Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ariana"" "subject:"dariana""
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DEBATING THE LAW ORTHE VICTIM? : An analysis of the role of “Ideal victim” and the public debate on twitter around the “Law Mariana Ferrer”Lopes de Matos, Julya January 2023 (has links)
The present study aimed to analyse what gendered ideas around the ideal victim underpin thepublic debate on twitter around the ―Law Mariana Ferrer‖. For this purpose, it was questionedhow the law is discussed in relation to Mariana as a victim and how these discussions arelinked to gendered ideas about the ideal victim. That being the case it was concluded that thegendered ideas that permeate the construction of the ―ideal victim‖ can be both observedthroughout the whole debate in Twitter regarding the Law and thematically categorized usingcommon terms chosen to depict the illegitimate victims.
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The Northward Expansion of the Albertan Parkland-Boreal Forest Ecotone Boundary in Response to Mid-Holocene Climatic WarmingHutton, Mike 04 1900 (has links)
A 7.09 m lacustrine sediment core was taken from Mariana Lake, Alberta (55º57'N, 112º01'W) to determine if the regional vegetational complex had been affected by the mid-Holocene Hypsithermal. Dating control was provided by 6 radiocarbon dates, with a second degree polynomial fitted to the dates to give an age to depth curve. The basal date of the core is 11 300 ± 110 yr BP. Fossil pollen analysis of the core revealed five distinct pollen zones. Between 11 856 and 10 434 yr BP the study site supported a sparse herb dominated vegetation. A spruce and shrub birch assemblage followed, from 10 434 to 9 100 yr BP, with increased vegetation density. The climate was likely similar to today. This was replaced by a paper birch and spruce complex from 9 100 to 7 638 yr BP likely as a result of warming climate. A mild Hypsithermal effect is recorded between 7 638 and 5 623 yr BP. A forest of decreased crown density was created, with spruce, paper birch and poplar being the major vegetational components. Modern conditions have existed at the site from 5 623 yr BP onwards, though it is hypothesised the regional water budget may have increased slightly around 2 228 yr BP; increased peat development appears to have occurred at this time. Through the use of difference diagrams the site is compared to three other published sites which, along with Mariana Lake, form a north-south transect from the southern Boreal Forest to the northern Alberta Boreal Forest. The hypsithermal vegetation changes varies with distance to the Parkland-Boreal Forest ecotone boundary. It is concluded the parkland did not reach Mariana Lake during the mid-Holocene, though conditions at the site became similar to those at the southern edge of the Boreal Forest that is proximal to the parkland. / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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The Postglacial Population Spread of Picea Mariana, Picea Glauca, and Pinus Banksiana Across the Western Interior of CanadaMcLeod, T. Katherine 09 1900 (has links)
<p> In this thesis, the postglacial spread of three ecologically distinct species, Picea mariana (black spruce), Picea glauca (white spruce), and Pinus banksiana (jack pine), across the western interior of Canada are presented. The fossil pollen records from the sediments of thirteen lakes are used in reconstructing the population expansions of the three tree taxa. The objectives of this study are to examine temporal and spatial patterns in the growth of the populations and to determine if intraspecific and interspecific variations exist across a range of latitudes and elevations.</p> <p> Pollen accumulation rates (PAR) are calculated from pollen grain counts and sedimentation rates throughout the early-to mid-Holocene, and are used to represent the population level at the time of pollen deposition. Exponential equations are used to calculate population growth rates. Three dimensional diagrams (time, space, abundance) are constructed to illustrate the spread of the populations.</p> <p> The rates of population growth varied from south to north for all three species. Jack pine, on average had slower population growth rates, and its expansion across the region began over 3,000 years later than, and lasted approximately 1,000 years longer than the two spruce species. All three tree taxa experienced reduced rates of population growth at high elevation sites in the north. These variations are examined in light of the changing and static physical and botanical environmental conditions occurring during expansion.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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A Palaeoecological Investigation of the Treeline Zone North of Yellowknife, NWTMoser, Katrina Ann 12 1900 (has links)
<p> The pollen, charcoal and sediment stratigraphies of two cores from small lakes located northeast of Yellowknife, NWT are examined. The focus of this study is to reconstruct post-glacial vegetation changes in this climatically sensitive area. The resulting vegetation history is compared to similar reconstructions from across Canada. The pollen content of twenty-eight modern sediment samples, collected from the forest, the forest-tundra and the tundra zones were used to aid in the interpretation of the fossil record. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the fossil records from these lakes span ~7 500 years. The initial vegetation, shrub Betula tundra, was established at ~7 000 BP and persisted until ~6 000 BP. The presence of Ericaceae, Myrica, and Sphagnum distinguishes this zone from similar zones from western Canada and suggests the existance of large areas of bog environment. This zone is succeeded by a second shrub tundra zone, which is marked by a dramatic increase in Alnus crispa and Alnus incana. This zone spans from ~6 000 BP until ~5 000 BP. A synchronous increase in Alnus is noted from sites across Canada and is attributed to an increase in moisture. The third zone, spanning from ~5 000 BP to ~3 500 · BP, delimits the existance of forest vegetation defined by the northward expansion of Picea mariana. The delay of Picea mariana expansion into the area relative to its arrival in western Canada can be explained by one of the following: 1) geological differences; or 2) remnant glacial ice retarding climatic amelioration; or 3) the long-wave westerly disturbance, which causes cooler temperatures in the east when warmer
temperatures persist in western Canada; or 4) some combination of the above. The decline of forest vegetation at ~3 500 BP marks the establishment of modern tundra vegetation at both
sites. Climatic cooling coupled with fire caused the extinction of aboreal vegetation at the study sites.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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The Caves and Karst of Rota Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsKeel, Thomas M 07 May 2005 (has links)
Rota Island, the southernmost island in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in the western Pacific, has the types of caves previously documented on the other limestone mantled islands in the Mariana Arc that have been investigated for caves: Aguijan, Guam, Tinian and Saipan. Caves developed at the edge of the fresh-water lens by zones of enhanced carbonate dissolution produced by fresh-water/salt-water mixing are most common. Among these mixing zone caves, flank margin caves dominate. Flank margin caves were found singly and in extensive horizons representing significant sea-level still stands. However, another type of mixing zone cave was found on Rota in numbers not documented on neighboring islands. Mixing zone fracture caves, apparently formed as zones of enhanced dissolution, produced fresh-water discharging from the lens along fractures, migrated vertically as sea-level changed. Some mixing zone fracture caves on Rota are developed in clusters from two to four caves. The mixing zone caves of Rota reflect the interaction of eogenetic limestone, glacioeustasy, local tectonics and enhanced carbonate dissolution via mixing of disparate waters. The development of mixing zone caves on Rota is in agreement with the Carbonate Island Karst Model (CIKM). Rota has a few caves developed along the contact between limestone and the insoluble volcanic rock that makes up the core of the island. The most important of these is Water Cave, a large spring that is the source for most of the municipal water on Rota. Rota also two extensive zones of vertical fissures developed along bedrock fractures; Fissure City and As Mundo Fissure Zone. In addition, Rota has one cave apparently developed along a fault; Gagani Cave. Some of the caves documented on Rota are difficult to classify and warrant further investigation.
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Habitat Relationships and Life History of the Rota Bridled White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)Amidon, Frederick A. 08 December 2000 (has links)
The Rota bridled white-eye (Zosterops rotensis)(Aves, Passeriformes) has experienced a severe population decline and range restriction over the last four decades. Little is known about this species and factors involved in the decline and range restriction are unclear. This study examined the potential roles of habitat alteration, introduced black drongos (Dicrurus macrocercus), and introduced rats in the decline and gathered more information on the behavior and breeding biology of this species. New life history data were collected and Rota and Saipan bridled white-eyes were found to differ in nest site characteristics and some behaviors. The importance of habitat alteration was assessed by examining Rota bridled white-eye habitat relationships at the microhabitat, within-range, Sabana-wide, and island-wide levels. Rota bridled white-eyes show a preference for high elevation wet forest but what drives their distribution within their current range was unclear. However, the alteration of this forest type by supertyphoon Roy in 1988 was probably the major factor in the decline of Rota BWEs between 1982 and 1996. Black drongo and Rota bridled white-eye relationships were addressed using current and historical survey data. Black drongos were found to prey on Rota bridled white-eyes but they probably only played at most a partial role in the decline of the Rota bridled white-eye. Introduced rats densities were assessed in Rota bridled white-eye areas and on other areas of the island and no evidence for rat numbers limiting Rota bridled white-eyes to their current range was found. / Master of Science
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Inter and intra-specific differences in medicinal plant use for the treatment of type II diabetes symptoms by the Cree Elders of Eeyou Istchee (QC)Downing, Ashleigh A. 07 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, nous remarquons une prédominance du diabète de type 2 au sein des communautés autochtones. Une approche ethnobotanique est utilisée en collaboration avec la Nation Crie de Eeyou Istchee afin de déterminer quels traitements à base de plantes peuvent être utilisés pour contrer les différentes conditions qui, collectivement, forment le diabète. Les pharmacopées de deux communautés cries, soit celles de Waskaganish et de Nemaska, ont été établies puis comparées à celles de étudiées antérieurement : communautés Whapmagoostui et Mistissini. Malgré les différences géographiques de ces groupes, leurs utilisations sont majoritairement semblables, avec pour seule exception le contraste entre les communautés de Nemaska et de Whapmagoostui.
De plus, nous avons complété l’évaluation du taux cytoprotecteur des aiguilles, de l’écorce et des cônes de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana). Les extraits provenant de tous les organes des plantes démontrent une protection qui dépend de la concentration. La réponse spécifique d’organes peut varier selon l’habitat; ainsi, les plantes poussant dans les tourbières ou dans les forêts, sur le littoral ou à des terres l’intérieur démontrent des différences quant à leur efficacité. Bref, l’écorce démontre une relation dose-effet plus forte dans la forêt littorale, tandis que les aiguilles n’indiquent pas de changements significatifs selon leur environnement de croissance. La bioactivité observée démontre une corrélation avec le contenu phénolique et non avec l’activité de l’agent antioxydant. Ces résultats contribuent à péciser les activités antidiabétiques des plantes de la forêt boréale canadienne, telles qu’identifiées au niveau cellulaire par les guérisseurs Cries. / In Canada there is an overwhelming prevalence of type II diabetes in First Nations communities. Here an ethnobotanical approach has been used in cooperation with the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee to focus on finding plant based treatments for the conditions which collectively make up the symptoms of diabetes. The pharmacopoeias of two Cree communities (Waskaganish and Nemaska) are elucidated then compared with previously studied populations (Whapmagoostui and Mistissini). Despite differences in north-south east-west geography, plant ranking and use matrices were similar with the exception of Nemaska/Whapmagoostui.
We have also completed the evaluation of Black spruce (Picea mariana) needle, bark and cone cytoprotectivity. Extracts from all organs exhibited concentration-dependent protection. Organ-specific response was habitat and growth environment dependent with plants grown either in bog or forest habitats in coastal or inland environments exhibiting differences in efficacy. Observed bioactivity correlated with total phenolic content but not with antioxidant activity. Together, these results contributed to the understanding of antidiabetic activity of Canadian boreal forest plants identified by the Cree of Eeyou Istchee healers at the cellular level.
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A integração dos planos regionais entre si e com o PDE de São Paulo - os casos das subprefeituras do Butantã, Lapa, Pinheiros, Sé e Vila Mariana (2002-2004) / Integration of regional plans within thenselves and integration with the strategic master plan of São Paulo city - analisys of sub-districts of Butantã, Lapa, Pinheiros, Sé and Vila Mariana (2002-2004)Carregã Balzan, Dirce 10 August 2006 (has links)
Esta tese analisa os Planos Regionais Estratégicos das Subprefeituras do Butantã, Lapa, Pinheiros, Sé e Vila Mariana (Lei Municipal n0 13.885/04), com o objetivo de verificar a integração dos mesmos entre si e com o referencial fixo representado pelo Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo (Lei Municipal n0 13.430/02). O Plano Regional Estratégico de cada Subprefeitura deve se articular com o Plano Regional das Subprefeituras adjacentes e, quando for o caso, com os municípios limítrofes e a região metropolitana, devendo fazê-lo em um contexto relacional consistente. A questão da integração dos Planos Regionais foi examinada através dos seguintes temas: Rede Estrutural Hídrica Ambiental, Rede Viária Estrutural e Uso e Ocupação do Solo. A análise destas leis foi desenvolvida em um contexto de revisão dos paradigmas relativos ao exercício do planejamento urbano, desencadeado pela Lei Federal n0 10.257/2001 ? Estatuto da Cidade, que criou e regulamentou vários instrumentos da política urbana, vinculando-os ao plano diretor. / The present thesis analyzes the Strategic Regional Plans of Sub-Districts of Butantã, Lapa, Pinheiros, Sé and Vila Mariana (Municipal Law n0 13.885/04), with the purpose of verifying the aforementioned plans integration within themselves and with the fixed referential represented by the Strategic Master Plan of São Paulo City (Municipal Law n0 13.430/02). The Strategic Regional Plan of each Sub-District must be articulated with the Regional Plan of adjacent Sub-districts, and with the adjoining cities and the metropolitan region, having it done in a consistent related context. The matter of the Regional Plans integration was analyzed through the following themes: Environmental Hydro Structural Network, Structural Roads Network, and Ground Use and Occupation. The analysis of such laws was developed within a context of review on paradigms related to urban planning work, unleashed by Federal Law n010.257/2001 ? City?s Decree, which created and regulated several instruments of urban politics, attaching them to the Master Plan.
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Lama, luto e luta: a vivência dos atingidos pelo desastre da Samarco e a organização popular no Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) como estratégia de enfrentamento / Mud, Mourning and Struggle: The experience of those affected by the Samarco disaster and the popular organization in the Movement of Dam ffected (MAB) as a coping strategySilva, Camilla Veras Pessoa da 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-03-28T10:24:56Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The present work is the result of a research carried out in the context of the participant observation in the context of the technological disaster caused by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, on 05/11/2015, of the mining company Samarco SA (Vale and BHP Billiton) in the region of Mariana-MG. A theoretical and bibliographical survey was also carried out regarding the conditions in which the disaster occurred and its environmental and psychosocial consequences, pointing to the overproduction, inherent to the model of mineral exploration in force in Brazil, and the negligence with the security and the monitoring of the dams of tailings and disasters of such magnitude (Poema, 2015). The disaster destroyed entire communities, affected 40 municipalities between the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Bahia, and compromised the region's ecosystem and the country's fifth largest river basin, the Rio Doce Basin. In addition to affecting the lives of thousands of people, mostly rural workers, fishermen and traditional communities. The material and symbolic losses are incauculável, with prominence the destruction of the communities of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo. The disaster also killed 19 people. This study sought to understand the subjects' experience through the analysis of the meanings and meanings present in the narratives constructed by those affected by the disaster. In addition to seeking to reflect how the popular organization through a popular movement, in this case the Movement of Dam Affected (MAB), could strengthen processes of community resistance. It was concluded that the biopsychosocial impacts produced by the disaster situation produced a condition of psychosocial trauma (MARTÍN-BARÓ, 2000) and of ethical-political suffering (SAWAIA, 2014). In addition, it can be observed that the political participation of those affected, organized in a popular movement, generated subjective transformation, elaboration of a new sense of life and promoted health in the ethical-political perspective. The collective organization in the context of disaster has therefore become an alternative to confront the populations of the region, who up to now experience the consequences of the tragedy in their lives / O presente trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada nos moldes da observação participante no contexto do desastre tecnológico provocado pelo rompimento da barragem do Fundão, no dia 05/11/2015, de responsabilidade da mineradora Samarco S.A (Vale e BHP Billiton) na região de Mariana-MG. Foi realizado ainda um levantamento teórico e bibliográfico a respeito das condições em que o desastre ocorreu e suas consequências ambientais e psicossociais, apontando para a superprodução, inerente ao modelo de exploração mineral vigente no Brasil, e a negligência com a segurança e o monitoramento das barragens de rejeitos, como as causas da produção de rompimento de barragens e desastres de tal magnitude (PoEMAS, 2015). O desastre destruiu comunidades inteiras, atingiu 40 munícipios entre os estados de Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo e Bahia, comprometeu o ecossistema da região e a quinta maior bacia hidrográfica do país, a Bacia do Rio Doce. Além de afetar a vida de milhares de pessoas, em sua maioria trabalhadores rurais, pescadores e comunidades tradicionais. As perdas materiais e simbólicas são incauculáveis, com destaque a destruição das comunidades de Bento Rodrigues e Paracatu de Baixo. O desastre provocou ainda a morte de 19 pessoas. Este estudo buscou compreender a vivência dos sujeitos, através da análise dos sentidos e significados presentes nas narrativas construídas pelos atingidos pelo desastre. Além de buscar refletir de que forma a organização popular através de um movimento popular, no caso o Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), poderia potencializar processos de resistência comunitária. A partir da observação e da análise das unidades de sentido encontradas, concluiu-se que os impactos biopsicossociais produzidos pela situação de desastre, produziram uma condição de trauma psicossocial (MARTÍN-BARÓ, 2000) e de sofrimento ético-político (SAWAIA, 2014). Além disso, pode-se observar que a participação política dos atingidos, organizados em um movimento popular, gerou transformação subjetiva, elaboração de um novo sentido de vida e promoveu saúde na perspectiva ético-política. A organização coletiva no contexto de desastre colocou-se, portanto, como alternativa de enfrentamento das populações da região, que até o presente momento vivenciam as consequências da tragédia nas suas vidas
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Inter and intra-specific differences in medicinal plant use for the treatment of type II diabetes symptoms by the Cree Elders of Eeyou Istchee (QC)Downing, Ashleigh A. 07 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, nous remarquons une prédominance du diabète de type 2 au sein des communautés autochtones. Une approche ethnobotanique est utilisée en collaboration avec la Nation Crie de Eeyou Istchee afin de déterminer quels traitements à base de plantes peuvent être utilisés pour contrer les différentes conditions qui, collectivement, forment le diabète. Les pharmacopées de deux communautés cries, soit celles de Waskaganish et de Nemaska, ont été établies puis comparées à celles de étudiées antérieurement : communautés Whapmagoostui et Mistissini. Malgré les différences géographiques de ces groupes, leurs utilisations sont majoritairement semblables, avec pour seule exception le contraste entre les communautés de Nemaska et de Whapmagoostui.
De plus, nous avons complété l’évaluation du taux cytoprotecteur des aiguilles, de l’écorce et des cônes de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana). Les extraits provenant de tous les organes des plantes démontrent une protection qui dépend de la concentration. La réponse spécifique d’organes peut varier selon l’habitat; ainsi, les plantes poussant dans les tourbières ou dans les forêts, sur le littoral ou à des terres l’intérieur démontrent des différences quant à leur efficacité. Bref, l’écorce démontre une relation dose-effet plus forte dans la forêt littorale, tandis que les aiguilles n’indiquent pas de changements significatifs selon leur environnement de croissance. La bioactivité observée démontre une corrélation avec le contenu phénolique et non avec l’activité de l’agent antioxydant. Ces résultats contribuent à péciser les activités antidiabétiques des plantes de la forêt boréale canadienne, telles qu’identifiées au niveau cellulaire par les guérisseurs Cries. / In Canada there is an overwhelming prevalence of type II diabetes in First Nations communities. Here an ethnobotanical approach has been used in cooperation with the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee to focus on finding plant based treatments for the conditions which collectively make up the symptoms of diabetes. The pharmacopoeias of two Cree communities (Waskaganish and Nemaska) are elucidated then compared with previously studied populations (Whapmagoostui and Mistissini). Despite differences in north-south east-west geography, plant ranking and use matrices were similar with the exception of Nemaska/Whapmagoostui.
We have also completed the evaluation of Black spruce (Picea mariana) needle, bark and cone cytoprotectivity. Extracts from all organs exhibited concentration-dependent protection. Organ-specific response was habitat and growth environment dependent with plants grown either in bog or forest habitats in coastal or inland environments exhibiting differences in efficacy. Observed bioactivity correlated with total phenolic content but not with antioxidant activity. Together, these results contributed to the understanding of antidiabetic activity of Canadian boreal forest plants identified by the Cree of Eeyou Istchee healers at the cellular level.
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