a questiorinaire on the biographic detail of disaster nurses registered with · Civil Defence in Pretoria, in order to recommend a course specifically aimed at fulfilling their requirements. The research project identified requirements of the disaster nurse for appropriate further training, practise and guidance regarding the identified-management tasks. It became evident that training is required in most of the tasks, and a training course for nurses in disaster management was designed / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)

La Aplicación del Valor de Vida del Cliente en la Gestión de la Relación con el Distribuidor en Empresas de Consumo Masivo de Productos Empaquetados de Lima, Perú. Un Estudio de Casos Múltiple

Wakabayashi Muroya, José Luis 21 January 2011 (has links)
La gestió de la relació amb el client (CRM) és el procés en què es creen relacions amb els clients i altres actors al llarg de les seves vides. Així, a la base d'aquest procés hi ha el concepte de CLV, conegut com el valor del cicle de vida del client (customer lifetime value), que permet calcular tant el valor net del client com la seva rendibilitat per a l'empresa. Aquesta tesi destaca el fet que el màrqueting teòric ha desenvolupat diferents camps d'aplicació per afrontar el procés de CRM. Un d'aquests, que cada vegada és més important, és la gestió de la relació amb el canal de distribució. Aquesta tesi és un intent per cobrir el buit que hi ha en la recerca de màrqueting sobre aquest tema i esbrinar el veritable paper del CLV en un context concret d'aplicació: les empreses de consum de masses de Lima i els seus distribuïdors. Aquest camp resta gairebé inexplorat i ha estat poc investigat, malgrat que el procés de CMR en el mercat de masses i la relació amb els distribuïdors constitueixen importants camps d'aplicació per al CLV. A partir de l'anàlisi de casos de tres diferents empreses peruanes, mitjançant entrevistes i observacions realitzades al seu personal, aquesta tesi investiga l'aplicació del CLV com a concepte clau i com a eina de mesurament en els processos de gestió de la relació (CRM) amb els seus canals de distribució o intermediaris. L'estudi s'ha dut a terme al Perú perquè aquest país té unes característiques similars als altres països llatinoamericans i la regió gairebé no disposa de cap recerca en CMR. Per això, aquest treball espera proporcionar informació significativa sobre l'aplicació del concepte dogmàtic de CMR. La tesi argüeix que, malgrat que l'evolució cap a una aproximació relacional del màrqueting s'ha estès, la pràctica encara difereix de la teoria en molts mercats, com s'ha observat a les tres empreses estudiades. Per aquest motiu, aquest treball de recerca pot constituir un punt de partida per a investigacions més profundes en la matèria. / La gestión de la relación con el cliente (CRM) es el proceso en el que se crean relaciones con los clientes y otros actores a lo largo de sus vidas. Así, en la base de ese proceso se encuentra el concepto del CLV, conocido como valor de ciclo de vida del cliente (customer lifetime value), que permite calcular tanto el valor neto del cliente y su rentabilidad para la empresa. Esta tesis pone resalta el hecho de que el marketing teórico ha desarrollado diferentes campos de aplicación para encarar el proceso de CRM. Una de estas, y cada vez más importante, es la gestión de relación con el canal de distribución. Además, puesto que este tema constituye un vacío en la investigación de marketing, esta tesis constituye un intento para reducirlo y averiguar el verdadero papel del CLV en un contexto particular de aplicación: las empresas de consumo masivo de Lima y sus distribuidores. Este campo permanece casi inexplorado y cuenta con escasa investigación a pesar de que el proceso de CMR en el mercado masivo y la relación con los distribuidores constituyen importantes campos de aplicación para el CLV. Mediante el análisis de casos de tres diferentes empresas peruanas, mediante entrevistas y observaciones realizadas al personal de las mismas, esta tesis investiga la aplicación del CLV como concepto clave y como herramienta de medición en los procesos de gestión de la relación (CRM) con sus canales de distribución o intermediarios. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en Perú porque este país comparte características similares con el resto de países latinoamericanos y esta región casi no cuenta con investigación en CMR. Por ello este trabajo espera brindar información significativa sobre la aplicación del concepto dogmatico de CMR. Esta tesis arguye que a pesar de que la evolución hacia una aproximación relacional del marketing se ha extendido, todavía la práctica difiere de la teoría en muchos mercados, como se ha observado en las tres compañías estudiadas, por tal razón el presente trabajo de investigación puede constituir un punto de partida para investigaciones más profundas al respecto. / The customer relationship management (CRM) is the process where relationships with customers and other actors are created throughout their lifecycle. Therefore, in the very foundations of this process is CLV, a key concept known as well as customer lifetime value, that allows estimating not only the customer net value over a long period of time , but also his profitability for the company. This dissertation remarks the fact that theoretical Marketing has developed different fields of application to face the complex process of CRM. One of them, in increasing importance, is the CRM with the distribution channel. Since this issue means a gap in marketing research, this dissertation constitutes an attempt to reduce it and find out the very role of CLV when CRM takes place in a particular context of application: massive consume companies from Lima and their distributors. This field is almost unexplored and has little research despite the fact that CRM process in the massive market and the relationship with distributors constitute important fields of application for the CLV. Through an analysis of three cases of different Peruvian companies, by interviewing their staff, this dissertation investigates the application of CLV as a key concept and as a measuring tool for CRM process with the distribution channel or intermediaries. This study took place in Peru because this country has similar characteristics with the rest of Latin American countries and this region has almost no research in CRM process. That is why this dissertation expects to add significant information about the application of the dogmatic concept of CRM. This dissertation argues that despite the fact that an evolutional shift to a Marketing relationship approach is extended around the world, theory and practice still differs each other in a number of markets, as it is observed in the companies selected to this research. Thus this study could be the starting point of more and deeper research about it.

Bestuursbevoegdheid van persone wat as rampverpleegsters by burgerlike beskerming geregistreer is / The management competency of persons registered as disaster nurses at civil defence

Perold, Annalette 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie is die noodsaaklike bestuursrol van die rampverpleegster tydens rampoptrede en direk daarna verken, nagevors en beskryf. Haar bevoegdheid om die verskillende rampbestuurstake effektief te kan verrig voor, tydens en na rampe wat buite 'n hospitaal plaasvind, is oak nagegaan. Bestuurstake is geidentifiseer waarmee verpleegsters tydens rampsituasies buite hospitale vertroud behoort te wees. Die navorsingsprojek het deur middel van vraelyste biografiese data ingesamel met betrekking tot die persone wat as rampverpleegsters by Burgerlike Beskerming in Pretoria geregistreer is, met die doel om 'n kursus aan te beveel wat pertinent op hul behoeftes gerig is. Die rampverpleegster se behoefte aan toepaslike verdere opleiding, inoefening of leiding betreffende die ge1dentifiseerde bestuurstake, is bepaal. Dit het geblyk dat opleiding in die meeste take nodig is, en 'n kursus in rampbestuur vir verpleegkundiges is ontwerp / In this study the essential management role of the disaster nurse during disaster action was outlined, researched and described. Her competency to effectively execute disaster relief tasks before, during and after a disaster occurring outside a hospital, was studied. Management tasks were identified which nurses should have mastered regarding disaster situations occurring outside hospital boundaries. Research data were gathered by means of a questiorinaire on the biographic detail of disaster nurses registered with · Civil Defence in Pretoria, in order to recommend a course specifically aimed at fulfilling their requirements. The research project identified requirements of the disaster nurse for appropriate further training, practise and guidance regarding the identified-management tasks. It became evident that training is required in most of the tasks, and a training course for nurses in disaster management was designed / Health Studies / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)

Academic staff perception of performance management : a case study of an open distance learning institution

Maimela, Esther Matsetselane 11 1900 (has links)
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are now adopting the management styles that are being practised in profit-making organisations in the private sector. The top management in HEIs embark on monitoring performance of all categories of their employees, including academic staff. This has become necessary in order to encourage and enhance quality in teaching and also to achieve increased research productivity. This means that the same principles involved in managing the private sector, such as introducing performance management systems, are now applied in the public sector. Empirical evidence from previous studies suggests that the introduction and implementation of performance management systems in academic institutions often result in tension between academic employees and management, thereby heightening the age-long debate on the necessity for academic freedom in institutions of higher learning globally. The present study evaluated the perception of academic staff members regarding the implementation of a performance management system in an open distance learning institution in South Africa. The study adopted a survey research design, using a quantitative research approach. The total sample of the study comprised of 492 academic staff members of the institution. A structured self-administered web-based questionnaire that was tested for high reliability and validity content was used to collect primary data from the respondents. The data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential (one-way sample t-test) statistics. The research findings indicate that academic staff members at the institution are satisfied with the performance management system implemented by management. The study further found that academics do not consider the resultant performance bonus from the implementation of the performance management system sufficiently motivating and that it should therefore be reviewed by management. Overall, the outcome of the present study was to a large extent inconsistent with the empirical evidence presented by previous studies. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Large-scale high-performance video surveillance

Sutor, S. R. (Stephan R.) 07 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract The last decade was marked by a set of harmful events ranging from economical crises to organized crime, acts of terror and natural catastrophes. This has led to a paradigm transformation concerning security. Millions of surveillance cameras have been deployed, which led to new challenges, as the systems and operations behind those cameras could not cope with the rapid growth in number of video cameras and systems. Looking at today’s control rooms, often hundreds or even thousands of cameras are displayed, overloading security officers with irrelevant information. The purpose of this research was the creation of a novel video surveillance system with automated analysis mechanisms which enable security authorities and their operators to cope with this information flood. By automating the process, video surveillance was transformed into a proactive information system. The progress in technology as well as the ever increasing demand in security have proven to be an enormous driver for security technology research, such as this study. This work shall contribute to the protection of our personal freedom, our lives, our property and our society by aiding the prevention of crime and terrorist attacks that diminish our personal freedom. In this study, design science research methodology was utilized in order to ensure scientific rigor while constructing and evaluating artifacts. The requirements for this research were sought in close cooperation with high-level security authorities and prior research was studied in detail. The created construct, the “Intelligent Video Surveillance System”, is a distributed, highly-scalable software framework, that can function as a basis for any kind of high-performance video surveillance system, from installations focusing on high-availability to flexible cloud-based installation that scale across multiple locations and tens of thousands of cameras. First, in order to provide a strong foundation, a modular, distributed system architecture was created, which was then augmented by a multi-sensor analysis process. Thus, the analysis of data from multiple sources, combining video and other sensors in order to automatically detect critical events, was enabled. Further, an intelligent mobile client, the video surveillance local control, which addressed remote access applications, was created. Finally, a wireless self-contained surveillance system was introduced, a novel smart camera concept that enabled ad hoc and mobile surveillance. The value of the created artifacts was proven by evaluation at two real-world sites: An international airport, which has a large-scale installation with high-security requirements, and a security service provider, offering a multitude of video-based services by operating a video control center with thousands of cameras connected. / Tiivistelmä Viime vuosikymmen tunnetaan vahingollisista tapahtumista alkaen talouskriiseistä ja ulottuen järjestelmälliseen rikollisuuteen, terrori-iskuihin ja luonnonkatastrofeihin. Tämä tilanne on muuttanut suhtautumista turvallisuuteen. Miljoonia valvontakameroita on otettu käyttöön, mikä on johtanut uusiin haasteisiin, koska kameroihin liittyvät järjestelmät ja toiminnot eivät pysty toimimaan yhdessä lukuisien uusien videokameroiden ja järjestelmien kanssa. Nykyajan valvontahuoneissa voidaan nähdä satojen tai tuhansien kameroiden tuottavan kuvaa ja samalla runsaasti tarpeetonta informaatiota turvallisuusvirkailijoiden katsottavaksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli luoda uusi videovalvontajärjestelmä, jossa on automaattiset analyysimekanismit, jotka mahdollistavat turva-alan toimijoiden ja niiden operaattoreiden suoriutuvan informaatiotulvasta. Automaattisen videovalvontaprosessin avulla videovalvonta muokattiin proaktiiviseksi tietojärjestelmäksi. Teknologian kehitys ja kasvanut turvallisuusvaatimus osoittautuivat olevan merkittävä ajuri turvallisuusteknologian tutkimukselle, kuten tämä tutkimus oli. Tämä tutkimus hyödyttää yksittäisen ihmisen henkilökohtaista vapautta, elämää ja omaisuutta sekä yhteisöä estämällä rikoksia ja terroristihyökkäyksiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa suunnittelutiedettä sovellettiin varmistamaan tieteellinen kurinalaisuus, kun artefakteja luotiin ja arvioitiin. Tutkimuksen vaatimukset perustuivat läheiseen yhteistyöhön korkeatasoisten turva-alan viranomaisten kanssa, ja lisäksi aiempi tutkimus analysoitiin yksityiskohtaisesti. Luotu artefakti - ’älykäs videovalvontajärjestelmä’ - on hajautettu, skaalautuva ohjelmistoviitekehys, joka voi toimia perustana monenlaiselle huipputehokkaalle videovalvontajärjestelmälle alkaen toteutuksista, jotka keskittyvät saatavuuteen, ja päättyen joustaviin pilviperustaisiin toteutuksiin, jotka skaalautuvat useisiin sijainteihin ja kymmeniin tuhansiin kameroihin. Järjestelmän tukevaksi perustaksi luotiin hajautettu järjestelmäarkkitehtuuri, jota laajennettiin monisensorianalyysiprosessilla. Siten mahdollistettiin monista lähteistä peräisin olevan datan analysointi, videokuvan ja muiden sensorien datan yhdistäminen ja automaattinen kriittisten tapahtumien tunnistaminen. Lisäksi tässä työssä luotiin älykäs kännykkäsovellus, videovalvonnan paikallinen kontrolloija, joka ohjaa sovelluksen etäkäyttöä. Viimeksi tuotettiin langaton itsenäinen valvontajärjestelmä – uudenlainen älykäs kamerakonsepti – joka mahdollistaa ad hoc -tyyppisen ja mobiilin valvonnan. Luotujen artefaktien arvo voitiin todentaa arvioimalla ne kahdessa reaalimaailman ympäristössä: kansainvälinen lentokenttä, jonka laajamittaisessa toteutuksessa on korkeat turvavaatimukset, ja turvallisuuspalveluntuottaja, joka tarjoaa moninaisia videopohjaisia palveluja videovalvontakeskuksen avulla käyttäen tuhansia kameroita.

Management kadeřnického studia / Management of Hairdresser´s Salon

Těžký, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis develops subject of operation of hairdresser’s saloon in Brno. It introduces analysis of saloon management and evaluation of reasons why saloon’s principal strategic objectives defined by owner before reconstruction in 2007 are not being fulfilled. Simultaneously, it suggests modifications and changes that lead to more effective saloon management, from both management and strategic point of view. Consequently, it brings more stable clients and positive financial effect. Proposal part covers specific potentialities how to define saloon’s objectives, communicate them toward employees and how to communicate with customers. Necessity of communication and pro-active approach result from other analyses as well.

Attracting Talent in North of Sweden : A qualitative study on the extent of Person-Organization Fit and Employer Branding for the purpose of talent attraction

Andersson, Olivia, Karbalai, Zara January 2023 (has links)
Companies in the North of Sweden are expressing big difficulties to acquire the right competency and the right people to fill voids in their organization. The purpose of this research paper was to gain an understanding of how companies in the north work with selected contributing factors, affecting their ability to attract talent. Starting off we gained perspective on how companies define talent and which talent management approach they implement. From there we learned to which extent they prioritize people fitting into the company’s identity/values and work with communicating with talents by displaying themselves as an attractive employer. Our attempt was to uncover any underlying behavior or beliefs within this region contributing to why this region, in particular, is experiencing difficulties in attracting talent. To reach these understandings, we conducted a case study holding six in-depth interviews with different companies in various locations within the region “Norrland”. By using the thematic analysis method, we concluded that businesses have attitudes regarding the nature of talent and how it should be managed which limits their view of who is considered as a competent potential employee. Moreover, we found that the majority of businesses operating the north to a relatively high extent prioritize their relationship with their employees. However, they do not work to a high extent with the creation of a strong employer brand, possibly contributing to the situation as it is perceived in the north.

Miljöcertifieringssystems inverkan på optimering av förvaltningsprocessen : En studie om effektivisering av kommersiell förvaltning / Certification systems impact on optimization of the management process : A study on streamlining commercial management

Thörnblom, Ida, Andersson, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för ca 21 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser. Detta leder till att vissa åtgärder behöver ses över för att uppfylla klimatavtalet, som år 2015 innebar att temperaturökning måste ligga under två grader. Studien innehåller således en undersökning av vad miljöcertifieringssystem har för inverkan på optimering av förvaltningsprocessen. Frågeställningarna som slutligen ledde fram till en slutsats, tog ställning till hur effektiviseringar smidigast kan implementeras genom litteratur- översikt, fallstudie och intervjuer. Fallstudien omfattar tre referensbyggnader som ägs av Bonnier Fastigheter. Två av dessa byggnader är Centralhuset och Muninhuset som är certifierade genom BREEAM In-Use. Den tredje byggnaden är Beskowhuset som i dagsläget har genomgått en förstudie för Miljöbyggnad, befintlig byggnad. Respondenterna som intervjuades gav perspektiv på ett antal frågor, som tillsammans med litteraturöversikten av tre viktiga indikatorer gav ett omfattande resultat. Slutligen kom studien fram till slutsater av frågeställningarna. Förvaltnings- och certifieringsprocesser identifierades som parallella delar, där hänsynstagande till båda processerna kan främja en tydligare förvaltning genom bl.a. underhållsplaner. Där konstaterades det att lagring och dokumentation av handlingar skapar större medvetenhet, vilket högre detaljnivå i underlagen kan bidra till. Även förståelse kring varför en certifiering av en förvaltningsorganisation inte är att föredra framgick. Det påvisades att certifieringen hade varit kostsam, med en minimal lönsamhet. Dock konstaterades det att implementering av rutiner för en sådan certifiering hade medfört en effektivare förvaltning. Således talade studien emot att verifiera certifiering av BREEAM In-Use del två. Däremot visar den att certifiering enligt Miljöbyggnad iDrift är bättre anpassad för att certifiera befintliga byggnader än Miljöbyggnad, befintlig byggnad. Avslutningsvis presenterades en identifiering kring utvecklingsområden av processerna, vilket ledde till förtydligande i upplägget av underhållsplaner. En senare omcertifiering hade därav haft ett större värde i att identifiera åtgärder i förvaltningen, då denna hade gått snabbare och smidigare i ett senare skede. / The purpose of the following study is to investigate how different environmental certification systems work and can affect the management process. Furthermore, the aim is to identify positive effects of certifying management organizations to analyze the value of it. Lastly, the study aspires to resolve how certification systems can enable identification of necessary evolvement in the management process, and simplify future certification. A background to the subject was initially established to obtain relevant knowledge to investigate the issues. Thereafter, further literature studies, case studies, and interviews were conducted to enable extensive data for discussion and conclusion. The results of the study showed that there is a connection between how management can adapt to certification to obtain high results. On the contrary the greatest value will not come from combining activities but by adapting the assembling of documents to what will be asked for during a certification process. This can be done by using more efficient systems and creating greater awareness by taking into account the different criterias. Similar results were obtained when it comes to certification of management organizations. It is too expensive to verify a certification to motivate the value of it, but a lot of the indicators could advantageously be implemented to develop demands and routines. That leads into the possibility of identifying how that is possible. Those results showed that it is possible on an indicator level, and can simplify certification processes by adapting to how management and certification can be combined.

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